Minutes Planning Committee Meeting
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Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire GL54 1DW
Caroline Doran - Town Clerk [email protected] t. 01451 832 585
Minutes Planning Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 5 February 2015 at 7:15pm
Present Cllr. Simon Clarke (SC) Kit Ayers (KA) Cllr. Chris Turner (CT) Geoff Parkes (GP) Civic Society Cllr. Alun White (AW) Jack Baggott (JB) Sue Jones (SJ) Diane Cresswell (DC) Apologies Received and accepted from: Mike Curtis, Sue Green, Ben Eddolls, Tom Edwards, Robin Jones, Mike Moseley, Colin Smalley, Andrew Eastabrook, Joanna Neave GP requested a sabbatical from future meetings. Declarations of Interest JB – a neighbour of West Deyne Lower Swell Road (14/05672/FUL)
Chairman’s Announcements CT will be attending Planning Committee on 11/2/2015 at CDC considering 14/04138/OUT Outline Application for a Doctor's Surgery at Tall Trees Oddington Road
Bretton House appeal now to be held on 31 March at 10am for 3 days.
Reordering of the agenda to consider item 2. Local plan first. AW proposed all in favour.
15.1 Response to Draft Local Plan Proposed housing sites – Ashton House & Stow Ag.
The Neighbourhood Plan group response represented the views of the community received last year. They approved the proposed housing site allocation but required that any development adhered to the Strategic Policy 7.3 Environment Policy SP4 Natural and Historic Environment.
There was confusion over the number of versions of the document that were circulating and the difficulty this caused in referring to page numbers.
Aston House was accepted as a housing site. Stow Ag - The local plan identified the need for small business. STC to object to any change of use application from employment land to housing. Other housing sites that could be considered inc. Camp Gardens, land behind Bretton House, and White Hart Lane
KA produced a document to be forwarded onto CDC as part of STC response after the following points were agreed: Page 28 CDC to be asked whether; Stow would be excluded from future development requirements when all the identified housing sites have been developed.
Page 1 of 4 Page 116 Development outside principle settlements were considered over restrictive. New wording to be submitted to CDC.
Page 126-140 Stow has no ‘green spaces’ identified. There was concern about the danger of development linking Moreton to Stow and Bourton.
CDC to be informed that Stow will be submitting a list of sites to be designated ‘green spaces’ within Stow. Sites to be identified by a working group.
Neither the Bretton House or Nutbourne (gypsy field) sites are shown on the plan.
CDC to be informed of concerns regarding the town o Traffic on major roads o Lack of parking o Need for employment sites o Concern that additional care homes would further distorting the age profile of the town
CDC to be asked to give STC first chance to lease/buy the land at the fire station for a carpark should it ever become available.
Minutes of Last Meeting Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 22 January 2014 were not approved owing to too few councillors being present.
Matters Arising Clerk to write to Mr Arkell to ascertain who has ownership/control of White Hart Lane now that it has been designated a footpath.
15.2 Planning Applications
a) 14/05672/FUL West Deyne Lower Swell Road Full Application for Creation of additional residential unit (subdivision) and ground floor side extension and full height rear extension
JB produced a written report and declared an interest.
STC object to this application on the following grounds:
Lack of parking provision: There is a potential for 4 cars on this site. Parking provision shown is on highway land, blocks the garage access, would involve reversing onto the road and over a footpath and the garage is too small for modern cars. There is concern that cars end up parking on the verge.
Design: The design is not in the Cotswold Vernacular and does not meet CDC’s design standards. Adverse comments were made about windows in the roof, large expanses of glass.
Visual impact The height of the building would make it visible from surrounding sites including Swell and the Cheltenham Road.
b) 14/05399/ADV & 14/05681/LBC Old Stocks Hotel The Square
Page 2 of 4 Applications to remove existing facade lighting and signage and replace with new lighting and signage that suits the refurbished hotel interior and branding
STC object to this application and would like to meet the applicants to discuss the design.
Reasons for objection: The lights design and materials were considered too modern Frame to the hanging sign also considered too modern Back lighting of signs were not considered in character with Stow The circular O/S signs were considered overstated, the logo was too modern, the signs were too large, too numerous and the wrong shape.
c) 14/02444/FUL Ashton House Union Street Full Application for Demolition of former care home and redevelopment of site with 21 dwellings including garages and associated infrastructure
STC object to this application on the following grounds: Over development, there are too many houses for the site House C2 is very narrow, has inadequate amenity space and is too close to the fire tower and radio masts. Concern was expressed about potential radiation Stone would be more in keeping with Stow than the wood proposed for the ‘barn’ garages Visitor parking is limited. Any kerb side parking would restrict access on the site. There is inadequate amenity space for rubbish bins There is inadequate amount of green space Removal of existing parking spaces used by residents of Union Street exacerbate parking problems in Union Street and Well Lane STC would like to have units C1 and C2 omitted from the plan and for parking provision to be provided for local residents
d) 14/00188/FUL Stow Agricultural Services Lower Swell Road Full Application for Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 17 apartments. Provision of communal facilities, landscaping and car parking
In light of the recognised need for employment sites in Stow, STC object to change of use of this site from employment use to housing.
STC object to this application on the following grounds: The site is overdeveloped. The draft local plan has only allocated 10 housed to this site The design is not suited to be the entrance to a historic town Perspectives shown are inaccurate and do not take into consideration the sloping ground The development is close to the road so it’s scale cannot be compared to the Manor House. Roof line is excessively high and could be reduced The southern elevation is very high The scale of the development means that it will be seen from a great distance Materials and design , eg glass balconies are not in accordance with CDC design code Given the target age of the residents it would not be unreasonable to expect two cars per property. Parking provision is inadequate
Page 3 of 4 The footpath and the crossing to town are not suited to pedestrians or mobility buggies
Should this application be successful STC would like to request a S106 to improve the footpath and the crossing point over the Fosse.
e) 14/03235/FUL The Green Talbot Square Full Application for Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling, garage, creation of new access and associated works. STC do not oppose this application. Concern was raised about the danger of access onto the Fosse from a blind junction.
a) A working group is to walk around the town looking for sign put up without consent. b) A letter is to be sent to CDC requesting that the non designation of the Methodist Church as a community asset be reconsidered. c) GP requested that the footpath along the western side of the Fosse should be extended to serve the houses, linking the Monarch’s Way, the BP garage and a new path in front of Majestic to the crossing at the lights.
The meeting was closed 9.20pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 24 February at 7.00pm in Stow Youth Centre.
Signed ……………………………………….
Date ……………………………… Councillor Chris Turner Chairman of Planning Committee
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