For the Preparation Of

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For the Preparation Of


Psychology Department St. Joseph’s Hall Room #329 University of Dayton Last Revised 7/10/13 Table of Contents





III. MARGINS...... 5







FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ...... 8 GENERAL PROCEDURES The following procedures are for all graduate candidates writing theses in the Department of Psychology at the University of Dayton. All theses must be submitted electronically via the OhioLINK ETD Center. Process for submitting electronically to the OhioLINK ETD Center:

 The student emails the final revised, post defense Word file to [email protected].  The Graduate School notifies the student that the document is accepted.  The student prints one (1) approval page, obtains the signatures of their committee members and other individuals (if appropriate), and delivers to the Graduate School, St. Mary's Hall, Room 200. Important Tip: The approval page should not be submitted to the Graduate School until the format check is finalized and the manuscript is approved by the Graduate School.  The student converts the finalized Word document to a PDF and submits to the Graduate School. Students who can not convert the document should contact the Graduate School.  The Graduate School then electronically signs the PDF file and emails it along with the OhioLINK upload instructions to the student.  The student uploads the approved, electronically-signed PDF file to OhioLINK. See attachment below for detailed instructions or go to for sumission instructions.

Currently the deadline is approximately two weeks prior to graduation. An individual whose thesis is not in acceptable form by that date will graduate at a later date. An official receipt of deposit will be given to the student. The graduation fee covers the cost of binding three copies of the thesis. If the candidate wishes additional bound copies for personal use, the nominal fee is prepaid by the candidate. The candidates may also provide their thesis Chairperson and Readers with copies (ask your thesis chair about these additional copies). Candidates are expected to have their theses in the form described by the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.). There are a few deviations from APA style that will be allowed for enhanced readability or because they conform to the guidelines for theses and dissertations set forth by the Graduate School. Further, to understand the reason for such deviations, it is important to keep the following distinction in mind: When preparing a manuscript for journal submission according to APA style, the manuscript is being prepared for further editing by journal editors, and therefore, it is not the “final product;” in contrast, the thesis that you prepare is the “final product.” The majority of these

1 deviations will be described in this manual and highlighted in the “FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS” section. An abstract is required as part of the thesis. It should be a concise description of the subject of study, the methods or procedures used in its investigation, the results obtained, and conclusions reached. The abstract provides a brief, clear, summary of the research completed. It should be limited to 350 words.


Since theses are digitized, microfilmed, and xerographically reproduced exactly as they are submitted, without further proofreading, it is imperative that they be free of error, properly margined, arranged, and neatly word-processed. The individual typing the manuscript should be well acquainted with the proper form of a thesis.

I. PARTS OF THE THESIS In general, a thesis consists of three main parts: the preliminaries, the text, and the references. A. Preliminaries (numbered ii, iii, iv…) 1. Title page. The title of the thesis begins two inches from the top of the page and should be a meaningful description of the substance of the document. Information retrieval systems consulted by scholars to locate the sources use key words in the title for identification. Therefore, avoid ambiguous or cryptic titles. It is recommended that word substitutes be used for formulas, symbols, superscripts, subscripts, Greek letters, and other similar material. The title page must also contain the candidate’s full legal name and the degree being sought (see sample title page). The complete title should be capitalized. 2. Approval page. Contains the signatures required by some schools and departments (see sample page). Each name should be listed in the following order; Last, First Middle. All copies of the approval page must have original signatures. 3. Copyright notice. If the candidate desires to have the thesis copyrighted, a page with a copyright notice centered on the page, without punctuation, should be completed. It should begin 2/3 of the way down the page. Name should not be underlined. The copyright page is not given a page number or counted as a page. Copyright provides protection for the thesis. Publication of parts of the thesis in a copyrighted journal may void later literary rights to that portion of the work and may preclude copyright of the thesis. For details on current copyright law, go to

2 4. Abstract. This is a brief statement of the problem, methods and procedures, and results and conclusions. It should be limited to 350 words. It has the same general specifications as the text. The heading “ABSTRACT,” in all uppercase letters, is centered two inches from the top of the page. Text begins four lines below the heading. (see sample page). Note that, consistent with APA style, the first word of the actual abstract paragraph is not indented. 5. Acknowledgements. Page is optional. The acknowledgement is a summary statement of the author’s indebtedness to individuals involved in the research and preparation of the thesis. It can also acknowledge permission to used copyrighted materials that appear in the text. The heading “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” appears centered without punctuation two inches from the top of the page. The text begins four lines below the heading (see sample page). 6. Preface. Is not used in Psychology Department theses. 7. Table of Contents. This organizing list is required. Headings of all chapters, subdivisions of chapters, and all other parts of the thesis are listed exactly as they appear in the text. Page numbers on which parts of the text begin are listed in the table. The heading “TABLE OF CONTENTS” is centered on the page without punctuation and positioned two inches from the top of the page. The text begins four lines below the heading (see sample pages). One useful tip is that through Microsoft Word students can “mark” text for the table of contents so that the appropriate page numbers update as changes are made to the thesis document. 8. List of Figures. If needed, with titles and page references; the heading “LIST OF FIGURES” is centered without punctuation and positioned two inches from the top of the page. The list begins four lines below the heading (see sample page). Note that, according to the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.), the term “figure” refers to graphs, charts, maps, drawings, or photographs. 9. List of Tables. With titles and page references, the heading “LIST OF TABLES” is centered without punctuation and positioned two inches from the top of the page. The list begins four lines below the heading (see sample page). 10. List of Symbols, Abbreviations, and Special Nomenclature. A list of these should be provided if they are necessary to acquaint the reader with them, and when they are essential to the work. When used, these lists generally can take any form acceptable to the discipline. The heading “List of Symbols” OR “List of Abbreviations” appears without punctuation two inches from the top of the page. List begins four lines below the heading. B. The Text

3 The nature of the thesis determines the organization of the body or main text into chapters, groups of chapters, or other pertinent schemes of exposition. These divisions are dictated by the nature of the discipline. Punctuation, spelling, and general form should be consistent throughout the text. 1. Introduction. The introduction, as with all major section divisions (e.g., Method, Results, Discussion, etc.) must begin on a separate page from the previous section. Unlike APA style, “CHAPTER 1” preceded by the word “INTRODUCTION” is used. This convention is followed for the method, results, and discussion. The title is NOT in boldface. 2. The Text. Student must use the APA style headings to identify major divisions and subdivisions of the thesis unless specifically instructed to use an alternative heading structure by their Thesis Chair. Students should consult pages 62 and 63 of the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) for a detailed description of the use of APA style headings. 3. Writing Style. Students are expected to follow recommendations in the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) regarding grammar and usage (e.g., avoidance of passive voice and dangling modifiers), mechanics of style, clarity and precision, and non-biased language. C. References A listing of sources used is required. These references should be in APA Style. The references should be double spaced within and between each reference (see sample). D. Vita Vita is optional. It is a short biography of the candidate and may include the institutions attended, degrees and honors, titles of publications, teaching or professional experience, fields of study, and other pertinent information. The heading “Vita” is centered on the page without punctuation and positioned two inches from the top of the page. Text begins four lines below the heading. The Vita is given an Arabic number following the numbers assigned to the text and reference pages (see sample).

II. PREPARING THE MANUSCRIPT Your manuscript must be prepared on a computer. The following reminders should be observed: A. Print your manuscript on high-quality 20# white paper, 8.5” x 11” in size. UD Printing and Design and most commercial office suppliers have the required high-quality bond paper.

4 B. All textual materials should be double-spaced. Long quotations and footnotes may be single-spaced. C. Because the manuscript will be reduced in size on microfilm, we recommend that you use a size 12-point Serif font (such as Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica). D. The print should be letter quality (laser or letter-quality printer) with dark black characters that are consistently clear and dense. E. Computer printouts with small and indistinct print and/or very narrow margins may be illegible in microform. F. Photocopies made from poor quality originals cannot be properly reproduced. These poor quality copies tend to occur most frequently in manuscript appendices. G. Make corrections with care, since manuscript changes are unlikely to reproduce clearly on microfilm. Correction fluid and correcting tape should not be used, since they merely cover up errors and can bleed or flake away from the paper, exposing the uncorrected type.

III. MARGINS Margins must be at least one inch wide on the upper, lower, and right sides and one and one-half inches on the left side. These measurements must be rigidly adhered to in order to properly microfilm and bind copies of the thesis. On pages carrying a major heading, such as the first page of a chapter, a two-inch margin should be at the top of the page. In general, all typing, including the page number, should have a one inch margin on all sides. A new paragraph at the bottom of a page must have at least two full lines of type before the page is completed. If there is not sufficient room to accommodate the two lines, the entire paragraph should begin on the following page. The last word on a page should not be hyphenated. If there is insufficient space at the right hand margin to accommodate the full word, type the entire word on the following page.

IV. PAGINATION A. For the preliminary pages, small Roman numerals (ii, iii, iv, etc.) are placed at the bottom center of the page. The title page is counted but is not numbered. If the copyright page is used, it is not counted and not numbered. Accordingly, the order and the pagination for all preliminary material is provided below. Note that the pagination will change if sections such as the TABLE OF CONTENTS or LIST OF FIGURES exceed one page. APPROVAL PAGE ii COPYRIGHT PAGE (no number & does not count)

5 ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF SYMBOLS, etc. viii B. For the remainder of the thesis, Arabic numbers are used. Number all remaining pages, including text, appendices, bibliography, and vita with Arabic numerals placed at the upper right hand corner of the page on the fifth line below the edge. Begin the numbering of the main body of the paper with “1” and run consecutively to the end.

V. FOOTNOTES or ENDNOTES The candidate should consult with his/her thesis advisor and the APA Publication Manual regarding accepted footnoting practice. Generally, footnotes or endnotes may be numbered either consecutively throughout the manuscript or consecutively within each section. The format selected must be consistent within each chapter and consistent throughout the manuscript. Notes referring to information in tables, illustrations, and figures should be placed directly below the tables, illustrations or figures to which they apply, not at the bottom of the page along with other footnotes to the text on the page.

VI. TABLES, FIGURES, COMPUTER PRINT-OUTS It is important that tables, figures, and computer printout pages conform to the page format guidelines described earlier. If, in the rare event that, any figures must be hand-drawn, opaque black ink must be used. All copyrighted photographs, illustrations, or graphs should be cited in the text. Give credit where it is due. Photographic processes may be used to reduce or enlarge the originals to fit the 6 x 9 inch frame on 8 ½ x 11 paper. On microfilm, colors will appear as varying shades of gray. Therefore, identification of various lines must be made by clearly differentiated line symbols. Copyrighted photographs, figures, illustrations, or graphs must bear captions and be numbered in sequential order. The number of the illustration or figure, for example, and its caption are placed two lines below the last line or bottom edge of the illustration or figure. Tables and figures are generally expected to conform to APA style. However, the use of gridlines or other deviations from APA style may be permissible in cases in which it enhances the readability of the data being presented. If necessary, it is acceptable to use the “landscape orientation” if it enhances readability of the table. Tables and figures

6 from SPSS, Excel, and similar software may be used if information cannot be presented as clearly in APA format. Tables and figures should appear in the text rather than the end of the document. However, under some circumstances it may be appropriate for the table or figure to be placed in an appendix. For instance, sometimes a table or figure is very long and, while the Thesis Chair wants it in the final document, it is believed that it would detract from readability if presented in the text. The table or figure should be placed on the same page as the text that describes them or alone on a separate page immediately following the first reference to it in the text. The decision to place the table or figure on the same page as the text or a separate page depends on the length of the table or figure and the preferences of the Thesis Chair. Tables or figures should have text above and below them. The used of wrap-around-text, which is located on the left or right side of the figure is not encouraged. If in doubt ask your Thesis Chairperson.

VII. REFERENCES A listing of sources used is required. These references must be in APA Style. The references should be double spaced within and between each reference. (see sample).

VIII. APPENDICES It is generally expected that each measure used in the study will be included in a separate appendix. Each appendix should start on a separate page. It should begin two inches down for the top of the page. It is to be labeled with all uppercase letters (e.g., APPENDIX A), followed two lines later by the title, also in all uppercase letters. Exceptions to this rule would be necessary when a student has purchased or been granted permission to use copyrighted measures in his/her thesis. When copyrighted measures have been used, they should not be presented in their entirety. Only selected items from the measure should be presented for illustrative purposes. Permission of the copyright owner may be required.

IX. QUOTATION OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL The author of a thesis is fully responsible for the use of any copyrighted material in the manuscript. Generally, permission to use copyrighted material should be sought when a direct quotation of more than 150 words or an illustration is used. When required, permission must be sought from the author or publisher holding the copyright. Generally, permission is granted on condition that proper acknowledgement is made. However, in some cases, copyright owners require payment. Necessary clearance for the use of copyrighted material must be obtained before proposing the thesis. For details on current copyright law, go to


Q: What is the correct style for the tables? A: Tables are generally expected to conform to APA style. However, the use of gridlines or other deviations from APA style may be permissible in cases in which it enhances readability of the data being presented.

Q: Where should the tables and figures be placed? A: Contrary to APA style, tables and figures in the thesis document should appear throughout the text rather than at the end of the document. Preferably, the table should be placed on the same page as the text which refers to it for the first time. However, if the table is large, it may warrant being placed alone on a separate page. In that case, they should be placed on the page immediately following the first reference to them in the text.

Q: What is the correct format of the headings? A: With the exception of the major chapter headings (e.g., introduction, method, results), all headings should conform to APA style (see sample).

Q: What is the correct format of the references? A: The references should be in APA Style. The references should be double spaced within and between each reference (see sample).

Q: Should the major sections (e.g., “Method,” “Results,” etc.) begin on separate pages? A: Yes, this is one of the few differences between APA style and the style for graduate theses. Major sections of the thesis are begun on separate pages to enhance the readability of the thesis.

Q: Do I need a running head, as is used for manuscript submissions in APA style? A: No, because the thesis document is a final product, whereas a manuscript submission is not.

Q: How do I find out information on making my thesis available electronically (e.g., do I have to do this? what is the procedure? will I need to change the format of my thesis?)

8 A: All theses are required to be submitted electronically. The thesis/dissertation website of the Graduate School ( has instructions for electronic preparation of theses.


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