2011 Apnf Research Grant Application

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2011 Apnf Research Grant Application

Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______2015 APNF RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION

The American Psychiatric Nursing Foundation (APNF) is pleased to continue the research grants program to enhance scientific contributions advancing the knowledge and practice of psychiatric-mental health nursing. APNF established these awards to seed new investigators beginning their research careers and will award up to two (2) individual grants of up to $10,000 per award. As such, priority will be given to investigators who are early in their research trajectories and who have not previously had major intra- or extramural funding.

APPLICATION: Applicants are required to submit a complete application form. Only complete applications will be considered and incomplete materials will be returned to the applicant without review. One (electronic is preferred) copy of the research proposal must be submitted to APNF and include:

1. Application Form. 2. Research proposal. Please read the detailed proposal guidelines below. 3. Human subjects protection documentation. 4. Budget justification. 5. Letter of approval from thesis / dissertation chair (if appropriate). 6. Curriculum vitae or biosketch with research activities.

PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: Applications must be organized according to the checklists found on the scoring forms attached at the end of this application. The project description of the application must be double-spaced and single-sided on 8.5" x 11" plain white paper, with 1" margins on all sides. Use only a standard font no smaller than 12 point throughout the application.

The length of the project description portion of the application must be limited to 10 double- spaced pages. The project description page length is based on double-spacing, and will be halved if single-spacing or one-and-a-half spacing is used. The project description must include the following sections: Introduction, Review of Literature, Purpose, Theory/Conceptual Framework, Design/Method, Sample, Sample size/configuration and power analysis if relevant, Data collection/generation, Data management/analysis, Validity, Budget & Budget justification. Ten (10) additional pages are allowed for all appendices and resumes. Appendices should include the human subjects protection information and references. References should be double- spaced according to APA format.

All sections of the application (including project description, appendices, resumes, charts, references/footnotes, tables, maps and exhibits) must be sequentially numbered, beginning on the first page after the table of contents. Anything over 10 pages in the project description portion of the application and anything over 10 pages in the appendices and resumes will be removed and not considered by the reviewers. Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______

REVIEW PROCESS: 1. Applications will undergo a blind review by a Research Review Panel. A sample of the review criteria is attached. Please organize your proposal accordingly. 2. Applications are treated as privileged communication and are restricted to members of the Research Review Committee, APNF Board of Trustees, and staff.

FUNDING: 1. Grant Recipients will be notified in late August 2015 with funding to commence in September 2015. Funds will be dispensed under the following agreement: . Twenty five percent (25%) of the award will be sent in the initial payment (September 2015). An additional 50% will be dispensed at 6 months (February 2016) after receipt of a progress report including expenditures to date. The final 25% of the award will be sent after submission of the final report with full budget reconciliation (September 2016). 2. Priority for funding is based upon the project’s scientific merit, potential for knowledge development, and relevance to the advancement of the knowledge and practice of psychiatric-mental health nursing. Preference will be given to investigators in the early stages of their research careers and to proposals that fit one of the following areas: . Strategies and models for shared decision-making/partnering to accomplish positive mental health treatment outcomes . Intervention that is focused on prevention & treatment across multiple contexts, e.g. family, community, varying care delivery settings . Recovery and healing capacities of individuals, groups and families . Integrated mental health care that considers biological, social and developmental/lifespan dimensions . Psychiatric nursing workplace, workforce and practice definition issues. ** Include in your application which priority area your proposal addresses. ** 3. Proposals for research involving the human population must be reviewed by a human subjects review committee (Institutional Review Board). An application may be submitted prior to IRB review but release of funds will be contingent upon APNA receiving a written copy of IRB approval. The time period allotted to attain IRB approval is within 60 days from announcement of grant recipients. 4. Budget – Only expenses essential to the conduct of the proposed research will be considered for funding. Salary support is not allowed. Indirect costs must not account for more than 10% of the APNF funded amount, not to exceed $1,000. Funded proposals will require budget reconciliation.

DEADLINE: All application materials must be received by APNF by Wednesday, June 17, 2015 to be considered. Applications are to be submitted via email to [email protected] or by surface mail to: American Psychiatric Nursing Foundation c/o Tandi-Jo Lantrip 3141 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 625 Falls Church, VA 22042

Note: Application materials will not be returned. ** Email submission is preferred. Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______

ELIGIBILITY: 1. Each grant applicant must be licensed as a registered nurse in psychiatric mental health nursing or a related specialty area of nursing. 2. APNF will accept applications for master’s thesis or doctoral dissertations with approval by the grant applicant’s thesis or dissertation committee. 3. Award recipients are eligible to apply again to the APNF grant program after 5 years. 4. Applicants must be current members of APNA. Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______


Applicant’s Full Name:

Address: City: State: Zip Code: Email address: Telephone #:

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (Basic Nursing, College, Post-graduate)

School City, State Degree GPA 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .


School City, State Degree Sought

Program/Area of Concentration GPA (using 4.0 scale)

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY List in chronological order with present employment first:

Dates Employed Place of Employment / Position PT/FT 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .

Optiona Minority Y N If yes, l: Applicant es o specify: Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______


I believe myself eligible for, and hereby submit an application to receive, an American Psychiatric Nurses Foundation Research Award. I verify that all statements made in this application are complete and accurate. I understand that:

 Falsification of my application will disqualify my application.  Failure to complete all sections will render my application incomplete.  A research review committee appointed by the American Psychiatric Nursing Foundation will select the grant recipients. Its decision is final.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.

I agree that I shall be solely responsible and answerable in damages for any and all harm or damages caused to persons or property arising out of or related to any actions taken as part of my research. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless APNF, its officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates, from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, and costs of every nature arising out of the research conducted pursuant to this application.

Signature Date

Print Name Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______


1. Proposal Title:

2. Grant Applicant (Name, Credentials, Title, Organization Affiliation):

Grant Applicant’s APNA member 3. #: 4. Co-investigators (Name, Credentials, Title, Organization Affiliations): a. b. c. d. e. f.

5. The APNF grants are meant to support researchers at the beginning of their research careers.

Briefly explain why you meet this qualification:

6. This proposal fits within the following research priority area: Strategies and models for shared decision-making/partnering to accomplish positive mental health treatment outcomes Intervention that is focused on prevention & treatment across multiple contexts, e.g. family, community, varying care delivery settings Recovery and healing capacities of individuals, groups and families

Integrated mental health care that considers biological, social and developmental/lifespan dimensions Psychiatric nursing workplace, workforce and practice definition issues Other Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______

ATTN: Graduate Students


This form should be completed and signed by GRADUATE FACULTY THESIS / DISSERTATION CHAIR. It should then be submitted with your grant application.

______(Name of Graduate Student/Applicant) is currently enrolled in graduate study at

______(School of Nursing/Institution)

Expected date of completion is ______

______Thesis / Dissertation Chair










 CV of the Grant Applicant



American Psychiatric Nursing Foundation c/o Tandi-Jo Lantrip 3141 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 625 Falls Church, VA 22042

(Receipt Deadline: June 17, 2015) Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______


Instructions for reviewers: Please place a number in each box. 1=Exceptional; 2=Good; 3=Adequate; 4=Fair; 5=Poor/Absent; N/A=Not Applicable.

Criteria Score 1-5 Reviewer Comments Introduction/Problem Statement Score on this 1. There is a discernible problem that led to the section study. ______2. The problem is accurately depicted. 3. The problem is comprehensively depicted. 4. The problem is related to the research purpose and/or the literature review. 5. The description of the problem establishes the significance of the research purpose, or why the researcher wanted to conduct the study, beyond simply stating that “no one has studied this before.” 6. The claim that “no one has studied this before” is accurate. Review of Literature Score on this 1. Key studies and other relevant literatures section addressing the research problem are included. ______2. The review addresses the research problem. 3. The review clarifies whether it reflects what researchers knew and believed going into the field of study—before any data were collected—or came to know and believe while in or leaving the field of study, after data analysis began or was completed. 4. The review shows a critical attitude toward the accumulated knowledge about the research problem and toward the methods used to study it, as opposed to indiscriminately identifying or summarizing studies in a he said/she said format. 5. The review shows a discernible logic that points toward the research purpose, and is not at odds with it (e.g., as when researchers use a gap logic to criticize the prevalence of descriptive studies in an area and then report another descriptive study). Purpose Score on this 1. There is a discernible set of research purposes section and/or questions. ______2. Research purposes or questions are linked to the research problem and/or to the review of literature. 3. Research purposes and questions are amenable to the design of the study. Theoretical-Conceptual Framework/ Score on this Frame of Reference section Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______

Criteria Score 1-5 Reviewer Comments 1. There is an explicitly stated or implied theoretical- ______conceptual framework or frame of reference. 2. If explicitly stated, the frame of reference is accurately rendered. 3. Whether stated or implied, the frame of reference fits the target phenomenon and is not forced onto it. Design/Method Score on this 1. There is a stated method. section ______2. The method fits the research purpose. 3. The method is accurately rendered. 4. The method is appropriately incorporated into the study design. 5. Researchers demonstrate awareness of method choices and their potential impact on findings. Sample Score on this 1. The sampling plan fits the research purpose and section method. ______2. The sampling plan is purposeful, and the type(s) of purposeful sampling is/are specified. 3. The sampling plan described is accurately rendered. 4. Sites of recruitment fit the research purpose and sampling strategy. Sample Size & Configuration Score on this 1. Sample size and configuration fit the research section purpose and sampling strategy. ______2. Sample size and configuration can support claims (e.g. statistical power, adequate description, informational redundancy, or theoretical or scene saturation, claims to the intensive and comprehensive study of particulars). 3. Sites of recruitment fit the planned or evolving sampling needs of the study. Data Collection/Generation Techniques & Sources Score on this 1. Sources of data and techniques of data collection section or generation fit the pre-determined or evolving ______needs of the study, e.g. appropriate/reliable/valid instruments are chosen that fit the variables or data-gathering strategies are congruent with the orientation of the study. 2. The content, sequence, and timing of data collection or generation techniques fit the purpose and orientations of the study, as opposed to not fitting them (e.g., as when the purpose of a study is to ascertain structural barriers to health care utilization, but the only sources of data are women’s perceptions of their health care providers). 3. Specific data collection or generation techniques Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______

Criteria Score 1-5 Reviewer Comments are demonstrably tailored to the proposed study, as opposed to the presentation of textbook or rote descriptions of data collection or generation. 4. Techniques for data collection or generation techniques are correctly used 5. Sites are conducive to data collection or generation. 6. The time period for data collection or generation is explicitly stated. 7. The timing of data collection or generation vis-à- vis the target events featured in the study is explicitly stated (e.g., interviews were conducted within 2 months of diagnosis). 8. The timing of use of data collection or generation techniques vis-à-vis each other is explicitly stated (e.g. observations took place before the interviews). Data Management & Analysis Score on this 1. Data management & analysis techniques fit the section research purposes and data. ______2. Specific data management & analysis techniques are tailored to the proposed study, as opposed to textbook or rote descriptions of data management 3. Analysis of data is appropriate for the type of data or question and fits the data (e.g., as when statistics will be used to interpret very small sample data or focus group data will be analyzed at the individual level and the analysis will not account for group interaction). Validity Score on this 1. Researchers have included techniques to reduce section bias or show an awareness of their potential ______influence on the study and its participants. 2. The distinctive limitations of the study are appropriately summarized 3. Techniques for validation are used that fit the purpose, method, sample, and data as opposed to using techniques that do not fit 4. Techniques used are tailored to the reported study, as opposed to presentations of textbook or rote descriptions of validation techniques with no application shown to the study reported. Human Subjects Score on this 1. Benefits and risks distinctive to the study reported section are addressed procedurally in an appropriate ______manner, as opposed to textbook or rote descriptions of human subjects procedures with no discussion of their particular relevance to the proposed study. 2. Recruitment and consent techniques are tailored to fit the sensitivity of the subject matter and/or Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______

Criteria Score 1-5 Reviewer Comments vulnerability of participants. 3. Data collection and management techniques are tailored to fit the sensitivity of the subject matter and/or vulnerability of participants. References Score on this 1. Cited correctly and fully section ______2. Current (or appropriate to the developments in the area) and sufficiently exhaustive.

Budget Score on this 1. Appropriate as outlined. section ______2. Justification is included and appropriate. Appendices Score on this Sufficient to support the proposal and no unnecessary section inclusions. ______Priorities for PMH Nursing Score on this 1. A priority area has been designated by the section investigator. ______2. Study appropriately fits the priority area and will make a contribution. Additional issue(s) not covered by criteria

Adapted with permission from Sandelowski, M., & Barroso, J. (2007). Handbook for synthesizing qualitative research. NY: Springer.




______Conditional Approval with following revisions:


______Signature of Reviewer Applicant’s SSN last 4 digits ______


Please provide a Summary Statement below, bulleting the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal. This information will be sent to the applicant following review.

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