Blue Hill/Surry Transfer Station
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Blue Hill/Surry Transfer Station Minutes of Meeting January 31, 2017
Present: Bill Matlock, Chairman; John Bannister, Steve Bemiss, Rebecca Collison, Jim Schatz, Vaughn Leach, Darcel Winslow and Jeff Jewett.
Called to order at 7:00 PM
The December 22, 2016 minutes were approved unanimously. MOTION to approve as submitted. Seconded. Motion carries unanimously.
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman was conducted. A nomination for Vaughn to be Chairman was given by Jim and seconded. The vote was unanimous. Vaughn Leach is the new Chairman. A nomination for Steve to be the Vice Chairman was given by Jim and seconded. The vote was unanimous. Steve Bemiss is the new Vice Chairman of the Transfer Station Committee.
Financials were not available.
Jeff reported that someone has hit the gate on the Blue Hill side. The Sheriff’s department was not called; it was found like this on Friday night. It was suggested that it be fixed to open on the downhill side. Vaughn indicated he would discourage moving the gate. A one side in-one side out was mentioned and it was stated that it should have been reported for insurance purposes. John explained that the deductible is very high, +/- $5000 so there is no sense to report it. The guys at the station believe it was a U-Haul that hit it but have no proof. Peter at the General Store was contacted and asked to keep an eye out for a U-Haul returned with damage.
The new hopper is done. Haskell Electric is either too busy or unwilling to do the electric work the station is waiting for. Noddin Electric has been called instead and will complete the work by the end of the week. John explained to Jeff that he should always use someone from within the five towns using the facility. Jeff stated that he did; Noddin Electric is based in Surry. A quote was received for the safety gates from Valley Hydraulics. $1600 for one gate and $1300 each for three gates. Vaughn instructed Jeff to check with Allen Farm Fence. John asked why we can’t use chain. Jeff stated that we can but he chain keeps breaking. John added that $1300 buys a lot of chain; perhaps a very large chain on some sort of spring could work. He asked if Vaughn and Mike could make a chain work. Vaughn indicated they could.
It was stated that the station is losing 20, 30, $40,000 in revenues because they are not selling recyclables. Bill and Jeff both explained that there is no market for the sale of recyclables and that it will no longer have to be sorted at all when MRC takes over.
John asked where do we stand on the “Hello Hut”? Vaughn explained, that Jeff was supposed to get estimates for what it will cost. He has not done so.
People have been noticed not using Single Sort, can’t we use print to make people aware of the changes. Bill suggested using Every Door Direct Mailing through the postal service. Others suggested the website and perhaps the Chamber of Commerce could post some information. Jim suggested getting the schools involved. More education may help people understand the concept.
Jim explained the Abatement Certification letter, the document is complete and ready to be returned. Eleven issues were noted, all have been fixed.
ME Astbury was present with a proposal of services to load and transport demo to Juniper Ridge. He indicated the proposal from November 2015 is the same as the current proposal with the exception of the terms and conditions. He would like the current proposal for a term of three years. After looking over the proposal John indicated that the fuel adjustment states if cost rise amounts will be adjusted but there is no adjustment for if fuel goes down. Mike indicated he will fix the term and fix the sentence to state so.
MOTION made to approve the new contract for a total of three years to load and transport demo to Juniper Ridge with the rate of 47 to be kept throughout the first year. Seconded. Motion carries unanimously. Vaughn asked the board to consider opening the scale and hut seven days a week, open to close instead of only four days a week with limited hours. John asked why the scales were closed on Mondays and Tuesdays anyway. Jeff explained that those are the days that Mike is loaded. Bill asked what it would do to man power if the scale is open seven days a week. Jeff explained that he will need another person. Vaughn stated, no, he won’t. When comparing our station to that of other stations on a much bigger scale, another person is not necessary. Jeff also explained that if the scales are open until closing time, overtime will be necessary for employees. He added as long as the committee is okay with paying overtime, he is okay with the scales staying open. It was determined the committee does not want to create overtime and a compromise of a half hour was determined. The scales will stay open a half hour longer (3:30 PM Winter/4:30 PM Summer) seven days a week.
MOTION to extend hours of operation of the scales to 3:30 PM winter and 4:30 PM Summer, 7 days per week. Seconded. Motion carries unanimously.
With no further business, a Motion was made to adjourn at 8:04 PM.
______Vaughn Leach, Chairman