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School: South Side Middle

Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) 1a) By the end of 2014-2015, increase the number of all students, African-American students, and economically disadvantaged students scoring proficient on the TCAP Reading/Language Art Assessment by 10% from 23% to 27.8%. Goal 1a) By the end of 2014-2015, increase the number 7th grade students scoring proficient on the Language Arts Assessment by from 21.3% to 26.2%.

Which need(s) does this Goal address? Improving student achievement in Reading/Language Arts The District’s Strategic Plan is the 80/90/100% plan. By the year 2025, 80% of Shelby County Schools How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic students are career and college ready, 90% of students graduate from high school and 100% of students Plan? who graduate will enroll in a post-secondary learning opportunity. ACTION STEPS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan to Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected take to ensure you will be able to progress toward cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. your goal. Action steps are strategies and (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) interventions which should be scientifically based Projected where possible and include professional Performance Person(s) Required Cost(s) & Evaluation development, technology, communication, and Timeline Results/Outcom Responsible Resources Funding Strategy parent and community involvement initiatives es Sources within the action steps of each goal. Action Step Per nine- weeks, each Language Kobie TCAP data, Monitoring of 100% of Arts teacher focuses on test taking August Sweeten, Computers, Material On-Site Lesson Plan/Nine Reading/L. Arts strategies/skills to meet the TCAP 2014- Principal; Copy Paper, CPS week Syllabus, teachers will objectives. May 2015 Tarcia systems, and utilize and Parrish, Asst. Student Formal/Informal analyze data to Students take a diagnostic test Principal; Directed observations plan instruction Discovery Education Assessments Ericka Instructional and drive for a three times a year to measure skill Spencer, Strategies Peer walk-through, 10% i increase mastery and to guide instructional PLC Coach; student practices. Teachers will use Latangla Professional achievement. assessment results to determine Mills, Learning 100% of all how to modify and improve Counselor Communities (PLC) Reading./L. Arts Page 1 of 49 interventions, instructional LeAnn Dowty, teachers will strategies and assessments. Librarian Common also analyze data All Reading assessments, to plan lessons, and Language and ascertain Arts Teachers CCCS/SPI quizzes, student SPED academic needs. teachers CCCS/SPI tracking LA/Reading Teacher disaggregates data to sheets/charts scores will identify weakness and identify increase by 10% teaching strategies to address skill RAM review on all formative needs. activities assessments.  TCAP Data  Data Notebooks  PLC- Team Planning/Minutes  Common Assessments  Formative Assessment  PARCC practice probes  IStation  Quiz Lab  Free Typing Teacher generated Discovery “Probes” Action Step Monitor Direct/Explicit Instruction First Mr. Sweeten in Reading/Language Arts thirty Public/  Good First Teaching days of Regional Increased scores (Lesson Design) school Team/School $0 Costs Walkthrough on Formative  Assist in utilization of Based On-site Assessments in Tier I, II and Advance On-going Leadership Team Meetings Reading/Langua lists for intervention Teams ge Arts and enrichment After assessment Collaborative  Tennessee Academic each Regional Team Vocabulary for format- Meeting/Observa- Reading (evidence of ive tion feedback utilization and ELA workshops teaching of words) Page 2 of 49  Intensive Focus on Rigor  Ensure Common Core integration in planning

Teachers will utilize the following Kobie SCS curriculum On-Site Monitoring of 85% of students scientifically research-based August Sweeten, Guides Lesson Plan/Nine will demonstrate instructional strategies, 2014- Principal, week Syllabus, an 80% mastery resources, and programs to May 2015 Tarcia Teach Like A rate. enhance academic performance. Parrish, Asst. Champion by Formal/Informal  Shelby County Schools Principal Doug Lemov observations (SCS) Instructional Maps Ericka  Accountable Talk Spencer, TN Department Peer walk-through,  TN State Standards and Instructional of Education Curriculum Facilitator Professional  Weebly All Reading Learning and Language Communities (PLC) Action Step  IStation Arts Teachers 20 Literacy  Standards Based SPED Strategies to Common Instruction teachers Meet Common assessments,  Project Based Instruction Core by Elaine  Differentiated Instruction McEwan-Adkins SPI/GLE quizzes,  Teach Like A Champion strategies SPI/GLE tracking  Marzano Instructional sheets/charts Strategies  Bloom’s Higher Order RAM review Thinking Skills activities  20 Literacy Strategies Action Step Small group pullouts are used to Report cards reinforce skills in small group Aug. Sweeten, TCAP data, On-Site Progress Reports 100% of settings. 2014- Parrish, Computers, Classroom teachers will One to one tutoring is used for May 2015 Spencer, Copy Papers, observations implement students to address individual Mills, Dowty, CPS systems, Student research-based needs on TCAP skill objectives. General and Student participation instructional  Teachers will refer Ed/SPED Directed Student surveys strategies in students for after school teachers. Instructional weekly tutoring. instruction that  Teachers will refer increase student students for in school achievement by tutorial/intervention pull- 10%. out Page 3 of 49  Teachers will ensure Intervention Plans are utilized effectively Students will utilize technology (computers, computer software, K. Sweeten, Monitoring of 100% of Internet resources, teacher created T. Parrish, Lesson teachers will use Discovery web -Quest, CD ROMs, Istation to E. Spencer, Plans/Syllabus technology as a Assessment build skills in Reading and L. Mills, Content PLC teaching school Date Language Arts. Technology Aug. L. Dowty, meetings daily. TCAP data, resources include: 2014- General Report cards Action Step Computers, On-Site  United Streaming May 2015 Ed/SPED Progress Reports Students will Copy Papers,  Discovery Education teachers. Classroom meet AMO CPS systems,  Istation observations benchmarks. LCD Projectors  CPS/Mobis Student Smart Boards  Pearson participation  Smart Boards Student surveys

E. Spencer, L. Mills, TCAP data, Report cards Students will Students will engage in a school Feb. L. Dowty, All Computers, Progress Reports increase TCAP wide book club that will focus on 2014- Reading and Copy Papers, Classroom scores by 10%. Action Step exposing students to various March Language CPS systems, $0 Costs observations genres and cultures in literature. 2014 Arts and Student Student Teachers/ Directed participation SPED Instructional Student surveys teachers Parent/Teacher/Student Book Club Participants will be exposed to various genres and cultures in Report cards literature. March Parental Progress Reports 2014- Increased Reading Involvement Classroom Teachers, students and parents April All parental Action Step Material Title I Funds observations will study and identify 2014 stakeholders involvement and Refreshments Student collaboratively to provide positive literacy. $200.00 participation ways for us to help our students Student surveys increase their reading and comprehension skills.

Action Step Parent, Community members, Sept. All Parental Report cards Increased Adopters, student mentoring clubs 2014- stakeholders Involvement Progress Reports parental

Page 4 of 49 Classroom involvement and will be involved in observations Title I Funds community restoring/preserving school May 2015 Student $300.00 support through culture and learning environment. participation literacy. Student surveys Monitoring of Lesson Plans/Syllabus Special Education teachers will Content PLC K. Sweeten, work collaboratively with general Computers, Funds provided meetings SPED subgroup Aug. T. Parrish, education teachers to plan lessons Department of by Exceptional Report cards proficiency rate Action Step 2014- E. Spencer, using research based instructional Exceptional Children Progress Reports will improve by May 2015 SPED strategies to be utilized in Children Division Classroom 10% Teachers inclusion for SPED students. observations Student participation Student surveys Action Step Teachers and staff members will Aug. Stipends for Extended Monitoring of Students scoring implement the following support 2014- after school contract – Lesson Plan/Nine below proficient systems to assist students who are May 2015 tutoring $5000 week Syllabus, on Discovery experiencing difficulties. Title I - $5000 Education Test  After School Tutoring TEM observations and/or TCAP  Intervention Plan will participate  Peer Tutoring Peer walk-through, in during and/or  Istation after school  During School Sweeten, Professional tutoring Interventions Parrish, Learning program.  Discovery Education Spencer, Communities (PLC) Assessment Mills, Dowty, Students in Tiers  Writing Workshops General Common II and III on  Reading Comprehension Ed/SPED assessments, Istation Reading Workshop teachers. Assessment will SPI/GLE quizzes, receive in school intervention.

SPI/GLE tracking All students that sheets/charts are failing will have an RAM review Intervention activities Plan. Increased report card grades, formative Page 5 of 49 assessment, and TCAP scores. Language Arts teachers will include in their POW(Pick an idea, Organize and generate notes, Monitoring of lesson Increased Write and say more) strategies E. Spencer, On site $0 Costs plans formative test designed to assist: Weekly L. Mills, scores 1. 6th grade - 8th grade L. Dowty, All Report card Increased Action Step enrichment strategies for Reading and summative teachers based on data Language evaluation 2. Support school-wide Arts scores Writing Teachers/ 3. 12 Academic Words SPED Follow-up teachers

Teachers and administrators will attend the following high quality research based professional All staff development sessions in order to members who enhance instruction: attend the  Teach Like a Champion professional (Southside Middle School Monitoring of development Book study) Lesson conferences  Common Core Institute Plans/Syllabus listed will  Leadership Academy (New K. Sweeten, Content PLC conduct Orleans, LA) Aug. T. Parrish, Conference meetings professional  National Council of 2014- E. Spencer, registration Report cards development Action Step Teachers of Mathematics June Language fees, travel, and Progress Reports sessions at the (Boston, MA) 2015 Arts/SPED lodging. - Classroom local school site  TN Principals Conference Teachers $8,000 observations upon return (Memphis, TN) Student from the  National Title I Conference participation conferences. (Salt Lake City, UT) Student surveys This will  ASCD (formerly the Parent Surveys increase the Association and number of Curriculum Development) proficient and Conference (Houston, TX) advanced  TAMS Annual Summer students. Conference

Action Step After- Mr. Sweeten Conduct PLCs or school-wide PD school Public/Instru Walkthroughs

Page 6 of 49 with the grade level teams with a quarterly ctional Increased scores focus on sessions Facilitator/Sc On site $0 Costs Team Meetings on Formative 1) Novel Studies (once hool Based Assessments 2) Craft Plus Writing during Leadership PLC 3) Rigor the nine Teams/Teach Agendas/Minutes 4) Differentiated Instruction week ers 5) Common Core Standard period) Data Talks (Sessions) with 6th, 7th and 8th grades  Aligning classroom After ILD Zone 2 On site assessments, instruction each Teachers $0 Costs Walkthroughs Increased test Action Step and planning Monitor formative scores weekly assessments assess-  Work with grade level ment team to identify the Focused SPIs Closely align and Monitor District K. Sweeten Initiatives Weekly T. Parrish  Istation E. Spencer On $0 Costs Increased  Afterschool Tutorial Site Walkthroughs implementation Action Step  Saturday Tutorial correlated with increased formative assessment

District Classroom All teachers will Initiatives, Observations, PD participate in at All Teachers will engage in high- Aug. K. Sweeten, District evaluation sessions least two Action Step quality ongoing professional 2014- T. Parrish, Professional $0 Costs professional development. May 2015 E. Spencer Development, development Book studies, sessions each PLC topics month. Action Step Conference Increased scores professional on TEM 4.0 development evaluations. The PLC Coach will provide high Aug. 11 – E. Spencer PLC Coach Classroom quality, ongoing professional May 2015 Local, state, and Salary Federal, observations development for teachers and federal training Programs, Monitoring 15% increase in compliance support for South Side Grants, and documents parental Middle School. District Compliance Compliance involvement. Feedback Instrument Teachers will feedback implement PLC evaluation instructional Page 7 of 49 Parent/community workshop and meeting strategies. evaluations.

The School will develop data teams to assist in making assessment decisions through analyzing data and suggesting strategies that will Materials for Title One Bi-Weekly drive instruction and improve Sept Data Tracking Students will Action Step Admin. Team $1,500 assessment results, performance through the 2014- Tools meet AMO Teachers Site base Classroom implementation following bi- May 2015 Poster benchmarks. $1,000.00 observations weekly PLC meetings. paper/ink  School-wide Comp stat  VIP Club  Classroom Data Charts Decrease the number of discipline Implementation of innovative Incentives for referrals schoolwide reform strategies (VIP students Community/ received by Club), and Student Data Talks, Light Adopters students. Student Tracking Tool, School & Bi-Weekly Admin. Team Refreshments Donations of Decrease the Team-based Behavior Incentive Discipline reports, Sept. Grade Level for prizes & other number of steps Action Step Program, Bi-Weekly Clubs) and Teacher Discipline 2014 – Teams Parent/commu gifts recorded in Provide high quality parental Binders May 2015 Discipline nity meetings Faculty Team Discipline involvement activities to increase Sign In Sheets Team Materials for Donations - Binders. parental involvement (Data Days, Evaluations Parent & $500 Increase Literacy Night, TCAP Night, Parent community Parental and Walkthroughs etc) meeting community involvement by 10% from last year.

Page 8 of 49 Writing Framework


School: South Side Middle School

Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) South Side Middle will increase students in grades 6-8 in all subgroups foundational skills needed for Goal them to be proficient writers at the end of each grade level. There is a need to move more students in the proficient/advanced category Which need(s) does this Goal address? Maintain 95% participation rate in Reading, Language Arts and Writing The District’s Strategic Plan is the 80/90/100% plan. By the year 2025, 80% of Shelby County Schools How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic students are career and college ready, 90% of students graduate from high school and 100% of Plan? students who graduate will enroll in a post-secondary learning opportunity. ACTION STEPS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan to Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected take to ensure you will be able to progress toward cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. your goal. Action steps are strategies and (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) interventions which should be scientifically based Projected where possible and include professional Performance Timeli Person(s) Required Cost(s) & Evaluation development, technology, communication, and Results/Outcom ne Responsible Resources Funding Strategy parent and community involvement initiatives es Sources within the action steps of each goal. ELA teachers participate in June K. Sweeten, TN Core Purchased by Sign in sheets 100% of ELA Common Core Training in 2014- Principal; T. materials the state and Evaluation teachers will the summer and May Parrish, Asst. district participate in throughout the school year. 2015 Principal; on-going PD Action Step  TN Core Writing All ELA teachers provided by Training state/district .  Coaching Institute SPED teachers Student writing scores will increase by 10% Action Step Provide professional August K. Sweeten, TN Core N/A Evaluation 100% of the development to all staff on 2014 Principal materials faculty will gain writing expectations T. Parrish, Asst. Chart paper an under- Principal, Markers standing of CCSS Shannon Cotton, writing Page 9 of 49 Asst. Principal E. standards and Spencer, alignment to PLC Coach content L Dowty, Student writing Librarian scores will increase by 10%

Institute school wide August K. Sweeten, TN Core N/A Students writings 100% of writing routine (Write on 2014- Principal materials samples teachers will Wednesdays) May T. Parrish, Asst. TN Core effectively 2015 Principal website deliver writing E. Spencer, strategies within Action Step PLC Coach classroom Miss Gordon, instruction. Librarian Student writing General scores will Ed/SPED increase by 10% teachers Conduct monthly sessions August K. Sweeten, N/A N/A Observations 100% of to review data and status of 2014- Principal Writing data results teachers will writing plan May T. Parrish, Asst. participate in 2015 Principal sessions and E. Spencer, conduct ongoing Action Step PLC Coach analysis of L. Dowty, student data. Librarian Student writing scores will increase by 10%

Page 10 of 49



School: South Side Middle

Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) 1a) By the end of 2014-2015, increase the number of all students, African-American students, and economically disadvantaged students scoring proficient on the Mathematics Assessment by from 20.9% to 25.8%. Goal . 1a) By the end of 2014-2015, increase the number 7th grade students scoring proficient on the Mathematics Assessment by from 24.2% to 29.1%.

Which need(s) does this Goal address? Improving student achievement in Mathematics. The District’s Strategic Plan is the 80/90/100% plan. By the year 2025, 80% of Shelby County Schools How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic students are career and college ready, 90% of students graduate from high school and 100% of Plan? students who graduate will enroll in a post-secondary learning opportunity. ACTION STEPS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected to take to ensure you will be able to progress cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) interventions which should be scientifically based Projected where possible and include professional Performance Person(s) Required Cost(s) & Evaluation development, technology, communication, and Timeline Results/Outcom Responsible Resources Funding Strategy parent and community involvement initiatives es Sources within the action steps of each goal. Action Step Per nine- weeks, each Math Kobie Sweeten, TCAP data, I- Items already Monitoring of Math scores will teacher focuses on test taking August Principal; Ready data on-site. Lesson Plan/Nine increase by 10% strategies/skills to meet the 2014-May Tarcia Parrish, Computers, Title I – Copy week Syllabus, on all formative

Page 11 of 49 TCAP objectives and Common 2015 Asst. Principal; Copy Paper, CPS Paper $500 assessments. Core tasks. Ericka systems, and Formal/Informal Spencer, Student observations Students take a diagnostic test PLC Coach; Directed I-Ready and Discovery Latangla Mills, Instructional Peer walk-through, Education Assessment three Counselor; Strategies, times a year to measure skill LeAnn Dowty, I-Ready data Professional mastery and to guide Librarian; Learning instructional practices. All Math Communities (PLC) Teachers will use assessment teachers results to determine how to SPED teachers Common modify and improve assessments, interventions, instructional strategies and assessments. SPI/GLE quizzes,

Content Area Teacher disaggregates data to Meetings identify weakness and identify teaching strategies to address SPI/GLE tracking skill needs. sheets/charts  TCAP Data Common Core State  I-Ready Data Standard mastery  Data Notebooks RAM review  PLC- Team activities Planning/Minutes  Common Assessments  Formative Assessment  I-Ready Teacher generated Discovery “Probes” Action Step Math teachers will participate Beginning Math Teachers Conference Title 1 Analyze TCAP data Participating in high quality job-embedded, of school T. Gilliam Registration $2,000 Lesson Plan teachers will district, state and local level year until fees, travel, Feedback utilize learned professional development to June 2015 Substitutes Teacher strategies to enhance instructional Effectiveness impact student knowledge and pedagogy: i.e. Measure learning and attend the Common Core Observation their Summer Institute, Regional effectiveness. Math Collaborative and TAMS Teachers will Page 12 of 49 increase number Spring Drive-in Conference of and district & School based proficient/advan PLC’s, and monthly ced students on department meetings TCAP.

Monitor Direct/Explicit August Mr. Sweeten Instruction in 2014-May Community/ Reading/Language Arts 2015 Regional Increased scores  Good First Team/School Walkthrough on Formative Teaching (Lesson Based On-site $0 COSTS Assessments in Design) Leadership Team Meetings Math  Assist in Teams utilization of I- assessment Ready Tier I, II, and Tier III intervention and Action Step enrichment  Tennessee Academic Vocabulary for Math (evidence of utilization and teaching of words)  Intensive Focus on Rigor  Ensure Common Core integration

Action Step Teachers will utilize the Kobie Sweeten, SCS curriculum Material On Site Monitoring of 85% of students following scientifically August Principal, Guides Lesson Plan/Nine will demonstrate research-based instructional 2014-May Tarcia Parrish, week Syllabus, an 80% mastery strategies, resources, and 2015 Asst. Principal Teach Like A rate. programs to enhance academic Ericka Champion by Formal/Informal performance. Spencer, Doug Lemov observations  Shelby County Schools Instructional (SCS) Instructional Facilitator TN Department Peer walk-through, Maps All Math of Education  TN State Standards Teachers Professional and Curriculum SPED teachers Teaching Learning  Standards Based Numeracy Communities (PLC) Instruction Page 13 of 49 Common  Project Based Instruction assessments,  Differentiated SPI quizzes, Instruction  Teach Like A SPI tracking Champion strategies sheets/charts  Marzano Instructional Strategies RAM review  Bloom’s Higher Order activities Thinking Skills After- Mr. Sweeten Conduct PLCs or school-wide school Public/PLC Walkthroughs PD with the grade level teams quarterly Coach/ Increased scores with a focus on sessions School Based On site $0 Costs Team Meetings on Formative (once Leadership Assessments Action Step Common Core during the Teams/ PLC Rigor nine week Teachers Agendas/Minutes Differentiated period) Instruction PLC Meetings Data Talks (Sessions) with 6th thru 8th grades  Aligning classroom After each Regional Team On site assessments, formative Teachers $0 Costs Compstat Sessions Increased test instruction and assess- Walkthroughs scores planning (especially in ment Action Step 7th grade Math)  Monitor weekly assessments  Work with grade level team to identify the Focused SPIs Closely align and Monitor Mr. Sweeten District Initiatives offered to Weekly Public /School the lowest achieving students Leadership On $0 Costs Increased and the struggling student: Team Site Walkthroughs implementation Action Step  I-Ready correlated with  Afterschool Tutorial increased  Saturday Tutorial formative assessment

Page 14 of 49 Daily Walk- Identify and support throughs Regional On-site Increased novice/struggling teachers PLC’S and Coaches/ $0 Costs Lesson Plans evaluation Action Step with SPECIFIC feedback for individual Admin Team Professional scores, growth monitor- Support Plan increased ing Development formative Mentor assessment Collaboration scores Small group pullouts are used Report cards to reinforce skills in small Aug. 2014- Sweeten, TCAP data, I- On site Progress Reports All teachers will group settings. May 2015 Parrish, Ready data, Classroom implement One to one tutoring is used for Spencer, Mills, Computers, observations research-based students to address individual Dowty, General Copy Papers, Student instructional needs on TCAP skill objectives Ed/SPED CPS systems, participation strategies in targeted for the lowest teachers. Mobis and Student surveys weekly achieving students and the Student instruction to struggling student: Directed decrease Action Step  Teachers will refer Instructional basic/below students for after basic scores by school tutoring 10%.  Teachers will refer students for in school tutorial (intervention) pull-out  Teachers will ensure Intervention Plans are utilized effectively Mathematics Specialist will include in their POW strategies designed to assist: Increased 4. 6th grade - 8th grade Mathematics On site $0 Costs formative test enrichment strategies Weekly Specialist scores for teachers based on Increased Action Step data summative 5. Identify “What evaluation worked” in Math scores instruction and maximize on it

Action Step Students will utilize Aug. 2014- TCAP data, On-site Monitoring of technology (computers, May 2015 K. Sweeten, Computers, Lesson 100% of computer software, Internet T. Parrish, Copy Papers, Plans/Syllabus teachers will use Page 15 of 49 resources, CD ROMs, I-Ready E. Spencer, technology as a to build skills in Math. L. Mills, Content PLC teaching school Technology resources include: L. Dowty, meetings daily.  United Streaming General Report cards Increased CPS systems, Progress Reports  Discovery Education Ed/SPED formative test LCD Projectors Classroom  ConnectED teachers. scores. Smart Boards observations  CPS/Mobis Student  I-Ready participation  Smart Boards Student surveys Teachers and staff members will implement the following interventions to assist Students scoring “bubble” students who are 20 below 50% points above or below proficient on Spring 2014 proficiency on the TCAP Math Saturday TCAP and Assessment. Academy following 1st  Saturday Academy K. Sweeten (Extended Intervention Plan nine weeks (Extended T. Parrish Contract) TCAP Coach Report cards reports, students  Learning) Sept. E. Spencer $3000 Books, Progress Reports will be assigned Action Step  Ed Plan 2014-May L. Mills After school Additional Classroom to Saturday  Discovery Education 2015 L. Dowty tutoring Personnel observations Academy and Practice Probes All Math/SPED (Extended Data reports. after school  Extended Year Teachers Contract) tutoring. Tutoring Increased report  In-School Tutoring – card grades, Title I formative  Virtual Learning assessment, and  I-Ready Program TCAP scores.  Inclusion

Action Step Special Education teachers will Aug. 2014- K. Sweeten, Computers, Funds provided Monitoring of All SPED work collaboratively with May 2015 T. Parrish, Department of by Exceptional Lesson students that general education teachers to E. Spencer, Exceptional Children Plans/Syllabus take TCAP test plan lessons using research SPED Teachers Children Division Content PLC will participate based instructional strategies meetings in the inclusion to be utilized in inclusion for Report cards program. SPED SPED students. Progress Reports subgroup Classroom proficiency rate observations will improve by Student 10% participation Page 16 of 49 Student surveys Monitoring of K. Sweeten, Lesson Plan/Nine T. Parrish, week Syllabus, E. Spencer, Students scoring L. Mills, TEM observations below proficient L. Dowty, on Discovery General Peer walk-through, Education Test Ed/SPED and/or TCAP Teachers and staff members teachers. Professional will participate will implement the following Learning in after school support systems to assist Communities (PLC) tutoring students who are experiencing program. difficulties. Stipends for Common Aug. 2014- Extended Action Step  After School Tutoring after school assessments, All students that May 2015 contract – Title I  Intervention Plan tutoring are failing will  Peer Tutoring SPI/GLE quizzes, have an  During School Intervention Interventions Plan.  I-Ready SPI/GLE tracking sheets/charts Increased report card grades, RAM review formative activities assessment, and TCAP scores.

Action Step Teachers and administrators Aug. 2014- K. Sweeten, Conference Monitoring of All staff will attend the following high June 2015 T. Parrish, registration Lesson members who quality research based E. Spencer, fees, travel, and Plans/Syllabus attend the professional development Language lodging. - Content PLC professional sessions in order to enhance Arts/SPED $8,000 meetings development instruction: Teachers Report cards conferences  Teach Like a Progress Reports listed will Champion Classroom conduct (Southside Middle observations professional School Book study) Student development  Common Core participation sessions at the Institute Student surveys local school site  Leadership Academy upon return (San Diego, CA) from the Page 17 of 49  National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Boston, MA)  TN Principals Conference (Memphis, TN) conferences.  National Title I This will Conference increase the (Salt City, UT) number of  ASCD (formerly the proficient and Association and advanced Curriculum students. Development) Conference (Houston, TX)  TAMS Annual Summer Conference  District Collaboratives

Action Step The faculty and staff will Aug. 2014- E. Spencer, Materials, Light refresh- Monitoring of At least 60% of utilize the following strategies May 2015 L. Dowty, Literary Café’ ments during Lesson Plan/Nine parents and and resources to support Language Arts Material, Light meetings. week Syllabus, community students academically, support & SPED refreshments $500 supports will home-school connections, and Teachers during parent TEM observations participate in at increase parental involvement. meetings. least one of the  Annual Title I Parent Peer walk-through, designated Meeting activities.  Full Force Fatherhood Professional Conference Learning  Grandparent’s Day Communities (PLC)  Muffins for Moms  School Newsletter Common  Parent/Teacher assessments, Conferences  Literary Café’ SPI/GLE quizzes,  Parent/Student/Teac her Book Club  ME (Men Excelling) SPI/GLE tracking sheets/charts  Girl Power RAM review activities Page 18 of 49 Classroom All teachers will Observations, PD participate in at evaluation sessions least two District professional K. Sweeten, Initiatives, development All Teachers will engage in T. Parrish, District sessions each Aug. 2014- Action Step high-quality ongoing E. Spencer Professional $0 Costs month to May 2015 professional development. District Development, increase TEM Personnel Book studies, 4.0 scores and PLC topics increase students achievement by 10%.. Students review TCAP skills Graphic At least using the Ram Review Method Organizers & Lesson plans, once a (bell work upon entering ancillary formal/informal week class). materials assessments, August All Teachers, observations, peer As per previous 2014-May K. Sweeten, T. walk-through, team year, all teachers 2015 Students participate in Parrish, E. meetings, Dept. will implement cooperative groups to enhance Spencer, L. meetings, nine research-based Action Step their cognitive thinking Mills, L. Dowty, weeks standards, instructional abilities by learning from their All Math & SPI tracking strategies in peers SPED teachers sheets/charts weekly results, assessment instruction. results

The school will offer in-school Aug. 2014- Support TCAP data, Report Card, Students will pull out intervention for May 2015 Teachers Enrichment progress, reports, increase TCAP students who are experiencing Material formative scores in Math. Action Step difficulties mastering assessment data. numeracy skills. (I-Ready Tier II and Tier III) Action Step The PLC Coach will provide Conferences Classroom high quality, ongoing professional PLC Coach’s observations 15% increase in professional development for development Salary Federal, Monitoring parental Page 19 of 49 Aug. 11 – E. Spencer Programs, documents involvement. May 2015 Local, state, and Grants, and Compliance federal training Compliance Instrument Teachers will teachers and compliance feedback implement support for South Side Middle District PLC evaluation instructional School. Feedback Parent/community strategies that workshop and will increase meeting student evaluations. achievement by 10%.

SCIENCE Framework


School: South Side Middle

Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) 1a) By the end of 2014-2015, South Side Middle School will increase the number of all students, African- American students, and economically disadvantaged students scoring proficient on the Science TCAP Goal Assessment from 16.1 % to 21%.

Which need(s) does this Goal address? All students within each subgroup will increase Science TCAP scores. The District’s Strategic Plan is the 80/90/100% plan. By the year 2025, 80% of Shelby County Schools How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic students are career and college ready, 90% of students graduate from high school and 100% of students who Plan? graduate will enroll in a post-secondary learning opportunity. ACTION STEPS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected to take to ensure you will be able to progress cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) interventions which should be scientifically based Projected where possible and include professional Performance Person(s) Required Cost(s) & Evaluation development, technology, communication, and Timeline Results/Outcom Responsible Resources Funding Strategy parent and community involvement initiatives es Sources within the action steps of each goal. Action Step Teachers will invite experts Aug. 4 – Science CPS units Evaluation Survey Increased each nine weeks to review and May 2015 Department Internet student Page 20 of 49 demonstrate learning Chairs, awareness and objectives (weather reporters, K. Sweeten $0 Cost classroom college professors, graduate T. Gilliam participation students, industrial E. Spencer Student professionals, etc.). Web-Quest achievement will increase by 10% on weekly classroom assessments. All lessons will be student Aug. 4 – Science Refreshments Participants centered; teachers will ensure May 2015 Department Title I Funds Evaluation that students are engaged in a Chairs, $300.00 hands-on science experiment, K. Sweeten Student which cover the week’s T. Gilliam & Parent objectives. Experiments will E. Spencer, Participation- Science scores be based and built on prior CPS units will in increase Action Step knowledge and skills that Internet Evaluation Survey by 10% for all reflect and demonstrate Web-Quest students. mastery on current objectives.  Project Based Learning Activities  Annual Math & Science Night

Students will conduct inquiry- Aug. 4 – E. Spencer Monitoring of All students will based learning through the use May 2015 Science weekly lesson plans. experience and involvement in the teachers. TEM Evaluations hands-on following: Science kits On-site Content PLCs activities during  Hands-on activities CPS units Student assessment the school year. Action Step  Mobile labs Internet As a result,  Discovery Web-Quest increased  Gizmos Gizmos student achievement and participation in Science Aug. 4 – K. Sweeten $0 COST – Participant District May 2015 T. Gilliam provided by the Evaluation Initiatives All teachers will engage in high E. Spencer district or in- District wide 100% of all quality ongoing professional house. Classroom Action Step Content Science teachers development. Observations Meetings will participate. All Science teachers will be Monthly PLC trained on how to use Gizmos topics Page 21 of 49 15% increase in The PLC Coach will provide Aug. 4 – E. Spencer PLC Coach Classroom Conference parental high quality, ongoing May 2015 Salary Federal, observations professional involvement. professional development for Programs, Monitoring development teachers and compliance Grants, and documents Teachers will support for South Side Middle Compliance Compliance Action Step Local, state, and implement School. Instrument federal training instructional feedback strategies that PLC evaluation District will increase Parent/community Feedback student workshop and achievement by meeting 10%.. evaluations.

Teachers will invite experts Aug. 4 – K.Sweeten Evaluation Survey Increased each nine weeks to review and May 2015 T. Gilliam student demonstrate learning Science Dept., awareness and objectives (weather reporters, E. Spencer $0 Cost classroom college professors, graduate CPS units participation Action Step students, industrial Internet Student professionals, etc.). Web-Quest achievement will increase by 10% on weekly classroom assessments. All lessons will be student Aug. 4 – K.Sweeten Refreshments Participants centered; teachers will ensure May 2015 T. Gilliam Title I Funds Evaluation that students are engaged in a Science Dept., $300.00 hands-on science experiment, E. Spencer Student which cover the week’s & Parent objectives. Experiments will Participation- Science scores be based and built on prior CPS units will in increase Action Step knowledge and skills that Internet Evaluation Survey by 10% for all reflect and demonstrate Web-Quest students. mastery on current objectives.  Project Based Learning Activities  Annual Math & Science Night

Page 22 of 49 Students will conduct inquiry- Aug. 4 – E. Spencer Monitoring of All students will based learning through the use May 2015 Science weekly lesson plans. experience and involvement in the teachers. TEM Evaluations hands-on following: Science kits On-site Content PLCs activities during  Hands-on activities CPS units Student assessment the school year.  Mobile labs Internet As a result,  Discovery Web-Quest increased  Gizmos Gizmos student achievement and participation in Science Aug. 4 – K. Sweeten $0 COST – Participant District 100% of all May 2015 T. Gilliam provided by the Evaluation Initiatives Science teachers All teachers will engage in high E. Spencer district or in- District wide will participate quality ongoing professional house. Classroom Content that will development. Observations Meetings increase student All Science teachers will be Monthly PLC achievement by trained on how to use Gizmos topics 10%..

15% increase in The PLC Coach will provide Aug. 4 – E. Spencer PLC Coach Classroom Conference parental high quality, ongoing May 2015 Salary Federal, observations professional involvement. professional development for Programs, Monitoring development teachers and compliance Grants, and documents Teachers will support for South Side Middle Compliance Compliance Local, state, and implement School. Instrument federal training instructional feedback strategies that PLC evaluation District will increase Parent/community Feedback student workshop and achievement by meeting 10%.. evaluations.

Teachers will invite experts Aug. 4 – K.Sweeten CPS units Evaluation Survey Increased each nine weeks to review and May 2015 T. Gilliam Internet student demonstrate learning Science Dept., Web-Quest awareness and objectives (weather reporters, E. Spencer $0 Cost classroom college professors, graduate participation students, industrial Student professionals, etc.). achievement will increase by 10% Page 23 of 49 on weekly classroom assessments. All lessons will be student Aug. 4 – K.Sweeten Refreshments Participants centered; teachers will ensure May 2015 T. Gilliam Title I Funds Evaluation that students are engaged in a Science Dept., $300.00 hands-on science experiment, E. Spencer Student which cover the week’s & Parent objectives. Experiments will Participation- Science scores be based and built on prior CPS units will in increase knowledge and skills that Internet Evaluation Survey by 10% for all reflect and demonstrate Web-Quest students. mastery on current objectives.  Project Based Learning Activities  Annual Math & Science Night

Students will conduct inquiry- Aug. 4 – E. Spencer Monitoring of All students will based learning through the use May 2015 Science weekly lesson plans. experience and involvement in the teachers. TEM Evaluations hands-on Science kits following: On-site Content PLCs activities during CPS units  Hands-on activities Student assessment the school year. Internet As a result,  Mobile labs Web-Quest increased  Discovery Gizmos  Gizmos student achievement will increase by 10%. Conference professional 15% increase in development parental The PLC Coach will provide Aug. 4 – E. Spencer PLC Coach Classroom involvement. high quality, ongoing May 2015 Local, state, and Salary Federal, observations professional development for federal training Programs, Monitoring Teachers will teachers and compliance Grants, and documents implement support for South Side Middle District Compliance Compliance instructional School. Feedback Instrument strategies to feedback improve student PLC evaluation achievement by Parent/community 10%.. workshop and meeting evaluations. Page 24 of 49 Teachers will invite experts Aug. 4 – K.Sweeten Evaluation Survey Increased each nine weeks to review and May 2015 T. Gilliam student demonstrate learning Science Dept., awareness and objectives (weather reporters, E. Spencer $0 Cost classroom college professors, graduate CPS units participation students, industrial Internet Student professionals, etc.). Web-Quest achievement will increase by 10% on weekly classroom assessments. All lessons will be student Aug. 4 – K.Sweeten Refreshments Participants centered; teachers will ensure May 2015 T. Gilliam Title I Funds Evaluation that students are engaged in a Science Dept., $300.00 hands-on science experiment, E. Spencer Student which cover the week’s & Parent objectives. Experiments will Participation- Science scores be based and built on prior CPS units will in increase knowledge and skills that Internet Evaluation Survey by 10% for all reflect and demonstrate Web-Quest students. mastery on current objectives.  Project Based Learning Activities  Annual Math & Science Night

Students will conduct inquiry- Aug. 4 – E. Spencer Monitoring of All students will based learning through the use May 2015 Science weekly lesson plans. experience and involvement in the teachers. TEM Evaluations hands-on following: Science kits On-site Content PLCs activities during  Hands-on activities CPS units Student assessment the school year.  Mobile labs Internet As a result,  Discovery Web-Quest increased  Gizmos Gizmos student achievement and participation in Science Aug. 4 – K. Sweeten District $0 COST – Participant 100% of all May 2015 T. Gilliam Initiatives provided by the Evaluation Science teachers All teachers will engage in high E. Spencer District wide district or in- will participate quality ongoing professional Content house. Classroom in PD that will Page 25 of 49 development. Observations Meetings All Science teachers will be increase student Monthly PLC trained on how to use Gizmos achievement. topics

Middle School Intervention Plan 2014-2015 School: South Side Middle School Action Steps Timeline Resources Person(s) Responsible Select members for school level support team; set August 2014 SCS RTI2 Manual Kobie Sweeten, Principal and publish meeting dates (every 4.5 weeks). Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal Latangla Mills, School Counselor Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach

Ensure that staff members receive professional August-September District professional Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach development on universal screener and intervention 2014 development schedule in MLP programs, as needed. Site-based fidelity check Develop and implement building procedures for August 2014-May SCS RTI2 Manual Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal fidelity monitoring to include data/usage review and 2015 Checklists, electronic monitoring Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach classroom observations in Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III. tools Schedules with who/when/how often Site-based fidelity check Administer universal screeners in Reading and September 2014 iReady, Mathematics Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an Istation, Reading Language Arts Teachers “as needed” basis. Data review, Writing Math Teachers Identify students in need of strategic Tier II and September 2014 Data from universal screeners, Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach intensive Tier III intervention in Reading and/or December 2014 report cards, teacher Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal Mathematics. May 2015 observation, other student Language Arts/Math Teachers assessment data as appropriate Communicate assignments to intervention programs September 2014 Parent letters- See SCS RTI2 Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach to parents of students involved Manual for examples Language Arts/Math Teachers Set schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions; September- Computers/labs Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal realign staffing as needed. December 2014 Resources for small group Page 26 of 49 intervention Provide Tier II and Tier III interventions for all students September 2014- iReady, Mathematics Administrative Team in need of intervention. May 2015 Istation, Reading Teachers School choice, Writing Teachers Assitants Establish progress monitoring for students receiving September 2014- iReady, Mathematics Kobie Sweeten, Principal interventions—biweekly for Tier II and weekly for Tier May 2015 Istation, Reading Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal III School choice, Writing Latangla Mills, School Counselor Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach Language Arts/Math Teachers

School level support team meets every 4.5 weeks to September 2014- Student assessment data Kobie Sweeten, Principal review data and make recommendations for May 2015 Attendance records Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal modification. Completed fidelity checklists Latangla Mills, School Counselor Teacher observation Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach

Communicate progress and/or changes in September 2014- Parent letters- See SCS RTI2 Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach intervention assignments to parents (e.g., moving May 2015 Manual for examples Language Arts/Math Teachers between/among tiers, newly assigned, moving out of intervention). Positive behavior: mentor program include student September 2014- Mentoring documentation Administrative Team clubs, organizations, check in and out with Guidance May 2015 Teachers Counselor, and monthly meeting with Navy Mentors. Teachers Assitants Exemplary Attendance Program: free luncheon at Peabody Hotel, After School Tutoring Program include extended learning program Tuesday and Thursday. Saturday school: free tutoring, pizza, basketball, and computer time. Academic Achievement: Free Etiquette Class and Lunch for Principals list and honor roll students. Administer universal screeners in Reading and December 2014 iReady, Mathematics Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an Istation, Reading Language Arts Teachers “as needed” basis. Data review, Writing Math Teachers School level support team meets to review data and December 2014 Student assessment data Kobie Sweeten, Principal make adjustments to intervention schedules for the Attendance records Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal second semester, as indicated by the new data. Completed fidelity checklists Latangla Mills, School Counselor Teacher observation Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach

Revise schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions, December 2014- iReady, Mathematics Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal as needed, based on December universal screening January 2015 Istation, Reading Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach School choice, Writing Administer universal screeners in Reading and May 2015 iReady, Mathematics Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an Istation, Reading Language Arts Teachers Page 27 of 49 “as needed” basis. Data review, Writing Math Teachers School level support team meets to review end-of- May 2015 Student assessment data Kobie Sweeten, Principal year data and make preliminary plans for next year. Attendance records Tarcia Parrish, Asst. Principal Completed fidelity checklists Latangla Mills, School Counselor Teacher observation Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach

Transition Plan/Feeder School Action Plan School: South Side Middle Date: September 10, 2014 Action Steps Timeline Required Resources Person(s) Parent Involvement Responsible Meet with the 5th February 2015 Refreshments Kobie Sweeten, Principal Invite parents to the administration and teams at (paper)Information packets. Tarcia Gilliam, Assistant meeting to provide feeder schools (Alton, AB Principal Hill, & Lincoln) to discuss Ericka Spencer, input. common practices that have Instructional Facilitator been effective instruments Latangla Mills, Counselor for improved student achievement.

Page 28 of 49 Meet jointly with the 8th March 2015 No cost to the school K. Sweeten Parents are encouraged graders and parents to T. Gilliam to talk with students discuss the Focused Plan of L. Mills Study and promotion day E. Spencer about their choices for activities. M. Bates courses and Focused Plan of Study.

Joint Family Night with April 2015 $200.00 K. Sweeten Parents will be invited feeder elementary & High Activities & refreshments T. Gilliam and encouraged to schools. E. Spencer M. Bates participate in this B. Thompson educational endeavor. A. Woods L. Mills B. Mulugeta 8th grade team members Counselor representatives from feeder high school and elementary schools.

Page 29 of 49

School: ___South Side Middle______Technical Assistance Report Name Title/Position  Check One Topic  Check One Stat Distric School- Site Phon Email e t Based Visit e Call Terry Brown Zone Supervisor  Assistance with common characteristics of high quality schools   Arby Martin PIT Crew  Assistance with professional learning teams, monitoring documentation.   TEM 4.0 Training Dr. Deborah Currie Title One  Assistance with Comprehensive Needs Advisor Assessment, Schoolwide Reform   Strategies. Title I Accountability Denise Swan Student Support  Assistance with Extended Day Proposal  Derrick Sanders Title One  Assistance with NCLB Accountability Executive Assistance with Comprehensive Needs  Director Assessment, Schoolwide Reform Title One Strategies Page 30 of 49 Manager Title One Accountant Trevor Thompson FACE  Assistance with The role of Family Engagement and Family Resources  Shalanda Saulsberry SCS Secondary  Assistance with science instruction, Science content integration, and new   curriculum implementation Camille Horton SCS Secondary  Assistance with mathematics Mathematics instruction and content integration   Latisha Bryant iStation &  iStation Secondary ELA  

Strategies to Attract High Quality, Highly Qualified Teachers .Support uncertified personnel gain certification

.Establish collaborative with colleges and universities

.Provide ongoing high quality professional development

.Encourage local, state, and national professional development

.Implement mentoring program

.Establish networks to build capacity

.Allow teachers to observe in experienced teachers’ classrooms

Funds Used To Remove School From High Priority List .Title I Funds

.Site Based Budget

.BEP Funds

.SCS Extended Contract Funds

Page 31 of 49 .Supplemental Education Services (SES)

.School Improvement Grant Funds

Coordination And Integration Of Federal, State, And Local Services And Programs List all State educational programs and other Federal programs that are consolidated in this plan. 1. Title I- State/Federal /Local Programs

2. State of Tennessee BEP .SCS Literacy Coach .SCS Mathematics Coach .Behavior Specialist .Funds for Instructional Materials

3. School Improvement Grant .Family Specialist .Funds for Instructional Materials and Technology 4. Title IV .Safe and Drug –Free Schools .PBIS Initiative .Fight-Free Schools .Multi-Hazard Emergency School Plan

5. IStation 7. I-Ready 8. State Funds for Extended Contract

Report Of Individual Assessments Results To Parents In A Language They Understand The office of Research and Evaluation provides individual student assessment results to parents for the following assessments: .TCAP Assessment .TCAP Writing Assessment

This school provides individual student assessment results to parents for the following assessments: .IStation .Discovery Assessments .I-Ready .Progress Reports/Report Cards Page 32 of 49 ACTION STEPS TIMELINE Topics PERSONS RESPONSIBLE New Teacher Orientation with Aug 2014 Introduction Dr. Tarcia Gilliam Parrish, Asst. Principal learning coaches Bilen Mulugeta, Master Teacher Sandra Polk, Learning Coach Bi-Monthly Meetings of all October 2014 – TEM 4.0 Lesson Plan Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach Coaches May 2015 Teacher Evaluation Bilen Mulugeta, Master Teacher Measurement Classroom Management Inclusion Co-teaching Good First Teaching Explicit Direct Instruction Professionalism Shadowing Opportunities October - February Sustaining Good Teaching Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach Practices Bilen Mulugeta, Master Teacher Sandra Polk, Learning Coach Weekly Mentor/Mentee Mtgs September 2014- Coaching Logs Bilen Mulugeta, Master Teacher May 2015 Sandra Polk, Learning Coach Arby Martin, PIT Crew Peer Observations September 2014 - Observation Schedule Bilen Mulugeta, Master Teacher May 2015 Reflection Logs Sandra Polk, Learning Coach Ericka Spencer, PLC Coach Informal Observations with September 2014 – Good First Teaching, Bilen Mulugeta, Master Teacher Reflection May 2015 Classroom Management, Sandra Polk Learning Coach TEM 4.0 Evaluation Arby Martin, PIT Crew South Side Middle Mentoring Plan

Page 33 of 49 South Side Middle School Family Engagement Plan 2014-2015 “Strive…Struggle…Succeed”

Page 34 of 49 Under the Federal Projects Director, Southside Middle School has jointly developed and distributed a Family Engagement Plan with the assistance and collaboration of parents. This plan has been agreed upon and distributed to parents. The Plan establishes the expectations for parental involvement at Southside Middle School according to the guidelines set forth in Title I regulations.

To insure that parents have the opportunity to participate in an organized, on-going and timely way in the planning, review, and improvement of programs for family engagement and the Family Engagement Plan of the Title I Program at Southside Middle School, we shall do the following:  Invite parents to the Title I Annual Parent Meeting held in August or September to inform them of the following: 1. Southside Middle School’s participation in the Title I program 2. The Title I requirements for Southside Middle School 3. The right of parents to be involved in the school 4. Various school activities  Hold a flexible number of parent meetings and activities.  Involve parents in planning and developing school improvement projects.  Serve on the Site-Based Leadership Team.  Use their talents and resources to enhance instructional programs.  Respond to memos, surveys, and questionnaires expressing ideas and concerns to improve the educational process.  Involve parents in an organized, ongoing and timely way in the plans for parent involvement.  Provide parents timely information about parent involvement programs.  Provide parents a description and an explanation to parents of: 1. The curriculum in use at the school 2. Forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress 3. Proficiency levels students are expected to meet.  Provide parents with opportunities for regular meetings, if requested, to formulate suggestions, to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children and respond to any suggestions as soon as practically possible.  Jointly develop with parents a school-parent compact  Review the Home/School Compact periodically to ensure that plans continue to be in place to increase student achievement.  Provide parental involvement strategies that are coordinated and integrated with parent involvement strategies under other programs.  Review the Family Engagement Plan to meet the changing needs of parents and the school.  Provide assistance to parents in understanding such topics as: 1. State academic content Standards 2. State student academic achievement standards 3. State and local academic assessments including alternate assessments, how to monitor a child’s progress and how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children and the requirements of parent involvement.  Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their achievement, such as literacy training and using technology to foster parent involvement.  With the assistance of parents, educate teachers; pupil services personnel, principals and other staff in the value and utility of parent contributions. The staff will be trained in how to reach out, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners. In addition, the staff will be trained to implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and schools.  Send parent’s information related to school and parent programs, meeting and other activities to the extent practicable, in a language parents can understand.  Conduct parent surveys to determine effectiveness of the Family Engagement Plan.  Provide Parents information in English and Spanish.  Provide parents with responsible support for parent involvement activities as parents may request. Page 35 of 49  Support family engagement in all programs at school. Allow all Title I personnel to be accessible to parents.  Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at Southside Middle, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.  Parents participate in AT LEAST ONE school sponsored parent teacher conference.  Include parents in professional development available to staff and parents under No Child Left Behind.

Revised 07/14

South Side Middle School School-Parent Compact 2014-2015 (Revised 07/23/2014) “Strive…Struggle…Succeed” South Side Middle School jointly developed, with parents, a School-Parent Compact that outlines how parents/school/staff/students will share responsibility Page 36 of 49 for improving student academic achievement and how the school and parents will develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards.

Parent/Guardian Agreement – I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will be responsible for supporting my child’s learning by doing the following: • Monitor my child’s attendance and punctuality on a daily basis. • See that my child is dressed according to the SCS uniform policy each day. • Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline. • Establish a time for homework and review it regularly. • Be watchful and aware of what my child is learning as reflected by behavior, grades and associations. • Communicate with teachers frequently to find out how my child is doing in school. • Review my child’s report card each nine weeks and progress reports every three weeks. • Consult regularly with my child’s teachers via parent/teacher conferences and /or parent meetings to determine what more I can do to help my child succeed. • Assist the school by giving my time and talent through volunteering in classrooms as time permits. Parent’s Signature______

Student Agreement – It is important that I do my best. Therefore, I will strive to do the following: • Attend school regularly and be on time to all classes. • Come to school each day with notebook, paper, pencils, pens, and other necessary tools for learning. • Listen, follow directions, and complete all classroom assignments. • Take books home to complete and return homework assignments on time. • Follow all school rules of student conduct with respect. • Makeup missed assignments promptly. • Seek help of my teachers, principals or another respected adult when I do not understand or have problems I cannot solve as soon as there is a need. • Follow the SCS dress code as specified in the student handbook.

Student’s Signature______Grade ______

Teacher Agreement – It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I will strive to do the following:

• Demonstrate professionalism by example in every way and remain sensitive to the individuality of each child. • Determine the student’s educational needs and adjust the instruction to accommodate those needs. • Provide high-quality instruction that fosters high academic expectations.

Page 37 of 49 • Assign meaningful homework assignments to support, emphasize and extend classroom-learning experiences. • Maintain an on-going and positive line of communication between parents and myself. • Communicate frequently with parents to let them know how their child is doing in school. • Provide students and parents with student progress reports frequently (at least 3 times each nine weeks). • Provide a warm, inviting classroom environment where students have access to various teaching/learning experiences through high –quality curriculum development, rigorous, relevance, technology, and real life experiences.

Signatures of Core Content Teachers: ______Language Arts Mathematics ______Science Social Studies

South Side’s School Responsibility – I, Kobie Sweeten, (Principal) support this Student/Parent/Teacher compact, and will strive to do the following:

. Provide a supportive, safe, and effective learning environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and student via flyers, progress reports, monthly calendars, Parent Link, marquee postings, and parent suggestions. . Ensure high quality instruction in the school by implementing a strong academic program based on best practices and literacy. . Provide annual teacher conferences. . Encourage teachers to use diverse teaching methods and strategies that allow all students to learn at higher levels. . Encourage teachers to regularly provide homework assignments that will reinforce classroom instruction. . Encourage teachers and students to have high expectations academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. . Help foster a school environment where educators work collaboratively daily so that student achievement is attained at a higher level. . Give parents reasonable access to staff, to volunteer, participate, and observe in their child’s class

Principal’s Signature______

Page 38 of 49 2014 – 2015

Professional Development Plan

School: Principal: *Beginning PD Budget Amount= $14,650 South Side Middle Kobie Sweeten Date: ILD: PLC Coach:

September 13, 2014 Terry Brown Ericka Spencer South Side Middle School supports higher student achievement through implementation of scientifically research-based professional development that is aligned with No Child Left Behind requirements.

Professional Development Plan Overview Based on an extensive review of student data, teacher data and school data, our school identified and prioritized measurable objectives by subgroups as follows: 1. By the end of 2014-2015, decrease the number of all students, African-American students, and economically disadvantaged students scoring non proficient on the Reading/Language Arts TCAP Assessment by 10%. Increase the percentage of students with disabilities demonstrating proficiency or advanced in Reading/Language Arts. 2. By the end of 2014-2015, decrease the number of all students, African-American students, and economically disadvantaged students scoring non proficient on the Mathematics TCAP Assessment by 10%. Increase the percentage of students with disabilities demonstrating proficiency or advanced in Math

The Professional Development Plan has goals that will provide teachers, students, and parents with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and resources to meet our identified objectives. Teachers will learn how to effectively implement research-based instructional strategies, integrate technology, and how to meet the academic and social needs of students with disabilities through Differentiated Instruction, modifications, and accommodations.

Goal 1: Teachers will obtain in-depth knowledge needed to implement scientifically research based instructional strategies that will reduce the number of students performing below proficient in mathematics. Page 39 of 49 What data sources Professional Learning will you use to $____14,650____ Activities/Events Implementation Expected evaluate PD Budget Presenters/Leaders Title and My Learning Timeline Outcomes effectiveness? (i.e., Balance Plan Number teacher data, student data) Mr. Sweeten PLCs will develop Mr. Gilliam cohesiveness that Observations Professional Learning Mrs. Spencer Jul. 2014-May 2015 will improve Agendas $0 Communities (PLC) Team Leaders academic Minutes Department Chairs achievement. TEM Observations Faculty will learn Ms. Gilliam Data Notebooks how to raise rigor Mr. Sweeten Aug. 2014-April Lesson Plan/Syllabus $0 Rigor is Not A Four Letter Word and motivation Mrs. Spencer 2015 Student Report (On-Site) for students and All Teachers Cards/Progress faculty. Reports Faculty will learn TEM Observations Ms. Gilliam how to effectively Data Notebooks Mr. Sweeten 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Aug. 2014-April contribute on a Lesson Plan/Syllabus $0 Mrs. Spencer Player by John Maxwell 2015 team to raise Student Report (On-Site) Mrs. Dowty student Cards/Progress All Teachers achievement Reports E. Spencer K. Sweeten Teachers will T. Gilliam learn and begin Classroom E. Thompson implementation Mathematics teachers will Observations N. Jackson of a variety of $0 integrate specific content area Teacher Data P. Hearn Aug. 2014-May 2015 literary strategies vocabulary and technology in Notebooks C. Harris in math. Teachers their weekly lessons. Peer Observations A. Bates will also integrate Stanford Math Reports H. Woodard technology in the M. Green classroom.

Mathematics teachers will participate in hands-on trainings in:  Common Core Standards Teachers will 2014 TCAP data  Discovery Education learn and Formative Assessment  Project Based Learning implement Data Notebooks  Smart Boards TLA/My Learning Plan Jul. 2014-Aug 2015 effective Student Progress  TI-83-84 Calculators strategies in Reports $____14,650____  Classroom Performance classroom PD Budget Student Report Cards Systems technology Balance  Stanford Math  Content Area Literacy Page 40 of 49  Manipulatives Weekly Professional Learning Community Topics Teachers will  Increasing Rigor review Marzano’s  Marzano’s High Yield Classroom Instruction that Goal 2: To increase teacher ability to deliver high quality instruction that will increase student achievement in Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Writing. Goal 3: Create a collegial environment with the use of Professional Leaning Communities. Goal 4: To strengthen our family/school/community partnerships that will maintain or increase our attendance and participation rate.

Action Plans Goal 1: Teachers will obtain in-depth knowledge needed to enhance and provide engaging classroom environments reflective of best practices and inclusion models in order to reduce the number of students performing below proficiency in mathematics.

Content: Process: Context:  Strategies in content area literacy to  Data presentations during Professional  Teacher Effectiveness Measure improve instruction in math Learning Communities (PLCs) Evaluation  Scientific research based instructional  Presentations  Classroom Walkthroughs Observations strategies to assist students in meeting  Teacher trainings  PLC Meetings rigorous academic standards in  Department meetings  Common planning time mathematics  Peer Coaching  Department Meetings  Strategies to promote the use of  Teacher mentoring and coaching  Collaboration differentiated instruction that addresses  Book Study  Data Notebooks the needs of individual students in math  Classroom visits  Discovery Assessments  Inclusion strategies needed to enhance  Accommodations and modifications the in-depth knowledge of implementing the models effectively  Strategies to identify and provide intervention to students at risk by using ED Plan  Strategies that increases teacher expertise in integrating technology in their instruction

Goal 2: To provide all language arts teachers with knowledge and resources that impact literacy and writing skills. Teachers will enhance their knowledge and expertise of effective teaching strategies and best practices that are grounded in higher order thinking skills and problem solving in Reading and Language Arts. This will be accomplished through ongoing high quality professional development.

Page 41 of 49 Content: Process: Context:  Strategies to promote the use of  Teacher mentoring and coaching  CWT’s differentiated instruction that addresses  Accommodations and modifications  Walkthroughs the needs of individual students in  Quality work with rubrics  Common planning times Reading/Language Arts  Data analysis  PLCs  Inclusion strategies needed to enhance  Observations with feedback  Data Notebooks the in-depth knowledge of  District workshops implementing the models effectively  Language Arts data presentation during  Strategies that increases teacher Professional Learning Communities expertise in integrating technology in (PLCs) their instruction  Teacher trainings  Strategies in content area literacy  Department meetings  Scientific research based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards in Reading/Language Arts

What data sources Professional Learning will you use to $11,450 Activities/Events Implementation Expected evaluate PD Budget Presenters/Leaders Title and My Learning Timeline Outcomes effectiveness? Balance Plan Number (i.e., teacher data, student data) Mr. Sweeten PLCs will develop Mr. Gilliam cohesiveness that Observations Professional Learning Mrs. Spencer Jul. 2014- May 2015 will improve Agendas $0 Communities (PLC) Team Leaders academic Minutes Department Chairs achievement. TEM Observations Faculty will learn 49 Ms. Gilliam Data Notebooks Rigor is Not a Four Letter Word researched based Mr. Sweeten Aug. 2014-April Lesson Plan/Syllabus $0 Teach Like a Champion techniques to use Mrs. Spencer 2015 Student Report Faculty Book Study and raise student All Teachers Cards/Progress achievement Reports Language Arts teachers will E. Spencer Aug. 2014-May 2015 Teachers will learn Classroom integrate specific content area K. Sweeten and begin Observations Page 42 of 49 T. Gilliam D. Ford implementation of a B. Lacy $0 variety of literary Teacher Data S. Polk vocabulary and technology in strategies Teachers Notebooks C. Harris their weekly lessons. will also integrate Peer Observations A. Bates technology in the H. Woodard classroom. M. Green

Provide teachers with in-depth Quality work with Language Arts teachers will D. Ford knowledge of rubrics participate in hands-on B. Lacy strategies in Lesson Plans trainings in S. Polk Sep. 2014-May 2015 integrating literacy Student Report Cards Content Area Literacy: E. Spencer and increasing Student Progress $0 TLA/My Learning Plan literacy in Language Reports Arts.

Classroom observations Teacher Data Teachers will receive Notebooks $11450 Closing the Achievement Gap Larry Bell, National research based Peer observations October 22-23, 2014 PD Budget Workshop Presenter strategies to improve Technology usage Balance student achievement reports Lesson Plans $1200 Formative Assessment Results

National Council of Teachers National Presenters Nov. 15-18, 2014 Teachers will obtain Classroom of English Conference in-depth knowledge Observations of strategies and Teacher Data activities to use with Notebooks students to engage Peer Observations and motivate Review of student students and address work $2000 the following: Technology usage Differentiated reports Instruction Lesson Plans Data driven Formative instruction Assessment Results Page 43 of 49 Technology integration Teaching using multiple intelligence strategies. Teachers will also learn and implement strategies in teaching students with disabilities. Teachers will learn K. Sweeten Observation and implement the Teachers will engage in E. Spencer Lesson co-teaching model professional development on C. Harris Plans/Syllabus November 2014 that allows teachers $0 the Co-Teaching Model A Guide M. Allen Student Report Cards to effectively to Co-teaching by Richard Villa Progress Report implement inclusion Cards practices L. Dowty E. Spencer N.P. Jackson $0 Parent/Teacher/Student Book D. Ford Increased student TCAP results 2015 Feb. 2015 Club S. Polk achievement/literacy Parent Participation Students Parents

Increased student TCAP results 2014 Parent/Student Book Club Students/Parents May 2015 achievement/literacy Parent Participation $0

Goal 3: Create a climate of PLC’s that engage teachers in leadership skills that focus on researched based collegial strategies. Content: Process: Context:  Foster and promote a  Workshops, presentation, and shared ideas  CTW’s community of learners with each  Data analysis  Data analysis grade level and content area.  Observations with feedback  Observations with feedback  Teachers will develop a deeper  District workshops  District workshops  Language Arts data presentation understanding of academic skills,  Language Arts data presentation during during Professional Learning classroom management Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) practices, and instructional Communities (PLCs)  Teacher trainings  Teacher trainings strategies.  Department meetings  Department meetings

Page 44 of 49 What data Professional Learning sources will you $__9,450_ Activities/Events Implementation Expected use to evaluate PD Budget Presenters/Leaders Title and My Learning Timeline Outcomes effectiveness? Balance Plan Number (i.e., teacher data, student data) Participants will learn strategies to foster a positive climate with staff, closing the School Insight achievement gap, $2000 survey results differentiated mathematics strategies, insights on helping ASCD Annual Conference Classroom National Presenters March 18-20, 2015 teachers succeed, Houston, TX Observations strategies to help struggling teachers and students, strategies to TEM 4.0 Evaluations employ higher order thinking skills. Participants will train staff upon return.

Teacher/Administrators will obtain in-depth $____$7450____ knowledge of strategies PD Budget & activities to use with Balance students with Classroom disabilities and will observations present information to Teacher data Teachers/Administrators will staff. Relevant Topics- notebooks National Presenters attend the NMSA 2014 Annual Differentiated Peer observations Teachers will come back Nov. 19-Nov. 21, Conference & Exposition in Instruction, Special Technology usage $2000 and train staff. 2014 Houston, TX Education, Data Driven reports, lesson Instruction, plans, Formative Mathematics, Multiple Assessment Results Intelligence, Research, etc. Teachers will also learn and implement strategies in teaching students with disabilities

Page 45 of 49 Participant will obtain in-depth knowledge on changing school culture, Evaluations, Insight Tennessee Principals National and District leadership, and $355 December 8-9, 2014 surveys, student Association’s State Conference Presenters successful practices that data will increase leadership practices and student achievement. Participants will train/education staff on research based techniques to enhance instruction, differentiated Classroom instruction, and student Observations $2500 National Presenters: interventions to Increased Parental 2015 National Title I Participants will share Feb 2-5, 2015 increase student Involvement Conference-Salt Lake City, UT knowledge with faculty achievement. Student Report upon return. Participant will also Cards learn leadership Progress Reports strategies to enhance collaboration with parents; policy as it relates to NCLB and Title I Participants will learn strategies for effective middle grade leaders, closing the School Insight achievement gap, survey results differentiating $____$2950____ instruction, developing 2015 Institute for Middle PD Budget teacher leaders, Classroom Balance Level Leadership National Presenters June 28- July1, 2015 understanding Observations San Diego, CA adolescents, and improving improving school climate and TEM 4.0 Evaluations culture. Participants $2500 will train staff upon return.

Page 46 of 49 Goal 4: To strengthen our family/school/community partnerships that will maintain or increase our attendance and participation rate.

Content: Process: Context:  Foster and promote  Workshops, presentation, and shared ideas  Spring Parent/Community collaboration between  Group beautification project Climate Survey families/school/community.

Professional Presenters/Leader Implementation Expected What data Learning s Timeline Outcomes sources will you $_450___. Activities/Events use to evaluate PD Budget Title and My effectiveness? Balance Learning Plan (i.e., teacher data, student Page 47 of 49 Number data) NCLB legislation, AYP Status, SSM Family Engagement opportunities and Provide parents with information on Title I and its benefits. Inform parents about Tutoring, parent training and other educational opportunities offered by the school. $150 Annual Title I Parent Night E. Spencer September 2014 Session Evaluation *Participants will gain skills needed to help students master Math & Science Skills

*Participants will gain skills needed to help students with reading and writing skills.

$500 To increase male L. Mills parental involvement Digging the Data Workshop November 2014 Evaluation E. Spencer and offer strategies to help students achieve

$0 To increase parental L. Mills involvement and offer Mother Daughter Breakfast Oct. 2014 Evaluation E. Spencer strategies to help students achieve

Page 48 of 49 Provide training opportunities for families to assist them in understanding standards and $0 Family and Community Trevor Thompson Monthly academic content to Evaluation/Parent Engagement (FACE) Division of FACE Aug. 2014-May 2015 better assist their Feedback child(ren) in improving academic performance, as well as improve parenting skill and knowledge Participants will gain Math & Science skills needed to help $125 Family Math/Science Night Feb. 2015 Session Evaluation Departments students master Math & Science Skills Participants will gain skills to help students S. Polk with writing, literary Progress Reports $100 E. Spencer genres, and poetry as Discovery Literary Café D. Ford Mar.-2015 well as become more Education L. Dowty familiar with TCAP Results 2013 Reading/L. Arts Curriculum Participants will be TCAP Parent/Community Administrators & given information and Feb. 2015 Session Evaluation Training Night Teachers tips on TCAP testing $0 strategies To ensure the participation of stakeholders in the $0 Meeting academic Minutes/Evaluation achievement of all Monthly Meeting Leadership Team Meetings Leadership Team students at South Side September 2014-May 2015 Discussion/Feed- Middle back -0- PD Budget Balance

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