HSI Regional Alliance Meeting

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HSI Regional Alliance Meeting

HSI Regional Alliance Meeting ------Location: UCSB's Mosher Alumni House, Haughton Living Rm, 3rd floor When: 10:00-1:00pm, Tuesday 8/30/2016


1. Welcome and Quick Intros (Campus, Name, Title) a. Norbert Reich (UCSB Chem/Biochem Dpeartment) b. Siboney Guardado (AHC) c. Angelica Enriquez (AHC MESA and STEM Counselor) d. Bill Hart (Title V Director VC) e. Enrique f. Eliseo Gonzalez (Title V Director OC) g. Jens ( Title V director and chem professor) h. Glenn Beltz i. Don Lubach j. Susannah Scott (NSF S-STEM Grant Director) k. Adolfo Corral l. Virginia Estrella 2. STEM Student Recruitment: UCSB’s SciTrek Program- Professor Norbert Reich Ph.D. a. Teach young students how to think critically and engage in science in their schools! b. 4-5 undergraduates are trained to instruct kids and guide them with their experiment c. Kids in small groups come up with a question and design an experiment d. Collect data, create poster, argue about e. 2nd grade- 8th grade in a classroom from 4 weeks at a time f. This provides PD for the teachers, teachers like that they bring university students to the classrooms g. Biggest issue is recruitment of university students, are reaching out to SBCC, Westmont, AHC h. Want diverse students, students who are transferring or have transferred to UCSB i. Have about 2000 kids, 50 classrooms, but want to expand (expanding to all SBJHS classrooms and La Cumbre JHS) j. Are resource limited but hope the model can be replicated – all written and experimental materials is on the website k. Not paid – university students get 1 unit credit. The Sci-Trek Core 15 get paid because they work 15-20 hours a week. A big part of what they do is curriculum development. Does lead to other employment opportunities. l. As part of the FOG award they have allocated to pay an SBCC student – she will be their advocate/ recruiter at SBCC m. May be the logistics in the difference in schedules, UCSB vs. SBCC – training for Sci Trek happens to be in the middle of SBCC midterms. Sci Trek will work with SBCC student to make scheduling friendly to SBCC students n. Just wrote a grant to expand Sci Trek elsewhere within the UCs o. Need more resources if they want to expand to OC and VC areas p. Non-stem are welcome! q. Recruitment opportunity: There are transfer students on campus now organized by discipline in the Transfer Summer Start Program (Linda Adler and Steve Burrato) r. Send email out to group: [email protected] 3. NSF S-STEM announcement and Discussion (S. Scott) a. Exciting but uofficial news – ESTEEM for UCSB, AHC, OC, SBCC, VC b. Providing financial support to students in STEM fields to promote their academic success. We have focused award on transfer students for before during and after their transition c. Award is 4.7 Million dollarsduration is over 5 years, start date is in October 2016 d. NSF S-STEM program was revamped a year ago with new requirements. d.i. Every S-STEM scholarship must have a research component d.ii. S-STEM exists at UCSB, AHC and SBCC right now. UCSB is in their no cost extension phase, wrapping up previous grant e. NSF is focused on having common elements that must be shared at the 5 schools: e.i. 1 on 1 faculty involvement at home and transfer institution e.ii. Put in contact with engineering professionals and researchers e.iii. Assistance to find internships e.iv. Cohort building group activities within and between institutions f. Co-OI is Michael Gerber from GGSE g. Student Scholarships (60% of money must go directly to students) h. Ave. Award Size ($2500/ quarter at UCSB, $2500/semester at CCs), scholarships will be determined by financial need i. NOTE TO SELF (SARA COLON IS ELIGIBLE FOR THIS !) j. Eligibility j.i. 3.0 or higher GPA j.ii. UCSB- engineering student who has transferred, will be a junior j.iii. CCs: interest in engineering with intent to transfer to any 4 year j.iv. For those that do transfer to UCSB the students will have continued financial support k. Somme of the money will go to student support services (SBCC and VC will go to school as sub contracts, for AHC and OC the money will stay at UCSB and we will pay for services) l. Gateway engineering courses (Glenn Beltz) l.i. Coordinating/ investigating how to provide intro comp. programming and problem solving for engineers and intro to mass and energy balances m. Executive committee chair – Glenn n. Steering Committee Chair – Mario o. Once we receive official announcement there will be a press release p. Need central website with indiv. website for each institution q. Initiate advertising and student recruitment r. ESTEEM Day sometime in late fall @UCSB s. We will want a press event and will be asking the alliance to invite their campus presidents

4. Campus Updates on HSI and STEM Program related Initiatives a. AHC (Siboney and Angelica) a.i. 5th year of STEM grant, in the future they would like to bridge STEM and MESA a.ii. applied for the STEEM Grant a.iii. Selected for STEM symposium in Anaheim (CA Dept. of Ed) a.iv. Cristine is on Sabbaticle b. VC (Bill) b.i. VC got nominated for the ASPEN award and had a telephone interview recently b.ii. Nominated for 2 reasons: Huge improvement of online programs and overall student performance and reduction in the gap between latino student achievement and all student achievement. b.iii. Finishing 4th year of Velocidad grant, will continue to finish out the grant. b.iv. VC will reinstitute grant department and Bill will coordinate. b.v. Title 3 stem grant – did not get accepted due to formatting error. c. OC (Eliseo)

c.i. transitioned from title 3 to title 5 grant c.ii. 1st year experience program will continue on from the title 3 into title 5 c.iii. Will not have official announcement by September 30th c.iv. New president – Cynthia Azari c.v. School started the 17th of Aug d. SBCC (Jens, Virgina, Adolfo) d.i. New president d.ii. Wrapping up title 5 collab with channel islands. Submitted a no cost extension so have another year of funding from that d.iii. MESA – finished reports for RFA (requesting for funds) d.iii.1. Next year will be a competitive cycle d.iii.2. Waiting to hear if they will get an increase of 30k in funds (usually , hoping for 80K). It will be part of the Funds for student success d.iii.3. Served 116 students, 17 transferred (? Not sure of number) d.iii.4. 10 students participated in internships, majority with UCSB. Drop in number of internships, but may be because we did not have Cooke Brides this year d.iii.5. Juan Zepeda (SBCC Alumn transferred to CSUN) was nominated by Raytheon to be one of the Great Minds in STEM (1 of 13 honorees) – sits on SHPE d.iv. Established a summer bridge acceleration program (provided them with books and tutoring) d.v. 40 new HS students with instructors from STEM disciplines meet/ give support e. UCSB (Mario) e.i. Official announcement Sept. 13th – Micaela Morgan will be in charge of K12 programs 5. Announcements:  REU Submission 8/24/16 (M. Castellanos / E. Nebeker) i. Will build on the UCSB-SI Program and in partnership with SI ii. Hilary young and Jesus Maldonado are PI iii. Half students will stay here and work with UCSB, half will go the SCBI. All expenses paid with weekly stipend iv. Recruiting CC students v. Has a lot of professional Development to help them move on to graduate school – we will be working with CSEP and McNair Scholars  UCSB STEM Transfer Student Welcome – Friday, September 23rd from 9:45AM-1:00PM @UCSB, meet in Eng. Science Building Rm 1001 (E. Guzman)  Campuses interested in participating – please bring groups of students or advise them to come individually  MESA – looking for CC mentors for MSP i. Most students in Oxnard and are hoping to better support that area because they are bringing a few more schools ii. Need to be available between 2-5pm 1-3 days a week, on a semester basis to lead stem activities and help with MESA projects iii. We will work out payment details (hourly or stipend) iv. 6. Discussion Items:  UCSB-Smithsonian Scholars Program summary (E. Johnson) i. This year was an open competition for students, we did not allocate spots for each school ii. We will be continuing to keep them engaged iii. We will set up a call to work together on resources and recruitment iv. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama – are interested in taking a few of our students down (they struggle with recruiting domestic Latinos) - ?Alternative Spring Break? v. SLC is committed for next year  Set Fall and Winter Dates - HSI Regional Alliance Meeting (E. Johnson) i. October 20th,21, 25th,28th ii. Susannah can’t make 18th or 27th iii. Please email us if you want time on the agenda  NSF S-STEM Press and Public Affairs Event – TBD i. We will reach out to you all to get in contact with your presidents 7. Resource Development: a. Smithsonian Latino Center Pool FY2017 – September 26th? a.i. We will go after funding again, please let us know if you hear of others b. Donor Development – Campus by Campus b.i. Travel Scholarships b.ii. Conference Fees Save the Dates: o UCSB STEM Transfer Student Welcome – Friday, September 23rd from 9:30AM-1:00PM @UCSB, meet in Eng. Science Building Rm 1001

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