Leonardo da Vinci Pools


Name of the course: Hot Potatoes Primer - JMasher Trainer: Tatiana Dina Nature and Location: Face to face, in-service training for vocational high school teachers, Facultatea de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, Lab 201, RO.

1 I found the number of lessons Just right High Low N/A 10 2 1

2 The course covered the description Yes – 12 No – 1

3 I found the available materials helpful Yes - 10 No – 2 1 4 I feel competent Yes - 9 Not yet - 4 5 I found the trainer was helpful Yes - 12 No - 1

6 The trainer’s knowledge covered my expectations Yes – 12 No - 1 of the course 7 What I liked best about the course:  Additional links to further information  Seeing the potential of this software  Plenty of ideas for how the software could be used in my school environment  Useful/practical software  Good ideas and suggestions  Conveniently located  Watching it happen (Interactive) 8 What I think could be improved:  Hands on experience  If we had an exercise to complete  Chance to make a hot potato of my own  More time to learn about various functions  Do less but cover it in depth  Hands on experience. More effective communication. Better paced  Hands on experience as the talk proceeded 9 What was new for me:  All of it  The software itself  Hot Potato software 10 I would also like to take a course in:  Too many to choose  Some handouts with websites etc or a CD with links on it might have been useful

1  More HP


A My age group is Under 25 26-35 36-45 46-55 Above 55 0 7 4 2 0 B I attended the Fully Partially Rarely Once N/A course 13 0 0 0 0 C For the me the Optional Compulsory course was 13 0 D I am A student Employed Unemployed 0 13 0