Online Resource 3. Selected Health-Related Quality of Life Burden Data on AN, BN, and BED
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Online Resource 3. Selected health-related quality of life burden data on AN, BN, and BED First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
Abraham, 2006 SF-12, No ED diagnosis-specific SF-12 or AN, BN, EDNOS [14] QOL-ED QOL-ED scores were presented.
QOL ED scale scores by diagnostic groups AN Global 17.1 (3.0) Body weight 2.79 (1.13) Abraham, 2011 AN, BN, EDNOS QOL-ED Eating behavior 2.20 (0.79) [13] ED 3.34 (0.88) Psychological 3.21 (0.93) Daily living 3.20 (0.91) Acute medical 2.34 (1.33)
EDQoL scales scores by diagnostic groups AN-R Psychological 2.62 (0.66) Bamford, 2010 AN, BN, EDNOS EDQoL Physical/cognitive 1.92 (0.70) [15] Financial 0.54 (0.76) Work/school 0.82 (0.99) Global 1.65(0.68) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
ESWLS scale scores by study groups Baseline
Control motivational interviewing General life 17.1 (8.0) Cassin, 2008 Social life 15.8 (8.5) BED ESWLS [35] Sex life 13.5 (8.7) Self 16.0 (6.9) Physical 8.7 (4.9) appearance Family 18.4 (10.1) Relationships 19.2 (9.3) 17.5 (10.1)
Quality of well-being scale – self-administered version total score by study groups Crow, 2013 CBT BN Quality of Well-Being Scale - Self Administered [31] Baseline Total score 0.598 (0.101) 0.699 (0.152) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
SF-36 scale and summary scores by study groups Control group - Preoperative
Physical functioning 41.6 (18.8) Role - physical 41.3 (36.2) Bodily pain 45.6 (21.0) General health 41.4 (20.1) Vitality 29.9 (19.4) Social functioning 60.4 (24.9) Role - emotional 74.9 (34.4) Mental health 70.5 (17.4) PCS 30.6 (8.9) de Zwaan, 2002 BED SF-36 MCS 48.9 (10.1) [36] SF-36 scale scores in BED versus non-BED patients in the postoperative group BED Physical functioning 82.8 (16.4) Role - physical 61.1 (28.3) Bodily pain 55.3 (26.0) General health 42.4 (30.9) Vitality 41.7 (25.9) Social functioning 72.4 (31.5) Role - emotional 92.6 (22.3) Mental health 59.1 (24.9) PCS 42.2 (8.9) MCS 45.7 (10.4) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified) SF-36 scale and summary scores by study groups No BED Physical functioning 42.6 (19.7) Role–physical 45.0 (37.6) Bodily pain 46.9 (22.0) General health 41.9 (20.8) Vitality 32.1 (19.8) Social functioning 62.3 (26.2) Role–emotional 79.5 (30.7) Mental health 70.9 (18.2) PCS 31.1 (9.2) de Zwaan, 2002 SF-36, BED MCS 49.8 (10.1) [37] IWQOL-Lite IWQOL scale and total scores by study groups No BED Physical function 36.2 (20.2) Self-esteem 44.5 (22.9) Sexual life 55.3 (29.6) Public distress 49.4 (22.9) Work 67.6 (25.6) Total score 46.7 (17.6) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
SF-36 scale and summary scores by study groups Scales Group Control Physical function Training Control Physical role Training Control Pain Training Control General health Training Control del Valle, 2010 Vitality AN SF-36 [16] Training Control Social function Training Control Emotional role Training Control Mental health Training Control PCS Training Control MCS Training
SF-36 scale and summary scores by diagnostic groups AN Physical function 88.92 (11.40) Role physical 73.75 (34.42) Role emotional 49.38 (42.03) Social functioning 72.37 (20.38) Doll, 2005 [17] AN, BN, BED, no ED, SF-36 Mental health 52.57 (17.27) Vitality 41.63 (19.15) Bodily pain 63.30 (21.48) General health 53.26 (19.01) PCS 43.40 (9.02) MCS 45.54 (8.91) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
Baseline SF-36 scale and summary scores by study groups Bariatric surgery mean (SE) Physical functioning 34.9 (1.9) Physical role limitation 41.8 (1.7) Bodily pain 39.5 (1.6) Faulconbridge, BED SF-36 General health 38.6 (1.7) 2012 [38] Vitality 39.0 (1.6) Social functioning 38.3 (2.0) Emotional role limitation 42.3 (1.7) Mental health 43.5 (1.8) PCS 37.7 (1.7) MCS 43.1 (1.6)
McGill QLS scores by study groups
Fox, 2009 [18] AN McGill QLS McGill- existential well- 19.39 (9.43) being subscale
SF-36 scale and summary scores Scales Physical functioning Role physical Bodily pain General health Gonzalez-Pinto, AN SF-36 2004 [19] Vitality Social functioning Role emotional Mental health PCS MCS First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
EQ-5D-3L index scores
BED Grenon, 2010 BED EQ-5D-3L [39] EQ-5D index 0.77 ( 0.16) score
Only descriptive results and statistical Hsu, 2002 [40] BED SF-36 significance were presented
Keilen, 1994 HRQoL results were presented only AN, BN NHP [20] graphically.
IWQOL-Lite scale scores by study groups BED IWQOL total 51.5 (21.9) IWQOL physical 49.7 (28.2) function Kolotkin, 2004 IWQOL self- BED IWQOL-Lite 39.3 (25.9) [41] esteem IWQOL sexual life 59.1 (30.4) IWQOL public 59.2 (28.4) distress IWQOL work 60.8 (28.9)
Latner, 2008 No ED diagnosis-specific HRQoL AN, BN, BED, EDNOS SF-36 [21] results were presented First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
SF-36 subscale and summary scores by study groups CBT group Baseline Physical Functioning 68 (23) Role Limitation - 60 (40) Physical Bodily Pain 60 (28) Marchesini, 2002 [42] BED SF-36 General Health 55 (12) Vitality 51 (21) Social Functioning 63 (25) Role Limitation - 59 (41) Emotional Mental Health 58 (21) PCS 43 (10) MCS 42 (13) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
SF-36 scale scores: BED vs. US norms BED Physical functioning 75.2 (21.5) Physical role limitation 67.3 (39.1) Bodily pain 60.7 (24.4) General health 65.4 (18.6) Vitality 39.9 (19.9) Social functioning 66.7 (26.5) Emotional role limitation 52.5 (42.2) Mental health 59.2 (16.6)
SF-36 scale and summary scores: obese vs. nonobese patients with BED Masheb, 2004 BED SF-36 [43] BMI ≥30 (n=71) Physical functioning 69.9 (21.8) Physical role limitation 63.4 (39.8) Bodily pain 56.7 (23.7) General health 62.4 (18.8) Vitality 37.6 (19.5) Social functioning 63.3 (27.6) Emotional role limitation 49.8 (42.1) Mental health 58.2 (15.9) PCS 45.3 (9.6) MCS 39.3 (10.6)
SF-12 summary scores by diagnostic groups AN-P AN-R MCS 26.96 (7.44) 38.38 (11.05) PCS 46.80 (10.03) 45.38 (10.28) Mond, 2005 AN, BN, BED SF-12, WHOQOL-BREF [22] WHOQOL-BREF scale scores by diagnostic groups AN-P AN-R QoLP 2.07 (0.73) 2.71 (0.91) QoLS 2.58 (1.06) 3.58 (1.01) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
SF-12 summary scores by study groups Objective bulimic Mond, 2010 episodes patients with objective or subjective bulimic episodes SF-12 [32] PCS 46.50 (10.21) MCS 36.34 (11.98)
SF-12: No ED diagnosis-specific scores were presented
HeRQoLED domain scores by initial diagnostic category AN At baseline Symptoms 42.23 (18.69) Munoz, 2009 SF-12, AN, BN, EDNOS Restrictive [23] HeRQoLED 35.16 (25.33) behavior Body image 60.05 (25.63) Mental health 55.42 (21.35) Emotional role 42.23 (27.91) Physical role 29.50 (25.58) Personality traits 58.33 (26.86) Social relations 54.23 (29.13) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
SF-36 scale scores by study groups Topiramate group Baseline Physical 67.2 (6.5) 71.2 (6.6) functioning Physical role 57.1 (6.0) 60.5 (5.9) limitation Nickel, 2005 BN SF-36 Bodily pain 59.8 (7.2) 62.0 (7.6) [33] General health 51.0 (5.3) 60.7 (5.6) Vitality 52.3 (4.1) 60.5 (6.0) Social 64.9 (6.2) 69.6 (9.5) functioning Emotional role 61.2 (8.0) 68.1 (7.4) limitation Mental health 60.9 (6.1) 66.2 (6.5)
SF-36 scale scores by diagnostic groups AN-R Physical functioning 87.5 (15.4) Physical role limitation 62.0 (40.6) Bodily pain 72.4 (22.7) Padierna, 2000 AN, BN, BED SF-36 General health 51.6 (19.1) [24] Vitality 51.7 (22.0) Social functioning 62.3 (30.9) Emotional role 57.6 (42.3) limitation Mental health 47.8 (23.2)
Perez, 2012 The HRQoL results cannot be BED self-developed instrument [44] generalized
15D scores Pohjolainen, BN 15D 2010 [34] Baseline HRQoL scores 0.80 (0.09) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
ORWELL-97 total scores Ricca, 2009 BED BED ORWELL-97 [45] ORWELL-97 total 54.3 (21.2)
SF-36 scale scores by diagnostic groups AN Physical functioning 80.2 (18.2) Physical role 42.0 (37.7) functioning Bodily pain 65.9 (23.1) AN General health Rie, 2005 [25] BN SF-36 48.8 (21.3) EDNOS perception Vitality 39.5 (17.7) Social functioning 46.6 (22.5) Emotional role 29.5 (36.8) functioning Mental health 41.6 (16.6)
IWQOL-LITE scale scores by study groups BED Work 7.75 (3.16) Public Distress 10.13 (4.08) Rieger, 2005 BED IWQOL-LITE Sexual Life 9.14 (3.57) [46] Physical 25.23 (10.02) Function Self-Esteem 21.79 (6.74) Total 74.04 (19.29)
Silveira, 2005 No detailed HRQoL results were BED WHOQOL-BREF [47] presented First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
Baseline SF-36 scale scores by study groups Exercise group SF-36 summary 58.8 (13.9) Role Physical 55.0 (37.1) component score Social Functioning 72.5 (18.5) component score Vitality component 37.0 (28.2) score Thien, 2000 AN SF-36 Sum of three scales 54.8 (20.1) [26] Changes in SF-36 scale scores by study groups Exercise group ΔSF-36 6.6 (7.0) Δ Role Physical 25.0 (35.4) Δ Social Functioning 5.0 (18.9) Δ Vitality 5.0 (25.7) ΔΣ3-scales 11.7 (19.5)
SF-36 scale scores by diagnostic groups AN Physical functioning 68.9 (21.5) Physical role limitation 14.3 (25.4) Bodily pain 42.0 (22.0) AN Turner, 2010 General health 35 (18.8) BN SF-36 [27] Vitality 18.2 (14.9) EDNOS Social functioning 32.5 (24.8) Emotional role 21.4 (28.0) limitation Mental health 30.9 (22.0)
QLES-Q scores by study groups Baseline Walsh, 2006 AN QLES-Q [28] Fluoxetine QLES-Q 49.63 (11.16) First author, Reported HRQoL scores Included eating disorders Instrument year (as mean (SD), or specified)
Q-LES-Q SF scores by diagnostic groups AN Pre- Post- Watson, 2012 AN, BN, EDNOS, Q-LES-Q SF treatment treatment treatment [29] Q- 51.85 66.54 LES-Q (22.28) (19.02) SF
Q-LES-Q SF score by diagnostic groups Watson, 2013 AN-R AN, BN Q-LES-Q SF [30] Q-LES-Q SF 52.05 (18.4)
IWQOL-Lite total scores by study groups Baseline Wilfley, 2008 BED IWQOL-Lite [48] Sibutramine IWQOL-Lite 67.7 (18.2)
AN: anorexia nervosa, AN-R: anorexia nervosa restricting type, AN-P: anorexia nervosa purging type, BED: binge eating disorder, BN: bulimia nervosa, CBT: cognitive behavioral therapy, ED: eating disorder, EDNOS: eating disorder not otherwise specified, EDQoL: Eating Disorders Quality of Life, EQ-5D-3L: EuroQol Five Dimensional Questionnaire, ESWLS: Extended Satisfaction With Life Scale, HeRQoLED: Health-related Quality of Life for Eating Disorders, HRQoL: health-related quality of life, IWQOL-LITE: Impact of Weight on Quality of Life – Lite, McGill-QLS: McGill Quality of Life Scale, MCS: Mental Component Summary, NHP: Nottingham Health Profile, ORWELL-97: Obesity Related Well-Being 97, PCS: Physical Component Summary, QLES-Q: Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire, QLES-Q SF: QLES-Q Short Form, QOL-ED: Quality of Life Eating Disorder, QoLP: WHOQOL-BREF Psychological Health Scale, QoLS: WHOQOL-BREF Social Relationships Scale, SF-12: Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 12, SF-36: Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 36, WHOQOL-BREF: World Health Organization Brief Quality of Life Assessment Scale, 15-D: 15-Dimensional