Chapter 1: 3 Worlds Meet Academic US History - Bateman
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Chapter 1: 3 Worlds Meet Academic US History - Bateman
Read pages 4 to 33. Answer the questions completely and you must use sentences.
1. How does National Geographic reporter, Thomas Canby describe North America at the end of the Ice Age?
2. What are the 3 cultures that created modern day US culture?
3. Why do you think it is needed to study Pre Columbian Indians?
4. When did the first Americans arrive in North America? How long ago?
5. How did they get here?
6. What did the ancient big game hunters prey upon?
7. Why did the end of the Ice Age change the First Americans from big game hunters to hunter gatherers?
8. How long ago did agriculture develop?
9. Which crop was the first to be planted?
10. How does agriculture enable First Americans to build stable and complex societies?
11. How long ago to First Americans form larger communities and build civilizations?
12. Determine the characteristics that separate the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca from each other.
13. In what way did Pre Columbian civilizations surpass the achievements of other cultures of the world?
14. What was the name of the ancient desert farmers?
15. Why did they build cities in canyons and on the side of cliffs?
16. What did the Mound Builders excel at?
17. Look on page 7. What made the Mayan pyramids more advanced than the Egyptian pyramids?
18. Which ancient Pre Columbian civilization is the most advanced? Why do you think so?
19. How did Kashaya Pomo keep the stories of her culture alive?
20. What do you think a big bird on the ocean describes?
21. How did the diverse environments of North America shape the diverse lifestyles of North Americans?
22. What did Kashaya Pomo mean when she said California was not one land but many lands?
23. In what ways can we see the influence of the sea on Northwest tribes such as the Kwakiutl?
24. What is a potlatch? Why is this very significant?
25. How did the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest tame the harsh desert climate?
26. At the time of Columbus arriving, what made tribes like the Eastern Woodland Iroquois the most versatile of all North American Indians? 27. How did American Indian trade networks shape the people of North America?
28. How did Indians view the use of land?
29. How would you describe the religious beliefs held by American Indians?
30. What is a bond of kinship?
31. How did the young and old interact?
32. Describe the division of labor in the American Indian world?
33. What is the difference between an extended family and a nuclear family (just mom,dad,kids)?
34. What are the advantages of an extended family?
35. In what way is the American Indian family more democratic?
36. Based on the writings of Leo Africanus, how would you describe the great West African city of Timbuktu?
37. What increased the interaction between West Africa and Europe?
38. Why was the Sahara Highway important to the wealth of Timbuktu and West Africa?
39. What was brought to West Africa that transformed society?
40. When the Portuguese began trading in West Africa what were two important developments?
41. Why did Portuguese plantations require West African slaves?
42. What made the Songhai empire the most powerful in West Africa?
43. What limited Songhai’s expansion to the south?
44. What title to the ruler’s of Benin have?
45. How did Benin’s rulers achieve great wealth and progress in such a short time?
46. What is a striking feature of the Manikongo in the Kingdom of Kongo?
47. What is unusual about West African’s tracing lineage through the mother’s family?
48. What advantage did West African’s have marrying outside of their lineage group?
49. Why did elders hold the most authority in West Africa?
50. What part of the native West African religion enabled them to understand Christianity and Islam?
51. What economic activities did West Africans take up to sustain themselves?
52. What was different about West African slavery when you compare this to the way Europeans practiced slavery?
53. What was Prince Henry’s motivation for exploration?
54. Why do you think the Renaissance is essential to the time of exploration? 55. What is social hierarchy?
56. What is the positive and negative side of social hierarchy?
57. What is a nuclear family?
58. How did Europeans divide labor along the lines of gender?
59. What was a dominant force in European politics and religion?
60. How did Christians in Europe respond to Muslim invaders?
61. What led to the decline of church authority?
62. Why were the 1300s a tough time in European history?
63. How did the Crusades help the European economy?
64. How were monarchs able to concentrate so much power after the Crusades?
65. How did the spirit of the Renaissance shape exploration of the New World?
66. What enabled Portugal to take the lead in exploration?
67. Who sailed on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria?
68. What does the expression of gold, god, and religion mean for Spanish explorers?
69. What was the difference between Columbus’s first visit and second visit?
70. What method did Europeans use to claim land in the New World and build colonies?
71. How did American Indians respond to colonization?
72. Why did American Indians fail to protect their lands?
73. What is the Columbian Exchange?
74. Why is the Columbian Exchange the most significant event perhaps in the last 1,000 years?
75. Why did the Treaty of Tordesillas fail to divide New World land between Spain and Portugal and maintain peace? Chapter 2 HW: The American Colonies Emerge Academic US History - Bateman
Read pages 34 to 63. Answer the questions completely. Use sentences.
1. Why was Malinche so valuable to Cortes?
2. Who were the conquistadores?
3. What did they want?
4. When Cortez set off to conquer the Aztecs, how many men did he have to do this with?
5. Why did the Spaniards marvel at the Aztec capital of Tenochititlan?
6. How was Cortez able to gain Aztec’s gold and wealth?
7. The Aztec people expelled the Spanish, but when they returned the Aztecs seemed unable to defend their lands. Why? What happened?
8. How did the Spanish transform the old Aztec capital?
9. Why was the marriage between male Spanish colonists and native women common?
10. How is the creation of the mestizo’s an example of the Columbian exchange?
11. Describe the labor system called encomienda.
12. Why did the Spanish abolish encomienda?
13. Who explored Florida?
14. What is the name of the oldest colony in the present day United States? Where is it located?
15. What region did Coronado explore? What was he looking for?
16. How did the Spanish successfully colonize New Mexico?
17. Why did Pope lead a Pueblo rebellion in 1680?
18. How long did the Pueblo people keep their lands until the Spanish returned?
19. What was the name of the major battle between Spain and England in 1588?
20. How did this English victory help the English down the road?
21. Look on page 42. What was John Smith’s motto?
22. What is a joint stock company?
23. Who founded Roanoke and why did it fail?
24. When was the first successful English colony created? What was it called?
25. What led to starvation, death, and disease in the early days of Jamestown?
26. What methods did John Smith use to save the remaining 38 colonists? 27. What was the name of the Indian tribe that provided food for Jamestown?
28. Why did the nearby Indians turn on the English destroying farms, livestock, and killing colonists?
29. Who discovered brown gold?
30. How did tobacco save Virginia from extinction?
31. How did the headright system bring more settlers to Virginia?
32. How did the indentured servant system work?
33. How did the indentured servants system help plantation owners and poor English peasants?
34. What did the Dutch bring to Virginia in 1619?
35. Why did African slavery replace indentured servitude and wage laborers?
36. When the English conquered Virginia’s Indians why did they refuse to integrate them into society?
37. How did Pocahontas bring peace between Jamestown and the Powhatan Indians?
38. What happened to Jamestown in 1622?
39. What happened in 1624?
40. How did the status of royal colony help Virginia emerge strong and self sufficient?
41. What were the 3 major problems of most free white men in Virginia?
42. Why did poor colonists settle on the frontier of Virginia?
43. How did this create more tensions between Virginia and Indians?
44. Why were poor colonists upset with Governor Berkeley’s taxes and lack of protection from Indians?
45. Who led the rebellion to overthrow Berkeley and the rich plantation class?
46. What happened in Jamestown in 1676?
47. What happened to Berkeley? Bacon?
48. It seems like Bacon’s Rebellion proved nothing, but really it did reveal something very important. What was it? Look at the last paragraph on page 48.
49. What is the House of Burgesses?
50. Why is it unique in American History?
51. What did the Puritans want to do with the Church of England?
52. What does the Anne Bradstreet poem reveal about Puritans?
53. Who wanted to build a model new society?
54. What would this society be called? 55. What problems did the Puritans have with the Anglican Church?
56. Ideally how did the Puritans plan to experience God?
57. Who were the Separatists and what colony did they create in 1620?
58. By 1629 Puritans replaced the early Pilgrims, what did they change the name of the colony to?
59. In Winthrop’s sermon “City Upon a Hill”, what did he declare as the Puritan mission?
60. Who voted in Massachusetts Bay Colony?
61. How did the Puritan’s justify the combination of church and state (government)?
62. Why did Puritan headstones have an image of a winged skull?
63. What sins did the Puritans declare to be illegal?
64. How did the government/church keep a watchful eye over families?
65. Who were the two major dissenters who disagreed with the Puritan way?
66. In a sermon what 2 things did Roger Williams declare was wrong with the Puritan way?
67. What happened to Williams and what guarantees did he promise?
68. How was Anne Hutchinson an even greater threat to Puritan authority?
69. What were the differences between Puritans and Indians on the use of land?
70. What was the name of the war to resolve these differences?
71. Why did the Puritan massacre of Peqout Indians end the conflict?
72. Who was Metacom and what was he upset about in 1675?
73. What was the name of the war in 1675?
74. What tactics helped the Indians under Pequot achieve a near victory?
75. In the end why did the Indians lose King Philips War?
76. Who was William Penn and what were his plans?
77. What was the name of the Dutch colony in North America?
78. What led to enormous Dutch profits?
79. How did the Dutch attract large numbers of settlers?
80. What is unusual about Dutch, French, and Germans living side by side with free slaves?
81. Why did the Dutch get along with neighboring Indians so well?
82. Who was the English leader who led a takeover of New Netherlands? 83. What is a proprietor?
84. How was New Jersey created as a colony?
85. What did the Quakers mean when they said that God’s inner light burned inside of everyone?
86. What was different about the Quaker way of worship?
87. What 2 guarantees did Penn make for all Quakers?
88. What is Philadelphia’s nickname?
89. How did Penn insure that the Quakers and Delaware Indians would get along peacefully?
90. Which Europeans filled Penn’s need for a labor source?
91. What skills did they bring to help the colony grow?
92. Which colony was a haven for Catholics?
93. Why was the Religious Toleration Law passed in Maryland?
94. Who was the founder of Georgia?
95. What type of colonist came to Georgia in the early days? Chapter 3 HW: The Colonies Come of Age US and VA Academic US History - Bateman
Read pages 66 to 93. Answer the questions . For How and Why questions you need to elaborate.
1. What were the hopes of Eliza Lucas?
2. What was exchanged between English colonists and the mother country?
3. What was the name of this economic relationship?
4. Explain why the balance of trade is essential for the success of mercantilism?
5. What were the Navigation Acts?
6. Why were the English trying to tax and control trade after not caring for so long?
7. How did the merchants of Massachussetts react to the Navigation Acts?
8. What was the Dominion of New England?
9. Who was Sir Edmund Andros?
10. How were they a threat to colonial freedom and democracy?
11. What were the names of the 2 monarchs who returned England to a time of peace?
12. How did Saluatry Neglect help England and the Colonies heal from the period of taxes and control?
13. In what way did England’s less watchful eye help the colonists develop self government?
14. Read Philip Vickers Fithian’s quote on plantation life. Why was he so fascinated with this lifestyle?
15. How did plantations create huge fortunes for wealthy aristocrats?
16. Which ethnic groups and nationalities settled the south?
17. What factors lead to a high standard of living in the south?
18. Why did indentured servitude fade away after working so well for so long?
19. In simple economic terms why did slavery make more sense the indentured servants as a source of labor?
20. Describe the 3 way process of triangular trade.
21. What percentage of slaves died during the middle passage?
22. Describe the social hierarchy or order of the slave population in the south.
23. How did slaves cope with the conditions and loss of freedom?
24. What role did their African Heritage play in dealing with everyday slave life?
25. When was the Stono Rebellion and what happened?
26. Why do you think most slave revolts failed? 27. Read John Adams quote on page 79. What is he complaining about?
28. Mercantilism was supposed to help Great Britian. Why do you think it helped New England and the Middle Colonies even more?
29. What are the advantages of a diverse economy?
30. Why did the south fail to achieve a diverse economy?
31. In what was Philadelphia similar to ancient Rome?
32. How did the design of Philly shape the design of American cities for years to come?
33. Which two immigrant groups dominated the colonies?
34. What were the gripes Ben Franklin had against the Germans who moved to Pennsylvania?
35. Do you think they are valid? Why? Why NOT?
36. Why did slavery have a small beginning in the north and then die out all together?
37. IN what way were women 2nd class citizens in northern colonies?
38. Describe the social divisions revealed during the Salem Witchcraft trials.
39. What was the Enlightenment?
40. Which Americans were influenced by the Enlightement?
41. Prove or disprove this statement: The Enlightement was essential to the American Revolution.
42. What factors lead to the decline of the Puritan Church?
43. According to Jonathan Edwards going to church was not enough for salvation. What else did Edwards want people to do so they could make it to heaven?
44. Why do you think so many people followed the Great Awakening movement?
45. What was the most important contribution of the Great Awakening to US History?
46. Why was the Great Awakening a new beginning for Protestant churches like the Methodists?
47. Look on page 85 and read Joseph Nichols quote. What problem did Nichols have with British authority?
48. Why did the colonists side with the British in the war against the French and Indians?
49. What was the name of the French colony in Canada?
50. Why was this colony small, 70,000 people versus a million in the British 13 colonies?
51. What piece of land were the British and French fighting over?
52. What was the role of George Washington in starting the French and Indian War?
53. What happened to British General Edward Braddock at Ft. Duquesne? 54. How did Washington emerge as a hero in the defeat?
55. What was the name of the political leader King George II picked to win this war?
56. What was the name of the decisive battle of the war?
57. What did the French lose when they signed the Treaty of Paris?
58. Why did Pontiac view the French defeat as a defeat for all Indians?
59. What led to the failure of Pontiac’s Rebellion?
60. How did the British Government plan to prevent the next war with Indians?
61. How did George Grenville plan to solve Britian’s financial problems?
62. What other new British acts angered colonists?
63. What do these events foreshadow?
Chapter 4: The War For Independence Academic US and VA History - Bateman Read pages 96 to 127. Answer all questions.
1. What happened on March 5th, 1770?
2. How did Crispus Attucks emerge as a hero? 3. What were the items covered under the Stamp Act of 1765?
4. What was the name of the secret resistance group that opposed the Stamp Act?
5. How did Virginia respond to the Stamp Act Crisis?
6. What happened in October of 1765?
7. Why was this significant?
8. How did Parliament respond to the Stamp Act Boycott?
9. What were the Townshend Acts?
10. How did many Americans respond to the new tax?
11. What is significant about the British seizure of the ship Liberty?
12. Was the Boston Massacre really a massacre? Why or why not?
13. What happened to a British customs schooner in 1772?
14. How did the King plan to punish the lawbreakers from #13?
15. Americans were upset about the loss of rights, how did they plan communicate and organize a protest?
16. What was the Tea Act and why were Americans upset about it?
17. What is the name of the famous protest organized by the Sons of Liberty?
18. Exactly how did the Intolerable Acts punish Americans?
19. What did the delegates of the 1st Continental Congress agree to do?
20. Look at the picture on page 98. What makes this a totally inaccurate picture of the Boston Massacre?
21. Look at Now and Then on page 99. In what way did the Proposition 13 tax revolt hurt California?
22. What was the name for citizen/soldiers who were preparing for the war?
23. How did the British plan to stop them from preparing?
24. Who warned the Minutemen, John Hancock and Sam Adams of the British intentions?
25. What is significant about the small and minor battle of Lexington and Concord?
26. What happened to the father/son relationship of William and Ben Franklin? WhY?
27. What four important actions did the 2nd Continental Congress take before declaring independence?
28. Why was the 2nd Continental Congress so bitterly divided on what to do?
29. What made the Battle of Bunker the bloodiest battle of the Revolution?
30. What was the hope of the Olive Branch Petition? 31. Who wrote Common Sense?
32. Why did this pamphlet change the minds of Americans on the issue of war and independence?
33. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
34. What are the most important ideas expressed in the document?
35. Why did Jefferson take out language condemning slavery and the slave trade?
36. What was the name given to colonists who stayed with the British side?
37. Look at page 112. Who were the only brothers from VA to sign the declaration?
38. What made the soldiers experience at Valley Forge a difficult ordeal?
39. Who were the Hessians?
40. What happened to Washington’s army while defending New York City?
41. How many men were left in the Continental Army by December of 1776?
42. What was set to happen on December 31?
43. What methods did Washington use to win the Battle of Trenton?
44. How did Washington follow up the Battle of Trenton?
45. How did these victories help turn things around for George Washington?
46. How did the British embarrass George Washginton in the spring 1777?
47. What was British General John Burgoyne’s plan to win the Revolution?
48. What happened to Burgoyne’s army at Saratoga?
49. How did this event mark the turning point of the war?
50. What were the major advantages held by Washington’s Army?
51. What were the major advantages the British army had during the war?
52. Why did the French decide to become American allies?
53. How did the US finance the cost of war?
54. Why did the US struggle to properly equip soldiers and pay for salaries? 55. Why do you think the surrender at Yorktown shocked the world?
56. Who was Friedrich Von Steuben and what valuable contribution did he make?
57. How did Lafayette help secure victory for the Americans in the Revolution?
58. Starting in the summer of 1778, what was the new British strategy to win the war?
59. What was the name of the new British general and what was the name of the greatest victory for the British in the war?
60. Why was the British strategy working so well?
61. Who were the American commanders who figured a way to stop Cornwallis?
62. What were Cornwallis’s plans once he marched from the Carolina’s to Virginia?
63. How did Washington finally beat the British at Yorktown?
64. Why did Benedict Arnold switch sides during the war?
65. What were the conditions of the Treaty of Paris?
66. What were the faults of the Treaty of Paris?
67. What does egalitarianism mean and why is it an important idea of the Revolution?
Chapter 5 A New Nation US AND VA History Academic - Bateman
Read pages 132 to 149. Answer all questions.
1. What were the two rules John Dickenson used to guide his political decisions?
2. Why was defining the relationship between state governments and national governments so hard to do?
3. Why were the new states reluctant to unite under a strong central government system?
4. What is the difference between a republic and direct democracy? 5. Why do you think the founding fathers feared the uneducated masses?
6. How did the new state constitutions limit government and protect freedom?
7. Why did the founding fathers look to the Greeks and Romans for examples of government?
8. Why did the founding fathers decide 1 vote per state in Continental Congress?
9. What was the name of the new plan of government?
10. What powers did this new plan give Congress?
11. How did the western lands divide Congress?
12. What solution did the Land Ordinance of 1785 provide for western lands?
13. Why is the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 so important?
14. What political and economic problems did the nation face in the 1780s?
15. How did the debt/credit crisis threaten the nation?
16. Why did Congress fail to effectively deal with foreign nations?
17. Why did the Articles of Confederation prove to be a failed form of government?
18. Look at page 138 and 139. How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 prove to be an ingenious way to divide and settle new lands?
19. What was the source of the problem faced by farmers during Shay’s Rebellion?
20. What did George Washington predict because of Shay’s Rebellion?
21. What did Hamilton, Madison, and Washington propose to do to address the problems from Shay’s Rebellion?
22. What was the great contribution of Roger Sherman to the Constitutional Convention?
23. How did the founding fathers resolve the questions surrounding slavery?
24. What is federalism?
25. Why does it work so well in our form of government?
26. What do the separation of powers create and why is this essential to the US Constitution?
27. What was the purpose of the electoral college?
28. Look on page 145. What warning did John Jay give Americans?
29. Who were the Federalists and what did they stand for?
30. Who were the Anti Federalists and what did they stand for?
31. How did the Federalist Paper’s prove to be invaluable to persuading Americans to ratify the Constitution?
32. What was the chief argument of Patrick Henry against ratifying the Constitution? 33. What was needed to guarantee all states would ratify the Constitution?
34. What are the essential freedoms protected under the Bill of Rights?
Chapter 6 Homework Launching the New Nation – Bateman
Read pages 180 to 205. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Washington Heads a New Government
1. Read page 182. What anxieties did Washington have before taking office?
2. What was the great challenge that Washington faced?
3. What did Madison say about the first days of the Constitution at work?
4. What was the Judiciary Act of 1789?
5. Why was this act essential to the judicial branch?
6. Look on the right side of p 183. What is the Cabinet?
7. Why was the Cabinet necessary for the president to be effective?
8. Who were the first 3 members of the cabinet?
9. Why did Jefferson and Hamilton distrust each other so deeply?
10. What is the Report on Public Credit?
11. How did Hamilton plan to bail the nation out of debt?
12. Why were southerners opposed to Hamilton’s ideas?
13. What was the Bank of the United States?
14. Why was it so controversial?
15. What do the terms loose interpretation and strict interpretation mean?
16. Do you think Hamilton was correct in his loose interpretation of the Constitution?
17. Explain why.
18. How did Hamilton win over the support of Jefferson and the south?
19. Who were the designers of the District of Columbia? 20. What were the names of the 2 political parties?
21. Why was Washington skeptical of a two party system?
22. What are the advantages of a two party system?
23. What are the disadvantages of a two party system?
24. What is a protective tariff and a excise tax?
25. Why were rural farmers in Pennsylania so upset with the Whiskey Tax?
26. What did they decide to do about it?
27. How did George Washington respond to the rebellion?
28. What is ironic about Washington’s actions?
Section 2: Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation
1. Look on page 190. What did Gouverneur Morris observe during the French Revolution of 1789?
2. How did Americans react to the French Revolution?
3. What position did George Washington take when confronted with picking either the British or French Side in the war of 1793?
4. Who was Citizen Edmond Genet?
5. What did he do to upset the US Government?
6. Why did the US want to gain control of the Mississppi River?
7. Who was Thomas Pincnkey?
8. How did Pinckney’s Treaty/San Lorenzo Treaty aid the US?
9. What problems did western pioneers face as they crossed the Appalachians into Ohio territory?
10. Who was Little Turtle and what was he trying to accomplish?
11. How did the Battle of Fallen Timbers settle disputes with the Indians?
12. What did the Treaty of Greenville determine?
13. Why was John Jay’s Treaty controversial?
14. Why was the Jay Treaty a major breakthrough for the US?
15. Who won the election of 1796?
16. What unexpected problem arose because of the election of 1796?
17. How did the French threaten the US economy in 1797?
18. What was the XYZ Affair? 19. Why did Americans want to go to war with France because of the XYZ Affair?
20. How did John Adams respond to the affair?
21. Was it the right answer? Why?
22. What contributed to the anti French and anti British sentiment that Americans had towards foreigners?
23. How did Congress and John Adams respond to this?
24. What was morally wrong with the Alien and Sedition Acts?
25. What did Jefferson and Madison do in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts?
26. How did the Va and Ky Resolutions threaten the Constitution?
27. What is the principle of nullification?
28. What happened to George Washington in 1799?
Section 3: Jefferson Alters the Course of the Nation
1. Who were the two explorers of the Louisiana Territory?
2. What observations of journey did Patrick Gass make?
3. Who almost won the election of 1800?
4. How did this happen?
5. Who really won the election?
6. Look to the left of page 198. What were the results of the Burr and Hamilton Duel?
7. In what way is Jefferson’s Election in 1800 a “Republican Revolution”?
8. Exactly what steps did Jefferson take to simplify and limit government?
9. What is free trade and why did Jefferson believe in those so strongly?
10. What was life like in Washington DC during Jefferson’s term of office?
11. Which region of the US dominated politics during this time?
12. Who was John Marshall?
13. What was the Judiciary Act of 1801?
14. Who were the midnight judges?
15. What was decided in the case Marbury v. Madison?
16. What is the power of judicial review?
17. Why is it essential to a functioning government and Constitution? 18. How many people had moved to Ohio by 1810?
19. What was the Louisiana Purchase?
20. How much did it cost?
21. In what way is this the triumph of Jefferson’s career?
22. What role did Sacajawea play in the exploration of Louisiana?
Section 4: War of 1812
1. When was the War of 1812?
2. How was the character Uncle Sam created?
3. What is a blockade and how did Britain use it to defeat Napoleon?
4. What happened to over 1,000 US ships?
5. What is the policy of impressments?
6. What happened to the USS Chesapeake?
7. How was the embargo supposed to save the US from war with Britain?
8. Why did it utterly fail?
9. Who was William Henry Harrison?
10. Who was Tecumseh?
11. Why did Techumseh turn to the British for help?
12. Who were the war hawks?
13. What was their goal and how did they achieve it?
14. When Madison declared war on the British where did the US strike first?
15. Why was the invasion of Canada a disaster?
16. What led to the great success of the US Navy in the many battles fought against the British Navy?
17. How did the British embarrass the US very badly?
18. But it did not matter, we won the most important battle of the war. What was it?
19. How did Andrew Jackson emerge as the great hero of the battle?
20. What event ended the War of 1812?
21. What settlement did the US and Britian agree to?
Chapter 7: Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism - Bateman
Read pages 210 to 236. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Regional Economies Create Differences
1. Who did Adams meet in 1801?
2. What is unique about the musket that was manufactured and shown to Adams?
3. What is mass production?
4. How did this shape the Industrial Revolution?
5. Where did the industrial revolution begin?
6. What were the sources of energy for the first factories?
7. What two events brought the industrial revolution to the US?
8. Why did these events shape the industrial revolution in the US?
9. How did Francis Cabot Lowell transform manufacturing?
10. Describe agriculture in the northern states.
11. Why did slavery die out in the northern states?
12. What invention transformed the south?
13. What made cotton so profitable for southern planters?
14. How did cotton expand slavery and make it permanent in the south?
15. What is the American System?
16. How did it help the US?
17. How did it hurt the US?
18. Who dreamed up the idea of the American System?
19. What were the two major transportation improvements in the US?
20. Why was transportation essential to the growth of the US?
21. Why is the Erie Canal still considered a wonder in engineering?
22. What was the Tariff of 1816?
23. Why did northerners approve the tariff?
24. Why did southerners dislike the tariff?
25. Why was the Bank of the US essential at the time? Section 2: Nationalism at Center Stage
1. What was the Clermont and who invented it?
2. How did ships such as the Clermont help unite the country?
3. What was the main issue in the Supreme Court Case Gibbons v. Ogden?
4. What was decided in the case?
5. How did McCullough v. Maryland strengthen the power of the Federal Government?
6. How did the case Dartmouth College v. Woodward help limit state governments and protect businesses?
7. How did Secretary of State John Quincy Adams promote the interests of the US?
8. What is nationalism?
9. How did the Rush Bagot Treaty and the Convention of 1818 strengthen the US?
10. Why is the Adams-Onis Treaty almost as important as the Louisiana Purchase?
11. What message did President Monroe give to Congress in 1823?
12. Why is the Monroe Doctrine super duper important?
13. What reasons did many Americans have for moving to the west?
14. How many people needed to be in a territory before the place could become a new state?
15. How did the addition of Missouri threaten the peace in the US?
16. Who created a compromise to satisfy the north and south on the question of Missouri?
17. How did the compromise prevent sectional conflict?
18. Did the Missouri Compromise work?
19. Explain why because it is good for you.
Section 3: The Age of Jackson
1. Look at page 224. What did Adams tell Jefferson when they discussed who should write the Declaration of Independence?
2. What happened on the 7/4/1826?
3. Who was John Quincy Adams’ main opponent?
4. Why could one argue that Andrew Jackson was supposed to be president in 1824?
5. Who fixed things to guarantee the election of John Quincy Adams?
6. Why did this fellow think Jackson was not qualified to be president?
7. What new political party did Jackson form? 8. What new changes had come to elections by 1824?
9. Why is this one of the best ideas for American Democracy?
10. How did Jackson appeal to the everyday American?
11. What is the spoils system?
12. What is the danger of the spoils system?
13. What made the Indian tribes of the south “civilized”?
14. Why did Jackson authorize the removal of southern Indians?
15. Where were they supposed to go?
16. How did the Cherokee plan to fight the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
17. What was the name of the court case that the Cherokee won?
18. Why did Jackson refuse to enforce the court order?
19. What made the Trail of Tears one of the saddest episodes in US History?
Section 4: State’s Rights and the National Bank
1. What is the most important line in Daniel Webster’s speech on page 230?
2. How did John C. Calhoun respond to that speech?
3. Why did Calhoun call the tariff of 1828 a “Tariff of Abominations”?
4. Was he right or wrong? WhY?
5. According to Calhoun what could be done about the tariff?
6. What was the result of the Hayne/Webster debate on the tariff?
7. Why did Calhoun quit as Vice President?
8. What did South Carolina decide to do about the tariff?
9. How did Jackson respond to SC?
10. Who saved the US from a civil war over tariffs?
11. How did he do it?
12. Why was the Bank of the United States essential to the economy of the US?
13. Why was the Bank of the United States considered for only the rich and not everyday Americans?
14. How did Jackson plan to do away with the Bank of the US?
15. Did the plan work? WhY? 16. How did wealthy politicians respond to Jackson’s closing of the bank?
17. What political items did the Whig Party stand for?
18. Who was president after Jackson?
19. What was the name of the economic depression the new president faced?
20. How did he attempt to deal with it?
21. Who really caused the Panic of 1837?
22. Why did Jackson never get blamed for this?
23. How did William Henry Harrison become president of the US?
24. What happened with in one month of his inauguration?
25. Who was the first Vice President to succeed a dead President? Chapter 8: Reforming American Society
Read pages 238-268 and answer the questions.
Section 1: Religion Sparks Reform
1. Who was Charles Finney?
2. Why did people gather by the hundreds to hear him preach?
3. What is the term that describes religious activism to fix social problems?
4. What social problems did members of the 2nd Great Awakening tackle?
5. Why did members of the 2nd Great Awakening reject Calvinism (the idea that God predetermined who was going to heaven and hell)?
6. What religious ideas are similar to Jacksonian Democracy?
7. What is the term for large gatherings to hear passionate preaching and prayer?
8. Does revivalism still exist today?
9. What nickname did Western New York get from Finney’s success in converting people by the thousands?
10. Why were revival meetings open to slaves and free blacks?
11. What new church was created in Philadelphia in 1816?
12. Why did the new black churches become the center African American life?
13. What is transcendentalism?
14. Who was the founder?
15. What did Thoreau’s writings emphasize?
16. Who was the main leader of Unitarianism?
17. What did the Unitarians believe?
18. What did they have in common with other Christians?
19. What was a utopian community?
20. What was life like at Brook Farm in the 1840s?
21. What did Mother Ann Lee teach the Shakers?
22. How did the Shakers multiply if they never married or had children?
23. Why did Dorethea Dix try and reform prisons and asylums?
24. What did she believe could be done with criminals and the mentally ill?
25. Who was the leader of the education reform movement? 26. What were some of the reforms that came to education?
Section 2: Slavery and Abolition
1. What is unusual about James Forten’s youth?
2. By the 1830’s what had Forten accomplished?
3. Why did he oppose the idea of sending freed slaves back to Africa?
4. How many actually returned to Africa?
5. What form did the new opposition to slavery take?
6. Who was the leader of the emancipation/abolition movement?
7. What was the name of the newspaper he ran to publicize his anti-slavery views?
8. Who was David Walker and what were his beliefs?
9. How many free blacks lived in the south in the 1850s?
10. How many free blacks lived in Loudoun County in the 1850s?
11. Why was being a free black just a step above slavery and no more?
12. How did Frederick Douglass use education?
13. What did William Lloyd Garrison see in Douglass?
14. Why did Douglass become such a great speaker for the abolitionist movement?
15. What was the name of his newspaper?
16. Why did the slave population double between 1810 and 1830?
17. What was life like for rural slaves?
18. Why did demand rise for slaves working in mills and on ships?
19. What were the numbers for slaves working in rural areas? Urban areas?
20. Why did Frederick Douglass say that “a city slave is almost a freeman”?
21. Who led the most famous slave rebellion of all time?
22. How many followers? How many were killed?
23. How close was the 1832 Virginia vote to abolish slavery?
24. How did Nat Turner’s rebellion actually make things worse for slavery?
25. What defense did proslavery proponents have?
26. Why did Congress limit the discussion of slavery with a “gag rule”? Section 3: Women and Reform
1. What surprise did Elizabeth Cady Stanton get in 1840?
2. What did Stanton and Lucretia Mott vow to do?
3. What is the cult of domesticity?
4. By 1850, how many women were working for wages?
5. Who were Sarah and Angelina Grimke? What did the fight for?
6. How did female reformers react to opposition from men?
7. What was the temperance movement?
8. Why was alcohol many times more dominant back then than it is now?
9. Did the temperance movement have any impact?
10. What advances did women make in the field of education?
11. What were the accomplishments of Elizabeth Blackwell?
12. Why were women crazy about Amelia Bloomer’s new pants style?
13. What did the women of the Seneca Falls Convention accomplish in 1848?
14. What did Isabella Baumfree change her name to?
15. What important contribution did she make for women?
Section 4: The Changing Workplace
1. What did Susan Miller think of working at the Lowell Textile Mill?
2. How did the textile industry split families but also create new communities?
3. How were goods manufactured before the 1820s?
4. What were the 3 titles that skilled artisans could hold?
5. Why did skilled artisans get replaced by unskilled factory workers?
6. Do skilled artisans still exist today? Examples?
7. Why did the Lowell Mill hire mainly just females?
8. Why did most girls leave Lowell?
9. How would you describe the conditions at Lowell Textile Mill?
10. How did workers attempt to change things at Lowell?
11. Did the protest work? Why or why not? 12. How many immigrants entered the US between 1830 and 1860?
13. What lead to a second wave of immigration in the 1850s?
14. Where did most immigrants come from?
15. What as the National Trade Union?
16. What did the Mass. Supreme Court decide in Commonwealth v. Hunt?
17. Why was working in a factory essential for women to gain equality and rights? Chapter 9: Expanding Markets and Moving West Name:
Read the chapter and answer the questions.
Section 1: The Market Revolution
1. What did Sam Morse do for a living before inventing the telegraph?
2. How much did the first 40 miles of telegraph cost?
3. How long did it take for Morse to send the first electric message?
4. How did the revolutionize communication?
5. How did industrialization change the lives of workers and consumers?
6. Farmers changed from self sufficiency to specializing in a cash crops like cotton and wheat? Why is this siginificant?
7. The developments are called the market revolution. How did this improve the standard of living for all Americans?
8. What is capitalism?
9. Who are entrepreneurs?
10. Why are Americans still the most successful businessmen in the world even today?
11. What inventions did the following make:
12. Why did railroads emerge as the most important technological advancement of the 1850s?
13. Railroads, canal, and paved roads linked the north, south, and west together. What was the impact on the growth of the US in each region?
14. What did John Deere invent, it is not the tractor?
15. What did Cyrus McCormick invent?
16. How did they change agriculture?
Section 2: Manifest Destiny
1. Summarize Amelia Knight’s journey on the Oregon Trail. 2. According to Jefferson what was the US supposed to do with the western lands?
3. What does the term Manifest Destiny mean?
4. What attracted settlers to the west?
5. Why did Chief Black Hawk lead a rebellion against the US?
6. After the failure where did the last Indians east of the Mississippi move to?
7. What was the middle ground and why was it so important to both settlers and Indians in the west?
8. What did the Fort Laramie Treaty say?
9. Why did it fail to prevent the next US/Indian war?
10. Which trail connected Missouri to New Mexico?
11. Which trail ran from Missouri to the Williamette Valley?
12. Why did everyone want to travel the Oregon trail and risk the great dangers?
13. Who was Joseph Smith?
14. What happened to him?
15. Who was the next leader of the Mormons?
16. Where did the Mormon Trail end?
17. Where the Mormons successful in creating Deseret?
18. Why were the Mormons persecuted from New York all the way to Utah?
19. How did President Polk resolve the territory dispute the US and Great Britain?
20. How did the campaign slogan “54 40 or Fight” help Polk win the election of 1844?
Section 3: Expansion in Texas
1. Who was Stephen Austin?
2. What warning did he give from prison?
3. How did the mission system operate in Spanish territories?
4. How did newly independent Mexico attempt to strengthen itself?
5. Who were the empresarios and what made them powerful?
6. What lead Americans to answer the fever call: “Go to Texas”!?
7. How much had the US previously offered Mexico for Texas land?
8. How did Santa Anna start the Texas Revolution? 9. What happened at the Alamo?
10. Why is this event important in Texas history?
11. Who was the hero of Texas during the Revolution?
12. What happened at the Battle of San Jacinto?
13. What was the battle cry?
14. What was born in September of 1836?
15. Why did Texas have to wait 9 years until 1845 to join the US?
Section 4: The War with Mexico
1. What observations did Captain Robert E. Lee make about the first battle he fought in during the Mexican War?
2. Why did President Polk push for war with Mexico?
3. What did John Slidell propose to Mexico?
4. In the US, how did people from the north, south, and west view the possible war with Mexico?
5. What happened to General Zachary Taylor’s army near the Rio Grande River?
6. What did Polk urge Congress to do?
7. Was it justified?
8. Who was Stephen Kearney and what was his major accomplishment?
9. What was the major weakness of the Mexican Army?
10. Who were the two major generals for the US army?
11. What battle did Taylor win?
12. How did Winfield Scott capture Mexico City and end the war?
13. Who were the Los Ninos Heroes?
14. What officially ended the Mexican War?
15. What did the US gain from the war?
16. What did the US buy for $10 million?
17. How did Taylor win the election of 1848?
18. Why were men such as Taylor and Scott future presidential candidates?
19. What was found near Sutter’s Mill in 1848?
20. Why are the 49ers famous? 21. What happened to gold prospectors who arrived after the Gold Rush in 1850?
22. What was unique about the population of California in the 1850s?
Chapter 10: The Union In Peril
Read the chapter. Answer the questions.
Section 1: The Divisive Politics of Slavery
1. What did John C. Calhoun threaten in his March 1850 speech?
2. Why does he look so grumpy in his picture on page 304?
3. What changes had shaped the northern states since the days of the signing of the Constitution?
4. Why did slavery and agriculture help southern states remain the same and unchanged?
5. Why were the north and south destined to wage war over the future of America?
6. Look at the picture of the house on page 305. Why did Greek Revival architecture remain so popular in the US?
7. What did controversial idea did David Wilmot propose in 1846?
8. Why did the south fear the Wilmot Proviso?
9. What helped California gain admission as a new state so rapidly?
10. Why did California ignite the slave debate between the north and south in Congress?
11. What did Henry Clay propose to avoid secession and war?
12. What did the North get from Clay’s deal?
13. What did the South get from Clay’s deal?
14. What does the term popular sovereignty mean?
15. In a speech, how did Clay defend his ideas?
16. How did John C. Calhoun respond to Clay?
17. What did Daniel Webster say to both Calhoun and Clay?
18. Why is the 7th of March speech one of the greatest public speeches in US History?
19. How did Stephen Douglas ensure that Clay’s Compromise would pass the Senate vote?
20. What happened to President Taylor?
21. Who replaced him?
22. Why did the new President support the compromise?
23. Did the Compromise of 1850 provide a long term answer to the question of slavery? Why/why not? Section 2: Protest, Resistance, and Violence
1. What did Charlotte Forten write about on June 2nd 1854?
2. What was the purpose of the Fugitive Slave Act?
3. How did some northern states such as Pennsylvania try and resist the Fugitive Slave Act?
4. Who was Harriet Tubman?
5. How did the Underground Railroad operate?
6. What was the name of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s book?
7. What was the book about and why did it convince many to oppose slavery?
8. What was one major weakness in the book?
9. What new idea did Stephen Douglas have to try and settle slave questions in new territories?
10. How did Popular Sovereignty threaten the Compromise of 1820?
11. What did the law Kansas Nebraska Act attempt to do?
12. When the territory of Kansas had a vote to determine the status of slavery what happened?
13. What happened to the town of Lawrence, Kansas?
14. Why did Kansas end of with 2 state governments?
15. Where were they located?
16. Who was John Brown and what did he do at Potowatomie?
17. What nickname did Kansas earn during this violent period?
18. What did Senator Charles Sumner say about South Carolina and slavery in a speech to Congress?
19. How did Congressman Preston Brooks respond to Sumner’s speech?
20. Why was Brooks called a hero?
21. What happened to Senator Sumner?
Section 3: The Birth of the Republican Party
1. Why did Horace Greeley abandon the Whig Party?
2. What made the new Republican Party so attractive to voters in the 1850s?
3. Why did the Whig Party fall out of favor and die out?
4. What is nativism?
5. What did the Know Nothing Party believe in? 6. Why did they do so well in the election of 1854?
7. How did they get the crazy name “Know Nothing”?
8. Many northerners were Free Soilers. What does that mean?
9. Why did northern free soilers feel threatened by slavery?
10. What was founded on July 6, 1854?
11. What did this new political party believe in?
12. Why did they pick John C. Fremont as it’s presidential candidate in 1856?
13. Why did Fremont lose to Democrat James Buchannan?
Section 4: Slavery and Secession
1. What was the most important idea in Lincoln’s address to the Republican Convention of 1858?
2. Who was he running against for the Illinois Senate seat?
3. Who was Dred Scott?
4. What decision did the Supreme Court make in regards to Scott’s status as a slave?
5. Why is the Dred Scott decision a blow to the abolitionists?
6. What is the Lecompton Constitution?
7. Why did President Buchannan support the proslavery Lecompton Constitution when it was clear that most people in Kanasas opposed slavery?
8. What impact did the events in Kansas have on the Democratic Party?
9. Why was Lincoln such a long shot to beat Senator Stephen Douglas?
10. Why was Lincoln’s challenge to debate Douglas a brilliant move?
11. What was Stephen Douglas’s position on slavery during the debates?
12. What was Lincoln’s position on slavery during the debates?
13. Why did Lincoln oppose the equality of whites and blacks at this time in 1858?
14. What crucial question did Lincoln ask Douglas in Freeport, Illinois?
15. What did Douglas say as an answer?
16. What did Douglas’s answer prove about the idea of popular sovereignty?
17. Why?
18. Who won the election for the Illinois Senate seat in 1858?
19. How did defeat help Lincoln? 20. What happened on October 16, 1859?
21. Who put down the attempted slave revolt?
22. How did Brown’s conviction and hanging make him a martyr?
23. Why did the Republicans decide to go with Abe Lincoln as a candidate in the election of 1860?
24. Why did Senator William Seward fail to win the Republican Nomination?
25. Why did the Democrats have 4 candidates for President?
26. How did this help Lincoln win the Election of 1860?
27. Upon the Election of Abe Lincoln what did South Carolina decide to do?
28. How many other southern states joined South Carolina?
29. What did they form on February 4, 1860?
30. Who was elected President in Montgomery, Alabama? Why is James Buchannan the worst President ever in US History? Chapter 11: The Civil War or War Between the States
Read Chapter 11 and answer the questions.
Section 1: The Civil War Begins
1. How did Major Robert Anderson describe the surrender of Fort Sumter in South Carolina?
2. What made the situation at Fort Sumter so delicate for President Lincoln?
3. How did Lincoln turn the situation around and force Jefferson Davis to make the choice between peace and war?
4. How many US soldiers were killed at Fort Sumter?
5. Why did Lincoln issue a call for 75,000 volunteers?
6. How did upper south states such as Virginia respond to the Lincoln’s call for volunteers?
7. How many total states were in the Confederacy?
8. According to the chart on page 339 who had the clear advantage in military strength and resources?
9. Why did slave states such as Maryland and Missouri remain loyal to the Union?
10. Why did both sides believe the war would last only a few months?
11. What were the notable advantages held by the Confederacy during the war?
12. What was the main strategy of the US during the war?
13. What nickname did the strategy get?
14. What was the Confederacy’s strategy to win?
15. Where was the first major battle fought?
16. Who helped the south win this battle and what was his nickname?
17. What did civilians decide to do during the Battle of Bull Run?
18. How many more soldiers did Lincoln enlist into the US army after Bull Run?
19. Who became Lincoln’s new top general?
20. Who captured Fort Donelson in Tennessee?
21. What nickname did he earn?
22. How many soldiers were killed or wounded at the Battle of Shiloh?
23. What city did Admiral David Farragut capture?
24. How was this a blow to the Confederacy?
25. What was unique about the naval battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac? 26. How did General George McClellan plan to end the war and bring victory to Lincoln?
27. What was his major flaw?
28. Who took over command of the defense of Richmond?
29. What is the name of the series of stunning rebel victories that saved Richmond?
30. What was the result of the Battle of Second Manassas?
31. How did General McClellan get very lucky in Maryland?
32. What is unique about the Battle of Antietam?
33. Why did Lincoln fire McClellan after winning a close battle?
Section 2: The Politics of War
1. According to William Yancey, why did the British oppose siding with the Confederacy and remain neutral?
2. What was the Trent Affair?
3. How did Lincoln avoid upsetting Republicans and the British?
4. By 1862 what had changed about Lincoln views on slavery?
5. What was the name of Lincoln famous order on the issue of slavery?
6. How did slaves and free blacks react to Lincoln’s new proclamation?”
7. Why were many northerners opposed to freeing slaves?
8. What was the reaction of Jefferson and the south to the new Lincoln Proclamation?
9. How did Lincoln react to dissent during the civil war?
10. What is habeaus corpus?
11. Can the government take away your free speech rights during a war?
12. Who were the Copperheads?
13. How did they pose a serious threat to Lincoln and US victory?
14. How did the new conscription laws change the war?
15. Why did most of the Cherokee Indians side with the Confederacy during the war?
16. What led to the draft riots in New York City in the summer of 1863?
Section 3: Life During Wartime
1. What is important about Mary Chestnut’s diary?
2. What was wrong with Confederate money? 3. By the end of the war, how much of the US army was made up of African American soldiers?
4. Did the US government pay white and black soldiers the same?
5. What happened at Fort Pillow in Tennessee?
6. How did the 54th Massachusetts distinguish itself during the Battle of Fort Wagner?
7. What did many slaves in the south do as the US army occupied southern states?
8. What led to extreme shortages of food and supplies in the Confederacy?
9. How did President Jefferson Davis avoid a full blown riot in Richmond, VA?
10. How did the war stimulate the northern economy?
11. What is the income tax and how did it pay for the cost of the civil war?
12. What made army life for both sides a living hell?
13. How did Clara Barton contribute to ease suffering during the war?
14. Why did prisoners of war from both sides suffer terribly behind bars?
15. What made Andersonville, Georgia notorious?
Section 4: The North Takes Charge
1. How did Frank Haskell describe the Confederate attack known as Pickett’s Charge?
2. After the charge what had happened to most of the Confederates?
3. What made the Battle of Chancellosrville Lee’s greatest victory?
4. What happened to Lee’s best general?
5. Why did Lee decide to invade the North? What was he hoping to achieve?
6. After three days of combat, how many men total had died or been wounded?
7. Why is Gettysburg the turning point of the civil war?
8. What happened in Vicksburg, Mississippi at the same time as Gettysburg?
9. What had Grant achieved in his victory at Vicksburg?
10. How did Lincoln choose to honor the dead at Gettysburg?
11. In what way did this address help the nation?
12. What happened to Confederate morale after Gettysburg and Vicksburg?
13. Who were the top two generals for Lincoln that would eventually win the war?
14. How did Grant plan to win the Civil War in the east? 15. Why did the newspapers call Grant a “butcher”?
16. After capturing Atlanta, how did William Sherman win victory in the west?
17. What was his new strategy called?
18. Why did this work so well?
19. How did Lincoln win reelection in 1864?
20. What happened on April 9th, 1865?
21. How did Grant and Lee emerge as national heroes at Appomattox?
Section 5: The Legacy of the War
1. How did Garland White describe the occupation of Richmond by US Colored Troops?
2. What political changes did the civil war bring to the nation?
3. In what way were the political changes intrusive into civilian lives?
4. How did the National Banking Act of 1863 help the nation progress?
5. What happened to most southern prosperity during the war?
6. About how many Americans (north and south) died in the war?
7. How did the 13th amendment change America forever?
8. What did Robert E. Lee do with his life after the war?
9. What happened to his house Arlington?
10. Who was John Wilkes Booth?
11. What did he do on April 14, 1865?
12. How did the nation react to Lincoln’s death? Chapter 12: Reconstruction and It’s Effects
Section 1: The Politics of Reconstruction
Read pages 376 to 382.
1. What experience did Johnson have before becoming President?
2. What is strange about a southerner succeeding Lincoln?
3. What 2 problems did Johnson face?
4. Why was Reconstruction so complicated and frustrating for all Americans?
5. What was Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan?
6. Who were Thaddeus Stevens and the Radical Republicans?
7. Describe the Radical Republican Plan for Reconstruction?
8. What is a pocket veto?
9. Why was it the perfect way for Lincoln to kill the Wade Davis Bill?
10. Why did Johnson pardon 13,000 ex Confederates?
11. How could Johnson support abolition but oppose voting rights for former slaves?
12. What was the Freedman’s Bureau?
13. Was it effective in helping the needs of freed slaves?
14. Why is the Civil Rights Act of 1866 one of the most important laws ever?
15. What were black codes and why were state’s in the south passing such laws?
16. Why did Johnson veto bills for civil rights and the Freedman’s Bureau?
17. What was the 14th Amendment?
18. Why is this perhaps the most important and often used amendment in the US Constitution?
19. What happened in the 1866 Congressional Elections?
20. How did the REconsturction Act of 1867 make things very hard on southerners?
21. Why was Johnson impeached in 1867?
22. How close did Johnson come to being thrown out of office?
23. Who became the next president?
24. How did the new African American vote shape the election?
25. What would the 15th Amendment protect? Section 2: Restructuring Society
Read pages 383 to 392.
1. What did Robert Fitzgerald do?
2. Why was it so important for men such as Fitzgerald to help out?
3. By what year had most Confederate states been readmitted to the Union?
4. How much damage had the south suffered during the war?
5. How many adult males died in the war?
6. How did Republican state governments help southerners?
7. Why was it not enough?
8. Who were carpetbaggers and scalawags?
9. Why did southerners despise these people?
10. How did the 15th Amendment change the politics of the south?
11. Why did the Democratic Party reemerge strongly in the south?
12. What new freedoms were treasured by former slaves?
13. How many former slaves were illiterate?
14. What was done to improve education in the south?
15. Who were the chief reformers to help freed slaves and poor whites?
16. Who was Hiram Revels and why is he extraordianary?
17. The south tried integration but it wasn’t working, why not?
18. Look at NOW and THEN on page 390. What is reparations for slavery? Do you think that the US Government should pay the desendants of slaves for damages? Why or why not?
19. What did the term 40 acres and a mule mean?
20. Why did this promise remain broken?
21. What brought about a restoration of the plantations?
22. What prevented blacks and whites from owning their own lands and farms?
23. What was sharecropping?
24. In what way was this just a step above slavery?
25. What happened to cotton production and prices? Why was cotton no longer king?
Section 3: The Collapse of Reconstruction Read pages 393 to 401.
1. Why were 27 members of the Georgia state legislature expelled?
2. Why did the US Government just sit by and watch this happen and do nothing about it?
3. What was the KKK?
4. What was their main goal? Did they achieve it?
5. What methods did the Klan use to prevent blacks for moving up in society?
6. How did Congress respond to KKK violence?
7. Why was it not enough?
8. Why did President Grant find himself surround by fraud bribery and scandals?
9. Why did Grant win reelection in 1872?
10. What continued to be President Grant’s main problem and failure?
11. How did the Panic of 1873 start?
12. What impact did it have on the nation?
13. Why was the US dollar in dispute? Why did Congress fight over paper dollars or gold currency so much?
14. What did the Slaughter House Cases of 1873 decide? How did this weaken the 14th and 15th amendments?
15. Why did northerners give up on rebuilding the south and helping former slaves?
16. Who won the election of 1876?
17. What is the Compromise of 1877?
18. Why is this election called the end of Reconstruction?
19. What is home rule?
20. What is the legacy of Reconstruction?
Chapter 13: Changes On the Western Frontier
Read pages 406 to 433. Answer the questions. Section 1: Culture Clash on the Prarie
1. What happened to the Sioux Indian Zitkala Sa when she attended a boarding school?
2. Why do you think our government forced Indian children to go to boarding schools?
3. In what way was Indian life on the Great Plains a great achievement?
4. How did the horse and buffalo shape life for Indians on the Great Plains?
5. Which is better for you, Buffalo or Beef?
6. The word egalitarian means a sense of equality. According to the book in what way was Indian life an equal life for all tribal members?
7. How did the views on land ownership cause a clash between whites and Indians?
8. Which minerals were the chief attractions to settling the west?
9. What did the US Government do for Indians in 1834 that was a very good thing
10. What happened at Sand Creek, Colorado?
11. Why was the Fetterman Massacre a turning point?
12. Why did Indian leaders such as Sitting Bull refuse to sign the Ft. Laramie Treaty?
13. Look at the map on Page 411. What do you notice about the amount of Indian Reservation land from 1819 to 2000?
14. What was the plan of the US Army to win the Red River War in 1868?
15. Why was Col. George Custer sent to the Black Hills in 1874?
16. What was the fate of Custer at Little Big Horn?
17. What did Helen Hunt Jackson say about the Government and Indians in her book a “Century of Dishonor”?
18. What was the Dawes Act?
19. Why was assimilation a difficult goal to achieve?
20. What had happened to the herd of 65 million buffalo by 1900?
21. What was the Ghost Dance Movement?
22. Why did the US Army take the Ghost Dance as a threat?
23. What happened at Wounded Knee?
24. What happened at Broken Elbow?
25. Look at the NOW AND THEN BOX. What is special about the Nez Perce Indians in modern times?
26. What made the cattle business a profitable business? 27. Why were Texas Longhorn cows perfect for ranching on the Great Plains?
28. Where did most cowboy traditions come from?
29. Why were railroads essential to cattle profits?
30. What made the demand for beef soar?
31. Who was Joseph McCoy?
32. Look at the ART of Frederick Remington? Why do these paintings of cowboys and the west capture the American spirit?
33. What was a typical day like for a cowboy?
34. Why did cowboys willingly work under such harsh conditions?
35. What was the long drive?
36. Why do Legends of the West such as Calamity Jane and Wild Bill remain popular?
37. What brought an end t the west and the Open Range?
Section 2: Settling On the Great Plains
1. What did Ester Clark Hill remember about life on the Kansas Prarie?
2. What stands out the most about her memories?
3. Most of the US was settled in only 30 years. 1870 to 1900. What made that possible?
4. How much money was spent on railroads in the west?
5. Who were the cheap sources of labor for railroad building?
6. Why did so many immigrants become western farmers?
7. What was the Homestead Act?
8. Who were the Exodusters?
9. What happened in Oklahoma in 1889?
10. What did explorers Washburn and Langford want to do with land in the west?
11. What did the US Government say had happened in 1890?
12. Do you think Frederick Jackson Turner is right? The west shaped and defined the true American Character?
13. What were dugouts and soddies?
14. What was the woman’s role in settling the west?
15. In what way was the west the most liberating place for women to live?
16. How did John Deere and Cyrus McCormick make life easier for western farmers? 17. What was the Morril Act?
18. Why was agricultural education essential to the growth of America?
19. Name a college established under the Morrill Act.
20. What were bonanza farms?
21. Why were farmers planting more and more corn/wheat crops?
22. How did technology actually hurt the farmer?
Section 3: Farmers and the Populist Movement
1. Why did Mary Lease join the Farmers Alliance Movement?
2. What had happened to most farmers after the Civil War?
3. Why were pricing for crops falling instead of rising?
4. Who was to blame?
5. How did railroads contribute to farmers economic problems?
6. Who was Oliver Kelley?
7. What was the Grange?
8. What did they want to do to changes things for the better?
9. What is populism?
10. Why is populism one of the most important things to have happened in the 1890s?
11. What changes did the Populist have for a political platform?
12. What was the Panic of 1893?
13. When was it?
14. By 1894 how many were unemployed?
15. Who was William Jennings Bryan?
16. Who was William McKinley?
17. What was at stake in 1896?
18. What was the Cross of Gold Speech?
19. Which is better for the US? A Gold or Silver Standard? WhY?
20. Who won the election?
21. Why did populism end and collapse? 22. Why is Populism one of the most important events of all time in US History?
Chapter 14: A New Industrial Age
Read pages 434 to 457
Section 1: The Expansion of Industry
1. What did Pattillo Higgins find in 1901?
2. How did this transform the area?
3. How did the US change from 1865 to 1920?
4. What contribution did Edwin Drake make to US History?
5. What were 2 important byproducts of oil needed in the 20th Century?
6. What was the major weakness of iron?
7. How did the Bessemer process make iron stronger?
8. What were some of the new uses for steel?
9. What did William Jenney construct?
10. Look at the spotlight on page 438. Before switching to tungsten, what did Edison use as a filament in the early light bulbs?
11. What did Christopher Sholes invent?
12. What did Dr. Sholes invent?
13. What contribution did Alexander G. Bell make to US history?
14. How did Sholes and Bell transform the office world and make more jobs for America?
15. How did industrialization help and hurt the standard of living by 1890?
Section 2: The Age of Railroads
1. Why was Richard Ely amazed with the town of Pullman?
2. Why did he call it un-American?
3. What happened on May 10, 1869?
4. Which Americans were the cheap sources of labor for railroads?
5. How many died and were hurt from railroad building accidents?
6. Why did Professor Dowd create 4 time zones for the US?
7. Railroads created new towns and markets. Why were these essential to the growth of the country?
8. Who was George Pullman? 9. Why were his railroad company towns so strictly regulated?
10. What was the Credit Mobelier?
11. Why did this hurt the Republican party badly?
12. What was the Grange?
13. Why did they want to have the government regulate railroads?
14. What crimes had the railroad companies committed?
15. What did the court case Munn v. Illinois decide?
16. By 1886 what new ruling did the Supreme Court make about railroad regulation?
17. What did Congress create in 1887?
18. What was the purpose of this government agency?
19. Why was the ICC denied the right to set a maximum railroad rate?
20. What were the consequences of the Panic of 1893?
21. What caused the panic?
22. By 1900 who owned most of the railroads in the US?
Section 3: Big Business and Labor
1. What did Carnegie think about earning his first dividend as a boy?
2. By 1899, what had Carnegie Steel accomplished?
3. What is vertical integration?
4. What is horizontal integration?
5. How did these strategies help Carnegie form a steel monopoly?
6. What is Social Darwinism?
7. What are the merits and drawbacks from Dr. Herbert Spencer’s thinking?
8. Why do you think Horatia Alger’s Rags to Riches novels were top sellers?
9. How did JP Morgan use the holding company to control US Steel?
10. How did John D. Rockefeller merge the oil companies together?
11. What is coercive about his methods?
12. What did the term “robber barrons” mean?
13. How did men such as Carnegie and Rockefeller rehabilitate their images? 14. What is the Sherman Anti Trust Act?
15. What was it supposed to do?
16. Why did it fail for many years?
17. Why was industrialization slow to come to the south?
18. What were the conditions and dangers for everyday industrial workers?
19. Why was there so little that could be done to correct this?
20. What did William Sylvis form in 1866?
21. What did Sylvis convince Congress to do in 1868?
22. What did Uriah Stephens found in 1869?
23. What was unique about this group?
24. Why did the Knights of Labor use arbitration instead of strikes?
25. Who was Sam Gompers and what union did he found?
26. What was Gompers favorite strategy to gain benefits for workers?
27. What approach did Eugene Debs take with the American Railways Union?
28. What nickname did members of the Industrial Workers of the World get for themselves?
29. Why were they called a radical group?
30. What made the Great Strike of 1877 effective?
31. How did the Haymarket Strike turn into a disaster?
32. Why did the public turn against unions after violent events?
33. How did Carnegie defeat the union that started the Homestead Strike?
34. What was the source of tension between George Pullman and the ARU in 1893?
35. What methods did Pullman use to break the strike?
36. What happened at the Triangle Waistshirt Factory in 1911?
37. What did this demonstrate about factory conditions?
38. Why did labor union membership soar despite opposition from government, big business, and the public? Chapter 15: Immigrants and Urbanization
Read pages 458 to 479.
Section 1: The New Immigrants
1. What does the story of Fong See tell about the immigrant experience?
2. From 1870 to 1920 how many European immigrants entered the US?
3. Before 1890 where did they come from?
4. After 1890 where did they come from?
5. Why were so many in a hurry to leave Europe?
6. What had attracted thousands of Chinese and Japanese immigrants?
7. What made the trans Atlantic journey difficult for Europeans coming to America?
8. What was the purpose of Ellis Island?
9. How many immigrants passed thru Ellis Island by 1924?
10. What were the requirements to be released form Ellis Island?
11. Why was the Asian experience on Angel Island so different from Ellis Island?
12. How did immigrants cope with culture shock when they entered our cities and towns?
13. What is the term melting pot?
14. Why does the melting pot make America the greatest of all nations?
15. What is nativism?
16. Why were so many against immigrants coming to the US?
17. Why did Asians suffer from nativism more than any other group?
18. What 2 laws restricted Chinese and Japanese immigration?
Section 2: The Challenges of Urbanization
1. What observations did Jacob Riis make about NYC slums?
2. How much had urban populations grown by 1920?
3. Why did most immigrants move to the cities?
4. How did the Americanization Movement plan to assimilate immigrants?
5. Why did many immigrants retain their culture and traditions? 6. Why did rural Americans leave the farm and head to the city?
7. What is tenement?
8. What was the design flaw of a tenenment?
9. How did NYC try to improve housing conditions?
10. How did mass transit help cities grow?
11. What mass transit inventions were essential to cities?
12. How did city dwellers collect and use water?
13. What did cities do make water safer?
14. How did city government improve the conditions of sanitation, crime, fire, homelessness?
15. What is a settlement house?
16. Describe the Social Gospel Moevement?
17. Who was Jane Addams?
18. Why were so many Americans volunteering and serving in a time of greed and wealth?
Section 3: Politics in the Guilded Age
1. What did Twain say about the rich in his book?
2. Why did this time have the image of greed and corruption?
3. What is a political machine?
4. How are they organized?
5. What did the political boss do? How did he run the machine?
6. In what way is the machine actually good?
7. What role did immigrants play in the political machine?
8. What is graft?
9. Why were they essential to machines and businesses of this time?
10. Who was Boss Tweed?
11. What made him so powerful?
12. What is the worst example of graft from Boss Tweed? 13. How did Thomas Nast bring down Tweed?
14. What is patronage or the spoils system?
15. How did this hurt government?
16. What is civil service reform and how did it help?
17. How did President Hayes attempt to fix corruption in government?
18. Why did he fail?
19. What happened to President Garfield?
20. Who replaced him?
21. Identify the Pendleton Civil Service Act?
22. Why was this a landmark law that changed things for thebetter?
23. Why did big business want a higher tariff?
24. What did Congress do when President Cleveland tried to lower tariffs?
25. What made Benjamin Harrison a popular president?
26. What was a major danger of high tariffs?
Chapter 16: Life At the Turn of the Century
Read pages 480 to 506.
Section 1: Science and Urban Life 1. What made the Brooklyn Bridge an engineering marvel?
2. What happened in2002 on the Brooklyn Bridge?
3. Why were techonological changes needed to make urbanization possible?
4. Who built the first skyscraper?
5. Why is the Flat Iron Building so unique?
6. Where was the first electric streetcar used?
7. Why did city planners include many parks?
8. What contribution did Frederick Law Olmstead make?
9. How did Daniel Burnham make Chicago a nice place to live?
10. What innovations did publishers make so that the hard working American could afford to read for leisure?
11. What contribution did the Wright Bros make?
12. Where was their mother born?
13. Who was George Eastman?
14. Why was his work popular with everydayamericans?
Section 2: Expanding Public Education
1. What did William Harris think schools should do for kids?
2. Why is public education perhaps the greatest achievement in US History?
3. After the civil war why did so many children still never go to school?
4. What did states require children to do after 1865?
5. What did William Harris invent that helped really little kiddies?
6. When high school was invented what was its intended purpose?
7. How did minorities encounter racism in schools?
8. Why was public education essential to immigrants?
9. Why did college enrollment quadruple in the late 1800s?
10. Who was Booker T Washington?
11. How did the Tuskegee school help black students?
12. Who was WEB DuBois?
13. What organization did he start? 14. How did the Niagara Movement energize civil rights leaders?
Section 3: Segregation and Discrimination
1. Who was Ida B. Wells and what did she witness?
2. What had changed for African Americans between 1877 and the 20th Century?
3. How did southern states impose restrictions on the voting rights of African Americans?
4. What was the poll tax? Literacy test? Grandfather clause?
5. How did Jim Crow laws get their nickname?
6. What did the Supreme Court rule in the case Plessy v. Ferguson?
7. How did informal social rules between blacks and whites impact African Americans?
8. What did Booker T. Washington suggest as the way to make social progress?
9. What differences did WEB DuBois have with Washington?
10. What tragic crimes occurred between 1882 and 1892?
11. How did African Americans experience discrimination in the north?
12. In what ways were Mexican and Chinese immigrants discriminated against?
Section 4: The Dawn of Mass Culture
1. What did George Tilyou mean when he said “if Paris is France than Coney Island is the world”?
2. What does the term mass culture mean?
3. What did the popularity of amusement parks reveal about the standard of living?
4. Why did Americans turn to new sports such as cycling and tennis?
5. Why did Americans become obsessed with buying goods with a brand name only?
6. Why are baseball games and boxing matches important to the rich, poor, and middle classes?
7. In what way did baseball reflect the changing times?
8. What innovations did Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst bring to the newspaper business?
9. What did artist Thomas Eakins bring to art schools that changed them forever?
10. What types of popular fiction books did Americans enjoy in the late 1800s?
11. Who was the most prominent writer of fiction at this time?
12. What was the name given for the first shopping malls?
13. Who did Marshall Field target to increase his department stores profitability? 14. Why did chain stores such as Woolworth’s become the place to shop?
15. What were the most productive forms of advertising?
16. How did Sears and Montgomery Wards reach the most shoppers?
17. What did the US Post Office create to help Sears and Wards reach customers?
18. What made the new and improved living standards of Americans possible during the late 1800s?
19. Go to page 504 and 505. Who was Bill Robinson and where was he from?
20. What was a nickelodeon?
21. What important contribution did Scott Joplin make?
Chapter 17: The Progressive Era
Read pages 510 to 545. Answer the questions.
Section 1: The Origins of Progressivism
1. What happened to Camella?
2. Why was her testimony to Congress important?
3. What was the purpose of the Progressive Movement?
4. What 4 goals did they have?
5. How did the YMCA fight poverty in the slums? 6. Who was Florence Kelley and important contribution did she make?
7. What was the purpose of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union?
8. What made Carrie Nation an effective but crazy crusader for Prohibibtion?
9. What was the Anti Saloon League?
10. When Eugene Debs organized the Socialist Party what grievances did he have economics and government?
11. Who were the muckrakers?
12. What important contribution did they make?
13. How did scientific management make factories more efficient?
14. What unusual step did Henry Ford take to improve efficiency?
15. What happened in Galveston in 1900?
16. What did the state government of Texas do about the failed recovery of the city?
17. How did the council manager form of local government improve government efficiency?
18. There were many reform mayors in the 1890s. How did they improve city life?
19. Who was Bob La Follete?
20. What made him a great governor in Wisconsin?
21. How did reform governments protect women and children during the industrial age?
22. How did the court cases Muller v. Oregon and Bunting v. Oregon make life better for workers?
23. How did the initiative, referendum, and recall help improve local and state governments?
24. What was the 17th Amendment?
25. Why was it needed?
Section 2: Women in Public Life
1. What cause did Susette La Flesche fight for?
2. Why was it important for women to become activists?
3. What roles did women have on the farm?
4. Why were industrial jobs harsher for women than men?
5. What factors forced 70% of women to remain as domestic servants?
6. Why did Sophia Smith start a college just for women?
7. What did the women led reform “social housekeeping”mean? 8. Who was Susan B. Anthony?
9. What did she fight for?
10. Why did the liquour industry oppose the right to vote for women?
11. What was the 3 part strategy devised by Susan B. Anthony to achieve the right to vote for women?
Section 3: Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
1. Who was Upton Sinclair and what did he write?
2. How did Teddy Roosevelt respond to Sinclair’s book?
3. How did Teddy become president?
4. Teddy’s life before becoming President was exciting and fun. What kind of things did he do?
5. What made Teddy the first modern President that all presidents since have copied?
6. What was the Square Deal?
7. Why did Teddy believe that the US needed a powerful and active government?
8. What is a trust?
9. How did Standard Oil endanger the US economy?
10. How was Teddy able to break up monopolies and trusts?
11. Why did he leave some monopolies and trusts alone?
12. How did the 1902 Coal Strike threaten the nation?
13. What did Teddy do to resolve the crisis?
14. Which government agency regulated railroads?
15. Why was this needed?
16. After reading the book The Jungle, what law was passed?
17. How did this impact consumers?
18. What was the Pure Food and Drug Act?
19. Why was it needed?
20. What steps did Teddy take to save our forests, natural resources, and natural beauty?
21. Who was John Muir?
22. Who did he influence Teddy?
23. Who was Gifford Pinchot? 24. How did he influence Teddy?
25. Why are historians mixed about Roosevelt’s activism in civil rights for African Americans?
26. What important contribution did Booker T. Washington make to civil rights?
27. What group did WEB DuBois create in 1909?
28. Why do you think it was so hard to make real civil rights progress from 1900 to 1920?
Section 4: Progressivism Under Taft
1. What changes did Gifford Pinchot make in the way that government managed wilderness areas?
2. Why did William Howard Taft become the likely choice to succeed Teddy Roosevelt?
3. In what ways did Taft stumble as a president?
4. Why did Taft support increased tariffs?
5. How did Taft anger conservationists?
6. What led to the crumbling of the Republican party?
7. Who was running for president in 1912?
8. Why did Teddy believe he had to run against his best friend?
9. What was the name of Teddy’s campaign?
10. How did Teddy running again hurt Republicans and help democrats?
11. Who won the election of 1912?
Section 5: Wilson’s New Freedom
1. Why was Carrie Catt optimistic about the right to vote for women in 1916?
2. What kind of background did Wilson have to prepare him for the presidency?
3. What name did Wilson give his ideas of government action?
4. What was the Clayton Anti Trust Act?
5. Why was it needed?
6. What was the Federal Trade Commission?
7. Why did consumers need a watch dog agency?
8. What was the Underwood Tariff?
9. How did Wilson replace tax revenues lost by the Underwood Tariff and Prohibition?
10. What was the 16th Amendment? 11. Why is this amendment the backbone of modern society in America?
12. What was the Federal Reserve System?
13. What makes it an essential part of the American economy even today?
14. What steps did women suffragists take to expand the right to vote for women?
15. What were the 5 tactics used by Carrie Catt and the National American Women Suffrage Association?
16. How did women contribute to the World War One efforts to win?
17. Why was it impossible for men to block the 19th Amendment in 1919?
18. In what way was Wilson a terrible civil rights president?
19. What event marked the end o f the Progressive Movement? Chapter 18: America Claims an Empire
Read pages 546 to 575. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Imperialism and America
1. Who was Queen Liliuokalani?
2. What did the US do to the island kingdom of Hawaii?
3. What is imperialism?
4. Why did US leaders feel we had to expand and keep up with the Europeans?
5. What were the benefits of having colonies?
6. What 3 desires fueled America’s quest for imperialism?
7. Who was Alfred Mahan?
8. What did he urge the US to do?
9. What are the benefits of new markets for the US?
10. Why did Americans think that they were culturally superior to the rest of the world?
11. How did Social Darwinism play a role in the sense of American superiority?
12. Who was William Seward?
13. What did he buy and for how much?
14. Why did many consider this a waste of money?
15. What made Hawaii an attractive place to take over?
16. Why was sugar and Pearl Harbor important to the US?
17. Who was Sanford Dole?
18. What did President Cleveland do about the Hawaiian annexation problem?
19. How did President McKinley settle the controversy?
Section 2: The Spanish American War
1. What did James Creelman say in his newspaper accounts of the Cuban movement for independence?
2. How did this cause more papers to sell?
3. Why did the US have economic interest in Cuba?
4. Who was Jose Marti?
5. Why is he among the most admired men in Latin American history? 6. How did the Spanish general Valeriano Weyler make things worse during the Cuban revolution?
7. Who were William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer?
8. Why did they believe in yellow journalism?
9. How did the De Lome letter help spark a war between the US and Spain?
10. What happened to the USS Maine?
11. Who was blamed for it?
12. Who was the US hero during the war that conquered the Philippines?
13. Why was he celebrated?
14. In what way were the American soldiers unprepared to fight in Cuba?
15. Who where the Rough Riders?
16. How did Teddy Roosevelt gain military and political fame during the Spanish American war?
17. What were the conditions of the Treaty of Paris?
18. Why did Congress debate and argue over the treaty?
19. Was America right to practice imperialism?
20. Why or why not?
Section 3: Acquiring New Lands
1. What did Luis Munoz Rivera advocate for his home of Puerto Rico?
2. Why do you think the US chose military occupation in Puerto Rico?
3. What was the impact of the Foraker Act?
4. What is the status of Puerto Rico since 1952?
5. Why did the US grant Cuba independence and then occupy with the military?
6. What was the Platt Amendment?
7. Why did Cubans agree to this?
8. What business interests did Americans have in Cuba that were worth protecting?
9. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?
10. How many people were killed and how much did the Phillippine American War cost?
11. What was John Hay’s Open Door Notes with China?
12. How did this protect American trade with China? 13. What was the Boxer Rebellion?
14. How did the US respond to this Chinese uprising?
15. Why did Mark Twain and members of the Anti Imperialist League object to US expansionism?
Section 4: America As A World Power
1. What did Joseph Bucklin Bishop say about the building of the Panama Canal?
2. In what way does the building of the canal capture the American Spirit?
3. What war did Teddy Roosevelt help to end?
4. What award did he win for his role as peacemaker?
5. Why did the British and French fail to build the Panama Canal?
6. How much did the US spend on the canal?
7. How many workers died building the canal?
8. Why was Columbia upset at the US for building the canal?
9. What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
10. What was Teddy Roosevelt’s catchy phrase to express the US role in the Carribbean?
11. What was Dollar Diplomacy?
12. Which is better Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy or TR’s Speak Softly and Carry A Big Stick?
13. Explain why?
14. What happened in Mexico in 1913?
15. Who was Pancho Villa?
16. In what did the US get involved in the rebellion in Mexico?
17. Why was it in the interests of the US to be involved in Mexico?
Chapter 19: The First World War Read pages 576 to 613 and answer the questions below.
Section 1: World War I Begins
1. What is unique about Jeannette Rankin?
2. What are the 4 chief long term causes of WWI?
3. What is nationalism?
4. Why is this a dangerous force?
5. What is imperialism?
6. IN what way did imperialism lead the nations of the world to war?
7. What is militarism?
8. What were the 2 major alliances of WWI?
9. Who was the Archduke Ferdinand and how did his death lead to WWI?
10. What nation did Germany invade in 1914?
11. Why did the Germans fail to capture Paris in 1914?
12. Describe trench warfare.
13. Why did this style of fighting result in a stalemate for both sides?
14. Why were most Americans not interested in getting involved in WWI?
15. Why did the US have strong sympathies for Great Britain?
16. In what was the US allied with Great Britain and France thru economics and trade?
17. What steps did the British take to strangle German trade?
18. How did the Germans respond to this?
19. What happened to the Lusitania?
20. How many Americans were on board?
21. Why did President Wilson remain neutral despite the deaths of US civilians?
22. Who was the election of 1916?
23. Why?
24. What was the Zimmerman Note?
25. Why is this document alarming to Americans?
26. What did the US decide to do in April of 1917?
27. What was happening at the same time over in Russia?
Section 2: American Power Tips the Balance
1. Who was Eddie Rickenbacker? 2. What makes him the ace of aces?
3. How large was the US army win war was declared?
4. What law was passed to raise recruits for the military?
5. How did the law work?
6. How many registered for service?
7. How many made it to Europe to fight?
8. How many women served in a reserve status?
9. How many black soldiers were there?
10. How did the US mobilize the factories for mass production of war goods?
11. In what way were they successful?
12. What was the greatest threat to shipping and supplies during the war?
13. How did the convoy system protect trade, shipping, and supplies?
14. What was the American Expeditionary Force?
15. Who was the general in charge?
16. What nickname did American soldiers get in France?
17. What did Pershing bring to the battlefield that was badly needed?
18. What innovations came to the WWI battlefield?
19. Which one made the greatest impact on the fighting?
20. What non combat hazards killed thousands of men and made life miserable?
21. How did chemical weapons change the fighting?
22. What was trench foot and shell shock?
23. How did Alvin York try to avoid WWI?
24. What made him our greatest hero of the war?
25. What led to the collapse of the German army?
26. What was signed on 11/11/11?
27. How many total deaths were there in WWI?
28. How many Americans died?
29. How much did the war cost?
Section 3: The War at Home
1. What did Harriot Blatch observe in a New Jersey ammo plant?
2. Why were women an essential source of factory labor in WWI? 3. Why was factory production essential to victory?
4. What did Wilson do to maximize factory production?
5. What was the War Industries Board?
6. Who was Bernard Baruch?
7. How successful was he?
8. What contributions did the Railroad Administration and the Fuel Administration make?
9. Name 3 ways that the war helped the factory workers?
10. Why do you think there were so many strikes at factories during the war?
11. What did Wilson do to make peace between factory owners and factory workers?
12. Who ran the Food Administration?
13. What important contribution did he make?
14. How did the government pay for the war?
15. What is propaganda?
16. Who is George Creel?
17. How successful was he in promoting patriotism?
18. Why did German Americans experience so much hate from other Americans?
19. What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
20. Who did the laws target?
21. What did the Supreme Court say about the laws? Turn to page602
22. Why did WEB Dubois and William Trotter encourage blacks to oppose the war?
23. What was the Great Migration?
24. Why is this one of the most important moments in black history?
25. What important service did women provide in WWI?
26. What did Wilson do to reward women for their service?
27. What happened in the fall of 1918?
28. How many died worldwide? IN the US?
Section 4: Wilson Fights for Peace
1. What did Col. House observe during the Paris Peace Conference?
2. What was the 14 Point Peace Plan?
3. What are the 5 most important parts of the plan?
4. Why did Wilson want to create a League of Nations? 5. Who were the leaders of Great Britain and France?
6. Why did they object to Wilson’s ideas?
7. What did they want to see happen to Germany and its allies?
8. Why did Wilson give in so easily to them?
9. What was the Treaty of Versialles?
10. What are reparations?
11. What was the war guilt clause?
12. How did this make matters worse instead of better?
13. Why did many Americans oppose the Treaty of Versialles?
14. Who led the oppositions fight against the treaty?
15. What was his major objection to the treaty?
16. Why did Wilson refuse to compromise?
17. What was the final outcome of the treaty of Versailles?
18. What was the legacy of WWI?
19. Who was the last American WWI veteran? He died 2/28/2011. Chapter 20: Politics of the Roaring Twenties
Read pages 616 to 635. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues
1. According to Irving Fajans what were some of the methods used by department store unions?
2. Why did the public resent the unions after WWI?
3. What is nativism?
4. What is isolationism?
5. Why did these concepts become popular with everyday Americans?
6. Has this pattern repeated itself in US History?
7. What is communism?
8. Why did the Red Scare turn into a national panic?
9. Who are Mitchell Palmer and J. Edgar Hoover?
10. What was the result of the Palmer Raids?
11. Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?
12. Why did many believe that they were given unfair sentencing?
13. What steps did the US take to limit immigration?
14. What led to the revival of the KKK?
15. What is a quota system?
16. How did this control immigration numbers?
17. How many strikes were there in 1919?
18. Why did President Coolidge call out the National Guard during the Boston Police Strike?
19. How many walked off the job during the US Steel strike?
20. Who was the leader of the United Mine Workers?
21. What made him a powerful labor figure?
22. Who organized African Americans into labor unions?
23. Why was this a major break through for blacks?
Section 2: The Harding Presidency
1. What made Harding so popular with the public? 2. What was decided at the Washington Naval Conference?
3. What was the result of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff?
4. How did this help the US but hurt the rest of the world?
5. Why did Harding’s Cabinet get the nickname “Ohio Gang”?
6. In what way did Harding’s friends in the cabinet let him down?
7. What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?
8. Who was Harding’s worst enemies?
9. What happened to poor Warren G. Harding?
10. Who replaced him?
Section 3: The Business of America
1. How many Model T’s were produced?
2. How did automobiles alter America forever?
3. What made Calvin Coolidge a friendly president of big business?
4. How did the automobile lead to urban sprawl?
5. Which aviators were heroes and pioneers for the airplane industry?
6. How did electrical appliances improve life and the ecnomy?
7. How did advertising fuel the consumer economy?
8. Despite prosperity how did farmers, steel, and railroads see the beginning of a decline?
9. What is an installment plan?
10. Why are Americans so irresponsible with purchases on credit? Chapter 21: The Roaring Life of the 1920s
Read pages 638 to 665. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Changing Ways of Life
1. Why was Billie Sunday convinced that the end of alcohol would cure the problems of poverty and the slum?
2. Why did the rural to urban migration accelerate dramatically during the 1920s?
3. How large had cities grown?
4. What was appealing about everyday urban life say in a place like Chicago?
5. What was the 18th Amendment?
6. Who pushed for the passage of Prohibition laws?
7. Why did it fail so miserably?
8. What were speakeasies?
9. Who are bootleggers?
10. How did the illegal alcohol industry boost organized crime?
11. Why did only 19% of Americans support Prohibition?
12. What is fundamentalism?
13. Why was this widely popular in the South and theWest?
14. Who was Clarence Darrow?
15. What has at stake during the Scopes Trial?
16. What was the final outcome?
17. What do events such as Prohibition and the Scopes Trial reveal about American culture?
Section 2: The Twenties Woman
1. What did Zelda Sayre reveal to her husband?
2. In what way were the 1920s the perfect time for women to assert their independence?
3. Who were flappers?
4. What activities did women in engage in that were unacceptable in the past?
5. Why was casual dating a big breakthrough for women?
6. What is a double standard?
7. What new roles in the workplace were available to women? 8. How did 10 million working women change the status of women forever?
9. What kind of discrimination did women face in the workplace?
10. What did Margaret Sanger found in 1916?
11. How did women respond to the changing structure of the Amereican family?
12. How did moms of the 1920s handle rebellious teens?
Section 3: Education and Popular Culture
1. Why did 50 million people listen to the radio on Sept 22, 1927?
2. What was the impact of improved public schools?
3. How did the rise in college enrollments help America?
4. How did government pay for the cost of public education?
5. Why did mass media magazines and newspapers overpower the small town newspapers?
6. In what way did radio create a shared national experience?
7. How much did Americans spend on entertainment in 1929?
8. Who were some of the popular culture figures that dominated the headlines?
9. Why were Americans obsessed with Charles Lindbergh?
10. What was the major contribution of Irving Berlin and George Gershwyn?
11. What contributions did F. Scott Fitzgerald make to the field of literature?
12. Why is Ernest Hemingway a revered author?
13. Why were the Lost Generation writers cynical, bitter, and down on humanity?
Section 4: The Harlem Renaissance
1. How did Zora Neale Hurston achieve literary greatness?
2. What was the Great Migration?
3. How did this transform neighborhoods like Harlem?
4. Who was James Weldon Johnson?
5. What did Marcus Garvey advocate?
6. Why was Langston Hughes one of the greatest poets of all time?
7. Who was Paul Robeson?
8. How did Louis Armstrong transform jazz forever? 9. Why is Duke Ellington a true American genius?
10. What made Bessie Smith one of the wealthiest blues singer ever?
11. What led to the end of the Harlem Renaissance? Chapter 22: The Great Depression Begins
Read pages 668 to 690. Answer the questions.
Section 1: The Nation’s Sick Economy
1. What did Gordon Parks think of the stock market crash?
2. How did the struggles of farmers and consumers signal the beginning of the end of prosperity?
3. What is superficial prosperity?
4. Why were major industries barely making a profit by the end of the 1920s?
5. Why was the farmer at all time high in productivity but an all time low in profits?
6. How did Congress try to help the farmers?
7. Why did President Coolidge veto the McNary Haugen Bill?
8. Why did Americans have less disposable cash to spend?
9. Why were many Americans living on credit?
10. What is dangerous about this?
11. What were the startling statistics about the income gap between the rich and the poor?
12. Who won the election of 1928?
13. Al Smith was smart, popular, effective, but he lost the election. Why?
14. What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
15. How could buying stock lead to profits for everyday Americans?
16. What is speculation?
17. What is buying on the margin?
18. How did they lead the US stock market to ruin?
19. What happened on October 29th, 1929?
20. What is the nickname of this day?
21. How much wealth disappeared in the stock collapse?
22. How did the panic in the stock market impact the banks?
23. How many banks closed by 1933?
24. Why would bank failures hurt the economy even more?
25. How did this Great Depression impact the nations of the world? 26. What was the Hawley Smoot Tariff?
27. How did this contribute to more unemployment around the world?
28. What are the 4 chief causes of the Great Depression?
Section 2: Hardship and Suffering During the Depression
1. How did Ann Marie describe the Dust Bowl?
2. What were shantytowns?
3. How did the charity groups in the cities feed the homeless?
4. Which minority groups were hit the hardest by the depression?
5. How many farms were foreclosed in the depression?
6. How did overfarming and drought destroy the Great Plains?
7. Where did the survivors of the Dust Bowl go to?
8. What was their nickname?
9. How did the depression destroy the American family?
10. What is direct relief?
11. What was the only way for the unemployed to get by?
12. Why were married women unemployable during the depression?
13. How did the Depression impact children?
14. What did the “wild boys” of the railways have to endure?
15. What were the long term social and psychological effects of the depression?
Section 3: Hoover Struggles with the Depression 1. What promise did President Hoover make to Americans in the election of 1928?
2. At first, what did President Hoover tell Americans as the stock market collapsed?
3. What was Hoover’s Philosophy during the depression?
4. Why were Americans upset with Hoover?
5. AS the Depression became worse what did Hoover do about it?
6. How did the construction of Boulder Dam help ease the depression?
7. Why did Democrats make a huge comeback in the 1930 Congressional elections?
8. Why did Hoover change his mind and get the government involved in helping the suffering during the depression?
9. What was the Federal Home Loan Bank Act?
10. What was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?
11. Why were these good intended relief programs a failure?
12. What did the Bonus Army march for?
13. How did the government respond to the marching vets of WWI?
Chapter 23: The New Deal
Read pages 692 to 729. Answer the questions.
Section 1: A New Deal Fights the Depression
1. What happened to Hank Oettinger in 1931?
2. How did the New Deal help him in 1933?
3. How much of a landslide was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1932 election victory?
4. What was FDR’s slogan for change during the depression? 5. What was fantastic about FDR’s first 100 days in office?
6. How did FDR help the banking crisis one day after taking office?
7. What is a fireside chat?
8. What made them so successful?
9. What was the Glass Steagall Act??
10. How would this bring raise the public’s confidence in banks?
11. How did the Federal Securities help the stock market and Wall Street recover?
12. Which government agency enforced the Federal Securities Act?
13. What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act?
14. Why were some Americans upset with the AAA?
15. Which government agency built dams, provided flood control, and cheap electricity?
16. What does the CCC stand for?
17. How did this help millions of young men?
18. Why was the National Industrial Recovery Act the most ambitious of all New Deal programs?
19. How did the National Industrial Recovery Act plan to promote growth through fair practices?
20. What agency would be in charge of this?
21. Why were factory workers happy with the NIRA laws and changes?
22. Which agency assisted home owners from foreclosure?
23. Which agency provided direct relief to the unemployed?
24. Look at the yellow box on page 698. Who was John Meynard Keynes?
25. What revolutionary idea did he have to rescue the nation’s economy?
26. Why did the Supreme Court declare some parts of the New Deal unconstitutional?
27. How did FDR try to fix the Supreme Court to rule in favor of New Deal programs?
28. Who was Charles Cougllin?
29. Why did he criticize the New Deal?
30. In what way did Huey Long believe that FDR could do more for Americans?
Section 2: The Second New Deal Takes Hold
1. How did the New Deal help photographers like Dorothea Lange? 2. What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in extending the New Deal for a 2nd time?
3. In what way was the election of 1936 a vote of confidence for FDR?
4. How did FDR respond to the Supreme Court decision to strike down the AAA?
5. What was the Works Progress Administration?
6. How can we still see evidence of the WPA today?
7. Which agency helped high school students?
8. How did the Wagner Act revolutionize labor unions?
9. What was Social Security Act?
10. How did it create jobs for the young and assist the old at the same time?
11. What agency assisted in connecting the rural west to the electric grid?
Section 3: The New Deal Affects Many Groups
1. Why did Pedro Gonzalez end up in jail?
2. Who was Frances Perkins?
3. How did women face job discrimination?
4. Who was Mary McLeod Bethune?
5. What was the Black Cabinet that Bethune helped to organize?
6. Why did FDR fail to do more for the issue of civil rights?
7. Who was John Collier?
8. What historic reforms did he bring to American Indians?
9. What was the New Deal Coalition?
10. Why was it the key to the success of Democrats for the next 60 years?
11. What was the Memorial Day Massacre?
Section 4: Culture of the 1930s
1. What did Don Congdon remember about radio and the movies during the 1930s?
2. How many movie theaters were there in the 1930s?
3. What percentage of Americans owned radios by the 1940?
4. What kind of movies did Americans flock to see?
5. Why is “Gone With The Wind” perhaps the greatest movie of all time? 6. Who was Orson Welles?
7. How did his broadcast create a national panic?
8. What did the art work of the depression reveal about American attitudes?
9. Who was Woody Guthrie and what is his most famous song?
10. What was the book the “Grapes of Wrath” about?
Section 5: The Impact of the New Deal
1. According to George Dobbin, why was FDR a well loved president by the people?
2. By 1937 how had FDR changed about the depression?
3. What did many critics of the New Deal claim?
4. In what ways did the New Deal change the following:
The Stock Market
Senior Citizens
Nature and the Environment
Labor Unions
Chapter 24: World War Looms
Read pages 734 to 765. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Dictators Threaten World Peace
1. What events did Martha Gellhorn cover as a journalist?
2. What was life like on the streets of Madrid?
3. How did WWI plants seeds of revolution that led to WWII?
4. Why did the Treaty of Versailles fail to make the world safe for democracy?
5. Who replaced Lenin as the leader of the Soviet Union?
6. How did the Soviets become the 2nd greatest industrial power?
7. What kind of rule is totalitarian rule?
8. What events led to the rise of Benito Mussolini? 9. How does facism operate?
10. What was Mussolini’s nickname?
11. How did Hitler rise to power?
12. What is Mein Kampf?
13. What is Nazism?
14. How is Nazism different from Facism?
15. How did the depression help Hitler?
16. What prediction did Hitler make about the future of Germany?
17. What act of aggression did Japan commit in 1931?
18. Why?
19. What happened in the Rhineland in 1935?
20. What happened to Ethiopia in 1935?
21. Who started the Spanish Civil War?
22. Why did Western democracies remain neutral?
23. How did the war impact Germany and Italy?
24. What was the Kellogg Briand Pact?
25. Why did Americans choose isolationism?
26. What were the Neutrality Acts?
27. How did FDR get around the Neutrality Acts?
Section 2: War in Europe
1. What was ironic about William Shirer’s story in 1940?
2. What did Hitler propose to his advisers in 1937?
3. What country did Hitler annex first?
4. How did this happen without any violence?
5. What was the Sudetenland?
6. Why did Hitler want it?
7. What was the Munich Pact or Agreement?
8. Who was right about the Munich Pact: Churchill or Chamberlain? 9. What was the nonaggression pact?
10. Why would Stalin and Hitler, sworn enemies, sign such a deal?
11. What was the blitzkrieg?
12. What happened on Sept 2nd?
13. What happened on Sept 3rd?
14. What was the Phony War?
15. How did the Germans defeat the French defenses during the invasion of France?
16. Where were over 300,000 soldiers saved from German forces?
17. Who was Charles De Gaulle?
18. Why did Germany launch an air war against Britain?
19. Who won the Battle of Britain?
20. Why?
21. How did Churchill inspire the British people to fight on?
Section 3: The Holocaust
1. How many Polish Jews were sent to labor camps?
2. Who was Kurt Klein and how did he help Gerda Weissman?
3. How many were murdered in the Holocaust?
4. Why were Jews targeted?
5. What happened on the Kristallnacth?
6. Why did the world reject so many European Jews seeking refuge?
7. What happened to the ship St. Louis?
8. How did the Final Solution change Europe forever?
9. Besides Jews, who else was targeted?
10. What was life like inside a Jewish ghetto?
11. What was the purpose of the concentration camp?
12. What decision was made about the Final Solution in 1942?
13. How many could be killed a day in a death camp?
14. For the few who survived, how did they do it? Section 4: American Moves Toward War
1. What is important about FDR’s 1939 radio speech?
2. What was the Cash and Carry plan?
3. Why was it controversial?
4. What did the US get in return for giving Britain 50 old naval destroyers?
5. What is the Tripartite Pact?
6. What steps did FDR take to prepare for war in 1940?
7. Why do you think there was so little difference between candidates FDR and Wendell Wilkie in the election of 1940?
8. What is the significance of the “Great Arsenal of Democracy” speech by FDR?
9. Why do you think most Americans supported the LEND LEASE Act?
10. What did Hitler do in June of 1941 to expand the war?
11. What is unusual about Stalin, Churchill, and FDR helping each other?
12. What were German Wolf Packs?
13. How did the threaten Britain?
14. How many tons of shipping did the Wolf Packs sink in 1941?
15. What was the only way to stop the Wolf Packs?
16. What was decided at the Atlantic Charter?
17. What new term for the allies was born during the Atlantic Charter?
18. Who was FDR aiming at when he ordered “shoot on sight”?
19. Who was Hideki Tojo?
20. What was his ultimate goal?
21. What regions had Japan conquered by 1941?
22. What had the US discovered by November of 1941?
23. Why did the US fail to prevent the attack on Pearl Harbor even with warning?
24. How many were killed at Pearl Harbor?
25. What happened to the US Navy at Pearl Harbor?
26. How did the US public respond to Pearl Harbor?
27. What is the name of the speech given by FDR the day after the attack?
Chapter 25: The United States In World War II
Read pages 766 to 805. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Mobilizing for Defense
1. What is moving about Mrs. Swanson taped message to her soldier husband?
2. What was the battle cry for most Americans?
3. How many volunteered to serve in the military?
4. What is Selective Service System?
5. How long was basic training?
6. Who was George Marshall?
7. Where was he from?
8. What is the WAAC?
9. How many served?
10. Why is this a history making organization?
11. How did blacks, Hispanics, and Asian Americans face discrimination in the military? What kind?
12. How many Hispancis served in the military?
13. Blacks?
14. Asians?
15. Indians?
16. Martians?
17. What happened to most car and automobile plants?
18. How fast could huge Liberty ships be assembled?
19. How many industrial workers were women?
20. Who was A. Philipp Randolph?
21. What did he threaten to do?
22. What important concession did Randolph get from President Roosevelt?
23. What project did the OSRD begin in 1941?
24. Why was this such an important operation?
25. How did the Office of Price Administration help the US war effort? 26. What was the War Production Board?
27. Why was rationing of goods necessary during the war?
Section 2: The War for Europe and North Africa
1. What happened to John McGrath while performing for an exam?
2. What kind of relationship did FDR and Churchill have?
3. After Pearl Harbor what did Hitler order German U Boats to do?
4. Why was the Battle of the Atlantic perhaps the most important battle to win for the US and Great Britain?
5. How did convoys protect cargo vessels?
6. What course had the Battle of the Atlantic changed by the middle of 1943?
7. Why did the German attack into Russia stop in November of 1941?
8. Why did Hitler want to control Stalingrad?
9. What made combat in the Battle of Stalingrad brutal?
10. How did the Russians manage to win this battle?
11. How many Soviet soldiers died at Stalingrad?
12. Why is Stalingrad considered a turning point battle?
13. What was Operation Torch?
14. What had happened to the German army in North Africa by the spring of 1943?
15. Why did the Allies choose to invade Italy first instead of France?
16. What happened to Mussolini in 1943?
17. What made the Battle of Anzio one of the costliest victories for the Allies?
18. Why did it take 2 years to free Italy of Nazi control?
19. What was unique about the 99th Pursuit Squadron?
20. IN what way did the 92nd Infantry Division distinguish itself?
21. Who were the Nisei soldiers?
22. Why was the 100th Nisei Regiment known as the Purple Heart BAttaliion?
23. What honor does the 442nd Regimental Combat Team of Nisei soldiers still hold to this day?
24. Who was in charge of Operation Overlord?
25. What was Operation Overlord? 26. Why was D Day cancelled on June 5th?
27. Where did the Germans believe the D Day invasion was going to occur?
28. Where did D Day actually happen?
29. What made Omaha Beach some of the most hallowed ground in US History?
30. What was the name of the US General who secured St. Lo from the Nazis?
31. Who liberated the city of Paris from Nazi rule?
32. How did Allied success help FDR politically?
33. How did Audie Murphy distinguish himself?
34. What was the name of the last Nazi Offensive in Western Europe?
35. How did the Nazis hope to achieve victory in the Ardennes Forest?
36. How long did this battle last?
37. How much men and material did the Nazis lose?
38. How did the Allies react to the liberation of the concentration camps?
39. Who stormed Berlin and captured the Nazi capital?
40. What did Hitler do on April 29th?
41. What did Hitlrer do shortly before his death?
42. What happened on May 8th?
43. What happened on April 12th?
44. Who became the next president?
Section 3: The War in the Pacific
1. What was Willilam Manchester’s reaction to killing a Japanese sniper?
2. What was the most valuable US naval asset that could be used against Japan in 1942?
3. After Pearl Harbor which islands quickly fell into Japanese hands in 1942?
4. What happened to 80,000 American and Filipino soldiers in the Philippines?
5. Who was the US General in charge of the Phillippines?
6. What pledge did he make?
7. How did Col. Doolittles raid on Japan impact both the US and the Japanese?
8. What was unique about the Battle of the Coral Sea? 9. Why did the Japanese want to invade Midway Island?
10. Who was the US admiral in charge during Midway operations?
11. What was the result of the battle of Midway?
12. Why was this devastating to Japan?
13. Who were the Navajo Code Talkers?
14. Why were they indispensable?
15. Why was the Battle of Guadalcanal also known as the Island of Death?
16. What was the US strategy for recapturing Pacific Islands from Japan?
17. What new weapon was unleashed at the Battle of Leyte Gulf?
18. How many pilots were shot down?
19. What did Americans think of captured kamikaze pilots?
20. How bad were Japan’s losses at Leyte Gulf?
21. Why was the island of Iwo Jima important to the US?
22. How many Marines fell trying to take that island?
23. What made Iwo Jima a symbol to never forget?
24. How much damage did the Kamikaze inflict on the US Navy during the Battle of Okinawa?
25. How many Japanese died on Okinawa?
26. Why would the Japansese refuse to surrender?
27. Look at the yellow box on 789 what made MacArthur unique as a famous general?
28. Who was the scientist who supervised the development of the A Bomb?
29. What was successfully done in New Mexico?
30. What difficult decision did Truman have to make?
31. Which 2 cities were destroyed by the A Bomb?
32. How many died from the blasts?
33. What happened on September 2nd?
34. Who supervised this final act?
35. What ship was the host of this event?
36. Who met at the Yalta Conference? 37. What important role did FDR have in the meeting?
38. What world organization was created at Yalta?
39. Why did the Allies divide Germany?
40. What promises did Stalin make?
41. What happened at the Nuremberg trials?
42. Why are they unique in US History?
43. What important principle was established?
44. Why did the US occupy Japan?
45. In what way was this a wise and beneficial move?
46. Which American is revered and loved by the Japanese?
47. Why?
Section 4: The Home Front
1. What did Maya Angelou observe about African Americans in WWII?
2. How did the US economically benefit from WWII?
3. How did workers, farmers, and women benefit from the economy of WWII?
4. What did over a million African Americans in the south decide to do?
5. Why were so many people moving around the nation?
6. How was the war period hard on families and children?
7. What was the GI Bill of Rights?
8. Why is this one of the best government programs of all time?
9. Who was James Farmer and what was CORE?
10. How did they battle injustice?
11. What happened in LA during the summer of 1943?
12. Why?
13. What is interment?
14. Why did the US government detain thousands of Japanese American citizens for years?
15. What did the court case Karematsu v. US decide?
16. How did Congress try to make up for the terrible mistake? Chapter 26: Cold War Conflicts
Read pages 808-833. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Origins of the Cold War
1. How was Joseph Polowsky’s visit with Soviet soldiers one of joy and sadness? 2. Why did the US and Soviets go from allies to rivals so quickly?
3. Why did the US oppose communist governments and economics?
4. To the US and Europe what were the benefits of democracy and capitalism?
5. What organization was a symbol of hope for world peace?
6. Why did so many Americans doubt the new President Truman?
7. What excellent qualities did he possess?
8. Who met at the Potsdam Conference?
9. What did Stalin reveal?
10. What are satellite nations?
11. Why did the Soviets establish satellite nations in Eastern Europe?
12. What is containment?
13. Who dreamed up this idea?
14. Why was it the best strategy for winning the cold war?
15. What famous speech did Churchill give?
16. What was happening in Greece and Turkey in 1947?
17. How did Truman help these nations?
18. How much did it cost?
19. Did it work?
20. Was it worth it?
21. What dangers threatened western Europe in the winter of 1946-47?
22. What was the Marshall Plan?
23. Where did George Marshall live?
24. How much did the plan cost?
25. Did it work?
26. Was it worth it?
27. What irritated Stalin and the Soviets about the situation in Berlin?
28. How did they plan to unify the city?
29. What was Truman’s response? 30. Why was the airlift effective?
31. What is NATO?
32. What was it’s primary purpose?
Section 2: The Cold War Heats Up
1. What kind of impossible odds did Philip Day face in battle during the Korean War?
2. Who was Chiang Kai Shek?
3. How much money did we give him?
4. Why?
5. Who defeated Chiang Kai Shek?
6. Why was this a stunning blow to the US?
7. Why did the US fear Mao Zedong?
8. What was the 38th Parallell?
9. How did the Korean War start?
10. What actions did the United Nations take?
11. How many Americans fought in the Korean War?
12. Who was the US General?
13. How did this general plan to defeat the North Koreans?
14. Why is the battle of Inchon one of the all time greatest American victories?
15. What role did China play in the Korean War?
16. How did the Chinese almost win this war?
17. What suggestion did MacArthur make to President Truman?
18. Why did MacArthur criticize Truman?
19. What action did Truman take?
20. Was this the right thing to do? WhY?
21. How did the Korean War end?
22. How many Americans died?
23. How much money did we spend on this war?
24. Was it worth it? Section 3: The Cold War At Home
1. What courageous act did Tony Kahn make in 1947?
2. Why was the US in fear of communism taking over our country?
3. What was the point of the Federal Employee Loyalty Program?
4. What was the HUAC?
5. Who were the Hollywood Ten?
6. What is a blacklist?
7. What is heroic and tragic about the story of the Hollywood Ten?
8. Was the HUAC justified in their actions?
9. Why or why not?
10. Who were Whitaker Chambers and Alger Hiss?
11. Who were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg?
12. What were they found guilty of ?
13. What was their punishment?
14. Who was Joseph McCarthy?
15. What is McCarthyism?
16. Why was McCarthy an unstoppable force in the early 1950s?
17. What led to McCarthy’s downfall?
Section 4: Two Nations Live On the Edge
1. What did Annie Dillard remember about nuclear attack drills at school?
2. What is the H Bomb?
3. When was it developed?
4. Who was John Foster Dulles?
5. What did Dulles believe was the only way to stop the spread of communism?
6. What is dangerous about brinksmanship?
7. How did the Soviets respond to the US nuclear build up?
8. What is the CIA?
9. Why was the agency needed? 10. How did the CIA create a pro American government in Iran?
11. Why was Iran a very important nation to the US in the 1950s?
12. What role did the CIA play in Guatemala?
13. Why did the Soviets create the Warsaw Pact?
14. Who were the leaders that gathered at the Geneva Summit?
15. How was it a step towards world peace?
16. What kind of relationship did Egypt have with the US and the Soviet Union?
17. What did Israel, Great Britain, and France do that threatened Egypt?
18. What role did the UN play in deescalating the conflict over the Suez Canal?
19. What is the Eisenhower Doctrine/
20. What happened in Hungary in the year 1956?
21. What did the Soviets do during the crisis in Hungary?
22. What did the US do?
23. Who was Nikita Khurshchev?
24. How did Krushcheve try to improve relations with the US?
25. What happened on Oct 4, 1957?
26. How was this a blow to the US?
27. What happened to the U2 spy plane?
28. What did Francis Gary Powers say about his captivity?
29. How did this incident ruin plans for peace between the Soviets and the US? Chapter 27: The Postwar Boom
Read pages 838 to 869. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Postwar America
1. How did Sam Gordon describe the reunion with his family?
2. In 1946 how many soldiers returned as civilians?
3. How did the GI Bill of Rights assist returning soldiers?
4. Why was there a severe housing shortage in 1946?
5. How did this crisis lead to the creation of the suburbs?
6. How much did a house in the suburbs cost?
7. What did William Levitt create on Long Island?
8. Why did divorce rates rise?
9. How many women entered the work force?
10. Why?
11. How did the end of the war damage the US ecnomy?
12. What is inflation?
13. How did the Office of Price Administration try to stop inflation?
14. How did it make things worse?
15. What did economists predict for the US economy in 1946?
16. What led to a surprising economic recovery?
17. How did the spending splurge create jobs? 18. Why did the US continue to spend heavily on defense?
19. How did this help economy?
20. What qualities did Truman have the made him the perfect post war President?
21. What did 4.5 million steelworkers decide to do?
22. How did Truman get them back to work?
23. What is the Taft Hartley Act?
24. How did the 80th Congress oppose Truman?
25. Which party dominated the 80th Congress?
26. What steps did Truman take to support civil rights?
27. How did Congress react to Truman’s civil rights agenda?
28. What did Jackie Robinson do in 1947?
29. What made Robinson an extraordinary civil rights champion?
30. Who were the Dixiecrats?
31. Why were the Republicans likely to win the election of 1948?
32. How did Truman pull off the mother of all election upsets?
33. What is the Fair Deal?
34. What was Truman’s approval rating by 1951?
35. How did it get so low?
36. Who became president in 1952?
37. What was the campaign slogan?
38. Why did Nixon have to give a “checkers speech”?
39. What is dynamic conservatism?
40. Why was the middle of the road governing style of Eisenhower perfect for the 1950s?
41. Why did Ike stay away from civil rights issues?
Section 2: The American Dream IN the Fifties
1. Why was Carol Freeman not satisfied living the American Dream?
2. Starting in the fifties what kind of job did Americans move away from and what new job did the move towards?
3. What is a conglomerate? 4. How did conglomerates help the economy?
5. What is a franchise?
6. What is the most successful franchise of all time?
7. What is social conformity?
8. What are the benefits of conformity?
9. Why is individuality sometimes more important than conformity?
10. How many new homes were built in the fifties?
11. In 1957 how many seconds passed before a new infant was born?
12. What is the baby boom?
13. Why did this happen?
14. What is polio?
15. How did Dr. Salk contribute to the field of medicine?
16. Who was Dr. Spock?
17. How did Dr. Spock change the way children were raised?
18. Why did toy sales and school enrollments soar?
19. What role did TV shows play in shaping the image of the American Dream?
20. Who is Betty Friendan and what book did she write?
21. What problems did Friedan identify that women faced?
22. In 1953 how much did Americans spend on leisure activities?
23. Why did Americans read so much in the fifties?
24. What lead to the explosion of automobile production?
25. How did suburbia create a necessity for owning a car?
26. What is the Interstate Highway System?
27. In what way is the perhaps Eisenhower’s greatest achievement?
28. How did the automobile stimulate the economy?
29. How did the wealth of the suburbs impact the inner cities?
30. What is consumerism?
31. What types of new products were Americans buying? 32. What is planned obsolences?
33. Why is this a brilliant marketing strategy?
34. What is the Diner’s Club Card?
35. How did the credit card shape the economy?
36. Why was advertising essential to the growth of the economy?
Section 3: Popular Culture
1. What did H.B. Barnum think of Little Richard’s live performances?
2. What is mass media?
3. Who many TV sets did Americans have by 1960?
4. What is the FCC?
5. Why was it needed?
6. Why are the 1950s considered the Golden Age of TV?
7. How did advertisers and businesses capitalize on TV?
8. Why were Americans in love with westerns, soap operas, and stereotype TV shows?
9. How did the TV impact movies in Hollywood?
10. Who are the Beats and what is the Beat Movement?
11. What are the influences of rock and roll?
12. What made Elvis Presely the King of Rock?
13. How many records were sold by 1960?
14. What role did African Americans play in the fields of rock, jazz, soul, and rhythym/blues?
Section 4: The Other America
1. What did James Baldwin observe about the poor in the 1950s?
2. What is white flight?
3. Why did this happen?
4. Why did poverty increase in the cities?
5. What was the poverty line in 1959?
6. What is the poverty line in 2000?
7. What book did Michael Harrington write? 8. What was it about?
9. What steps did the government take to revive the cities?
10. Who were the braceros?
11. What happened to Felix Longoria?
12. What issues did American Indians face?
13. What was the Termination Policy?
14. Why did it fail?
Chapter 28: The New Frontier and the Great Society
Read pages 874 to 903. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Kennedy and the Cold War
1. What was inspiring about President Kennedy’s inaugural address?
2. Who were the candidates in the election of 1960?
3. What role did TV play in the presidential debates?
4. How many Americans were watching?
5. Who was the clear winner? 6. What steps did JFK take when Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested?
7. Why was the black vote helpful for JFK?
8. Why did Kennedy years get the nickname of Camelot?
9. Who were the “best and the brightest” and how did they help JFK?
10. What is flexible response?
11. What warning did President Eisenhower give before leaving office?
12. Do you think he was right or wrong?
13. Why or why not?
14. How did massive spending on defense help the economy?
15. Who was Fidel Castro?
16. Why were we suspicious of Castro?
17. Where did 10 percent of Cuba’s population move to?
18. What happened at the Bay of Pigs?
19. How did this damage JFK?
20. What steps did he take to make things right?
21. What did the Soviets do in Cuba in 1962?
22. How did the US find out about this?
23. What steps did JFK and Khrushchev take over 6 days in October to avoid war?
24. How did the Cuban Missile Crisis damage the US and the Soviets?
25. What is the Berlin Wall?
26. Why was it built in 1961?
27. How did it become a great symbol of the Cold War?
28. How did Kennedy’s Berlin Wall speech transform a defeat into success?
29. What is the hot line?
30. What is the Limited Test Ban Treaty?
Section 2: The New Frontier
1. Who was on board Freedom7?
2. What did he think of his space shot? 3. What is Kennedy’s New Frontier?
4. Why did JFK have trouble making the New Frontier a reality?
5. Why did JFK lack a popular mandate?
6. What is a recession?
7. What steps did JFK take to revive the economy?
8. Did it work?
9. What is the Peace Corps?
10. In what way is this the greatest JFK legacy?
11. How did the Alliance For Progress help Latin America?
12. What new agency was created to make sure America won the space race?
13. What bold challenge did JFK issue in the space race?
14. When did that challenge get answered?
15. How many Americans lived on less than a thousand dollars a year?
16. What happened in Dallas?
17. When was this?
18. Who was the shooter?
19. What happened to the shooter?
20. What was done to find answers to unanswered questions about JFK’s death?
21. What did they conclude?
Section 3: The Great Society
1. How did the Great Society help Larry Alfred?
2. Who was the next President after JFK?
3. How did Johnson soar to great power in Washington as a politician?
4. What made LBJ the master politician?
5. What advantages did LBJ have that made him perhaps a stronger president than JFK?
6. How did the 10 billion dollar tax cut bill help America?
7. What was the War on Poverty?
8. What programs were created to fight poverty? 9. Who challenged LBJ in the election of 1964?
10. Why did LBJ win in a landslide?
11. What was the Great Society?
12. How many great society bills did Congress pass?
13. What improvements did LBJ make for education?
14. What is Medicare?
15. What is Medicaid?
16. What is HUD and how did they help the poor?
17. What is the Immigration Act of 1965?
18. Who wrote the book Silent Spring?
19. What changes did this book inspire?
20. Who was Ralph Nader?
21. How did he fight for consumers?
22. Who was Chief Justice Earl Warren?
23. What did the Warren Court do for reapportionment?
24. What did the case Gideon v. Wainwright decide?
25. Why is the case Miranda v. Arizona critical to protection from the police?
26. What were the major benefits of the Great Society?
27. What were the major drawbacks of the Great Society?
28. What did America discover about itself during the years of the Great Society?
Chapter 29: Civil Rights
Read pages 904 to 932. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Taking on Segregation
1. What humiliating event did Jo Ann Gibson Robinson face in 1955?
2. How did the segregation system work?
3. What did the famous court case of Plessy v. Ferguson say about segregation? 4. What was flawed about the ruling?
5. During WWI, what did many southern African Americans decide to do?
6. In what way is American segregation similar and different to South African Apartheid?
7. How did WWII set the stage for the civil rights movement?
8. How was Charles Hamilton Houston influential?
9. What were the major accomplishments of Thurgood Marshall?
10. What was at stake in the court case Brown v. Board of Topeka Kansas?
11. What ruling did Chief Justice Earl Warren make?
12. How did the state of Arkansas resist Brown v. Board decision?
13. Who were the Little Rock Nine?
14. What steps did President Eisenhower take to resolve the Little Rock Crisis?
15. What historic action did Rosa Parks take in 1955?
16. Who emerged as the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
17. How did the boycott achieve success?
18. Eventually what position did the Supreme Court take on the segregated buses of Montgomery?
19. What ideas and philosophies did Martin Luther King bring to the civil rights movement?
20. What organization did King start?
21. What was this purpose of this group?
22. What organization did college students start?
23. What new tactic did CORE and SNCC create in Greensboro, NC?
Section 2: The Triumphs of a Crusade
1. Who were the freedom riders?
2. What was James Peck’s experience as a freedom rider like?
3. Who was the leader of the Freedom Riders?
4. What role did Federal Marshals play in the Freedom Rider Movement?
5. What happened to a Freedom Rider bus in Montgomery?
6. Who was James Meredith?
7. What courageous act did he undertake? 8. What happened at the college because of what Meredith was trying to do?
9. Who invited King to Birmingham?
10. Why was Birmingham perhaps the toughest of all places in the south?
11. Who was the antagonist in Birmighham?
12. What were his tactics to stop King and SCLC?
13. What historic document did King compose in a jail?
14. What did it say?
15. What role did JFK play in the Birmigham demonstrations?
16. Who organized the March on Washington?
17. What was the name of King’s famous speech?
18. What did he say in the speech?
19. Why is this perhaps the greatest piece of oratory in the history of America?
20. What important law was passed by Congress?
21. What was the long term impact of this law?
22. Which president made this law possible?
23. What was Freedom Summer?
24. How did the KKK react to Freedom Summer?
25. Who was Fannie Lou Hamer?
26. Why was she upset with Presdent Johnson?
27. What was the purpose of the Selma campaign?
28. What happened to the protesters on March 7th?
29. How did President Johnson respond to the violence?
30. What important law was passed because of the Selma to Montgomery March?
31. Why was this the last major civil rights victory?
Section 3: Challenges and Changes IN the Movement
1. Who was Alice Walker?
2. What kind of experience did she have during the civil rights movement?
3. What is de jure segregation? 4. What is de facto segregation?
5. Where was de facto segregation found the most?
6. What did Dr. King try to do about this in Chicago?
7. What was the result of Dr. King’s efforts?
8. Why were so many cities like Watts in LA erupting into riots?
9. Who was Malcolm X?
10. What was the purpose of Nation of Islam?
11. What important principles did he stand for?
12. Why was Malcolm X controversial?
13. What happened to him in 1965?
14. What was the Black Power movement?
15. Who was Stoekely Carmichael?
16. Why was his black power slogan controversial?
17. What is positive about the black power movement?
18. Who were the Black Panthers?
19. Why did many Americans fear them?
20. What righteous causes did the Black Panthers stand up for?
21. What happened to Dr. King in 1968?
22. Where did this happen?
23. Who was the shooter?
24. How did the nation react to the death of Dr. King?
25. Why do you think the worst riots in US history were the night of his death?
26. What important findings did the Kerner Commission report on?
27. What is affirmative action?
28. Who is Shirley Chisolm?
29. Why is 1968 one of the biggest turning points of US History?
Chapter 30: The Vietnam War Years
Read pages 936 to 971. Answer the questions. Section 1: Moving Toward the Conflict
1. Who was the first American to die in Vietnam?
2. Why was Vietnam a disaster zone in 1945?
3. Who reestablished rule in Vietnam after WWII?
4. What were the benefits of having a colony in Vietnam?
5. Who opposed French rule?
6. What did this leader want for the future of Vietnam?
7. Who were the Vietminh?
8. Which side did the US support in the Vietminh/French conflict?
9. What is the domino theory?
10. Why did Eisenhower believe in this theory?
11. What happened at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu?
12. What did the Geneva Accords establish?
13. Who was Ngo Dinh Diem?
14. Why did he cancel elections?
15. Who would have likely won this election?
16. Who were the Vietcong?
17. What was their goal?
18. How did the Vietcong receive aid and supplies?
19. What made the Ho Chi Minh Trail impossible to close down?
20. How many soldiers did Presdient JFK send to Vietnam in 1963?
21. Why did Diem’s popularity drop with the people of Vietnam?
22. How did the Buddhists of Vietnam react to Diem’s attacks on the religion?
23. What happened to Diem on Nov. 1?
24. Who was behind the event?
25. Why did LBJ believe that a communist takeover of South Vietnam would be disastrous?
26. What happened to the USS Maddox?
27. What are the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions? 28. What was Operation Rolling Thunder?
Section 2: US Involvement in Vietam
1. How did Tim Obrien describe walking through a minefield?
2. What is ironic about President Johnson sending so many soldiers to Vietnam?
3. Who were Robert McNamara and Dean Rusk?
4. What did they advise the president to do?
5. How many Americans supported the war in 1965?
6. Who was William Westmoreland?
7. What was the Army of the Republic of Vietnam?
8. What were the major weakness of the ARVN?
9. What strategies did the Vietcong use that made them such elusive enemies?
10. What is a war of attrition?
11. Why was this the perfect way to defeat the US in Vietnam?
12. What drastic steps did the US military take to attempt to defeat a stubborn Vietcong enemy?
13. What is napalm?
14. What is agen Orange?
15. How did search and destroy missions work?
16. What led to the decline of the fighting spirits for US soldiers in Vietnam?
17. Despite the hardships why did most soldiers remain patriotic and believers of the cause in Vietnam?
18. How did the Vietnam War damage LBJ’s War on Poverty and Great Society programs?
19. How did TV make the Vietnam war a unique war?
20. What were body count statistics?
21. By 1967 how did Americans come to view the war in Vietnam?
Section 3: A Nation Divided
1. What happened to Stepan Gubar?
2. How did the US draft work? What was the process?
3. What were ways around the draft?
4. Who served and died in very high numbers in the Vietnam War? 5. What did Martin Luther King say about Vietnam?
6. What roles did women play in the Vietnam War?
7. What was the NEW LEFT?
8. How was it different form the OLD LEFT?
9. What was the Students for a Democratic Society?
10. What did they want?
11. What was the Free Speech Movement?
12. Where did this happen?
13. Why were college kids upset with rules, curfews, and ROTC?
14. What kind of freedom and changes were college kids looking for?
15. Where they successful?
16. What new target did the NEW LEFT have by 1965?
17. What did the SDS do in April of 1965?
18. What did the SDS organize all over America on college campuses?
19. What role did folk singers play in the anti war movement?
20. How was the song “Ballad of the Green Berets” the opposite of the anti war folk songs?
21. What happened to many draft cards during the protests?
22. What did Nixon do with the draft by the early 1970s?
23. Who were the doves?
24. Who were the hawks?
25. Which were most Americans followers of?
26. What did LBJ decide to do with the plans for the Vietnam War?
27. Why did Robert McNamara resign as LBJ’s top Vietnam War aide?
Section 4: 1968 A Tumultous Year
1. What did John Lewis remember about 1968?
2. What happened on Jan 30th, 1968?
3. What was shocking about the Tet Offensive?
4. What did the Tet Offensive demonstrate to the US military and public back home? 5. How many soldiers did the Vietcong lose?
6. If the US was winning all of the battles why did the US continue to lose the war?
7. What did news anchor Walter Cronkite say about Vietnam?
8. What did Johnson friend Clark Clifford say about Vietnam?
9. What happened to LBJ poll ratings by the end of 1968?
10. Who led the anti war challenge in the Democratic primaries in 1968?
11. What did LBJ decide to do on March 31st, 1968?
12. What happned to Robert F. Kennedy?
13. Who was the shooter?
14. What happened all across college campuses in 198?
15. Who was Hubert Humphrey?
16. Why was he a weak Democratic candidate for President?
17. What happened at the Democratic Convention in Chicago?
18. Who was the surprising winner of the 1968 election?
19. How did George Wallace help Nixon win the election?
Section 5: The End Of the War and Its Legacy
1. What did Alfred Bradford tell his daughter about Vietnam?
2. What promises did Richard Nixon make upon his election?
3. Who was Henry Kissinger?
4. What was Vietnamization?
5. By the 1972 how many Americans were in Vietnam fighting?
6. What did Nixon and Kissenger mean when they said “peace with honor”?
7. As Nixon pulled Americans back home, why did he escalate the bombing of North Vietnam and expand the war to Cambodia and Laos?
8. Who were the Silent Majority?
9. What happened at My Lai?
10. Why did this event rock the soul of Americans?
11. What happened to Lt. Calley?
12. What did Nixon order on April 30th 1970? 13. What was the purpose of this action?
14. Did it work?
15. How did college students react to this?
16. What happened at Kent State and Jackson State colleges?
17. What were the Pentagon Papers?
18. How did they damage the credibility of the US government?
19. What made March 1972 some of the most destructive days of the long war?
20. What did Nixon declare in 1972?
21. Who was Henry Kissinger negotiating with in Paris?
22. Why did they do this in secret?
23. What were the 2 sticking points in bringing about peace and the end of the war?
24. How many bombs did the US drop on North Vietnam over XMAS in 1973?
25. What finally happned on March 29th, 1973?
26. Who were finally released in 1973?
27. What happened to the city of Saigon in 1975?
28. What were the killed and wounded figures for Americans in this war?
29. How many did Vietnam lose?
30. How many US soldiers served?
31. What haunted most veterans of this war?
32. What was constructed in Washington DC in 1982?
33. How many people fled Vietnam?
34. Where did most end up?
35. What happened in Cambodia?
36. How many died?
37. What are the most important lessons we learned from the Vietnam War?
38. What is the War Powers Act?
39. Why does the War Powers Act not work?
40. What did the US do in 1995 that would have been unthinkable in 1965? Chapter 31: An Era of Social Change
Read pages 972 to 993. Answer the questions.
Section 1: Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality
1. Who was Cesar Chavez?
2. What did Jessie Cruz tell farm workers?
3. What nations do Latinos come from?
4. Why is it actually incorrect to label Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, etc Latinos? 5. What is a barrio?
6. What did Latinos demand in the 1960s?
7. What is the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee?
8. Why is Cesar Chavez perhaps the most important Latino leader of the 1960s?
9. Why did Mexican Americans call themselves Chicanos?
10. What is La Raza Unida?
11. What problems afflicted Native Americans in the 1960s?
12. What did American Indian leaders want from the government?
13. What is the American Indian Movement?
14. Who is Ben Nighthorse Campbell?
15. What militant actions did AIM take in the 1970s?
16. What important victories did American Indians win from the government in the 1970s?
Section 2: Women Fight for Equality
1. Who is Betty Friedan?
2. What did she stress in her book?
3. What is feminism?
4. What had happened to women in the workplace during the 1950s?
5. What roll did women play in the civil rights movement and the anti war movement?
6. What is The Feminine Mystique?
7. What is the National Organization for Women?
8. What is the purpose of this group?
9. Who is Gloria Steinem?
10. What magazine did she start?
11. Why is she an important figure in women’s history?
12. What did Congress do to guarantee women’s inclusion into sports and academics?
13. What did the court case Roe v. Wade decide?
14. Why is this a landmark in women’s rights history?
15. Why does this ruling divide America to this day? 16. What is the Equal Rights Amendment?
17. Why did it never pass?
18. What is the legacy of the Feminist Movement?
Section 3: Culture and Counter Culture
1. What did Alex Forman observe about life in San Francisco?
2. What is counterculture?
3. Why is it still popular?
4. What did Tim Leary mean when he said, “tune in, turn on, drop out”
5. What is LSD?
6. What is a hippie?
7. Why were drugs and narcotics embraced by many young people?
8. What is Haight Ashbury?
9. What led to the decline of Flower Power and the hippies?
10. How did the Beatles change the music scene forever?
11. What made Woodstock a landmark event?
12. How did American attitudes about literature, violence, and sex change?
13. How did the conservatives react to counterculture?
14. What does the rise and fall of counter culture say about America? Chapter 32: An Age of Limits
Read pages 998-1033. Answer the questions.
Section 1: The Nixon Administration
1. What did Kissenger think about his relationship with Nixon?
2. What direction did Nixon wish to turn the nation towards?
3. What is New Federalism?
4. How was New Federalism a threat to the Great Society programs?
5. What is revenue sharing?
6. Why did Nixon want to put so much power into state and local government?
7. What is the Family Assistance Plan?
8. How would this change welfare programs?
9. How did Nixon get the Democrats to support New Federalilsm?
10. What is impoundment?
11. Why did Nixon use this method?
12. What did the courts say about impoundment/
13. What did Nixon mean when he said he wanted to bring “law and order” policies to the US?
14. What government agencies were the tools of “law and order”?
15. What is Nixon’s southern strategy?
16. How had political parties changed in the south?
17. Why?
18. Why did Nixon decide to slow the progress of racial integration?
19. What was the controversial case Swann.v.Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education?
20. Who did Nixon pick to be the next chief justice of the Supreme Court?
21. What was Nixon hoping to change about the court?
22. What is stagflation?
23. In what way is this far worse than inflation?
24. What is OPEC?
25. Why did they cut the flow oil to the US? 26. What actions did Nixon take to fight stagflation?
27. Did it work?
28. What are realpolitiks?
29. What is détente?
30. Why is this new direction a major break through in the Cold War?
31. What nation did Nixon visit in Feb. of 1972?
32. What are the important results of the trip?
33. What nation did Nixon visit in May of 1972?
34. What were the important results of this trip?
35. Why was it brilliant to visit China and Russia back to back?
Section 2: Watergate: Nixon’s Downfall
1. What did Barbara Jordan say about impeachment?
2. What is impeachment?
3. What scandal rocked the Nixon administration?
4. What is meant by the phrase “Nixon’s imperial presidency”?
5. Who were Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Mitchell?
6. What dangerous practices did they assist Nixon with?
7. What is the Committee to Reelect the President?
8. What were 5 men caught doing on June 17, 1972?
9. How did the Nixon White House handle the burglary from the beginning?
10. What role did the Washington Post, Bob Woodward ,and Carl Bernstein play in Watergate?
11. How did John Sirica get the burglars to talk and break the silence?
12. What action did the Senate take when they learned that top Nixon men were involved in Watergate?
13. Who was John Dean?
14. What did he say under Oath to the Senate?
15. What is the Saturday Night Massacere?
16. Why were the White House tapes central to the Watergate investigation?
17. What had happened to those tapes? 18. What did the Supreme Court rule on Nixon’s White House tapes?
19. How did Nixon try and get around the Supreme Court?
20. What did the House of Representatives do on July 27?
21. What did Nixon do on August 8th?
22. What are the long term effects of Watergate?
23. Who became the new president?
Section 3: The Ford and Carter Years
1. What action did Ford take with Nixon?
2. Why did Americans get angry with Ford?
3. What was Ford hoping to accomplish?
4. What did Ford mean when he said “I am a Ford not a Lincoln”?
5. What was WIN?
6. Did it work?
7. How did Ford carry on Nixon’s important work in the Cold War and détente?
8. What happened the US ship Mayaquez?
9. What actions did Ford take?
10. What was Jimmy Carter known for before he became president?
11. What made Carter very appealing to voters?
12. What answers did Carter have for the energy crisis?
13. What happened to the economy during the Carter administration?
14. What had happened to manufacturing jobs in the US?
15. Why?
16. What did the court case Bakke v. California decide?
17. What are human rights?
18. Why did Carter champion human rights?
19. What did Carter do with the US controlled Panama Canal?
20. Why did Détente collapse?
21. What country did the Soviet Union invade in 1979? 22. What are the Camp David Accords?
23. Why is this one of the great peace treaties in world history?
24. Who was the Ayatollah Khomeini?
25. What happened to 52 Americans in Tehran?
26. How long did they stay?
27. What did Carter try to do about it?
Section 4: Environmental Activism
1. Who is Lois Gibbs?
2. What happened at Love Canal?
3. Who was Rachel Carson?
4. What changes did her book inspire?
5. What is Earth Day?
6. When was it first celebrated?
7. What is the EPA?
8. Why was it created?
9. How did Carter help protect Alaska?
10. What happened at 3 Mile Island?
11. What happened to many other nuclear reactors?
12. Why is environmentalism and continuing movement? Chapter 33: The Conservative Tide
Read pages 1034 to 1063. Answer the questions.
Section 1: A Conservative Movement Emerges
1. What did Peggy Noonan find appealing about Ronald Reagan?
2. Who was the man who began the conservative movement in 1964?
3. What are entitlement programs?
4. How much did they cost by 1980?
5. What is the New Right?
6. What is affirmative action and reverse discrimination?
7. Why did the New Right criticize this?
8. Who were the members of the conservative coalition?
9. Who are Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson?
10. What is the goal of the Moral Majority?
11. What role would conservative Christians play in future elections?
12. Who ran against Jimmy Carter in 1980?
13. What qualifications did Reagan have?
14. What was the outcome of the 1980 election?
15. Why did Americans quickly connect with Reagan? Section 2
16. What did Reagan say in a Feb. 5th speech to the nation?
17. What are the 3 parts to Reaganomics?
18. What was Reagan’s strategy to downsize government?
19. What are the negatives to Reagan’s targets for cuts?
20. What are supply side economics?
21. What made supply side economics popular?
22. What major spending increases did Reagan start?
23. What is Strategic Defense Initiative?
24. How much was it going to cost?
25. What was the nickname for SDI?
26. What happened to the US economy between July 1981 and November 1982?
27. How had things changed by 1983?
28. What was the condition of Wall Street and the stock market by 1987?
29. Look at page 1041 in the box. What is the trickle down theory?
30. Who were the only people to benefit from this?
31. Because of Reaganomics, what happened to the national debt?
32. Who was Sandra Day O’Connor?
33. What major changes happened on the Supreme Court because of Reagan’s appointments?
34. What is deregulation?
35. How would deregulation help Reagan downsize the role of the federal government?
36. What is the Environmental Protection Agency?
37. How did Reagan operate this agency while he was President?
38. In the election of 1984, what kind of voters did Reagan recruit to win reelection?
39. Who were the candidates for President and Vice President for the Democrats?
40. What made Geradine Ferraro an overnight sensation?
41. Look at the box on page 1043. What happened to Reagan on March 30th? 42. Who was the assailant?
43. How did Reagan use humor to defuse the seriousness of the crisis?
44. How did this event help Reagan more than it hurt?
45. Who were the candidates for President in 1988?
46. Who won?
47. Why?
Section 3: Social Concerns of the 1980s
1. What astonished Trevor Ferrell?
2. What did this 11 year old decide to do about it?
3. What did this reveal about economics in American in 1980s?
4. What is AIDS?
5. Why was this a defining cultural issue in the 1980s?
6. What position had the Supreme Court taken on the issue of Abortion?
7. What did the Supreme Court say about the powers of states in abortion in the case of Webster v. Reproductive Health Care?
8. What position did Reagan take on illicit drug use?
9. What was Nancy Reagan’s slogan for drug use prevention?
10. What did the federal commission report A Nation At Risk say about US schools?
11. What did the commission suggest to make things better?
12. Did it work? You should know since you grew up with the changes.
13. What crisis threatened urban cities?
14. What happened in 1992 in south central Los Angeles?
15. What did this event reveal about America?
16. What happened to the Equal Rights Amendment?
17. How did women assert themselves politically in the 1980s?
18. What did statistics reveal about the earning power of women compared to men?
19. How did higher divorce rates hold back many women?
20. What changes were made in the work place to improve working conditions and pay for women?
21. Who was L. Douglas Wilder? 22. Where is he from?
23. Why did he make history?
24. What did Jesse Jackson do to become notable in US History?
25. How did Latinos emerge as a force in the US during the 1980s and 1990s?
26. How did Latinos assert themselves politically?
27. What are the positives and negatives a bilingual nation?
28. What became a strong source of revenue for Indians on the reservations?
29. Who were the second fastest growing minority in the US?
30. What advances did the Gay Rights Movement achieve in the 1970-1990?
Section 4: Foreign Policy After the Cold War
1. Who was Colin Powell?
2. What did he observe about the Soviet Union?
3. How did Mikhail Gorbachev change course of Soviet history?
4. What problems did the Soviet Union have in the 1980s?
5. What is glasnost?
6. What is perestroika?
7. Did the reforms work?
8. What is the INF Treaty?
9. What happened to the Soviet Union in December of 1991?
10. Who became the first democratic president of Russia?
11. What happened to communist governments all over eastern Europe?
12. What happened on November 9th, 1989?
13. How did peace and democracy avoid Yugoslavia in the 1990s?
14. What was the result?
15. What happened in Tiananmen Square?
16. What was happening in Nicaragua in the 1980s?
17. Who were the Sandinastas?
18. Who were the Contras? 19. Which side of the civil war did the US support?
20. What military action did the US take on the island of Grenada?
21. Why did the US send 20,000 men to Panama?
22. Who were the players involved in the Iran Contra Scandal?
23. What was the Boland Amendment?
24. What did scandal accomplish?
25. Why did this scandal make the people question the government again like Watergate did?
26. Who take the blame for the scandal?
27. How did the Persian Gulf War begin?
28. How did President Bush respond to Iraq?
29. What is Operation Desert Storm?
30. Who was the military hero of the war?
31. How many Americans died?
32. How many Iraqis died?
33. What pledge did George Bush make to taxpayers?
34. Why did he change his mind?
Chapter 34: The United States in Today’s World
Read pages 1064 to 1095. Answer the questions.
Section 1: The 1990s and the New Millennium
1. What honor did Maya Angelou have on January 20th? 2. Who was the 42nd President?
3. What did he say to attract votes?
4. Why did George Bush’s approval ratings fall from an all time high to an all time low?
5. Who was H. Ross Perot?
6. How did Perot shape the outcome of the election?
7. What town was Clinton born in?
8. In what way was Clinton a New Democrat?
9. What role did Hillary Clinton play as the first lady?
10. What happened to her health care reform plans?
11. What economic achievements helped to make Clinton a popular president?
12. What kind of reforms did Clinton bring to welfare?
13. Why did Columbine Massacre shock Americans?
14. What happened at the World Trade Center way back in 1993?
15. What did this foreshadow?
16. Who was Timothy McVeigh and what did he do?
17. How many died?
18. How many died on 9/11?
19. Why were US relations with Russia and China strained in the 1990s?
20. Why did the US send soldiers to Haiti in 1991?
21. Why did the US send soldiers to Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s?
22. Did these interventions make a difference?
23. What is NAFTA?
24. How did help the US?
25. How has it hurt the US?
26. Was NAFTA worth it? Why or why not?
27. Who is Newt Gingrich?
28. What was in the Contract With America?
29. What issues did Congress and Clinton clash over? 30. Why did Clinton win reelection in 1996?
31. Who was Kenneth Starr?
32. What conclusions did the investigations in Whitewater reveal?
33. What did Clinton admit to the nation in August of 1998?
34. What was Clinton’s impeachment punishment?
35. How did this harm the last 2 years of the Clinton presidency?
36. Who were the candidates for President in 2000?
37. What led to election night confusion?
38. What role did Florida play in the election outcome?
39. What did the courts decide about the election of 2000?
40. Look at the box on page 1073. How many votes did Ralph Nader get in 2000?
41. How did Nader shape the outcome?
42. Why was George W. Bush questionable as an effective leader from the very beginning?
43. What event defined the Bush Presidency?
Section 2: The New Global Economy
1. What was Ethel Beaudoin experience like?
2. What had happened to unemployment during the 1990s?
3. What is the service sector?
4. Why were more and more Americans taking service sector jobs?
5. What steps did corporations take to save money?
6. What was the consequence of downsizing for workers?
7. What happened to America’s farms and factories in the 1980s and 1990s?
8. Who was Bill Gates?
9. How much cash does he have?
10. How did technology based companies and the stock market pave the way for success in the 1990s?
11. What led to the NASDAQ and the stock markets overvalue in 2000?
12. What is the General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs?
13. What is the World Trade Organization? 14. What is the Group of Eight?
15. Why do GATT, WTO, and G8 control the world economy today?
16. Why does the US struggle to compete with the economies of the world?
17. How have US businesses adjusted to remain competitive?
Section 3: Technology and Modern Life
1. Why is Rudy Garcia Tolson and amazing 12 year old?
2. What does his story tell us about the role of techonology?
3. What is the information superhighway?
4. How did the internet shape the economy of today?
5. What has surpassed the CD ROM as the way to carry digital information?
6. What is telecommuting?
7. How did the Telecommunications Act of 1996 change technology?
8. What advances in science and technology helped every day life?
9. In the 1990s how did the US remain the world leader in space exploration?
10. What is biotechnology?
11. How does it shape the economy and the quality of life?
Section 4: The Changing Face of America
1. What did the 2000 census reveal about the Hispanic Population?
2. What is urban flight?
3. What is gentrification?
4. Why is this happening?
5. Why do the suburbs continue to grow?
6. How many Americans are over the age of 85?
7. What does this mean about the cost of health care?
8. How will more retirees impact Social Security?
9. What changes must be made to save Social Security?
10. How large has the immigrant population grown?
11. What is Proposition 187? 12. What challenges does the US face in the 21st century?