Pursuant to Art. 5A, Para. 2 and Art. 8, Para. 3, Comma 3) of the Law on the Serbian Business

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Pursuant to Art. 5A, Para. 2 and Art. 8, Para. 3, Comma 3) of the Law on the Serbian Business

(RS Official Gazette No 138/14 of 17 December 2014)

Pursuant to Art. 5a, para. 2 and Art. 8, para. 3, comma 3) of the Law on the Serbian Business Registers Agency (RS Official Gazette No 55/04, 111/09 and 99/11), the Board of Directors of the Serbian Business Registers Agency, has adopted the following Resolution at its meeting held on 30 October 2014


Art. 1 In the Decision on fees for registration and other services provided by the Serbian Business Registers Agency (RS Official Gazette No 119/13), after Art. 4a shall be added after Art. 4, preceded by a title that shall read as follows:


Art. 4а The fee for the registration of data on the bankruptcy of a legal entity shall amount to RSD 10,000.00. The fee for the registration of data on the bankruptcy of a micro-sized legal entity shall amount to RSD 5,000.00. The fee referred to in para. 1 and 2 herein shall be paid by the person that the court has designated as the person that has to make an advance payment for the costs of registration of data on a bankruptcy to the account of the Agency – revenues account, and the court shall submit proof of payment of the fee to the Agency, along with the supporting documentation for the registration of data on a bankruptcy and the registration and disclosure of the decision on the opening of a bankruptcy procedure.”

Art. 2 The title of Chapter VI, and Art. 32, shall be amended to read as follows:


Art. 32 The fee for processing and public disclosure of financial statements and documentation referred to in Art. 34 of the Law on Accounting (RS Official Gazette No 62/13), submitted through the special information system of the Agency in electronic format, shall be charged as follows: 1. for regular annual financial statements and documentation of entities subject to statutory auditing requirements, except micro-sized legal entities, and for consolidated annual financial statements and documentation, RSD 6,000.00; 2. for regular annual financial statements and documentation of micro-sized legal entities subject to statutory auditing requirements, and for small-sized legal entities not subject to statutory auditing requirements, RSD 3,000.00; 3. for regular annual financial statements and documentation of micro-sized legal entities - companies, cooperatives, institutions, legal entities that apply the provisions of the Law on Accounting pursuant to special regulations, branches of foreign legal entities domiciled abroad, who carry on a business activity in the Republic of Serbia, RSD 1,200.00; 4. regular financial statements and documentation for micro-sized and other legal entities, and regular annual financial statements and documentation for other micro-sized legal entities, and regular annual financial statements for entrepreneurs and all extraordinary financial statements, RSD 500.00. The fee for processing and public disclosure of a statement of inactivity submitted through the special information system of the Agency in electronic format, shall amount to RSD 300.00. For the late filing of a financial statement and documentation, or of a statement of inactivity, the fee referred to in para. 1 and 2 herein shall be increased by RSD 3,000.00. The fee for the processing and public disclosure of a financial statement replacement pursuant to regulations is stipulated in para. 1 herein. The fee for the processing and public disclosure of the replacement of documentation pursuant to the regulations, shall amount to RSD 1,000.00. The processing of data for statistical and other purposes shall be free of charge.”

Art. 3 Art. 33 shall be deleted.

Art. 4 In Art. 34, para. 1, the term: “data” shall be replaced by the term: “excerpts”. In item 1, the words: “for regular annual financial statements, and consolidated financial statements” shall be deleted, and the following words shall be added before the brackets: “data for statistical and other purposes, the disclosure of which to third parties has been approved”. In item 3, a comma shall be inserted after the words: “statement of income” and the words: “statement on other comprehensive income” and a comma shall be added, while after the words: “statistical annex”, the following words shall be added in brackets: “(ending with the financial statements for 2013)”. In para. 2, the words: “in accordance with the by-law regulating in detail the issuing of data and opinions on the solvency of legal entities and entrepreneurs” shall be deleted, while the words: “and for the delivery of other services of the Register of Financial Statements” shall be replaced by: “and for the delivery of other solvency-related services”. Items 1-5 and 12 shall be deleted. In item 7, the words: “by groups of legal entities” shall be replaced with: “for companies, cooperatives, institutions and entrepreneurs”.

Art. 5 In Art. 35, para. 1, the words: “an opinion on company solvency” shall be replaced by: “solvency rating”.

2 In para. 2, the words: “opinions on solvency” shall be replaced with: “solvency ratings”. Article 3, shall be deleted.

3 Art. 6 Article 37 shall be deleted.

Art. 7 In Article 38, para. 1, the word: “print-out of a” shall be replaced with: “other”. In item 3, the words: “for printing an application form”, shall be replaced by: “for issuing other documents.”

Art. 8 Art. 43. shall be amended to read: “ The fees for processing a user request, i.e. application, that are stipulated in this Decision, shall be paid to the Agency’s revenues account, and the proof of payment for each request, i.e. application, shall be submitted to the Agency with the request, in other words, before the delivery of the service. The account to which the fees shall be paid, i.e. the Agency’s revenues account, shall be published on the Agency’s website together with the mandatory elements required for the payment of the fee. A proper proof of payment, to be attached to the documents, shall be: 1. the first page of the payment order signed by the authorized person and stamped by the post office, bank or Treasury, containing:  all mandatory elements of the fee payment made (sum, destination bank account, payment code, purpose of payment, name, surname and address of the payer, name of beneficiary),  mandatory reference number generated by the Agency, according to Model 97, and  payment date, or 2. transfer order or certificate, stamped and signed by the bank or Treasury, containing:  all mandatory elements of a transfer order (sum, bank account of the payer, bank account of the beneficiary (the Agency’s commercial revenues account) payment code, purpose of payment, name of payer, name of beneficiary),  mandatory reference number generated by the Agency, according to Model 97,  clause that fee has been paid,  date on which the fee was paid, or 3. The payer’s business account statement, stamped by the bank, the Treasury or payer containing:  all mandatory elements of an account statement (the name and number of the payer’s account, the account statement number, payment date, account transactions report, the amount paid to the Agency’s account, purpose of payment and payment code) and  mandatory reference number generated by the Agency, according to Model 97. The Agency shall issue a calculation of the fee at the specific request of the data user, only for issuing registered data, reports, and for the delivery of other services referred to in Art. 28, 30, 34, 35 and 36 of this Decision. When the entity paying for the data, reports or other services delivered by the Agency is a regular user of the Agency’s services, the terms of payment and other conditions related

4 to the delivery and use of data can be regulated by a contract signed between the Agency and that entity. In case when the fee is paid in foreign currency from abroad, the dinar fees stipulated in Art. 28, 30, 34, 35 and 36 of in this Decision shall be converted into foreign currency using the medium exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia valid on the date on which the fee payment notice is issued. The Agency may collect fees through credit card payments and other forms of electronic payment. Any person who has paid a fee that s/he was not required to pay, or that was in excess of the required amount, as well as any person who has paid a fee for an Agency’s service that the Agency failed to deliver for some reason, shall be entitled to a refund of the fee. The request for refund of the fee shall be submitted to the register competent for processing the submitted request. The competent register will forward the request along with its opinion to the Agency’s director, who shall reach a decision with regard to the refund of the fee”.

Art. 9 The fee for processing and public disclosure of regular financial statements, as at 31 December 2014, and documentation referred to in Art. 34 of the Law on Accounting, which are drawn up using the Agency’s special information system, and submitted in paper format, shall be charged at the following rates: 1. micro-sized legal entities subject to auditing requirements, RSD 4,000.00. 2. micro-sized legal entities - companies, cooperatives, institutions, legal entities that apply the Law according to special regulations, branches of foreign legal entities domiciled abroad carrying on a business activity in the Republic of Serbia, RSD 2,000.00; 3. other micro-sized legal entities and entrepreneurs, RSD 1,000.00. The fee for the processing and public disclosure of regular annual financial statements as at 31 December 2014 and documents referred to in Art. 34 of the Law on Accounting, which are drawn up and submitted in paper format, shall be charged at the following rates: 1. micro-sized legal entities subject to auditing requirements, RSD 6,000.00; 2. micro-sized legal entities - companies, cooperatives, institutions, legal entities that apply the provisions of the Law according to special regulations, branches of foreign legal entities domiciled abroad that carry on a business activity in the Republic of Serbia, RSD 4,000.00; 3. other micro-sized legal entities and entrepreneurs, RSD 2,000.00; The fee for the processing and public disclosure of a statement of inactivity relating to the 2014 fiscal year, submitted in paper format by micro-sized legal entities, shall be charged at a rate of RSD 800.00. The fee for the late filing of financial statements and documentation, i.e. for a statement of inactivity, referred to in para. 1-3 herein shall be increased by RSD 3,000.00. The fee for the processing and public disclosure of a replacement of a regular annual financial statement referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 herein, pursuant to regulations, shall be charged at the rate stipulated in the those paragraphs.

Art. 10

5 Once approved by the Government, this Decision shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia and shall enter into force on the eighth day from the date of publication, except Articles 2-6, which shall apply from 1 January 2015.


No: 10-5-21/14 Gordana Škoro In Belgrade, 30 October 2014


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