Nine Trades Minute Book Extracts Re: Kirk
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Nine Trades Minute Book Extracts re: Kirk
5th July 1770 Which day the Convener Nine Deacons and Several Incorporations met in the Buriall place their ordinary place of Meeting When the Convener produced a Minute from the committees for the different Bodies relevant to Building a fourth Church in Dundee And also Another Minute from the Kirk Session of Dundee relative thereto Which Were read in their presence. The Trades Unanimously Agreed & Resolved that they would provide a third part of the Expence of building a fourth Church and would raise the money for that purpose on their Security as a Body Provided always that they should Enjoy a third part of the direction of the Building and a third part of the property of the Church When Built & a third part of the Election of a Minister And of the Management of the Church in all time after Built. They also further Unanimously Agreed and Resolved that they would provide a third part of what may be thought a Sufficient Stipend for an Established Minister to the said fourth Church. And Bind themselves as a Body & their Successors in Office to do the same in all time coming They always having recourse to the produce of the third part of the Seat rents of the said fourth Church. Thereafter the Convener represented that the three Pendicle Trades, Wrights, Masons and Sclaiters Would take a fourth part of their third on the aforesaid terms And Bind themselves and their Successors as a Body therefor. Which the Trades agreed to And to give it into the Conveener to Sign this Minute And to give it in to the Town Councill or Committees at their first Meeting. (Signed) James Duncan
21St May 1771 The Conveener Informed the Meeting that the Kirk Session were resolved to apply to the council by Petition insisting for their positive & final Answer relative to their concurring with the Kirk Session & Trades in Building a fourth Church here & calling a fourth Minister A copy of which Petition was presently read and the Conveener wanted to know if they would impower him to sign the Petition along with the Kirk Session or such as they should appoint for that end. Which being considered by the Meeting they unanimously approved of the Petition and impowered their Conveener to sign the Petition for them And to take every Step relative thereto in conjunction with the Kirk Session. A Copy of which Petition is as follows: “ Unto the Honourable the Provost, Magistrates and Town Council of Dundee, the unanimous Representation & Petition of the Kirk Session & Trades of Dundee – Humbly Sheweth- That whereas your Petitioners have for many years Seen & Felt, That the present Three places of publick Worship for this Town & Parish are very far from being capable of containing the Hearers of the communion of the Established Church & have had the Erection of a fourth one repeatedly recommended by the Revd. Presbytery & Synod of the Bounds, they unanimously resolved so long ago as the year 1768 to contribute two third parts of the Expence of so choice & necessary a Design, leaving only the other third to your Honours. That in consequence of the Application of your Petitioners your Honours having been pleased soon after the above period to Appoint a committee of Ten of each of their Bodies And to deliberate & Report anent the said Design to their Respective Constituents Several Meetings were held and Several Measures proposed and unanimously Agreed to in order first to Ascertain to you the necessity of a fourth place of publick Worship to this Town & Parish and then to determine What aught to be the best method of Erecting, Endowing and Managing it if found necessary. And in the month of July 1769 the conjunct Committee unanimously found such a Design to be necessary And agried as to every material circumstance relative to the Erection of it And that the several Members of each committee Should lay all those Resolutions before their respective Bodies and report their Judgement at next meeting as the Minutes of the different Meetings more fully bear, to which your Petitioners beg leave to refer you. That in a Day or two thereafter each committee of your petitioners faithfully obeyed the appointment of the conjunct committees And every Step of their Proceedings in this Affair received the hearty Approbation of their constituents in a Writing which was ordered to be immediately given & which was accordingly given in to the hands of the then Provost or Town Clerk with a most earnest entreaty to obtain your Honours favourable Answer & to communicate it to the conjunct Committees As soon as possible having first called them together for that purpose. That it is with the utmost Astonishment & Regret That you Petitioners (the far greater part of your care) Thus find themselves unavoidably obliged to represent That these conjunct committees having never yet been called to receive your Honours answer That no answer has yet been given in Writing the only habit & method of transacting such an Affair, tho often Asked of the Provost for the time being And never positively refused And that your Petitioners have not even been so much as Assured That the Subject of this Address has been canvassed in council or that any judgement has been entered into your records thereanent. That no subject of equal moment could come before you it being of the last consequence to between three & four thousand Souls making about a third part of the Members of the established Church Within this Town & Parish Who are at present Banished from all Publick Worship and Instruction at least in the communion they belong to And whose Members and reasons of
1 2 complaint are Daily & amazingly encreasing While we humbly think That not one single well grounded objection can be made against fording them the relief proposed. Lastly that your Petitioners for all these Reasons cannot help once more earnestly begging That your Honours favourable answer may be Transmitted to them in Writing And that on or before this Day four weeks being resolved that much contrary to their wishes to think of some other method of procuring a fourth place of publick worship And another Teacher for the Town & Parish if they shall either receive an unfavourable Answer or no written Answer at all from you by that time Neither of which they fondly flatter themselves will be the case. This in names and by unanimous appointment of the Kirk Session & Trades of Dundee is signed at Dundee the Day of May 1771 years (Signed) And Jobson, Convr. John Craig William Keith Abram Hill James Wilson Wm. Kinnear James Young Pat. Elder
Monday 1St July 1771 The Nine Incorporations being met in the Burial place When Convr Jobson represented That the Petition by the Kirk Session & Trades to the Magistrates & Town council Ingrossed in the last Sederunt was given into the present Provost along with a Letter Signed by the Moderator of the Kirk Session and the present Convr. Intreating he would present the Petition and use his good Offices for a favourable Answer. That tho the time allotted for the answer was elapsed No Answer had been given. That the Kirk Session lately met and considering the Councils giving no answer as a refusal They had agreed Still to contribute one third of the Expence for Erecting & Endowing a commodious place for publick worship providing the Trades & Pendicles would bear the other two thirds and that the Kirk Session had appointed a committee of Ten of their Number to meet with a Committee appointed by the Trades and Pendicles in order to deliberate more fully on that affair All which being considered by the Trades they in the first place gave it as their opinion that a distinct Memoriall should be made out stating the procedure already made in this affair. That the same should be laid before an eminent lawyer Annexing thereto the following or such questions. 1St In whose Name the right to the Kirk should be taken. 2nd. If the Church should be built either by Money to be Borrowed upon the Trades or Kirk Sessions security or Contributions Will the Trades & Kirk Session & their Successors in Office be considered & deemed in the eye of the law the Legall callers of the Minister in all time hereafter exclusive of the Magistrates & Town Council who refuse to be concerned. 3dly. Upon the Kirk being built within the Royalty and a Minister within the Communion of the Church of Scotland called thereto Will the Kirk fall under the Patronage right of the Magistrates & Town Council or will it be under the sole direction in every respect of the Contributors. 4th. If it is thought that the Management of the proposed Kirk & calling the Minister will be under the direction of the Contributors What kind of Paper of Contract should be drawn out establishing their right. Or what shall be the tenor thereof. Or will it be necessary that an application to the Lords Commoners of Teinds for a Decree relative thereto. Upon these questions being answered the Trades are of opinion That the same would clear & have their way for carrying the affair into execution. And in the meantime the Trades agree to contribute One half of the Expence That shall be found necessary for Building and in every way and in every way finishing a commodious plain fourth Church in this place upon the Pendicle Trades taking a proportional share of the Expence along with them And the Kirk Session being at the other half of it. The Trades appointed their present Convr And present nine Deacons as a Committee of their Number to meet with the Committees appointed by the Kirk Session & Pendicle Trades in order to deliberate more fully on the above affair And to report to their Respective Constituents. Signed Andw. Jobson Convr. John Craig Willm. Keith Abram Hill James Wilson John Mathers.
Tuesday 10th July 1771 Sederunt of the Managers of the General Fund.
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Conveener Jobson Intimate to them That he was Desired by the committee appointed to manage with reference to the proposed fourth Kirk to Ask them if they would Sell their North or South yeards in the Cowgate for Building the Church upon. Which being considered by them they Agreed rather to Sell than feu and appointed the present Conveener, Convr. Arch. Walker, Convr. David Smart, Convr. Henderson, Deacons Hill, Kinnear, Mathewson, & Binnie to consider the Value of the North yard & report. (Signed) Andw. Jobson Convr.
Thursday 18th July 1771 Sederunt of the Managers of the General Fund. The Convr. produced the Report of the Committee Named in the former Sederunt Who were of opinion That the North yeard and houses thereto belonging were worth and might be Sold at Two hundred & Ten pounds eight Shillings & Four pence Sterling. Which being considered by the Meeting They Agreed to sell the said North yard and Houses to the managers or Directors of the said fourth Church at the above price and Impowered their Conveener to make offer of the Same accordingly or at a greater price if they would. (Signed) Andw. Jobson Convr.
15h February 1772 The Nine Incorporated Trades being mett & Conveener Andrew Jobson having laid before them the Sederunt Book kept by the Committee Appointed by the Kirk Session, Nine Trades & Pendicles for Carrying into Execution the Design of Providing a fourth place of publick Worship & Minister or Preacher for the Town & Parish of Dundee That the Trades might Have under their Consideration the Conduct of the Committee. The Trades having accordingly Considered the Minutes of the Committee Do Unanimously approve of the Conduct of their Committee and Corroborate the Same and Having Particularly Considered An Act of Council of Date the 10 th Currt. By which the Town Councill In answer to an offer made by the Committee to them by which Act the Town Council Propose a Plan to the session, Trades& Pendicles upon which they propose to Carry on the Design of Provideing a fourth Church & Minister to the Town of Dundee And the Trades having also particularly Considered The Opinion of the Committee to then Unanimously Approve of the Committees Opinion & adopt the same And Impower the Committee or such persons as they shall name to Draw up an answer in terms of the Committees opinion And which answer they hereby Impower the present Conveener & Adrw. Jobson Convr, David Currance Deacon to Hammerman, John Craig, Bakers, Robt. Mathewson, Deacon to Weavers Pat Elder, Deacon to Walkers, Alex. Black flesher, James Brand, Cord, George Wilson, Glover, Andw. Jobson, Deacon to Taylors in their name to Subscribe & Deliver to the Town Councill. And the Nine Incorporate Trades Unanimously Agree That if the said Place of publick worship shall be Erected by the Kirk Session, corporations & Pendicle Trades only Then whatever Expence the said church Shall amount to over & above the Voluntary Subscriptions The trades WILL bear one half thereof What share the Three Pendicle Trades may bear being Included in the Trades half thereof. But that if the Town Council shall think proper to take a share in the said place of publick Worship Then the Trades along with the Pendicles will only undertake to take one Third part of the Expence. And they appoint a Coppy of this Sederunt to be made out & Subscribed by the Conveener in their Name And to be laid before the Conjunct Committee at their next Meeting.
The following extract is taken from the Scroll Minute Book of the Nine Trades
Att Dundee the Third day of March One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy two years.
Which Day The Managers of the General Fund being met Convener Jobson Represented to the Meeting That in terms of a Sederunt of date the Eighteenth day of July last, Wrote in another Book, He had made Offer to the Managers of a proposed fourth Kirk or place of public worship to be Built in the yard after mentioned Of the sale of that large yard lying on the North side of the Cowgate and whole Houses on the South end thereof to be Entered to as to the Yard as at Candlemass last. And as to the Houses at Whitsunday next at Two hundred & Twenty Pounds Sterling of price providing they allowed James Colvill the present Tenant Who had voluntarily renounced his Tack for six years thereof yet to run to possess What part of the houses he had in his natural possession at the yearly rent of Seventeen Pounds Six Shilling & Eight Pennies Scots to the end of the said Six years that the said Managers Agreed to Accept of the said Offer And to Grant Security for the said Offer And to Grant Security for the price bearing @ rent from And that the Disposition thereto Should be taken in the Name of Andrew Pitcarne Writer in Dundee. All which being considered by the Meeting They Authorised and Impowered And Herby Authorise and Impower the said Convener Jobson and Patrick Binnie their Boxmaster to Subscribe and deliver in their name a formal and Ample Disposition to the said Andw Pitcarne the said subject containing Absolute Warrandice and all other usual Clauses. And to take Security of the price for Behoof of the General fund. Signed by Andrew Jobson and 23 other Members
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17th March 1772 The Trades being met in the Old Church Conveener Jobson informed them that the Committee from the Kirk Session & Trades & Pendicle Trades had got laid before them Estimates from the Different Tradesmen of the Expence of the Mason, Wright & Slater Work &c., of the Church or place of publick Worship proposed to be built in the Cowgate. That the said Committees were proposing to Enter into particular Contracts with the recive Tradesmen and that they were of opinion That it would be necessary The Trades should name some of their number to Sign the Contracts in their part along With the other persons to be appointed by the other Bodies. Which being considered by the Trades They Appointed & Authorised and hereby Appoint & authorise their present Conveener Convr. William Skirling and Convr. David Smart on their part to Subscribe the Contracts to be Entered into with the Several Tradesmen who are to undertake the Work. And hereby Declare that the same shall be as Binding upon the Trades as if the same were Subscribed by the representatives of each Incorporation Duely authorised or by each Individual. Andw. Jobson Convr. John Craig Bakers James Brand, Cord. George Wilson, Glover Andw. Jobson, Taylor Alex. Black, flesher
David Currance, Hammerman Robt. Mathewson, Weaver Pat Elder, Walker
[The Following two sets of proceedings of the Kirk Session and Incorporated Trades was not entered into the Book until after the Minute of the Presbytery of Dundee dated 6th August 1806]
Dundee 10th May 1774
A full Meeting of the Kirk Session convened and constituted the Revd, Dr James Blinshall Modr. The session considering that whereas the fourth Church or place of public Worship, is now finished, it will be necessary that the following conjunct Petition from the Session and Trades shall be presented to the Revd. Presbytery of Dundee at their next Meeting. Unto the Revd. the Modr. And Remanent members of the Presbytery of Dundee. The Petition of the Kirk Session, and of the Convenor and Nine Incorporated and three united Trades of Dundee, The Bonnetmakers only excepted. Humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioners from the most convincing evidences of the necessity of such a pious Undertaking and in Obedience to your repeated recommendations, and those of the very Revd. Synod of Angus and Mearns have nearly finished a fourth Church of Place of Public Worship in the Cowgate of Dundee intending [God willing] soon to employ it as a Chapel of ease and afterwards if circumstances will permit to have it erected into established Church and Benefice. That while your Petitioners, as sole proprietors of said Church or place of Public Worship do reserve to themselves and their respective Bodies now and in all time coming their said Property with the full and free power of electing and calling a Preacher or Minister to serve therein, and of doing everything else thereanent as often and in such a manner as they shall see cause agreeable to the Rules of the Church of Scotland as now by Law established. They hereby at the same time declare that they intend this Church or place of Public Worship now and in all time coming for the use of such only as are of the Communion of the Church of Scotland as now by Law established and the therefore beg that every Preacher or Minister thereof with all the hearers may be admitted to all the privileges and advantages of such communion, that your Petitioners and their respective Bodies may as the sole Proprietors of said Church or place of Public Worship have access to you at all times and that you will be pleased always to grant them your best countenance and advice and acts agreeable to the present Laws and practices of this Country in Church and state. And your Petitioners shall every pray.
Dundee Session house 30th May 1774
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In a Meeting called and convened in consequence of former Minutes of the Kirk session, Incorporated trades, the Bonnetmakers excepted and united or pendicle Trades, and of Intimation Yesterday from the Pulpits of all the Churches of Dundee in order to Chuse a Preacher or Minister, a Precentor and Beadle for the new Church or place of Public Worship in the Cowgate there, and whereof these Bodies are the Sole and equal Proprietors. The Revd. Dr James Blenshall one of the Ministers of Dundee was unanimously chosen President. John small was unanimously chosen Clerk to the meeting. After prayer by the President it was moved and unanimously agreed to, that if any vote should be put during this meeting, the President have both the first and casting vote if necessary and also that it should be recommended to all the Bodies concerned to establish his as the properest method of procedure in all future meetings relating to the New Church. There was produced a paper intitled an Extract of the Minutes of the Kirk session of Dundee of date the 25th of May 1774 – Which being read was as follows- Dundee 25th May 1774. A full meeting of the Kirk Session Convened and Constituted the Revd. Mr Robert Small Modr. The Session taking into consideration that the 4th Church is now almost finished and that the Seats of it are let for a Twelve Months upon the Faith of its being immediately and regularly supplied with public Worship were unanimously of Opinion that they should proceed to settle a Minister in it, as soon as possible and for that purpose came to the following Resolutions: - 1St That as it is already agreed upon by the unanimous Consent of the Kirk Session, Trades and Pendicles that the power of Election should be rested in the Societys concerned in erecting the 4 th Church in proportion to their respective shares of the expence so said Election should be made by Twenty of their number including the Minister for the time being, and twenty from the Trades and pendicles of whom the Pendicles ought to chuse five for their Proportion. 2nd That in order to distribute the power of Election as equally as possible no person who may be a Member of two or more of the Societiess concerned in this undertaking shall; be capable of being chosen no elector except by some one of those societies. That is to say of chosen by the Kirk session he shall not be capable of being chosen by the Pendicles Or if chose by the Trades of pendicles be capable of being chosen by the Kirk session and that this Rule shall be extended to every other Society who may hereafter be admitted to a Share in the Property of the present Church. 3rd That as this is a place of worship to accommodate the people in this Parish, that are Members of the established Church of Scotland, no person shall be capable of being chosen an Elector of a Minister to it who is not in Communion with it. 4th That the method of Election in all time coming shall be agreeable to the above mentioned Rules, but that proper Deeds with what alterations and amendments shall afterwards be found necessary be drawn up, as soon as may be after the present election of a Minister is over by an able Lawyer to be signed by the Representatives of the Societies concerned, that all difficulties and cause of contention both on this Subject, and also about the ordinary management of the House may be avoided. 5th That yearly sallary of Fifty pounds Sterling be given to the Minister that may be chosen by the Majority of the above mentioned Forty. 6th That immediately upon settling one to perform Divine Service in said Church application shall be made to the Presbytery, if he not ordained to have him ordained at large, that he may be the more generally useful and a proper and convenient district of the Town be taken from the Divisions of the other Ministers accordingly as is most necessary and set a part for his care and Inspection. Upon supposition therefore that the Traders and Pendicles shall agree with the Kirk Session in the above mentioned Resolutions the Kirk Session Did and hereby Do appoint the Revd. Mr Robert Small their Modr. the Revd. James Blinshall Provt. Alexr. Robertson Provt. Patk. Maxwell Bailie, John Jobson, Bailie, Willm. Skirling, James Fairweather, Thos. Miller, Wilm. Alison, James Thomson, John Pattullo, Patk. Lyon, Charles Jobson, Alexr. Thom, David Low, Thomas Barclay and Wilm. Chalmers, Baker – As their representatives in the ensuing election on one to officiate as Minister of the fourth Church lately erected in the Cowgate of Dundee and impower them in conjunction with the Representatives of the Trades and Pendicles, to call and elect such Minister or Preacher in their name on any Lawful day betwixt this and the first of June next, and to do everything that they themselves could do, to carry their Election into Execution. They also authorise and impower these their Representatives in conjunction with their Representatives who shall be named by the Trades and Pendicles to make choice of one to be Precentor in said Church as also a Beadle. But in case the Trades or Pendicles shall not agree to any or all of the above mentioned Resolutions before the first of June next they hereby expressly declare that the present Commission shall be intirely void, and order that no Election shall be made till a new Commission shall be given to whomsoever they shall afterwards appoint.
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And they recommend it to Convenor David Smart and the present Convenor of the united Trades to lay the above Resolutions before the Incorporated and united Trades for their concurrence and to report the Determinations of these Societies thereupon to the Modr. in authentic Extracts. (Signed) John Small Sess. Clk.
The Trades in consequence of a Summonds and warning by the Trades Officer met in the Burial Place their ordinary place of meeting [except the Bonnetmaker Trade who have declined any concern in the Church] When Convenor David Smart informed them that the fourth Church in the Cowgate is now almost finished, and the Seats are let to and taken by Sundries upon the faith of the Church being immediately and regularly supplied with public Worship. That it was formerly agreed on that the power of Electing a Preacher or Minister to Labour in said Church should be equally vested in the Societies who contributed for erecting and building the said Church. Vizt. The Kirk Session, the Nine Trades [except the Bonnetmaker Trade] and the three Pendicle Trades that is the Wrights, masons and Slaters that these Societies should elect and chuse out from among themselves the following Numbers Vizt. The Kirk Session Twenty Members, the Nine Trades [except the Bonnetmaker Trade] fifteen and the Pendicles five for the purpose of electing and chusing or calling a Preacher or Minister to the said fourth Church, and who being ordained, shall take such proportional District of the Town as the Proprietors of the New Church shall direct for his Care and Inspection. That the Kirk Session had already chosen their number sent to the Convenor a Copy of their Minute recommending to him to call a Meeting of the Trades for the purpose of chusing their Number and that it was their intention the said Church should be settled as soon as possible which Minute was read and the above Information taken into consideration of the Trades now mett. They all willingly and with one consent approved of the purpose and tenor of the said Kirk Sessions Minute, and declared their resolution and readiness to the said Fourth Church planted with a Gospel Minister or Preacher as soon as possible; and that they were ready and willing to concur with the Kirk Session and Pendicle Trades for that laudable End and for facilitating the same, they after lieting and voting made choice of the following persons Vizt. Convenor David Smart Baker, David Sime Senr. Glover, William Ramsey Shoemaker, Patrick Will Taylor, James Ivory Watchmaker, Robert Elder Weaver, James Anderson a member of the Dyer Trade, John Craig Baker, William Keith Shoemaker, Abram Hill Glover, Thomas Kinnear Taylor, Samuel Matters Flesher, William Bisset Founder, James Young Weaver and Alexander Watt Dyer as the Number allotted to the Trades and hereby authorise and empower them for and on account of the Trades to vote in the Election or Call for a Preacher or Minister to the said fourth Church upon the express provision that they shall not vote or concur in any such Call for any Preacher or Minister to said Church but for such only as shall be chosen by the whole Trades at a Meeting called for that purpose and who they shall be empowered specially to vote for with power to the said Electors to vote in the naming and appointment of a Precentor and Beadle for the said Church. And likeways the Trades agree that no Person shall be chosen as their Commissioners to vote in any Election of a Preacher or Minister to the said fourth Church who shall not be of the Communion of the Established Church nor any such as shall be chosen by the Kirk session or Pendicles, but separate and distinct persons. That they are reddy and willing to concur with the Kirk Session and Pendicles in settling a Stipend of fifty pounds Sterling per annum upon the Preacher or Minister on applying to the Presbytery if the Minister to be just now called is not an ordained Minister to have him ordained a Minister at large and to concur with them on consulting Lawyers and executing proper deeds for establishing the said Church and the Right of the Electors in a proper and lasting foundation and in general in every thing that will contribute to the welfare of the said design; and Orders a Copy of this Sederunt subscribed by the Trades Clerk to be given to the Modr. of the Kirk Session by the present Convenor; and the Convenor to propose to him that the Electors from the different Bodies should be advertised from the Pulpits on Sunday next to meet in the New Church or any other proper place on Tuesday next at Three clock afternoon in order to proceed in the Election of the Minister for the said fourth Church. That this is an exact Copy of the Trades Sederunt is attested by (Signed) David Jobson Clk.
A Third Paper intituled a Sederunt of the three united Trades of Dundee was produced and read as follows: Sederunt of the United Trades of Masons, Wrights and Slaters in Dundee met within the Old church of said Burgh their ordinary place of meeting upon the 26th day of May 1774. Patrick How Senr. Wright in Dundee their present Collector – Informed them that the fourth Church in the Cowgate was now almost finished. That the Seats were Sett and taken by Sundries upon the faith of the church being immediately and regularly supplied with public Worship. That it was formerly agreed upon that the power of electing a Preacher or Minister to labour in the said Church should be vested in the Societies who contributed of or erecting and building said Church vizt. The Kirk Session, the Nine Trades [except the Bonnetmaker Trade] and the three United Trades. That these Societies should be chosen out from among themselves the following number vizt. The Kirk session twenty members the Nine Trades except as aforesaid fifteen members and the United trades five for the purpose of Electing and Chusing or calling a Preacher or Minister to the said fourth church. That the Kirk Session had already chosen their
6 7 number sent to the collector a Copy of their Minute recommending to him to call a Meeting of the United Trades for the purpose of chusing their number and that it was their intention the said church should be Settled on as soon as possible. Which Minute was read and the above Information taken into consideration of the united Trades now mett. They all willingly and with one consent approved of the purpose and tenor of the Kirk Session Minute and declared their resolution and readings to have fourth Church planted with a Gospel Minister or Preacher and who being ordained shall take such a proportional District of the Town as the Proprietors of the said fourth Church shall direct for his care and inspection. That they were ready and wiling to concur with the Kirk Session and Nine Trades for that laudable end for facilitating the same they after letting and voting made choice of the following persons Vizt. Dn James Nicoll, Dn Thomas Smart, Masons, Peter How Senior, Wright, present Collector, John Peter, Wright, and William Law, Slater as the number allotted to the united Trades to vote in the Election or Call for a Minister or Preacher for the said 4 th Church upon this express provision that they shall not by themselves vote or concur in any such call for any pastor or Minister of the said fourth Church but for such only as shall be chosen by the whole united Trades at a meeting called for that purpose and who they shall be impowered specially to vote for, with power to said Electors to vote in the naming and appointing of a Precentor for said Church. And likeways the united Trades agree that no person among them shall be chosen as their Commissioner to vote in any election of a Minister who shall not be of the communion of the established Church nor any such who shall be chosen by the Kirk Session or Nine Trades but separate and distinct persons. That they are ready and willing to concur with the Kirk Session and nine Trades in settling a proper Stipend upon the Minister in applying to the Presbytery if the person to be just now called is not an ordained Minister to have been ordained or large, and to concur with them in consulting lawyers and erecting proper deeds for establishing the said Church and the right of the Electors on a proper and lasting foundation and in general in every thing that will contribute to the welfare of said design. And order a copy of this Sederunt subscribed by the Trades Collector, the Clerk being absent to be given to the Modr. of the Kirk Session, and the Collector to propose to him that the Elector from the different Bodies should be advertised from the pulpits on Sunday next to meet in the new Church or any other proper place on Tuesday next at three O’clock afternoon. That what is contained on this and the preceeding page is an extract Copy of the united Trades Sederunt is attested by. (Signed) Patrick How, Collector It appears from the papers that the Revd. Mr Robert Small the Revd. Dr James Blinshall, Provost Robertson, Bailie Jobson, Convenor Skirving, Bailie Chalmers, Bailie Pitcairn, Provost Patrick Maxwell, Bailie Murison, Messrs. James Fairweather, William Alison, Patrick Lyon, Thomas Miller, William Chalmers, James Thomson, John Patullo, Tomas Barclay, Charles Jobson, Alexander Thom, and David Low were fully empowered by the Kirk Session of Dundee. That Convenor David Smart, Messrs. David Sime, William Ramsay, Patrick Mill, James Ivory, Robert Elder, James Andrews, John Craig, William Keith, Abram Hill, Thomas Kinnear, Samuel Matters, William Bisset, James Young and Alexander Watt were fully empowered by the Nine Trades of Dundee [the Bonnetmaker Trade excepted]. That Messrs James Nicoll, Thomas Smart, Patrick How, John Peters and William Law were fully empowered by the three united and Pendicle Trades to elect for this via a Preacher or Minister, a Precentor and Beadle for the new Church or place of Public Worship there in the manner and under the Restrictions and Limitations specified by the Constituents in the said papers, their names were therefore put upon the Roll as the sole Electors on this occasion. The President then desired that the Electors would name one or more persons whom they thought proper persons for supplying the place under consideration. Whereupon Mr Thomas Rait, Probationer at Scotstown in Tweddle only was named and the Roll being called it carried unanimously in his favour. The Meeting therefore did and hereby do declare him to be unanimously and duely elected Preacher of the said New Church with a Salary of Fifty pounds sterling per annum to commence from the day of his entering upon his Office, and under such Lawful conditions and Rules as the Kirk Session, Incorporate Trades concerned and united or Pendicle Trades of Dundee have already prescribed or may hereafter prescribe. The President was appointed to transmit unto the said Mr Rait by to Morrow Post a Copy of this Minute afar as respects his Election signed by himself and the Clerk and to desire Mr Rait to enter upon his Office as soon as possible there being the utmost necessity for his doing so. Upon the President’s moving that the Electors would name one or more persons whom they thought fit to be Precentor in said new Church. There was named William Miln, John Henderson and George Thom, Weaver in Dundee and some members added that John Henderson and William were willing to perform that Office for one whole year without any Sallary. All three being put upon the Let it carried by a great Majority in favour of William Miln he was therefore and is hereby declared to be duely elected Precentor in said new Church for one whole year without any Salary upon the following conditions:
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1St That he shall attend on all occasions when public Worship is to be performed in the Church and Precent therein whether on Sundays or any other days when Intimation is given. 2nd That he shall publish from the Lettern all such Intimation and Advertisements as the Minister for the time, Kirk Session or Proprietors shall direct. 3rd That if desired by the Kirk Session he shall publish the Banns of Marriage as in the other Churches.
The Meeting then proceeded to chuse a Beadle when James Waddle, Shoemaker in Dundee was only named and unanimously elected to that Office for one year and Two shillings and Sic pence per week was appointed for his Sallary upon the following Conditions. 1St That he shall at all times attend the Minister of that Church when employed in Exercise of his Office whether in the Church or otherways. 2nd That he shall be ready upon every occasion when Public Worship is to be performed in the Church, have the doors open, the Basons for the Collection put out and the Church ready for the Congregation. 3rd That he shall once every week with the assistance of the doorkeeper clean the whole passages, Stairs and Entries of the Church as well as the Walls and seats and every other part of the Church, so as the same may be always swept and clean, as well within as without doors. And for which purpose the Proprietors are to furnish Beasoms, Map and other utensils. 4h That the smallest Bell shall be rung at Nine the Second Bell at half an hour past Nine and the other Three Bells at Ten Clock on Sundays when public Worship is to be performed. And the same course followed in the afternoon and at all other times, as the Bells of the other Churches do for Public Worship. 5th He shall by himself or others ring the great Bell in the Spire every morning except Sunday at Six Clock and every evening at Nine. The Meeting appointed Copies of the is Minute to be Signed by the President and Clerk and given to the Moderator of the Kirk session, the Convenor of the Incorporated Trades concerned, to the Collector for the United Pendicle Trades and to the Preses of the Subcommittee in order to their being put upon their respective Records for preservation. The Meeting concluded with prayer. This in the name and by appointment of the above meeting as attested by: signed by all those mentioned in the text of this Minute.
Thursday 26 May 1774 The Trades in consequence of a Summonds and Warning by the Trades Officer Met in the Burial place. Their Ordinary place of Meeting (Except the Bonnetmaker Trade) Who have declined any concern in the Church When Conveener David Smart informed them that the fourth Church in the Cowgate was now almost finished. That the Seats were sett to and taken by sundries upon the faith of the Church being immediately and Regularly supplied with publick Worship. That it was formerly Agreed upon that the Power of electing of a Preacher or Minister to labour in the said Church should be equally Vested in the societies who contributed for erecting and Building the said Church Viz. the Kirk Session Nine Trades (except the Bonnetmaker Trade) And the Three Pendicle Trades That is Wrights Masons and Slaters. That these Societies should Select and Choose Out from among themselves the following Numbers Viz. the Kirk session Twenty Members, The Nine Trades except the Bonnetmaker Trade) fifteen and the Pendicles five for the purpose of Electing choosing or calling a Preacher or Minister to the said fourth Church and who being Ordained Shall take Such a proportionall district of the Town as the Proprietors of the said New Church Shall Direct for his care and inspection. That the Kirk Session had already Chosen their Number Sent to the Conveener a Copy of their Minute recommending to him to call a Meeting of the Trades for the purpose of choosing their Number and that it was their intention the Said Church Should be Settled as Soon as possible. Which Minute was read and the above information taken into consideration of the Trades now mett. They all Willingly and with One Consent Approved of the Purpose and Tenor of the Said Kirk Session’s Minute and declared their resolution and readiness to have the said Church planted With a Gospell Minister or Preacher as soon as possible And that they were ready and willing to concurr with the Kirk Session and Pendicle Trades for that laudable end and for facilitating the Same they after liting and voting made choice of the following Persons Viz. Conveener David Smart Baker David Syme Snr Glover, William Ramsay Shoemaker, Patrick Will Taylor, James Ivory Watchmaker, Robert Elder Weaver, James Anderson Writer a member of the Dyer Trade, John Craig Baker, William Keith Shoemaker, Abraham Hill Glover, Thomas Kinnear Taylor, Samuel Mathers flesher, William Bisset, founder, James Young Weaver, and Alexander Watt Waulker as the Number allotted to the Trades and hereby Authorise and impower them for and on Account of the Trades to vote in the Election or Call for a Preacher Minster to the said fourth Church upon this express provision that they shall not by themselves vote or concurr in any such call for any Preacher or Minister to said Church But for such Only as Shall be chosen by the Whole Trades at a Meeting called for that purpose and who they shall be impowered Specially to Vote for with power to the said Electors to vote in the Nameing and Appointment of a precentor and Beadle for the said Church. And likeways the Trades agree that no person among them Shall be Chosen as their Commissioners to vote in any Election of a Preacher or Minister to the said fourth Church who shall not be of the communion of the Established
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Church nor any Such who Shall be chosen by the Kirk Session or Pendicles but separate and Distinct persons that they are ready and Willing to concurr with the Kirk Session and Pendicles in Setling the Stipend of Fifty pounds Sterling per annum upon the Preacher or Minister In Applying to the Presbetry if the Minister is to be just now Called is not an Ordained Minister to have him Ordained a Minister at large and to concur with them in consulting lawyers and executing proper Deeds for Stablishing the said Church and the right of the Electors in a proper and lasting foundation And in general in every thing that will contribute to the Wellfare of the Said Design. And Orders a Copy of this Sederunt Subscribed by the Trades Clerk to be given in by the present Conveener to the Moderator of the Kirk Session And the Conveener to propose to him that the Electors from the Different Bodies Should be Advertised from the Pulpits on Sunday next to meet in the New Church or other proper place on Tuesday next at three o’clock afternoon in Order to proceed in the Election of the Minister for the said fourth Church. (Signed) David Smart, Convr.
Saturday 28 May 1774 The Whole Trades except the Bonnetmaker Trade being met in the Burial place when the Conveener informed them that the purpose of calling them was for Electing a Preacher or Minister for the fourth Church and impowering the Commissioners formerly Named by then to Meet with those Named by the Kirk Session and Pendicle Trades to vote along with them in choosing or calling a Preacher or Minister to the said Church. Accordingly they proceeded and after voting they unanimously made choise of Mr Thomas Raitt at Scotstown near Linton to be Preacher or Minister in the said fourth Church and thereafter did and hereby do commissionate and impower Conveener David Smart Baker, David Syme Senr. Glover, William Ramsay Shoemaker, Patrick Will Taylor, James Ivory Watchmaker, Robert elder Weaver, James Anderson Writer a Member of the Dyer Trade, John Craig Baker, William Keith Shoemaker, Abraham Hill glover, Thomas Kinnear Taylor, Samuel Mathers flesher, William Bisset, founder, James Young Weaver and Alexander Watt Waulker to meet with the other Electors at such time and place as Should be agreed upon And then and there for and on account of the Trades to vote for the said Mr Thomas Raitt to be Preacher or Minister in the said fourth Church And to concur with the other Electors in signing a Call or Such other Deed as Should be Agreed upon. (Signed) Dav. Smart, Convr.
Thursday 17th November 1774 The Trades Except the Bonnetmakers being Met in the Burial place When it was represented to them that the fourth Church in the Cowgate Was just about finishing That it would take a sum betwixt Four and Five Hundred Pounds Sterling Over and above the sums already advanced by the Trades Kirk Session and Pendicles to pay the Tradesmen employed about the said Church and other Expences incurred thereanent. That in respect the Trades already Stand bound by former Sederunts for three fourth parts of One half of the Expence of building and finishing the Said Church It would be necessary they should either Borrow or pay their respective Shares of the sum wanted Which to the Eight Trades will not exceed One Hundred and Eighty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings Sterling. And even taking the sum wanted to be five Hundred Pounds Sterling Each of the Eight Trades will be Twenty Three Pounds Eight Shillings and Nine Pence Sterling Which being considered by the Trades they impowered and hereby impower William Bisset their present Conveener to Borrow the sum wanted for the whole Eight Trades Which must not exceed One Hundred and Eighty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings Sterling And to grant his security as Conveener to the Lender or Lenders and the respective Trades hereby become bound to relieve him of the said Security And to Enter Sederunts in their respective Trades Books to that effect. The Trades in consideration that the Church is about finishing think it necessary that a State of the Whole Money paid in by the Trades, Kirk Session, Pendicles and otherways collected and the disposal thereof for the purpose of building the said Church Should be laid before them for their perusal and for that end impower their Conveener to intimate this to the respective Committees and crave the same may be done. The Trades also considering that hitherto no proper Papers have been Made Out for establishing the Right of the said Church in the person of the Trades, Kirk Session and pendicles nor for settling and establishing the Right of Election in them of a Minister or Preacher So as the Same May Stand upon a Sure and clear footing in time coming. They therefore impower their Conveener to represent this to the Committees and Crave that Such Paper may be soon Execute. The Trades also considering that they had lately called Mr Thomas Raitt to be Preacher in the said Church that in their Opinion it would be more convenient for those who attend his Ministrations that he were Ordained a Minister at large. They therefore impower Conveener Bisset, Deacon Alexander Thain and Deacon William Keith as an Committee of their Number to join with a Committee of the Kirk session and a Committee from the Pendicles in an Application to the Presbetry for Mr Raitt’s Ordination. Alexr. Thain Wm. Keith Tho. Kinnear, Deacon Adam Clark, deacon
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Robt. Elder Alexr. Watt Abram Hill Samuel Mathers
Extract from the Convener’s Book 1695 –1827 December 1775
There was borrowed from the Kirksession of Kirkmyllie at Lambass 1775 Upon the Conveeners Bond Binding the Trades (except the Bonnetmakers) in payt for behoof of the New Chapple in the Cowgate The @ rent of which is to be paid Annually By the Mannagers of the Chapple £170
Dundee 29th February 1776 Sederunt of the Nine Trades The Conveener Represented to the Meeting That Alexander Thoms and Convener Jobson who Acted as Cashiers in Receiving and Deburrseing the Money Relative to the building of the Chapple in the Cowgate had made out their Accounts of Charge an Discharge Relative to the said Building and wanted to have them perused and Discharged. Which being Considered by the Meeting they Appointed Conveener Bisset, Deacons Alexander Thain, Thos. Blair, Mathew Buist, Peter Will, Andrew Langlands, John Mathers, James Ivory, Robert Elder, and Alexander Watt as a Committee from their Body to meet with the Committees to be appointed by the Kirk Session and Pendicles Trades to Receive in the said Accots. And upon being Satisfied therewith to Amply and fully discharge the said Accots. And Likewise they impower the said Committee to Concurr with the other committees in Building a Session House at the said Chapple and expence thereof Not exceeding Fourty Pounds Sterling without Borrowing money for that purpose and Likewise they impower the said committee to concur with the other Committees In consulting Lawyers for the Purpose of Drawing out the necessary Papers for Establishing the sight of the said Chapple in the Person of the respective Bodys and their Successors. Wm. Bisset, Conr Alexr. Thain Thomas Blair Peter Hill John Mathers Alexr. Watt James Ivory Matw. Buist
Sederunt of the Nine Trades of Dundee
At Dundee the Twenty Second day of April Seventeen hundred and Eighty Five Years.
The Trades being conveened the Convener laid before them the report of the Committee at their last Meeting. Also the Resolution of the Kirk Session anent the advancing Mr Thomas Rait’s Stipend, Ten Pounds Ten Shilling Sterling per Annum to be raised from the Seat Rents of the Cowgate Kirk and to be continued during the pleasure of the Managers upon the same plan as proposed to the Committee at their former Meeting, and that what may be over and above, be applied towards Discharging the Debts. The Trades upon taking the same under unanimously agreed to the above Resolution, and appointed a Committee of their Number to meet with a Committee from the Kirk Session in order to settle the same, and desired this their resolution to be transmitted to the Kirk Session accordingly. Signed by the Convener and 21 Members
At Dundee the Twenty fourth Day of May Seventeen Hundred & Eighty eight Years
Convener Smart produced and was read to the Meeting a Minute of Sederunt of the Kirk Session of Dundee of Date the Thirtieth Day of April last agreeing with consent of the Town Council to distribute and divide the Parish of Dundee in several Districts among the Ministers thereof to be considered as their particular Charges & among the rest an Allotment or District for the Revd. Mr Thomas Raitt, Minister of St Andrews Chapel in the Cowgate as his Charge & wanting that the Nine Trades as one of the Proprietors of said Chapel should bind themselves to oblige every Minister who should in time coming be settled in said Chapel to accept of the part of said Town & Parish Allotted to Mr Raitt. Which being considered by the Trades & as the said Chapel is not properly upon the legal Establishment they cannot agree to bind themselves, to bind themselves in Terms of the Kirk
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Session’s Sederunt until an Erection of said Chapel take place Besides as it was agreed at the Building of said Chapel that the Established Ministers should take their turns of Preaching in said Chapel by Rotation which has yet never regularly taken place & on that account also they cannot acquisce in the Kirk Sessions Minute until they agree upon the Rotation of the Established Ministers preaching in said Chapel be regularly fulfilled & executed Notwithstanding they shall leave Mr Raitt fully to his own Liberty in the said matter.
At Dundee the Fourteenth Day of July seventeen Hundred and Eighty Eight Years
The Nine Trades of Dundee being mett in their Hall when Conveener Smart produce to them a Minute of Date the Ninth Current of the Kirk Session of Dundee respecting the Erection of St Andrews Chapel in the Cowgate into a Church & the Division of the Town & Parish into six Districts whereby the Kirk Session declare their opinion relative thereto as follows viz. 1St That finding it impractible to prevail with the Town Council to agree to the putting of St Andrews Chapel upon the Establishment at present this regulation must be delayed to some future favourable opportunity which the Kirk Session as earnestly desire & shall as cheerfully seize as the Nine Trades can possibly wish. 2nd. That the appointment of the six Ministers to preach in equal turns in St Andrews Chapel or in any other Chapel or Church appears to be absolutely ineligible as tending more to promote giddiness than Education. 3rd That the three established Ministers taking the same turns of preaching in St Andrews Chapel that they now take in the two established Churches is very proper & they have declared that they will go cordially into such a Measure as soon as the Minister of that Chapel has that district of the Parish as assigned to him which he has already declared his Willingness to accept & which the Town Council & Kirk Session formerly approved. Lastly. That as the Minister of the Chapel under Consideration having a District of the Parish was as essential an article of its original constitution as the then established Ministers Statedly in it, they have not done less but more hitherto than they were bound to do. If that essential condition shall continue to be refused by the Nine Trades Dr Small & Dr Blinshall must be considered by every impartial person to be freed from their original obligation. Mr Davidson was never bound & if all three shall refuse their future aid on the failure of the Condition they cannot be justly blamed. Their successors would no Doubt readily accept the mode proposed if once established, as they would be obliged to take Charge of the District assigned to the Minister of the Chapel unless they fulfilled the condition of regularly preaching there. Which being considered by the Trades they declared their Sentiments upon the preceeding articles as follows. As to the first – They humbly move that a Memorial & Representation should be made out by the Kirk Session & Trades to the Town Council relative to getting the St Andrews Chapel upon the Establishment & Crave that the Town Council would appoint a Committee of their number to meet with a Committee from the Kirk Session & Trades to convene upon that matter & to try if they can understand one another. As to the second – They make no observe thereto. As to the last – They have already by a former Sederunt left Mr Raitt, Minister of the Chapel to his liberty to take the Charge of the District of the Parish allotted to him if he thinks proper but do not pretend to bind him or his successors unless upon this Condition that the three established Ministers become bound to take their turn of preaching in St Andrews Chapel that they now take in the two established Churches.
At Dundee the Eleventh Day of August One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Nine.
Which day the Nine Trades of Dundee being met in their Hall, their ordinary place of meeting consulting about their own affairs, when it was Represented to them by Mr Alexander Watt Present Conveener That the Rev. Mr Thomas Reat Minister of ye Cowgate Chaple his Annual Steeping was only Seventy Pound Ten Shillings Sterling. That it was his opinion and a great number of the individuals of the Trades That the same should be augmented to One hundred Pounds Sterling a’ly. Considering the high Prices of provisions & expence of living That for that end he was informed that the Kirk Session were disposed to pay him Mr Reat yearly Fourteen pound fifteen Shilling Sterling and that he thought the Nine Trades and what is called the three pendacle Trades, Wrights, Masons and Sclaters should make up among them the other Fourteen Pounds fifteen Shills. Sterling which would only be One Pound Four Shills and Seven pence Sterl’g to each individual Trade and which would make up the One hundred Pounds Sterling Yearly and begged they would retire to their respitive Trades in their Ordinary Rooms & consider of this matter which they accordingly did and in a little The respective Deacons returned & collected together and reported that each of their trades had cordially agreed to pay Mr Reat Annually of Steeping during his life One Pound four Shils and seven pence Sterling during his Incombency or as long as the Funds of said Chapel or Cowgate Church shall be able to bear it. Beginning the first years payment thereof at Whitsunday incl for the year preceeding and so furth yearly during his Incumbency or as long as the Funds of the said Chapel or Cowgate Church shall be sufficient to defray
11 12 the same which with what the Kirk Session and pendicall Trades were to make up would amount to the aforesaid Sum of One hundred Pounds Sterling yearly & the Conveener recommended to the several trades to enter a Sederunt in their respective Trade Books to the above effect.
At Dundee the Twenty third day of March Seventeen Hundred and ninety years
At a general meeting of the nine trades of this Burgh held within their Hall this day It was represented to the meeting by Conveener Watt That he was informed by Provost Riddoch That the commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for carrying into execution the Turnpike roads for the County of Forfar have proposed Bringing the road from eastward into the Town to Carry it along by the yards on the north side of the Cowgate Street. That in this direction the Road would run thro the inclosed Ground belonging to the Cowgate Church between the Church and the Cowgate Street. That he had therefore thought it his duty to meet the trades to know their opinion of it and whether they would give their concurrence to such a measure. And requested that the trades would seperatley retire to their respective rooms And return by their Deacons their opinion. Thereon Which the Trades having done and their Deacons having again returned to the Hall And reasoned upon the matter It was considered by a great Majority That a committee of the nine trades should be appointed to meet with the Kirk Session and Pendicle Trades or the Committee to be appointed by these bodys who have an interest in the Cowgate Church & Property thereto belonging. And that their Committee should Thereafter meet with the aforesaid Commissioners or such of them as are authorised to act upon the said road to ascertain thro what part of the ground the road is intended to be brought. How much of the ground belonging to the Church will be taken off for the road and any other material circumstances attending the same. And they further named and Appointed the present Conveener, Conveener Jobson, Convener Bisset, Alexander Thain Baker, and Tomas Mawer Writer in Dundee Clerk to the General Fund as a Committee from the Trades for that purpose and thereafter to report to the Trades as to the above circumstances at next meeting when the Trades will take the matter under consideration and be more able to Judge whether they will give their consent to the said Road being Carried in the line proposed or not and upon what terms they will do so. And appointed their Conveener to Subscribe this Sederunt in their name. Alexr. Watt
At Dundee the Thirtieth Day of Augt. Seventeen hundred and Ninety Years
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of the Burgh of Dundee held within their Hall this Day the Conveener & Committee appointed by the Trades upon the Twenty third Day of March last to meet with the Committees of the Kirk Session & Pendicle trades to consider as to the New road intended to be formed thro the Cowgate yeards Reported that they along with the Said Committees had mett upon the Ground of the Cowgate Church along with a Number of the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for forming the Turn Pike Road thro the County that at this Meeting the road so far as it Cuts thro the Ground of the Cowgate Church was pointed out to them and that it appears it will Cutt off about Eighty four feet of the ground from the Street. The Conveener also reported that the Kirk Session had this day a Meeting upon the subject a Copy of whose proceedings he produced and was read to the Trades. He therefore whished to have their opinions upon the Subject. And the Trades having taken this Matter into consideration they appointed Conveener Watt, Deacon Brown, Deacon Meffen, Deacon Elder, Deacon Hill, Deacon Fiffe, Deacon Milln, Deacon Cuthbert & Deacon Matters as a Committee from the nine trades to Meet with the Committees of the Kirk Session and Pendicle Trades and to form such resolutions respecting the Said road as they shall think Most proper and advantageous and to report the same to the Trades and recommend to their Committee to learn whither or not the proprietors of the yards to the eastward have agreed to the proposals of the Trustees respecting the road thro their Propertys.
At Dundee the fifteenth day of October Seventeen hundred and ninety years.
At a General meting of the nine Trades of Dundee held within their Hall this Day. The Convener represented That yesterday he was Served with a Copy of a petition to the Sherriff by the Trustees upon the Turnpike roads Craving the Sherriff would appoint a Jury of fifteen men to value and ascertain the Damage due and to be paid to the proprietors of the yeards on the northside of the Cowgate and also of St Andrews Church for the ground Due necessary for the new intended road thro there Grounds and to which petition answer must be given in for the proprietors of St Andrews Church within Eight days from that Date.
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The Trades having considered the matter and heard the petition and Deliverance thereon read over to them Referr to the former Committee appointed upon the Thirtieth Day of August last to meet with the Committee of the Kirk Session and in conjunction with them to take the proper Steps for answering said petition.
At Dundee the Seventh Day of March Seventeen hundred and ninety one years
At a general Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held within their Hall this Day. The Conveener informed the Trades that the Sherriff had promised Judgement in the Cause at the instance of the Committee of Trustees upon the Forfar road agt the proprietors of St Andrews Church Appointing a Jury to be impanniled to meet at Dundee the Eleventh Current for determining the loss or Damage to be paid by the said Committee to the proprietors of the grounds on the north side of the Cowgate thro’ which the said road is to be carried. And he also informer that there would be a Meeting of he Kirk Session this Day after the Subject Whether they would acquiesce in the Sherriffs Sentence or not. That it was therefore necessary the Trades had a Committee of their number to attend the session to assist in deliberating as to the proper Steps to be taken in that matter. Which the Trades having considered they Did and hereby Do nominate and Appoint Conveener Rodger, Conveener Craig, Conveener Keith, Conveener Watt, Deacon McLaggan, Deacon Fyffe, and Deacon Langlands as a Committee of their number to attend the meeting of Session this Day and to give their vote as to the further procedure in said cause as they shall think best for the General good.
At Dundee the Twenty Eight day of May one thousand seven hundred and ninety five years
Which Day the nine Trades being Conveened in their ordinary Hall Conveener Watson reported that he along with the Committee of Deacons formerly appointed to meet with the Committee of the Kirk Session and Pendicle Trades to consider of the propriety of settling a second or Assistant Minister in St Andrews Church had this day met with the said Committees from the Kirk Session and Pendicle Trades and that the said joint Committee had come to a Sett of Resolutions respecting the settling of a second Minister in said Church the tenor whereof follows. Dundee 28 May 1795 At a Meeting of joined Committees of he Kirk Session, the Nine Incorporated trades and the three united Trades of Dundee Proprietors of St Andrews church, Present Mr Raitt, Mr Davidson, minsrs, Messers David Smart, Charles Roger, Robert Elder, James Smith, Elders, Conveener Watson, Deacons Pullar, Rodger, Hill, Matters, Crichton & Henderson from the Nine Incorporated Trades & Conveener Wright, Deacons Hannale, and Caynoch from the United Trades. Conveener Watson was chosen preses The committee taking again into their consideration the scheme of having an Assistant Preacher or second Minister settled in St Andrews Church 1St Resolved That in order to have Mr Herdman regularly called and settled It’s proposed and necessary that the Kirk Session, Nine Incorporated Trades and three United Trades do declare in their respective Records that Mr Herdman is Chosen as Assistant or second Minister of St Andrews Church as he has already obtained the Concurance of the congregation altho’ as appears from former Minutes the Rules observed in the Choice of the first Minister have not been particularly adhered to in this election. 2d. Resolved that Mr Herdman by accepting of the Charge and Office now offered to him be bound to submit such lawful conditions and Rules as the Proprietors shall prescribe particularly that he shall take an equal Share of the duties of that Church and take the Ministerial Charge of a part of the Parish if required. 3d. Resolved that shall receive a Salary or Stipend of Sixty Pounds Sterling a year by equal proportions at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas making the first payment for the half year now begun at Martinmas next, Provided always that the Funds of that Church continue sufficient for paying this Stipend and all other necessary burdens of which sufficiency the Proprietors are hereby Declared to be the sole Judges. 4. Resolved that it is proper for the Trades and Kirk Session to take the necessary Steps for having Mr Herdman ordained a Minister by Applying to the Presbytery as soon as possible for that effect. 5. That it the Kirk Session and Trades shall adopt the preceding articles they shall Appoint committees to lay an Extract of their whole Procedure in this affair before Mr Herdman, in order that he may formally Declare his acceptance of the Office or Assistant or Second Minister in St Andrews Church and his willingness to submit to the rules and conditions prescribed by the Proprietors. Finally – The Committees resolve that it is necessary that the Kirk session and Trades particularly and formally Declare that this election of an Assistant or Second Minister for St Andrews Church has a particular respect to the regular Continuance of an Evening Lecture both in Winter and in Summer in that Church and that the two Ministers shall always reckon that Duty a part of their established and bound Duty work. Signed Will. Watson
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The above report and resolutions from the Committees before mentioned having been considered by the nine Trades They adopted and hereby Adopt the same in all parts and accordingly Declare that Mr Herdman is elected Assistant or Second Minister in St Andrews Church with the Stipend and under the conditions mentioned in the said report and resolve to concur with the Kirk Session and the pendicle Trades in An Application to the Presbitery for the Admission of Mr Herdman as soon as may be.
At Dundee the nineteenth day of October Seventeen hundred and Ninety six years.
At a Meeting of the Conveener and the old and new Deacons of the Nine Trades of Dundee held within their Hall this day about their Ordinary Affairs, Conveener McLagan reported that whereas sundry of the Deacons had complained at last meeting that little regard was paid to the Trades with respect to the management of the concerns of St Andrews Church, particularly as to the mode of settling the accompts of the Revenues of that Church. He had therefore called at James Smith the Treasurer and got from him the Book of Accompts belonging to St Andrews Church and which he now produced to the Meeting – And they having examined said Book Found that for four or five years past these accompts had not been discharged by any Persons on the part of the Nine or Pendicle Trades, but solely by Members of the Kirk Session, tho’ these Trades have an equal interest in the church with the Session -The Meeting having taken these matters into consideration and having also advised with a Committee from the Pendicle Trades upon the Subject - Have resolved that in future They will allow of no alteration or repairs to be made upon said church but what are authorised by a joint Committee of the Trades along with that of the Session, and that the yearly accompts respecting St Andrews Church, shall be audited by said Committees and afterwards discharged by them, failing thereof that they will not consider these accompts as at all discharged, and they do hereby nominate and appoint the Conveener and the Nine Deacon of the Incorporated Trades and their Successors in office for the time being as a Standing Committee on the part of the Nine Trades for the purposes Aforesaid –And appoint this resolution to the Kirk Session and Three Pendicle Trades.
At Dundee the Twenty sixth day of November One Thousand eight hundred and One years.
At a Meeting of the Conveeners, Deacons of Crafts, Managers of the General Fund of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this Day within their Hall, Conveener Alexander Guild present Conveener of said Trades produced to the Meeting a representation from The Reverend Mr David Davidson one of the Ministers of said Burgh, Setting forth, That the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee have been in use for at least one hundred and fifty years past of paying to him and his predecessors a small Moity of yearly Stipend amounting to £2:17:3 Sterling. That altho’ this sum at the time might be of some consideration when the price of all necessaries were proportionally low, Yet in the present times that the price of all the necessaries of living are so high, at least tripled, it can go little length – And therefore praying the Trades to take this matter into their consideration, And to grant him such relief by way of Augmentation as to them should seem proper – The Meeting having considered these representations were of opinion That it will be proper to delay doing anything in this matter till Thursday next the third December That they may have time to consider it more fully and lay it before the respective Trades. And accordingly upon the said third day of December the meeting having resumed the consideration of this business And after putting the Matter to a Vote carried and agreed to augment Mr Davidson’s Stipend from the aforesaid £2:17:3 to the sum of Ten Pounds Sterling yearly, to be paid him by half yearly Moities out of Funds belonging to the General Fund of the Nine Trades beginning the first half years payment thereof at Whitsunday next and to continue paying the same half yearly thereafter during Mr Davidson’s life or his incumbency as one of the Ministers of this Burgh only. But with this Provision That as they have granted this Augmentation on account of Mr Davidson’s faithful and diligent exercise of his Ministerial functions in the place, Therefore that it shall not bind them nor the said Fund to pay the same to any Minister that may succeed Mr Davidson, being granted to himself alone for the consideration aforesaid. Alexr. Guild Conr.
Copy Ext. Missive Letter Mr Thos. Raitt To The Trades of Dundee
At Dundee the nineteenth day of October One Thousand Eight hundred and four years, In presence of Mr Patrick Whitson one of the present Baillies of Dundee Compeared David Colville Writer there and gave in the Missive Letter underwritten desiring it to be inserted and registered in the Burgh Court Books of Dundee as a probative write, Which the said Bailie ordained to be done accordingly of Which Missive Letter the tenor follows. Mr John Tod, Conveener of the Nine Incorporated Trades Dundee and Deacon of the Baker Trade and the Remanent Deacons, Mr Leslie Conveener & Deacon and Remanent Deacons of the Three United Trades. Gentlemen, I hereby inform you, That I do not consider the Kirk Session and Trades of Dundee Proprietors of St
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Andrews Chapel in the Cowgate here to be legally bound to me as Minister of this place of Worship for more than Fifty pounds Sterling annually and that only while the Chaple is kept open and the Church of Scotland from which I have received orders is pleased to sustain me as continuing to be clothed with them. What I have received from them over and above this yearly Stipend I have always considered as gratuitous merely; and I hereby express my hearty thankfulness to them for the favour of it. I am Gentlemen your most Obed. Serv. Signed Thomas Raitt, Dundee 20th Decr. 1804 Extracted on this & preceding page of Stamped paper Conform to Law By.
At Dundee the Eleventh day of July in the year One thousand Eight hundred & Six
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated & Three Pendicle Trades of Dundee held this day within the Trades Hall consulting about the affairs of St Andrews Church. Convenor Thomson in the Chair.
The Convenor represented to the meeting that he had been waited on by Mr Jobson a Member of the Kirk Session who Stated to him that that the Kirk Session wished the Trades to appoint a Committee of their number to confer with a Committee from the Session relative to the affairs of Saint Andrews Church which would soon be vacant by the removal of Mr Rait to Lundie. A Committee consisting of the following Members was accordingly appointed with instructions to hold a conference with a Committee from the Kirk Session and to report the result of that Conference to the Trades but to have no power to agree to any measure proposed at that conference of whatever nature the same might be. Bakers Deacon Mudie: William Clark Cordiners Convenor Thomson: Deacon Gray Glovers William Walker, Writer: George Rough Bonnetmakers George Bowman: William Hogg: William Langlands: Thomas Wilson Taylors Deacon Kinnear: Deacon Low Fleshers James Lowson: James Watson Hammermen Deacon Campbell: Thomas Ivory Weavers William McLeish: Robert Gowans Dyers Deacon Watt: Deacon Cathro Masons Deacon Berry: Alexander Christie Wrights Deacon Robertson: John Skirving Slaters James Low: Robert Lesly
The Meeting also agreed to allow the Missionaries to preach for one day in St Andrews Church. Walter Thomson Convr.
At Dundee the Twenty third day of July in the year One thousand Eight hundred & Six
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within their Hall
It was represented to the meting by Convenor Thomson that in consequence of the Sederunt of last meeting the Committee thereby appointed had held a conference with a Committee from the Kirk Session relative to the affairs of St Andrews Church and the vacancy that is likely to occur in consequence of the removal of Mr Rait the present Minister to the united Parishes of Lundie and Fowlis. At which Conference it was proposed that the Proprietors of St Andrews Church should apply to the Presbytery of the bounds for leave to Employ Ministers or Preachers to Officiate during the Vacancy and to call other Candidates to preach if necessary, besides those who have already offered to fill up the Vacancy. It was also proposed, that in Stead of the Trades voting, their Electors for a Minister to said Church in a Common Hall each Trade should send out Electors separately, and that the number from each Trade should be equal. The meeting upon considering the above representation made by the Convenor came to the following Resolutions: First That the proposal made at the above mentioned, respecting the mode of voting Electors by the Trades to chuse a Minister for St Andrews Church, is contrary to the original constitution of said Church. And the Nine Trades will to the utmost resist any alteration that may be attempted to be made on that Constitution and are determined to vote for their Electors in a Common Hall; 2nd. That the Trades disapprove of any Individual unconnected with them interfering with their concerns or prescribing rules for their conduct either in the Election of a Minister for St Andrews Church or otherways because
15 16 the Trades by giving way to new fangled modes of setting a Minister in said Church must eventually Injure their own interest in her. 3rd. that a Committee Appointed by last meeting recommend to the Committee from the Kirk Session the propriety of calling Candidates to preach there and allowing such Candidates Two Guineas or such other sum as may by agreed in for every Sunday they may preach and that this allowance be continued for three months at leas previous to the Election of a Minister. And that application may be made to the Presbytery of the bounds for leave to call Candidates accordingly, to Employ a Preacher or Preachers to officiate during the Vacancy. There was read to the meeting a letter from Revd. Thomas Rait addressed to the Convenor intimating his acceptance of a call from the united parishes of Lundie and Fowlis which was appointed to be engrossed in he Sederunt Book and a answer written thereto by the Convenor expressive of the thanks of the Nine Trades to Mr Rait for the attention he has paid to his charge and the faithful and diligent exercise of his Office as Pastor of St Andrews Church during his Ministry there. Of which Letter the following is a copy:
Dundee Saturday 19th July 1806 Mr Walter Thomson Revd. Sir I beg leave to Intimate to you, that on Thursday the 17th Inst I received and accepted a call from the united Parishes of Lundie and Fowlis to undertake the Office of their Pastor, in consequence of which the Revd. The Presbytrey of the Bounds have appointed Thursday the 31th Curt. to be the day of my Admission to that Office, that I request to attend to this more particularly, as I understand than the Presbytery will consider my Admission to Lundie and Fowlis as loosing me free my Ministry in St Andrews Church, of which the Incorporated Trades represented by you are considerable Proprietors. I am Sir yours, and the worthy Trades of which you are Convenor with much respect and gratitude (Signed) Thomas Raitt
Copy Letter addressed to the Moderator of Dundee Dundee 30th July 1806 Revd. Sir The Incorporated and united Trades of Dundee Considering that St Andrews Church is become vacant are anxious that the congregation may not be deprived of divine ordinances during the Vacancy. We are therefore commissioned in the name of the Trades to lay this matter before the Reverend The Presbetery of Dundee at their first meeting, and to solicit their permission to the proprietors to employ Ministers or Preachers of the Establishment to Officiate in St Andrews Church, and also permission of both or either if these Bodies find it to be necessary, jointly or separately to invite Candidates to Preach there with a view to the election of a proper person for supplying the charge. We therefore respectfully solicat the Reverend The Presbetery to grant permission and authority as above. We remain Revd Sir Your most Obt Serv. Walter Thomson Convr. James T. Berry Coll.
Copy Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Dundee in answer to the preceeding Letter dated 6th August 1806
Dundee the 6th day of August eighteen hundred and Six years. The which the presbytery of Dundee took under further consideration the Petition given in to them at their further Meeting on Thursday last by Mr Walter Thomson, in behalf of the Incorporated and united Trades in Dundee, address to the moderator, in which Petition Mr Davidson, one of the Ministers of Dundee in name of the Kirk Session concurred. The tenor thereof follows vizt: Dundee 31St July 1806 The Incorporated and united Trades of Dundee considering That St Andrews Church is become vacant, are anxious that the congregation may not be derived of Divine Ordinances during the vacancy; We are therefore commissioned in the name of the trades to lay this matter before the reverend the presbytery of Dundee at their first meeting and to solicit their permission to the Proprietors, to imploy Ministers or Preachers of the establishment to Officiate in St Andrews Church: and also permission, if both or either of these Bodies find it to be necessary, jointly or separately to invite Candidates top preach there with a view to the Election of a proper person for supplying the charge. We therefore respectfully solicit The Reverend Presbytery to grant permission and authority as above. Signed: Walter Thomson, Convr. James Bell coll.
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At Dundee the ninth day of August in the year One thousand Eight hundred and six. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within their Hall this day
The Convenor represented to the meeting That it was difficult as matters stood at present to procure Preachers to officiate in St Andrews Church and he recommended to the Trades, so far as they were concerned to take measures for having the Vacancy immediately supplied. Thereafter it was moved by John Sime, Baker That the Trades meet on this day senight for the purpose of considering what had been recommended to them by the Convenor and the propriety of proceeding immediately to the Elecution of a Minister for supplying the present vacancy in St Andrews Church along with the other proprietors, to this motion Deacon Mudie moved he following ammendment, that in place of this day senight the words this day three months be substituted and upon the question being put by the convenor in the common Hall the amendment was carried by a majority. Against this Mode of determining the question William Hogg protested because ion every question of importance the Trades ought according to their constitution to retire to their respective Rooms and deliberate and thereafter return their votes to the Convenor. The Meeting appointed nine the Deacons as a Committee to provide preachers for supplying the vacancy and along with the other Proprietors to fix he sum to be paid to such Preachers and to pay the two that have already officiated.
At Dundee the Third day of December in the year One thousand Eight hundred and six. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within their Hall
The Convenor represented to the meeting that a conference had lately been held by the Convenor and Deacons with a Committee from the Kirk Session to concert measures for calling a Minister to St Andrews Church at present vacant by the removal of Mr Rait at which conference there was nothing suggested which was likely to bring this matter to a conclusion and therefore the Convenor recommended to the Trades to consider what measures would serve most effectually to bring about the speedy settlement of a Minister in said Church that justice might be done to the Sitters who had taken their Seats in hopes that no delay would be occasioned in the settlement and also that regard may be had to the interests of the Proprietors…. The Meeting having taken these matters into their consideration the Trades retired to their respective rooms to deliberate and afterwards came to the following Resolutions Vizt. 1St That a Committee be appointed consisting of the following Members from each Trade to confer with the Kirk session anent settling a Minister in St Andrews Church in order as far as possible to forward an Election agreeable to eh constitution of said Church which the Trades formerly resolved strickly to adhere to, and afterwards to report the results f such conference to eh Trades at a general meeting that such other steps may be taken a s shall appear necessary. (Signed by) 5 Bakers, 5 Cordiners, 2 Glovers, 7 Taylors, 3 Fleshers, 4 Hammermen, 3 Weavers and 2 Dyers
At Dundee the Fifteenth day of January Eighteen hundred and Seven. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within their Hall this Day
The Convenor represented to the Meeting that as it was understood the Dyer Trade had Disponed their part of St Andrews Church to the Kirk Session the Committee which had been appointed at last meeting to confer with the Kirk Session respecting the affairs of that Church had judged it advisable to order an Extract of the Disposition to the Church by Andrew Pitcairn in favor of the Kirk Session, Nine Incorporated Trades and the three united Trades in order to know in what way the property was vested, and the Disposition being read to the Meeting it was resolved that the said committee should have powers to take the opinion of Counsel how far any Individual Trade has it in their power to dispose of their part of the Church without the consent of the other Trades. And also upon the original constitution of the Church with respect to the mode of choosing a Minister and any other points that may appear to the Committee necessary to be cleared up either as to the constitution of the Church or the Disposition by Mr Pitcairn and to follow up the advice that may be given.
At Dundee the Twenty third day of March in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Seven. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of said Burgh held within their Hall this Day
The Convenor represented to the meting that in consequence of the powers vested in the Committee appointed by the Trades for obtaining the opinion of Counsel relative to the Election of a Minister for St Andrews Church and the Administration of its concerns they had applied to and obtained the opinion of Matthew Ross Esquire Advocate which the Committee had desired him to lay before the Trades so as to obtain their instructions
17 18 what further steps should be taken in order to bring about the Election of a Minister to supply the present vacancy of said Church, and the Memorial and Queries presented to Mr Ross with his opinion being read to the meeting. It was unanimously resolved to Petition the Presbytery at their first meeting to appoint a day for the Election of a Minister for supplying said vacancy and that the same should be served upon the united Trades and Kirk Session requiring them to concur in this measure, and the Convenor was authorised to subscribe the Minute accordingly. Thereafter the thanks of the Meeting was unanimously voted to said Committee for their attentions to the business committed to them by the Trades.
At Dundee the Twenty sixth day of March in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Seven. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within their Hall this Day
The Convenor represented to the meeting that in consequence of the Resolutions of last meeting held on the Twenty third current a Petition to the Presbytery had been drawn up to be presented to them at their first meeting, and a copy thereof served upon the Moderator of the Kirk Session requiring them to present a similar petition to the Presbytery. That the Convenor had learned that John Fenton present Deacon to the Waulkers at the time the Petition was read to the Session stated to them that he had not been called to the last meeting of the Nine Trades nor any of the members of the Waulker Trade present and that of course it was only a partial meeting and as the Convenor had given particular instructions to John Simmers the Trades Officer to intimate the meeting to all the present Deacons he called upon him to say whether he had done so or not. John Simmers accordingly came forward and stated to the meeting that he had intimated the former meeting to all the Deacons excepting Deacon Fenton who had on a former occasion told him that the Waulker Trade had sold their share of St Andrews Church to the Kirk Session and desired him not to call him to any of the Trades meetings which related exclusively to the business of that Church. Deacon Fenton was then called upon to say whether or not he gave such orders to John Simmers when he made answer that some such conversation passed between them but that he did not mean it to apply to business of importance and after some equivocal and evasive answers to certain questions put to him by the Convenor he abruptly left the meeting before the business was finished. Thereafter the Petition to the Presbytery was read to the meeting who unanimously approved thereof and also of the proceedings of last meeting and of new instructed the Convenor to present the Petition to the Presbytery at their first meeting. The convenor the read to the meeting an Extract for the Minutes of the Kirk Session containing a proposal from them to the Trades to concur in an application to the Revd. the Presbytery of Dundee for leave to employ a Preacher in connection with the Establishment to supply the Vacancy in the Cowgate Chapel of Ease till the decision of the Court of Session in the process at present depending between the Kirk Session and the Trades. This proposal being considered by the meeting it was unanimously rejected as they were determined to take every step in their power for settling a Minister in St Andrews church without delay. A Letter was also read from Robert Aidie Session Clerk requesting the Trades to give the Kirk session sight of the case and opinion obtained by them respecting the affair of St Andrews Church, which the meeting unanimously refused.
At Dundee the Twenty first day of May in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Seven. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within their Hall this Day
The Convenor represented to the meeting that a meeting had been held of a Committee from the Kirk session and a Committee from the Nine Incorporated Trades and three united Trades, the Minute of which meeting was read to the Nine Trades and is as follows:
Dundee 20th May 1807 At a meeting of a Committee from the Kirk Session of Dundee and a Committee from the Nine Incorporated and three united Trades of said Burgh held this day within the Bakers Room The Revd. Mr Patrick Macvicar in the Chair
There was produced and read to the meeting a Minute of the Kirk session this day date containing the following proposals for an adjustment of the differences presently subsisting between the Kirk Session and Trades respecting the affairs of St Andrews Church. In this Minute the Session agree to the proposal from the Committee of the Trades respecting the future settlement of a Minister in said Church or Chapel by an alternate Election and that the first Election be determined by lett on the following conditions. 1St That the parties concerned shall enter into a regular Contract obliging themselves to abide by this mode of Election in all time coming and which Contract shall also regulate the ordinary management of the Chapel
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2d that the Management of every thing respecting the Chapel shall be vested in a Committee of Twelve from the Trades who must be all members of the Established Church and Twelve for the Kirk Session the Powers of that Committee to be ascertained and fixed in the said Contract. The Committee from the Trades agreed to recommend it to their constituents to adopt the propositions made by the Kirk Session with the following stipulations and alterations. 1St That the purchases of the property in said Church lately made by the Kirk Session from the Incorporations of Waulkers and Bonnetmakers shall be reconveyed to these Incorporations upon repayment of the price received by them from the Kirk Session and that every thing respecting said Church revert to its former footing before the present differences took place 2d That if the said Incorporations of Waulkers and Bonnetmakers shall refuse to take back the shares of the Church conveyed by them to the Session and to repay the price the same shall in that case be offered to the General fund of the Nine Trades at the price at which they were purchased by the Session. The Committee from the Kirk session undertook to recommend it to their Constituents to agree to these stipulations. The Committee from the Trades agreed to recommend to their constituents the second article in the Minute from the Kirk Session as to the appointment of the Committee of management with this alteration that the Trades should not be confined in the choice of member of that Committee to such of their number as are members of the Establishment but shall have it in their power to elect such members of their body as they shall judge qualified for managing the business and that three of the members of the Committee of management Appointed by the Trades shall go out annually and be replaced by other three to be chosen in their room. It was the opinion of the present Committee that the stipend the Minister of St Andrews Church should be One hundred pounds annually at least to be secured by Bond from the proprietors with such other additional encouragement as they may mutually agree upon at a final settlement. It was also their opinion that as soon as the mode of electing a Minister and of the management of the Church is finally agreed on the election of a Minister to fill up the present vacancy should proceed as soon hereafter as possible not exceeding three months at farthest and that any future vacancy that may occasion shall be filled up within Six months after the vacancy is declared. The Trades having considered the foregoing Minute agreed to the mode of Election therein mentioned upon the conditions proposed by the Kirk Session but always with and under the alterations and stipulations adjected by the Committee and the Trades appointed the committee formerly named for managing the affairs of St Andrews Church finally to settle with the Session the mode of Electing a Minister for said Church the future management of its affairs and every other difference betwixt the parties relative thereto and to get a Contract drawn up for regulating the same in all time coming.
At Dundee the Eleventh day of June in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Seven. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within their Hall this Day
That Convenor stated to the meeting that the Committee of the Incorporated and united Trades appointed for managing the affairs of St Andrews Church had on the Fifth day of June met with a Committee from the Kirk Session at which meeting a Minute of agreement for regulating the concerns of said Church in future was drawn up and agreed by both committees. Which minute was read to the Trades and is as follows: Which day the Kirk session and Incorporated and three united Trades being met in Committees appointed by these bodies respectively and the present differences attending the settlement of a Minister in St Andrews Chapel having been duely considered – All parties concerned desirous of placing matters in an equal and permanent footing and to obviate any difficulty in future settlements Did and hereby Do agreeably to the fourth article of their original Constitution - And without presuming to make any alterations whatever in the ecclesiastical state of said Chapel mutually and cordially approve of and agree to the following regulations as to the management of its secular affairs in all time coming. 1St The Election of a Minister to be alternate in the Session and Trades in all time coming and the first vice to be determined by Lott. 2ly The first Election to fill up the present vacancy shall be proceeded in within three months after signing the Mutual Contract to be entered into between the parties and within six months after the decease or removal of any future incumbent – the minute of such Election to be laid before the Revd. the Presbytery of Dundee at their first meeting after such Election shall take place – In case the party having the right to elect shall fail to proceed with the Election within the time hereby fixed it shall devolve on the other party. 3d Each party shall concur in the Election made by the other and in presenting the person so elected to the Rev. the Presbytery in the same manner, as if the Election had been made by twenty Delegates from each body. 4th That Stipend to the Minister shall be One hundred pounds annually with one third of all monies arising from the rents belonging to the Chapel after deducting the allowances to be given to the Precentor, Door Keeper and Beadle for ringing the Bells and winding up the Clock, the Commission Elements and other expences attending the same to be paid out of the collection.
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5th That the balance after paying the Stipend and expenses above mentioned and the repairs of the Chapel shall be divided equally among the proprietors according to their respective shares and that should the funds of the Chapel at any time fall short of paying the Stipend and other expenses, the proprietors shall make up the deficiency in proportion to their interest in the Chapel. 6th That the ordinary management of the affairs of the Chapel shall be vested in a Committee of Twenty four, Seven being always a quorum. Twelve members of this Committee to be sent from the Session and Twelve from the Trades. This Committee to have power to let the Seats, collect the Rents, make the usual disbursments, and attend to necessary repairs, only not to expend more in one year on such repairs than Ten pounds sterling without the consent of the Constituents. That the Preses of the Committee for the time being shall be bound to call a meeting of the Committee at any time at the request of any Seven members and there shall be besides two half yearly meetings of the Committee on the Second Monday of April and second Monday of December. 7th The Minister of the Chapel for the time shall not be a member of the managing Committee in any capacity whatever. The meeting having duly considered the foregoing Minute they fully approved thereof and recommended it to the Committee formerly appointed to get a Contract executed betwixt the Session and Trades without delay.
Thereafter there was read to the meeting an offer from the Kirk Session of the two Shares of St Andrews Church purchased by them from the Waulker and Bonnetmaker Trade and also a Minute from the Sub Committee of the Trades recommending the acceptance of said offer. It this minute it was also proposed that the Seven Incorporations still holding shares in St Andrews Church should convey the same to the General fund of the Nine Trades at the price of sixty pounds Sterling each share in order to prevent in future any of the individual Incorporations from disposing of their shares in future and thereby occasioning disputes with respect to the management of the Church. The offer by the Session above mentioned is as follows: Dundee 10th June 1807 To the Convenor of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee. Sir We as a committee of the Kirk Session of Dundee impowered to that effect, Hereby offer to you on the part of the Nine Trades of Dundee two shares of the St Andrews Church at the same price and upon the same conditions as the Session purchased them from the Waulker Trade and Bonnetmaker Trade. The conveyances to be at your expence, and the Warrandice to be from the fact and deed of the Kirk Session, with an assignment of the absolute warrandice of these Trades. We are Sir your Mo Obedt Servts (Signed) James Thomson Modr & Convener, Pat. Macvicar min, Patrick Smith, Alex Gleak, Alexr. Chalmers. PS The conveyance is not yet obtained from the Bonnetmaker Trade, but it is promised to be granted at first Session. The offer is therefore of course subject to the condition of that transaction being finished with that Trade. The Trades having retired to their respective rooms, to consider of the above offer and the proposal made by the Sub committee, It was unanimously agreed to accept of the offer by the Kirk Session and that the conveyance to the shares should be in favour of the General fund. And the individual trades also agreed to convey their respective shares in St Andrews Church to the General fund of the Nine Trades who were accordingly empowered to purchase the same and to borrow money to enable them to pay the price of these and the shares to be conveyed by the Session.
At Dundee the Ninth day of July in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Seven. – At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within their Hall this Day
There was read to the meeting a Sederunt of the Three united Trades dated the Twenty second day of June last agreeing to the new Regulations for the election of a Minister to St Andrews Church and the management of its affairs under the following conditions. 1St That when the Election of a Minister fall to the Twelve Trades the choice shall be determined by the Majority of the whole of these Trades assembled in common Hall. 2d That the Convenors of the Nine Incorporated and Three united Trades for the time shall have power to call and fix the place of said meeting and to be joint Chairmen thereof and the Sederunt of such Meetings to be subscribed by both in a Book kept for that purpose. 3d That as four of the members of the committee of management consisting of Twelve from the Trades, are to go out annually to be replaced by other four chosen in their room one of these four shall be from the united Trades.
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The meeting having taken this Sederunt into their consideration they agree thereto under the following conditions Vizt. That in case of an equality of Votes among the Twelve Trades at any meeting for the Election of a Minister the Convenor of the Nine Trades shall in such case enjoy the casting vote three times for once that the other Convenor enjoys it and the Convenor of the three united Trades shall only have the calling of every fourth meeting for the choice of a Minister when the choice shall fall to the Twelve Trades, the other meetings always to be called by the Convenor of the Nine Incorporated Trades. The meeting Authorised and empowered William Thomson present Convenor and James Lowson present Boxmaster to the General fund of the Nine Trades to subscribe the Contract to be entered into with the Kirk Session regulating the Election of a Minister for St Andrews Church and the ordinary management of its affairs which shall be binding on the Trades and they further authorised the Committee formerly appointed by the Trades for managing the affairs of St Andrews Church to ballot or cast lotts with the Kirk Session in order to determine whether the Kirk session of the Twelve Trades shall have the Election of a Minister to fill up the present vacancy, and the meeting appointed this Minute to be subscribed by the Deacons of the respective Incorporations. (Signed) William Thomson, Weaver Walter Thomson Cordiners John Dick, Taylor James Watson, Flesher James Campbell, Hammerman David Patterson, Baker Trade George Rough, Glover John Fenton, Walkers.
At Dundee the Seventh day of September in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Seven.
Which day the Nine Trades of Dundee being met in their Hall made choice of the following members of the Trades as a Committee from their number for the ordinary management of the affairs of St Andrews Church Vizt.
Convenors William Thomson, Walter Thomson Alexander McLagan
Messers John Sime George Rough Thomas Low James Lowson Thomas Ivory Thomas Mathewson
Thereafter it was moved that the thanks of the meeting be voted to the Revd. Dr Small, Messers McLauchlan and McVicar also to Mr Abram Hill and all the other independent members of the Kirk Session for the following reasons. 1St For manfully discharging their duty by protesting against measures of a numerous party of the Kirk Session who under the influence and guidance of the Revd Mr Davidson wantonly attempted to subvert the constitution of St Andrews Church in order to circumscribe the rights of the Nine Trades and thereby secure the entire patronage of St Andrews Church in perpetuity to the Kirk Session. 2d For putting a stop to a most lavish expenditure of funds which ought only to be appropriated to the relief of the Poor or applied to certain other specified purposes from which it is generally understood the Kirk Session have not power to direct them as they are managers only and nor proprietors of the funds committed to their charge. 3d For coming forward and in the most handsome manner relinquishing the purchase made by the Kirk Session of certain shares in St Andrews Church and agreeing to alteration in the constitution of that Church most likely to accommodate all differences and met the views of both the Session and the Trades without trenching on the rights of either. 4th lastly for giving their support to Mr Brown who was understood to be the Candidate most agreeable to the Trades in particular and the Public in general. The motion being seconded was put to the vote and agreed to nemine contradicente and ordered to be published with Dundee Newspapers.
At Dundee the Seventh day of January in the year One thousand eight hundred and eight At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within their Hall. Convener Walter Thomson in the Chair in absence of the present Convener
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The Convener read to the Meting the following Extract of a Minute from the records of the Kirk Session relative to the affairs of St Andrews Church. “ That the party electing shall in all time coming be at all charges in bringing Candidates and at the ordination of the Minister the ordinary expence of supplying preaching during the vacancy excepted “. The Trades having considered this Minute agreed that on future the expence attending the election & Ordination of a Minister for St Andrews Church should be defrayed by the party electing And that of bringing Candidates and that the expence of supplying preaching during any future vacancy Should be payed out of the funds of the Chapel, or by the proprietors equally in case of a deficiency of funds.
Dundee 10 Jany 1810
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day it was agreed that that Convener of the Nine Trades with the Convener of the United Trades if that Body approved should apply to proper persons in Order to procure the Degree of Doctor of Divinity to be conferred on the Revd. David Davidson, one of the Ministers of this place the expence to be paid out of the General fund in the first place to be reimbursed from a private Subscription and Patrick Hutton, Manufacturer Dens of Dundee and a Member of the Weaver Trade became bound to lose the money repaid to the General fund as he had made the Motion, which was agreed to by the Meeting. And he also Bound himself in Case more should be raised from said private Subscription to pay the Surplus also unto the General fund of the Nine Trades. In Testimony whereof he has along with the Convener subscribed this Minute Place and date above mentioned.
At Dundee the 14th December 1812
Which day the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee appointed the following Members of the Trades as a Committee from their number for the ordinary management of the affairs of St Andrews Church for the ensuing year. Viz: Convenor Lawson Convener Mitchell Deacon Ivory Deacon Mathewson Deacon Beanston Deacon Gray Deacon Low Deacon Miller Deacon Scott.
The Treasurers intromissions with the Revenue of St Andrews Church were read over at this meeting and was approved of by them – for the year ending at Whitsunday 1812.
At Dundee the 13th December 1813
Which day the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee appointed the following Members of the Trades as a Committee from their number for the ordinary management of the affairs of St Andrews Church for the ensuing year. Viz: Convener Mitchell William Young, Taylor Deacon Langlands Deacon Kinnear Deacon Beanston Deacon Matthewson Deacon Low Deacon Scott Deacon R. T. Millar The Trades also agreed to augment James Scott’s Sallary as Beadle of St Andrews Church from Five to Fifteen shillings per annum as their proportion.
Dundee 11 Decr 1814
Which day the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee appointed the following Members of the Trades as a Committee from their number for the ordinary management of the affairs of St Andrews Church for the ensuing year. Viz:
Convener John Whittet Jr. Deacon John Crichton Mr James Chalmers Con Mitchell William Young Deacon Langlands Deacon Low Deacon Scott Deacon R. T. Miller John N. Whittet
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At Dundee the Twenty fifth day of September in the year eighteen hundred and Sixteen At a Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held within their Hall this day
The Convener further read to the Meeting a Minute of the Kirk Session agreeing that the Salary of the reverend Mr Parker now Minister of the Cowgate Church should be for the first year from his Settlement One Hundred Pounds provide the concurrence of the Nine Trades be obtained. The Meeting having considered this letter concurred with the Kirk session as to Mr Parkers Salary.
At Dundee the Tenth day of December in the year eighteen hundred and Sixteen At a Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held within their Hall
Which day the Nine Incorporated Trades made choice of and appointed the following members of the Trades as a Committee from their number for he ordinary management of the affairs of St Andrews Church. Vizt. Convener Whittet James Chalmers Peter Thomson David Miln Robert Gowans Convener Gellatly Deacon James Hill Convener James Mitchell Deacon Robert Mudie.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held within their Hall upon Wednesday the Twenty ninth day of January in the year Eighteen hundred and Seventeen
… Resolved that the Convener with the consent of the Convener of the three united Trades Request a meeting of the Committee of St Andrews Church on the course of fourteen days from this date to request the use of that Church for the Reverend Mr Strung to preach a Sermon for the benefit of the Orphan’s Institution of this place. And also that the Convener request a Copy of the Intromissions relative to the funds of St Andrews Church for last year.
At a meeting of the Nine Trades held within their Hall this Thirteenth day of March in the year Eighteen hundred and Seventeen
The Accounts of the Intromissions of the Treasurer for St Andrews Church were submitted to the Meeting and approved of.
Dundee 5th December 1817
The accounts of the Treasurer of St Andrews Church were this day audited and approved by the Trades. The following Gentlemen were elected as a Committee for the management of the ordinary affairs of the Church for the ensuing year. David Miln, Taylors Robert Gowans, Weavers Convr. Gellatly, Hammermen Deacon James Hill, Bakers Convr. James Mitchell, Weavers Convr. Robert Mudie, Bakers Deacon Robert Jackson, Cordiners Deacon William Young, Taylors James Wanless, Weavers
At a meeting of the Nine Trades held within their Hall on Monday the 20th day of April 1818
… the accounts of the Treasurer for St Andrews Church for the preceding year was laid before the Meeting and approved of.
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within their Hall on the fourteenth day of December Eighteen hundred and Eighteen.
The convener stated to the Meeting that this was the day for electing three members for the ordinary management of St Andrews Church in room of the three who annually go out. The following Members are now the committee for the ensuing year: Deacon James Hill Convener Deacon Robert Mudie Deacon Robert Jackson Deacon Thomas Ivory James Wanless Convener William Roberts James Keillor
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Deacon Malcolm
At a general meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee Assembled in common Hall on the Twelfth day of January One thousand eight hundred and Twenty. Convener William Lindsay in the Chair.
…The accounts for St Andrews Church for the last Two years were next read over to the Meeting of which the Meeting then approved…
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee assembled in Common Hall on Wednesday the Eleventh day of October One thousand eight hundred and twenty years. Convener John Sime in the Chair …the Meeting proceeded to elect 3 members for the Committee for managing the affairs of St Andrews Church in room of 3 who annually go our when the 3 following Gentlemen were elected: - Messers Jas. Chalmers Deacon Dron & Peter Fyfe
At a general meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within their Hall upon Twenty Thursday the Thirtieth day of December One thousand eight hundred and Twenty one Convener James Chalmers in the Chair
…Mr Willm Fairweather Treasurer for St Andrews Chapel reported to the Meeting a state of his accounts and intromissions with the funds of that Chapel, which were approved of, and the thanks of the Meeting voted to Mr Fairweather for his correct management. The Convener read to the meeting a Minute of the Kirk session relative to certain alterations and improvement proposed to be made on the Gates on the South entrance to St Andrews Chapel, and on the South approach thereto of which Minutes the following is a Copy. Dundee 12 Decemr 1821
The Kirk Session met & constituted the Rev. MacVicar Moderator. Mr Wm. Fairweather on the part of the Cowgate Chapel Committee Reported that they were of opinion, that new gates would be required at the South entrance to the Chapel, a new railing to the parapet Wall in the East side, (which in a bad state was to be taken down & rebuilt), and new railing to enclose the burying Ground on each side of the South approach. The Session having taken into consideration the present State of the Ground and Wall in front of the Chapel were unanimously of opinion that the continuance of the shed at the South West Corner is as much against the Wishes of the Public, as it is confessedly against good taste, and that it ought to be removed as soon as it can with propriety. They therefore recommended to the Committee to keep this in view, and in the meantime authorised to make the improvement which they recommend. Extracted from the Minutes by (Signed) James Nicoll for Geo. Nicoll Session Clerk. The meeting Approved of the improvements mentioned in the above Minutes and agreed to concur with the Kirk Session in carrying the same into effect. Jas. Chalmers Convener.
At a meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in their Hall on the First day of February One Thousand and Eighteen Hundred and Twenty two years. Convener James Chalmers in the Chair
The Convener stated that the improvement on the gates of St Andrews Church were in progress, and a plan of these improvements was laid on the Table for the |Inspection of the Meeting.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within their Hall upon the Eighth day of October Eighteen Hundred and twenty two years. Convener James Pullar Jun in the Chair
The Meeting proceeded to elect three members of the Committee for managing the affairs of St Andrews Church, in room of the three who annually go out of office, when the following gentlemen were elected, viz. Convener James Pullar Junior, Deacon Thomas Malcolm and William Young, Tailor.
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At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in Common Hall upon the Thirtieth day of December 1822 Convener James Pullar in the Chair
The Convener laid before the meeting an extract from the minutes of the committee appointed to manage the affairs of St Andrews Church, in which it was recommended to get Mr Parker the minister ordained. The Meeting approve of the suggestion & remit the matter back to St Andrews Church committee to take steps to get the business carried through, and to report to the Trades.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in Common Hall upon the Thirty first day of July in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Twenty three Convener James Pullar in the Chair
…The Convener stated to the Meeting that he had called them together to consider the propriety of electing Mr Parker permanent assistant to Mr McNeil during his indisposition. The Convener stated that some members of St Andrews Church Committee had declined to take this matter into consideration, without advice from their constituents, and that they had requested this meeting to be called. Deacon Dron moved that the St Andrews Church Committee be authorised to appoint Mr Parker permanent assistant to Mr McNeil during his indisposition, which motion was seconded by Mr D Scott. The motion was unanimously agreed to, - with this recommendation to the Committee to take car that if Mr Parker should become unable to perform the duty of assistant he shall be no burden on the Trades funds. The convener laid before the Trades a communication from the Kirk Session respecting setting aside a sum to yield a Stipend to the St Andrews Church minister, which was read over. The meeting agree to consider this matter at first meeting six months after this. The Meeting refer to the St Andrews Church Committee a proposal of the Kirk Session to allow Mr Parker an additional sum of ten pounds yearly to defray his sacramental expenses. James Pullar Convener
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Twenty fourth September One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty three. Convener Fairweather in the Chair.
… The Convener laid before the Meeting an Extract from the minutes of the Kirk Session which had been sent to him, requesting the Trades in so far as they were concerned to concur in giving the Presbytery a dinner out of the funds of Saint Andrews Church on the ordination of Mr Parker. Mr Alexander Anderson moved that this meeting do not approve of applying any of the funds of Saint Andrews Church for the purpose of dining of the Presbytery, which motion was seconded by Deacon Dron. Deacon Addison moved that the Nine Trades agree to the request of the Kirk Session that a dinner be given to the Presbytery out of the funds of Saint Andrews Church, which motion was seconded by Mr Crawford; whereupon Mr Anderson withdrew his motion and Deacon Addison's passed unanimously. W. Fairweather Convener
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Twenty sixth February One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty four. Convener Fairweather in the Chair. …The Convener read to the Meeting and extract from the minutes of saint Andrews Church Committee respecting the Coal shed at the entry to Saint Andrews Church referring to their Constituents whether that shed should be let for three years from Martinmas next or sold. The meeting authorise the Committee to sell the shed and to fix such a price for it as they think fit.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Eighteenth day of March One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty four Convener Fairweather in the Chair.
The Convener laid before the meeting an Extract from the minutes of the Kirk Session respecting the Coal shed at Saint Andrews Church, by which the Kirk Session proposed taking the shed into the burying ground, upon £200, to be raised by subscriptions, being paid for it. This extract minute was read over. The Meeting consider that the sum of £200 to be paid in remuneration for adding the ground occupied as a shed, to the burying ground, is too small; and that it is too close upon Whitsunday, when the present lease expires, to resolve either to sell the Shed or build upon it.
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Convener Pullar moved that the meeting recommend to the Saint Andrews Church Committee to let the Coal shed for three years from Whitsunday first with a break in the lease in favour of the Committee, at the end of the first and second years if three months previous notice is given to the Tenant, which motion was seconded and agreed to.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Eighth day of September One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty four. Convener Fairweather in the Chair.
…the Convener reported that the Coal shed at Saint Andrews Church had been let for three years from Whitsunday last, at the rent of Twenty pounds ten shillings, with breaks in the lease as requested at last meeting.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Thirteenth day of October One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty four. Convener Fairweather in the Chair.
… The Meeting then proceeded to elect three members of he Nine Trades to be members of the St Andrews Church Committee, in room of the three who go our annually, when Messers Peter Dron, Robert McCosh, and Peter Fyfe were duly elected. The Committee now consists of the above three Gentlemen, and James Pullar Junior, Thomas Malcolm, William Young, William Fairweather, George Gardiner and John Watson Flesher.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Tenth day of March One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Convener Dron in the Chair.
A state of the Intromissions of Mr Fairweather, Treasurer to Saint Andrews Church for the last year was read over and approved of by the meeting. The Convener stated, that at the last meeting of the Managers of Saint Andrews Church, it was considered necessary to recommend to the Proprietors of the Chapel the following repairs vizt: To erect spouts for carrying off the rain water both in the front and back of the Church; to point, or otherwise repair the east gable, to oil and clean the front, to put two glass windows upon the head of the Front doors; and to paint the gates, railing and all places of the Chapel that required painting. It was agreed to that this meeting as far as they are concerned authorise the above repairs, and direct them to be executed, if consent of the other proprietors be obtained. And this meeting instruct the Clerk to send extracts of this part of the Minutes to the Moderator of the Kirk Session, and the Convener of the Three Trades, to be laid before the other proprietors.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Fifth day of May One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Convener Dron in the Chair.
…The Convener stated to the meeting that in terms of the instructions of last general meeting Extracts of the Minutes of that meeting regarding the repairs to Saint Andrews Church were sent to the Moderator of the Kirk Session, and Convener of the Three Trades.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the eighth day of September One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Convener Dron in the Chair.
… The Convener stated to the meeting that he had a communication from the Kirk Session, expressing their opinion that the said Saint Andrews Kirk seat rents, should be raised to £300, and that Mr Parker should get an addition to his present stipend of £30 per annum; and the Convener wished to know the sentiments of the meeting upon these matters. Mr Alexander Anderson moved that this meeting express their consent that the seat rents be raised to £300, and that Mr Parker get the rise pf £30 as suggested by the Kirk Session. This motion was seconded by Mr Fairweather. Deacon Mudie moved that Mr Parkers stipend be raised to £275 being the amount of stipend paid to the other Ministers of Dundee, under deduction of the sum paid to Mr McNeil which motion was seconded by Mr Andrew Kinmond. Mr Kirkland moved that the consideration of this subject be postponed till first general meeting after the election of Convener, which motion was seconded by Mr Matthewson.
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The Vote was then put, whether Mr Kirkland’s motion should be carried or not, when that motion was carried by a great majority. The Convener stated to the meeting that it had been suggested among the other bodies interested in Saint Andrews Kirk, that shops should be built upon the ground occupied as a coal shed. Deacon Mudie moved that the shed be sold or feued by public roup, in an unrestricted way, which motion was seconded by Mr James Martin. Mr Fyfe moved that the meeting adopt the resolutions of the Kirk session, that the shed be removed and shops built, and a remit made to the Committee of Saint Andrews Church to report whether the proprietors of the Kirk should build, or for the ground fey the purpose of building shops; which motion was seconded by Mr Kirkland. Deacon Mudies motion was carried. The Convener is instructed to intimate the above resolutions to the Kirk Session and Convener of the Three Trades.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon Wednesday the twenty first day of September in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Convener Dron in the Chair.
The Convener stated to the meeting that he had not yet communicated to the Kirk Session and Convener of the Three Trades the resolutions of the Nine Trades expressed at last meeting, respecting the coal shed in front of Saint Andrews Kirk.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the twenty eighth day of September in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Convener Young in the Chair.
The part of the minutes of eighth current respecting raising he Seat rents of Saint Andrews Church to £300 and giving Mr Parker a rise of £30 per annum was read over. Mr Matthewson then moved that the consideration of this subject be delayed till this day twelve months, which motion was seconded by Mr Chalmers. Mr Matthewson’s motion was carried by a great majority. Deacon Mudie moved that the constitution of Saint Andrews Church be printed and circulated among the members of the Nine Trades, which motion was seconded by Mr Kirkland and agreed to unanimously.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon Wednesday the twelfth first day of October in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Convener Young in the Chair.
…The Meeting then proceeded to elect Managers for Saint Andrews Church, when Convener Young was reelected and Messers James Luke and George Rough Junior were elected in place of the three who go out this year.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon Wednesday the eighth first day of November in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty five. Convener Young in the Chair. …What was formerly resolved respecting Mr Parker’s stipend was read over to the meeting, and they took the matter again into consideration. Deacon Fyfe moved that the recommendation of the Committee of Saint Andrews Church be adopted, which is, that the said rents be raised t Forty pounds, and that thirty pounds of it be given to Mr Parker, and the remaining ten pounds to the Proprietors of the Chapel; which motion was seconded by Peter Dron. Mr Matthewson moved as an amendment, that it be recommended to the Saint Andrews Church Committee, to let the seats by public roup, after Whitsunday next, to ascertain their value; after which the Nine Trades will consider whether any riser can be made to Mr Parker’s stipend; which was seconded by Mr Robert Mudie. William Clark then moved that the meeting adjourn which was seconded by James Luke. Mr Clark’s motion was carried by a majority, and the meeting dissolved.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common hall upon the Thirtieth day of October One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty four. Convener Fairweather in the Chair.
…James Pullar gave notice that he would bring forward a motion at next General meeting to sell the Nine Trades interest in Saint Andrews Kirk and previous to that he moved that James Chalmers, Peter Fyfe, Peter Dron
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and William Kirkland be appointed a Committee to investigate the books of the Kirk and report the return that has been received by the Nine Trades from Saint Andrews Kirk since it was built. Which motion was seconded by Deacon Addison and agreed to. The said James Pullar Junior was added to this Committee and appointed Convener of it. Willm. Young Convener
At a meeting of the Convener and Deacons held in the Bakers Room upon the fifth day of May in the year One thousand Eight hundred and twenty six.
The Meeting are of opinion that the Convener should call a general meeting of the Trades, to be held on Tuesday Ninth current, at four o’clock afternoon, to take the opinion of the Nine Trades respecting appointing a minister to the established Church. Willm Young Convener
At a special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal British Hotel, Dundee on Tuesday the eighth day of June Nineteen hundred and twenty-six at half past seven o’clock Convener Loggie in the Chair
The meeting was called to consider what arrangements should be made in connection with the funeral of the Reverend Harcourt Morton Davidson the Chaplain of the Trades. Before proceeding with the business of the meeting convener Loggie referred to the loss sustained by the Trades through the death of their Chaplain, and in the course of his remarks he said “We meet tonight under a cloud- heavy and dark. The almighty has seen fit to remove by death from this sphere of labour our beloved and revered Chaplain. That he highly appreciated his sacred office of Chaplain to the Nine Incorporated Trades was made abundantly apparent by his diligence in duty and his untiring efforts to become personally acquainted with, and if necessary, to help and advise, every member of the various Crafts. “And now, although he has gone from us and we shall never again hear his voice, the ear of remembrance pierces the veil that divides and illumines the memories of his beautiful life, his wise words and his humble bearing. We shall live in the light of those memories. “ He was mentally and physically a man of towering strength but withal full of tenderness, compassion and benevolence. He had the heart and courage of a lion yet he lived the life of humility and gentleness as exampled by the Great Master whom he so faithfully followed and served. We can surely say of our departed Chaplain ‘He has fought a good fight’. Our assurance to Mrs Davidson is that we share her deep sorrow and great loss and we extend to her our most sincere sympathy with her in her great affliction.” The Clerk explained that, with the consent of the Convener, he had ordered a wreath to be sent. The Meeting approved and passed the account for payment. It was resolved that the General Fund Court with the ex-Conveners and the Clerks of the various Trades should meet in the session House of St Andrews Parish Church at a quarter before two o’clock on Wednesday 9 th inst. and the Clerk was instructed to advertise this in the local press. This was all the business.
At a meeting of the Convener and Deacons held in the Bakers Room upon the Tenth day of October in the year One thousand Eight hundred and twenty seven
The Meeting proceeded to elect three members of the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out this year. Deacon Young proposed Convener Gardiner as a member of the Committee, which was Seconded by John Beanstone. James Luke proposed William Matthewson, which was Seconded by Samuel Addison. Deacon smith proposed John Beanston, which was Seconded by Deacon Lowden. And the three members proposed were unanimously appointed to be members of Saint Andrews Kirk Committee. That Committee now consists of the above members and of old Convener Young, James Luke, George Rough Junior, Deacon Young, Deacon Small and Deacon Feathers.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the twelfth day of December, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty seven
The Convener laid before the meeting, an Extract from the Minutes of Saint Andrews Kirk Committee, respecting the appointment of Mr Parker, as assistant and Successor to Mr McNeil in that Kirk. The meeting agree to resume consideration of this subject at next general meeting.
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At a meeting of the General Fund Court held in the Bakers room on the thirteenth day of November One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty seven Convener Gardiner in the Chair
The Convener stated that he had called the general fund Court to know their opinion respecting a proposal made by the Kirksession thro’ Mr McLauchlan that the Revd Mr Parker should be appointed helper and successor to Mr McNeil in Saint Andrews Church. The Meeting having deliberated consider that as there is no regular written communication from the Kirksession to the Convener or Nine Trades, this meeting ought to express no opinion on the proposal made thro’ Dr McLauchlan
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the seventh day of January, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty eight
The Meeting having again entered upon the consideration of the proposal from Saint Andrews Kirk Committee respecting the appointment of Mr Parker, as assistant and Successor to Mr McNeil, - William Matthewson moved, that as the Constitution of that Kirk is not before the meeting, and not entered in the Nine Trades records, the Meeting cannot come to an determination upon this subject. Which motion was Seconded by William Kirkland and unanimously agreed to.
An Extract from the minutes of Saint Andrews Church Committee, respecting removing the Coal Shade in front of the Kirk, was read over to the meeting, and a petition from a number of Inhabitants to the Nine Trades, praying that the Trades should remove the Coal Shade, was presented and also read over. William Kirkland, moved that the consideration of this subject lie over till next General Meeting, which was Seconded by William Matthewson and agreed to unanimously.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the fourth day of February, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty eight
The meeting having resumed consideration of the recommendation of the Saint Andrews Church Committee respecting the removal of the Coal Shade in front of the Kirk, William Young moved that the recommendation of the Committee be approved of and the said Shade removed on the terms proposed by the Committee which motion was seconded by Peter Dron and unanimously agreed to. The recommendation approved of is as follows: - “Dundee 2 January 1828 Kirk Session met and constituted Rev Mr Murray Moderator. A Petition subscribed by a number of individuals praying for the removal of the Coal Shade in front of St Andrews Chapel of which the following is a Copy was laid on the Table. The Committee having considered the proposal of having the Coal Shade removed, resolved unanimously that so soon as the sum of two hundred pounds shall be subscribed for the purpose of being paid into the funds of the Chapel and the parties desirous of having the shade removed also coming under an obligation that in addition to the sum mentioned they will at their own expense erect a parapet wall surrounded by a railing similar to the wall and railing at the east end of the gate to the south east corner of Mr Peters house lay a foot of pavement of sufficient width along the wall, clear the ground presently occupied as a Coal Shad and make it to a proper level all agreeable to a plan and specification to be furnished by the Proprietors, and the Subscribers retaining all the old materials. The Committee will then recommend to their respective Constituents to remove the Coal Shade at the expiry of the existing lease or the parties satisfying the tenant in regard to it. The Kirk Session upon consideration unanimously resolved to agree to the recommendation of the Committee of management in so far as they have interest in the matter.”
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the fourth day of September, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty eight
The Convener laid before the meeting extracts from the minutes of the St Andrews Kirk Committee, and from the minutes if the Three Trades, respecting the alteration to the Coal Shade at St Andrews Kirk, and also a plan of the proposed alterations by Mr Neave. The meeting approve of the plan, and agree that the alterations be done by St Andrews Kirk Committee, in the way proposed upon the funds of the Chapel receiving the sum of two hundred pounds Sterling subscribed for that purpose.
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At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon Wednesday the eighth day of October, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty eight
… The Meeting then proceeded to elect three members of the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee in the room of the three who go out this year. William Matthewson moved that James Luke be reelected which was Seconded by Deacon Harris. John Beanston proposed David Scott, which was Seconded by Deacon Thomson. Samuel Addison proposed James Reid, which was Seconded by Deacon McCosh. And the Trades unanimously reelected James Luke and elected David Scott and James Reid to be members of Saint Andrews Kirk Committee in room of those who go out this year. The members of the said Committee from the Trades now consists of the above members, and of Deacon William Young, Deacon Small, Deacon Feather, old Convener Gardiner, William Matthewson and John Beanston.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the fifth day of January, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine
… Some discussion took place respecting the way the Kirk Sessions Expenses of the process against the Owner of the Rapid Steam boat were to be paid, - whether from the assessments on the public, or by the individual members of the Kirk session, who composed the majority who ordered the prosecution.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the fifth day of January, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine
…Mr Matthewson on the part of the Saint Andrews Committee reported to the Trades that the Committee had appointed the Reverend Mr Jeffrey assistant in the Saint Andrews Kirk, in the room of Mr Parker, which gave satisfaction to the meeting.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the twenty sixth day of February, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine The Convener and old Convener Gardiner, reported to the meeting that they had attended the parish meeting respecting the assessments for the poor, that in the account of the expenditure exhibited at that meeting, twenty pounds had been taken credit for as paid to Mr Lyon W. S. the whole or part of which, at least, the reporters understood had been paid in part of the expenses about the Rapid Steam boat, occasioned by prosecuting the Master: That the reporters, therefore in terms of the instructions of last general meeting, refused to pass and docquet these accounts, and protested as directed by the said meeting. The Convener laid before the meeting extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee and from the minutes of a meeting of the Kirk Session, dated 25 current, respecting the gate of Saint Andrews Kirk and the way the ground occupied as a Coalshed is to be lined off from the Street. James Pullar Junior, moved that the meeting remit the Consideration of this matter to the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee, with the recommendation to the Trades members of that Committee to agree with the other members of the Committee. Which motion was Seconded by James Chalmers. William Matthewson moved in amendment, that the meeting remit to Mr Black, Architect, to report on the best way of taking in the ground at the gate, and that the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee follow up his report, which was Seconded by Deacon Young. The meeting agree to adjourn the discussion of this matter until Monday first, at three o’clock afternoon, when another general meeting of the Nine Trades is to be held, in order that the members may see the plans in the meantime. Discussion then moved on to matters of Catholic Emancipation, which is described elsewhere in these files.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the twenty second day of March, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine
…James Pullar Juniors motion, and William Matthewsons amendment made at last general meeting, were read over and the subject brought before the meeting. The question being put Mr Matthewsons amendment was lost and Mr Pullars motion carried. William Kirkland moved a vote of thanks to be given by this meeting to the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee for electing such an able man as Mr Jeffrey to be Mr Neil’s assistant, which was unanimously agreed to.
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At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the twenty second day of March, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine … The meeting recommend to Saint Andrews Kirk committee to get the alterations on the gate of the Kirk completed in terms of the agreement and minute about it. William Matthewson moved that the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee be instructed not to agree to any restriction being put on the ground to be taken in for burying in the erection of monuments for the dead, which was Seconded by Robert Gowans and agreed to.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common hall upon the thirteenth day of May, in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine
…David Scott laid before the meeting an extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Committee of Saint Andrews Kirk dated 9th current of which the following is a copy:
“Dundee 9 April 1829 At a meeting of the committee of management of St Andrews Chapel Mr George Gardiner in the Chair. It was resolved that it be recommended to the Constituent bodies by their respective members of Committee to allow Mr Jaffray an additional twenty pounds to his salary and that during the pleasure of said bodies. Extracted from the Minutes (Signed) Alex Keay Clk.” William Young moved that it be recommended by the Nine Trades to the other bodies interested to encrease Mr Jaffray’s Stipend to the sum which Mr Parker had, at the time he left the Chapel, and that this meeting agree to the rise, which motion was Seconded and unanimously agreed to.
At a general meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in their own Hall upon Wednesday the fourteenth day of October in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and twenty nine being the second Wednesday of that month at Twelve o’clock noon
…the meeting then proceeded to elect three members of the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out annually, when deacon Young of the Tailors, Convener small and Deacon \Thomson were unanimously elected.
At a general meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in their own Hall upon Monday the fourth day of January in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and Thirty being the second Wednesday of that month at three o’clock afternoon
…The Convener stated to the meeting that it had been proposed in the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee to have the Chapel fitted up with Gas; that they had taken in offers for the fittings &c and had preferred the lowest; and an Extract of the minutes were read to the meeting. The lowest offer and the said extract are as follows: “Dundee 30th Decr 1829 To the Committee of Management for St Andrews Church Gentn Along with this draught of Lustre or any one similar hereby make offer to fit up the St Andrews Church agreeable to your Specifications with Gas fittings Brass work &c – for the sum of Thirty eight pounds nine shillings Stg. I am Gentn your mo. Ob. Serv. (signed) Francis Dick.”
“Dundee 30 Dec 1829 At meeting of the Committee of Management of St Andrews Chapel – David Brown esq. in the Chair The Subcommittee produce a Specification for lighting the chapel with gas also the of lustres for the roof, and two offers for doing the fittings and lustre, one from James Lawson for £64 and one from Francis Dick for £38; 9/-. The Committee approved of what the Subcommittee had done and did and do hereby do accept of Mr Dick’s offer, subject to the approval of the Constituent bodies, and also agree to adopt the plan of the lustre shown by Mr Dick, subject as above. The Sub-Committee were reappointed with power to get the work done and the Chapel lighted with gas, so soon as the consent of the bodies can be obtained, which the Members of the Committee are requested to apply for as soon as possible. Extracted from the Minutes. (Signed) Alex Keay Clk.”
At a general meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in Common Hall upon twenty fourth day of February in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and thirty at three o’clock afternoon
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…An extract from the St Andrews Kirk Committee, was laid before the meeting, recommending to raise Mr Jeffery’s Stipend twenty pounds out of the funds of the Kirk; after Whitsunday, and it was unanimously agreed to.
At a general meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the Thirteenth day of October in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty at Twelve o’clock noon
… The Meeting then proceeded to elect four members, to be members of the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out annually, and of Deacon Feather who is dead, when the following were elected viz: William Bennet, George Gardiner, Deacon Fullarton and James Thomson.
At a General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the third day of January in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty One at three o’clock afternoon. Convener Reid in the Chair
…The meeting then direct the Clerk to write the Clerk of the Saint Andrews Kirk Committee expressing the meetings disapprobation of the Saint Andrews Kirk Books not having been laid before the Trades this years nor last year and requesting these books to be sent to the next Meeting of the Trades. They also direct a similar letter to be sent to the Nine Trades Boxmaster for his Accounts.
At an adjourned General meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon the sixth day of April in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty One at three o’clock afternoon. Convener Reid in the Chair
…An Account of the Kirk Treasurers intromissions with the funds of Saint Andrews Church, from twelfth August Eighteen hundred and Twenty nine, to tenth August Eighteen hundred and Thirty, was produced to the meeting and approved of, showing a balance in the Treasurers hands of Fourteen pounds nine shillings and ten pence.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon the fifth day of September One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty One at four o’clock afternoon. Convener Reid in the chair James Small moved the following resolutions Resolved That as the Magistrates and Town Council have pledged themselves, that at the death of any of the Clergymen of the Churches of Dundee of which they are Patrons, to appoint to the vacant charge the minister who shall have the greatest number of votes from the male sitters in the vacant church who are communicants. Resolved that as the Nine Incorporated and Three United Trades with the Kirk Session, we are the Patrons of Saint Andrews Chapel. The Nine Trades considering the evil of Church Patronage agree, That when it comes to their turn to appoint a Minister for Saint Andrews Chapel, They shall appoint the one having the greatest number of votes of the male sitters who are communicants Resolved that an extract of there resolutions be sent to the three United Trades and Kirksession with a recommendation to them to adopt similar resolutions. Which resolutions were Seconded and agreed to providing the Kirksession and the three united trades also agree to the same.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the twelfth day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty One at four o’clock afternoon. Convener Taws in the chair
The Meeting the proceeded to elect three Members for Saint Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out annually when the following were proposed Vizt. James Small proposed Thomas Malcolm, which was Seconded by John Fullerton. George Booth was proposed by James Lawson and seconded by George Gardiner Deacon Young proposed Convener Taws, which was Seconded by James Reid, And the said Thomas Malcolm, George Booth and Convener Taws were elected by the Meeting. The Committee now consists of the above three members and of William Bennet, George Gardiner, John Fullarton, John Young, James Small and William Thomson.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the second day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two at four o’clock afternoon. Convener Taws in the chair
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…The Convener laid before the meeting an Excerpt from the Minutes of a General Meeting of the Three United Trades of Dundee held on the ninth day of September last to which the meeting had been submitted the Resolutions of the Nine Trades Meeting of the fifth September last, regarding the mode of appointing as Minister for St Andrews Chapel the one having the greatest number of votes of the male sitters who are Communicants. And the following is an excerpt from the three United Trades said Minute: “The Trades unanimously approved of the Resolutions, and directed the Clerk to intimate their approval to the Kirk Session and Nine Trades. But with the express understanding that only those Members of the Church, who shall have occupied Seats for the year preceding the appointment of the Minister shall have a vote in the election.”
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the second day of Aril One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two at four o’clock afternoon. Convener Taws in the chair
The St Andrews Church accounts from 11th August 1830 to 10th August 1831 were read over to the Meeting & approved of. … A communication from Mr James Hay Convener of a Committee of session, to the Convener, as to getting St Andrews Chapel placed on the establishment was read to the Meeting. It is as follows:
To James Taws esqr Convener of the Nine incorporated Trades Dundee Dundee 1St March 1832 Sir At the last Meeting of the Kirk Session a Committee was appointed to communicate with the parties interested in the Chapel of Ease here with a view to their being placed upon the Establishment. I am desired by the Committee of Session to intimate to the Nine Incorporated Trades that appointment & to request that they, as proprietors of St Andrews Chapel along with the Three United Trades and Kirk Session will have the goodness to say whether they are wiling to concur with the other parties interested in endeavouring to get the Chapel placed on the establishment, and if so on what terms they will agree to this being done. They beg leave to add, that the Committee for the purpose of conferring with any Committees which the other bodies may appoint, if they should think fit to nominate such Committees, to consider & arrange the details, it being always understood that any arrangement entered into by these Committees shall be Submitted for the approval of their Constituents respectively. I request that you will as soon as possible lay this matter before the Nine Trades, and waiting their deliverance upon it. I have the honour to be Sir Your most obt servt (Signed) James Hay Convener of Committee of Session. William Mathewson moved that a Committee of three be appointed to meet the Committee of the Kirk Session, and to report to the Trades. He proposed that Convener Taws & Deacon Lawson be appointed Members of that Committee. George Cochran Moved that William Mathewson be appointed a Member of said Committee, - and these Motions were Seconded and agreed to.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the second day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two at three o’clock afternoon. Convener Taws in the chair
… Wm. Mathewson moved that the St Andrews Church Committee be authorised to get the Church properly cleaned and whitewashed, the windows painted in the inside and the Pulpit varnished and to take in estimates for doing so – which motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the twelfth day of September One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Two at eleven o’clock forenoon. Convener Taws in the chair
A communication from Mr Barrie Town Clerk relative to putting St Andrews Chapel upon the establishment was read to the Meeting. It is as follows:
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James Taws Esquire Convener of the Nine Trades Dundee Dundee 19 July 1832
Sir In reference to your latter of 11th April last, addressed to the Provost of Dundee regarding St Andrews chapel and to the Minute of the committee therein referred to: I am directed to transmit to you the annexed excerpt from the Minutes of The Town Council of this date. I am Sir Your most obt sert (Signed) Will Barrie
Excerpt from the Minutes of the Town Council of Dundee of 19th July 1832 There was produced and read to the council a Minute of the special Committee on the applications for placing the Chapel of ease in the Chapelshade and St Andrews and the Gaelick Chapels on the establishment; and the Council having considered the applications to the above effect, which were remitted to the Committee and the report contained in the Committee Minute resolved to decline accepting the offers made; and instructed the Clerk to communicate this resolution accordingly to the parties who made the offers. (Signed) Will Barrie TC
…the Convener moved that, on case of the absence of the Convener from Church his seat should be taken by the Senior Deacon present, which was Seconded by James Small Junior, and carried unanimously.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the twelfth day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty two at four o’clock afternoon.
…The meeting then proceeded to elect three Members for St Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out annually. John Young proposed Tomas Peter Seconded by Dad. Duncan. Deacon Malcolm proposed David Duncan Seconded by Deacon Beanson. Convener Scott proposed Deacon Urquhart, which was Seconded by Dad. Duncan. Messers Thomas Peter, David Duncan and James Urquhart were unanimously elected members of St Andrews Kirk Committee. The Committee now consists of the above three Members and of Thomas Malcolm, George Boath, James Taws, William Bennet, George Gardiner and John Fullerton.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the seventh day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty three at four o’clock afternoon. Convener Taws in the Chair
The Boxmasters Accounts and St Andrews Church accounts were read to the Meeting and approved of. Mr Archibald Scott proposed to the meeting that some steps should be taken for getting St Andrews Church heated with stoves. The meeting agreed to recommend to the Trades Members of St Andrews Church committee to bring this subject under the notice of that Committee at their first Meeting.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the eleventh day of September One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty three at eleven o’clock forenoon. Convener Taws in the Chair
The treasurer of St Andrews Church accounts from August Eighteen hundred & thirty two to August Eighteen hundred & thirty three were read to the Meeting. These accounts show a balance due by the Treasurer (including One Hundred & Ninety Pounds One Shilling & Seven pence lodged in the Commercial Bank) of two hundred & seven pounds eleven shillings & seven pence. The Meeting approved of these accounts. Two Minutes of Meetings of the St Andrews Church Committee as to getting stoves for that church were also read to the Meeting. The meeting agreed to leave the farther proceedings in regard to getting St Andrews Church heated, to the Trades Members of St Andrews Church Committee.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the ninth day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty three at twelve o’clock noon. Convener Lawson in the Chair
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…The meeting proceeded to elect three Members for St Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out annually. Convener Gardiner proposed Convener Lawson, Seconded by Mr William Mathewson. Deacon Gibson [proposed Convener Young, seconded by Convener Gardiner. Convener Young proposed Mr John Cuthbert Seconded by Convener Gellatly & these three were unanimously elected members of St Andrews Kirk Committee. The Committee now consists of the above three Members and of Thomas Peter, David Duncan, James Urquhart, Thomas Malcolm, George Both and Convener Taws.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the twenty fifth day of August One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four at three o’clock afternoon. Convener Lawson in the Chair
…The Convener stated that at a Meeting of her Committee of Managers of St Andrews Chapel held on eighteen current, a proposal had been made for getting the Chapel elected into a Parish Church. An Extract from the Minutes of said Meeting was read to the Meeting. It is as follows:
“Extract from the Minutes of a Meeting of the committee of Management of St Andrews Chapel held in the Hammermen’s Room Trades Hall Eighteenth August hundred & thirty four. Mr James Thomson Preses The Preses stated to the Meeting that it was now proposed to consider whether they should apply to the Presbytery to get the Chapel erected into a Parish Church. The Meeting thought that this was a proper matter to bring before the Bodies which they represent, and after their deliverance thereon to proceed in it as may be the wish of the Bodies. Extract to be furnished to Convener Lawson to lay before the Nine Trades, Extracted by (Signed) Wm. Fairweather clerk to the Committee of St Andrews Chapel” Convener Lawson moved that the consideration of this subject be remitted back to the St Andrews church Committee to act in this Matter as they shall think proper. Which Motion was Seconded by Mr William Mathewson & carried unanimously. Mr James Thomson moved that a committee be appointed to make up a List of persons to attend by rotation to fill up the Trades seats in St Andrews Chapel on the Sabbath day. Which motion was seconded by Mr James Lawson & allowed to lie over till next Meting.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the tenth day of September One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four at eleven o’clock forenoon. Convener Lawson in the Chair
The Treasurer of St Andrews Church Accounts from August eighteen hundred and thirty three to August Eighteen hundred and thirty four were read to the Meeting. These Accounts showed a balance due by the Treasurer (including one hundred and thirty two pounds eleven shillings and six pence lodged in the Commercial Bank) of one hundred & fifty three Pounds ten shillings and nine pence. The Meeting approved of these Accounts. …Mr James Thomson moved that the Convener & Nine Deacons be appointed a Committee to make up a List of persons to attend by rotation to fill up the Trades seats in St Andrews Church on the Sabbath day. Which Motion was seconded by Mr Urquhart. Mr William Mathewson moved as an amendment that the present meeting proceed to take this matter under their consideration and decide thereon. And the Meeting resolved that the Convener & Nine Deacons shall make up a List of the Office Bearers of the Trades to fill up these seats by rotation on the Sabbath day to commence on Sabbath week & that the Officer be instructed to intimate on the Saturday preceding to the persons whose duty it shall be to attend Church on the Sabbath ensuing.
At a Meeting of the Committee appointed at last General Meeting held on the tenth September current to make up a List of the Office Bearers of the Nine Trades seats in St. Andrews Chapel on the Sabbath day held in the Trades Hall upon Tuesday the sixteenth day of September eighteen hundred and thirty four at a quarter past six o’clock evening Convener Lawson in the Chair
The Committee looked over a List of the Office Bearers of the Nine Trades prepared by the Clerk consisting of the Convener, the Deacons, the Boxmasters & the Assessors of the different Trades, the three Harbour Trustees, the three Directors of the Asylum, the two Ale & Beer commissioners, the Nine Trades Members of St. Andrews Church Committee and the Nine Trades Boxmaster & Clerk. The Committee found the List to consist of thirty nine names & instructed the Clerk to prepare from it a List for four Sabbaths in rotation and having the Convener or an Old Convener, two Deacons & two Boxmasters
35 36 amongst the Members summoned to attend each Sabbath day. The Committee farther instructed the Clerk to get Notices printed for the Officer to leave for the persons whose duty it is to attend Church on each Sabbath. The Committee farther resolved that the Trades seats be left vacant on the ensuing Sabbath, that the Convener & Nine Deacons be invited to fill them on Sabbath the twenty eighth Current and that the List shall commence to be acted upon on Sabbath the fifth October next.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the eighth day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four at eleven o’clock forenoon. Convener Lawson in the Chair
The Minutes of the General Meetings of Eleventh & twelth September last and the Minute of the Committee appointed to make up a List of Office Bearers to full up by rotation three Trades seats in St Andrews Chapel were read to the Meeting & Signed. …The Meeting then proceeded to elect three Members for St Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out annually. Mr David Malcolm Writer, Mr Peter Borrie Machine Maker and Mr William Bennet Manufacturer were proposed and Seconded as members of said Committee and these three were Unanimously elected members of St Andrews Kirk Committee. The Committee now consists of the above three Members & of Convener Lawson, Convener Young, John Cuthbert, Tomas Peter, David Duncan and Deacon Urquhart.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the fourteenth day of October One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty five at twelve o’clock noon. Convener Harris in the Chair
…The Meeting then proceeded to elect three Members of St Andrews Kirk Committee in room of the three who go out annually. Mr James Livingston, Mr James Forbes and Mr David Leighton were proposed and seconded as Members of the said committee and these three were unanimously elected Members of Ct Andrews Kirk Committee. The Committee now consists of the above three Members and of David Malcolm, Peter Borrie, William Bennet, Convener Lawson, Convener Young and John Cuthbert.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the fourth day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty six at twelve o’clock noon. Convener Harris in the Chair
…The St Andrews Church Treasurers accounts were also read to the Meeting & approved of. An extract from the Minutes of the St Andrews Church Committee were next read to the Meeting regarding the appointment of an Assistant and Successor to Mr McNeil. The meeting agreed to refer the consideration of the subject to a general meeting of the Nine Trades to be called for this purpose on Monday next at three o’clock afternoon.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the eleventh day of January One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty six at twelve o’clock noon. Convener Harris in the Chair
The Meeting proceeded to the consideration of he Extract of the Minutes of the St Andrews Church committee regarding the appointment of an Assistant and Successor to Mr McNeil, which were read at the last meeting and remitted to this Meeting for consideration. The said Minutes were read to the Meeting & are as follows: “ Extract from the Minutes of a Meeting of Committee of St Andrews Church held in the Hammermans Room Trades Hall Dundee fourteenth December eighteen hundred and thirty five. Revd. Mr Roxburgh Preses gave notice of the following Motion, that in consequence of the recent erection of the district attached to St Andrews Church into a Parish quoad Sacra, and the long and hopeless indisposition of Mr McNeil, the Minister of that Parish, it is highly expedient that an ordained Assistant and Successor be appointed to Mr McNeil, with all convenient speed according to the rules of the Church, in order that all the duties of the Ministry may be regularly discharged in that parish; with the distinct understanding that the proprietory of the Church shall be subjected to no Expence by this arrangement. This motion was ordered to be over until the twentieth day of January when it shall be disposed of by the Committee. A Copy to be sent to the General Kirk Session, the Nine Incorporated Trades and Three United Trades of Dundee.
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He Deliverance of the Presbytery upon the last Application regarding Mr Jaffray for Ordination, together with a Copy of the resolution of the Committee upon the subject, shall be given in to the Proprietors, along with Mr Thomson’s Motion. Extracted by (Signed) Wm. Fairweather Clerk.” Mr William Lawson moved that Mr Thomson’s motion shall be approved of on the understanding that the election of an Assistant & Successor to Mr McNeil, shall be on the recommendation of the Majority of the Male communicants resident in the district. Attached to St Andrews Church as a parish quoad Sacra and of the Make holders of seats in said Church, who are communicants, and who shall have been seat holders in the said Church for twelve months previous to the date of the appointment; which motion was Seconded by Mr Hodge & carried unanimously; and the Trades Members of St Andrews Church Committee were instructed to attend and vote on accordance with this Motion. Mr Stewart gave notice of the following Motion which he was to bring forward at next general Meeting vizt: That the sittings in St Andrews Church which have formerly been occupied by the Convener & Deacons of the Nine Trades be at the term of Whitsunday first fitted up as Common seats & disposed of as other Sittings in the said Church or given to the gratuitously to the Trades Poor
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Monday the 4th day of April One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty six at three o’clock afternoon. Convener Harris in the Chair
In terms of the Motion given by him at last General Meeting Mr Stewart moved that the Sittings in St Andrews Church which are at present appropriated for the use of the Convener & the other Office Bearers of the Nine Trades be at the ensuing term of Whitsunday fitted up into common pews and disposed of as the other sittings in said Church or given gratuitously to the Trades poor. Which motion was not Seconded.
The Convener laid before the Meeting an Extract from the Minutes of a Meeting of the St Andrews Church Committee held on tenth March last relative to the appointment of an assistant to Mr McNeil during the period of his incumbency which Extract had been forwarded to the Convener by Mr William Fairweather clerk to the Committee of St Andrews Church. It is as follows: “Extract from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of St Andrews Church held in the Session house. East Church Dundee tenth March eighteen hundred and Thirty six In the absence of the Revd Mr Roxburg Mr James Thomson was called to the Chair. The Preses stated that this Meeting was called in consequence of a requisition to that effect addressed to the Clerk by seven members of Committee to consider the deliverance of Presbytery of the second current in answer to the Committees Application to them for advice on the subject of an Assistant Minister to St Andrews Church of which deliverance a copy follows:
Dundee 2d March 1836 The Presbytery resumed the consideration of the Memorial from the Managers of St Andrews Church and are unanimous in their opinion of the great importance and Necessity of an ordained Minister in that numerous congregation and hereby renew their recommendation that proper steps be taken to have an Assistant Minister ordained in this parish with as little delay as possible. The Presbytery however conceive that it is a duty incumbent on them to express their warm approbation of the diligence zeal and fidelity with which Mr Jaffray has discharged the office of Assistant Minister in this Parish for the space of six years but at the same time they do not feel themselves Warranted from what they know of the Law or practice of the Church or the authorities that have been consulted in this case to ordain a Minister who is elected only for the limited period of one year, conceiving that when application is made for the ordination of a Minister, the applicants are bound to adopt all the measures on their power to render the ordination conformable to the rules and practice of the Church. And the Presbytery farther declare that whatever privileges they might have exercised as the representatives of Mr McNeil in his clerical Capacity they are still ready to wave on the present occasion and without any nomination or even interference on their part are anxious to proceed to the ordination of an Assistant Minister so soon as those steps shall be taken by the parties which the Presbytery consider to be necessary and indispensable. And that the views of the Presbytery may be fully explained and perfectly understood they refer to Mr Parkers ordination as a precedent and hereby declare their entire readings to proceed to the ordination of an Assistant Minister in St Andrews Church the same conditions being complied with as in the case of Mr Parker’s ordination it being distinctly understood that the Election of an Assistant Minister shall be during the whole period of
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Mr McNeil’s indisposition that a Bond shall be given for a suitable provision for the Minister and that all the steps to be taken shall be in full accordance with the constitution of St Andrews Church By authority of the Presbytery (Signed) James Thomson Clk.”
A Letter of which the following is a copy was presented from the Revd Mr Jaffray dated Dundee 10th March 1836 Addressed to the Committee of Management of St Andrews Church
“Gentlemen after the important and to me most satisfactory deliverance of the Presbytery of Dundee in the subject of a reference made by you to them concerning the desirableness of an ordained Minister for St Andrews’ Church and Parish. I think that the time has come for my announcing to you that it is not my intention to suffer myself to be proposed for re-election at the termination of my present engagement as Assistant in that charge. Praying that in the consultations in which you have now to engage you may be guided by the Spirit of wisdom and grace to such conclusions as will alike be for Christ’s glory and the everlasting benefit of a people peculiarly endeared to me. I am Gentlemen Your Mo Ob servt (Signed) John Jaffray.”
The foregoing latter having been read it was unanimously resolved that the Committee should record the high Sense which they entertain of the disinterested conduct of Mr Jaffray and that their thanks be conveyed to him for his Communication. The Revd Mr Thomson moved that this Meeting do now proceed to take steps to follow up the recommendation of the Presbytery by getting an ordained assistant. Mr Nicol Seconded the motion which was agreed to. Upon the motion of Mr Thoms the Meeting farther unanimously resolved to lay the matter before their respective constituents with a view to obtain their sanction to the appointment of an assistant for the period of Mr Macneil’s incumbency under the following conditions vizt: 1St That as soon as the engagement with the present assistant shall expire candidates shall be invited to preach and means be take to afford the male communicants who are either heads of families within the Parish or who may have occupied sittings for one year previous to Whitsunday 1836 An opportunity of fixing upon an Assistant Minister who shall be chosen by the Committee for the period and under the conditions stated by the Presbytery. 2d That such Election shall be made only for the period of Mr Mcneil’s incumbency and that the appointment shall cease & determine on his death without prejudice to the assistant in that event coming forward as a candidate to succeed the present incumbent and the Rights of the Patrons and others shall not be affected by the proposed appointment. 3d That as it will be necessary in order to obtain ordination for the Assistant that a Bond should be granted for the period of his appointment the annual sum to be thereby secured should not in the opinion of this Committee exceed Eighty pounds Sterling and the liability of the different proprietors should be in proportion to their interest, that is to say the Kirksession to be liable to the extent of £40, the Nine Trades £30 and the Three Trades £10 pr annum and so proportionally if the Presbytery shall agree to accept Bond for a smaller sum. A Copy of the whole Minute to be sent to the proprietary Bodies and to Mr Jaffray Extracted by (Signed) Wm. Fairweather Clerk.
At Dundee the second day of November Eighteen hundred and thirty six years at a Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Trades Hall there, called by public advertisement in terms of the Act 6th William the Fourth Cap 61,832 for the purpose of nominating three of the members of the said Incorporated Trades to be Trustees of the Harbour of Dundee and in the event of no more than three persons being nominated to be Candidates for the said office to declare the same duly elected, all in terms of the said Act of Parliament Convener Harris in the Chair.
… Convener Young, Alexr Allan & Deacon Orquhart were thereafter appointed a Committee for the management of St. Andrews Church in room of the three managers who go out this year by rotation.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the fourth day of January Eighteen hundred and thirty seven at three o’clock afternoon Convener Harris in the Chair.
The Accounts of St. Andrews Church were read over to the Meeting & approved of.
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At a stated Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held in common Hall upon Wednesday the thirteenth day of September Eighteen hundred and thirty seven at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Harris in the Chair.
...Before proceeding with the election an account of the Intromissions of the Clerk with the funds of St. Andrews Church and an extract from the Minutes of the Managers of that Church, along with copies of a Minute of Meeting of the Kirk Session of St. Andrews and of a Petition of the Parishioners and seat Holders for the appointment of Mr Ewing as Successor to the Rev. Mr McNeill together with the letter from Mr Fairweather to the Clerk of the Trades was read to the Meeting and ordered to lie till next meeting
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held within their Hall upon Monday the fourth day of October Eighteen hundred and thirty seven at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Young in the Chair.
The Meeting proceeded to the consideration of the extract from the Minutes of Meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church relative to the appointment of the Revd. Mr Ewing as Assistant and Successor to the Revd. Mr McNeil, and the extract from the Minutes of the Kirk Session, and the Petition of the Seat Holders and Parishioners on the subject all which were read at last meeting and remitted to this Meeting for consideration. The said Minutes and Petition were read to the Meeting. The Convener thereafter produced a letter he had received from the Revd. James Thomson on the same subject dated 25 th Ult which was read to the Meeting, there was also produced and read to the Meeting an Extract from the Minutes of the three United Trades, one of the proprietary bodies of St. Andrews Church unanimously agreeing to the appointment, all which papers were ordered to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book. Thereafter a reference having been made to the Minutes of a Meeting of the Trades of date 12th January 1836, and also to one of date 4th April 1836, it was moved by Mr David Borrie that the Nine Trades do agree with the remaining proprietary in taking proper steps to get the appointment of Mr Ewing as Assistant and Successor to Mr McNeil confirmed and carried through, which motion was seconded by Deacon Jack. Mr Hall moved as an amendment that the Petition be considered this day six months, which was seconded by Mr Peter Thomson and the amendment being put to the vote by a shew of hands there were four held up for it, the motion being put thereafter put was carried by a large majority.
“Extract from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews church held in the General Session, Session House Dundee the 23rd day of August 1837 Mr William Young preses
There was laid before this Meeting an extract from the Minutes of St. Andrews Session, also a Petition from the Seatholders and Parishioners of St. Andrews Church and Parish, requesting that the managers shall take the proper steps in order to get Mr Ewing ordained assistant and successor to the Revd. Mr McNeil. It was resolved that these Documents or Copies thereof be sent to the proprietary Bodies with a request that they will take them under their early consideration”
“Extract by Mr Fairweather Clerk. The following are Copies of the Documents above referred to.
St. Andrews Dundee 12th August 1837 The Kirk Session met
Resolved that this Kirk Session appreciating the laborious of the Revd. Mr Ewing and believing him to be acceptable to the parish & congregation do respectfully request the Committee of Management of St. Andrews Church to use every means in their power to get him ordained Assistant and successor to the Revd. Mr McNeil in order that the parish and congregation may have the full benefit of his ministerial labours. Extracted &c (Signed) Alexr. Keay, Clerk”
“To the Preses & Managers of St. Andrews Church – The Petition of the Inhabitants of said Parish and Seat holders in said church convened by intimation from the Pulpit of St. Andrews Church
Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioners have laboured for nearly 30 years under the misfortune of being deprived of the stated service of an ordained Minister among them, with only one short interval. That in consequence of Mr McNeil’s long indisposition and the want of an ordained assistant to him the important duties of a parish containing
39 40 in it about 8,000 souls have been thrown on the casual assistance of the neighbouring ministers, all whose parishes are also very numerous. That some time since steps were taken with the concurrence of those concerned to obtain an able and efficient assistant to Mr McNeil and the parishioners made choice of Mr James Ewing preacher of the Gospel late a Parish Missionary in the City of Perth. That Mr Ewing has commenced his labours among you petitioners to their entire satisfaction and their great anxiety now is to have him ordained and permanently settled among them. May it therefore please the Managers of St. Andrews Church to consider the great necessity of having an ordained Minister in such a parish and the attachment of the parishioners to Mr Ewing: and to take those measures which appear to them best for getting him ordained and admitted assistant an successor to Mr McNeil the present incumbent of this Church and parish and as in Duty bound. Signed in name presence and by Appointment of a numerous & Respectable meeting of the parishioners & Seatholders of St. Andrews Church and parish this 21st August 1837 (Signed) Alexr. Keay Preses”
“Copy Letter The Revd James Thomson to Mr John Young Convener of the Nine Trades of Dundee
Dundee 25 September 1837 Dear Sir The Kirk Session having agreed to elect Mr James Ewing preacher of the Gospel to be assistant and Successor to the Revd. Alexander McNeil at present Minister of St. Andrews Church and parish. Agreeably to a Unanimous Resolution of the Trades of date 11th January 18836. I respectfully beg that you will embrace the earliest opportunity to obtain instructions to their Representatives in the Committee of Managers to concur with those of the Session in whatever may be necessary for Mr Ewing’s ordination & Induction I am &c (Signed) James Thomson”
“Excerpts from the Minutes of a General Meeting of the Three United Trades of Dundee held upon the eighth day of September eighteen hundred and thirty seven Convener Cooper in the Chair. There was read to the Meeting a letter from Mr William Fairweather the Treasurer of St. Andrews Church to the Clerk dated the twenty sixth day of August last together with the state of the accounts and extract Minutes from the minutes of a Meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church held twenty third day of August last relative to the ordination of Mr Ewing assistant and Successor to the Revd Mr McNeil Minister of St. Andrews Parish, also copies of the Minute of the Kirk Session of St. Andrews Parish of day twelfth Ultimo: and Copy Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish and seatholders on the Church, likewise a letter from the Revd. Mr Thomson to the Convener dated the twenty fifth Current on the same subject, all of which the Meeting directed to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book after the Minutes of the present Meeting. The Meeting after considering the documents referred to and on reference to the minutes of a General Meeting of the Trades held upon the fifth day of April Eighteen hundred and thirty six, unanimously resolved and agreed to the appointment of Me McNeil as Minister of St. Andrews Church and Parish under the condition as to the amount and payment of Stipend specified in the said Minutes of 5 th April 1836. Extracted from the Minutes by me Clerk to the Trades. (Signed) John Anderson”
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee … held within their Hall upon Wednesday the first day of November Eighteen hundred and thirty seven at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Young in the Chair.
There was read to the Meeting an excerpt from the minutes of St. Andrews Kirk Session regarding the appointment of Mr Ewing as assistant and successor to the Revd. Mr McNeil of which the following is a Copy:
“Dundee 11th October 1837 The Kirk Session met &c
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Extracts from the Minutes of the Nine Incorporated Trades, the three United Trades, the Committee of Management of St. Andrews Church and the Presbytery of Dundee in regard to an Assistant and successor for St. Andrews Church were read and the Session having considered the said extract Minutes resolved that it would be expedient to proceed to the election of an Assistant an successor on the following conditions viz. 1st That the election being made, by and with the consent of all proprietary bodies it shall be declared that as this Election is not provided for in the Deed of Constitution the right of all parties shall be held entire and shall subsist in the same way as if this election had not taken place. 2nd. That the Committee of Management be empowered to grant the necessary obligation for the sum of Sixty pounds per annum, the same to be paid from the funds of St. Andrews Church alternately, it being understood that if the Presbytery be not satisfied with such Bond, the friends of the assistant and successors shall provide a Bond to the satisfaction of the Presbytery. Thereafter the Kirk session did and hereby do elect Mr James Ewing preacher of the Gospel to be assistant and successor to the Reverend Alexander McNeil, Minister of St. Andrews Church and Parish and to the enjoyment of all the privileges and emoluments belonging to him as such and he is elected accordingly and a copy of this Minute duly attested by the Clerk was appointed to be transmitted to the reverend the Presbytery of Dundee with a request that they proceed with Mr Ewing’s ordination & admission with all convenient speed. On all which instruments was taken in the Clerks hands by Revd. James Thomson in behalf of Mr Ewing. Extracted &c. (Signed) Alexr. Keay Clk
Mr Borrie moved that the Committee be instructed to sign the Bond in terms of the Minutes of the Kirk Session, which was seconded by Mr Scott and unanimously approved of. Thereafter Messers Dick, Crichton and James Pullar were appointed Managers of St. Andrews Church for the ensuing year in place of the three who retire. The Members of the Committee now are Messers Livingston, Forbes, Leighton, Young, & Allan.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Trades of Dundee held within the Trades Hall there on Monday the first day of January Eighteen hundred and thirty eight at three o’clock afternoon Convener Young in the Chair.
The Accounts of St. Andrews Church were read to the Meeting and approved of.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee called by public advertisements in terms of the Statute … held within the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the Seventh day of November eighteen hundred and thirty eight at one o’clock afternoon Convener Murdoch in the Chair
The Convener stated that this was the time for the Election of three Managers for St Andrews Church in room of the three who now retire by rotation, that the present managers were Messers Livingstone, Forbes, Leighton, John Young, Orquhart, Alexander Allan, Dick Crichton and Pullar and that Messers Livingstone, Forbes and Leighton retired from office; Messers James Hodge, Thomas Cuthbert and David Leighton were appointed the three new Managers. The board for the Trades now consists of Messers John Young, Orquhart, Alexander Allan, Dick, Crichton, Pullar, Hodge, Cuthbert, & Leighton.
At a meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee Held within Mrs Hood’s St. Clements Lane o Monday the Seventeenth December eighteen hundred and thirty eight years at eight ‘clock evening Convener Murdoch in the Chair
Convener Murdoch mentioned that he had been requested to bring before the Deacons of the respective Trades the case of the Revd. Mr Arnot that as the Trades seats rents have been much increased by his exertions, the individual trades might make some advance to him out of such increased rents if they be so inclined.
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the eleventh day of March eighteen hundred and thirty nine years at three o’clock afternoon
…A Letter from Mr Ewing Minister of St Andrews Church regarding a site for a school in that Parish was read to the Meeting of which the following is a Copy.
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Copy Letter Mr Ewing “To Mr Murdoch, Convener Dear Sir There is I believe to be laid before the Meeting of the Nine Trades this Evening an Extract from the Minutes of St. Andrews Church Committee in reference to the erection of a school in the Parish; for the site of which the Session of St. Andrews and others interested in the undertaking are desirous to obtain the Vacant piece of ground behind the Church as the most convenient for the great body of the population, and in all respects the best that can be got. For this purpose an application was made sometime ago to the Committee with a request that if the matter should meet with their approval they should recommend to their Constituents bodies to grant the ground for the erection of a school. A Sub-Committee was appointed to get a report from some Architect as to the fitness of the place for the object in view, and a plan to shew that an erection would not injure the rest of the property. A Report and Plan were furnished by Mr James Black, the report is as favourable as could be wished and the plan does not interfere in any way either with the Church or Session house. I hope the Trades will give the proposal a favourable consideration. The means of education in the Parish at present are lamentable deficient and the consequence is that many of the young are growing up in ignorance, unable even to read the word of God. It was from a desire to remedy this state of matters that I proposed to my Session the propriety of taking steps to get if possible a School erected in the Parish, Where a good Education might be furnished at small expense, and when the children of the poorest of the people might be educated gratuitously. The proposal met with their warm support and indeed with the approbation of all who are interested in the prosperity both Spiritual and Temporal of the ensuing generations. It was found that, with the exception of the ground behind the Church it would be very difficult to get any other place in the Parish at all suited for a school. So great is the difficulty that unless the ground in question is granted it is to be feared the Scheme must be abandoned. You will see from Mr Black’s report that he considers the ground to be admirably fitted for the purpose in view being well aired and removed from the bustle of the street. The proposed mode of access to the school would not in the least injure the appearance of the Church or expose the space in front of it. If the proposal is carried into effect the property will be enhanced by between £400 & £500 and at the same time a great and permanent blessing conferred on the Parish and the Community at large. The ground at present is turned to no account, and the building of a school upon it would only be carrying out these principles which formerly led to the erection of the Church. I trust that the same desire to promote the moral & most spiritual interests of the Community that formerly actuated the Trades will secure for the proposal now submitted to them their Cordial approbation & support. I am Dear Sir Yours faithfully (Signed) James Ewing. Dundee 11 march 1839”
and the same was ordered to be [held] over for consideration of next meeting & a Committee consisting of Messers (Peter) Borrie, Alex Lawson, Pullar, Benvie & P. Hean were appointed along with the Convener to meet and consider the same along with a plan produced to the meeting.
At a Meeting of the Committee appointed to Consider the Letter by Mr Ewing to the Convener respecting the proposed new School behind St. Andrews Church with the relative plan, held in the Clerk’s Chambers of Tuesday twelfth March Eighteen hundred and thirty nine years at three o’clock Convener Murdoch in the Chair
The Committee having considered Mr Ewing’s letter along with the relative plan with the minutes of meeting of Church Committee of Management and the St. Andrews Church and Parish Association dated twenty fifth February last, and the Minutes of St. Andrews Church Committee of Twenty seventh February, resolved to adjourn the meeting till this evening at eight o’clock farther to consider the matter.
There having been no meeting on the 12th it was adjourned till the 13th. March 13 1839. Messers Barrie & Pullar alone having attended the meeting it was adjourned.
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At an adjourned Meeting of the Committee appointed to Consider Mr Ewing’s letter regarding St. Andrews Parish School held in the Clerk’s Chambers of Thursday the fourteenth March Eighteen hundred and thirty nine years at two o’clock Convener Murdoch in the Chair
The meeting having reconsidered the subject and agreeing fully in the propriety of having a school in St. Andrews Parish unanimously concur in recommending to the Nine Trades to grant the site for the proposed school as requested behind St. Andrews Church in Conformity with the plan laid before them & report by Mr Black.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Thursday the fourteenth day of March eighteen hundred and thirty nine years at three o’clock afternoon Convener Murdoch in the Chair
…Mr Mathewson moved that the report of the Committee regarding the site of the School in St. Andrews Parish recommending the grant be approved of, which was unanimously agreed to.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Wednesday the 6th day of November 1839 years at one o’clock afternoon in terms of act of Parliament Convener Jobson in the Chair
…The Convener stated that this was the time for the election of three Managers of St. Andrews Church in room of the three who retire by rotation, namely Messers John Young, Jas. Orquhart & Alex Allan & also one in place of Mr Alexr. Crichton deceased. Messers James Luke, John Gardyne & Chas. Fleming were elected in room of the three who go out by rotation. The Managers for the Nine Trades now are Messers Dick, Pullar, Hodge, Cuthbert, Leighton, Luke, Gardyne & Fleming.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the 6th day of January 1840 at three o’clock afternoon Convener Jobson in the Chair
The accounts of St. Andrews Church Treasurer and the Boxmaster were read to the Meeting and approved of – thereafter Convener Jobson was appointed a manager of St. Andrews church in the room of Alexr. Crichton deceased. It was moved by Mr Archd. Scott that this Meeting recommend to the managers of St. Andrews Church to attend to the state of the East way in the front of St Andrews Church.
At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee Held within Mrs Hoods Hall, St Clement’s Lane on Tuesday the 9th day of June 1840 years at 8 o’clock Evening Convener Jobson in the chair The Convener laid before the meeting a letter from Mr Ewing regarding the St. Andrews Church School enclosing a minute of the Kirk Session on the subject, and a communication from the Lords of the Treasury thereanent of which copies follow: “Forebank 9 June 1840 I enclose you the minute of Session regarding the ground behind St. Andrews Church from which it will be seen that what is now required of the Proprietary Bodies is just to confirm what they have already done, namely appropriate the ground, for the special purpose of a School and give an assurance that they will permit the School house, when built, to be used in all time coming, for the education of the poorer Children of the Parish & neighbourhood. Yours &c Sgd James Ewing
Dundee 3d June 1840 The Kirk Session met &c., &c. Revd. Mr Ewing reported that the Lords of the Committee of the privy council for education, had agreed to appropriate the sum of £ towards the erection of a School House for St Andrews Parish: upon the ground behind St. Andrews Church, And the Session considering that the said ground is vested in the Kirk Session and Nine Incorporated Trades, and the three United Trades in trust for the congregation, and parish resolved as they do
43 44 hereby resolve, that the said ground behind St Andrews Church, in so far as required for the School House shall be held by them along with the Trades foresaid upon trust to permit the premises, and be for ever hereafter to be erected and used as and for a school for the education of children and adults or children only of the labouring manufacturing, and other poorer classes in the parish; and the Session, further resolved on to concur with the other bodies in granting any more formal Deed of Trust for the approbation of the ground to the foresaid use and purpose. Extracted &c Sgd. Alexr. Keay Session Clerk
Committee of Council on Education Council Office Whitehall 20 May 1840 Revd. Sir With reference to the application for a Grant of £330 in aid of the erection of a Schoolhouse at Dundee of which the Kirk Session the Nine Incorporated Trades and the three United Trades of Dundee are Trustees, the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education have directed me to transmit to you the enclosed Copy of a certificate which contains the conditions upon which their lordships will appropriate the sum entrusted to their superintendence for the present year. I am further directed to state to you that adverting to the number of Scholars for whom accommodation will be provided in the proposed school and to the Regulation of the Lords of the Treasury dated 11 July 1834 Their Lordships will be prepared to direct the appropriation of £330 for the School at Dundee, upon receiving from the Promoters of the said School a communication that they will accept the conditions contained in the enclosed Certificate, and upon the understanding that the school be completed according to the plan and estimates by further Subscription which their Lordships trust may be raised by additional exertions. Their Lordships desire to receive and answer to this proposal on or before the 14th June next, as in case it should not be accepted, their Lordships are anxious to make a proposal upon the same conditions to other parties who have made similar applications. My Lords request that the Certificate may be retained for the present. If this offer should be accepted their lordships will give the necessary directions that the sum offered shall be set Apart for the School, and that the Pay master of the Civil Services shall pay the amount upon the conditions being fulfilled and upon the certificate being properly signed and presented to their Lordships. I have the honor to be &c., Sgd. J. P. Kay Have the goodness to place your answer under a separate cover addressed “To the Clerk of the Council, Whitehall endorsed ‘Education’.
Certificate We the undersigned, being the Majority of the School Committee or Trustees representing the promoters of the erection of the School house at hereby certify for the information of the Right Honorable the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education: 1st That the New School House in aid of which your Lordships were pleased to grant £ is completed in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner; being built of the proper dimensions, and in all respects according to the Plan and Specifications proposed to and approved by your Lordships. 2d That the amount of private subscription specified in our memorial to your lordships has been received, expended and accounted for, and that there does not remain any debt charge or claim of any kind on account of the building, except what will be liquidated by your Lordships grant: the payment of which is now prayed for. 3d that the site of the School house had been obtained with a good legal tenure and had been duly conveyed to trustees so as to secure the building for the purpose of Educating the children of the poor. 4th That we are ready to submit to any auditor our accounts for building which your lordships may direct, to make such periodical reports respecting the state of our Schools as your Lordships may call for and to admit your Lordships Inspectors according to the annexed Regulations marked A. In testimony whereof, we affix our signatures and request the payment of the sum appropriated to the school at, aforesaid Signed and Dated
Regulation A The Right of Inspection will be required by the Committee in all cases. Inspectors authorized by Her Majesty in council, will be appointed from time to time to visit schools to be henceforth aided by Public money.
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The Inspectors will not interfere with the religious instruction, or discipline or management of the School, it being their object to collect facts and information and to report the result of their Inspections to the committee of Council”. The Clerk was appointed to meet with the Clerks of the Session and three Trades & consider as to the Tenure that can be given by these bodies and the Convener and Mr Chalmers were appointed a Committee to enquire into this matter, and thereafter to report the whole matter to next General Meeting for their instructions, and the Convener was requested to mention to Mr Ewing to write to the treasury stating the reason of delay in order that the matter might be kept open.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the 6th day of July 1840 at three o’clock afternoon Convener Jobson in the Chair
… Report of the Committee appointed at General Meeting of 15th June Current to consider as to the proposed School behind St Andrews Church. At a Meeting of the Committee held on the 30th June Current – The Clerk having reported to the Committee that he was still in terms of Consultation with the Agent for the Kirk Session and the three Trades, they considered it was unnecessary for them to delay considering the question at large leaving the Agents to give in their report when finally agreed upon. It being thereafter suggested that the Committee should themselves view the proposed site of the School in order to be able to judge of its eligibility both as regarding the school itself and its proximity to the church, proceeded to view the premises, when after perambulating the ground and maturely considering all its capabilities, they came to the unanimously resolution that it was decidedly ineligible as a site for a school-house in more respects that one and this altogether irrespective of the doubt which existed as to the Title which would be required before any Government grant could be obtained and that they could not conscientiously recommend it to the Trades as a proper site. It having been farther suggested that the cause of Education would not be likely to suffer while the property of the Trades and the other bodies connected therewith might be advanced by a different appropriation of the ground, the Committee requested the advice and assistance of Mr Peter Dron whom they assumed into their number and after duly examining the situation and weighing all the circumstances they resolved that it would be decidedly preferable to lay out the ground behind the Church as cemeteries for which they humbly conceived it was alone adapted provided a proper entrance could be got, and on examining the premises, they were unanimously of opinion that this could be procured at a small comparative expence without injuring the fabric of the Church, nay even improving the entrance upon the East side by taking down the heavy portico, and erecting an new and lighter one, embracing the footpath on the East side, which besides giving amply sufficient breadth for the passing of internments would give facility for lowering the present access whereby the Church might be entered nearly on a level in place of first an unnecessary rise of upwards of two feet, and afterwards a corresponding descent, which it at present has. The arrangement of the details regarding this however, and a special report, they conceive would be best made by a Architect or other qualified person, whom they humbly submit the Trades should appoint for that purpose, your committee are aware that this entrance was formerly proposed for a like object, and the objection was then started and was fatal to the measure at the time, that by throwing open the porch the comfort of the Church would be destroyed, but they humbly conceive this objection to have no real weight as an arrangement might in their opinion be easily made, whereby the comfort of the Church might be duly preserved, as the boundaries are sufficiently ample; but this point they consider should come under the report of the Architect. Having thus in their opinion got over the main difficulty (viz) the entrance to the ground behind, your Committee would advise that as a means of enhancing the value of the property the whole border on the north side from East to West should be appropriated to catacombs which they conceive in a Town like this, would be in no very long period meet with a ready sale at handsome and remunerating prices, and in process of time the whole might probably be so appropriated, thereby adding a considerable and increasing income to the funds of the Church – they conceive they are justified in making such a recommendation as this to the Trades on more accounts than one – the funds of the Trades being essentially a benevolent one, as good stewards the managers for the time are justified in increasing it in every legitimate way, nay bound to do so to its fullest extent – they are further bound to provide for contingencies which may arise to the property itself,. In the event of any extensive repairs being required for the Church there is no sinking fund whatever for the expence of these – nor any surplus fund at present from which such sinking fund can be formed, by appropriating the ground as here designed, they conceive that not only will the proprietary bodies be able to divide a larger sum among themselves for appropriating to their respective poor, but they may be enabled to lay such sinking fund to be employed from time to time in repairing or beautifying the structure or for other legitimate purposes connected therewith. Your Committee do not enter farther into details of this proposal, as they conceive that a plan and report by an Architect would best place the matter in a proper point of view, but they cannot conclude this part of their report
45 46 without repeating that an ornamented cemetery is, in their opinion the most appropriate adjunct for the sacred edifice itself, while the placing of a school in the situation would be destructive of the property, and a source of constant trouble, and annoyance, and without reflecting on any one they conceive the proposal however praiseworthy to have been entered into without due consideration. While, however your Committee have thought it their duty thus to lay their sentiments before you regarding the site in question they would by no means be understood to wish to baulk the proposal of having a school in the Parish nor of any wish to hinder the progress of education, on the contrary, they warmly wish success to such a measure, and as a better means in their opinion to accomplish this they would submit that the Nine Trades should subscribe towards such a project a sum of £100, Sterling and if the other proprietary bodies subscribe in an equal proportion according to their respective shares in the property this would recover a sum at least equal to the supposed value of the site of the school, as given up to the Lord Commissioners to procure the Government grant of £330. And they conceive that the sum in question would procure a site somewhere within the parish immeasurably superior for the purpose to the one proposed. The school to be vested in the same manner as the present property of St. Andrews Church is, for the purpose of a school alone and under the same Management, and the appointment of the master or masters to be vested in the same way as the Election of a Clergyman at present is so mutually as may be determined on. It may appear to some that £100 is a large sum to vote from the funds of the Trades, but when it is considered that the object is of a superior importance, and when moreover your Committee consider that by their former proposal they have put it in the power and option of the Trades to realise a larger sum they trust this will not be objected to and they sincerely trust that the Trades shall be met in the same spirit by the other proprietary bodies, and that no jarring of opinion or spirit of opposition may be allowed to interfere with the promotion of a praiseworthy design the future benefit of which may be incalculable nor with the desirable view of keeping the property of the Church intact, and appropriated alone to that object whose end is peace. Dundee 30 June 1840
Mr Stewart moved that that part of the Report alone which regarded the site of the proposed school be approved of, which was Seconded by Mr Scott. Mr Borrie moved as an amendment that the ground behind St. Andrews Church as formerly called for be granted for a Parish school conform to the plans and specifications formerly made out by Mr Black, which was Seconded by Deacon Jack, and the amendment being put to vote there appeared for it only five votes – thereafter Mr Luke moved as a second amendment that the whole report of the committee be approved of, and that the recommendation therein contained be recommended to be laid before another general meeting to be called for that purpose, which was seconded by Mr Fairweather and the motion and amendment being put together the amendment was carried by a large majority.
At a General meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the fifth day of April Eighteen hundred and forty one years at three o’clock Afternoon Convener Jobson in the Chair
The Convener stated that this was a Quarterly Meeting for General purposes. There was laid before the meeting the Accounts of St. Andrews Church management which ought to have been presented at last meeting, but which had not at the time been audited, which were approved of by the Meeting.
At a General meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the 10th day of May 1841 years at three o’clock Afternoon Convener Jobson in the Chair
There was laid before the Meeting a letter from the Revd. Mr Ewing in regard to subscription by the Nine Trades to a School in St. Andrews Parish of which the following is a Copy:
Dundee 3 May 1841 Dear Sir Since the time that the Nine Trades refused their concurrence to the erection of a School behind St. Andrews Church, the Session have been looking out for a more eligible site, and have at length obtained one at the top of the strait brae, bounded on one side by Bucklemaker Wynd and on the other by William Street. The Ground comprises about 40 poles, the feu duty is 5/- per pole and the price of the ground at 20 years purchase price will be about £200. It is the desire of the Session that the School should be in full connection with the Church; - and if the Nine Trades contribute toward its erection the sum of £100 recommended to be given for that purpose by their minute of 6th July 1840, the Session are willing that the property be vested in the Nine Incorporated Trades, Three
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United Trades and General Kirk Session, in the same way as St. Andrews Church & to be held by them, in trust for the uses, ends, and purposes following Viz: 1st That the ground and house to be erected on it shall, in all time coming be appropriated and used for a School house and surrounding play grounds for the Parish of St. Andrews Dundee and in connection with St. Andrews Church. 2. That the said School shall be under the control and management of a Committee consisting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church and the Minister and Elders of St. Andrews Parish for the time being. 3. That the Teacher or Teachers for said School shall be chosen, and every vacancy in the office of Teacher as it may from time to time occur be filled up by said Committee of Management. 4. That the branches of education to be taught in said School shall be those usually taught in Parochial Schools in Scotland, but any additional Branch or Branches may be taught which a majority of managers for the time being may approve of. 5. That the said School shall be under the superintendent of the Presbytery of the bounds in the same manner as parochial Schools, and shall be open at all times to the inspection of any Inspector or Inspectors who are or shall be appointed by Government. It is also intended to reserve in the title deeds a power under the Sanction of the Committee of Management, of selling the property, should the situation for any cause become unsuitable for a School, on condition of erecting and the School in a more eligible place. The General Session have agreed to contribute £130 towards the School, which is very worth the same proportion according to the share they would have in the property as £100 to the Nine Trades; and the readiness with which the Three Trades voted towards the School when it was proposed to be erected behind the Church gives reason to believe that they will be willing to contribute in proportion to the share it is intended they should have in the property. According to the constitution now submitted to the Trades, all the parties contributing will be fairly represented in the management of the School, the Session representing those from whom they receive subscriptions. Should the Nine Trades agree to give the £100 they promised, the amount of subscriptions already received would warrant us to proceed without delay. Should they not give the £100 they promised on which we have been counting, they cannot of course, expect to have any share in the property or in the management of the school. The object is one which all who wish well to their fellow creatures must cordially approve, the advance of the temporal and spiritual interests of a rising generation. I may be allowed to express my hope that the Trades will not disappoint us – and that, to use the words of the report they have adopted “no jarring of opinion or spirit of opposition” (which can now be manifested only by themselves) “may be allowed to interfere with the promotion of a praiseworthy design, the future benefits of which may be incalculable”. By calling a Meeting of the Nine Trades and laying this matter before them as soon as may be found convenient you will much oblige &c. (Signed) James Ewing
Mr Jas, Stewart moved that the consideration of this letter lie over till this day fortnight or to such other day after that as the Convener may find it convenient to call a meeting for the purpose, which was seconded by Mr Jas. Lawson, and it was further moved by Mr Chalmers that previous to such a meeting the Convener be in possession of a Minute of the General Session and Three Trades intimating their concurrence as to turning the ground behind St. Andrews Church into a Cemetery which was Seconded by Mr Dron, which motions being both unanimously agreed to the meeting adjourned.
At an Adjourned General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the 7th day of June. 1841 years at three o’clock Afternoon Convener Jobson in the Chair
…Thereafter the Convener stated that he had called this meting as an adjournment of that of the 10 th Ult to consider the letter from the Revd. Mr Ewing regarding grant of £100 by the nine Trades towards the erection of a School for the Parish of St. Andrews. He states farther that he had received extracts from the minute of the General Session and the Three Trades which were read to the meeting and of which the following are copies:
“Excerpts from a Meeting of the Three United Trades held on the twelfth day of May 1841 The Convener stated, that he had been requested by the Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades, to call the attention of the Three United Trades, to the subject of converting the ground behind St Andrews Church, into a cemetery. The Trades, having considered the question, unanimously approved of the ground being so converted, and directed their resolution to be communicated to the Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades and Kirk Session.
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The following Committee were appointed to confer with the other Proprietary bodies, as to the mode of laying out the ground for the time being, any two a quorum. Extracted by (signed) John Anderson Clerk”
“Dundee 2d June 1841 The Kirk Session met The Committee appointed at last meeting in regard to the ground behind St. Andrews Church gave in a report of which the following is a copy Viz. ‘The Committee having met, and inspected the ground behind St. Andrews Church were unanimously of opinion that by certain alterations on the East Porch of that Church, an approach could be got to the ground, and that it was practicable to convert it into a burial ground. The expence of the required alterations have not been ascertained. The Committee were further of opinion that it was not desirable to convert the ground to such purposes, at least until the matter can be maturely considered by all the bodies concerned, but as the Trades have the same interest with the other proprietors in preserving the beauty and amenity of the ground, and the Church, the Committee are of opinion that the Session should concur with the other proprietors in converting the ground either into a burial ground, or to such other purpose as may be found most beneficial for the church proprietors; Mr P. H. Thoms descented from the opinion for occupying the ground behind as a place of internment which he thought to be injurious and inexpedient’. The Session having considered the above report, the same was unanimously approved of and adopted by them, and extract of this part of the Minute was directed to be sent to the Convener of the Nine Trades. Extracted &c. (Signed) Alex. Keay Session Clerk.”
After reading of which and of Mr Ewing’s letter formerly referred to Mr Stewart rose and moved that the application by Mr Ewing for £100 to the St. Andrews Church School be rejected, which was seconded by Mr William Dick Mr Jas. Thomson moved as an amendment that the sum of £100 be granted for the School as requested, which was Seconded by Mr David Borrie, and after some conversation on the subject the motion and amendment having been put to the vote by calling over the names of the parties present it was found that the amendment was carried by a large Majority, 10 having voted for the motion and 20 for the amendment.
At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within Mrs Hood’s St. Clements Lane on Tuesday the 8th day of June 1841 years at eight o’clock evening Convener Jobson in the Chair
Deacon Gibson moved that it be recommended to the Managers of the intended school in St Andrews Parish to which the Trades have now agreed to subscribe to grant the Trades a right to recommend at least six poor children to the School for gratis education with power to nominate so as always to fill up vacancies as they may occur which was unanimously agreed to.
At an General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in the Commercial Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Thursday the 9th day of December. 1841 years at three o’clock Afternoon Convener Jobson in the Chair
The Convener stated that his meeting had been called for the Election of three Manager of St. Andrews Church in room of the three who retire namely Mr Thomas Cuthbert, David Leighton and James Luke. When Messers James Luke, Francis Dick and George Soutar were unanimously elected. The Managers for the ensuing year are now Messers Gardyne, Fleming, Jobson, Hodge, Brown, Aitken, Francis Dick and Soutar.
At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within Mrs Hood’s St. Clement’s Lane on the Twentieth day of January. Eighteen hundred and forty two years at eight o’clock evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The Convener stated that he had called this meeting for the purpose of arranging as to payment of the £100 granted by the Nine Trades to St. Andrews Church School. The Convener farther stated to the Meeting that he was willing to accommodate the Nine Trades with an advance of £100, which he would allow to lie on the security of the Trades at five per Cent for the period of five years, the same being repaid to him in One Sum. Old Convener Jobson moved that this offer be accepted, which was seconded by Mr Langlands, and unanimously agreed to, it being recommended that the sum of twenty Pounds at least should be laid by every year,
48 49 to liquidate the debt, and the Boxmaster as instructed to sign a Bill for £100 to Convener Cuthbert at one days date in name and for behoof of the General Fund of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within Mrs Hood’s Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Wednesday the second day of November. Eighteen hundred and forty two years at one o’clock Afternoon in terms of Statute Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The Convener stated that this was the meeting appointed for nominating three members of the Trades to be Trustees under the Harbour Act and also for nominating three Managers of St. Andrews Church in place of the three who now retire viz. Messers Gardyne, Fleming and Jobson. Me Thomas Cuthbert the proposed that Mr William Jamie be elected, Mr Luke proposed that Mr Jobson be re elected, and Mr James Murray proposed that Mr Gardyne be re elected, and these nominations being respectively seconded these Gentlemen were declared duly elected – the Managers of St Andrews Church for the ensuing year are now Messers Hodge, Brown, Aitken, Luke, F. Dick, Soutar, Jamie, Jobson & Gardyne.
At an General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within Mrs Hood’s Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Wednesday the second day of January. Eighteen hundred and forty three years at three o’clock Afternoon Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
A Letter from Mr Fairweather stating that the accounts of St Andrews Church had not been examined and that consequently the accounts could not be produced was read to the meeting
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held in the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Thursday the 27th day of April 1843 years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
A Copy of a minute of the Managers of St. Andrews Church relative to letting the seats of which the following is a copy was laid before the Meeting. “Excerpt form the minutes of a Meeting of the Committee of St. Andrews Church held in the Vestry 18th April 1843 Mr David Jobson preses
The Committee being informed that a great number of the Sitters of the church have expressed their determination of not paying rent for their seats at the ensuing term in consequence of the uncertainty of Mr Ewing continuing Minister. The Treasurer was authorised to let the seats for three months and to intimate to the proprietary bodies their resolution of the Meeting in case of any other plan being suggested by them – and at the same time to lay a state of the affairs of the Church before the bodies with the state as at Whitsunday first in order that provision may be made for the deficiency of funds then required: Extracted by (signed) Wm. Fairweather Clerk”
Mr Wm Harris moved that this meeting recommend to the St. Andrews Church Committee to adhere to the present mode of seat letting for six months, which was seconded by Mr Jas. Lawson, and was unanimously agreed to. The Meeting unanimously resolved to defer consideration of the remaining part of the Minute relative to the debt on the Church of which a state was laid before them and of which the following is a Copy till another Meeting.
1842 Decr 31 Balance due by Treasurer £4. 8. 6 1843 April 18 Collections at church Doors to date 9.13. - Grave Ground 5.15. – Drawn from Union Bank 43.18.10 Total 63 15. 4
Paid Mr Ewing’s Stipend at £30. -. - Candlemas Paid Mr McNeil’s do do 17.10. - Paid Gas 3. 1.10 Paid David Hean for repairing Dykes 5. -. - Paid James Knight – Wrights Work 5. 9. - Sundry small accounts 10. 8
49 50
Balance on hand 2. 3. 10 Total £63.15. 4
Balance brought down £2. 3.10 Seat rents from Whit 43 to Lammas 43 53. -. - Collections to 15th May 2.10. - Total 57.13.10 Deficiency 8. 6. 2 Total £66. -. -
Stipend due Mr Ewing at Whity with £35. -. - Allowance for common & expences £5 Stipend Mr McNeil 17.10. - Bell ringer 1 year to Whity 6. -. - Precentor do 5. -. - Doorkeepers & Beadle 2.10. - Total £66. -. -
The Amount due to Dundee Union Bank 31 Decr 42` £76. 1. 2 Since drawn from Do 43.18.10 Present debt £120. -. -
Dundee 19th April 1843 (Signed) Wm. Fairweather Convr
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Wednesday the tenth day of May eighteen hundred and forty three years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The Convener laid before the Meeting a requisition addressed to him (of which the following is a Copy) “To John Cuthbert Esqr. Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades Dundee Dundee May 9th 1843 Sir We the undersigned request you would be so good as to call a general meeting of the Nine Trades to- morrow (Wednesday) to consider the propriety of letting St. Andrews Church, to any body or bodies in or our of the establishment, and so far as they are interested, to empower the committee of management to do so. We are &c (Signed) James Thomson, Peter Thomson, John Campbell, John Millar, William Low, Wm Fairweather, David Jobson, David Scott, Geo. Rough, James Hodge, Dad. Borrie, Henry Jack”
Thereafter Henry Jack moved “That the Nine Incorporated Trades in so far as they are concerned as part proprietors of St. Andrews Church, do resolve to authorise the Managers of said Church (if they shall consider it advisable) to let the said Church from year to year, to any individual or body of individuals, as a place of worship either in connection with the Establishment or not, and a such a rent as shall pay the Stipend of the Revd. Mr McNeill, and annual Insurance, ordinary repairs and interest of any debt that may have been incurred upon the property, but to give no warrandice of such Lease, except from fact and deed only, which was seconded by Mr Borrie, and ordered to lie over till next General meeting. Mr James Small Junior moved that the next General meeting be held this day three weeks, which was seconded by Mr Jobson. Mr Leighton moved that this meeting shall be held this day six weeks which was seconded by Deacon Burns – and the motion and amendment being put to the Vote the motion was carried by a majority.
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Friday the twelfth day of May eighteen hundred and forty three years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The convener stated that there being now a vacancy among the managers of St Andrews Church in consequence of the death of Mr Luke, it would be necessary to elect one in his place. Mr Jobson then proposed Mr James Small Junr. for that office which was seconded by Mr Henry Jack. Mr John Young proposed Mr William
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Harris who was seconded by Mr Kinnison, and the same being put to the Vote Mr William Harris was declared duly elected.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Wednesday the thirty first day of May eighteen hundred and forty three years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The Motion of Mr Henry Jack for the letting of St. Andrews Church, which was tabled at meeting of the 10 th Inst. having been taken up, Mr Jack stated that in consequence of circumstances which had since occurred he with the consent of Mr Borrie the seconder now begged to withdraw his motion and almost immediately after left the meeting. Mr Wm Harris moved that the motion do stand but that it be amended by the words “either” and “or not” being first deleted – and the words “at such a rent as may be agreed on” being inserted in place of the rent therein mentioned, which was seconded by Mr John Young, and the same having been put to the vote was carried, Mr Borrie dissenting. The amended motion will now read thus “that the Nine Incorporated Trades in so far as they are concerned as part proprietors of St Andrews Church, do resolve to authorise the managers of said Church (if they shall consider it advisable) to let the said Church from year to year to any individual or body of individuals, as a place of worship in connection with the Establishment, and at such a rent as may be agreed on but to give no warrandice of such Lease except from fact and Deed only.” Convener Pullar moved that the Nine Trades recommend to the managers of St. Andrews Church to look out with all convenient speed for a successor to Mr Ewing, which was seconded by Mr James Lawson and unanimously agreed to. Convener Young moved that the managers be instructed to look out for a proper person as Treasurer in connection with the Establishment in lieu of Mr Fairweather, which was seconded by Mr John Justice and unanimously agreed to.
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Wednesday the seventh day of June Eighteen hundred and forty three years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The Convener stated that he had called this Meeting in consequence of a requisition addressed to him of which the following is a Copy:
“To John Cuthbert Esrq Convener of Nine Trades Dundee 6th June 1843 We the undersigned members of the Nine Trades request you to call a Meeting to morrow evening at seven o’clock to take into consideration the steps the Trades should adopt to cause be brought back the Library of St. Andrews Church which we learn has been carried away. (Signed) James Pullar, John Couper, David Leighton, Alexr. Dean Jr. John Arklay, Alexr. Allan, Wm. Davidson, Peter Strachan, Isaac Low, Jas. Lawson, James Reid, George Moir, James Spankie, James Low, John Justice, John Young, Robt. Taws, James Harris.
Several members of the Meeting having spoken to the right of the Nine Trades to interfere with the library or the disposal thereof and the printed Regulations of the “Cowgate District Library” having been produced and read by Mr Jack, It was moved by Mr Pullar “That the removal of the Library without consulting the subscribers and members was an irregular act” – Which Motion was seconded by Mr Arklay. Mr Paterson moved as an amendment “That as the Library was confessedly the property of the subscribers, the Nine Trades had got nothing to do in the matter” – which amendment was seconded by Mr Thomas Cuthbert. And the amendment being put the motion was carried by a large majority. Mr Pullar moved “That a Committee consisting of Messers John Young, Dad. Leighton, himself and Peter Dron and the Convener be appointed to investigate the removal of the Library and circumstances connected therewith and thereafter to report” – Which motion was seconded by Mr John Justice & unanimously carried.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Monday the twelfth day of June eighteen hundred and forty three at One o’clock Afternoon Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
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There was laid before the Meeting an Extract from The minutes of a Meeting of the members of St Andrews Church of 7th June last with a statement of the affairs of the Church as at 9th June, which was ordered to lie over till next General Meeting to be called for the purpose of considering it. It was moved by Deacon Leighton that the Nine Trades recommend to the members of the Committee of Management of St. Andrews Church who represent the Trades there and who are leaving the Establishment that they should resign their office, which was seconded by Convener Pullar and it was unanimously agreed to bring forward this recommendation at a meeting to be called for Thursday first at Seven O’clock Evening.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Thursday the 15th day of June 1843 years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The statement of affairs of St. Andrews Church having been again brought before the Meeting Mr John Low Junr stated: 1st The Incorporation neither desired nor would have consented to let or sell St. Andrews Church, had they contemplated any such procedure, it must in the first place have been discussed in common Hall, therefore such a question was quite foreign to the duties of the committee. 2d. The opinion of Counsel obtained (for which the item of £9:5/- is sought) appears to have been incurred to gratify the curiosity of a party who were preparing to secede from the Church as Established by law and have actually since done so, it is therefore clearly evident that the account in question was incurred to gratify party spirit having no relation whatever to the interest and duties (if) the Committee were appointed to watch and perform and he therefore and for these reasons moved “that the application for opinion of Counsel for which a charge was made in the statement before the meeting was uncalled for and beyond the powers of the Committee on management and that the Trades do refuse to pay any proportion of the expence attending the same and instruct their Committee of management and Treasurer to refuse payment accordingly”, which was seconded by Convener Dron and unanimously agreed to. Deacon Leighton again moved “That the Nine Trades do recommend to those of the Committee of Management who have left the Church to vacate their situation in consequence of their altered positions in regard to that Church” which was seconded by Convener Pullar, and unanimously agreed to, and the Clerk instructed to send a Copy of this recommendation to each of the Members of committee representing the Trades.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Monday the third day of July eioghteen hundred and forth three years at three o’clock afternoon Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
Letters of Resignation as members of St. Andrews Church Committee of Management were received from Messers Brown, Jas. Hodge and John Gardyne. Whereupon Deacon Burns proposed Convener Pullar in place of Mr Gardyne, John Justice proposed Deacon Leighton in place of Mr Hodge. Mr Kinnison proposed Mr Alexr. Burns on room of Mr Wm. Brown, and there being no counter nomination these Gentlemen were unanimously elected. The Committee now consisted of Messers Leighton, Burns, Aitken, Harris, Dick, Soutar, Jamie, Jobson and Pullar. Convener Pullar then moved that the recommendation to those members of St Andrews Church Committee who have left the Church having been unattended to by some of these parties viz. Messers Aitken, Jamie and Jobson that the Trades do record their want of confidence in these members and their astonishment at this recommendation not having been responded to by them in any way which was seconded by Mr Wm. Harris and unanimously agreed.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Monday the Twenty fourth day of July 1843 years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
There was laid before the Meeting a state of affairs of St Andrews Church along with minutes of meeting of the Kirk Session and of the Committee of management for the purpose of considering what steps should be taken by the Nine Trades thereanent when the meeting appointed a Committee consisting of Messers James Cathcart, James Murray and Thomas Dick, along with the Convener to confer with the other bodies as to the liability of the proprietors for the present debt as appearing from the said state and thereafter to devise the best mode of paying off the amount due and to report at an early day and the Clerk was instructed to give all the assistance in his power to the Committee to enable them to elucidate matters. Mr Murray begged to call the attention of the Meeting to the circumstances of the non attendance of members in consequence of their not being advertised properly of the meetings, and that a remedy ought of possible to be devised for this, and the Clerk was instructed to intimate this to the respective Deacons ion order that they might take steps to remedy it in future.
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At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Monday the Twenty first day of August eighteen hundred and forty three years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The following Copy of a joint minute of the Committee of the Proprietors of St. Andrews Church having been read to the Meeting. “At a Joint meeting of the Committees of the Proprietors of St Andrews Church held on the 15th August 1843 within the Police Treasurers Office.
Present Of the Kirk Session William Thoms William Reid William Harris Of the Trades Thomas dick James Cathcart John Cuthbert Of the Three Trades William Ramsay David Shepherd Andrew Scott Mr William Thomas was appointed Chairman. The Meeting proceeded to examine the minutes of the Committee of management and also the Books of the Treasurer, with the view of ascertaining how the present debt on the Church had arisen. It appeared by a minute of the Committee date 12 December 1839 that the Treasurer then submitted a state of his Accounts shewing that there was a sum of £10.12.1 at the disposal of the meeting for division among the proprietary bodies, and that the meeting declared that there would be no dividend that year – at 4th January 1841 there appears to have been due to the Dundee Union Bank £30:19:3 which balance by the end of that year had increased to £65:8:3 at the end of the year 1842. The balance due to the Union Bank was £76:1:2 and when the Accounts were finally balanced in June last, the debt due to that Bank appears to have amounted to £120. The way in which this debt was incurred appears to have been by repairs and alterations in the church since 1839 consisting of:
1st Wright work £67:16:11 2nd Mason, Slater & Painterwork £25: 1 - 3rd Bell ropes, Window Blinds &c. £ 4: 5: 5 4th Re-covering Pulpit £20: -: - 5th Gas fittings £ 6:14: - 6th New stair in front of Church and Pavement £35:16: 6 Total £159:13:10
In addition to the sum due to the Dundee Union Bank it appears from a statement given in by the late Treasurer that the following sums are also due, Viz: Balance due to the Treasurer at 9th June 1846 £ “: 13: 3 Stipend to Mr Ewing, one quarter Whitsunday £30: -: - Mr Ewing allowance for Communion £ 5: -: - Stipend to Mr McNeil, Whitsunday £17:10: - Account to Messers J & I Ogilvie & expense Of opinion of Counsel regarding right of proprietors £ 9: 5: - Account to James Knight for Wrightwork £ -: 16: 3 Account to Gas Light company £ 2: 6: 2 Sum due to Union Bank as above £120: -: - In all amounting to £185:10: 8
The difference between his sum and the sum expended on repairs £159:13:10 is £25:16:10 which is accounted for by the falling off in the seat Rents and also the want of the last Whitsunday Seat Rents due to meet the Stipends due at this term.
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It appears that several of the repairs and alterations on the Church were authorised by the Committee while several others appear to have been made without any express authority. But the accounts containing the whole of the expenses of these repairs and alterations appear to have been submitted to and approved of by the Committee of management. At the same time it does not appear from the Committee of management minute Book that the accounts of St. Andrews Church were laid before the proprietary bodies or their sanction asked to incurring the debt. As to the liability of the proprietary bodies, the meeting after carefully considering all the circumstances were of opinion that these bodies are liable of the debt reported to be due, with the exception of the sum of £9:5/- incurred to Messers Ogilvie, Writers for obtaining the opinion of Counsel as to the power of the managers to let the Church to a Congregation not connected with the established Church, Mr Scott and Mr Shepherd dissenting in so far as this resolution does not go the length of admitting liability for the whole debt. It was further agreed to recommend to the proprietary bodies each to contribute to their Share of the debt as soon as possible. The same was approved of and the matter was reported to the General fund Court to settle the proportions payable by the Nine Trades as the same may be found due in such manner as they may deem best. It having been stated to the Meeting that the Kirk Session had agreed to give £25 to provide Sermon for St. Andrews Church. Deacon Harris tabled a motion to be considered at next meeting. Viz: to take into consideration the propriety of agreeing with the Kirk Session in voting a sum in proportion to that voted by them for providing sermon in St. Andrews Church and being seconded by Mr James McDonald was ordered to lie over till next meeting to be called for that purpose on Wednesday Evening at Seven o’clock.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within Mrs Hoods Hall upon Wednesday the Twenty third day of August eighteen hundred and forty three years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
The Motion of Deacon Harris tabled at last meeting was the taken up viz: That this Meting agree to guarantee a sum in proportion to the sum voted by the Kirk Session and in the same terms as voted by them, said sum not to exceed £20 for the purpose of providing an Assistant for St Andrews Church for a period not exceeding a twelvemonth, which was seconded by Mr McDonald and carried unanimously. Mr Borrie alone dissenting. And the Managers were instructed to concur with the Session in carrying the placing of an Assistant onto effect.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within St. Clement’s Lane Hall upon Monday the Second day of October Eighteen hundred and forty three years at three o’clock afternoon Convener Cuthbert in the Chair
There was laid before the meeting an excerpt from minutes of the Committee of Management of St. Andrews Church of which the following is a Copy: “Dundee 29 September 1843. At a meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church held in the vestry this evening at eight o’clock Present Messers William Thoms David Leighton William Aitken Alexander Burns John A. Small William Harris John Jack William Beharrie William Balbirnie Mr William Thoms was appointed Preses with power to sign the minutes for this night. It was stated to the meeting that the Revd Mr Stewart, present assistant at Panbride had preached in this Church on Sabbath last, forenoon and afternoon and had given the highest satisfaction to the congregation. A strong desire had been expressed all who heard Mr Stewart to secure his services as Minister of St. Andrews Church, but that it was understood that an application had been made by the Parishioners of Panbride to get him appointed assistant and successor to Dr Traill and although the application had not hitherto been successful, the matter was not yet so definitely settled as to enable Mr Stewart to say positively that he would accept of the appointment to St Andrews Church if elected, as however he expected that Dr Trail’s final answer would be given next week. It was thought desirable that measures should be adopted for obtaining the sentiments of the
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Committee of Management without delay so that no time might be lost in securing a Minister who was likely to be acceptable to the People of the Parish and Congregation. The Meeting taking into consideration that the seats have not been let for the present quarter and that consequently there are no seat holders to be consulted as to the appointment of a Minister. It was resolved that in the present instance the managers, after taking all proper means to ascertain the sense of those who are attending the Church shall make the election, and that so soon as it is ascertained that Mr Stewart will accept of the Charge – A Special Meeting of the Committee of Management shall be called for the purpose of Electing. The meeting resolved to recommend to the Constituent Bodies to guarantee a Stipend to the person to be appointed of £80 for the first year provided the ordinary income of the Chapel shall not prove sufficient. The Interim Secretary was requested to send an excerpt of this minute to the proprietary Bodies and request from them an early answer. The Interim Treasurer was instructed to apply to the proprietary Bodies for their respective proportions of the debt. Extracted by (Signed) W. Morris Int. Secy”
Mr T. Cuthbert moved that the consideration of this Minute be adjourned to a meeting to be called for the purpose, which being seconded by Mr Pullar was unanimously agreed to.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Wednesday the 15th day of November 1843 years at Eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Sutherland in the Chair
…thereafter the Meeting proceeded to the Election of Managers of St Andrews Church in the room of the three who now retire, namely Messers Leighton, Burns & Aitken. When Messers Spankie, Leighton & Burns were unanimously elected to that office. Convener Jobson having intimated his intention to retire from the Managership, Mr John Justice was unanimously elected to that office. The Managers now therefore stand thus: Messers Dick, Soutar, Jamie, Harris, Pullar, Spankie, Leighton, Burns and Justice. Mr James Lawson’s motion of last meeting was withdrawn.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Monday the first day of January 1844 years at three o’clock Afternoon Convener Sutherland in the Chair
A motion was made by Mr F. Dick regarding the ringing of the St Andrews Church Bell at 6 o’clock in the morning which the present party has been doing for the last six months without any remuneration, when it was agreed to refer the matter to Mr P. Thomson the Boxmaster. Thereafter the Minutes of a meeting of the Kirk session together with the letter of Mr Morris the treasurer of St Andrews Church accompanying the same were read to the meeting of which a Copy follows:
Dundee 13th December 1843 The Kirk session & Constituted Sederunt, the Revd Dr McLauchlan Moderator &c &c.
The Session understanding that the Managers of St Andrews Church have in compliance with the wishes of the congregation applied to the Presbytery to get Mr Stewart present assistant and successor to Mr McNeil approve of and concur in this proceeding as one of the proprietary bodies. Father authorize their representatives in the Management to grant Bond for Mr Stewart’s Stipend to the extent of forty pounds. Extracted &c (Signed) Alexr. Keay, Session Clerk”
Dundee 30th December 1843 Dear Sir Annexed is Copy of a Minute of the Kirk Session of Dundee of date the 15th Curt agreeing to the appointment of the Revd. Mr Stewart as Assistant and Successor to the Revd. Mr McNeil and authorizing their representatives in the management to subscribe a Bond for their proportion of Eighty Pounds of Stipend to Mr Stewart being the amount required bye the Presbytery before they proceed to the Ordination. Be good enough to lay this before the Nine Trades at their first meeting and ask them to give their representatives in the management the same powers as the Kirk Session had given theirs. The Treasurers accounts were examined and docqueted up to the 9 th June last and with the result of which you are already aware. I am &c
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Signed W. Morris Tomas L Hammond Clerk to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee”
The meeting deferred consideration thereof till next meeting to be called for the purpose on Monday evening at 7 o’clock
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Monday the 3d day of January 1844 years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Sutherland in the Chair
The question as to the ringing of St. Andrews Church Bell at 6 o’clock in the morning on week days was again brought before the meeting, when it was moved by Convener Pullar that the Nine Trades should give their consent to the Managers of St Andrews Church to allow of the Bell there to be rung at 6 o’clock in the morning on Week days under proper management and by a person properly qualified therefor, but the Nine Trades from and after this date will not authorize payment thereof form their funds, which was seconded by Mr Harris and unanimously agreed to, Deacon Couper alone dissenting. Thereafter the Minute of the Kirk Session authorizing the managers of St Andrews Church representing them to grant Bond for the Revd Mr Stewart’s Stipend to the extent of £40 being their share of the sum (£80) required by the presbytery before ordaining Mr Stewart as Assistant and Successor to the Revd Mr McNeill was again read to the meeting – when Mr James Lawson moved that this meeting do authorize their Managers to grant the Bond to the Presbytery for the sum required as the Nine Trades proportion & to complete the business in every respect, which was seconded by Mr Kinnison, Mr Borrie moved as an amendment that the matter be delayed for a fortnight, which was seconded by Mr Soutar and the motion and amendment being put to the vote the motion was carried by a large majority.
At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Wednesday the 13 day of March 1844 years at seven o’clock Evening Old Convener Cuthbert was called to the Chair
There was laid before the meeting Copy of a Minute of Meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church of 7 March Inst. enclosing Copy of a Petition from several sitters of St. Andrews Church recommending the Revd, Archibald Black, residing in St. Andrews as assistant to Mr McNeil in place of Reverend Mr Stewart, a Copy of which follows:
“Excerpt from Minutes of St. Andrews Church Managers held on the 7 March 1844 The Secretary laid before the Meeting a letter addressed to him enclosing a Petition to the Managers of Saint Andrews Church requesting that Mr Black be appointed as successor to Mr Stewart. There was also laid before the Meeting Testimonials in Favour of Mr Black by Principal Haldane and other Ministers of the Church, which were read and deemed highly satisfactory. The Meeting were grateful to find that Mr Black had given so general satisfaction on the occasion when he preached. But as the Tay happened to be extremely Stormy which prevented many of the congregation from having an opportunity of hearing him. The Meeting resolve to request Mr Black to preach again in St. Andrews Church and remitted to the Chairman to communicate with Mr Black on the Subject.
Copy of Petition To the Managers of St. Andrews Church Dundee
We the undersigned Members and sitters on St Andrews Church would respectfully beg leave to recommend the Reverend Archibald Black residing in St. Andrews to be appointed to succeed the Reverend john Stewart, as assistant Minster of St. Andrews Church. We remain &c. (Signed) by Sixty Two Sitters.
And the Managers had instructed their Treasurer to apply to the Presbytery bodies to take their opinion on the subject.”
The Meeting resolved to remit the matter to a general meeting of the Nine Trades to be called upon Monday first at 7 o’clock Evening for that purpose.
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At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Monday the 18th day of March 1844 years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Sutherland in the Chair
There was laid before the Meeting a Minute of the Managers of St. Andrews Church in favour of the Revd. Archibald Black as successor to Mr Stewart, which being considered It was moved by Mr James Lawson that the Managers of St. Andrews Church be impowered by the Nine Trades to proceed to the Electing of the Revd. Archibald Black as Assistant to the Revd. Mr McNeill in room of the Revd. John Stewart, which was seconded by Mr John Arklay and unanimously agreed to.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Friday the 12th day of April 1844 years at seven o’clock Evening Convener Sutherland in the Chair
Excerpts from the Minute of the Managers of St Andrews Church of 8 April instant and also of the Kirk session of 10 Instant were read to the meeting and ordered to be ingrossed in the end of this minute, and a Petition from the Seat Holders of St. Andrews Church praying that the Managers would appoint the Revd. Archibald Black as Assistant and Successor to the Reverend Mr Mc Neill was also read to the meeting whereupon it was moved by Mr John Arklay that the Revd. Archibald Black be appointed by this Meeting so far as they are concerned with the concurrence of the other proprietary bodies as assistant and Successor to the Reverend McNeill and that they instruct their Managers of St. Andrews Church to take the necessary steps accordingly and to sign the Bond to the Presbytery required for that purpose, said Bond not to exceed £80 which being seconded by Mr Kinnison was unanimously agreed to.
“Excerpt Minute of Meeting of Managers of St. Andrews Church held in the Vestry 8 April 1844 …Mr Wm. Thoms Preses in the Chair
The Minute of last Meeting was read and confirmed, also a Meeting of the congregational meeting held the same evening at which it was resolved to Petition the Managers to get the Revd. A. P. Black appointed assistant and successor to the Revd. Mr McNeill. The Chairman reported that he had advised Mr Black of the result of that Meeting and he produced a letter from him dated 5th instant in answer; which was read to the Meeting. It was reported to the Meeting that the Petition in favour of Mr Black had received 76 signatures up to this time and that it was to lie for further signatures till Friday next. And the Meeting having Mutually deliberated on the subject, and all present having been invited to express their opinion it was resolved unanimously to recommend to the Proprietary Bodies that the Prayer of the Petition should be complied with by the appointment of Mr Black as assistant and successor to Mr McNeill. It was agreed to report this resolution to the Proprietary Bodies as early as possible that no time may be lost in getting the Vacancy supplied.”
“Excerpt of Meeting of Kirk Session of Dundee 11 April 1844 years Inter Alia, Excerpt Minute of the Committee of Management of St. Andrews Chapel of date 8 April, as also of a Minute of a congregational meeting held in said Chapel, on 2d April curnt together with a Petition subscribed by a number of members of St. Andrews congregation praying that Mr Arcd. Black be appointed assistant and successor to Mr McNeill were also produced and read. And the Session having considered the same resolved to concur with the Trades in the appointment of Mr Black accordingly. And they remitted it their representatives in the Committee of Management to do whatever may be necessary in carrying this resolution into effect, and that the obligation do not exceed Eighty Pounds. Excerpt of this part of the Minute to be sent to the Nine Trades & Three united Trades. Extracted &c (Signed) Alexr. Keay, Session Clerk”
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Monday the 7th day of October Eighteen hundred and forty four years at three o’clock afternoon Convener Sutherland in the Chair
…There was read to the Meeting an excerpt from Minute of a meeting of the Kirk session of Dundee of date 4th July last of which the following is a Copy: “Dundee 4th July 1844. The Kirk Session met &c &c
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The Session as part proprietors of St. Andrews Church authorized Mr Reid to take the necessary measures for recovering the title deeds of said Church for behoof of the Proprietors. Extracted &c. (Signed) Alex. Keay Clk.”
And it was explained that this was laid before the Meeting in order to get a like authority from the Nine Trades as one of the Proprietary bodied, After some consideration on the subject the Clerk was instructed to make enquiry as to the steps proposed to be taken for recovering the said Title deeds, and to report to next General Meeting, or to a Meeting to be specially called for that purpose.
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Wednesday the 13th Novr eighteen hundred and forty four years… at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Sutherland in the Chair
… Thereafter the Meeting proceeded to the election of three Managers of St. Andrews Church in room of Messers Dick, Soutar and Jamie who retire, when Messers Jas. McDonald, Jas. Kinnison & John Arklay were unanimously elected to that office. The Managers are now Messers W. Harris, Pullar, Spankie, Leighton, Burns, Justice, Mc Donald, Kinnison and Arklay. The Clerk read to the Meeting a letter from Mr Reid in answer to the enquiries ordered to be made by him as to the steps to be taken for the recovery of the title deeds of St. Andrews Church of which the following is a Copy:
“Thomas L. Hammond Esqr, Writer Dundee 13 Novr. 1844 Dear Sir In answer to your letter of (date not stated) I beg to say that Mr William Fairweather who was formerly Treasurer and one of the Managers of St. Andrews Church, took possession of the Title deeds of that Church which were lodge in a place of safety in the Steeple, of which he had possession of the Key, and altho’ he has been repeatedly required to deliver up these Titles to the Proprietors or the present Managers on their behalf, yet he persists in retaining them. He alleges that he has still a claim for some Expences against the proprietors, but the whole of his accounts have been settled with the exception of an account of about £9 which has not been paid by him, but which is alleged to have been incurred by some of the former Managers not for the benefit of the proprietors, but with the view of serving certain purposes of the Managers themselves, and to deprive the proprietors, if they could, of the use of the Church. I remain Dear Sir Yours truly (Signed) W. Reid” when Mr Spankie gave notice of motion that the minute of meeting of the Nine Trades of 21 August 1843 so far as it approved of the minute of the Managers of St. Andrews Church of the 15 August preceding whereby they repudiated the claim of £9:5/- as the amount of an account claimed by Messers Ogilvie, Writers for business done by them for the Managers for the time be rescinded, and that the Nine Trades instruct their Boxmaster to pay their proportion of the same.
At a Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Thursday the Twenty first November Eighteen hundred and forty four years at 7 o’clock evening Convener Sutherland in the Chair
There was laid before the Meeting Excerpt from the minutes if meetings of the Managers of St. Andrews Church and of the Congregation thereof of date the 11th & 16th November Inst. of which the Copy follows:
“Excerpt Minute of as Meeting of St. Andrews Church Managers held in Vestry on the 11th November 1844.
The Chairman produced and read to the Meeting Copy of a letter which he had addressed to Mr Rankine in terms of the last (Meeting) minute, which the Meeting approved of. The Chairman also produced a letter which he had received Mr Rankine in answer, dated Maxwelltown 5 Novr. 1844 of which the following is a Copy:
‘I am favored with yours of the first Inst. communicating the Resolution of the Managers of St. Andrews Church for whose good opinion I beg to express my thanks, but I feel it is impossible for me to go to Dundee to
58 59 preach in St. Andrews Church as especially as it is only a short time since I preached in Dundee as a Candidate for another Church. To do so at the present time would I think endanger my status as a Minister even in Dundee, and would certainly have a very injurious effect upon my position here; Will you therefore be so good as inform the Managers, that I most respectfully decline the invitation. Besides I do not think the prospects held forth are such as to induce me to accept the Church even supposing I had the offer. I do not think that any Minister can live respectably upon the Stipend offered. I am much better off here in that respect and Altho there are inducements which might incline me to accept less than I have, still it is necessary that the amount offered should be sufficient for the sustenance of myself and my family. (Signed) J. Rankine”
It was resolved to report the proceedings of the Managers to a meeting of the congregation to be held this evening. At this stage of the Meeting the Managers proceeded to the Church, where a meeting of the Congregation was held, Mr Thoms in the Chair. The steps taken by the managers in reference to the appointment of a Minister were reported to the meeting by the Chairman. Mr William Young moved that the thanks of the congregation be given to the Managers for the great trouble they had taken in bringing forward suitable candidates for the vacant charge and farther that the managers be requested to take steps for getting Mr Rankine settled as assistant and Successor in this church with all convenient speed. Which Motion was seconded by Mr G. Ferrier, and after several individuals had expressed their opinion in favor of Mr Rankine it was unanimously agreed to.
“Excerpt Minute of a Meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church Held in the Vestry on the eighteenth Novemr. Eighteen hundred and forty four years. Mr Thoms the preses in the Chair
The Chairman reported that he had written Mr Rankine on the 12 th Inst. with an extract Minute of the congregational Meeting held on the 11th Current and he produced a letter he had this morning received from Mr Rankine of which the following is a Copy:
Maxwelltown 16 Nomemr 1844 Dear Sir I was duly favored with yours of 12 Currt. enclosing Extract from Minutes of Meeting of the Managers to appoint me Assistant and successor to the present incumbent of that Church. I have delayed writing you until now because I wished to have an opportunity of considering the offer deliberately before I returned an answer. I have now done so and have resolved, seeing that the congregation have chosen me unanimously to accede to their wishes. I doing so I am making a pecuniary sacrifice even though the congregation should be successful in obtaining a further guarantee fund, but the important sphere of usefulness which the offer holds forth induces me not to allow this to stand in the way of my acceptance. (Signed) R. Rankine
The Meeting directed an extract of the last & present minutes in relation to the appointment of the Revd. Mr Ranken to be laid before the proprietary bodies and they appointed the following as a sub-committee to take all steps necessary for getting Mr Rankine settled with all convenient speed. Viz: Messers Wm. Thoms, James Spankie, John Coupar, James Kinnison and William Balbirnie. Mr Thoms Convener and any three a quorum/ Extracted by W. Morris, clerk”
After reading of which Mr Mathewson moved that this meeting do agree to appoint the Revd. James Rankine to be assistant & successor to the Revd. Mr McNeill, and that they instruct their Managers to take the necessary steps for this purpose and to sign the presentation & Bond to the Presbytery for their share of the stipend too be guaranteed to him. Said Bond not to exceed the sum of £80, which was seconded by Mr Pullar and unanimously agreed to.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane on Monday the sixth day of January Eighteen hundred and forty five years at Three o’clock afternoon Convener Sutherland in the Chair
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…Mr Spankie’s Motion of 13th November last relative to the payment of the Nine Trades Proportion of the sum of Nine pounds five shillings claimed by Messers Ogilvie was then brought forward, when the Meeting unanimously ordered the same to be paid by the Boxmaster. Care being taken that the Nine Trades be freed from any further claim in the subject, and that they shall not be held liable for any expense which may be incurred by the other Proprietary bodies if they shall see fit to endeavour to get up the Title deeds, which are hypothecated for the above sum by an action at law.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Monday the 15th December 1845 years at ½ past 7 o’clock evening Convener Mitchell in the Chair
There was laid before the Meeting an Excerpt from the minutes of meeting of management of St. Andrews Church of date 1st Decr Inst. of which copy follows:
“Excerpt from Minutes of a meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church held within the Vestry upon 1 st December 1845 Present Henry Smith John Davidson John Young John Jack James Spankie William Young James McDonald Thomas Smith David Leighton William Balbirnie William Beharrie John Coupar William Thoms.
Mr William Thoms the Preses in the Chair The Minutes of last Meeting were read and confirmed. After discussion it was unanimously agreed to proceed to the Congregational meeting in the Church and hear the opinion of the Congregation relative to candidates who had already preached. At a meeting of the Male Communicants and Seat holders held the same evening. Mr William Thoms was appointed Chairman of the Meeting The Chairman stated the object of the Meeting and the steps which had been taken by the Managers. Mr McConnachie then moved that this Meeting do recommend to the Managers and Proprietary Bodies to appoint the Revd. Richard Logan as Assistant and Successor to the Revd. Mr McNeil. This Motion was seconded by Mr Alexr. Burns. Mr James Mills moved as an amendment that the Meeting delay coming to a decision at this time and recommended to the Managers to endeavour to bring forward the additional Candidates. This amendment was seconded by Mr Robert Cocks. He amendment having been first put to the meeting only the mover and seconder voted for it. And the Motion having thereafter been put to the meeting, the same was carried by a very large majority; and the meeting resolved in terms of the motion. A vote of thanks was voted to the Chairman for his conduct in the Chair The Meeting having returned to the Vestry after the Congregational meeting and having considered the proceeding of the said Meeting unanimously resolved to proceed for theirwith In getting Mr Logan appointed by the Proprietary Bodies as Assistant and Successor to the Revd. Mr McNeil. But as some delay must necessary take place before the proceedings can be carried through, the Managers resolved in the meantime to appoint Mr Logan Assistant Minister in the hope that he will immediately enter upon the duties of his Office, the appointment of Mr Logan as Assistant and Successor to Mr McNeil to be made with all convenient Speed and on the same terms and conditions as those in which Mr Rankin was appointed. The Treasurer was instructed in the event of Mr Logan accepting of this appointment to advertise the Seats to be Let in the beginning of next week. Extracted from the Minutes By Wm. Morris Secy.” Mr John Coupar thereupon rose and moved that the Nine Trades as a Proprietary body do approve of the steps taken by the Managers for the Election of the Revd. Mr Logan as Assistant and Successor to the Revd. Alexr. McNeil in St Andrews Church and instruct them to proceed with his appointment accordingly in the same terms as Mr Rankin was upon, which was seconded by Mr Thomas Dick and unanimously agreed to.
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At a Quarterly Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Monday the fourth of January 1847 years at 3 o’clock afternoon Convener Mitchell in the Chair
… A Report was read by Mr Spankie from the Managers for St Andrews Church of which the following is a Copy:
“Dundee 4 January 1847 Abstract of Willm. Morris’s intromissions with the funds of St. Andrews Church for 27 Sepr. 1845 to 19 Novr. 1846
To balance on hand at 27 Septr. 1845 £9.15. 4 To collections 62. 6. 51/2 To Seat Rents up to Marts. 1846 £126. 7. 5 Do from Marts. 1846 to Whity. 1847 26. 2. 8 152.10. 1 To Burying Ground 6.14. - To Cash advanced by Treasurer 13. - 111/2 Total £244. 9.10
By Salaries vizt. Revd. J. Rankine £22.10/- Ricd. Logan 60. -. - Alex. McNeill 37.10. - Supply for Pulpit 7. 5. - 4 Door keepers 4. -. - Precentor 10. -. - Bell ringer 6. -. - Clerk and Treasurer 10. -. - 157. 5. - To Schools 47.18. 9 Miscellaneous Charges 30.14.11 Communion Expenses 8.11. 2 £244. 9.10
State of Debt by the Managers contracted previous to the disruption as at 9 June 1843
Balce. Due to the Treasurer s a 9 June 1843 £ -.13. 3 Stipend to Mr Ewing one quarter Whitsunday 30. -. - Mr Ewing Allowance for Communion 5. -. - Stipend to Mr McNeill Whitsunday 17.10. - Account to J. & J. Ogilvie Writers 9. 5. - Account to James Knight Wright 16. 3 Account to Light Company 2. 6. 2 Account Due to Union Bank 127.14.9 Total 193. 5. 5
Paid by Proprietary bodies to meet this £196.12.9 Dundee 4 Jany 1847 There has been expended upon the School since The disruption £117. 1. 7
Cash recd since 19th November last £70.16. 6½ Paid since that date £85. 1. 9½ Balance of hands of Treasurer £18.14. 9
Accounts Due
61 62
Recd Mr McNeill 3 at 15 to November last 37.10. - Recd Richd Logan say 20. -. - William Young Watchmaker 1.16. 6 59. 6. 6
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Wednesday the 10th of November 1847 years at eleven o’clock forenoon … Convener Spankie in the Chair
… the Meeting thereafter proceeded to the Election of three Managers of St. Andrews Church, when Messers McDonald, Kinnison & Arklay were unanimously Re-elected.
At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane upon Wednesday the 3d of January 1848 years at three o’clock Afternoon Convener Spankie in the Chair
…The Accounts of St. Andrews Church were laid before the Meeting of which the following is an abstract:
William Morris in account with St Andrews Church funds – 3d Jany 1848 Cash Book Dr £300.12. 5 Do do Dr £229. 3. 3 On Hand 71. 9. 2 To be secured from Home Mission 15. -. 2 £86. 9. 2
Due to the Revd Alexr. McNeil at Lammas last £75 Due the Revd. R. Logan on 8 Decr 20
These accounts having been approved of, the Meting proceeded…
At Dundee the first day of January eighteen hundred and forty nine. At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at Three o’clock afternoon
…The Meeting then took up said account which having been gone over was unanimously appointed to be engrossed in the Minute and is as follows:
Abstract of William Morris’ Intromissions with the funds of St Andrews Church From 13th January to 24th September 1848
To Balance on hand at 13th January 10. 7 To Collections 17. 6. 7½ To Extraordinary Collections 14.12. 3 To Seat Rents Half Year Commencing Mart 1847 19. 2 Do Whit 1847 46.10. 71/2 47. 9. 9½ To Burying Ground Leave to open 2. 7. 6 Leave to Erect Head Stones 1. 1. - Difference on Covered Coffins 1. 8. 6 4.17. - Schools Received for Pane of Glass broken 8 Home Mission Received from the Treasurer for the 15. -. - General assemblys Home & Mission Scheme for half year ended 25th February 1848 Total 99.16.11
62 63
By Salaries Revd Richd. Logan ½ year 40. -. - Clerk & Treasurer 1 year 10. -. - Precentor ½ year 5. -. - 4 Door Keepers ½ year 2. -. - Bell Ringer ½ year 3. -. - 60. -. - Schools Plumber Work 0.11. 2 Ironmongery 1. 3. 1 Fire Insurance 1. 2. 6 2.16. 9 Miscellaneous Charges Attending clocks 4.10. - New East Window 13.10. - New Door 1. 3. 6 Gas 3.10. 3 Coals 0. 7. 6 Smith work 0. 7. 6 Repairing Hall 0. 2. - Printing & posting bills 1.18. - Two man clearing away rubbish, 0.17. - Pruning trees &c Income Tax 0. 6. - Gas Burners 1/6, cleaning linens 0. 3. 6 26.15. 3 2/- Communion Expenses Bread &c 0.13. - Wine 3.15. - 4. 8. - Burying Ground Planks 0.12. 6 Balance in Treasurers hand 5. 4. 5 99.16.11
State of funds and Liabilities of St. Andrews Church as at 18th November 1848
To Balance on hand at this date 29. 1. 6 To Extraordinary Collection in aid of the 16.19.7½ Funds of St Andrews church made by order of the Kirk Session To one year Due by Home Mission Fund on 30. -. - 25th February next 76. 1. 1½ By Stipend due to the Revd Alexr. McNeil ½ years 75. -. - At Febr first, By Stipend due to Revd Richd. Logan 3qrs at 8 60. -. - 135. -. - Jany. Next Deficiency 58.18.10½
Note. The seat Rents being it is found nearly all Collected for the Half Years ending at Whitsunday next, very little farther need be expected from that source, thus leaving another quarters Stipend to both Ministers unprovided for. Revd. Alexr. McNeil £12.10/-, Revd. R. Logan £20, making in all deficiency of £91. 8.101/2
Accounts of other years following are recorded in the Minute Book, but have not been transcribed here
At Dundee the fourteenth day of November eighteen hundred and forty nine. At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at eleven o’clock forenoon William Morris Convener in the Chair
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… The Meeting then proceeded to the election of Managers for St. Andrews Church in room of three retiring, when Messers James Mills, James Spankie Mr James Pullar were unanimously re-elected & Mr James Sturrock Deacon of the Bonnetmakers was unanimously elected a Manager in room of the Late Mr James Kinnison.
At Dundee the thirteenth day of November eighteen hundred and fifty being the Wednesday immediately preceding the Third Monday of the month: At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Morris in the Chair
… The Meeting proceeded to the Election of three managers for Saint Andrews Church for the year ensuing, in room of the three retiring Managers, when Messers James Sturrock, John Arklay and James Lawson were unanimously re-elected.
At Dundee the fifth day of January eighteen hundred and fifty three. At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Gibson in the Chair
The Convener stated that at this Meeting the accounts of the Treasurer of St. Andrews Church should be produced, but owing to the death of Mr Morris the late Treasurer these would not be likely be got until a successor was Appointed. The Meeting then proceeded to the election of three Managers for St. Andrews Church in room of the three retiring Managers, being Messers John Arklay, James Lawson and James Sturrock; when the Meeting unanimously Elected Convener Gibson, John Young and William Ferrier as Managers for the Current year
At Dundee the Third day of October eighteen hundred and fifty three. At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Gibson in the Chair
…The Meeting then proceeded to the election of three Managers for St Andrews Church in room of the three retiring Members, being James Mills, James Spankie and James Pullar, when these Gentlemen were unanimously re-elected for the ensuing year.
At Dundee the Second day of January Eighteen hundred and fifty four. At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Butchart in the Chair
… The Accounts of the Treasurer of St. Andrews Church for the year Eighteen hundred and fifty two and Eighteen hundred and fifty three were read to the Meeting with an explanatory Letter from Mr Young the present Treasurer and which were appointed to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book Then follows the abstract of accounts
At Dundee the seventh day of April Eighteen hundred and fifty four. At a Special General Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane this evening at Seven o’clock Convener Butchart in the Chair
The Meeting unanimously agreed that there should be Ten pounds contributed out of the Funds towards defraying the Expense of repairing and altering the Cowgate Clock provided such a sum is found necessary, and the Convener and Messers Peter Gibson and Peter Whytock were appointed a Committee to determine as to the necessity of paying said sum, with powers to pay the same if they shall consider such necessary.
At Dundee the Second day of May Eighteen hundred and fifty four. At a special General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane this evening at seven o’clock Convener Butchart in the Chair
The Convener stated that he had called the present Meeting in consequence of a Requisition addressed to him by Twelve of the members for the purpose of considering the contemplated repair on the Clock of St. Andrews Church and which Requisition was read and laid on the Table.
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The Meeting, after discussing the respective merits and advantages of wooden and transparent dials for the church Clock unanimously agree that transparent dials are in every respect preferable to wooden ones and it was upon the faith that transparent dials were to be put up that Ten pounds was agreed to be contributed towards the expense at last Meeting. That this Opinion be intimated to the Convener of the Managers of St Andrews Church accompanied with a statement that unless transparent Dials or at least the one facing the south be put up the Ten pounds agreed to be paid would be withdrawn an the Clerk was instructed to intimate the same accordingly.
At Dundee the fifteenth day of November Eighteen hundred and fifty four. At a General Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Butchart in the Chair
…Messers James Sturrock, Convener Butchart and John G. Kay were unanimously elected as Managers of Saint Andrews Church for the ensuing year.
At Dundee the eighth day of January Eighteen hundred and fifty five. At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon… Convener Butchart in the Chair
… An Excerpt from the Minutes of the Managers of St Andrews Church regarding the payment of the Annual feu duty for the School ground and also the Insurance and repairs of the building was read to the Meeting. Mr Young, Secretary to the managers explained that these Payments had hitherto been paid from the Kirk Funds and from the State of the funds he did not anticipate that these payments would be required again. He also stated that the Kirk session had agreed to give £5 towards payment of the sums provided that the Trades would pay the like sum, and on due consideration the Meeting unanimously Agreed to pay £5 on the Kirk Session paying the like sum and authorized the Boxmaster to pay the same for the bygone year accordingly.
At Dundee the first day of October Eighteen hundred and fifty five. At a General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane this afternoon at three o’clock Convener Butchart in the Chair
…Thereafter the Meeting proceeded to elect three managers for St. Andrews Church in Room of the three retiring managers, being Messers William Ferrier, Peter Gibson and John Young, when these Gentlemen were proposed and unanimously re-elected Managers of St. Andrews Church.
At Dundee the firth day of October Eighteen hundred and fifty five At a Special Meeting of the Members of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Hall St. Clements Lane at Seven o’clock Convener Hume in the Chair
…The Meeting then took up the remit made to the General Fund Court by the last General meeting to consider the narrowness of the sittings in St. Andrews Church set aside for the accommodation of the Convener and Deacons and after due Consideration the matter was remitted to the following Gentlemen as a Committee to investigate and make enquiry as to the probable expence and expediency of making the alteration and to report to another Meeting Vizt: Deacons Chalmers, Lawson, Past Convener Butchart and Mr Paterson. Deacon Chalmers Convener and three a quorum.
At Dundee the fifteenth day of May Eighteen hundred and fifty six. At the Annual Special General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon… Deacon Petrie in absence of the Convener in the Chair
An excerpt from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Managers of St Andrews Church held on the twenty second April last was read to the meeting whereby it appeared an account had been incurred to Cooper & Balbirnie for Repairing the Roof of the Church of Ten Pounds twelve shillings and seven pence. The Meeting on Considering the same agreed to pay Four pounds towards extinction of said Account as their proportion, the balance being paid by the other Proprietors.
At Dundee the fifth day of October Eighteen hundred and fifty seven. At a quarterly stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon
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Convener Hume in the Chair
…The Meeting then proceeded to the election of three Managers of St Andrews church in room of those retiring, when Messers Peter Gibson, William Ferrier and John Young were unanimously re-elected.
At Dundee the fourth day of January Eighteen hundred and fifty eight. At a quarterly Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon… Convener Kay in the Chair
The Cash Book of the Treasurer of St Andrews Church was laid on the Table. The last docquet thereon was read and the Books and Accounts remitted to the General Fund Court to examine and Report.
At Dundee the fourth day of October Eighteen hundred and fifty eight. At a quarterly stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane this day three o’clock afternoon… Convener Kay in the Chair
The Meeting proceeded to the election of Managers of Saint Andrews Church in room of the three retiring members, when Mr John Thoms was elected a Manager of Saint Andrews Church in room of the Late Mr Sturrock and Messers John Young, Peter Gibson and William Ferrier were unanimously elected Directors for the ensuing year.
At Dundee the Third day of January Eighteen hundred and fifty nine. At a quarterly General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Kay in the Chair
The Treasurer of St. Andrews Church exhibited his Cash Book Docquted up to the Twenty first of April last, which was approved and the abstract appointed to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book. Then follows the Accounts.
At Dundee the second day of January Eighteen hundred and sixty. At a quarterly stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon… In the absence of Convener, Deacon Dick was called to the Chair
The Meeting unanimously re-elected the retiring Managers of St Andrews Church to be Managers for the Current year vizt: Peter Gibson, William Young and Mr David Lawson to be Manager on room of the Late William Ferrier. The Treasurer of St. Andrews Church stated that the financial year ended in April and the meeting resolved to lengthen the period in future for receiving the Report of the Treasurer till the first Meeting after April in subsequent years. The Treasurers Abstract of Accounts for the past year was gone over and appointed to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book. Mr Young stated that in order to keep the School under the government grant the seats required to be altered at a cost of Thirteen pounds so as to make them rise gradually in height, that he had got the Kirk session to agree to give Eight Pounds towards making the alteration and the meeting resolved to contribute Four pounds in the expectation that the three trades would contribute the remaining pound and no other business being before the Meeting it separated. Then follows the Accounts
At Dundee the second day of July Eighteen hundred and Sixty. At a Quarterly stated General Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades held within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon… Convener Chalmers in the Chair
Mr Young, Treasurer of St. Andrews Church exhibited his Cash Book Docqueted on 14 th June last as follows. “ Dundee 14th June 1860. We have examined the preceding statement of accounts and compared the Vouchers all of which we find correct, the balance due by the Treasurer being fourteen shillings and one half penny and due by the National Security’s Savings Bank Sixty eight pounds seventeen shillings and two pence sterling per Book at 10th April last.
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(Signed) David LAWSON, David Brown.” The Meeting appointed the Abstract of the Accounts to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book Then follows the Accounts
At Dundee the first day of April Eighteen hundred and Sixty one. At a quarterly stated meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Hall St Clements Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Chalmers in the Chair
...On referring to a general Meeting of the Trades held on the twenty second day of September Eighteen hundred and forty one wherein it is minuted that “Convener Jobson having now arrived stated to the Meeting that a sum of One thousand pounds, Sterling had been left to the Nine Trades to be divided among indigent old men belonging to the Trades but that it was not to come into their possession till the end of five years which communication gave great satisfaction to the meeting.” And Whereas no account of this sum seems to have been given in subsequent Minutes, the Meeting Appoint the following committee to make inquiry and report as to how the matter now stands vizt The Convener, Ex-Convener Kay and the Clerk, Convener Chalmers to be Convener and two a quorum.
At Dundee the Eighth day of May Eighteen hundred and Sixty one. At a General Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Hall St Clements Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Chalmers in the Chair
...The Convener reported that the Committee appointed at last meeting for enquiring into the bequest of £1000 referred to in Minute of the twenty second September Eighteen hundred and forty one reported that an excerpt from that Minute had been sent to Provost Jobson who had reported verbally that the same had reference to Mrs Lilias Currance's bequest. And that from the nature of the Settlement it was null and void and in consequence the Trustees did not accept and nothing farther was ever heard of the Bequest. The committee was continued and Mr Thomas Nicoll was added thereto.
At Dundee the fourth day of October Eighteen hundred and Sixty one. At a General Special Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Hall St Clements Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Chalmers in the Chair
Report by Committee appointed at a General meeting of the Trades held on the 1 st of April last to make enquiry and report as to the matter of Ogilvies Mortification and Mrs Lilias Currence or Ogilvies Settlement. Your committee with the assistance of the Clerk and after devoting considerable time and attention to the remit, and availing themselves of all the reliable information they could gather on the subject, take the liberty to report as follows: - The late George Ogilvie of Dundee formerly of Jamaica by his holograph Trust Deed of Settlement dated 4th July 1808 conveyed his whole estate and effects heritable and moveable then belonging to him or which should belong to him at the time of his death to the Kirk Session of Dundee as Trustees for the purposes therein particularly set forth. The first purpose of the Trust was to make certain liferent provisions for his wife Mrs Lilias Currence or Ogilvie and to provide the rest of his Estate to his Children to be paid to them at certain specified periods, and after answering other purposes, the whole residue was to be held as an accumulating fund for 100 years for the building and establishing of an Hospital in Dundee under regulations and Conditions, therein set forth, and which were read to the Meeting when your Committee were appointed and are here referred to. Various other settlements were made by Mr Ogilvie but as these did not come into operation it is unnecessary to refer to them more particularly. Mr Ogilvie died on 19th April 1825 and Mrs Ogilvie survived him until 10th September 1841. The Trust Deed of 1808 conveyed his whole estate heritable and moveable in General terms and it became necessary after his death that a title to heritage should be made up in favour of the Trustees through Mr Ogilvie’s heir at law who was his nephew James Robertson Esquire of Glenloin, but Mr Robertson conceiving he had good grounds for setting aside the Settlement, instituted in the Court of Session an Action of Reduction for that purpose but in which he was unsuccessful. At the same time various other litigations were instituted by the Kirk Session as patrons. Mr Robertson the heir at law who claimed right to a Legacy which had at one time been intended by Mr Ogilvie for his son George Ogilvy Junior but who died before the Legacy could become payable, and also by the Trustees of Mrs Currence or Ogilvie who had made up a title to and intromitted Mr Ogilvies personal Estate as one of the Trustees and executors under his will, but ultimately the Kirk Session substantially succeeded in establishing all their claims. –
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The following is the Judgement that was delivered by the Court on 10th February 1846 as reported in the Jurist Vol.18 p240 (First Division) “ The Lords having considered the revised Cases and whole proceedings in the conjoined actions and heard parties procurators thereon – Find that in virtue of Mr Ogilvie Senior’s Trust Deed of 1808 and codicil of 1819 the Kirk Session of Dundee have right to the Residue of his estate after fulfilment of the other purposes of the Trust. Find that the direction contained in the said Trust Deed to accumulate the fund in question for 100 years is struck at by the Act 39 & 40 Geo III C98 and does not fall under the exception contained in that Act; But find that the illegality of the direction to accumulate beyond the period permitted by the Statute does not invalidate the provision in other respects and that the Kirk Session are therefore entitled to the same. Find farther that the provision of £800 and £500 (together £1300) contained in the separate settlements made by Mr Ogilvie senior in 1813 and 1815 being conceived in the events which have happened in favour of the grantors “nearest heirs and assignees” the same were carried by the General Conveyance of his whole means and estate contained in his Trust Deed of 1808 and now form part of the Trust Estate falling under that Deed. Therefore in the action at the instance of Mr Robertson of Glenloin against Mrs Ogilvie’s Trustees which includes for payment to him as the heir at law of Mr Ogilvie Senior of the said provisions of £1300 sustain the defences assoilzie the Defenders and decern – Find no expense due to or by Mr Robertson but find that Mrs Ogilvies Trustees are entitled to retain out of the funds in their hands forming part of the residue of the Trust Estate of Mr Ogilvie Senior the aftences which have been inairred by them in defending themselves against the said action at Mr Robertson’s instance and thereof protecting the portion of the Trust Estate claimed by him in that action: Quoad Ullra find no expenses due to any of the parties in the conjoined action. Allsea the Judicial factor in Mr Ogilvie seniors Trust Estate to sist himself as a part in the Conjoined actions at the instance of Mrs Ogilvie's Trustees and of the Kirk Session of Dundee and when he shall have been so sisted appoint parties to be further heard on the remaining points of the Cause. –“ The further hearing which followed upon this Judgement of the Court resulted in an Interlocutor and remit appearing in Shaws Cases 18 July 1846 as follows: - “The Lords having resumed consideration of the revised cases and whole proceedings in the conjoined Actions, and having heard parties’ procurators Find that the Defender James Robertson of Glenloin is bound to denude in favour of the Kirk Session of Dundee (at their expense) of the heritable subjects which belonged to the late Mr Ogilvy senior and to which Titles have been made up in his person as heir at law of Mr Ogilvie and to account to the said Kirk Session for the Rents of the said heritable subjects which have been intromitted with by him since the term of Whitsunday 1841 when the interest of the liferenter Mrs Ogilvie came to a close, decern and ordain the said James Robertson accordingly to execute a disposition of the said Subjects in favour of the Kirk Session and members thereof and their successors in office and assignees whomsoever, containing all usual and necessary Clauses. But find that the said James Robertson in accounting for the foresaid Rents shall be entitled to a deduction therefrom of the expense of the Titles which have been made up by him to the said subjects as heir at law in so far as these Titles may be available to the Kirk Session, as the said expenses may be adjusted between the parties or in case of dispute may be ascertained by the Auditor of Court – Remit to the Lord Ordinary with power to see the foregoing findings and decerniture duly Carried in to effect. And with regard to the remaining points of the Cause still undisposed of, Remit to the Lord Ordinary to hear parties further thereon and to do therein as he his Lordship, shall seem just, reserving to Mr Ogilvie’s Trustees and to the said James Robertson their right to raise and insist before his Lordship in all questions that may be involved under the terms of the Act 39 & 40 Geo III Ch 98 as to the terminous from which the accumulations permitted by that Statute in the present instance begin to run.” After this judgement Mr Robertson in terms thereof, and as heir at law of Mr Ogilvie executed the conveyance of the heritable properties which belonged to him and also paid over to them the whole rents that had been drawn by him and Mrs Ogilvie as the only accepting Trustee under Mr Ogilvie’s Settlements having made up a Title to his personal estate, her Trustees Accounts for and paid over to the Kirk Session the whole proceeds of that Estate. Your Committee are informed that the Kirk Session obtained in 1858 the opinion of the Solicitor general (Maitland) and Mr Macfarlane advocate, on a Memorial presented to them as to whether they were bound to accumulate for the period mentioned in the Settlement of Mr Ogilvie and strictly to conform to the Directions and Conditions therein contained as to the Hospital, or whether the same might not be carried into effect by the exercise of a sound discretion on the part of the Kirk Session, and they understand that the Opinion of these Counsel was to the effect that a discretionary power to a certain extent might be exercised by them and that on application to the court it would be likely to sanction any reasonable scheme having mainly in view the intention of Mr Ogilvy as to Educational purposes &c and that an accumulation to the extent of £10,000 or thereby might be considered reasonable. It would appear from the Settlement that when the funds come to be applied or an establishment set agoing that the Magistrates and Town Council shall be conjoined as patrons along with the Kirk Session in the management thereof and in any application to the Court these parties will fall to be cited for their interest.
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Your Committee are of opinion from their investigations that the funds forming the Trust and consisting of various heritable properties are being economically and judiciously managed by the Kirk Session and that in a short period they will accumulate the amount of £10,000, The accounts are regularly audited by Mr Myles Accountant and at present stand at the value of £6233.10/-. The Estate consists of a quarry at the West end of the Town, an heritable property at the High Street and one in the Murray gate and certain feuduties all yielding a good revenue. More particularly in reference to Mrs Lilias Currence or Ogilvie’s Estate where the Trades appear to have the greater interest, the information obtained by your Committee has not been so full and complete as they could have wished, the only source from which such could be gathered being Mr John Anderson, who acted as Agent for the Trustees and who has written your Committee that he has placed the Trust affairs in the hands of an accountant and expected to get his report in the course of eight or ten days, but more than that period having elapsed and with a view of bringing the matter to a point your Committee have received a printed Report from Mr Anderson bringing into view the State of the Trust affairs as at 1853 or thereabout, it bearing no date but the Statement therein is so lengthy and complex as to render it out of the question to embody it in this Report, more especially as much of it in a condensed form appears in the preceding Report which was prepared previous to receiving Mr Anderson’s report. From the Bank Book there appears at present at the Credit of the Trustees £912 odds but Mr Anderson states there are several legacies yet to pay and which may reduce it to somewhere about £800, and this they are informed is intended to accumulate to the amount of £1000 the sum left for the behoof of the poor of the Trades. In conclusion your Committee congratulate the Trades in the prospect of ultimately getting this sum and recommend the perusal of Mr Anderson’s Report to the Convener and General Fund Court in order that the interest of the Trades may be duly attended to, and as the Magistrates, the Convener of the Trades, and the Deacon of the Hammerman Trade appear to be the trustees under the Trust Settlement of Mrs Ogilvie, your Committee consider these officials bound on duty to their respective constituents to take up this matter and see the Trust affairs properly attended to, by holding yearly or half yearly meetings and attending to the proper Investment of the funds which might certainly be better applied than lying in Bank at the low rate of interest generally allowed on Deposits. All which is humbly reported by/ signed Chas. D. Chalmers, John F. Kay Thomas Nicoll, Dav. Rollo, Clerk
At Dundee the thirteenth day of November Eighteen hundred and Sixty one being the Wednesday immediately preceding the third Monday of the month. At a General Special Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St Clement’s Lane this day at eleven o’clock forenoon called in terms of the Dundee Harbour Act 6th and 7th Vict: Cap 83 Convener Cooper in the Chair
…………………..The Convener explained the investigations which he had made in reference to Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification and the Meeting elected him, Mr James Gordon, Mr Warden and Mr Thomas Nicoll a Committee to investigate further into the matter and report.
At Dundee the fourth day of December Eighteen hundred and Sixty one being the Wednesday immediately preceding the third Monday of the month. At a General Special Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee called for the purpose of considering the state of Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification &c and in the Guild Hall this day at two o’clock afternoon Convener Cooper in the Chair
……………..Mr George H. Nicoll moved “That having heard the Convener in explanation of the State of Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification. This meeting approve of what has been done and consider it unnecessary to proceed farther with the investigation and remit to the Convener and Clerk to arrange as to a Settlement with the powers subject always to the approval of the General Fund Court”. The motion was seconded by Mr Thomas Brough. Mr Peter Hean moved as an amendment that the committee formerly appointed be continued and to report from time to time the State of the matter remitted to them which was seconded by Mr Thomas Cuthbert and the motion and amendment being put to the meeting the amendment was carried and the meeting resolved accordingly. Mr Hean & Mr Cuthbert were unanimously appointed members of the said Committee. Mr A. J. Warden Convener and three a quorum.
At Dundee the ninth day of December Eighteen hundred and sixty one At a Meeting of the committee on Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification held this evening within the Clerk’s office at seven o’clock Present Messers A. J. Warden Thomas Cuthbert
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Peter Hean James Gordon A. J. Warden in the Chair
… … … … … … .The Meeting instruct the Clerk to apply to Mr Anderson the Factor of the Mortification Requesting him to furnish or allow the committee a sight of the minutes of the meetings of the Trustees & a Statement of the funds of the Trust from it’s commencement & any information which may enable the Committee to make up a satisfactory report of the matter remitted to them and adjourn the Meeting till these are obtained.
At Dundee the twenty fifth day of December Eighteen hundred and sixty one At a Meeting of the committee on Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification held this evening within the Clerk’s office at one o’clock afternoon Present Messers A. J. Warden Thomas Cuthbert Peter Hean Thomas Nicoll Mr Warden in the Chair
……..The Clerk read a Copy of Letter which he had sent to Mr Anderson in terms of last Minute & reported that he had received no answer thereto. The Meeting record their surprise and disappointment at having received no answer whatever from Mr Anderson to the reasonable solicitation sent to him & instruct the Clerk to express this in a note to the Provost enclosing an request to the Trustees on the Mortification to afford the Committee the information requested to enable them to report on the matter remitted to them and which they are desirous to do at the General Meeting of the Trustees to be held on the first Monday of January next.
At Dundee the fifth day of February Eighteen hundred and sixty two At a Meeting of the committee appointed by the Nine Trades to investigate and report on Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification held this evening within the Clerk’s office at one o’clock afternoon Present Messers James Gordon Thomas Cuthbert Peter Hean Thomas Nicoll
Mr Gordon was chosen Chairman in absence of the Convener. … … … … … .The Clerk laid before the Meeting an excerpt from the Minutes of a Meeting of Ogilvies Trustees held on 28th December last and a letter from the Factor accompanying the same which was read to the Meeting and in reference thereto the clerk explained that the Excerpt did not contain a correct statement of the Facts as explained by Mr Anderson to the Meeting of the Trustees in as much as it is stated that on receipt of Mr Rollo’s first letter of ninth December Mr Anderson called and informed him that he would submit his request to the first meeting of the Trustees which he then did. The letter referred to by Mr Anderson was written before the Committee had met on the subject and was a simple request from himself without any instructions from the Committee and stating simply that the Committee were to meet that evening and it would be desirable to have before them Mr Stivens report, when Mr Anderson called and stated he was at a loss what to do in the matter as he had no instructions from his Trustees and the Clerk explained to him that the note was written of his own motive and agreed with Mr Anderson that it should be held as withdrawn and that he would write him officially what the committee desired so that he might lay it before his Trustees and take their instructions on the matter and to all the communications of the Committee no answer verbally or written was communicated to the Clerk by Mr Anderson until the excerpt minute and letter before read had been sent to him. On considering the Excerpt the Committee instructed the Clerk to write the Trustees of Mrs Ogilvie expressing their regret that they have not seen it consistent with their duties to afford the reasonable information requested by them on behalf of the Nine Incorporated Trades who have a direct interest in investigating into the funds and the management thereof since the same came under the control and management of the Trustees and expressing a hope that such facilities will yet be afforded the Committee otherwise they will be compelled to report to their constituents that such reasonable request has been refused and that they have been denied exhibition of the proper material whereon they can frame a report
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at all satisfactory, and that the offer made by the Trustees to afford exhibition to their Clerk would be placing him in an invidious position and would not afford that free and open exhibition which they conceive they are entitled to and which could be as easily afforded the committee as their Clerk when each Member would have an opportunity of framing his own judgement on the matters submitted to their consideration and the Meeting adjourned till an answer is obtained to said communication when the Clerk will convene them to consider the same.
At Dundee the seventh day of March Eighteen hundred and sixty two At a Meeting of the committee appointed by the Nine Trades to enquire into Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification held this day within the Clerk’s office at twelve o’clock afternoon Present A. J. Warden Esq James Gordon Esq Peter Hean A. J. Warden in the Chair
The Minute of Meeting held on the fifth ultimo was read and the letter wrote by the Clerk to the Trustees in terms thereof. The clerk read to the Meeting an Excerpt from a Minute of Meeting of Ogilvie’s Trustees held on the third inst. sent to him by Mr Anderson, on considering which the meeting instruct the Clerk to write to Mr Anderson expressing a desire to have information on the following points and requesting to know when it would be convenient for him to meet with the Trustees and that they would prefer to have the meeting in the evening rather than during the course of the day itself vizt: - The settlement of the deceased, The Inventories of the Estate heritable and moveable. Minute Books & Minutes & Statement of Accounts up to the present time & any other papers calculated to enable the Committee to report satisfactorily on the present state of the Trusts affairs.
At Dundee the twenty fourth day of march Eighteen hundred and sixty two At a Meeting of the committee on Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification held this evening within the Clerk’s office Present A. J. Warden Esq James Gordon Esq Peter Hean Thomas Cuthbert Thos Nicoll A .J. Warden in the Chair
A letter from Mr Anderson fixing this evening for a meeting was read and thereafter the Committee adjourned to his office. Mr Anderson exhibited the Settlement and the Trust accounts and papers and after perusing the Settlements and various states and accounts and receiving explanations and taking notes being engaged upwards of two hours the meeting adjourned after instructing the Clerk to arrange with Mr Anderson for another meeting.
At Dundee the fourth day of April Eighteen hundred and sixty two At a Meeting of the committee on Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification held this evening within the office of the Clerk ten minutes before seven o’clock previous to adjourning to Mr Anderson’s Office at Seven Present A. J. Warden James Gordon Peter Hean Thomas Cuthbert Thos Nicoll A. J. Warden in the Chair
… … … … … … ..the meeting adjourned to Mr Anderson’s Office, and after perusing Mr Stiven the Accountants Report on the Trust funds and Mr Baxter’s Scheme of division and obtaining information on various points the Meeting expressed a wish to have a more detailed statement on various matters connected with the Trust especially on the point of interest, - when Trust funds were received and when banked &c which were not brought out in detail in Mr Stiven’s Report and suggested that an interest account should be made out of Mr Stiven
71 72 and Mr Baxter to appear and explain upon what data they made out their Report and which Mr Anderson understood to get and to lay it before a future meeting to be called on an early day.
At Dundee the seventh day of May Eighteen hundred and sixty two At a Meeting of the committee on Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification held this evening within the Clerk’s office at ten minutes before six o’clock previous to adjourning to Mr Anderson’s Office at Seven Present A. J. Warden Peter Hean Thos Nicoll A. J. Warden in the Chair
The Meeting adjourned to Mr Anderson’s office and met with him and Mr Stiven Accountant. Mr Stiven produced annual accounts made up by Mr Anderson from the Commencement of the Trust up to Mr Baxter’s Scheme of Division. By that Scheme the amount effeiring to the fund for the Endowment of Indigent Old Men as at 28th December 1850 was £829.8.3 less Legacy Duty of £82.18.9 making the net sum £746.9.6. On going over the States the Committee found that the Factor had only allowed two per cent Simple Interest, on the funds in his hands enbanked, while at least compound Interest should have been allowed; and having satisfied themselves with the Documents produced the Committee remit to Mr Warden and the clerk to prepare Draft Report on the whole matter to be Submitted for the approval of the Committee at a future Meeting.
At Dundee the fourteenth day of May eighteen hundred and Sixty two. At a Stated General Meeting of the Members of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Cooper in the Chair
…………..A Report prepared by Messers Peter Hean, James Gordon, Thomas Cuthbert, A. J. Warden and Thomas Nicoll a Committee appointed to enquire into the State of Currance or Ogilvie’s Mortification was read to the Meeting and appointed to be engrossed in the Minute Book. On the motion of Mr James Stewart the report was unanimously received and a Vote of Thanks tendered to the Committee for the great attention and labour they had bestowed on bringing up the Report on the matter remitted to them. Mr T. Cuthbert moved that the matter of interest to be paid by the Factor on Mrs Ogilvies Mortification referred to in said Report be remitted to the Convener and Box Master with powers to arrange with the Factor and to report to a future Meeting which Motion was seconded by Mr Brough and unanimously agreed to.
Report by the committee appointed by the Nine Trades to enquire into the State of Mrs Lilias Currance or Ogilvie’s Trust in so far as relates to the Endowment for Indigent old men. Your Committee was appointed on 4th December last. At their first meeting held on 9th December last the Clerk was instructed to make application to the Factor for the Trust, for access to the accounts and documents connected therewith, that your Committee might be enabled to make up a Report. No reply was received from the Factor, and your Committee again met on 25th December last and instructed the Clerk to apply to Provost Parker as chairman of the Trustees for permission for the Committee to have access to the Trust accounts. A communication was received from the Factor in reply to this application dated 28th December stating that the Clerk might have access to the accounts in the Factors Office. This your Committee did not consider satisfactory and at a meeting held on 5th February the Clerk was instructed to decline the offer and to make another application on behalf of your Committee. Unfortunately at this Stage the Convener of your Committee was attacked by disease which confined him to the house for two months and delayed the active operations of your Committee. Ultimately, after very considerable correspondence and personal interviews with some of the Trustees, liberty was at last granted for your Committee to inspect the documents in the Factors office and they at once availed themselves of this permission. – Your Committee had a lengthened meeting in the Factor’s office on 24 th march and another on 4th April and they inspected the accounts and documents which the Factor laid before them. The accounts chiefly consisted of an Abstract and Scheme of Division made up by Mr W. B. Baxter to 28th November 1850 and an abstract of the accounts from that date to 1st November 1861 made up by Mr William Stiven. Both these abstracts appeared to have been made up from data furnished to them by the Factor but neither of them were audited accounts and your Committee could not get inspection of any of the details and therefore had no means of checking the accounts. They therefore suggested to the Factor at their second meeting in his office, that he should arrange a meeting with Mr Baxter and Mr Stiven at which your Committee would attend as these Gentlemen might be able to give such explanation regarding the accounts and to satisfy your committee regarding their correctness. This the Factor agreed to do within a few days and your Committee were in daily expectation of being called to the meeting. After waiting some weeks without hearing of this meeting your committee again instructed the Clerk to
72 73 write the Factor to have the meeting arranged without farther delay. After considerable correspondence with the Factor on the subject without result the Convener of your Committee instructed the Clerk to call a meeting of your Committee for Wednesday evening 7th May that your committee might adopt other proceedings should the Factor not be prepared to met them along with the Accountants as previously agreed upon – intimation of the meeting to be sent to the Factor. Prior to this Meeting the Factor wrote to the Clerk that Mr Stiven and he would be prepared to meet your Committee on that evening and to give it necessary explanations regarding the accounts and your Committee accordingly adjourned from the office of the Clerk to that of the Factor. Your Committee are glad to be able to report that they had there exhibited to them account of the Factors Intromissions with the Trust Funds made up annually from the time of the appointment of the Factor to the date of Mr Baxter’s Abstract and Scheme of division, after examining which your Committee believe that Abstract to be substantially correct. Had the Factor exhibited these accounts to your Committee at first it would have saved much trouble and have enabled them to report to their constituents at a much earlier period. The long delay has therefore been mainly caused by the Trustees and by the Factor and for this your Committee are not to blame. By the Scheme of Division it was shewn the Trust Funds were not sufficient to meet the purposes of the Trust in full and that the rate of dividend which the Funds afforded was 13/8.9976 per pound. By Mrs Ogilvies will it was declared as follows “And in case of a shortcoming to meet the foregoing purposes I appoint the deficiency to be borne by my whole annuitants and Legatees rateably and proportionally”. The Endowment for Indigent Old Men was therefore only entitled to share rateably with the other in the Trust Funds As shewn by the Scheme of Division the amount offering to the Fund for the endowment of Indigent Old Men as at 28th December 1850 was £829.8.3 less legacy duty amounting to £82.18.9 making the Nett sum £746.9.6. In the examination of the Factors accounts subsequently to this division of the Funds it is only with this portion of them your Committee had to deal, and the following is the state of the fund as at 1st November 1861 as made out by Mr Stiven and contained in his Abstract of the Factors accounts vizt State of dividend for Indigent Old Men 1850 Dec 28 amount of Dividend of 13/8.9976 offering To amount of Dividend of £1000.00.0 Add Interest thereon from Mart 1846 246.00.0 1260.00.0 Dividend 829.08.3 Deduct Legacy duty thereon 82.18.9 746.09.6 1861 Nov 1 Interest thereon 10 years 308 days 202.07.2 Total 948.16.8 Deduct proportion of expenses &c since 29 Decr 1850 42.18.0 Nett Balance 1 Nov 1861 £905.18.8
To this account your Committee has only to object to the interest from 28 Decr 1850 to 1 Novr 1861, the Factor having only allowed simple interest at the rate of only 2 1/2 per cent. The Nett funds at 1 Decr 1850 as shewn in the Abstract made up by Mr Baxter then amounted to £2288.9.7 of this sum there was then deposited in the National Bank in name of the Factor £1542.12.1 and in the Dundee Bank £5.13.4. The balance being £740.4.2 was in the Factors hands upon the portion of the funds in the Bank interest was added annually and had the amount efeiring to the Endowment been so deposited compound interest at the current rate would have accrued. Your Committee cannot see any reason why the fact of the Factor having so large a portion of the funds in his own hands should entail loss of Interest upon the Endowment Fund and your Committee think that this ought to be made up. Your Committee has ascertained from the National Bank the rates of interest allowed by the bank from 28th Decr 1850 to 1st Novr 1861, and they find that if the whole amount had been lying in the Bank it would on 1st Novr 1861 have amounted to £935.8/- instead of £905.18/8 or £29.9.4 , more than allowed by the Factor or had the funds been invested on terms of the Trust even at four per cent the amount as at 1 st Novr 1861 would have been £1099.6.10. Whether the Factor ought not to have allowed a higher rate of interest than the Bank rate in consideration of the large portion of the Funds retained in his own hands is a question your Committee are not called upon to offer an opinion, but were compound interest at the rate of three per cent allowed the funds would on 1st Novr 1861 have amounted to £985.13.3 and this would have made the Fund available for the object of the Endowment on an early day. The fund in the National Bank of Scotland on 10 Decr 1861 was £907.9.4. With respect to the sale of the Towns Bonds held by the Trustees your Committee have to report that they have examined the Sederunt Book of the Trustees and made such other enquiry as was within their reach and they find that at a Meeting of the Trustees held on 14 Jany 1850 present Provost Thoms, Preses- Bailies Harris and Smith and Convener Morris as missive of agreement signed by the Beneficiaries under the Trust authorising the Sale of the Bonds was laid before the meeting by the Factor. In the body of the missive the Trustees were authorised to sell the Bonds either by Public Roup or by private bargain but the Committee of the Kirk Session who signed the missive vizt Wm. Thoms, Jas Simpson, Wm. Reid and Wm. Harris qualified their quiescence by authorising the sale only if made by Public Roup and after due advertisement. At this Meeting the Trustees gave
73 74 authority to sell the Bonds – and appointed Bailie’s Clark and Smith and Convener Morris “to fix the upset price and adjust the Articles of Sale of the Bonds” on 6th Febry the subcommittee met, present Bailies Clark, Chairman and Convener Morris, at which meeting the Articles of Roup of the Bonds were approved of and the upset price fixed at 12/6 per pound. In these Articles of Roup your Committee find two clauses which appear to them unusual and somewhat extraordinary vizt The sellars bind themselves to pay the whole expense of transfer and 2 nd In respect the expenses as Trustees ex offiiis of the said deceased Mrs Lilias Currance or Ogilvie have no personal interest in the Trust and in order to prevent misunderstanding betwixt the exposers and offerers in case the said Trustees or any of them shall as individuals incline to bid for the whole or any of the said lots it is hereby expressly provided and declared that they the said Trustees or any of them shall be entitled to bid at the said such sale as freely in all respects as if they or any of them so bidding had not been executor or trustee under the Settlement of the said Mrs Lilias Currance or Ogilvie or in any way connected with the affairs of said the Trust. Declaring that any bode which may be made by the said Trustees or any of them shall be effectual and not challengeable on any ground in law by any person or persons any law or practice to the contrary notwithstanding. On the 13 th Feby 1850 the Sale took place and on 6th April 1850 another meeting of the Trustees was held present Provost Thoms, preses Bailies Harris, Smith and Clark and Convener Morris, when the Factor reported the Sale of the Bonds and the meeting approved thereof. This is all the information your Committee have been able to get on this subject and they deem it beyond their province to offer advice or express any opinion of the subject. The next point your Committee were called upon to enquire into was the necessity or propriety of disposing of the Bonds. On Mrs Ogilvie’s will it is stated “And I appoint the funds of the said Endowment to be laid out on the security of the Town of Dundee or on first and good landed securities” and had the Trustees had sufficient funds to pay all the annuitants and Legatees in full they might with propriety have retained £1000 of the Bonds of behalf of the Endowment Funds, but seeing there was a deficiency which all the Beneficiaries had to share alike your Committee think that this could not have been correctly ascertained without realising all the funds, the more so as the true value of the Towns Bonds, the Town being then under Trustees could not have been correctly known without selling them and that it was therefore necessary that they be sold. By the Will, the Trustees are requires to pay the annual proceeds of the Fund (but only when the principal sum amounts to £1000) less expenses in annuities of not less than £5 nor more than £8 a year to Indigent Old men, natives of and residenters in Dundee or extended Royality decayed Members of the Incorporated Trades of Dundee not under 55 years of age and in the event of competition the name of Currance of Ogilvie to be preferred. When the Fund amounts to that sum it is the duty of the Trustees to carry out Mrs Ogilvies intentions. (Signed) Alex. J. Warden Convener, for self and Committee.
At Dundee the third day of February eighteen hundred and sixty four At a Meeting of the General Fund Court held within the Hall St Clement’s Lane this evening at Seven o’clock Convener Nicoll in the chair
A Report by the Treasurer of St. Andrews Church for the year ending tenth April Eighteen hundred and sixty three was read to the Meeting approved of and appointed to be engrossed in the Sederunt book
At Dundee the fourth day of January Eighteen hundred and Sixty four At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Hall St Clement’s Lane at three o’clock afternoon Convener Nicoll in the chair
…Mr John Cooper moved that the Clerk be instructed to procure a Copy of the Constitution of St. Andrews Church and the Title Deeds or Excerpts therefrom; also a Copy of the Presentation to the Reverend Mr Logan and all other papers and general information regarding the church, which motion was seconded by Mr Whytock and unanimously agreed to. The Reporters having left the meeting the Minute of the General Fund court held on the twentieth, and twenty third days of November last were read and approved of.
At Dundee the third day of February Eighteen hundred and Sixty four At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Hall St. Clement’s Lane at seven o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair
A Report by the treasurer of St. Andrews Church for the year ending tenth April Eighteen hundred and sixty three was read to the meeting approved of and appointed to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book.
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At Dundee the Seventh of September Eighteen hundred and Sixty four At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening in the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair
…The remit by the General Meeting of same date to the General Fund Court to consider the Report by the Managers of St. Andrews Church was also read and remitted to the Convener, Ex Convener and A. J. Warden as a Committee to bring up a Report thereon.
At Dundee the nineteenth of October Eighteen hundred and Sixty four At a Meeting of the Members of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening in the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair
A Letter from Mr J. D. Grant Writer to the clerk of date 18th instant, requesting on behalf of the Reverend Richard Logan of St. Andrews Church, that an augmentation be made to his Stipend; and also a Report by the Clerk relative to the conduction of, and other matters Connected with St. Andrews Church were produced and read to the Meeting. The Meeting approved of the Report, and after Consideration of the said Letter on behalf of Mr Logan, instruct the Clerk to write Mr Grant in answer that the Kirk session having a greater inertest in the Church than the Trades, they conceive the matter of Augmentation should originate with that body, and they will be ready to appoint a committee of their number to act along with one from the Session and three Trades, to Ponder Mr Logan’s Stipend and the position her holds in St Andrews Church.
At Dundee the fifteenth of November Eighteen hundred and Sixty four At a Meeting of the Members of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening in the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair
The Clerk produced to the Meeting …also a Letter from Mr J. D. Grant on behalf of the Reverend Mr Logan. The consideration of Mr Grant’s Letter was deferred.
At Dundee the sixteenth day of November Eighteen hundred and Sixty four At a General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Thistle Hall this day at eleven o’clock forenoon Convener Nicoll in the chair
The following Member were unanimously elected Managers of Saint Andrews Church and the Clerk Appointed to intimate their Election Vizt: Messers Andrew Low, John Young and David Lowson, being the retiring Managers of Saint Andrews Church.
At Dundee the fourth of January Eighteen hundred and Sixty five At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening in the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair
The Clerk brought under the Notice of the Meeting, that an assignation of the Bond and Disposition in Security aftermentioned had been taken in favor of Certain Members of the Kirk Session and Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee as Trustees and Patrons acting under the Trust Settlement of the late James Pullar Baker Dundee and their successors in Office, and the amount in the Bond being about to be paid up it is necessary that the successors in Office of the Convener and Boxmaster in whose favor along with the Members of Session the Assignation was taken, be authorised to sign the Assignation now wished. Therefore the Meeting agree and hereby authorize and empower George Hall Nicoll the present Convener and David Rollo the present Boxmaster of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee to sign the Assignation now produced, of a Bond and Disposition in security dated the nineteenth and twenty second January Eighteen hundred and thirty one, for Three hundred and fifty pounds granted in favor of the late Thomas Davidson Esquire, sometime Town Clerk of and Writer in Dundee, by the Trustees of the late James Paterson, Manufacturer Lochee and designed by the Trustees of the said Thomas Davidson to Certain Members of the Kirk Session of Dundee and to the then Convener and Boxmaster of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and their successors in Office and remanent members of said Bodies in Trust and for behoof of the Trustees and patrons of Pullar's Mortification, conform to Assignation and Translation in their favor dated the twenty first and twenty sixth days of May and
75 76 second day of June all in the year Eighteen hundred and forty nine and all as more particularly Set forth in said Assignation now produced in favor of Jane Paterson and others.
At Dundee the fourth day of February Eighteen hundred and sixty seven At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Hall St Clements Lane this evening at seven o’clock Convener Duncan in the Chair
An Extract Minute of a Meeting of Managers of St. Andrews Church held on eighteenth January eighteen hundred and sixty seven relative to the appointment of an Assistant and Successor to the Reverend Richard Logan was read to the meeting: on consideration of which the meeting unanimously resolved, as the Election devolves on the Kirk Session on terms of the constitution of the Church that the Trades take no say in the matter. Appoint the said Extract Minute and Excerpt to be appended to this Minute.
COPY At a Meeting of the Managers of St. Andrews Church held in the Vestry on the evening of Friday 18th January 1867 …The Revd Geo. H. Nicoll in the Chair …The Rev. Dr Watson, on behalf of the Committee appointed at last Meeting, gave in the following report of a Meeting of the Male Communicants who are Seat holders, held in the Church on the evening of Monday 14 th January 1867, when the Rev. R. Hope Brown, Assistant, Abbey Church Dunfermline, was unanimously selected for recommendation to the Patrons, as Assistant and Successor to the Rev. Richard Logan.
At a Meeting of the Male Communicants who are Seat holders of St. Andrews Church Dundee, held with that Church on the evening of Monday 14th January 1867, for the purpose of recommending to the Patrons an Assistant and Successor to the Rev. Richard Logan. The Revd Dr Watson was appointed Chairman of the Meeting, and opened the Meeting with prayer
The Chairman stated the object of the Meeting and the steps which had been taken by the Joint Committee, under the authority of the Presbytery, in bringing forward Candidates. Thereafter it was unanimously agreed to recommend to the Patrons the Rev. R. Hope Brown, Assistant, Abbey Church, Dunfermline, as Assistant and Successor to the Rev, Richard Logan. (Signed) Archd. Watson Chairman” The Meeting J approved of the proceedings of the Committee, and the Secretary was instructed to send a Copy of this Minute to each of the Proprietary Bodies.
Extracted by (Signed) James Donaldson Secy prop tem
At Dundee the fifth day of June Eighteen hundred and sixty seven At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal Hotel this evening at seven o’clock Convener Duncan in the Chair
On the motion of Ex Convener Nicoll seconded by Mr Feathers the Meeting unanimously voted Five pounds towards the expense of cleaning St. Andrews Church and appoint the Box Master to pay the same. The Meeting remit to the Convener and Ex Convener to endeavour to ascertain if the Trades Seats can be got widened and if so the expense of Providing chairs and covering the Seats and Report.
At Dundee the eighteenth day of September Eighteen hundred and sixty seven At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal Hotel this evening at seven o’clock In the absence of the Convener Ex Convener Nicoll was chosen Chairman
Excerpt for Minute of the Managers of St. Andrews Church of twenty ninth July last was produced and read to the Meeting of which the following is a Copy:
“Excerpt from Minute of the Managers of St. Andrews Church of day July 29th 1867 Convener Duncan and Ex Convener G. H. Nicoll appeared as a Deputation on behalf of the Nine Trades and requested permission from the Managers to enlarge the front seats in the Gallery belonging to the Nine Trades
76 77 by taking in the pews immediately behind numbered respectively 186 & 187. This request was unanimously agreed to on condition that the Nine Trades pay all the expense of the alteration. Certified by (Signed) W. A. Young Secretary to the managers” The Meeting defer farther consideration of the matter until the sub-committee report as to the Expense of the alterations.
At Dundee the fourth day of December Eighteen hundred and sixty seven At a Quarterly Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal Hotel this evening at seven o’clock Convener Warden in the Chair
The Committee appointed to ascertain the expense of altering the Church seats reported through Mr G. W. Nicoll that the expenses would be Eleven pounds ten shillings, and an offer by Messers Morrison and Bremner to execute the necessary alterations to the satisfaction of the Committee at that Sum was produced and the meeting resolved to Accept said offer and in addition a cover for the seats to be added. The Convener was added to said sub Committee and appointed Convener of the Committee in room of Mr Nicoll.
At Dundee the fourth day of January Eighteen hundred and Sixty nine At a stated Quarterly General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Warden in the chair
A Statement of the Income and Expenditure by the Treasurer of St. Andrews Church was read by the Convener. The Meting considered the same very satisfactory, approved thereof and appointed it to be engrossed in the Minute Book.
At Dundee the sixteenth day of June Eighteen hundred and sixty nine At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Warden in the Chair.
The Clerk… produced a Letter from Mr William Thoms Convener of a Committee of St. Andrews Church Managers addressed to him as Clerk requesting a Meeting of the Trades with said Committee to confer on the subject of getting such charge effected in the Proprietorship of that Church as may be necessary to fulfil the Conditions required for getting it endowed. The Meeting resolved to meet the said Committee for the purpose expressed in said Letter on Wednesday eight days in the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock evening and to intimate to Mr Thoms that it might be desirable if he could arrange with representatives from the Three Trades to meet at the same time.
At Dundee the twenty third day of June Eighteen hundred and sixty nine At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock The Convener in the Chair
The Minute of Meeting held on the sixteenth instant was read, approved and subscribed by the Convener. The Letter referred to in that Minute was also read. Thereafter the following Gentlemen appeared as a Committee of St. Andrews Church managers Viz: Messers William Thoms and David Neave along with Mr Young, secretary to the Managers and being heard on the subject of their Meeting they retired. Thereafter the subject of the Trades disposing of their interest in St. Andrews Church was taken up discussed and considered in connection with the Statements made by the said Committee. The Meeting before giving any deliverance on the subject instruct the Clerk to get a sight of the Title Deeds and Constitution of the Church and thereafter to report on the competency of the Trades denuding or disposing of their Interest in the Church.
At Dundee the fifth day of July Eighteen hundred and Sixty nine At a Quarterly General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at eight o’clock Convener Warden in the Chair
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The Minute of the Meeting of the General Fund Court held this evening was read over and also the Report by the Clerk on St Andrews Church, and the Rights of the Trades therein, which being considered the whole Matter was remitted back to the General Fund Court to bring up an Additional Report for the Consideration of the Trades.
At Dundee the fifteenth day of September Eighteen hundred and sixty nine At a Quarterly Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Warden in the Chair
The Clerk read and laid before the Meeting a Supplementary Report prepared by him as to the rights of the Trades in St. Andrews Church and the Management thereof which the Meeting adopt as their Report to the general members to be laid before them at their first Meeting.
At Dundee the fifth day of January Eighteen hundred and seventy At a Quarterly Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal Hotel this evening at seven o’clock Convener Rattray in the Chair
State by the Treasurer of St. Andrews Church for the year ending thirteenth April Eighteen hundred and Sixty nine was read to the meting and appointed to be engrossed in the Sederunt Book. The Accounts then follow
Mr Graham gave notice that at next General Meeting he would move – in respect of St. Andrews Church and request of the Kirk Session to hand it over to the Presbytery of Dundee for a consideration to be agreed on.
At Dundee the twenty third day of February Eighteen hundred and seventy At a Stated General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Royal Hotel at twelve o’clock Convener Rattray in the Chair
Mr Graham in terms of notice given at last General Meeting moved “That the Trades agree to convey over their interest in St. Andrews Church and Ground to the Presbytery of Dundee for a consideration to be agreed on” which motion was seconded by Mr David Neave. Mr James Stewart moved as an amendment that the information stated to the Meeting by Mr Graham in support of his Motion be printed and a Copy supplied to each Deacon of the respective Trades for their Consideration and thereafter a General Special Meeting be called for consideration of Mr Graham’s motion and the whole matter. Which amendment was seconded by Mr Thomas Cuthbert. Mr Graham withdrew his motion in the meantime . And the amendment was unanimously agreed to – and the Clerk instructed to get the Statement printed and sent to each Deacon and Boxmaster.
At Dundee the twenty fourth day of January Eighteen hundred and seventy one At a Special General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Rattray in the Chair
The Clerk produced to the Meeting: First. The state of affairs of St. Andrews Church for the year ending thirteenth April Eighteen hundred and seventy. Second. Dundee Police and Improvement Bill Third. Report by the Three United Trades of Dundee Fourth. Report thereon by the Town Clerk of Dundee Fifth. Report by the Town Clerk of Dundee in Claim by the Town Council for Arrears of Stipend claimed from the Nine Trades. The Clerk stated to the Meeting that the Three United Trades who have an interest in St. Andrews Church along with the Nine Trades and to whom copies of Mr Graham’s Report had been sent had been asked to represented at this Meeting as the discussion of Mr Graham’s motion as to parting with the interest of the Trades in St. Andrews Church to the Presbytery of Dundee and suggested that that motion should be dispensed of before proceeding with the other business.
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A Deputation from the Three United Trades consisting of Deacon Mr B. Scott, Mr William Leaburn and Mr Thain Solicitor their Clerk appeared at the Meeting. Mr Thain explained that the Deputation were not there with any powers but simply to hear what the Nine Trades resolve on the subject. The Clerk read to the Meeting Letter from Mr Thomas Walker addressed to him and which he had just been handed in stating that he was desired to intimate that the Glover Trade decidedly object to the proposed Motion by Mr Graham and if the same should be carried then reserved the right to oppose the same by all legal measures, which Letter was laid on the Table. Mr Graham then moved the motion of which previous notice had been given Vizt: “That the Trades agree to convey over their interest in St. Andrews Church and Ground to the Presbytery for a consideration to be agreed on” And having Spoken in support of the motion, moved accordingly which motion was seconded by David Neave Senior and unanimously agreed to. Mr Graham stated that he was prepared on behalf of the Presbytery to offer Two hundred pounds Sterling for the Nine Trades Interest in the Church and Grounds which was favourably received by the Meeting and Remitted to the General Fund Court to consider and bring up a Report thereon. In reference to the claim by the Town Council for arrears of Stipend the matter was discussed at considerable length and after various opinions expressed thereon the whole matter was remitted to the General Fund Court to consider and report thereon. The Abstract of Accounts of St. Andrews church for the year ending thirteenth April Eighteen hundred and seventy was approved and Appointed to be engrossed in the Minute Book. Then follows the abstract of Accounts
At Dundee the eighth day of March Eighteen hundred and seventy one At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Rattray in the Chair
…The remit to this Court contained in the Minute of General Meeting held on the Twenty fourth day of January last was read. In reference to the remit as to disposing of the Nine Trades interest in St. Andrews Church and ground “The Meeting is unanimously of opinion (Mr Langlands alone dissenting) that the same should be sold to the Presbytery for Two hundred Pounds on such Title as the Trades can give to be approved and accepted before the matter is finally adjusted the expense of the Conveyance to be paid by the Presbytery, and revising fee if incurred, warrandice from fact and deed only to be given and the seats in the Church belonging to the Trades to remain their Property and farther details to be left to the Clerk and Convener and the Meeting recommend accordingly”.
At Dundee the twenty seventh day of July Eighteen hundred and seventy one At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Rattray in the Chair
The Clerk read and laid before the Meeting Letter from the Presbytery of Dundee to Convener Rattray in intimating the death of the Reverend Richard Logan Minister of St. Andrews Church of which the following is a Copy (to be communicated). “The Manse Lundie & Foulis Dundee 24th July 1871 Sir As directed by a Meeting of Ministers of the Presbytery of Dundee, held in Lochee Chapel on 20 th July, I now intimate to you for the information of the Nine Incorporated Trades, joint Patrons of St. Andrews Chapel, that the Cure thereof is vacant from the 17th of this current month, the day of the Revd. Richard Logan’s death in order that they may take the necessary steps for exercising their right of presentation to the said Charge. Please acknowledge receipt of this Note. I am Sir Faithfully yours
(Signed) P. L. Bun Pres Clk To Peter Rattray Esq. Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee.”
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The Meeting appoint the Clerk to transmit the said letter to the Managers of St. Andrews Church in order that they may hear Candidates and report within the requisite time so as to enable the Trades to exercise their right of Presentation. There being no other business before the Meeting it adjourned.
At Dundee the seventh day of August Eighteen hundred and seventy one At a Special General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Rattray in the Chair
The Minute of Meeting of the General Fund Court held on the twenty seventh day of July last was read and approved. The Clerk read to and laid before the Meeting Letter received by him from the Secretary to the Managers of St Andrews Church dated first Instant acknowledging Receipt of Letter from the Presbytery Clerk to the Convener and intimating that the Managers had taken the necessary steps towards filling up the vacancy and that they hoped to be able on an early day to recommend a gentleman to whom the Proprietary Bodies can exercise their right of Patronage. He also read to and laid before the Meeting Letter from Mr Thomas Walker Clerk to the Glover Trade of Dundee dated fourth instant intimating the election of Mr David Stewart Solicitor as Deacon of said Trade in room of Deacon James Stewart his late father. The meeting resolved to take no steps in reference to the vacant charge of St. Andrews Church until the Managers Report thereon and instruct the Clerk to call a Special Meeting when the Report in lodged with him.
At Dundee the twenty second day of August Eighteen hundred and seventy one At a Special General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock In the absence of Convener Rattray Mr Thomas Whittet was chosen Chairman
The Chairman explained that the present Meeting had been called in consequence to a communication from the Managers of St. Andrews Church which was read and of which the following is a Copy: “28 High Street Dundee 16th August 1871 Sir I am directed by the Managers of St Andrews Church to inform you, that a meeting of the male communicants of the Church was held last night for the purpose of choosing from a leet of five candidates, one to recommend to the patrons for presentation to the charge. The Meeting unanimously agreed to recommend the Revd. Alexr. Milne presently Minister of Hillside Church Montrose. I am also instructed by the Managers to request you to call a meeting of the Nine Trades for an early day so that the consent of the patrons may be laid before the Presbytery at the Meeting of that body to be held on the first Wednesday of September. I am Yours faithfully (Signed) P. M. Young Secy to the Managers To Peter Rattray. Convener Nine Incorporated Trades Dundee P. S. You will oblige by giving me due notice when the Meeting will be held (Intd) P.M.Y”
“Excerpt from the Minute of Special general meeting of the Three United Incorporated Trades of Dundee held on the 19 day of August 1871 at 12 noon Convener James Foggie in the Chair
The Convener explained that the present Meeting had been called in consequence of a Communication from the Managers of St. Andre’s Church which was read and of which the following is a Copy. ‘28 High Street Dundee 16th August 1871 Sir I am directed by the managers of St. Andrews Church to inform you that at a Meeting of the male Communicants of the Church was held last night for the purpose of choosing from a leet of five candidates one to recommend to the patrons for presentation to the charge. The Meeting unanimously agreed to recommend the Reverend Alexr Milne presently Minister of Hillside Montrose.
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I am also instructed by the Managers to request you to call a Meeting of the Three Trades for an early day so that the consent of all the patrons may be laid before the Presbytery at the meeting of that body to be held on the first Wednesday of September. I am Sir Yours faithfully (Signed) P. M. Young Secy to the Managers P.S. You will oblige by giving me due notice when the Meeting will be held. T James Foggie Esq. Convener Three Trades Dundee’
Messers D. Neave, W. Sime and J. M. Young Deputation from the Nine Trades were present.
It was unanimously agreed to by the Meeting that the recommendation by the congregation be given effect to and acquiesce with the Nine Trades. Ex Bailie Ower & Messers William Balbirnie and David Shepherd the present Directors for the management of St Andrews Church were unanimously Appointed a Committee to take the necessary steps for carrying out the presentation & to co-operate with the Nine Trades. A True Copy (Signed) W. S. Thain Clerk”
At Dundee the sixth day of September Eighteen hundred and seventy one At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Rattray in the Chair
The Clerk reported that he has furnished the Secretary to St. Andrews Church with a Certified Excerpt from Minute of General Meeting held on the twenty second ultimo agreeing to the recommendation of the Members of St. Andrews Church on favour of the Reverend Alexander Milne to be Minister. That he had prepared the Presentation by the Nine Incorporated Trades and Three United Trades in favour or Mr Milne and which lay with the Clerk to the presbytery of Dundee stating that that body would sustain the election of Mr Milne on the Excerpt Minutes sent them provided an undertaking was given to lodge the Presentation with the Moderator or Clerk of the Presbytery within fourteen days and as the Members are exceedingly anxious to have the Ordination before the coming Sacrament he had granted such undertaking which was approved.
Minute of Meeting of the Joint Committees appointed by the Nine Incorporated Trades and the Three United Trades Dundee for carrying through the Presentation to the Reverend Alexander Milne of St. Andrews Church Dundee held at Dundee on the eleventh day of September Eighteen hundred and Seventy one within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock pm Present Convener Rattray, Messers David Neave, James Feathers, David Shepherd, A. J. Warden and William Balbirnie Convener Rattray in the Chair
The Clerk of the Nine Incorporated Trades read to and laid before the Meeting Draft Presentation in favour of the Reverend Alexander Milne which had been approved by the Reverend Mr Young, Clerk to the Presbytery of Dundee and by Mr Thain Clerk to the Three United Trades, which being considered was unanimously Approved of and recommended to be signed by the Conveners and Deacons of the respective Trades to be called together for that purpose on Thursday first the fourteenth Current at seven o’clock evening. (Signed) Peter Rattray Cr.
At Dundee the fourteenth day of September Eighteen hundred and seventy one. At Meeting of the Conveners and Deacons of the Nine and Three United Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Present Deacon Feathers, Deacon Stewart, Deacon Kinmond, Deacon McLean, Deacon Gauld, Deacon Kidd, Mr A. J. Warden, Deacon Neil, Deacon Milne, Convener Foggie, Mr W. S. Thain and Mr Stevenson In absence of Convener Mr A. J. Warden was chosen Chairman
The prefixed Minute of Meting of the Joint committee was read to the Meeting. The Clerk to the Nine Trades produced and read to the Meeting the Deed of Presentation to Saint Andrews Church in favor of the Reverend Alexander Milne, which was approved and appointed to be signed by the Grantors thereof (Signed) Alex. J. Warden
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We the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee, Peter Rattray Slater Dundee Convener and David Rollo Solicitor Dundee Boxmaster of said Trades, Andrew Graham Kidd Baker Dundee Deacon of the Baker Trade, John McLean late Shoemaker Dundee Deacon of the Shoemaker Trade, David Stewart Solicitor Dundee Deacon of the Glover Trade, James Feathers Tailor Dundee Deacon of the Tailor Trade, James Yeaman Provost of Dundee Deacon of the Bonnetmaker Trade, Robert Milne Flesher Dundee Deacon of the Flesher Trade, George Hall Nicoll Ironmonger Dundee Deacon of the Hammermen Trade, Thomas Kyd Kinmond Calenderer Dundee Deacon of the Weaver Trade, and James Neil Dyer Deacon of the Dyer Trade all for the time being And we the Three United Trades of Dundee James Foggie Wright Dundee Convener, David Crabbe Slater Dundee Boxmaster of said last mentioned Trades, John Croll Mason Dundee Deacon of the Mason Trade, William Butchart Scott Wright Dundee Deacon of the Wright Trade and William Gauld Slater Dundee Deacon of the Slater Trade All for the time being undoubted patrons jointly with the Kirk Session of Dundee of Saint Andrews Church Dundee within the Parish and Presbytery of Dundee and Sheriffdom of Forfar the right of Presentation being vested alternately in the said Trades and Kirk Session and the right of presentation to the Cure now Vacant being presently with the said Trades considering that the said Church is now vacant and become of our gift and presentation by the death of the Reverend Richard Logan late Minister of the Gospel at the said Church which happened on or about the seventeenth day of July last and we being sufficiently informed of the literature, loyalty, qualifications good life and conversation of the reverend Alexander Milne presently Minister of Hillside Church Montrose do therefore by these presents nominate and present the said Alexander Milne to be Minister of the said Saint Andrews Church Dundee during all the days of his lifetime and his serving the Cure at the said Church giving granting and disponing to him the whole Stipend and emoluments of said Church payable under and by virtue of the Constitution thereof as set forth and contained in a Deed of Agreement entered into betwixt the Kirk Session of Dundee on the one part and the Nine Incorporated and Three United Trades of Dundee joint patrons on the other part recorded in the Burgh Court Books of Dundee the fifteenth day of July Eighteen hundred and seven Requiring hereby the Reverend the Moderator and Presbytery of Dundee having found Said Alexander Milne fit and qualified in the manner required by law for the function of the Ministry at the said Saint Andrews Church to admit and receive him thereto and to give him his Act of admission in due and competent form Recommending hereby to the Lords of Council and Session upon right of this presentation and the said Presbyterys Act of Ordination and Admission to grant Letters of Horning on ten days charge and other executorials needful at the instance of the said Alexander Milne against all and sundry subject and liable in payment of said Stipend causing the said Alexander Milne and others in his name be readily answered and paid thereof in such due and competent form as effeirs And we consent to the registration hereof In Witness Whereof these presents written on the face of this sheet of Stamped paper by Robert Urquhart Clerk to Rollo and Hendry Solicitor Dundee are subscribed by us the said parties all at Dundee as follows videlicet, By the said Peter Rattray, David Rollo, Andrew Graham Kidd, John McLean, David Stewart, James Feathers, Robert Milne, Thomas Kyd Kinmond, James Neil, James Foggie, and William Gauld the fourteenth day of September eighteen hundred and seventy one before these Witnesses James Forsyth, and David Rollo Junior both Clerks to the said Rollo and Hendry And by the said James Yeaman, George Hall Nicoll, David Crabbe, John Croll and William Butchart Scott the fifteenth day of said last mentioned month and year before these Witnesses the saids James Forsyth and David Rollo Junior (Signed) Peter Rattray, Convener, Dad. Rollo Boxmaster, A. G. Kidd, John McLean, David Stewart, James Feathers, Jas. Yeaman, Deacon B’makers, Robert Milne, G. H. Nicoll, Thomas K. Kinmond, James Neil, James Foggie Conveners David Crabb, John Croll, Wm. B. Scott, William Gauld, James Forsyth Witness, David Rollo Jr. Witness, James Forsyth Witness, David Rollo JR. Witness.
At Dundee the fifteenth day of November Eighteen hundred and seventy one At a Special General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee called by Advertisement in terms of the Dundee Harbour Act and by circular in the usual way and held this day within the Royal Hotel at eleven o’clock Convener Shaw in the Chair
The Meeting proceeded to Elect Three Managers for St Andrews Church in room of the three retiring who are eligible for re-election, being Messers David Neave, G. H. Nicoll and George Butchart who were unanimously re-elected Managers for the ensuing year.
At Dundee the eighth day of January Eighteen hundred and seventy two At a Stated Quarterly Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Royal Hotel at eleven o’clock Convener Shaw in the Chair
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...The clerk also brought under the notice of the Meeting that the Treasurer to St Andrews Church had stated that there was a mistake in the election of Managers to St. Andrews Church on fifteenth November last, the three retiring Members at that date falling to be added to the top of the list and the three at the foot of the list being the retiring members, who were Messers A. J. Warden, James Whitton and Alexander Langlands, these three being eligible for re-election and in order to complete the List of Managers one will fall to be elected in room of Mr Whytock and that it will be necessary to rescind the Election of the said Managers and elect of new. Whereupon on the motion of the Convener the meeting unanimously Rescind the Election of Managers to St. Andrews Church made on the fifteenth November last and in their room and place Re-Elect the three retiring Managers being Messers A. J. Warden, James Whitton, and Alexander Langlands. On the motion of Deacon Kidd, Mr John Black was unanimously elected a Manager of St. Andrews church in room of the late Mr Peter Whytock. Abstract of the Accounts is inserted here
The following entry is extracted from the Scroll Minute Book 1568 –1818
Att Dundee the Third day of March One thousand seven hundred and seventy two years
Which Day the Managers of the general Fund being met Convener Jobson Represented to the MeetingThat in terms of a Sederunt of date the Eighteenth day of July last Wrote in another Book. He had made an offer to the Managers of a proposed fourth Kirk to a place of public worship to be Built in the yard after mentioned Of the sale of that large yard lying on the North side of the Cowgate And whole houses on the South end thereof to be Entered to as to the Yard as at Candlemass last, And as to the Houses at Whitsunday next. At two hundred & Twenty Pounds Sterling of price providing they allowed James Colvill the present Tenant Who had voluntarily renounced his Tack for six years thereof yet to run to possess What part of the houses he had in his natural possession at the yearly rent of Seventeen Pounds Six Shillings & Eight pennies Scots to the end of the said Six years that the said managers Agreed to accept of the said Offer And to Grant Security for the price bearing a rent from And that the Disposition thereto Should be taken in the Name of Andrew Pitcarne Writer in Dundee; All which being considered by the meeting They Authorised and Impowerd and hereby Authorise and Impower the said Convener Jobson and Patrick Binnie their Boxmaster to Subscribe and deliver in their name a formal and Ample Disposition to the said Andw. Pitcarne to said subject containing Absolute Warrandice and all other usual Clauses. And to take Security for the price for Behoof of the General fund. (Signed by Andrew Jobson and 23 Members)
At Dundee the twenty ninth day of October Eighteen hundred and seventy two At a Special General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the Royal Hotel at eleven o’clock Convener Shaw in the Chair
This Meeting being called for the purpose of considering the Draft Disposition by the Nine Incorporated Trades of their interests in St Andrews Church Dundee in favor of Trustees for said Church. The Draft was read by the Clerk which being Considered on the motion of Deacon Black seconded by Deacon Graham was unanimously approved and the Convener and Boxmaster authorised and empowered to Subscribe and deliver the same in name and on behalf of the said Trades and the General Fund Court thereof on receiving payment of the price and the expenses connected with the transaction. The meeting instruct and empower the Deacons and others in whose name the Bond by the Police Commissioners for Two thousand pounds was granted as Trustees for behoof of the Trades to sign the Discharge thereof and remit to the Convener and Deacon Graham along with the Clerk to invest on what they consider good heritable security and after receiving the price of St. Andrews Church at (41/2) four and one half per cent Interest Three hundred pounds or more of the trades funds as to them may seem best.
At Dundee the thirteenth day of November Eighteen hundred and seventy two At a Special Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee called by advertisement and also by circular in the usual way held this day within the Royal Hotel at eleven o’clock Convener Shaw in the Chair
…Messers Alexander Langlands, A. J. Warden and James Whitton were unanimously re-elected Managers of St. Andrews Church for the ensuing year but while and so long only as the Trades have an interest therein as joint proprietors.
At Dundee the sixth day of January Eighteen hundred and seventy three
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At a Stated Quarterly General Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Shaw in the Chair
The Clerk reported that the price of St. Andrews Church had been paid and the Disposition signed and Delivered. Mr William Brown moved that a Donation of Ten pounds be made towards the Endowment of St. Andrews Church, which motion was seconded by Mr G. H. Nicoll and unanimously agreed to and the Boxmaster was instructed to pay the same to Mr William Sime Treasurer to the Endowment fund of St. Andrews Church or other party entitled to receive and Discharge the same.
At Dundee the third day of December Eighteen hundred and seventy three At a Quarterly Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Graham in the Chair
The Meeting instruct the Convener to attend to the interest of the Trades as regards the Trades sittings in St Andrews Church in the event of any alterations being made thereon.
At Dundee the twenty sixth day of November Eighteen hundred and seventy four At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at seven o’clock Convener Graham in the Chair
Mr Drummond submitted to the meeting Drawings of Emblems for the respective Trades to be put on the Deacons Chairs in St. Andrews Church, which were approved. The Meeting remit to the Convener and Mr Drummond to provide suitable Bibles for the use of the Deacons and Convener when attending St. Andrews Church, the present Bibles which are of old date and not suitable to be handed over to the Deacons of the respective Trades for behoof of and to be at the disposal of said Trades and the Convener’s Bible to be handed over to Convener Graham.
At Dundee the first day of March Eighteen hundred and eighty two At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening at seven o’clock within the clerk’s Office Convener Stewart in the Chair
The subject of a Stained Glass Window in St. Andrews Church was reconsidered and replies not having been received from some of the Trades it was agreed to adjourn further consideration of the subject until next meeting.
At Dundee the first day of September Eighteen hundred and eighty six At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this day within the clerk’s Office at seven o’clock P. M. Convener Thompson in the Chair
The Clerk read a Letter dated 4th August last from the Clerk to the Trustees of St. Andrews Church requesting a contribution from the Nine Trades towards the expense of cleaning and renovating of the Church. The Meeting unanimously agreed to recommend that the sum of Five pounds should be granted for that purpose.
At Dundee the second day of March Eighteen hundred and eighty seven At a stated General Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office this evening at seven o’clock Deacon Brown in the Chair
The clerk produced a Letter dated 1st Inst. from the Revd. H. M. Davidson Minister of St. Andrews Church suggesting that as this is the Jubilee year the Nine Trades should insert two Stained Glass windows in St Andrews Church. It was remitted to the Convener, Messers Blackeney, Young and McLaren to enquire further into the matter and to report to another Meeting of the General Fund Court, Any two a quorum and the Convener to be Convener.
At Dundee the fifth day of April Eighteen hundred and eighty seven
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At a Meeting of the committee appointed to enquire into the subject of a Stained Glass Window in St. Andrews Church Convener Thompson in the Chair
The Meeting having considered the subject of the proposed stained Glass Window in St. Andrews Church committed to them by the General Fund Court at their Meeting on second Ultimo. Requested Mr Blakney.
At Dundee the tenth day of May Eighteen hundred and eighty seven At a Meeting of the Committee appointed to enquire into the subject of a Stained Glass Window in St. Andrews Church held in the Clerk’s Office at one o’clock Convener Thompson in the Chair
Mr Blakney produced to the Meeting a Sketch of proposed Windows and stated that the cost of such Windows consisting of two large and four smaller Windows would be £170. The Meeting agreed to recommend to the General Fund court that the Nine Trades should spend a sum not exceeding £130 as their proportion of the expense of erecting four Stained Glass Windows in St. Andrews Church provided that the Three United Trades contribute the balance of £40 for the remaining two, the said Windows being the principal Windows on each side of the Pulpit.
At Dundee the Eleventh day of May Eighteen hundred and eighty seven At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Town House Buildings at a quarter to seven o’clock Convener Thompson in the Chair
The Minutes of Meting of Committee as to stained Glass Windows in St. Andrews Church held on tenth Instant were read and approved of and subscribed by the Convener and the general Fund Court resolved to recommend to the Nine Trades that they should expend a sum not exceeding £130 in putting in four Stained Glass Windows in St. Andrews Church on condition that the Three United Trades put in the other two.
At Dundee the second day of December Eighteen hundred and ninety one At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock Convener Paul in the Chair
The Convener stated that he was desirous of getting the two large Windows behind the Pulpit in St. Andrews Church filled in with Stained Glass and that he proposed with the sanction of the General Fund Court to collect subscriptions from the members of the Trades and others for that purpose. The General Fund Court cordially concurred in the said proposal.
At Dundee the second day of March 1892 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at seven o’clock Convener Paul in the Chair
It was remitted to the Convener, Ex Convener Black, Messers Smibert, Young, Leitch, I. A. Stewart & Cuthbert to co-operate with a Committee of the Three United Trades and the Minister and Kirk Session of the Church in regard to the erection of the Stained Glass Windows in St. Andrews Church.
At Dundee the 27th day of November Nineteen hundred and eleven At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Royal Hotel at eight o’clock p.m. Convener Nicoll in the Chair
It was stated that the Meeting had been called to consider a proposal that the Members of the Nine Trades should recognise the occasion of the Reverend Harcourt M. Davidson attaining his semi Jubilee as Minister of St. Andrews Church Dundee, which happens in December. After discussion during which it appeared to be the unanimous feeling of the Meeting that such recognition should take place, Convener Nicoll moved that it be remitted to the various Deacons and Boxmasters to approach the Members of their respective Trades and collect Subscriptions from them with the view of entertaining Mr
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Davidson to Dinner and making him a suitable presentation and report to the stated Meeting of the General Fund Court to be held on Wednesday 6th December, which was seconded by Ex-Convener Mollison and unanimously agreed to . It was resolved that the Dinner should take place in the Royal Hotel on Friday the 15 th of December next at Seven o’clock and it was remitted to Convener Nicoll, Ex-Convener Mollison and Deacons Fraser, Sibbald and Cuthbert to make the necessary arrangements with powers, the Convener to be Convener and three a quorum. The clerk was instructed to intimate this finding to the Clerk of the Three Trades and to ask him if they would join the Nine Trades in this movement. A Letter dated 23rd Instant was read from the Session Clerk of St. Andrews Church suggesting that Office- Bearers of the Trades should attend a Special Service in St Andrews Church on Sunday 17th December in connection with Mr Davidson’s Semi-Jubilee which it was resolved to do. The Clerk was instructed accordingly.
At Dundee the 6th day of December Nineteen hundred and eleven At a stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at Seven o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair
The Clerk reported that the names of those who had signified their intention of being present at the Dinner to the Rev. H. M. Harcourt Davidson on the 15th Inst. and of those who were unable to be present at the Dinner but who had subscribed to the Testimonial. The Meeting adjourned farther consideration of the subject until the Evening of Monday the 11 th inst. at Eight o’clock. The Clerk was instructed accordingly. It was remitted to the Convener, Deacon Sibbald and Mr J. C. Bisset to wait on Mr Davidson and ascertain his views in regard to the proposed Testimonial and to report to the Meeting on Monday.
At Dundee the 11th day of December Nineteen hundred and eleven At a Adjourned Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held this evening within the Clerk’s Office at eight o’clock Convener Nicoll in the Chair
The Convener reported that the Rev. H. M. Davidson had been waited on by the Committee appointed at last Meeting and that he had signified his desire that the Presentation to him from the Nine Trades and the Three Trades should take the form of a Dressing Case. Several Dressing Cases were produced to the Meeting and one was selected at a cost of £25:3/-. The Clerk produced an Inscription to be placed on a silver plate in the Dressing Case, which was approved of.
At Dundee the Second day of March nineteen hundred and twenty At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the clerk’s Office this evening at 7 o’clock
The Meeting was held mainly for the purpose of taking into consideration the recommending by the Trades made at the stated General meeting of the Trades held on 7th October 1919 that the General Fund Court should make a contribution from the Trade funds towards the expense of the Organ about to be introduced into St Andrews Parish Church by way of a Memorial to those members of the Church who fell in the Great War. The Clerk having read the terms of the recommendation together with the recommendation of the Auditing & Investments Committee to subscribe sum of two hundred pounds for the purpose stated. The Meeting after a full discussion on the motion of Boxmaster Maiden seconded by Deacon Ward unanimously approved of the recommendations and wished to contribute said sum of two hundred pounds from the General Fund of the Trades towards the said Memorial. Remitted to the Convener ex-Convener Clark with powers to try in some suitable way to associate with their gift the name of the late John Milne Esquire of Ravensby by whose benefactions the Trades have benefited so handsomely and who was a member of St Andrews Church.
Minute of Meeting of the Auditing and Investments Committee of the general Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held at Dundee within the Clerk’s Office on Thursday the Seventh day of April nineteen hundred and forty nine Convener Drummond in the Chair
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The Clerk submitted a letter he had received from the Session Clerk of St Parish Andrews Church Dundee with a Copy of the relative Appeal for contributions to the Church Fund for a War Memorial to the fallen for the years 1939/1945 and it was agreed to make a contribution of Twenty guineas to this fund. The Boxmaster was instructed to send a cheque for that sum to the Treasurer of the Fund.
At Dundee the Fifth day of November 1952. At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee, held within the Clerk’s Office 12 Victoria Chambers there at 7 o’clock evening Ex-Convener A. S. Drummond presided in the absence through illness of the Convener
…The Clerk gave a statement regarding certain subjects at the south west corner of William Street and Victoria Road. He explained that these subjects were purchased in 1842 by the General Kirk Session of Dundee, the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Three United Trades of Dundee for the purpose of providing a School for St Andrews Parish. The subjects had been under the complete control of St Andrews Church Board of Management. From the Minute Book of the Committee of Management it appears that in 1896 some discussion arose as to the responsibility for the upkeep of the subjects and it was noted that at that time the General Kirk Session, the Nine Incorporated Trades and the Three United Trades had declared that they had no interest in the property & that the Managers of the St Andrews Parish Church should, in future, act without reference to these bodies. The title still stands in the name of the General Kirk Session of Dundee, the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee and the Three United Trades of Dundee, and a request had now been made by St Andrews Church Board of Management that when the subjects are sold the various bodies named in the title deeds would co-operate by granting the conveyances. The General Kirk Session of Dundee has consented to do this, and after discussion it was agreed that the Nine Incorporated Trades, like the Kirk Session claim no interest in the property and that if and when the property is sold, the various Deacons of the Crafts would co-operate by joining in the granting of the Conveyance.
At Dundee the Sixth day of October Nineteen hundred and fifty three. At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee, held within the City Chambers at 2.45 p.m. Convener Douglas Hardie in the Chair
The Convener explained to the Meeting that the Session of St Andrews Parish Church Dundee on behalf of the Church has offered to present a mace to the combined Nine Incorporated Trades and Three United Trades of Dundee for the use on Ceremonial and other appropriate occasions. The clerk read a letter he had received from the Session Clerk of St Andrews Parish Church in this connection. It was agreed that the offer should be accepted subject to the approval of the Members of the Trades called to the meeting which was to take place immediately after this Meeting.
At Dundee the seventh day of November Nineteen hundred and fifty six. At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee, held within the Clerk’s Office 12 Victoria Chambers, there at 7 o’clock evening Convener Andrew Wallace in the Chair
… The Clerk reported on the condition of the Trades’ chairs in St Andrews Church and after discussion Mr A. J. Lindsay Robertson undertook to get Mr Wilkie of the Lord Roberts Memorial Workshop to examine the chairs and to have carried out what repairs are necessary.
26th April 1961 At a Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee, held within the Clerk’s Office 12 Victoria Chambers, there at 7.15 o’clock evening Convener Robert S. May in the Chair
… the Clerk reported on the Meeting of the Committee appointed to deal with the question of the plaque to be placed at St Andrews Church, to indicate the Trades Seats and it was noted that the matter was well in hand but, that committee still awaited a meeting with the Three United Trades for the purpose of collaborating in the size, shape and colour of the plaque.
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Convener May mentioned that The Revd T. R. S. Campbell, Chaplain to the Trades, had just celebrated his silver wedding. It was agreed that each member of the General Fund Court be asked to subscribe to a present to the Revd. Mr Campbell to be presented to him at the Bridie Supper in Nov. next.
At Dundee the First day of November Nineteen hundred and 1961 At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee, held within the Clerk’s Office 12 Victoria Chambers, there at 7 o’clock evening Convener Robert Stuart May in the Chair
The Convener called upon the Clerk to report the position regarding the proposed plaques for St Andrews Church. Mr Simpson reported on the meetings of the sub-committee and the correspondence which he had had in this connection and then submitted the estimate from the Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops. There was also exhibited to the Meeting the sketch plan of the proposed plaques. It was agreed that in the event of the Nine Trades agreeing to erect the plaque then the Three United Trades would also instruct the erection of their plaque, After a full discussion it was agreed to proceed under the quotation received from the Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops and also that an opportunity should be given to the Members of the Trades to subscribe to the cost of the plaque. The Clerk was instructed to write to each of the Trades accordingly.
At Dundee the second day of November 1966 At a Stated Meeting of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at 12 Victoria Chambers, Dundee this evening at seven o’clock evening Convener George H. Smith in the Chair
Boxmaster R. D. Laing then referred to the reverend T. R. S. Campbell’s suggestion that the Trades might consider the acquisition of the Kail Kirk which is situated adjacent to St Andrews Parish Church. Some doubt was expressed whether this Kirk was in fact the property of the Corporation or belonged to a private firm. Deacon J. Greig Sibbald explained that in the very near future the Corporation would require to compulsorily acquire the said buildings. Convener George Smith stated that he had referred to the “Dream” of the Reverend T. R. S. Campbell at a function attended by the Lord Provost, Mr Maurice McManus, who later had expressed interest and invited the Convener to meet him over coffee to discus the position. Boxmaster W. A. Findlay expressed the view that after acquisition the Corporation might well donate the subjects to St Andrews Parish Church who in turn might be prepared to hand the same over to the Trades. Deacon J. Greig Sibbald advised the Meeting teat the subjects were not classified as an ancient monument, but classified as subjects of special architectural value. It was agreed to go ahead with informal enquiries.
At Dundee the Fourth day of November 1970 At a Stated Meeting of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at 12 Victoria Chambers, Dundee this evening at seven o’clock evening Convener R. Ogilvy Smith in the Chair
… It was noted that the Trades Kirk, St Andrews Parish Church, had received some severe damage during the recent storm and it was also noted that the two-hundredth anniversary of the Church would take place in 1972. After some discussion it was agreed to leave matters regarding some assistance to the Church in abeyance meantime. Mr Findlay, who is Treasurer of the Church, agreed that this would be the most suitable arrangement pending ascertainment of the cost of the damage and also for the future Anniversary Celebrations.
At Dundee on Thursday the Seventh day of February 1972 At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at 12 Victoria Chambers, Dundee this evening at seven o’clock evening Convener R. Ogilvy Smith in the Chair
The Convener informed the Court that he had requested his Meeting to consider what arrangements could be made in conjunction with St Andrews Parish Church to celebrate the Bicentenary of the laying of the foundation stone of the Church. From the records of the various documents it would appear that the foundation was laid on the 4th June 1772.
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Apparently on that date the Trades marched in procession from the Howff Burial Ground to the yard on the north side of the Cowgate and there the foundation stone of the Church was laid. The Convener mentioned that he had been in communication with the Minister and it was thought that as a commemoration ceremony the Trades might again proceed to the Church as the original procession had done and the Services could be in the lines of the usual Kinking of the Trades. The Convener mentioned that there was an interesting article in “The Wyvern” for this month and the Clerk undertook to get a Copy of “The Wyvern” and send one to each of the Office Bearers of Three Trades. The Convener mentioned that it was suggested that a plaque be affixed somewhere in the Church to commemorate the event and if this was agreed to, the fund for such a plaque would be subscribed for by the Members of the Trades. These arrangements were all unanimously agreed to and it was remitted to a Committee considered of the Convener Dr Ritchie and Mr Myles Burns to continue the negotiations with the Revd. T. R. S. Campbell, the Minister of the Church, on the understanding that the Trades were quite agreeable to carry out any arrangements they may make.
At Dundee on Thursday the sixteenth day of March 1972 At a Special Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at 12 Victoria Chambers, Dundee this evening at seven o’clock evening Convener R. Ogilvy Smith in the Chair
Also in attendance by special invitation were the Rev. T. R. S. Campbell and Mr Denis F. Carnegie. Convener of the three United Trades of Dundee, along with the Joint Clerks Edward R. Simpson and John M. Boath. The Convener advised the Meeting that Deacon Chessor L. Matthew of the Bonnetmaker Craft in conjunction with Thomas Thoms Esq., Architect, had made the necessary enquiries regarding an appropriate plaque, and he asked Mr Matthew to report. Deacon Matthew showed the meeting the proposed lettering which would be done in white enamel on a bronze plaque. It was reported that the cost would be in the region of £85 - £90. Deacon Matthew then suggested a different arrangement of the wording and after discussion this was agreed subject to the condition that the Convener’s name should be put in full and the word “foundation” should be changed to “Foundations”. Discussion then followed between the Craftsmen and the Chaplain, the Rev. T. R. S. Campbell, as to the placing of the plaque in the Church. The Chaplain explained that the final say rested with the General Trustees for the Church of Scotland, Initially permission would have to be sought from the Kirk Session of St Andrews Parish Church, but this would probably be granted on the 26th curt and the Chaplain the undertook to raise the matter with the General Trustees on the 3rd April. Thereafter he would report, but he stated that he did not foresee any real difficulties arising. …He [the Convener] thanked Mr Denis Carnegie for his attendance and stated that he would like to see a very full turn out of the Craftsmen for the proposed procession on the 4th June 1972.
At Dundee the Seventh day of November Nineteen hundred and Seventy three At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at twelve Victoria Chambers Dundee at 7 o’clock Convener David S. Moyes in the Chair … The Convener then referred to a letter he had received from the Rev. T. R. S. Campbell dated 3 rd September, 1973. In the letter it was pointed out that the Nine Incorporated Trades reached a unique point in history when in 1774 St Andrews Kirk was opened for worship. The bicentenary of this event would be commemorated in the Autumn of 1974. It was further explained that the Wellgate re-development would necessitate the Kirk losing all existing Hall premises. They would be replaced by a new hall to the East of the Church and furthermore the Church had acquired from the town the historic Glassite Chapel which would form an adjunct to the new hall on the south side. Although sound in structure the chapel required complete renovation. The Town were to provide £4,000 to restore the exterior while the Church would have to meet the cost of the restoration of the interior, and estimate of this is around £10,000. The Chaplain proposed to institute a Bicentenary Appeal and wished to know if this would have the blessing of the Eighteen Fund Court in the hope that the Appeal might reach the various Trades before Annual Meetings. A general discussion took place on the foregoing proposal. Boxmaster Muir H. Cherry stated that he thought that the Chaplain was over-ambitious and it seemed a ridiculous sum to try to obtain. The Convener and Ex-Convener R. Ogilvy Smith thought the Appeal should at least have the blessing of the Eighteen Fund Court, and after further discussion it was agreed on Boxmaster Adam’s suggestion that the Convener should approach the
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Chaplain and get a clearer picture of the proposed project and at the same time get the Chaplain’s view on the form of Appeal to the individual craftsmen.
At Dundee the Sixth day of November Nineteen hundred and Seventy four At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at twelve Victoria Chambers Dundee at 7 o’clock Convener E. H. Leslie Shepherd in the Chair
… The Convener then asked the Clerk to report on the Bi-Centenary Appeal Fund and it was explained that the Appeal had raised £1,964.85p. and the interest accrued amounted to £86.82p, a grand Total of £2,052.67p. The Meeting gave the Clerk permission to hand over a cheque for this amount to the Chaplain.
At Dundee the Fifth day of November Nineteen hundred and Seventy five At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Clerk’s Office at twelve Victoria Chambers Dundee at 7 o’clock Convener E. H. Leslie Shepherd in the Chair
… A general discussion then took place on a suitable token to be presented to the Padre the Rev. T. R. S. Campbell on his completion of 25 years. It was learned from the Convener that the Padre’s own thoughts were for an inscribed silver salver and the Convener reported he had discussed the matter with Mr Scott Henderson and a suitable salver had been more or less agreed upon. A general discussion then took place on whether the individual Tradesmen should be given an opportunity of subscribing or whether the sum should be taken from the funds. Boxmaster Ernest M. Suttie thought the position should be looked into by the Clerk. …The Convener then spoke of the accommodation which was to be made available for the Trades in the Glassite Church and it was agreed to consider the holding of the Eighteen Fund Court in future there. …The Convener then thought it would be appropriate to try to form some connection with the Nine Trades and the Chamber of Commerce. It was felt after discussion that if reciprocal arrangements could be made with the Chamber then these would be acceptable. …The Convener then thought it would be appropriate to try to form some connection with the Nine Trades and the Chamber of Commerce. It was felt after discussion that if reciprocal arrangements could be made with the Chamber then these would be acceptable.
At Dundee the Third day of November Nineteen hundred and Seventy six At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Glassite Church Dundee at 7 o’clock Convener O. Taylor Brown in the Chair
The Convener referred to this being a historic occasion as it was the first Meeting of the Eighteen Fund Court to be held in the Glassite Church. He emphasised that this was an experiment and the invitation had come from the Chaplain, the Rev. T. R. S. Campbell. The Craftsmen present considered that it was quite a good idea. … the Convener then intimated that the Chaplain had received a letter from the Guildry in regard to the Kirking of the Trades and the Chaplain felt that it was up to the Eighteen Fund Court to decide whether an invitation should be extended to the Lord Dean of Guild to be supported by Members of the Guildry at the Kirking in future. The Convener considered that this was a good idea and the Motion to do this was seconded by Deacon Harold M. Adams.
At Dundee the Second day of November Nineteen hundred and Seventy seven At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Glassite Church Dundee at 7 o’clock Convener O. Taylor Brown in the Chair
…the Convener announced that the Padre, the Reverend T. R. S. Campbell, wished the Deacons and the Clerks to attend St Andrews Church on 13th November 1977 at 2.30 pm when the service was to be televised at 3 pm for the programme “Songs of praise” to be screened in the new year. It was stated formal dress would be preferable and the Mace would be in the Church. It was also intimated that it was proposed that there would be a rehearsal with cameras on Saturday the 12 th November 1977, between 7 and 9 pm.
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At Dundee the seventh day of November Nineteen hundred and Seventy nine At a Stated Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Glassite Hall at seven o’clock evening Convener Archibald McNab in the Chair
…Dr O. Taylor Brown then proposed a grant should be made to the Glassite Hall. Auditor Ernest M. Suttie seconded by Boxmaster Donald T. Stewart suggested £100 grant to St Andrews Church for the use of the Glassite Hall and this was approved.
At Dundee the Twenty seventh day of May Nineteen hundred and eighty one At the Half-yearly Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Glassite Hall at seven o’clock evening Convener James R. Munro in the Chair
… As regards the Collectors Chair the Deacon Convener reported that Lord Roberts Workshop were proceeding with the Manufacture and supply of such a chair at a cost of between £300 and £350. It was agreed that the various Trades would be invited to give donations if they had not already done so and a letter of thanks should be written regarding the donations which had in fact been made.
At Dundee the Fourth day of November Nineteen hundred and eighty one At the Half-yearly Meeting of the General Fund Court of the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee held within the Glassite Hall at seven o’clock evening Convener James R. Munro in the Chair
…The collector’s Chair was a work of Art and the Convener’s photographs were housed in the Davidson Hall.
Innes A. Duffus Archivist to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee