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Lago ( ), Colin O . (1984). Some reflections, questions & worries concerning the process of racism awareness training from a person-centred perspective. Presentation at the 2nd International Forum on the Person- Centered Approach. Norwich, Norfolk, England: University of East Anglia; July 14-21. pp. EG1984/01/0100 A01 Pr B EG LE Leicester
Lago ( ), Colin O . (1988). Some reflections on person-centred large groups: The legacy of Rogers and the possibility of a future. Presentation at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach. New York (International House), New York, USA: Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach; May 26-30. pp. EG1988/01/0100 A01 Pr 013 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1989). Counselling and race. In Dryden ( ), Windy (Ed.); Charles-Edwards ( ), David; & Woolfe ( )., Ray (Ed.), Handbook of counseling in Britain (pp. 207-222). London, Greater London, England: Tavistock/Routledge. EG1989/01/0100 A01 Cp 016 B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O . (1989). From the trinity to the quaternity: A proposition to overcome the traditional sexist symbolism of psychotherapeutic theory. Contact: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Pastoral Studies, 99(2), 14-23. EG1989/02/0100 A01 Ar 010 B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O . (1990). Working with overseas students: A staff development training manual. Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England: Huddersfield University; & London, Greater London, England: British Council. pp. EG1990/01/0000 A01 Bb B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O . (1991). The influence and application of the person-centered approach to the practice of student counselling in Britain. In McIlduff ( ), Edward (Ed.); & Coghlan ( ), David (Ed.), The person-centered approach and cross-cultural communication: An international review, Vol 1 (pp. 121-132). Dublin, Dublin, Ireland: Center for Cross-Cultural Comunication; & Linz, Öberösterreich, Austria: Sandkorn. EG1991/01/0100 A01 Cp 012 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thorne ( ), Brian. (1991). Two videos demostrating long-term person- centred therapy and its effects. In Unknown (Ed.), 2nd International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy: Book of abstracts (p. 50). Stirling, Stirling, Scotland: Organizing Committee. EG1991/02/0100 A01 Cp B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thorne ( ), Brian. (1991). Two videos demostrating long-term person- centred therapy and its effects. Presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy. Stirling (University of Stirling), Stirling, Scotland: Organizing Committee; July 1-6. pp. EG1991/03/0100 A01 Pr B EG SY Sheffield
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Lago ( ), Colin O ; & MacMillan ( ), Maihri. (1994). The facilitation of large groups: Experiences of facilitative moments. In Unknown (Ed.), 3rd International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice: Book of abstracts (p. 66). Gmunden, Öberösterreich, Austria: Organizing Committee. EG1994/02/0100 A01 Cp 001 B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & MacMillan ( ), Maihri (1994). The facilitation of large groups: Experiences of facilitative moments. Presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy. Gmunden, Öberösterreich, Austria: Organizing Committee; September 5-9. pp. EG1994/03/0100 A01 Pr B EG SY Sheffield
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Lago ( ), Colin O . (1995). Computer therapeutics. Presentation at the 6th International Forum on the Person-Centered Approach. Leptokarya (Hotel Olympian Bay), Makedonia, Greece: Person-Centered Approach Institute-Hellas; June 30-July 9. pp. EG1995/02/0100 A01 Pr B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; Wood ( ), John Keith; & MacMillan ( ), Maihri. (1995). Large groups: Are we dodging the issue? Presentation at the 6th International Forum on the Person-Centered Approach. Leptokarya (Hotel Olympian Bay), Makedonia, Greece: Person-Centered Approach Institute-Hellas; June 30- July 9. pp. EG1995/02/0200 A01 Pr B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Race, culture and counselling. Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. xxi + 168 pp. [IS: 0-335-19295-5 (HB); 0-335- 19294-7 (PB)]. EG1996/01/0000 A01 Bb 021+ 168 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Introduction. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. xvii-xxi). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0100 A01 Cp 005 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). The climate, the context and the challenge. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 1-15). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0200 A01 Cp 015 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Issues of race and power. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 16-27). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0300 A01 Cp 012 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Towards understanding culture. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 28-37). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0400 A01 Cp 010 A EG SY Sheffield
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Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Communication, language and gesture. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 53-67). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0600 A01 Cp 015 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Western theories of counselling and psychotherapy: Intentions and limitations. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 68-83). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0700 A01 Cp 016 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Non-western approaches to helping. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 84-98). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0800 A01 Cp 015 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Filmed cases: Training aids to the therapeutic process. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 99-116). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/0900 A01 Cp 018 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Addressing the context of the counselling organization. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 117-124). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/1000 A01 Cp 008 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Supervision and consultancy: Supporting the needs of therapists in multicultural and multiracial settings. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 125-132). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/1100 A01 Cp 008 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). Training therapists to work with different client groups. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 133-145). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/1200 A01 Cp 013 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (1996). The challenge of research. In Race, culture and Counselling (pp. 146-155). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: Open University Press. EG1996/01/1300 A01 Cp 010 A EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & MacMillan ( ), Maihri. (1996). The facilitation of large groups: Experiences of facilitative moments. In Hutterer ( ), Robert (Ed.); Pawlowski ( ), Gerhard (Ed.); Schmid ( ), Peter F (Ed.); & Stipsits ( ), Reinhold (Ed.), Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy. A paradigm in motion (pp. - ). Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland: Peter Lang. EG1996/02/0100 A01 Cp B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O . (1996). Future shock: Electronic connections and human disconnectedness: Contemporary challenges to psychotherapy. Presentation at the 1st World Congress on Psychotherapy. Wien, Wien, Austria: World Council for Psychotherapy; June - . pp. EG1996/03/0100 A01 Pr B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Thompson ( ), Joyce M . (199 ). Issues of race and culture in counselling settings. Leicester, Leicestershire, England: Leicester University (Audio Visual Services). ’. EG199 /02/0000 A01 Vt ’ B EG SY Sheffield
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Lago ( ), Colin O . (1997). The triangle with curved sides: Sensitivity to issues of race and culture in supervision. In Shipton ( ), G (Ed.), Supervision of psychotherapy and counselling: Making a place to think (pp. 119-130). Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England: The Open University. EG1997/02/0100 A01 Cp 012 B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O ; & Kitchin ( ), Duncan. (1998). The management of counseling and psychotherapy agencies. London, Greater London, England: Sage. iv + 182 pp. EG1998/01/0000 A01 Bb 004+ 182 B EG SY Sheffield
Lago ( ), Colin O . (1998). [Favorite works presentation]. In Wolter =-Gustafson= ( ), Carol (Ed.), A person-centered reader: Personal selections by our members (pp. 183-184). Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach. EG1998/02/0100 A01 Cp 002 A EG SY Sheffield
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Lago ( ), Colin O (Ed.); & MacMillan ( ), Maihri (Ed.). (1999). Experiences in relatedness: Groupwork and the person-centred approach. Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, England: PCCS Books. iv + 182 pp. [IS: 1-898059-23-3]. EG1999/01/0000 A01 Bb 004+ 182 A EG SY Sheffield
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