HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

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HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 1 (A) demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations, including the appropriate use of safety showers, eyewash fountains, safety goggles, and fire extinguishers;

Demonstrate Identify verb(s)

Understanding Level of Blooms

Safety in the lab and field Concept(s)

Limited safe practices and some safety equipment Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic Name safety equipment including safety showers, eyewash fountains, safety goggles and fire Essential extinguishers. knowledge Show how to appropriately use safety equipment including safety showers, eyewash fountains, (What students safety goggles and fire extinguishers. are expected to know and be able to do) Teachers may assume students have used all of these pieces of safety equipment , and understand Possible their function. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 1 (B) know specific hazards of chemical substances such as flammability, corrosiveness, and radioactivity as summarized on the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS); and

Know Identify verb(s)

Knowledge Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Specific Hazards of chemical substances (MSDS)

Prior knowledge None required/ supporting topic

Specific hazards of chemical substances as listed on the MSDS sheets - such as flammability, Essential corrosiveness, and radioactivity. knowledge (What students Other specific terminology on MSDS may be taught. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Teachers may think the MSDS sheets are for themselves and not the students. misconceptions or Look for other terminology on the MSDS sheets that may be appropriate to teach, such as caustic comments/ and volatile. suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 1 (C) demonstrate an understanding of the use and conservation of resources and the proper disposal or recycling of materials.

Identify verb(s) Demonstrate

Level of Blooms Understanding

Concept(s) Resource conservation, proper disposal and recycling of materials

Prior knowledge Same TEK exists in grades 6th-8th and biology required/ supporting topic

Demonstrate understanding of the use and conservation of resources. Essential Demonstrate understanding of proper disposal or recycling of materials. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Teachers should model proper behavior in disposing materials, conserving resources and recycling. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ 2 (A) know the definition of science and understand that it has limitations, as specified in subsection (b)(2) of this section;

Identify verb(s) Know and understand

Level of Blooms Knowledge/Remembering Comprehension Understanding

Concept(s) Define Science and realize that science can’t (or has not) answer all questions

Prior knowledge “Philosophical” concept introduced in high school science – no prior knowledge from previous required/ courses supporting topic Definition of Science/Understand Science as a process

Essential Science can change as we learn more about the world around us knowledge (What students Science process must be testable, repeated, supported by data are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible “Science” is (seems) is at odds with creationism/intelligent design. These are faith-based beliefs. misconceptions Science is based on testable concepts/data. or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (B) know that scientific hypotheses are tentative and testable statements that must be capable of being supported or not supported by observational evidence. Hypotheses of durable explanatory power which have been tested over a wide variety of conditions are incorporated into theories;

Identify verb(s) Know

Level of Blooms Knowledge/Remembering

Concept(s) Hypothesis

Prior knowledge Writing/identifying testable hypothesis required/ Hypothesis is based on having some prior knowledge about concept supporting topic

Essential Hypotheses are testable and measureable knowledge Hypotheses can change (What students Theories are based on supported hypotheses are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible “My hypothesis is wrong” is not a conclusion. misconceptions Not every hypothesis is an “if … then” statement or IF there is no prior knowledge about concept, you are making a prediction – not a hypothesis comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (C) know that scientific theories are based on natural and physical phenomena and are capable of being tested by multiple independent researchers. Unlike hypotheses, scientific theories are well- established and highly-reliable explanations, but may be subject to change as new areas of science and new technologies are developed;

Identify verb(s) Know

Level of Blooms Knowledge/Remembering

Concept(s) Scientific Theory

Prior knowledge Know Hypothesis required/ supporting topic

Essential Know the difference between theory and hypothesis knowledge Theories are well-tested and generally accepted explanations (What students Theories can change if new information or techniques are developed. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Theories are not facts/laws. Theories can change. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (D) distinguish between scientific hypotheses and scientific theories;

Identify verb(s) Distinguish

Level of Blooms Comprehension/Understanding

Concept(s) Hypothesis v. Theories

Prior knowledge Know terms hypothesis and theory required/ (B.2B, B.2C) supporting topic

Essential Know the difference between hypothesis and theory knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Addressed in B.2B and B.2C misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (E) plan and implement investigative procedures, including asking questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting equipment and technology, including graphing calculators, computers and probes, sufficient scientific glassware such as beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, pipettes, graduated cylinders, volumetric flasks, safety goggles, and burettes, electronic balances, and an adequate supply of consumable chemicals;

Plan, Implement, Ask, Formulate, Select Identify verb(s)

Evaluate Level of Blooms

Experimental design including questions, hypotheses, selection and application of equipment. Concept(s)

Prior knowledge Investigative skills. required/ Similar TEK 6th-8th grade except for selecting equipment. supporting topic  Plan and implement investigative procedures. Essential  Ask questions knowledge  Formulate hypothesis (What students  Select equipment including: graphing calculators, computers and probes, sufficient glassware are expected to and consumable chemicals. know and be able to do) Students may not have had exposure to these pieces of equipment. Possible misconceptions Your science budget will need to be increased!! or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (F) collect data and make measurements with accuracy and precision;

Collect, Make Identify verb(s)

Application Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Data collection Making measurements (using metric) Accuracy Precision

Prior knowledge Students have collected data and made measurements with various tools. required/ Biology supports this TEKS with accuracy and precision (Bio 2F) supporting topic Metric has been used by students 6th-8th

Collect data Essential Make measurements with accuracy knowledge Make measurements with precision (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Emphasize accuracy and precision. Work with your biology team to align your definitions of misconceptions accuracy and precision or comments/ Suggestion: Use ‘broken rulers’ to help students understand the increments of measurement. suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (G) express and manipulate chemical quantities using scientific conventions and mathematical procedures, including dimensional analysis, scientific notation, and significant figures;

Express, Manipulate, Use Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Application

Concept(s) Chemical quantities, Dimensional Analysis, Scientific Notation, and Significant Figures

Metric system Prior knowledge Solving for one variable required/ supporting topic

Express chemical quantities Essential Manipulate chemical quantities knowledge Use scientific conventions including dimensional analysis, scientific notation and sig figs. (What students Use mathematical procedures including dimensional analysis, scientific notation, and sig figs. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible All calculations need to be consistent throughout the year i.e. don’t teach scientific notation and sig misconceptions figs in isolation. or comments/ When solving problems, have students estimate before calculating. When putting numbers into the suggestions calculator, have students do it twice to get the same answer first. HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (H) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data; and

Identify verb(s) Analyze, evaluate, make inferences, predict trends

Level of Blooms Analysis/Analyzing and Evaluation/Evaluating and Synthesis/Creating

Concept(s) Using data

Prior knowledge Students have analyzed, made conclusions, predicted trends from data in middle school 2E. This required/ also requires evaluation and often making inferences. supporting topic

Essential Read tables, graphs, charts, etc. knowledge Use information form tables, graphs, charts to make inferences and predictions (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible None misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 2 (I) communicate valid conclusions supported by the data through methods such as lab reports, labeled drawings, graphs, journals, summaries, oral reports, and technology-based reports.

Identify verb(s) Communicate

Level of Blooms Analysis

Concept(s) Interpret data and make valid conclusions

Prior knowledge Scientific interpretation skills required/ supporting topic Communicate valid conclusions using data Essential Communicate by using lab reports, labeled drawings, graphs, journals, summaries, oral reports, and knowledge technology-based reports. (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Give students lots of practice and many different ways to express the connection between their data misconceptions and their conclusions. or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 3 (A) in all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student;

Identify verb(s) Analyze, evaluate, and critique

Level of Blooms Analysis/Analyzing and Evaluate/Evaluating

Concept(s) Evaluate strengths/weaknesses of scientific explanantions

Prior knowledge This TEKS is present 6-12 (Physics) 3A required/ Define empirical evidence supporting topic Use experimental and observational testing

Essential Use critical thinking/reasoning skills knowledge Be able to look at all “sides” of an issue or explanantion (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible None misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 3 (B) communicate and apply scientific information extracted from various sources such as current events, news reports, published journal articles, and marketing materials;

Identify verb(s) Communicate and apply

Level of Blooms Application/Applying and Evaluate/Evaluating

Concept(s) Using real world sources of scientific information

Prior knowledge None required/ supporting topic

Essential Evaluate validity of source knowledge Read/comprehend information from a variety of sources (What students Express new information in verbal or written format are expected to Use new information or connect to classroom concepts/real life know and be able to do)

Possible None misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 3 (C) draw inferences based on data related to promotional materials for products and services;

Identify verb(s) Draw inferences

Level of Blooms Evaluate/Evaluating

Concept(s) Evaluate promotional materials

Prior knowledge Students should be able to draw inferences required/ Fact v. Opinion supporting topic Analyzing data and explanations (6-8th grade 2E,3A,3A, and Bio 2G and 3A)

Essential Evaluate promotional materials to determine whether or not claims are justified. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions None or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 3 (D) evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment;

Identify verb(s) Evaluate

Level of Blooms Evaluate/Evaluating

Concept(s) Impact of Scientific Research

Prior knowledge From middle school (3D) – relate impact of research on scientific thought (theories) and society required/ Evaluate information supporting topic

Essential Become aware of new scientific research/theories and how this information impacts or drives change knowledge in society, public policy, and the environment (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Teachers need to be aware of personal bias and avoid this coming across to students. Teachers are misconceptions responsible for understanding multiple sides of an issue and present these issues in an unbiased or format. comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 3 (E) describe the connection between chemistry and future careers; and

Describe Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Knowledge/Remembering and Comprehension/Understanding

All Chemistry and careers in chemistry Concept(s)

Prior knowledge Chemistry concepts of student interest required/ How to select a career of interest supporting topic

Essential Connect link for chemistry knowledge and a career. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible None misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 3 (F) research and describe the history of chemistry and contributions of scientists.

Identify verb(s) Research and describe

Level of Blooms Knowledge/Remembering and Comprehension/Understanding

History of chemistry and scientists Concept(s)

Prior knowledge How to research for information required/ How to select valid sources supporting topic

Essential Locate sources of information, read and put information together knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible None misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 4 (A) differentiate between physical and chemical changes and properties;

Identify verb(s) Differentiate

Analyze Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Physical changes, Physical properties, Chemical changes, Chemical properties

Prior knowledge Physical and chemical changes required/ supporting topic

Differentiate between physical and chemical changes Essential Differentiate between physical and chemical properties knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 4(B) identify extensive and intensive properties;

Identify verb(s) Identify

Level of Blooms Remembering

Concept(s) Extensive properties Intensive properties

Prior knowledge Definitions of density, mass, volume, phases, malleability, ductility required/ supporting topic Identify extensive properties Essential Identify intensive properties knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible A common misconception is that density changes with the amount of a substance i.e. if you cut a misconceptions solid in half, the density will change. or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 4 (C) compare solids, liquids, and gases in terms of compressibility, structure, shape, and volume; and

Identify verb(s) Compare

Level of Blooms Understanding

Concept(s) Phases of Matter (solids, liquids, gases)

Prior knowledge IPC – physical properties of the phases required/ supporting topic

Compare the compressibility of solids, liquids, and gases. Essential Compare the structure of solids, liquids, and gases. knowledge Compare the shape of solids, liquids, and gases. (What students Compare the volume of solids, liquids, and gases. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Don’t assume students know this from middle school. It is not in the MS TEKS – only in IPC and 5th misconceptions grade!!! or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 4 (D) classify matter as pure substances or mixtures through investigation of their properties.

Identify verb(s) Classify, Investigate

Level of Blooms Applying and Analysing

Concept(s) Classification of matter

Prior knowledge required/ 6th grade – Elements are pure substances supporting topic 7th grade – Components of organic substances

Classify matter as pure substances or mixtures. Essential Investigate the properties of matter in order to classify them as pure substances and mixtures. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible A misconception may be that students have a broader base of knowledge for this concept than they misconceptions actually have. or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 5 (A) explain the use of chemical and physical properties in the historical development of the Periodic Table;

Identify verb(s) Explain

Level of Blooms Understanding

Concept(s) Group similarities

Prior knowledge Atomic numbers protons, neutrons required/ What groups and periods are supporting topic Chemical and Physical Changes

Understand the why the periodic table is set up the way it is Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 5 (B) use the Periodic Table to identify and explain the properties of chemical families, including alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases, and transition metals; and

Identify verb(s) Use, Identify, Explain

Level of Blooms Understand, Applying, Analyze

Concept(s) Periodicity, Periodic Table, Chemical Families

8th grade – Groups and Periods of the PT and properties used to classify elements Prior knowledge IPC – Periodic Table, chemical behavior, bonding and classification required/ supporting topic

 Use the Periodic Table Essential  Explain properties of chemical families including alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, knowledge noble gases, and transition metals. (What students are expected to know and be able to do) Teach the Roman numerals and the numbering system for the PT. Possible Except for the transition metals, the last digit in the number is the same as the Roman numeral. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 5 (C) use the Periodic Table to identify and explain periodic trends, including atomic and ionic radii, electronegativity, and ionization energy.

Identify verb(s) Use, Identify, Explain

Understand and Apply Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Periodic Trends of the Periodic Table

Prior knowledge 8th grade: Students learn the arrangement of the groups and periods and how properties are used to required/ classify elements. supporting topic

Use the Periodic Table to identify periodic trends including atomic and ionic radii, electronegativity, Essential and ionization energy. knowledge (What students Use the Periodic Table to explain periodic trends including atomic and ionic radii, electronegativity, are expected to and ionization energy. know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 6 (A) understand the experimental design and conclusions used in the development of modern atomic theory, including Dalton's Postulates, Thomson's discovery of electron properties, Rutherford's nuclear atom, and Bohr's nuclear atom;

Understand Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Understanding

Development of modern atomic theory Concept(s)

None Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic

 Understand experimental design used in the development of modern atomic theory Essential  Understand conclusions used in the development of modern atomic theory. knowledge  Include Dalton’s postulates, Thomson’s discovery of electron properties, Rutherford’s nuclear (What students atom, and Bohr’s nuclear atom. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Emphasize the limitations and the advantages of using a model. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 6 (B) understand the electromagnetic spectrum and the mathematical relationships between energy, frequency, and wavelength of light;

Understand Identify verb(s)

Understand Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Electromagnetic spectrum Relationships between energy, frequency, and wavelength of light

Prior knowledge None required/ supporting topic

Understand electromagnetic spectrum Essential Understand the mathematical relationships between energy, frequency, and wavelength of light knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 6 (C) calculate the wavelength, frequency, and energy of light using Planck's constant and the speed of light;

Identify verb(s) Calculate

Apply Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Characteristics of waves

8th grade: introduction of wavelengths and the electromagnetic spectrum Prior knowledge required/ IPC supporting topic  Calculate wavelength using Planck’s constant and the speed of light Essential  Calculate frequency using Planck’s constant and the speed of light knowledge  Calculate the energy of light using Planck’s constant and the speed of light (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 6 (D) use isotopic composition to calculate average atomic mass of an element; and

Identify verb(s) Use, Calculate

Apply Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Isotopic composition Average Atomic Mass

Prior knowledge Elements, Periodic Table, Parts of the Atom required/ supporting topic

Calculate average atomic mass Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible The word “average” is not equal for each part, but is a weighted average. misconceptions or Use real –world application for isotopes i.e. nuclear medicine comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 6 (E) express the arrangement of electrons in atoms through electron configurations and Lewis valence electron dot structures.

Identify verb(s) Express

Level of Blooms Remembering

Electron configurations Concept(s) Lewis valence electron dot structures

Prior knowledge 8th grade : Valence electrons required/ supporting topic

Express the electron configuration Essential Express Lewis valence electron dot structures knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 7 (A) name ionic compounds containing main group or transition metals, covalent compounds, acids, and bases, using International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature rules;

Identify verb(s) Name

Level of Blooms Remembering, Understanding, Applying

Concept(s) Naming ionic and covalent compounds using IUPAC nomenclature Naming acids and bases using IUPAC nomenclature

Prior knowledge None required/ supporting topic

Name ionic compounds using IUPAC nomenclature Essential Name covalent compounds using IUPAC nomenclature knowledge Name acids and bases using IUPAC nomenclature (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Students may think that this is done only one time in chemistry and is not important for later units. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 7 (B) write the chemical formulas of common polyatomic ions, ionic compounds containing main group or transition metals, covalent compounds, acids, and bases;

Identify verb(s) Write

Remembering, Understanding, Applying Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Write chemical formulas

Prior knowledge None required/ supporting topic

Write chemical formulas of common polyatomic ions containing main group or transition metals. Essential Write chemical formulas of ionic compounds containing main group or transition metals knowledge Write chemical formulas of covalent compounds. (What students Write chemical formulas of acids and bases. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Students may think this is only done one time in chemistry and is not important for other units. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 7 (C) construct electron dot formulas to illustrate ionic and covalent bonds;

Identify verb(s) Construct, Illustrate

Apply Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Electron dot formulas Bonding

Prior knowledge required/ None supporting topic

Construct electron dot formulas Essential Illustrate ionic and covalent bonds knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ 7 (D) describe the nature of metallic bonding and apply the theory to explain metallic properties such as thermal and electrical conductivity, malleability, and ductility; and

Identify verb(s) Describe, Apply, Explain

Level of Blooms Apply, Analyze

Concept(s) Metallic bonding Metallic properties

Prior knowledge 6th grade: Compare metals, nonmetals, and metalloids using luster, conductivity or malleability. required/ supporting topic

Describe the nature of metallic bonding. Essential Apply the theory of metallic bonding to explain metallic properties such as thermal and electrical knowledge conductivity, malleability and ductility. (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 7 (E) predict molecular structure for molecules with linear, trigonal planar, or tetrahedral electron pair geometries using Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory.

Identify verb(s) Predict

Analyze Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Molecular structure VSEPR theory

3-D Geometric shapes Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic

Predict molecular structure for molecules with linear, trigonal planar, or tetrahedral electron pair Essential geometries using VSEPR theory. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do) Moving from 2-D to 3-D structures Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 8 (A) define and use the concept of a mole;

Define, Use Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Understanding

Concept(s) Mole

Prior knowledge required/ None supporting topic

Define the concept of a mole Essential Use the concept of a mole knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 8 (B) use the mole concept to calculate the number of atoms, ions, or molecules in a sample of material;

Use Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Apply


Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic

Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 8 (C) calculate percent composition and empirical and molecular formulas;

Identify verb(s) Calculate

Level of Blooms Apply

Percent composition Concept(s) Empirical formulas Molecular formulas

Prior knowledge Percent required/ Ratios supporting topic

Calculate percent composition Essential Calculate empirical formulas knowledge Calculate molecular formulas (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 8 (D) use the law of conservation of mass to write and balance chemical equations; and

Identify verb(s) Use, Write, Balance

Apply, Analyze, Predict Level of Blooms

Law of conservation of Mass Concept(s) Writing chemical equations Balancing chemical equations

8th grade: Law of Conservation of Matter; Balancing equations Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic

Write a chemical equation Essential Balance a chemical equation knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Misconception: Matter can be lost. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 8 (E) perform stoichiometric calculations, including determination of mass relationships between reactants and products, calculation of limiting reagents, and percent yield.

Perform (calculate) Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Applying

Stoichiometry Concept(s) Reactants and Products Limiting reagents Percent Yield

Prior knowledge Dimensional analysis required/ Write a balanced equation supporting topic Moles Percents

Calculate mass relationships between reactants and products. Essential Calculate the limiting reagent knowledge Calculate percent yield (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 9 (A) describe and calculate the relations between volume, pressure, number of moles, and temperature for an ideal gas as described by Boyle's law, Charles' law, Avogadro's law, Dalton's law of partial pressure, and the ideal gas law;

Identify verb(s) Describe, Calculate

Understand, Apply Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Gas Laws (Boyle, Charles, Avogadro, Dalton, Ideal)

IPC Prior knowledge Phases required/ Temperature scales supporting topic Moles

Describe the relations between volume, pressure, number of moles and temperature for an ideal gas Essential using Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure and ideal gas law. knowledge (What students Calculate the relations between volume, pressure, number of moles and temperature for an ideal gas are expected to using Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressure and ideal gas law. know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 9 (B) perform stoichiometric calculations, including determination of mass and volume relationships between reactants and products for reactions involving gases; and

Identify verb(s) Perform Calculations

Level of Blooms Apply, Analyze

Concept(s) Stoichiometry using gas reactions

Prior knowledge Mass required/ Volume supporting topic Stoichiometry Gas Laws Dimensional Analysis

Calculate mass relationships between reactants and products for reactions involving gases. Essential Calculate volume relationships between reactants and products for reactions involving gases. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 9 (C) describe the postulates of kinetic molecular theory.

Identify verb(s) Describe

Level of Blooms Understanding

Concept(s) Kinetic molecular theory

Prior knowledge IPC required/ Molecular motion, energy, phases, intermolecular attractions supporting topic

Describe the postulates of kinetic molecular theory Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible This SE should be taught before Gas Laws. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10(A) describe the unique role of water in chemical and biological systems;

Identify verb(s) Describe

Level of Blooms Remembering

Concept(s) Role of water in chemical and biological systems

Prior knowledge Biology: Osmosis, Diffusion, Transpiration, Adhesion, Cohesion required/ Water cycle supporting topic Weather Specific Heat

Describe the unique role of water in chemical and biological systems Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (B) develop and use general rules regarding solubility through investigations with aqueous solutions;

Identify verb(s) Develop, Use

Level of Blooms Analyze, Evaluate, Creating

Concept(s) Rules of solubility

Prior knowledge 5th grade required/ IPC supporting topic Solutions, Solubility

Develop general rules of solubility through investigations with aqueous solutions. Essential Use general rules of solubility through investigations with aqueous solutions. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Students should develop their own rules through lab investigations. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (C) calculate the concentration of solutions in units of molarity;

Identify verb(s) Calculate

Apply Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Molarity

Prior knowledge Moles required/ Solutions supporting topic

Calculate the concentration of solutions in units of molarity. Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Students need to covert to appropriate units before solving problems misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry 2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (D) use molarity to calculate the dilutions of solutions

Identify verb(s) Use Calculate

Level of Blooms Apply

Molarity Concept(s) Solutions Dilution

Prior knowledge Moles required/ Solutions supporting topic Ratios

Calculate molarity Essential knowledge Use the dilution formula to determine the volume of water needed to attain a specific molarity. (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Students need to covert to appropriate units before solving problems misconceptions or Students may tend to use the formula only and solve for V2, not taking into account the initial volume. comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : (E) distinguish between types of solutions such as electrolytes and nonelectrolytes and unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated solutions;

Identify verb(s) Distinguish

Level of Blooms Understanding

Concept(s) Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes Saturation

Prior knowledge The process of ionic compounds dissolving in water. required/ Recognize ionic vs covalent compounds. supporting topic Identify strong acids/bases vs. weak acids/bases Solute and solvent

Distinguish between electrolytes and nonelectrolyes. Essential Know that ions conduct electricity. knowledge Know what types of compounds ionize in solution. (What students Distinguish if a solution is unsaturated, saturated, or supersaturated. are expected to Read a solubility graph. know and be able to do) Applying a graph to solubility problems with different proportions from the graph. Possible misconceptions Use many different graphs to teach solubility or comments/ Students need to know acids and bases and how they dissociate; students may confuse these suggestions formulas as covalent compounds. HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10(F) investigate factors that influence solubilities and rates of dissolution such as temperature, agitation, and surface area;

Identify verb(s) Investigate

Analyze Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Solubility Rate of dissolution

Process of dissolving Prior knowledge Solute and solvent required/ supporting topic Know how temperature, agitation and surface area affect the rate of dissolving. Essential Investigate these 3 influences on dissolving in a lab situation knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do) The term ‘agitation’ may not be understood. Possible When a large solute is crushed, students may think the surface area is smaller because the particle misconceptions size is smaller. or comments/ Have students discover 3 ways to dissolve a solute faster with an inquiry lab. suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (G) define acids and bases and distinguish between Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry definitions and predict products in acid base reactions that form water;

Define Identify verb(s) Distinguish Predict

Level of Blooms Knowledge Analyze Create

Concept(s) Acids and Bases

Prior knowledge Recognize formulas of acids and bases required/ Determine the products of a double replacement reaction supporting topic

Define an acid and a base according to Arrhenius theory. Essential Define an acid and a base according to Bronsted-Lowry theory. knowledge Distinguish an acid or base according to Arrhenius theory. (What students Distinguish an acid or base according to Bronsted-Lowry theory. are expected to Predict the products in acid base reactions that form water. know and be able to do) Transfer of protons vs transfer of electrons. Possible Students may not immediately recognize water as HOH. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (H) understand and differentiate among acid-base reactions, precipitation reactions, and oxidation-reduction reactions;

Understand Identify verb(s) Differentiate

Remember Level of Blooms Analyze

Acid-base reactions Concept(s) Precipitation reactions Oxidation-Reduction reactions

Prior knowledge Understand double-replacement reactions. required/ Recognize acid-base reactions. supporting topic Use the solubility chart. Recognize oxidation-reduction reactions.

Differentiate among acids-base reactions, precipitation reactions and oxidation-reduction reactions. Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Students need a lot of practice recognizing these 3 types of reactions. misconceptions Spiral these 3 types of reactions throughout different units. or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (H) understand and differentiate among acid-base reactions, precipitation reactions, and oxidation-reduction reactions; Same as above…. Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms


Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic

Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (I) define pH and use the hydrogen or hydroxide ion concentrations to calculate the pH of a solution; and

Define Identify verb(s) Use Calculate

Level of Blooms Remember Apply

Concept(s) pH

Natural logs Prior knowledge Dissociation required/ supporting topic

Define pH Essential Calculate pH using hydrogen ion concentrations. knowledge Calculate pH using hydroxide ion concentrations. (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Students need to calculate pOH as well as pH and relate each to the pH of a solution. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 10 (J) distinguish between degrees of dissociation for strong and weak acids and bases.

Identify verb(s) Distinguish

Analyze Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Dissociation Acid and Base formulas

Prior knowledge Solutions required/ Relate ‘strength’ of an acid or base to it’s electrolytic behavior. supporting topic

Identify strong acids and weak acids. Essential Identify strong bases and weak acids. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

This could be KA or KB…… or it could be simple memorization…..we don’t know yet. Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 11 (A) understand energy and its forms, including kinetic, potential, chemical, and thermal energies;

Identify verb(s) Understand

Understanding Level of Blooms

Forms of Energy Concept(s)

Students should know the terms: kinetic, potential, chemical and thermal Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic Understand kinetic energy. Essential Understand potential energy. knowledge Understand chemical energy. (What students Understand thermal energy. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Relate types of energy to biology concepts and physics concepts. Use many everyday examples. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 11 (B) understand the law of conservation of energy and the processes of heat transfer;

Understand Identify verb(s)

Understanding Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Law of conservation of energy Heat transfer

Prior knowledge Law of conservation of mass and energy required/ Exothermic and Endothermic reactions (middle school) supporting topic

Understand the law of conservation of energy. Essential Understand the process of heat transfer. knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 11 (C) use thermochemical equations to calculate energy changes that occur in chemical reactions and classify reactions as exothermic or endothermic;

Use Identify verb(s) Calculate Classify

Apply Level of Blooms

Concept(s) Thermochemistry Energy changes Exothermic Endothermic

Prior knowledge Basic algebra skills required/ supporting topic

Calculate energy changes Essential Classify reaction as exothermic or endothermic knowledge Identify variables (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Show ‘heat’ as a reactant or product in a balanced equation misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 11 (D) perform calculations involving heat, mass, temperature change, and specific heat; and

Perform Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Apply

Specific Heat Concept(s)

Prior knowledge Algebra in using equations with multiple variables. required/ supporting topic

Using the specific heat equation, calculate specific heat Essential Using the specific heat equation, solve for heat. knowledge Using the specific heat equation, solve for mass. (What students Using the specific heat equation, solve for temperature change. are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Focus on ‘units’ in this equation. misconceptions Clarify initial temperature and final temperature. or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 11 (E) use calorimetry to calculate the heat of a chemical process.

Identify verb(s) Use Calculate

Apply Level of Blooms

Calorimetry Concept(s)

Prior knowledge Algebra skills in solving equations with several variables. required/ Calculate specific heat. supporting topic

Calculate the heat of a chemical process. Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Focus on the ‘units’ in this equation. misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 12 (A) describe the characteristics of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation;

Identify verb(s) Describe

Level of Blooms Remember

Concept(s) Types of radiation

Prior knowledge Subatomic particles required/ Electromagnetic spectrum supporting topic

Describe alpha radiation Essential Describe beta radiation knowledge Describe gamma radiation (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry

2010 TEKS OBJ : 12 (B) describe radioactive decay process in terms of balanced nuclear equations; and

Describe Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Remembering

Concept(s) Radioactive decay Nuclear equations

Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic Describe radioactive decay Essential Recognize balanced nuclear equations knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Use half-life graphs misconceptions Hands on labs or comments/ suggestions HS Science TEKS Summit – Chemistry 2010 TEKS OBJ : 12 (C) compare fission and fusion reactions

Compare Identify verb(s)

Level of Blooms Analyzing

Concept(s) Fission and Fusion

Radioactivity Prior knowledge required/ supporting topic Compare fission to fusion reactions Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do)

Possible Use root words to teach definitions misconceptions or comments/ suggestions

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