Research and Development Conference 2010
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Research and Development Abstracts 2012
No Title Author(s)
1 To deliver a simulation and clinical skills programme to year 3 V Dimmock, J Anderson, D and Year 5 undergraduate medical students Watson, E Wood
2 A Novel Simulation based Teaching Program for Geriatric D Dasgupta, S Mitchell, V Medicine Specialist Trainees in North Thames Dimmock, F Collins, E Wood
3 A study evaluating the clerking activity of FY1 doctors at a F Kiernan Homerton University Hospital and the perceived quality of clerking as a learning tool
4 Recruiting patients with HIV to Research Studies in a London S Mguni, J Anderson, R NHS clinic: Clinician Perspective- Motivating Factors and Aspinall, N White Barriers.
5 HIV Screening in Adult In-Patient Mental Health – K King, R Evans, S Creighton Perceptions, barriers & recommendations.
6 Evaluation of the introduction of the Recent Infection Testing J Thornhill, A Hartley, R Algorithm (RITA) for HIV in East London O’Connell, I Reeves, N Garrett
7 Treatment of anal intraepithelial neoplasia and prevention of J Thornhill, M Nathan, M Jit, K anal carcinoma Klein, N Hickey, D Awosika, N Singh, M Sheaff
8 Funding for bariplastic surgery in England: A postcode lottery. S Mukherjee, S Kamat, S A questionnaire survey of primary care trusts in England. Adegbola, S Agrawal
9 Should age > 60 years be considered a contraindication to S Tayeh, S Agrawal, S bariatric surgery? Adegbola
10 Systematic review of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band in S Tayeh, S Agrawal, S patients with body mass index of <35 kg/m2 Adegbola
11 Fast track laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery R Aguilo, H Thomas, S safely achieves less than 48h postoperative stay in the Agrawal majority and should be routine practice
1 Research and Development Abstracts 2012
12 Effect of Post-CCT bariatric fellowship on the learning curve R Aguilo, S Agrawal of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass as Consultant Surgeon
13 Breast imaging in women under 40 with symptomatic breast J Adu, M Ojalehto, M disease Ornstein
14 Rheumatology Email Advice and Liaison – a new service C Gorman, P Reynolds
15 See Student Research below
16 Effect of hysteroscopy +/_ endometrial biopsy after failed IVF A Opoku, A Gudi, A Shah, R on the outcome of subsequent IVF cycles Homburg
17 Can Umbilical Cord Bilirubin be used to Predict Neonatal S Grossman, K D J Jones, D Jaundice in Term Infants? Kumaranayakam, A Rao, G Fegan, N Aladangady
18 Correlation of diagnostic findings between Coronary S Liu, A Owusu-Ansah Computed Tomographic Angiography and Conventional Angiography in Coronary Arterial Diseases – a single centre study.
19 Chest x-ray interpretation: Agreement between a reporting N Woznitza, S Burke, K Patel, radiographer and consultant radiologists S Amin, K Grayson
20 Home based therapy combined with self management plans M Hodson, A Bhowmik reduces re-admission rates for COPD
21 Analysis of Allergy Challenge profiles at Homerton University N Farah, A Williams, M Joyce, Hospital (HUH) K Rajakulasingam
22 Case Study: Rare Immediate Hypersensitivity to Rifampicin in N Farah, A Williams, M Joyce, a patient with Tuberculosis. G H Bothamley, K Rajakulasingam
23 How do doctors count coughs? R Turner, G H Bothamley
24 Indications and contraindications of minimally invasive video- L Cheng, E Ali, R Qureshi assisted thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy
2 Research and Development Abstracts 2012
25 The awareness of orofacial manifestations of sickle cell P Lankathilake, N Shaffie, R disease among general dental practitioners Qureshi, E Ali, H Ho, A Ezsias, R Amos, L Cheng
26 The anatomical variation between recurrent laryngeal nerve C Carter, J Collier, L Cheng and inferior thyroid artery among different racial groups who underwent thyroid and parathyroid surgery. 27 The significance of sickle cell disease in general dental N Shaffie, P Lankathilake, R practice Quresh, E Ali, H Ho, A Ezsias, R Amos, L Cheng
28 Implementing training focused on Autistic Spectrum F Brady, C Wood, S Betteridge Disorders within City and Hackney Primary Care Psychology/IAPT service
29 Integrated Psychological Care and Sickle Cell Re-Admissions: a G Davies, M Rendall, S 12-month Pilot Project Betteridge
30 ‘Fresh Start’: a pilot 12-month weight management M Rendall, S Betteridge programme
31 Evaluation of a pilot psychological ‘adjustment group’ for S Sunak, E Griffiths, G Davies, patients with long term conditions (LTCs) S Betteridge,
32 Parents’ explanatory beliefs concerning their child’s Autistic T Mellor Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Grounded Theory Approach
33 A pilot project to develop self-advocacy skills and empower M Darby, C Lomas young people with Neuro- disability living in Hackney [Access All Areas project]
34 Service Evaluation - LEAP Pedometer Activity Challenge (Pilot D Ramsey, J Ellis Sept-Nov Short term results)
35 An exploration of contemporary Occupational Therapy S Pettigrew practice relating to indoor electric-wheelchair training for people with unilateral spatial neglect
36 What are Therapists’ experiences of providing stroke E Taylor rehabilitation to patients who do not speak English?
3 Research and Development Abstracts 2012
37 High Volume Injection in the Management of Relcalitrant P Resteghini, J Yeoh Mid-Body Achilles Tendinopathy: A Prospective Case Series Assessing the Influence of neovascularity and Outcome.
38 Serial casting the Ankle joint in Children with Neurodisability M Darby, D Ramsey – What is best practice? A service evaluation
Student Research
No Title Author(s)
15 Students involved in rheumatology clinics: how do patients J Krepski, C Gorman feel?