Becoming a 1St Century Church in the 21St Century
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“First Church” Becoming a 1st Century Church in the 21st Century A monthly newsletter of First United Lutheran Church of Roseau
May 2017
Things to watch for:
Galilee Bible Camp 2017 ~ illuminate ~ in Lake Bronson Teen Camp is June 20-25 (completed grades 7-12) & Pre- Teen Camp is June 25-29 (completed grades 4-6). Camp info has been sent to families with students in Grades 4- 12. Registration is due May 31 in the church office.
Beginning Sunday, May 28, our Worship Service will begin at 9:00 am. Fellowship & Coffee at 8:30 am.
May Baskets for Maintenance – Ticket sales every Sunday through May 14. Drawings for the baskets will be following Worship on Sunday, May 14.
“CHECK OUT” the Church Library … there are many books and videos available. It is located by the elevator in the basement.
Council We, the church leadership are currently working through ideas to form a more structured confirmation program at FULC. The process is coming along and involves a large part of the youth families to help steer the formation into a program that better teaches the biblical truth of God’s word, inspires spiritual growth, and proclaims the salvation through Christ while acknowledging the social atmosphere of today. For me it is not any easy task. I have found that I am constantly learning how to proclaim salvation to others. But as I get involved in different projects, groups, and discussions the situations make me want to know and understand more about what happened in the Bible and how it affects us daily in our life.
What does May Day mean to you? I read an article on titled A Forgotten Tradition: May Basket Day, and of course Wikipedia’s description of all the different holidays celebrated on May 1st. It is really quite interesting how many different holidays are or were celebrated on May 1st. I counted 7 different events / reasons throughout history. You may know of more. I didn't look real deep into it. I do think it is very creative how FULC transformed the idea of May gift baskets into an interactive fundraiser. I like to watch people look everything over to see what they want to try win and try to win myself!
Till next time, Scott
Sound Booth If you are interested in helping in the Sound Booth, please contact the Church Office. Training is provided.
Page 1 of 3 First United Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 3, 2017
Present: Scott Mooney, Penny Erickson, Dean Robinson, Rick Peterson, Dave Johnson, Connie Johnson, Paula Baumgartner, Frank Poell, Ray Lundgren, Dewey Hites
● Opening devotion: Scott ● Secretary’s report: (Dean) ● Last month’s minutes approval: Ray motioned, Rick second, unanimously passed. ● Pastor’s report / call committee: ● Mike Hetteen would like his Lenten service pay to go to the parsonage fund. ▪ $125 for Lenten pulpit supply to parsonage fund. Rick motion, Scott second, unanimously passed ● Pulpit supply - how to handle it in the interim on mission Sunday (pay pulpit supply even though it is mission Sunday?) ▪ Depending on if they are asked to do more than speaking about their mission, the call committee will inform Penny how to proceed. ● Treasurer’s report: (Penny) ● Treasurer’s report approval: Dewey motioned, DJ seconded, unanimously passed ● Youth: (Paula, Scott Wed word) ● $4800 raised by Nashville group. Last fundraisers are a pizza sale and Easter breakfast, 50 lb change challenge. Trip should hopefully be fully funded. Items are getting in order for the trip, expectations of kids, items to bring, travel arrangements, insurance, etc. April will be the last week for 4th-6th grade youth group. Friday May 12 4th-6th grade is going to water park in TRF. Paula is doing 2 extra Thursday morning prayer at the school till the end of the year. Thrivent gave $250 to youth Easter breakfast. RAYL event is moved to May 31st. Wednesday word group will be making a video to show in church. ● Galilee bible camp info came out. Unanimously approved to send forms to 4th grade and up. ● Media: (Scott, Frank) ● New mic for guest speakers to be in soon. ● Music: (Frank) ● Property: (Rick) ● Paint, water heater & install was donated. Replacing upstairs floor covering is about $8000. Bathroom needs to be updated/repaired. Cost is currently unknown. ● Do walk through of parsonage ▪ Leaking water heater has been replaced through donations. ▪ Painting of upstairs has been completed through donations. ▪ Window blinds are being donated. ▪ Non-working garbage disposal has been replaced through donations. ▪ New floor covering is being looked into as the current covering is in poor condition. Rough estimate is $8000 ▪ Upstairs bathtub needs to be replaced and minor bathroom repairs are needed. Replacement cost is being looked into. Rough estimate is $2000 ▪ Shrubs need trimming. ▪ Garage needs paint and new facia boards to stay in good condition. ▪ Deck needs to be stained. ● Mission and Outreach: (Penny) ● Support for Alyssa Stynsberg Schmidt from in the twin cities will stop the end of March. $200 was sent to Feed My Children. A quilt and money was delivered to local fire victims. Quilts will be send with Gary Sandman to Feed My Lambs when he is in Roseau. ● Stewardship (Dewey): ● May basket for maintenance. Monies will go to parsonage. Details will be given in the beginning of April. Page 2 of 3 ● Adult Ed: ● JAG is starting every Tuesday 6:30 am at Nelson’s Café ● Old business: ● Worship teams switching to 5 teams from 7. Ray motioned, Dewey seconded. Unanimously passed. ● Confirmation committee is meeting April 4 to make recommendations to council. ● New Business: ● Pastor’s salary was discussed. Penny found information that other churches used on the website ● Meeting adjourned.
Children’s Message First United’s Children’s Ministry needs your help. We want to include a Children’s Message during each Sunday’s service. To do this, however, volunteers are needed! The message can be 3-5 minutes long, and resources are available. I’ve been asked by the Transition Team to coordinate this new Ministry Team and so I’d love to be able to fill a month’s schedule with just an email request. If you are interested or have more questions, please contact me at the church, email [email protected] or call me at 218-689-0192. I’d love to hear from you. Thank you – Connie Johnson
Looking Ahead… MAY 5/3 – Men’s Breakfast at 7 a.m. 5/4 – National Day of Prayer – Roseau County Courthouse steps at 5:15 p.m. 5/14 – Mother’s Day 5/28 – Worship Service begins at 9 a.m. (Fellowship & Coffee at 8:30 a.m.) 5/31 – Ditch Cleaning at 6 p.m. JUNE 6/4 – Roseau Manor Service at 2 p.m. 6/14 – Worship & Potluck at Roses’… 6 p.m. 6/25 – Worship in the Park at 10 a.m.
Things of Interest (FYI)… Need Sunshine? If you know of somebody who could use some SUNSHINE please call Carol Poell at 463-2024 or 242-4655 or contact Connie at the church. ALL Committees & Groups are encouraged to submit their information for the Church Newsletter. Email to the office by the 30th of the month (for the next month’s newsletter). Men’s JAG… Tuesday’s at 6:30 a.m. – at the church. Women’s Bible Study… Wednesday’s at 9:30 AM.
Thought of the Day The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. Psalm 29:11
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