Others Present Are As Listed
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Orem City Council met in regular session, Tuesday, October 8, 1974, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Those present were: Mayor James E. Mangum, Chairman; Councilmen: Harley Gillman, Merrill Gappmayer, and Dixon Larson; Earl Wengreen, City Manager; Barry Bartlett, Assistant City Manager; Russ Brown, City Engineer; Frank Butterfield, City Attorney; Randall Deschamps, Community Development Director; Arnold Long, Fire Chief; Jim Simmons, Police Chief; Jack Jones, Public Works Director; and Estelle Rigby, Secretary. Mr. Walker and Mr. Zimmerman were excused.
Others present are as listed:
Kenneth Pierce Ettie Lee Homes Dennis Augustus Ettie Lee Homes Melvin Ludlow Zoning of new annexed property Eugene W. Lloyd Zoning of new annexed property Frank Wise Zoning of new annexed property Dan Croft Daily Herald Jon Fife Definition of "family" Mary Pulsipher General Interest Mrs. Lawrence Jackson General Interest Delbert Sperry Coordinator Utah State Division of Health Leon Frazier Jr. Orem Geneva Times Kevin Frazier Beer License J.L. Tucker Ambulance Bids Jason Durfee Ettie Lee Homes Ryan Durfee Boy Scouts Donna Durfee Scout leader Mel Laird Definition of "family" Robin Cardon Definition of "family" Stanford J. Taylor Carterville Development Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Taylor Carterville Development Astrid Nordmeyer Ettie Lee Homes Mildred Cowlishaw Ettie Lee Homes Yoko Olsen Ettie Lee Homes Stella Wadley Ettie Lee Homes Steven Brown Boy Scouts Arthur Newell Boy Scouts Lane Bailey General Interest Jeff Louder General Interest Leland Behunin Scout Leader Bryant Baird Boy Scouts Leland Harris Boy Scouts Brian Harris General Interest Clayton Williams Boy Scouts Robert Bishop General Interest Craig Nielsen General Interest Samuel Oyler General Interest Rick Jackman General Interest A.E. Pierce General Interest Clyde Ormond General Interest Lorna Ormond General Interest Stan Leavitt General Interest Marvin Burgoin General Interest John Steeley Definition of "family" Karen Price Definition of "family" Randy Bachrack Definition of "family" Cliff Pyne Security Officer Ron Anderson Security Officer
The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Gillman.
The minutes of September 24, 1974 were corrected. Mr. Gappmayer moved that they be approved as corrected. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.
The Mayor stated that the "Gathering Place" has had its appropriations withdrawn and therefore they will not be locating in Orem at the present time. The Council requested that the Mayor check to see if the people on the staff of the "Gathering Place" are in favor of having the City appoint a person to their general advisory board.
The Mayor reported that the Utah Safety Conference will be held in Salt Lake on October 24 and 25, 1974. Mr. Gappmayer moved that the Police Chief and the Public Works Director attend the Utah Safety Conference. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.
The Mayor said that there will be a conference on energy recovery on October 31 to November 1, 1974.
Mr. Larson moved that the Mayor attend the conference in San Diego on November 17-20, 1974. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Gappmayer showed the Council the paintings that the Art Advisory Board is acquiring. He also said that there are several art shows that are being presented in the Library.
Mr. Gappmayer moved that Lane Raty be appointed to the Art Advisory Board. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Gappmayer reported that the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting on October 9, 1974, Meet the Candidates.
Mr. Larson reported on the Utah League of Cities on the resolutions that were approved and defeated. He said that they approved the following resolutions concerning: taxation on annexing, state funding of local governments, bicentennial resolution, industrial revenue bonding, emergency relief fund, public employee relations, salaries of elected officials, community progress, housing, uniform accounting and higher maintenance. They defeated the resolutions on: local option sales tax, income tax by municipalities, increase in gasoline tax for State Highway and Collector Roads, and increase in auto license fees.
Mr. Larson mentioned that on the contract between Geneva and the Metropolitan Water Board that the use is over the aim line.
Mr. Larson moved that the Mayor be authorized to write Channel 4 television protesting the showing of The Last Picture Show which was on television on October 6, 1974. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Wengreen reported that the City had received Revenue Sharing funds for the first quarter in the amount of $123,517.
Mr. Wengreen reported that the City had received the sales tax for June through August in the amount of $137,284.
Mr. Larson moved that the beer and cabaret licenses for the Imperial Lounge, Calypso, and the Flame Supper Club and the beer license for the Milk Depot be approved. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Wengreen presented a beer and cabaret license for the Southern Gentlemen. Mr. Gillman moved that action on this be tabled for two weeks and that Mr. Butterfield review the quota on beer licenses per population and presents his recommendation. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried. The Council reviewed the recommendations that the Public Works Director submitted requesting that he be placed in charge of which vehicles are allowed to be taken home in the evening. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.
The Council reviewed the ordinance requiring permits for construction in City Streets. The ordinance will require an addition to a state license the proof of comprehensive general liability insurance. The Council requested that section 9 incorporate the phrase "the first regular working day of the administrative authority." Mr. Gappmayer moved that a public hearing be set for October 22, 1974 at 9:00 p.m. and that those involved in the ordinance be sent notice of the public hearing and a copy of the ordinance. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.
The Council requested that a protest be sent to the State Highway Department concerning Mountain Bell's tying up State Street for extended periods of time.
Mr. Wengreen reviewed with the Council the Auditor's Internal Management Letter. He said that work is being done on off premise storage of the computer's master file. Mr. Wengreen also said that the billing and the receipt of cash on the miscellaneous accounts has been separated. The City Manager said that the sale of animal tags by the animal control officers and the receipt of cash are being set up with the Treasurer. The City Manager said that documentation will be required on expense reimbursements. The City will also be checking on the bank's method of bond recording and redemptions processes before accounts are established in banks.
The Council decided to hold the recommendations on the insurance coverage for fixed assets for 30 days until a list of costs for insurance and amount of coverage necessary can be formulated.
A public hearing was held on rezoning 1200 South 370 East from R-2 to C-3. There were no protests on the rezoning. Mr. Gappmayer moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and rezone the area from R-2 to C-3. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.
Chief Simmons stated that the area behind the cemetery was not a good location for the pistol range and recommended that it be abandoned. He said that he would be ready at the next Council meeting to make recommendations on a location for a pistol range and an area for motorbikes.
Mr. Gappmayer complimented Chief Simmons on the training program that he set for the Police Department.
Chief Long presented the bids on the new ambulance. They read as follows:
Modular Ambulance 17,395.00 14,995 16,995 (350) (350)
Southern Ambulance 14,998.50 16,770 II 14,998.50 (400) (475) I 16,470.00
Superior Northwest 16,442.51 15,789.51 16,002.51 (475)
Franz Ridgeway 18,800.80 14,030.50 (Received by telegram from Western Union)
Mr. Delbert Sperry from the Utah State Division of Health stated that all the bids met the requirements for federal assistance. Mr. Larson moved that the City accept the low bid of Superior Northwest for the type III ambulance and to advance the additional funds that will be needed. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Deschamps presented the ordinance on the zone change for 1060 West 700 North for signatures.
Mr. Gappmayer moved that a public hearing be set for October 29, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. on the rezoning of the Kevin Watts property. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried. Mr. Gappmayer moved that the final plat on Hidden Meadows Plat B approved and signatures authorized. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.
A Public hearing was held on the zoning ordinance definition of a family. The current definition reads: "Family" An individual or two (2) or more persons related by blood or marriage living together in a dwelling unit, or a group of not more than six (6) persons who need not be related by blood or marriage, living together in a dwelling unit. Guests in excess of two (2) who pay for meals or room shall be considered as boarders, and the building shall be considered as a boarding house." The changing of the ordinance to be considered at the hearing was the deletion of the phrase "or a group of not more than six (6) persons who need not be related by blood or marriage". Mr. Deschamps stated that a reason for the deletion of the phrase is when six students live in a home there is not adequate parking available. Robin Cardon requested that if parking was made available that the students be allowed to reside in the home. John Steeley, John Fife, Karen Price and Randy Bachrack also voice recommendations that parking is made available at the homes and that the students are allowed to reside in the homes. Mr. Mel Laird voiced his recommendation that the ordinance be changed because the parking and the homes were not kept up. Mr. Deschamps stated that even if the phrase were deleted the home could be used by students until it was left vacant for one year and then it would revert to a family dwelling. Mr. Larson moved that the phrase be deleted from the zoning ordinance and signatures authorized. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Cliff Pyne, Principal at Orem High, met with the Council and discussed the necessity of security officers at the high school. He said that Merrill Finlayson and Gary Erickson worked well with the kids. The funding is done on a 50/50 basis with the district paying half and Orem City paying half.
Ron Anderson, Orem High Student Body President, thanked the City and Council for all the help they give and the excellent services they provide.
The Council discussed the Ettie Lee Home. Kenneth Pierce, Ettie Lee Social Worker said that they had been out and polled the people on Sandhill Road and that the majority or 54% of the people were in favor of the program. Mr. Augustus of Ettie Lee Homes said that the boys would be proven boys which meant that they would have resided in a home before, that they would have set personal goals, that they would maintain their commitment to their goals and that they would be screened by Ettie Lee Homes and the Division of Family Services. Mr. Bert Cowlishaw said that the home did not have the adequate space for the seven boys. Mr. Gappmayer moved to approve the Ettie Lee Home as recommended by the Planning Commission and that the Ettie Lee program sign an agreement that they will meeting the following conditions: (1) no more than 7 boys will be in the home at the present time. (2) A public hearing will be held before further addition to the home is made. (3) Only "proven boys" (as outlined by Mr. Augustus) are allowed in the home. (4) The home will enforce Orem City curfew. (5) There must be 10 parking spaces and some type of suitable turnaround provided. These must be completed before further occupancy. (6) The permit is revocable and reviewable. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ormond met with the Council to discuss the deeding of Carterville Road so that they can obtain a building permit. Mr. Gillman moved that the quit-claim deed for Carterville Road be accepted and that a building permit be issued to the Ormonds to build on the site which has been submitted for permit. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Butterfield discussed with the Council the difficulty he is having in obtaining the right-of-way on Draper Lane for Special Improvement District O. Mr. Butterfield said that the people will not deed the right-of-way unless the street is widened to 50 feet in front of Ron Adams property. Mr. Gappmayer moved that Mr. Butterfield hand carry a letter to the people on that street asking if they are in favor of the special improvement district and have them sign the letter stating that they are in favor and will sign the right-of-way. If there is 60% in opposition to the improvement district he moved to delete Draper Lane from Special Improvement District O. Mr. Larson seconded the motion. The voting is as follows: Mr. Gappmayer and Mr. Larson, aye. Mr. Gillman, nay. The motion did not carry.
Mr. Gillman moved that Mr. Brown ask the low bidder on the Draper Lane project of an extension of 15 days on the water and sewer bid and to reject the blacktop bid. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Gappmayer moved to extend the bond on Mrs. George's property on Main and 1200 South for 2 years as there has not been any development in the area. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Gappmayer moved to release the bond on Northcrest Subdivision Plats A and B and accept the improvements for continuous maintenance. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.
Mr. Gappmayer moved to release lot 29 of Mountain Green Subdivision. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.
The Council requested that the City Manager see what he could do about the removal of the garage that is adjacent to Ron Adam's property. Mr. Wengreen said that he would check with the Public Works Director to see what could be done.
Mr. Gappmayer moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.