<p>TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>Monday 29 November 2004 09.0 Registration, coffee, exhibition & networking 0 09.3 Session 1 – Reducing inequalities 0 (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Frances Mair 09.3 Welcoming address 5 Dr Jack Tinker, Emeritus Dean, The Royal Society of Medicine, London</p><p>KEYNOTE LECTURE 09.4 Reducing inequalities – The promise of eHealth 5 Professor Richard E Scott, Vice-President and President–elect, Canadian Society of Telehealth (Canada) </p><p>Power to the patient: Can we help bridge the doctor/patient “digital divide” (TM04/14R) M Malone (UK)</p><p>Wellness management through web based programs (TM04/06R) A Omar, ML Wahlqvist & A Kouris-Blazos (Australia) 11.0 Coffee, exhibition & networking 0 11.3 Session 2 – Innovative 11.3 Delivering cancer care 11.3 Workshop 0 approaches to 0 (North Hall) 0 (Committee room 4) cardiovascular care (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Dr Georg Brox Chair:Dr Nicholas Robinson Home telemonitoring of KEYNOTE LECTURE Evaluation issues chronic heart failure Modernising cancer in home telecare patients: A European services – The The IEE (UK) patient managed system potential for (TM04/60R) telemedicine D Andrews, GD Pinna, Dr Anthony Davison, R Maestri, M Roma, Consultant Physician and JL Scanferlato, A Clinical Director for Giordano, Medicine, Southend F Comazzi, M Ferrar, P Hospital (UK) Johnson, S Capomolla, A Mortara & Providing access to The HHH Consortium oncology care for rural (UK) patients via telemedicine (TM04/50r) Daily usage and G Doolittle (USA) efficiency of remote home monitoring in A comprehensive hypertensive patients approach to during a period of one evaluating year (TM04/17R) telemedicine K Port, K Palm & M delivered TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>Viigimaa (Estonia) multidisciplinary breast cancer Cardiac event recorder meetings in Southern yield more diagnoses Scotland (TM04/47R) than 24 hour Holter IH Kunkler, RG Fielding, monitoring in patients J Brebner, R Prescott, with palpitations R Maclean, J Cairns, U (TM04/08R) Chetty, S Scalvini, E Zanelli, G G Neades , A Walls, A Martinelli, D Baratti, A Bowman, JM Dixon, T Giordano & F Glisenti Gardner, F Yuille, (Italy) M Smith, J Wilson, I Nawroz, Home telemonitoring of M Aird, S Swann, M vital signs, activity, McNab, breathing pattern and J MacCoubrey & M Lee heart rate variability in (UK) chronic heart failure </p><p> patients. Preliminary Panel discussion evaluation of patient Lead discussant: John compliance with the Navein HHH project Best practice: What do we (TM04/59R) know and why aren’t we D Andrews, GD Pinna, doing it? R Maestri, JL </p><p>Scanferlato, T Witkowski, P Johnson, A Mortara, & The HHH consortium (UK)</p><p>Role of the telecardiology in the evaluation for the symptom “angina” in patients with recent acute coronary syndrome (TM04/64R) A Chiantera, S Scalvini, G Pulignano, M Pugliese, L De Lio, Mazza, MS Fera, L Bussolotti, S Bartolini & E Giovannini (Italy) 13.0 Lunch, posters, exhibition & networking 0 14.0 Session 3 – Telenursing / Helping 14.0 New developments / New frontiers 0 people stay at home 0 (North Hall) (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Dr Eileen Brebner Chair: Professor Richard Wootton KEYNOTE LECTURE A wireless ICT application in acute stroke TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>E-Nursing: Future directions care: The TeleCare pilot (TM04/18R) Dr Beverly Malone, General MHA Huis in ‘t Veld, JA van Ti & MMR Secretary, The Royal College of Vollenbroek-Hutten (Netherlands) Nursing (UK) Clinical trials and evaluation of a mobile eHealth and the garden of Eden: Tele-Echography robotic system Are nurses ready to bite the apple? (TM04/23R) (TM04/41R) F Courreges, P Vieyres, RSH Istepanian, P M Bryson, S Levy, A Casey & M Conxita Bru (UK) Smith (UK) Emergency ENT radiological image assessment using the camera mobile phone (TM04/36R) N Eze, S Lo, D Bray & AG Toma (UK) Computerised digital photographic Using telemedicine to support spinal- visual care plans ‘A communication injured patients after discharge tool for patients, carers and nurses’ (TM04/46R) “A picture says a thousand words” H Pain, A Soopramanien & A Stainthorp (TM04/01r) (UK) I Fretwell, E Mallender, K Smith & J Simms (UK) Wearable devices for telemedicine applications (TM04/07R) A comparison of patient and M Scheffler & E Hirt (Switzerland) provider perspectives of home telecare: Preliminary results from a randomised control trial (TM04/67R) FS Mair, C Shiels, A Boland, P Goldstein, C May, C Roberts, R Angus, J O’Connor, A Haycox & S Capewell (UK)</p><p>Summary report of Jersey Eating Disorder team clinical supervision from South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, via videoconferencing (TM04/10r) L Wells & S Le Main (Channel Islands) 15.3 Tea, exhibition & networking 0 16.0 Session 4 – Healthcare 16.0 Lessons about the 16.0 Workshop 0 via the Internet: 0 implementation of eHealth 0 (Committee room Promise or threat? services 4) (New Lecture Theatre) (North Hall) Chair: Dr Paul Johnson Chair: Dr Glyn Hayes Debate - Healthcare via Moving from local Embedding the Internet: implementation to decision support Promise or threat? mainstream services. in the PDA TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>Dr Elizabeth Murray & Meeting government P J McCullagh, Dr Nicholas Robinson objectives for telecare CD Nugent, J (TM04/24R) Jenkins, A A critical analysis of J Barlow, S Bayer, B Volprecht, J published literature in Castleton & R Curry (UK) Wallace, W one area of citizen Patton, JC centred eHealth: The Role flexibility among Augusto & ND internet and consumer telehealthcare service Black (UK) health information providers in the North (TM04/21R) West and West of Ireland J Powell, P Lowe, F (TM04/40R) Griffiths & A MacFarlane, P Clerkin & M Thorogood (UK) A Murphy (Ireland)</p><p>Attitudes of young Producing evidence based people with diabetes to guidelines for the an internet-based virtual implementation of clinic (TM04/32R) telemedicine services P Lowe, H Hearnshaw & (TM04/3aR) F Griffiths (UK) JA Brebner, EM Brebner & H Ruddick-Bracken (UK)</p><p>Can a web-based Mobile telemetry for pre- intervention be used in hospital thromboysis – general practice for Problems and solutions people with excessive (TM04/51R) alcohol consumption? D Pedley, S Beedie & J (TM04/19R) Ferguson (UK) S Linke, R Harrison & P Wallace (UK) The reality of home telecare (TM04/48r) AV Roudsari, ER Carson Interactive Health and other members of the Communication REALITY project Applications for chronic consortium (UK) disease: Patient and carer perspectives (TM04/16R) C Kerr, E Murray, F Stevenson, C Gore & I Nazareth (UK)</p><p>Discussion</p><p>17.3 Wine, posters, exhibition & networking 0 18.0 Debate 0 (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Paul Wallace TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>This House Believes that RCTs are greatly underused as a way to evaluate eHealth initiatives</p><p>Proposition Opposition Professor Jeremy Wyatt Professor Marc Berg Associate Director of Research & Development, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands NHS National Institute for Clinical Excellence</p><p>Professor John Cleland Professor Carl May Professor of Cardiology, University of Hull Professor of Medical Sociology, University of Newcastle 19.1 Wine and canapé reception with jazz band 5 21.0 Close 0</p><p>Tuesday 30 November 2004 08.3 Registration, coffee, exhibition & networking 0 09.0 Session 5 – Social vs. 09.0 Home Telecare 09.0 Workshop 0 technical – conflicting 0 (North Hall) 0 (Committee room paradigms 4) (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Paul Chair: Professor Carl Wallace May KEYNOTE LECTURE Introducing assistive Home use of Social vs. technical – technology into the health conflicting existing homes of older technologies by paradigms in e- people: Feasibility, diverse groups health acceptability, costs and British Computer implementation? outcomes (TM04/03R) Society Health Professor Marc Berg, A Tinker, & P Lansley Informatics Erasmus University, (UK) Committee(UK) Rotterdam (Netherlands) TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>Evaluation of practical Telehealthcare: feasibility and Perspectives on the acceptability of home changing role of monitoring in a residential patients and citizens home setting (TM04/15R) (TM04/25R) T Bratan, M Clarke, R Paul, T Finch, M Mort, C May R Jones & A Larkworthy & (UK) F Mair (UK) Telemedicine aided home Teleradiology and based rehabilitation and PACS changing pattern home hospitalisation for of communication patients with advanced between clinicians and COPD (TM04/56R) radiologists (TM04/12R) Th Vontetsianos, P Giovas1, IH Monrad Aasa & J Th Katsaras, B Tsoulkas, Terje Geitungb (Norway) S Kourelea, S Contos & T Stamkopoulos (Greece) Diffusion theory and telehealth adoption by Home tele-measurement of Kansas providers: fetal and infant Critical factors in biophysiological telehealth adoption for development in a improved patient access population with high and (TM04/72R) low indices of maternal R Spaulding, T Russo, D psycho-social adversity Cook & G Doolittle (TM04/58R) (USA) DC Andrews, L Murray, P Cooper & P Johnson (UK) Panel discussion What lesions should be Supporting families of learned for future critically ill children at eHealth initiatives? home using videoconferencing (TM04/61R) GJ Morgan, F Casey, B Craig, A Sands & B Grant (UK) Home sleep studies for evaluation of Suspected Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) (TM04/69R) A Patel, M Watson & P Habibi. (UK) 10.3 Coffee, exhibition & networking 0 11.0 Session 6 – eHealth 11.0 Optimising chronic disease 11.0 Moderated 0 experience in service 0 management 0 posters delivery (North Hall) (Merck Sharp & TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>(New Lecture Theatre) Dohme room) Chair: Mr Keith Clough Chair: Dr John Navein Chair: Professor Norman Black Telepsychiatry in South Mobile phone technology Chronic disease London and Maudsley in the management of management 2 NHS Trust (TM04/05r) asthma (TM04/22R) M Soncul & P McLaren D Ryan, D Price & L (UK) Tarassenko (UK) Further applications in A store and forward FITE diabetes: Improved eHealth teledermatology service access to sub-specialist for the Western Isles of care by telemedicine; First Scotland (TM04/15r) 2 years costs savings and See details at end JP Vestey (UK) care measures (TM04/49R) of programme T Malasanos, J Burlingame, B Patel, P Sloyer & A Muir Implementing web- (USA) based telemedicine in Decisions, decisions: ophthalmology Implementing autonomy (TM04/08r) in a diabetes management C Kennedy & I Murdoch system (TM04/05R) (UK) L Black, M McTear, ND Black, Parents’ communication R Harper & M Lemon satisfaction with (UK) physicians: Comparing face-to-face and Web based mobile asthma telemedicine pediatric management system consults (TM04/51r) (TM04/31R) A Spaulding, A Kunke & H Lee, S K Yoo, S Jung, N G Doolittle (USA) Kwon & C Hong (Korea)</p><p>Restoring cognitive Effect of a home based functioning seven years telecardiology on chronic post injury via in-home heart failure: costs teletherapy (TM04/07r) evaluation (TM04/09R) J Hatfield (USA) S Scalvini, S Capomolla, E Zanelli, M Benigno, D Panel discussion Domenghini, How do we promote the L Patella, F Glisenti & A move from Giordano (Italy) demonstration project to real service provision in eHealth? 12.3 Lunch, posters exhibition & networking 0 13.3 Session 7 - A spectrum 13.3 eHealth – The 13.3 Moderated TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>0 of further eHealth 0 international experience 0 posters initiatives – from the (North Hall) (Merck Sharp & internet to Dohme room) telehealthcare Chair: Professor Ricky (New Lecture Theatre) Richardson Chair: Mr Keith Chair: Dr John Brebner Clough Telemedicine helps Designing a Southeastern people stay at home European Transplantation Implementation (TM04/34r) Network (SETNET) & standards F Mair, S Fraser & J (TM04/29R) Ferguson (UK) G Anogianakis, A Education & Klisarova, evaluation A Brazilian model of T Temelkov, A Anogeianaki, distant education in G Ilonidis, V Papaliangas See details at end physiatry based on the & of programme integration of J Liangouris (Greece) videoconference and internet (TM04/53R) Video-conference CA Kavamoto, CL Wen, technology links rural LR Battistella & GM physicians (TM04/68R) Böhm (Brazil) D Klein, P Davis & L Hickey (Canada) Telehealth in Tier-4 Child and Adolescent Telemedicine in big Mental Health Services industrial center (CAMHS): Participants (TM04/09r) acceptance and AV Vladzymyrskyy & utilisation (TM04/27R) VG Klymovytskyy (Ukraine) A Grealish, R Glaze & L Potter (UK) International telemedicine project – TeleCardiology in Serbia (TM04/33r) Sex, lies and D Mijin, G Weatherburn, J videoconferencing Kosutic, M Rigby & T (TM04/33R) Carter (UK) K Padgham, J Scott, A Kritchell, A McEachen A web based co-operative & J Hislop (UK) work framework for heart failure patient Video-CBT for eating management (TM04/24r) disorders in “outback” C Eccher, B Purin, M Rigo, Scotland (TM04/28R) A Serra, C Favaretti, G S Simpson and J Knox Guarrera & S Forti (Italy) (UK) Analysis of telemedicine An internet based efficacy for telemedicine model for ophthalmologic triage by a Albania (TM04/30R) general practitioner G Anogianakis, A (TM04/54R) Anogeianaki, G Ilonidis, I A Chater Taleb, György M Mustafa, Böhm & CL Wen (Brazil) TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>V Papaliangas, J Liangouris & D Koutsonikolas (Greece) 15.0 Tea, exhibition & networking 0 15.3 Session 8 – Empowering the citizen 0 (New Lecture Theatre) Chair: Professor Frances Mair KEYNOTE LECTURE Promoting citizen-centred care – The challenge for eHealth Professor Angela Coulter, Chief Executive, Picker Institute Europe (UK)</p><p> eHealth and public wellbeing Dr Paul Johnson, John Radcliffe Hospital (UK) </p><p>Generating principles for telehealthcare: A citizen’s panel perspective (TM04/42R) M Mort & T Finch (UK)</p><p>New paradigms in supporting the knowledgeable citizen in the UK. Developments in the forthcoming NHS Interactive Digital Television (DTV) Service (TM04/28r) N Robinson (UK)</p><p>Panel discussion Are those promoting eHealth engaging effectively with citizens ad how should policymakers and other best engage with citizens in the future?</p><p>17.1 End of conference 5 TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>Moderated poster presentations (in the Merck Sharpe & Dohme Room)</p><p>Chronic Disease Management 2 TM04/MP10 Telecardiology: nursing one lead ECG monitoring in chronic heart failure R S Scalvini, G Martinelli, D Baratti, D Domenighini, M Benigno, S Canclini, E Zanelli & A Giordano (Italy) TM04/MP50 FITE Diabetes: School nurse, family, provider connectivity R T Malasanos, J Burlingame, B Patel, P Sloyer & A Muir (USA) TM04/MP32 Health Hero Network for managing chronic disease r C Woodiwis (UK) Further applications in eHealth TM04/MP12 Telemedical support for Iraq r L Caffery, P Swinfen, R Swinfen, K Youngberry & R Wootton (Australia) TM04/MP13 MPEG-21 as an access control tool for the NHS care records service R G Brox (UK) TM04/MP17 Wristcare support discharge r A Hall (UK) TM04/MP57 Measuring clinical competence of Drs and nurses when making clinical R decisions regarding the management of burn wounds O Jones (UK) Implementation & standards TM04/MP16 Information Governance Standards for managing eHealth information r J Huston (UK) TM04/MP43 TAIL WAGS DOG! Open opposition to the introduction of minor injuries r telemedicine J Ferguson, S Fraser, A Palombo, A Rowlands & G Burnett (UK) Education & Evaluation TM04/MP25 Education to the doorstep of remote and rural healthcare professionals in r Scotland TeleMed & eHealth ’04: Citizen centred care</p><p>B Beasant & G Needham (UK) TM04/MP36 E-Education r F Mair (UK) TM04/MP70 Developing e-learning for Interprofessional education: Testing the waters R T Varga-Atkins & H Cooper (UK) TM04/MP71 Adapting the Roter Interaction Analysis System for telemedicine: Lessons in R coding across four speciality clinics E Nelson & R Spaulding (USA)</p><p>Non moderated posters (located in and around the catering areas)</p><p>TM04/NP20 Facilitated self-help for the treatment of anxiety and depression in primary R care -an exploratory study J Leibowitz, R Rudge & P Wallace (UK) TM04/NP20 Cardiac tele-monitoring system r G Balázs & G Kozmann (Hungary) TM04/NP26 Pervasive diabetes management and internetworking system R Y Zou, R Istepanian, S Bain & K Ibidun (UK) TM04/NP35 Assessment of resuscitation in remote and rural areas a case for R teleconferencing J Mardon, L Hislop & M Boyd (UK) TM04/NP39 A unique booking infrastructure for the assisted sanitary residences r M Fregonara & R Villa (Italy) TM04/NP44 M-Health assessment for clinical diabetes study in NHS hospitals R N Prag, R Istepanian, J Lacal & S Bain (UK) TM04/NP48 Information needs for a quality specialist referral R C Ireson (USA) TM04/NP55 Warning form to improve homecare clinical data acquisition through the R internet L Watanabe Dal Ben, D Canesin de Barros Ribeiro, M Carmona Doria, M Aparecida Bussacos & C Lung Wen (Brazil) TM04/NP62 Web based secure access from multiple patient reservoirs R J Choe & S K Youu (Korea) TM04/NP65 Reducing inequalities in Public Health Services in Latin America through R communications and information technologies A Martínez, M Llamas, A Rendón, R Shoemaker & D M. López (Spain)</p>
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