City of Rockingham Services PO Box 2142 Rockingham DC WA 6967 Civic Boulevard, Rockingham Western Australia p 08 9528 0333 f 08 9592 1705 e
[email protected] Access and Inclusion (Disability) Warnbro Community Y Pioneers Luncheon P 9528 0333 P 9593 6102 A celebratory lunch for residents who have lived in the The City of Rockingham Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Okehampton Rd, Warnbro WA 6169 area for more than 50 consecutive years. Building and Renovating Services Planning Services A Building permit is required for any building work. Community Safety Service Planning approval is required for all development within Career Opportunities P 1300 657 123 the City. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Ranger Services Citizenship Ceremonies throughout the year, including public holidays: antisocial Rangers are responsible for a variety of tasks including behaviour, vandalism, suspicious behaviour and ‘holiday enforcement of State and local laws and the protection watch’ while away on holiday. City Safe Services of City property. Council Elections Cats Providing information and education to community: To apply for the electoral roll contact 9528 0333. Cats over six months must be registered with Council, safety, security, Ranger, parking, fi re & emergency issues. Council Meetings Community Capacity Building Council Chambers, City of Rockingham Administration Sterilised and microchipped. To develop the capability & resources necessary to make Centre, Civic Boulevard, Rockingham. Dogs the City of Rockingham a centre of continuous growth. Councillors All dogs over the age of 3 months must be registered, Community Centres & Ovals For City of Rockingham Councillors visit microchipped and on a leash at all times.