Ms. Yang Woodside High School

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Ms. Yang Woodside High School

Ms. Yang Woodside High School [email protected] Room G-2 (650) 367-9750 ext 49629


Course Description Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is one of three foundation level classes in Woodside High School’s engineering pathway for students who are interested in design, engineering, and manufacturing. The major focus of this course is to expose students to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. In addition, students use a state of the art 3D solid modeling design software Autodesk Inventor to help them design solutions to solve proposed problems. IED challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and understanding of the design process through project-based learning (PBL).

Students will develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge from core academic courses over a series of engaging and socially-relevant team-based explorations and design challenges that increase in difficulty throughout the course.

Units of Instruction 1 Course Introduction & Norms 2 Designing for Customers: Customer Needs Exploration 3 Discovering Design: Pinhole Camera Design Challenge 4 Understanding Data: Designing Coffee Exploration 5 Designing with Data: Safer Buildings Design Challenge 6 Reverse Engineering (Product Redesign): Flashlight Design Challenge 7 Programming: Electronic Music Exploration 8 Systems Engineering: Aerial Imaging Design Challenge

List of Materials  *1-inch binder with student's name clearly labeled and easy to see on the front cover  *5 subject dividers  *Pencil with eraser  *Pen  Scientific calculator or graphing calculator (recommended)  USB thumbdrive, at least 1GB (recommended)  Materials for design challenges - as necessary, depending on the chosen design Evaluation and Grading Policy We have a lot to accomplish this year, and we have a rigid schedule in order to complete our work. If a student misses class, he/she misses important design work, which is sometimes hard to recreate individually. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for late work and missed time both with the instructor and teammates, as necessary. Grading will be on a point system, with minor assignments valued at 10 or 20 points and major assignments valued at 50 or 100 points. All assignments will count as 85% of the final grade.  Engineering Notebook Design Documentation (many minor grades per grading period) Students are required to keep an up-to-date engineering notebook throughout the course, which will represent a significant portion of the overall grade. The notebook will include class notes, research notes, design sketches, test procedures and results, and reflections.  Individual Assessments (a few minor grades per grading period) Individual assessments, over science or engineering concepts, will usually be given as short homework assignments, due the following class period.  Design Challenges (a few major grades per grading period) All design challenges will be completed in teams. Students on a team will be assessed on final design components, results, and team documentation (reports and/or presentations). Everyone on the team gets the same score.  Work Habits (one major grade per grading period) All students will be given a Work Habits assessment every day of class. The average of these daily assessments will count for 15% of the final grade. It is difficult to complete work for this course outside of class time, so our class time is highly valued and must be used well. Tardies, unexcused absences, lack of effort, inappropriate use of technology or waste of materials are all issues that will affect a student’s Work Habits daily grade.

Absent policy: If you're going to miss class it is your responsibility to let the instructor know, make up all absent work and complete a Make-Up Interview of a teammate on the day you return. Otherwise, your daily Work Habit grade for the absent day will remain a zero in your absence.

Grade Distributions A+ 97 – 100% A 93 – 96% A- 90 – 92% B+ 87 – 89% B 83 – 86 % B- 80 – 82% C+ 77 – 79% C 73 – 76 % C- 70 – 72% D+ 67 – 69% D 63 – 66 % D- 60 – 62 % F Below 60% Objectives / ESLRs (Expected Schoolwide Learning Results) In our Introduction to Engineering Design class, we will focus on the following conditions:

 Curiosity and Creativity: Asking “Why?” and “Why not?” about the world around you.  Sense of Accomplishment: Being recognized for many different types of success, including hard work and being a good person  Leadership & Responsibility: Making your own decisions and accepting responsibility for those choices.  Spirit of Adventure: Being excited to try new things, even when you are not sure if you will be good at them.

California Content Standards Woodside High School offers a comprehensive, standards-based program of study. Although this class will include instruction in many subject areas, we will concentrate on the Engineering Technology Pathway standards, with emphasis on the following:

 D1.0 Students know how to communicate and interpret information clearly in industry- standard visual and written formats.  D5.0 Students understand the design process and how to solve analysis and design problems.  D6.0 Students understand industrial engineering processes, including the use of tools and equipment, methods of measurement, and quality assurance.  D10.0 Students understand the fundamentals of systems and products as they are developed and released to production and marketing.

Academic Integrity Policy (What Happens if You Cheat – Both Giving and Receiving Help) The District’s Academic Integrity Policy governs all aspects of the course including, but not limited to, all assignments, classroom activities, projects, tests, quizzes and other assessments. The immediate academic consequence for a violation will be an automatic zero grade for the assignment, project, test or quiz, with no opportunity to re-take, re-submit, or otherwise make-up the test or assignment. Additional consequences for a violation are contained in the District’s Academic Integrity Policy.

** JUST DON'T DO IT!!! ** Advice:

Have fun, get nerdy, and don't take yourself too seriously! One thing you're going to have to accept is not being perfect the first time around. If you accept the lack of perfection you will learn a whole lot more. Jump right in and learn, reflect, evaluate, and then jump again. Failure lets you know where the problems are!

Yes, there is a lot of work but the work is fun and scaffolded for success. You are primarily graded on the habits of the mind, not the final product.

Keep up with your engineer notebook!

Stay busy; there is always something to do.

Manage your time well and learn to make quick decisions as team even if you don't agree. Get over it, continue to work together. Regroup after failure and promote encouragement and ideas not blame and problems. Intro to Engineering Design: Parent/Student Agreement

I have read Ms. Yang's syllabus for IED. I will do all of my class work AND homework, come to tutorial when needed, make up any missing work when absent, and strive for excellence in all that I do. I will NOT violate Woodside's Academic Integrity Policy and understand the consequences of violation.

Student Name:______(please print)

Signature: ______Date:______

Student email address:______

Anything else? (nickname, like to sit in the front, etc…)______



I have read Ms. Yang's syllabus and grading policy for IED and will make sure my child attends class with all the required materials, attends tutorial when needed and makes up any missing work when absent.

Parent/Guardian Name:______(please print)

Signature:______Date: ______

Email address:______

Daytime Phone Number:______

Easiest way to be reached:______

Anything else?______



Thank you!  Ms. Yang

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