Joyce Bullock Elementary: Lebron Edwards 1st Grade Parent: Jennifer Rodriquez

Nominated by: Mrs. Whitehurst who made the following comment:

Lebron Edwards is an exceptional student!! He has made AB honor roll every nine weeks. He is always ready to learn and help others. Today he was telling me that JBE is the best school because the students get to help their friends to learn. What a wonderful young man Lebron is!

Williston Elementary: (March) Hannah Kortises Parents: Andrew and Jodie Kortises

Nominated by: Mrs. Helgerud who made the following comment:

Hannah is a delightful, intelligent and well mannered student. She is an honor roll student and has been selected student of the month for academics. Hannah is on the safety patrol. Hannah is a real joy to have in class.

Williston Elementary School: Alyssa Byrne 5th grade Parents: Tammy Dyess and Kevin Byrne

Nominated by: Mrs. Dubois who made the following comment:

Alyssa is curious, helpful, kind, friendly, responsible, thoughtful, hard-working, dependable, persistent ... and I'm just getting started! When a new girl came to our class who didn't speak any English (or Spanish) it was Alyssa who decided to sit with her so she could do a science experiment like the rest of the class. Alyssa figured (rightly) that everyone likes blowing up balloons with carbon dioxide formed from baking soda and vinegar. She always volunteers to share her work in math class and explains it so everyone can understand. It is Alyssa who asks me at least once a day, "What can I do to help you?" At the end of the day, she always gives me a hug and says, "Goodbye, Ms. DuBois!" Now others are doing it, too! Let me just add 'role model' to the list of what makes Alyssa Byrne a great example of a good citizen. Williston Middle School: Travis Coleman 7th grade Parents: Clay & Patty Coleman

Nominated by: The 7th grade team who made the following comments:

He is conscientious with his work, witty, and helpful in class. He is eager to learn and encourages others to do well with his exceptional work ethic. He was highly recommended by all of his teachers as a brilliant example of what a good student can be.

Williston Central Christian Academy: Hadley Etheridge 5th Grade Parents: Todd and Danielle Etheridge

Nominated by: Carol Glass who made the following comment:

Fifth Grader, Hadley Etheridge, has been selected as Williston Central Christian Academy’s Student of the Month. The daughter of Todd and Danielle Etheridge, Hadley is a thoughtful, kind, well-mannered young lady. She strives to do her best on every assignment and is always willing to help her classmates. She has an outstanding work ethic and wonderful organizational skills. Hadley has been on the Honor Roll every nine weeks this year. She represented our school in the 4H- Tropicana Speech Contest. Hadley recently showed her first 4H steer and placed third in Showmanship. She and her family are active members of the Williston Church of God where Hadley sings in a choir. Hadley’s cheerful, cooperative attitude makes her a joy to teach. She positively reflects the mission of Williston Central Christian Academy and is an ideal choice for Student of the Month. .