October 2002 Henry News Archive
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Back to Henry Page October 2002 Henry News Archive
October 7th news….
Tom, Myrna and Jared Brenden, of Henry and Mavis Brenden and Chelsey Wiik of Watertown were last Friday evening visitors at the rural Florence home of Tim Grygiel to help Allison celebrate her 4th birthday. Additional guests were Pat Grygiel and Tom and Sherri Sumner of Florence.
Marcia Burtts of Brookings was a Sunday afternoon visitor of Joan Warnock.
Cindy Wientjes of Clark was a Monday evening supper guest of Donna Kittelson.
On Saturday, Doris Coyle visited Lola Alexander, Inez Zugschwerdt and Mildred McLaughlin at Wookey’s Assisted Living in Clark.
Randy Hartley of Watertown and Lynn Hartley visited Lloyd Hartley at the nursing home in Webster Sunday evening.
Hubert and Mavis Valberg of Watertown were Sunday evening callers at the Anna Valberg home.
Chuck and Debbie Engels had dinner out in Watertown on Monday evening with Joe Marquardt of Highlands Ranch, CO and Charlie Appelhof of Goodwin, SD.
Danny and Bonita Sharp were Friday evening supper guests at the Troy and Nicky Watson home.
Betty Keyes was a Thursday afternoon caller at the Hans and Charlotte Rorvik home.
Donna Kittelson enjoyed watching Jordan Burchatz’ football game in Watertown on Tuesday afternoon.
Don and Rose McElroy visited Dave and Becky McElroy of Sioux Falls on Saturday. While in Sioux Falls, Rose and Becky attended a bridal shower for Andrea McElroy, a niece of Don McElroy.
Lois Schoepp called on Lola Alexander, Inez Zugschwerdt and Mildred McLaughlin on Sunday afternoon at Wookey’s in Clark.
Myrna Brenden called on Mavis Brenden on Wednesday in Watertown to wish her a happy birthday.
Debbie Engels attended funeral services for Reinder Hector at Estelline on Saturday.
Jill Flood of Hazel and Donna Kittelson enjoyed lunch out in Watertown on Wednesday. Terry and Judy Kos were Sunday dinner guests at the Brian and Kathy DeJong home in Watertown. Additional guests were Bret and Karen Henricks, John and Elizabeth.
Joan, John and Stephanie Boehnke treated Arlen to a belated dinner in Henry Sunday following church services.
Barb and Jenna Hartley attended the wedding of Kim Kruize and Wade McGraw in Clark Saturday afternoon.
Joe and Nicole Sharp were Sunday evening supper guests at the Danny and Bonita Sharp home.
Lucy Hoftiezer of Watertown treated Jackie Lake, Hutchinson, Minnesota and Doris Coyle to lunch out in Henry on Wednesday.
Betty Keyes visited her mother, Alice Shirk on Friday afternoon at Wookey’s Assistant Living Center in Clark.
Connie Bevers entertained guests with a Sunday evening supper in honor of Mike Bever’s birthday. Present for the supper were Everett and Erlene Hanson, rural Clark, Mike Bevers, Aberdeen, Angie Murphy, Steve and Tanner Lundholm, Watertown, Matt Hlavacek, Florence and Marie Bevers.
The Henry Senior Citizens will be meeting at noon on Monday, October 14, at the Community Center. Howard and Violet Heiden will host the meeting.
Elwin and Marilyn Valberg of Huntsville, Alabama along with their grandchildren, Justin and Tara Norman and Kelson Hale arrived this past weekend to spend time with Elwin’s mother, Anna Valberg.
Calvin and Lois Schoepp attended the grade school basketball games on Thursday at Lake Preston and Saturday at James Valley Christian in Huron in which their granddaughter, Casey Miller participated.
Donna Kittelson called on Woody Holiday at Jenkins Nursing Home on Saturday morning.
Harold and Jeanette Hansen and Betty Keyes were Monday evening supper guests at the Harold Belk home in Watertown. Darlene Ganfield of LeCenter, Minnesota was an additional guest.
Fain and Roxanne Geiger and Kelby Goodall were Sunday evening supper guests at the Glen and Connie Wilson home.
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October 14th news…. Hans and Charlotte Rorvik spent last Sunday and Monday at Wausa, Nebraska visiting Lyle and Linda Rorvik.
Judy Kos attended the funeral of Mazella Boswell in Hayti on Wednesday.
Danny and Bonita Sharp were Friday evening supper guests at the Joe and Nicole Sharp home.
Chuck and Debbie Engels visited on Friday at the home of Everett and Margaret Engels in Sioux Falls.
Rita Hoch and Bonita Sharp were Monday afternoon coffee guests of Betty Keyes.
Marcia Montgomery was hostess for the October meeting of the Henry United Methodist Women. Plans were finalized for the annual chicken supper. Bonita Sharp gave the lesson. The November meeting will be at the home of Betty Keyes and the annual Thank Offering will be taken along with bringing paper goods for the Women’s Resource Center in Watertown.
Tom Kos and Sara Tutewohl of Omaha, Nebraska spent the weekend at the Terry Kos home. Additional Saturday evening visitors were Bret and Karen Henricks and family, rural Waverly.
Rev. Krista Henning- Ferkin was a Monday afternoon caller at the Hans Rorvik home.
Dave McElroy of Sioux Falls spent time this past weekend at the home of his parents, Don and Rose McElroy. They all enjoyed supper out at the Methodist Church on Saturday evening.
A group of friends surprised Barb Hartley on Saturday evening and reminded her of her 50th birthday.
Troy and Nicky Watson were Sunday dinner guests at the Danny and Bonita Sharp home.
Arlen, Joan and Stephanie Boehnke attended the Flying Owls football game in Wakonda Friday evening. The Florence-Henry Flying Owls came away with their second victory in as many weeks.
Donna Kittelson and Vicki Burchatz attended Jordan Burchatz’ football game in Milbank on Thursday afternoon.
Sunday dinner guests at the Terry Kos home in honor of Kathy DeJong’s birthday were Tom Kos and Sara Tutewohl of Omaha, Nebraska, Karen and Elizabeth Henricks, rural Waverly and Brian and Kathy DeJong and family.
Mike Hansen of Minneapolis is spending some time at the home of his grandparents, Harold and Jeanette Hansen.
Lucy Hoftiezer and Sandy Hoftiezer of Watertown and Lois Schoepp and Doris Coyle attended the Congregational Church luncheon in Watertown on Thursday. Donna Kittelson called on Harriett Kittelson at Prairie Crossings in Watertown on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Betty Keyes visited with her mother, Alice Shirk on Friday afternoon at Wookey’s Assistant Living in Clark.
Jack and Marilyn Henning, Watertown and Harold and Jeanette Hansen spent part of last week in Minot, North Dakota attending the Host Fest.
Doris Coyle and Lois Schoepp were among those that attended the household and house sale of their sister, Lola and Buster Alexander in Clark on Sunday afternoon.
Lori Hartley of Madison spent the weekend with her parents, Lynn and Barb Hartley.
John and Stephanie Boehnke helped clean road ditches and then attended the October meeting and pizza party of the Courier Classics 4-H club in Clark Sunday evening.
Chuck and Deb Engels enjoyed supper with Troy and SaLena Engels in Mitchell Friday evening.
Elwin and Marilyn Valberg and grandchildren returned to their homes in Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday after spending the week with Anna Valberg.
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October 28 news……
Anna Hartley of Garden City and Barb Hartley visited Lloyd Hartley at the Bethesda Nursing Home in Webster Sunday afternoon.
Terry and Judy Kos returned to their home after spending time in Branson, Missouri, the Ozarks and with their son, Tom in Omaha.
Don Keyes and sons of Blaine, Minnesota enjoyed recent pheasant hunting in South Dakota.
Troy Engels of Mitchell spent the weekend of pheasant opening at the home of his parents, Chuck and Deb Engels.
Lindy and Lesa Swedeen and boys spent last weekend in St. Paul, Minnesota visiting with family.
Last weekend hunters at the Tim Page farm included Kirby Page and sons of Iroquois, Tom Page, Adam Page and Brett and April Flemming of Brookings, and Dave Page and family of Milbank.
David Rorvik of Watertown was a last Sunday visitor at the home of his grandparents, Hans and Charlotte Rorvik. Gary and Karen Hansen and Karlie Clements of Chatfield, Minnesota and Mike Hansen of Minneapolis returned to their homes after spending time at the Harold Hansen home.
Harold and Jeanette Keyes and Arlene Keyes of Clark were recent supper guests at the Betty Keyes home. Bonita Sharp joined the group later in the evening.
Friday evening supper guests at the Troy and Nicky Watson home were Danny and Bonita Sharp and Joe and Nicole Sharp.
Dick Keyes returned to his home in Fort Worth, Texas after spending the week with Jerry and Carol O’Neill and enjoyed pheasant hunting.
Dave and Jackie McNeil and family of Aberdeen spent the opening weekend of pheasant hunting season at the Floyd and Donna Kittelson home.
Lois Schoepp visited Lola Alexander and Mildred McLaughlin at Wookey’s Assistant Living in Clark on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Valberg of Watertown were recent visitors at the Anna Valberg home.
Harold Hansen was the guest of a surprise birthday party in Henry on Tuesday evening.
Terry and Judy Kos were Sunday dinner guests at the Bret Henricks home near Waverly. Additional Sunday dinner guests were Brian and Kathy DeJong and family of Watertown.
Troy and Nicky Watson and Tasha Hull of Tulare were Saturday evening supper guests at the Danny and Bonita Sharp home.
Velma Bachman and Thelma Wicks of Clark and Hans and Charlotte Rorvik were Thursday afternoon visitors at the home of Betty Keyes.
Tim and Lori Page celebrated their wedding anniversary with dinner out on Saturday evening.
LaVern Papka and friend of Watertown were last Tuesday visitors at the Hans Rorvik home.
Mark Grasse of Aberdeen was a Thursday afternoon caller at the Floyd and Donna Kittelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Valberg and Linda Rakness of Watertown were Sunday evening callers at the home of Anna Valberg.
Harold and Jeanette Hansen along with Eldon and Elaine Flury and Raymond and Helen Christensen all of Watertown enjoyed breakfast out in Watertown recently with Clifford Christensen of California, Edward Christensen and his step daughter of Ohio and Frances West of Columbus, Indiana. The families were all former Graceland Township residents. Last Saturday supper guests at the Carlos and Anita Abraham home of rural Hazel included Bob and Bonne Boehnke and Terry and Ruth Boehnke of Watertown, Andy Boehnke and friend of Mankato, Minnesota, Holly Freudenberg of Grand Forks, ND, and the Lynn Hartley family and the Arlen Boehnke family of Henry. They joined other family members for a post-hunt supper.
Adam Page who attends SDSU. spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Tim and Lori Page. The Pages celebrated Adam’s birthday while he was at home.
Chris and Heidi Bjugstad from Brooklyn Park, Minnesota and Troy and SaLena Engels from Mitchell spent the weekend at the Chuck and Deb Engels home.
Vickie Burchatz of Watertown and Donna Kittelson attended the wedding and reception for Tina Schaack and Chad Lammers on Saturday in Florence. Following the reception they attended the Clark Spooktaclar Fall Festival in Clark. Later they visited at the Tom and Kathy Wookey home.
Diane Kludt was a Tuesday luncheon guest of Betty Keyes.
Lindy and Lesa Swedeen and boys were Saturday evening supper guests at the Boyd and Coral Joens rural Henry home.
Lucy Hoftiezer of Watertown and Doris Coyle enjoyed supper out in Henry on Thursday evening with Veryl and Sandy Hoftiezer who were celebrating their anniversary.
Monty, Marcia and Sarah Montgomery of Henry and Helen Van Sickle of Watertown attended the 5th and 6th grade basketball tournament at St. Martin’s School in Watertown on Saturday. First place honors went to the Henry boys and the Henry girls received third place.
Betty Keyes visited Alice Shirk at Wookey’s in Clark on Friday.
Morris and Eleanor Van Sickle of Watertown, Doris Coyle and Calvin and Lois Schoepp attended the Catholic Church supper in Iroquois on Sunday evening.
Harold and Jeanette Hansen attended the wedding of Tina Schaack and Chad Lammers in Florence on Saturday afternoon.
Rose McElroy has called several times on Anna Valberg the past two weeks.
Don Dahl of Roseville, California, who is a houseguest at the Albert and Gail Kittelson home, was a Sunday afternoon visitor at the Floyd and Donna Kittelson home.
Sharon Schmahl of Webster called at the Hans Rorvik home on Thursday.
Mike and Lola Nelson attended the dedication of their granddaughter, Naomi Marie Langdeaux at the New Life Evangelical Free Church of Watertown. Naomi’s parents are James and Jessica Langdeaux are currently residing in Watertown.
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