English IV Canterbury Tales Project

You will be creating your own modern day version of The Canterbury Tales. When finished, your project will be a complete book, with…

Part I – The Front Cover (10 points)

Your book needs to have a cover. You will have pretty much free reign as to the cover design. The only requirements for your cover are: 1. A picture of your pilgrim (This should be a drawing or a collage – NOT a picture copied form the Internet) 2. 3 symbols or specific images that reference your tale. 3. The title (Ex: The Pardoner’s Tale) 4. Your name(s)

Part II – The Description of the Pilgrim (15 points)

Choose a profession for your pilgrim. Write a description of your pilgrim that includes physical description and gives an insight into his/her personality. Use the descriptions of the Pardoner (p. 139-140, lines 689-734) and the Wife of Bath (p. 133, lines 455-486) as models. Your description should be at least twenty lines of rhyming couplets. This should be on one piece of paper.

Part III – The Tale (50 points)

This is the bulk of your project. Write a minimum 2 page tale about your pilgrim. Your tale must be typed, using 12-point Times New Roman font, and should be double spaced. Remember that the tale should be a reflection of your pilgrim’s character. For example, if your pilgrim is a dishonest man, your tale should be about a dishonest man and the consequences of being dishonest. If your pilgrim is an upright citizen, your tale should be about how being a good person has its rewards. Make sure your tale is appropriate for school. Your tale should have a moral or a message, like “The Pardoner’s Tale” or “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”. Your tale should be complete-it should be a complete story, beginning, middle, and end. Use “The Pardoner’s Tale” (p. 145-153) and “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” (p. 155-166) as guides for your story.

Part IV – The Last Page (10 points)

The last page of your project should include an “About the Author” section. YOU ARE THE AUTHOR! Your blurb should be 2 paragraphs in length and include: where you live, hobbies, and other important information.


* Description of pilgrim – 15 points (5 for physical, 10 for personality) * Cover page – 10 points (5 for proper title and name, 5 for color and effort) * Tale – 50 points (content – your story reflects the personality of your pilgrim and has a moral) * Spelling, grammar, and mechanics – 15 points (neatness, correct punctuation, spelling, etc.) * Last Page – 10 points (this is probably the easiest part)


* When you hand in your project, it should be at least 5 pages!! 1st page – cover 2nd page – description 3rd and 4th page – tale 5th page – last page (‘about the author’)

* This project must be typed (with the exception of the cover page)

* 20 points a day will be deducted from late projects Due date:______