YWCA Pacific Region Executive Committee Meeting

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YWCA Pacific Region Executive Committee Meeting

YWCA Pacific Region Board Meeting November 8, 2010 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. YWCA Contra Costa/Sacramento


BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDING: Sharon Bettinelli, Cherisse Baatin, Nancy Atkinson, Muriel Smalheiser, Allison Stanley, Gabby Hass, Valarie Merritt, Elaine Moore, Juanita Holcombe Hamilton, Dana Campbell Saylor, Diane Masseth Jones, Nancy Schultz, Carolyn Margolis, Roberta Padilla, Cheryl Kauhane Lupenui, Kathleen Adamson, Wendy LaRiviere, Jennifer Ware, Renae Hamilton, Emiko Meyers, Jeanine Atebara, Lorraine Godoy, Tamika Farr, Margaret Checca, Helen Hayashi, Dona Barber, Nancy Melendez, Heather Finley, Judy Case, Jaclyne Boyden, Susan Walsh, Lisa Brabo, Anita Ron, Julia Miele, Heather Otto, Leticia Mendoza , Maria Lucia de la Torre

EXCUSED: Janet Marcotte

STAFF: Kay Kelley, Regional Executive Director

NCB REP: Karen Jeffrey Anthony

GUESTS: Rita Ryder, Kelly Ramirez, Kay Philips, Joann Chadwick, Danielle Nava, Pat Wiedhopf, Marilyn Williams

ABSENT: Lissa Guild Eveleth, Jane Sunahara, Karen D. Johnson, Julie Wichman-Huerta, Mary Beth Carter, Barbara Rehmer, Sheila Doerschel, Valerie O'Neal, Bob Coles, Mary Tower,

ITEM DISCUSSION ACTION FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED WELCOME BY President, Dana Campbell Saylor, called the meeting to order at Attach all reports to PRESIDENT AND 10:10 a.m. and welcomed all board members and guests to the copy of minutes for INTRODUCTIONS meeting of the YWCA Pacific Region. filing

Nancy Atkinson, CEO of Contra Costa County/Sacramento YWCA and host for the meeting, provided an overview of the merger of the two YWCAs and the recently completed renovation of the Sacramento building in which the meeting was being held. It was a $2.5 million project.

President Dana Campbell Saylor asked that everyone to introduce themselves.

1 Attendees observed a moment of silence in honor of Edie Norris, who passed away in early November.

It was noted that a quorum of board members were present.

APPROVE CONSENT The consent agenda consisted of written reports as follows: A motion was made by Nancy AGENDA Melendez to approve the consent Minutes, April 15, 2010 (Los Angeles) agenda Treasurers Report Second by Helen Hayashi Advocacy Motion passed Regional Executive Director’s Report Association Services Leadership Development International Relations Council NCB Report

Elaine Moore, Chair of the Leadership Development Committee, thanked the committee members who planned the Institute held November 5, 2010. 29 people attended. The committee had hoped to have two from each YWCA, so next time the Committee will ensure that YWCA’s receive more notice. She asked if providing a stipend to YWCA’s would increase attendance, and many said yes, as the agenda for the Institute was good.

Muriel Smalheiser, Co-Chair of the International Relations Council made some announcements: 1) four delegates will be attending the 2011 World Council from the U.S.; 2) several workshop proposals are being submitted for the World Council Meeting, including Family Justice Centers, Right to Heal (journaling for healing) and Cut It Out (hairdressers trained about domestic violence; 3) the World Council is the fundraising arm of the World YWCA, and one of the causes they raise money for is an emergency fund for the General Secretary to use at her discretion. ACTION ITEMS Support Fees Policy This item was taken off of the agenda. The Budget and Recommendation Finance Committee will meet again to finalize a recommendation.

2 Bylaws Changes Mary Douglas reviewed the proposed bylaws changes to Section A motion was made by Sharon 7.4.1, clarifying the terms of the Nominations Committee Bettinelli to approve the changes to members. the bylaws Seconded by Valerie Merritt Motion passed Social Media Proposal Lisa Brabo reviewed the social networking proposal. There was A motion was made by Jennifer 1. Continue discussion on whether this proposal to work together on social Ware to establish an ad hoc task educational networking could be effective for YWCAs, since they are so force to explore the feasibility of opportunities about different from one another; how this would impact YWCAs who the proposal and develop a social networking already have a social networking presence; and whether the idea recommendation for the Board 2. President to name presented about paying for the joint work was the best approach. Seconded by Nancy Melendez Chair of the ad hoc Motion passed taskforce 3. Determination of the task force members Nominations for the Mary Douglas and Julia Miele reviewed the nominations. Ballots The nominees were all elected. Board of Directors were distributed for voting. NEW BUSINESS YWCA USA: Looks to Karen Jeffrey Anthony reported that she just returned from and the Future NCB meeting. Gloria Lau is now the interim CEO, and Karen stated that she appreciated Gloria’s business-like and straightforward style of work.

The national YWCA Membership Committee will be combined with the Assessment Team to form a new committee focused on the future of the USA YWCA.

The group brainstormed ideas for how to build a stronger national YWCA. Ideas generated included the following:

1. rebuilding relationships with past donors 2. foundations and corporations - as funding partners 3. organizational credibility and visibility with key congressional and Whitehouse staff 4. redesign national website and implement social media 5. pay YWCA World dues - they are needed for the world conference 6. build strong staff - have five staff now

Karen urged attendees to participate in the national conference and Send letter to Boxer capitol hill day April 7, 8, and 9 in Washington DC. Also, a form a local

3 suggestion was made that a letter be sent to Senator Boxer association. congratulating her and asking if we can meet with her in April.

The attendees then participated in small group discussions about how the YWCA could be more effective on the local, regional, and national levels.

Branding/Celebrity Endorsement-Participation  National marketing campaign  Celebrity endorsements  We have to increase our brand recognition Fund Development  National board needs to fund raise  Develop a plan to suspend use of endowment funds Leadership  Strong consistent leadership is needed  Too many layers – RLC not necessary  Look at structure of national office

Collaboration and Communication  National program data base  Regional  You Tube Marketing  Consistent History and Mission Webinars  Partner new ED’s and Board chairs with experienced Leadership

YWCA USA Financial Rita Ryder, Chair of the Financial Viability Task Force was Viability Task Force formed to look at the financial health of YWCAs in the United States, as many have closed in the last several years. There are currently 258 local YWCA’s in the U.S. still in existence. The Task Force is collecting data on the financial viability of YWCAs and will have a report and recommendations by July 2011. The goal is to begin the implementation of training and technical assistance for local YWCAs in September 2011.

Each local association present at the meeting completed a short

4 survey about their own YWCA that will be compiled as additional data for the Task Force.

Appropriations Contract There was a discussion about the Appropriations Contract for for 2012 2012, and in particular the status of earmarks in Congress. There was talk of the Republicans blocking earmarks this year probably at least on the House side, and if that happened, could we stop the contract with McAllister & Quinn? The contract was not yet signed, so provisions for cancellation will be included in it.

Local association proposals for funding are due November 18, 2010. Association Services Pat Wiedhopf, Chair of the Association Services Committee, Committee - New Peer introduced Heather Otto, the new consultant who will be working Review Forms and with us on conducting the peer reviews. Process Pat reviewed the new timeframe and process - Eight associations per year to be reviewed every three years. Heather and a member of the Associations Services Committee will conduct the reviews so that there is one consistent person.

Local associations being reviewed will be required to participate in two webinars so they are clear on what is required and what will happen during the review. A passing score will be 70 points out of 100. PRESENTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS YWCA USA Membership Kay Kelley reported that NCB didn’t move forward the entire Task Force membership proposal because there is no money to implement it all at this time. The part they did move forward is in regard to national partnership - any person could go on the national website and become a “Mission Partner”. This will help with advocacy efforts, as the national YWCA could report that we have a strong contingent of Mission Partners. REGIONAL PROJECT 1. Kathryn Keats Possible Project - Kay Kelley and Julia Follow-up with next POSSIBILITIES Miele provided an overview of a possible teen girl steps on the project. empowerment project. Kathryn has worked with the Berkeley YWCA and is interested in working with the Pacific Region YWCA’s. She is a survivor of domestic violence and a known entertainer with some PR appeal.

5 She feels she could get some funding to do some promotion for us. The promotion could be empowerment focused and could be around a particular curriculum, like the teen girl empowerment curriculum that Julie has been developing. The attendees were asked to indicate by a show of hands who would be interested in participating in this project. A majority showed that they are interested.

2. Iphone App - One-touch button indicating that the person is in trouble and needs help. The Pacific Region would get a donation for each app sold through us.

3. Charity Charms - A woman in Phoenix makes charms for charities about their issues, like domestic violence. The charms can be put on the charity’s website and the charity receives a donation from the charms sold.

Kay will explore these options further if the region is interested. WRAP UP AND Dana thanked everyone who helped with the set up and ADJOURNMENT organization of the meeting, and thanked Nancy for the use of the facility. She asked all of the committee members to stand and thank them for their work. Announcements: 1. Dana - The next Pacific Region meeting will be March 10 and 11 in Asilomar. 2. Diane Masseth-Jones - the NAYE annual conference will be in California in October 2011. 3. The Advocacy Workshop will begin at 4 p.m.

The Business Meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Margaret Checca made a motion to adjourn the meeting Seconded by Nancy Melendez Motion Passed


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