Environment and Regeneration Executive Director: Shifa Mustafa

Parking Section, P O Box 54410, London, E10 7YS

Indradoot Dhar Ask for: Karen Naylor xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx xxxxxxxxxx.xxx Direct line 0208 496 2656 E-mail Karen.naylor@waltham forest.gov.uk Date: 24/02/11 Your ref: FOIR 2010 - 00005

Dear Mr Dhar

Request for Review – Freedom of Information

I refer to your request for review under the FOI Act, received by the Council on 02 February 2011.

I have carried out the review by examining the records we hold relating to parking policies.

I apologise for not responding to your request sent in December to see the Council Minutes relating to the decision to allow motorcycles to park for free however it seems there was some confusion about who was responsible for responding.

I have now had the opportunity to review your request and unfortunately I have not been able to locate the relevant council minutes confirming this decision. It appears that this is a long standing policy decision that was implemented some time ago and has historically being applied. I have however located this exemption within the PEP (Parking Enforcement Plan).

Below is an extract of the relevant section:

Powered Two-Wheelers

6.11 Permits are not needed for powered two-wheelers within CPZs. Similarly parking for these vehicles is free in pay and display car parks and voucher parking areas, but they must comply with all other parking restrictions including footway parking.

The PEP is a published document and can be found on the Waltham Forest Council website at the following address:

http://www.walthamforest.gov.uk/parking_and_enforcement_plan.pdf Additionally currently we are consolidating our Traffic Orders and I have requested that as part of this work this exemption be added to the orders.

Your right to complain to the Information Commissioner

If you remain dissatisfied with this response, you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner. If you wish to pursue such a complaint, please write to:

First Contact Team Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow SK9 5AF

Alternatively, you can contact the office via their helpline: 0303 123 1113.

You can obtain further information about this via this link: http://www.ico.gov.uk/complaints/freedom_of_information.aspx

Yours sincerely

Karen Naylor Interim Head of Parking Services