Biotechnology From A Third World Perspective
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Biotechnology From A Third World Perspective By Dr Vandana Shiva
Technological innovation and scientific change do not merely bring benefits. They also carry social, ecological and economic costs. As the Green Revolution miracle fades out as an ecological disaster, the biotechnology revolution is being heralded as an ecological miracle for agriculture. It is being offered as a chemical free, hazard free solution to the ecological problems created by chemically intensive farming. The past forty years of chemicalisation have led to severe environmental threats to plant, animal and human life. In the popular mind, 'chemical' has come to be associated with 'ecological hazardous'. The ecologically safe alternatives have been commonly labeled as 'biological'. Biotechnology has benefited from its falling under the 'biological' category which has connotations of being ecologically safe. The biotech industry has described its agricultural innovations as 'ecology plus'.
It is more fruitful to contrast the ecological with the engineering paradigm, and to locate biotechnology in the latter. The engineering paradigm offers technological fixes to complex problems, and by ignoring the complexity, generates new ecological problems which are later defined away as 'unanticipated side effects' and 'negative externalities'. Within the engineering ethos it is impossible to anticipate and predict the ecological breakdown that an engineering intervention can cause. Engineering solutions are blind to their own impacts. Biotech, as biological engineering, cannot provide the framework for assessment of its ecological impact on agriculture.
Exports Hazards to the Third World
As bans and regulations delay tests and marketing in the North, biotechnology products will increasingly be tested in the South to bypass regulation and public control. The public, the scientists, and the official agencies of countries where these technologies are being developed are aware of these hazards. Genetic engineering companies therefore face regulatory constraints, public protests and court injunctions domestically, and have started to conduct their release experiments involving recombinant organisms in countries where obstacles appear to be fewer due to more lax legislation and lower public awareness.
As Dr Alan Goldhammer of the Industrial Biotechnology Association of the US had stated 'the pathway may be clearer in foreign nations to getting approval'. The Indian government has welcomed the biotech bandwagon of foreign companies by diluting the regulations that existed within the country.
Biohazards and Biosafety
Ignorance about the ecological and health impacts of new technologies has far outweighed the knowledge needed for their production. As Jeremy Ravetz has stated, ignorance rather than knowledge characterises our times, and maintaining an ignorance about our ignorance is a central taboo of the technocratic culture (Ravetz 1988).
Hazardous substances and processes have been manufactured faster than the structures of regulation and public control have evolved. We do not yet have full ecological criteria of testing for environmentally safe management of fossil fuel technologies of the mechanical engineering revolution.The tests for environmentally safe management of the chemical engineering revolution are still in their infancy, leading to the marketing of products, processes and wastes which are proving to be ecologically unmanageable. Tests for safety in the genetic engineering revolution are yet to be conceived, since how the genetically modified life-forms interact with other organisms is totally unknown and uncharted territory. Further, unlike hazardous chemicals such as pesticides and ecologically harmful substances like CFCs, the products of genetic engineering cannot be removed from the market. As George Wald has said in 'The Case against Genetic Engineering', 'the results will be essentially new organisms, self perpetuating and hence permanent. Once created, they cannot be recalled.'
Technology Transfer and Technology Choice
In biotechnology more than in any other area, lack of knowledge of hazards cannot be treated as safety. Restraint and caution is therefore considered the only wise strategy for unleashing powerful technologies with potentially serious risks in a context of near total ignorance.
For Third World countries, a special danger exists for being used as a testing ground and as guinea pigs. In addition, the uncertainties for the South are aggravated by the fact that the governments of the South want access to the new technologies of the North. In their haste to get access to the new technologies, the Southern governments could unwittingly place themselves and their people and environment in this role of testing ground.
Therefore, to increase the benefits from the new technologies and to reduce their negatie impacts, the Third World needs to rapidly evolve a framework of assessment of biotechnology on the basis of ecological, social and economic impact. Transfer of technology, an important issue for the South, needs to be negotiated within such an assessment framework, so that socially desirable transfer of technology can take place while undesirable and hazardous transfer can be prevented.
In the area of the environmentally safe biotechnologies, it is important to have criteria of demarcation between technologies and products that are dangerous and unnecessary and those that safe and desirable. This requires comparison and evaluation amongst different technology options, and the treatment of the new biotechnologies as merely one among many available alternatives to reach the same objective. In the final analysis, technology assessment and choice demands that technology be treated as what it is, a means and not an end in itself.
Biotechnology and Biodiversity
There is a prevalent misconception that biotechnology development will automatically lead to biodiversity conservation. The main problem with viewing biotechnology as a miracle solution to the biodiversity crisis is related to the fact that biotechnologies are, in essence, technologies for the breeding of uniformity in plants and animals. Biotech corporations do talk of contributing to genetic diversity. As John Duesing of Ciba-Geigy states, 'Patent protection will serve to stimulate the development of competing and diverse genetic solutions with access to these diverse solutions ensured by free market forces at work in biotech ecology and seed industries'. However, the 'diversity' of corporate strategies and the diversity of life forms on this planet are not the same thing, and corporate competition can hardly be treated as a substitute for nature's evolution in the creation of genetic diversity.
Corporate strategies and products can lead to diversification of commodities; they cannot enrich nature's diversity. This confusion between commodity diversification and biodiversity conservation finds its parallel in raw material diversification. Although breeders draw genetic materials from many places as raw material input, the seed commodity that is sold back to farmers is characterized by uniformity. Uniformity and monopolistic seed supplies go hand in hand. When this monopolizing control is achieved through the molecular mind, destruction of diversity becomes more accelerated. As Jack Kloppenburg has warned, 'Though the capacity to move genetic material between species is a means for introducing additional variation, it is also a means for engineering genetic uniformity across species.'
------ Recommended Literature on Biotechnology;
Biotechnology and the Environment by Vandana Shiva Genetic Engineering Dreams or Nightmares? The Brave New World of Bad Science and Big Business Dr. Mae-Wan Ho Biopolitics: A Feminist and Ecological Reader on Biotechnology (1995) by Vandana Shiva and Ingunn Moser The Ecological Risk of Engineered Crops Jane Rissler and Margaret Mellon Perils Amidst the Promise: Ecological Risks of Transgenic Crops in a Global Market Jane Rissler and Margaret Mellon Overcoming Illusions About Biotechnology by Nicanor Perlas