DUE the First Week of School in YOUR ENGLISH CLASS

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DUE the First Week of School in YOUR ENGLISH CLASS

FAITH CHRISTIAN ACADEMY English 9-12 Summer Reading Assignment

DUE the first week of school IN YOUR ENGLISH CLASS ***All students taking English at FCA must complete this assignment. Students taking English at AT are still encouraged to read over the summer!!**

Reading assignment: The Gospel of Luke from the ESV, NIV, or KJV translation

Answer the following reflection question utilizing the following guidelines: 1. Minimum of 1 page in length, double spaced, 12 pt font 2. Use a minimum of THREE examples from the Bible. Cite your Scripture sources within your text. For example, “In the parable of the Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:27). 3. Be that the work you do is your own. Turnitin.com will check for plagiarism. 4. The assignment will be graded for grammar, sincerity, and effort.

Questions – Choose One. Answer it completely with concrete evidence from The Gospel of Luke.

1. Other than Jesus Himself, choose a person from the Gospel of Luke from whom you can learn. Citing where this person is in the Gospel, discuss this character, why you feel this character is interesting and how this character can hold significance for you. You can use a story of your life that has already happened or think of situations you are anticipating in the next few years in high school.

2. Choose one parable in the Gospel of Luke that you think you could apply to your life, especially now that you are entering high school. Describe the parable, to whom the parable was addressed in the Gospel, the lesson(s) Jesus gives in the parable and how it may apply to your life today.

3. Jesus asked his apostles, “Who do people say that I am?” They told him various names and titles others called Jesus. Then, Jesus asked them, “Who do you say that I am?” Reflect on 3 different characteristics of “who Jesus is” as is seen in the Gospel of Luke – making sure you demonstrate where in Luke this quality is found. After discussing ‘who Jesus is” as seen in the Gospel of Luke, reflect on who you say Jesus is and why. HONORS STUDENTS:

Students may select a book of their choosing, keeping in mind: 1. It must be at least 250 pages long 2. It must not be a book the student has read before 3. It should not deal with themes of horror or excessive violence. The overall theme of the book should be one that may be discussed in a Christian school setting.

The books below are suggestions. You may pick a book that is not on this list as long as it meets the above requirements. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott Mere Christianity, Til We have Faces, Out of the Silent Planet, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis All Quiet on the Western Front by E.R. Remarque The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck David Copperfield or Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Three Musketeers, The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma by Jane Austen Any book from the Mark of the Lion series Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee The Awakening by Kate Chopin Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather Call of the Wild by Jack London\ Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier Silas Marner by George Eliot Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper Elephant Run by Roland Smith

Here are specific guidelines:

Introduction The introduction should give the title and author of the book and the subject or theme in the first sentence. Then material should be given to interest the reader in the book; an arresting quote, or a striking statement, or some background information on the book or author would work well. Finally, close the introduction with a thesis statement that you will set out to prove in the rest of the paper. The thesis statement should be an opinion, something significant that is open to debate, not a simple statement of fact, though it is stated as a fact. For example, a bad thesis on Shakespeare’s Hamlet might be, “In the end, Hamlet dies with many people of the court.” That is fact, not something open to debate. A good thesis might be, “Hamlet dies in the end because of his indecisiveness, created by confusion over the truth of his father’s death.” Note that it is stated as a fact, though it is opinion, and it is a significant idea that is open to debate. Areas to develop a thesis on could be how a character develops in the story, or how a particular theme is shown, or how the author develops a particular motif or symbol.

Body The body of the paper may start with a short, single paragraph that summarizes the plot. The heart of the body is your support of your thesis. You must relate incidents, details, and quotations from the book that provide evidence that your thesis is valid. These paragraphs are the real point of the paper: to develop and support your insight into the book, as stated in your thesis. Remember, DO NOT ONLY SUMMARIZE THE BOOK!

Conclusion The conclusion restates the thesis, but does not simply repeat it. Then you may provide personal thoughts on the book, favorable or unfavorable. Give your reaction to the content, as to the reality of the characters, the effectiveness of the author’s presentation, and/or the correctness of the author’s theme. Evaluate the book. Note that only here in the conclusion should the word “I” or “my” or “me” appear, nowhere else. ALWAYS AVOID “YOU” in an essay! This assignment will count as a test grade.

Short Report Evaluation Form. _____ Introduction (15 pts: _____ Style (5 pts: statement of thesis) _____ Length (5 pts) sentence structure variety, _____ Body (15 pts: _____ Neatness and layout use synopsis and support) (5 pts) of vocabulary) ______Spelling (1 pt off _____ Paragraph structure Conclusion/Evaluation (15 per word, up to 10 pts) (5 pts) pts: restatement of thesis, _____ Grammar (10 pts) _____ Total Grade personal evaluation) ____Punctuation/Capitaliz _____ Thesis (5 pts) ation (10 pts)

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