Agenda for the Meeting on Tuesday 15Th January 2012 in Llangybi Village Hall

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Agenda for the Meeting on Tuesday 15Th January 2012 in Llangybi Village Hall

Chairman Cllr. Graham Rogers: 01291 672170 County Councillor Peter Clarke: 01633 644644 Clerk: Alan Browne: 07977 017659 Email: [email protected] Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17th May, 2016 in Llangybi Village Hall

4172/16 Present: Ch. Cllr. Rogers, Cllrs. Dale, Greenland, Hollingsworth and Watts.

4173/16 Apologies for Absence: Cllrs. Love and Cameron and County Cllr. Clarke.

4174/16 Members of the Public: None present.

4175/16 Declarations of Interest: None.

4176/16 Police Report: Not received.

4177/16 Chairman’s Statement: Nothing beyond items on the agenda.

4178/16 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 19th April, 2016: Proposed by Cllr. Greenland and seconded by Cllr. Watts.

4179/16 Matters Arising:

• Community Website – Ch. Cllr. Rogers updated those present on the current position regarding the website. It was agreed that it is appropriate for the website to “go live” once a few small amendments have been made (proposed by Ch. Cllr. Rogers and seconded by Cllr. Greenland).

• Community Speedwatch: The Clerk read an update that had been received from Cllr. Love. It is now hoped that the Scheme will commence in June. Minutes of the first meeting of the Police CSW Team will be circulated shortly.

• Road Sign for Ynys Lane – The Clerk reported further information had been received from an individual researching the history of the village. It appears that the word “Ynys” has been well used at least as far back as the 17th Century. It was therefore agreed that the Clerk should pass this information to the County Council to see if they wish to reconsider their decision in the light of this evidence. It was also agreed that Mr Pearson should be contacted to make sure that he is happy to push for the street sign given the possible resulting change to the postcode.

Llangybi f Cllr. John R. Love Llandegfedd Cllr. Caroline Watts Coed-y-Paen Cllr. John Cottrell V.Ch Cllr. Peter Dale Cllr. Irene Cameron Ch Cllr. Graham Rogers Cllr. Jim Greenland Cllr. Dorothy McLeod • No. 60 Bus Service – It was agreed that Nick Ramsay AM should be further contacted to establish whether he has made any progress with the County Council regarding this matter.

4180/16 One Voice Wales AGM Motions: No motions proposed.

4181/16 Planning:

• DC/2016/00352 – Single Detached Dwelling on Land Adjacent to Ynys Gobaith – No objection (proposed by Cllr. Dale and seconded by Cllr. Greenland).

• DC/2016/00236 – 13, St Cybi Avenue – Proposed Two Storey Rear Extension – Already approved.

• DC/2015/00972 – Construction of Eight Dwellings (Land Adjacent to Walnut Tree Cottage) – Those present expressed concerns about access from the main road and associated safety issues (particularly given the proximity of a blind bend) and it was therefore felt that the Community Council should object to the plans given the likely number of cars accessing the site (proposed by Ch. Cllr. Rogers and seconded by Cllr. Dale).

• DC/2016/00457 – Replacement of Outbuilding – Old Oak Barn, Coed-y-Paen – It was felt by those present that the proposals indicate an over-elaborate replacement of an outbuilding particularly given the proposed use of some of the internal areas. An objection is therefore to be lodged (proposed by Ch. Cllr. Rogers and seconded by Cllr. Greenland).

4182/16 Finance:

• Account Balance: £11,103.62 (taking one unpresented cheque into consideration).

• Cheques: The following payments were approved:-

£31.00 Mr J. Love (Materials for Well Improvement). Proposed by Ch. Cllr. Rogers and seconded by Cllr. Watts.

£40.68 Merlin Waste (Collections from Dog Waste Bins). Proposed by Cllr. Greenland and seconded by Cllr. Watts.

£164.39 Mr A. Dale (Website related costs). Proposed by Ch. Cllr. Rogers and seconded by Cllr. Greenland.

4183/16 Correspondence: The following documents were placed in the correspondence box for circulation:-

• Consultation – The Wellbeing of Future Generations and what it means for your Audit.

• Press Release – Monmouthshire’s National Eisteddfod (2016).

• Planning Enforcement Lists.

• Email re Monmouthshire’s Eisteddfod (2016).

• Follow Up to Wellbeing of Future Generations Seminar.

• Press Release – Council Secures Prosecution against Usk Publican.

• RTPI Wales Planning Conference – 9th June, 2016.

• Grant Information for Community Groups. • Area Capital Grant Application.

• Clerks and Councils Direct.

4184/16 Reports:

• Cllr. Love had provided a brief written report which informed the meeting that the first MCC/Police Give Dog Fouling The Red Card Awareness Day is to be held on 19th May. The focus will be on Bailey Park, Abergavenny which has a considerable dog fouling problem at the moment.

• Cllr. Watts reported on her attendance at a recent Village Hall meeting. The following events are planned:- Village Picnic (18th June), Village Hall AGM (28th June) and Murder Mystery Event (12th November).

4185/16 Local Matters:

• Cllr. Dale informed the meeting that the electricity supply for broadband provision in Llandegfedd is due to be installed next week.

• Ch. Cllr. Rogers spoke of the poor condition of the “Coed-y-Paen” sign at the entrance to the village. The Clerk is to contact Highways to seek a replacement.

4186/16 Any Other Business:

It was agreed that the Community Council should again take up Stan Meek’s kind offer to undertake the audit of the Council’s accounts before dispatch to the external auditor. It was confirmed that Mr. Meek is appropriately independent from the business of the Community Council. The Clerk circulated documents for display in the noticeboards regarding the availability of the Council’s accounts for public scrutiny.

4187/16 Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 21st June, 2016.

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