China and Japan Test Study Guide

1.Which of the following is not a major crop of China? peanuts silk rice corn 2.Which of the following is not a major environmental issue facing China today? air pollution flood control desertification soil erosion 3.Which mountain range is not located in the northern part of China? Greater Khingan Range Himalayas Tian Shan Kunlun Shan 4.What river flows through the fertile Red (Sichuan) Basin? 5.Where is Taiwan located relative to China? (Hint: Direction) 6.What is a major influence on the climate throughout most of China? 7.What type of climate does Taiwan have? 8.Which of the following plants is typical of China's humid regions? mangrove swamps scrub steppe grasslands drought-resistant plants 9.What region is called China's rice bowl? 10.Which of the following is a valuable export for China? freshwater dolphin sardines whale oil shrimp 11.What river has been called "China's sorrow?" 12.What city is a major seaport and international trade center in China? 13.Which country has more livestock than people? Manchuria Mongolia Taiwan Tibet 14.When completed, the Three Gorges Dam will do all of the following except control flooding. increase river traffic and trade on the Chang. generate hydropower. preserve all plant and animal species along the Chang. 15.Which of the following is not an achievement of the Shang dynasty? porcelain shell money chopsticks musical instruments 16.Where did the Japanese set up a puppet government? 17.Who was Deng Xiaoping? 18.What is Taoism? 19.Which of the following is not a central element of Confucianism? family loyalty respect for nature duty education 20.Which group in China is not predominantly Muslim? Kazakhs Kyrgyz Tibetans Uighurs 21.Japan and Russia disagree over ownership of which islands? Philippines Okinawa Ryukyu Islands Kuril Islands 22.Which of the following is not an important plain in Japan? Kanto Nobi Fuji Kansai 23.What body of water separates the three main southern islands from the rest of Japan? 24.Earthquakes near Japan often cause 25.Which body of water does not border the Korean Peninsula? Sea of Okhotsk Sea of Japan Yellow Sea Korea Strait 26.Japan’s climate is similar to what region? Hawaiian Islands the east coast of the United States southern California Alaska 27.What type of climate does southern Japan have? 28.Korean dancers wear traditional clothes called 29.Which popular Korean dish is made with Chinese cabbage? 30.On which island are Japan's largest cities located? 31.What is the dominant religion practiced in Japan? 32.Which of the following countries was not at some point occupied by Japan? Taiwan Korea Mongolia Manchuria 33.What event helped open Japan to foreign influences and trade in the mid 1800s? Christian missionaries arrived. American Commodore Matthew Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay. Korea annexed Japan. The Portuguese arrived and persuaded the government to allow trade. 34.What were daimyo? 35.What is a chaebol? 36.What type of economy does South Korea have? 37.What is the capital of North Korea? 38.What country is currently the world's leading shipbuilder? North Korea China South Korea Japan 39.Which of the following is not an industrial region of Japan? Keihin Sapporo Chukyo Keihanshin 40.Which of the following cities is not a seaport? Yokohama Kobe Kyoto Osaka

Short Answer

41. How did China change under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping? 42. How are the cultures of Japan and Korea similar? 41. ANS: Deng Xiaoping realized that the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were mistakes. He prompted new policies to modernize China’s agriculture, industry, and technology. He also worked to move China toward a market economy.

42. ANS: Both countries have very homogeneous populations. Both countries have large urban populations. The countries' languages are related, and Buddhism is practiced in both countries, although in Japan it is mixed with Shintoism while in Korea it is mixed it with Confucianism. There is now a large Christian population in South Korea. Both populations eat rice as their main food. The countries have similar education plans, although fewer Koreans go to college and North Korea places more emphasis on communist ideology in the educational system. Both have a rich heritage in the arts.