Outline Programme for Telemed 2003
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TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
Monday 29 November 2004 09.0 Registration, coffee, exhibition & networking 0 09.3 Session 1 – Reducing inequalities 0 (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Frances Mair 09.3 Welcoming address 5 Dr Jack Tinker, Emeritus Dean, The Royal Society of Medicine, London
KEYNOTE LECTURE 09.4 Reducing inequalities – The promise of eHealth 5 Professor Richard E Scott, Vice-President and President–elect, Canadian Society of Telehealth (Canada)
Power to the patient: Can we help bridge the doctor/patient “digital divide” (TM04/14R) M Malone (UK)
Wellness management through web based programs (TM04/06R) A Omar, ML Wahlqvist & A Kouris-Blazos (Australia) 11.0 Coffee, exhibition & networking 0 11.3 Session 2 – Innovative 11.3 Delivering cancer care 11.3 Workshop 0 approaches to 0 (North Hall) 0 (Committee room 4) cardiovascular care (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Dr Georg Brox Chair:Dr Nicholas Robinson Home telemonitoring of KEYNOTE LECTURE Evaluation issues chronic heart failure Modernising cancer in home telecare patients: A European services – The The IEE (UK) patient managed system potential for (TM04/60R) telemedicine D Andrews, GD Pinna, Dr Anthony Davison, R Maestri, M Roma, Consultant Physician and JL Scanferlato, A Clinical Director for Giordano, Medicine, Southend F Comazzi, M Ferrar, P Hospital (UK) Johnson, S Capomolla, A Mortara & Providing access to The HHH Consortium oncology care for rural (UK) patients via telemedicine (TM04/50r) Daily usage and G Doolittle (USA) efficiency of remote home monitoring in A comprehensive hypertensive patients approach to during a period of one evaluating year (TM04/17R) telemedicine K Port, K Palm & M delivered TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
Viigimaa (Estonia) multidisciplinary breast cancer Cardiac event recorder meetings in Southern yield more diagnoses Scotland (TM04/47R) than 24 hour Holter IH Kunkler, RG Fielding, monitoring in patients J Brebner, R Prescott, with palpitations R Maclean, J Cairns, U (TM04/08R) Chetty, S Scalvini, E Zanelli, G G Neades , A Walls, A Martinelli, D Baratti, A Bowman, JM Dixon, T Giordano & F Glisenti Gardner, F Yuille, (Italy) M Smith, J Wilson, I Nawroz, Home telemonitoring of M Aird, S Swann, M vital signs, activity, McNab, breathing pattern and J MacCoubrey & M Lee heart rate variability in (UK) chronic heart failure
patients. Preliminary Panel discussion evaluation of patient Lead discussant: John compliance with the Navein HHH project Best practice: What do we (TM04/59R) know and why aren’t we D Andrews, GD Pinna, doing it? R Maestri, JL
Scanferlato, T Witkowski, P Johnson, A Mortara, & The HHH consortium (UK)
Role of the telecardiology in the evaluation for the symptom “angina” in patients with recent acute coronary syndrome (TM04/64R) A Chiantera, S Scalvini, G Pulignano, M Pugliese, L De Lio, Mazza, MS Fera, L Bussolotti, S Bartolini & E Giovannini (Italy) 13.0 Lunch, posters, exhibition & networking 0 14.0 Session 3 – Telenursing / Helping 14.0 New developments / New frontiers 0 people stay at home 0 (North Hall) (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Dr Eileen Brebner Chair: Professor Richard Wootton KEYNOTE LECTURE A wireless ICT application in acute stroke TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
E-Nursing: Future directions care: The TeleCare pilot (TM04/18R) Dr Beverly Malone, General MHA Huis in ‘t Veld, JA van Ti & MMR Secretary, The Royal College of Vollenbroek-Hutten (Netherlands) Nursing (UK) Clinical trials and evaluation of a mobile eHealth and the garden of Eden: Tele-Echography robotic system Are nurses ready to bite the apple? (TM04/23R) (TM04/41R) F Courreges, P Vieyres, RSH Istepanian, P M Bryson, S Levy, A Casey & M Conxita Bru (UK) Smith (UK) Emergency ENT radiological image assessment using the camera mobile phone (TM04/36R) N Eze, S Lo, D Bray & AG Toma (UK) Computerised digital photographic Using telemedicine to support spinal- visual care plans ‘A communication injured patients after discharge tool for patients, carers and nurses’ (TM04/46R) “A picture says a thousand words” H Pain, A Soopramanien & A Stainthorp (TM04/01r) (UK) I Fretwell, E Mallender, K Smith & J Simms (UK) Wearable devices for telemedicine applications (TM04/07R) A comparison of patient and M Scheffler & E Hirt (Switzerland) provider perspectives of home telecare: Preliminary results from a randomised control trial (TM04/67R) FS Mair, C Shiels, A Boland, P Goldstein, C May, C Roberts, R Angus, J O’Connor, A Haycox & S Capewell (UK)
Summary report of Jersey Eating Disorder team clinical supervision from South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, via videoconferencing (TM04/10r) L Wells & S Le Main (Channel Islands) 15.3 Tea, exhibition & networking 0 16.0 Session 4 – Healthcare 16.0 Lessons about the 16.0 Workshop 0 via the Internet: 0 implementation of eHealth 0 (Committee room Promise or threat? services 4) (New Lecture Theatre) (North Hall) Chair: Dr Paul Johnson Chair: Dr Glyn Hayes Debate - Healthcare via Moving from local Embedding the Internet: implementation to decision support Promise or threat? mainstream services. in the PDA TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
Dr Elizabeth Murray & Meeting government P J McCullagh, Dr Nicholas Robinson objectives for telecare CD Nugent, J (TM04/24R) Jenkins, A A critical analysis of J Barlow, S Bayer, B Volprecht, J published literature in Castleton & R Curry (UK) Wallace, W one area of citizen Patton, JC centred eHealth: The Role flexibility among Augusto & ND internet and consumer telehealthcare service Black (UK) health information providers in the North (TM04/21R) West and West of Ireland J Powell, P Lowe, F (TM04/40R) Griffiths & A MacFarlane, P Clerkin & M Thorogood (UK) A Murphy (Ireland)
Attitudes of young Producing evidence based people with diabetes to guidelines for the an internet-based virtual implementation of clinic (TM04/32R) telemedicine services P Lowe, H Hearnshaw & (TM04/3aR) F Griffiths (UK) JA Brebner, EM Brebner & H Ruddick-Bracken (UK)
Can a web-based Mobile telemetry for pre- intervention be used in hospital thromboysis – general practice for Problems and solutions people with excessive (TM04/51R) alcohol consumption? D Pedley, S Beedie & J (TM04/19R) Ferguson (UK) S Linke, R Harrison & P Wallace (UK) The reality of home telecare (TM04/48r) AV Roudsari, ER Carson Interactive Health and other members of the Communication REALITY project Applications for chronic consortium (UK) disease: Patient and carer perspectives (TM04/16R) C Kerr, E Murray, F Stevenson, C Gore & I Nazareth (UK)
17.3 Wine, posters, exhibition & networking 0 18.0 Debate 0 (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Paul Wallace TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
This House Believes that RCTs are greatly underused as a way to evaluate eHealth initiatives
Proposition Opposition Professor Jeremy Wyatt Professor Marc Berg Associate Director of Research & Development, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands NHS National Institute for Clinical Excellence
Professor John Cleland Professor Carl May Professor of Cardiology, University of Hull Professor of Medical Sociology, University of Newcastle 19.1 Wine and canapé reception with jazz band 5 21.0 Close 0
Tuesday 30 November 2004 08.3 Registration, coffee, exhibition & networking 0 09.0 Session 5 – Social vs. 09.0 Home Telecare 09.0 Workshop 0 technical – conflicting 0 (North Hall) 0 (Committee room paradigms 4) (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Paul Chair: Professor Carl Wallace May KEYNOTE LECTURE Introducing assistive Home use of Social vs. technical – technology into the health conflicting existing homes of older technologies by paradigms in e- people: Feasibility, diverse groups health acceptability, costs and British Computer implementation? outcomes (TM04/03R) Society Health Professor Marc Berg, A Tinker, & P Lansley Informatics Erasmus University, (UK) Committee(UK) Rotterdam (Netherlands) TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
Evaluation of practical Telehealthcare: feasibility and Perspectives on the acceptability of home changing role of monitoring in a residential patients and citizens home setting (TM04/15R) (TM04/25R) T Bratan, M Clarke, R Paul, T Finch, M Mort, C May R Jones & A Larkworthy & (UK) F Mair (UK) Telemedicine aided home Teleradiology and based rehabilitation and PACS changing pattern home hospitalisation for of communication patients with advanced between clinicians and COPD (TM04/56R) radiologists (TM04/12R) Th Vontetsianos, P Giovas1, IH Monrad Aasa & J Th Katsaras, B Tsoulkas, Terje Geitungb (Norway) S Kourelea, S Contos & T Stamkopoulos (Greece) Diffusion theory and telehealth adoption by Home tele-measurement of Kansas providers: fetal and infant Critical factors in biophysiological telehealth adoption for development in a improved patient access population with high and (TM04/72R) low indices of maternal R Spaulding, T Russo, D psycho-social adversity Cook & G Doolittle (TM04/58R) (USA) DC Andrews, L Murray, P Cooper & P Johnson (UK) Panel discussion What lesions should be Supporting families of learned for future critically ill children at eHealth initiatives? home using videoconferencing (TM04/61R) GJ Morgan, F Casey, B Craig, A Sands & B Grant (UK) Home sleep studies for evaluation of Suspected Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) (TM04/69R) A Patel, M Watson & P Habibi. (UK) 10.3 Coffee, exhibition & networking 0 11.0 Session 6 – eHealth 11.0 Optimising chronic disease 11.0 Moderated 0 experience in service 0 management 0 posters delivery (North Hall) (Merck Sharp & TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
(New Lecture Theatre) Dohme room) Chair: Mr Keith Clough Chair: Dr John Navein Chair: Professor Norman Black Telepsychiatry in South Mobile phone technology Chronic disease London and Maudsley in the management of management 2 NHS Trust (TM04/05r) asthma (TM04/22R) M Soncul & P McLaren D Ryan, D Price & L (UK) Tarassenko (UK) Further applications in A store and forward FITE diabetes: Improved eHealth teledermatology service access to sub-specialist for the Western Isles of care by telemedicine; First Scotland (TM04/15r) 2 years costs savings and See details at end JP Vestey (UK) care measures (TM04/49R) of programme T Malasanos, J Burlingame, B Patel, P Sloyer & A Muir Implementing web- (USA) based telemedicine in Decisions, decisions: ophthalmology Implementing autonomy (TM04/08r) in a diabetes management C Kennedy & I Murdoch system (TM04/05R) (UK) L Black, M McTear, ND Black, Parents’ communication R Harper & M Lemon satisfaction with (UK) physicians: Comparing face-to-face and Web based mobile asthma telemedicine pediatric management system consults (TM04/51r) (TM04/31R) A Spaulding, A Kunke & H Lee, S K Yoo, S Jung, N G Doolittle (USA) Kwon & C Hong (Korea)
Restoring cognitive Effect of a home based functioning seven years telecardiology on chronic post injury via in-home heart failure: costs teletherapy (TM04/07r) evaluation (TM04/09R) J Hatfield (USA) S Scalvini, S Capomolla, E Zanelli, M Benigno, D Panel discussion Domenghini, How do we promote the L Patella, F Glisenti & A move from Giordano (Italy) demonstration project to real service provision in eHealth? 12.3 Lunch, posters exhibition & networking 0 13.3 Session 7 - A spectrum 13.3 eHealth – The 13.3 Moderated TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
0 of further eHealth 0 international experience 0 posters initiatives – from the (North Hall) (Merck Sharp & internet to Dohme room) telehealthcare Chair: Professor Ricky (New Lecture Theatre) Richardson Chair: Mr Keith Chair: Dr John Brebner Clough Telemedicine helps Designing a Southeastern people stay at home European Transplantation Implementation (TM04/34r) Network (SETNET) & standards F Mair, S Fraser & J (TM04/29R) Ferguson (UK) G Anogianakis, A Education & Klisarova, evaluation A Brazilian model of T Temelkov, A Anogeianaki, distant education in G Ilonidis, V Papaliangas See details at end physiatry based on the & of programme integration of J Liangouris (Greece) videoconference and internet (TM04/53R) Video-conference CA Kavamoto, CL Wen, technology links rural LR Battistella & GM physicians (TM04/68R) Böhm (Brazil) D Klein, P Davis & L Hickey (Canada) Telehealth in Tier-4 Child and Adolescent Telemedicine in big Mental Health Services industrial center (CAMHS): Participants (TM04/09r) acceptance and AV Vladzymyrskyy & utilisation (TM04/27R) VG Klymovytskyy (Ukraine) A Grealish, R Glaze & L Potter (UK) International telemedicine project – TeleCardiology in Serbia (TM04/33r) Sex, lies and D Mijin, G Weatherburn, J videoconferencing Kosutic, M Rigby & T (TM04/33R) Carter (UK) K Padgham, J Scott, A Kritchell, A McEachen A web based co-operative & J Hislop (UK) work framework for heart failure patient Video-CBT for eating management (TM04/24r) disorders in “outback” C Eccher, B Purin, M Rigo, Scotland (TM04/28R) A Serra, C Favaretti, G S Simpson and J Knox Guarrera & S Forti (Italy) (UK) Analysis of telemedicine An internet based efficacy for telemedicine model for ophthalmologic triage by a Albania (TM04/30R) general practitioner G Anogianakis, A (TM04/54R) Anogeianaki, G Ilonidis, I A Chater Taleb, György M Mustafa, Böhm & CL Wen (Brazil) TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
V Papaliangas, J Liangouris & D Koutsonikolas (Greece) 15.0 Tea, exhibition & networking 0 15.3 Session 8 – Empowering the citizen 0 (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Frances Mair KEYNOTE LECTURE Promoting citizen-centred care – The challenge for eHealth Professor Angela Coulter, Chief Executive, Picker Institute Europe (UK)
eHealth and public wellbeing Dr Paul Johnson, John Radcliffe Hospital (UK)
Generating principles for telehealthcare: A citizen’s panel perspective (TM04/42R) M Mort & T Finch (UK)
New paradigms in supporting the knowledgeable citizen in the UK. Developments in the forthcoming NHS Interactive Digital Television (DTV) Service (TM04/28r) N Robinson (UK)
Panel discussion Are those promoting eHealth engaging effectively with citizens ad how should policymakers and other best engage with citizens in the future?
17.1 End of conference 5 TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
Moderated poster presentations (in the Merck Sharpe & Dohme Room)
Chronic Disease Management 2 TM04/MP10 Telecardiology: nursing one lead ECG monitoring in chronic heart failure R S Scalvini, G Martinelli, D Baratti, D Domenighini, M Benigno, S Canclini, E Zanelli & A Giordano (Italy) TM04/MP50 FITE Diabetes: School nurse, family, provider connectivity R T Malasanos, J Burlingame, B Patel, P Sloyer & A Muir (USA) TM04/MP32 Health Hero Network for managing chronic disease r C Woodiwis (UK) Further applications in eHealth TM04/MP12 Telemedical support for Iraq r L Caffery, P Swinfen, R Swinfen, K Youngberry & R Wootton (Australia) TM04/MP13 MPEG-21 as an access control tool for the NHS care records service R G Brox (UK) TM04/MP17 Wristcare support discharge r A Hall (UK) TM04/MP57 Measuring clinical competence of Drs and nurses when making clinical R decisions regarding the management of burn wounds O Jones (UK) Implementation & standards TM04/MP16 Information Governance Standards for managing eHealth information r J Huston (UK) TM04/MP43 TAIL WAGS DOG! Open opposition to the introduction of minor injuries r telemedicine J Ferguson, S Fraser, A Palombo, A Rowlands & G Burnett (UK) Education & Evaluation TM04/MP25 Education to the doorstep of remote and rural healthcare professionals in r Scotland TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care
B Beasant & G Needham (UK) TM04/MP36 E-Education r F Mair (UK) TM04/MP70 Developing e-learning for Interprofessional education: Testing the waters R T Varga-Atkins & H Cooper (UK) TM04/MP71 Adapting the Roter Interaction Analysis System for telemedicine: Lessons in R coding across four speciality clinics E Nelson & R Spaulding (USA)
Non moderated posters (located in and around the catering areas)
TM04/NP20 Facilitated self-help for the treatment of anxiety and depression in primary R care -an exploratory study J Leibowitz, R Rudge & P Wallace (UK) TM04/NP20 Cardiac tele-monitoring system r G Balázs & G Kozmann (Hungary) TM04/NP26 Pervasive diabetes management and internetworking system R Y Zou, R Istepanian, S Bain & K Ibidun (UK) TM04/NP35 Assessment of resuscitation in remote and rural areas a case for R teleconferencing J Mardon, L Hislop & M Boyd (UK) TM04/NP39 A unique booking infrastructure for the assisted sanitary residences r M Fregonara & R Villa (Italy) TM04/NP44 M-Health assessment for clinical diabetes study in NHS hospitals R N Prag, R Istepanian, J Lacal & S Bain (UK) TM04/NP48 Information needs for a quality specialist referral R C Ireson (USA) TM04/NP55 Warning form to improve homecare clinical data acquisition through the R internet L Watanabe Dal Ben, D Canesin de Barros Ribeiro, M Carmona Doria, M Aparecida Bussacos & C Lung Wen (Brazil) TM04/NP62 Web based secure access from multiple patient reservoirs R J Choe & S K Youu (Korea) TM04/NP65 Reducing inequalities in Public Health Services in Latin America through R communications and information technologies A Martínez, M Llamas, A Rendón, R Shoemaker & D M. López (Spain)