Murringo Public School

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Murringo Public School


Emergency Management Plan

July 2010

Effective: 1st July 2010

Date of last review: July 2010

Review date: July 2012 Manual structure

Part 1 – Emergency management plan Includes:  Overview of emergency management plan  Preparation for emergencies  Response to emergencies  Recovery strategies

Part 2 – Evacuation procedures and other attachments Includes a range of support documents relevant to this workplace

Document location There are 3 copies of this manual. Other copies are held by: School Education Director Riverina North (Sandra Clifford), and Senior Administrative Manager (Gina Galvin) .

PART 1: Emergency management plan


Purpose and objectives Purpose

To ensure the safety of staff, students and others in the event of an emergency.


 To identify potential emergencies and implement elimination or control measures to prevent those emergencies where possible.

 To enable effective preparation for emergencies through appropriate training of personnel, testing of equipment and practice of evacuation drills.

 To provide staff and students with a clear understanding of how to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

 To ensure the recovery of staff, students and the workplace after an emergency. Scope of the emergency management plan This plan applies to all activities at the workplace and takes into account hazards that may occur within one kilometre of the school.

NOTE: Planning for excursions and other off-site activities are subject to separate risk management and emergency planning processes. Each school excursion must be risk managed separately. Relationship with other plans This plan is subject to the actions and operations of emergency services on a larger scale in the event of a large scale emergency impacting on the community. e.g. evacuation in the event of a major flood. Description of the workplace Murringo Public School has 21 students. Murringo is a small rural community. The school is situated on a side road within the village, 25km from Young township and 25km from Boorowa township.

The school has seven staff members who are present on different days. These include the Principal, 2 part-time classroom teachers, and an Administrative manager, Student Learning Support Officer, Cleaner and a part-time General Assistant. The school is also host to a Student Learning Support Teacher.

The school has its own small sports oval, an extensive vegetable garden and a nature area which separates the school grounds from the Murringo Creek. No part of the school has any security fencing.

Roles and responsibilities Emergency planning committee (responsible for emergency planning) Name Title Contact phone numbers Kaelene Neville Relieving Principal Work – 02 6384 6351 Mobile – Home – 02 6384 6205 Gina Galvin Senior Administrative Work – 02 6384 6351 Manager Mobile – 0438 946 284 Home – 02 6384 6284 Kersti Dean Teacher Work – 02 6386 6351 Mobile – 0417 267 717 Home - 02 6382 4834 Annette Parkman Teacher Work – 02 6384 6351 Mobile – Home – 02 6384 6348 Emergency control organisation (responsible for evacuation and emergency response)

Chief Warden Name Title Contact phone numbers Kaelene Neville Relieving Principal Work – 02 6384 6351 Mobile – Home – 02 6384 6205 Deputy Chief Wardens Name Title Contact phone numbers Gina Galvin Senior Administrative Work – 02 6384 6351 Manager Mobile – 0438 946 284 Home – 02 6384 6284 Kersti Dean Teacher Work – 02 6386 6351 Mobile – 0417 267 717 Home - 02 6382 4834 Floor Wardens Name Title Contact phone numbers Not applicable – single story building

First Aid Officer Name Title Contact phone numbers Gina Galvin Senior Administrative Work – 02 6384 6351 Manager Mobile – 0438 946 284 Home – 02 6384 6284 Communications Officer Name Title Contact phone numbers Gina Galvin Senior Administrative Work – 02 6384 6351 Manager Mobile – 0438 946 284 Home – 02 6384 6284

Process for notifying, alerting and reporting emergencies Notifying emergencies

All teachers and other staff are to ensure the Principal is notified in the event of any emergency.

Alerting the workplace to emergencies

The Principal is to undertake appropriate action to alert the workplace of the emergency including commencement of evacuation procedures, where required. If the Principal is absent from the workplace, then the nominated Deputy Chief Wardens is ti undertake this responsibility.

Reporting emergencies

 Contact the emergency services immediately where required

 Notify the School Education Director of the emergency immediately

 Notify the School Safety and Response Unit hotline if the incident involves violence, weapons, illegal drugs or major criminal activity

 Complete the DET’s serious incident report as soon as possible

 Contact the OHS Directorate in the event of a death, serious injusry or dangerous occurrence at the workplace.

Identified evacuation assembly areas and evacuation routes Assembly area one

On the far side of the oval

Assembly area two

On the netball court

Off-site assembly area (at least 1 km from workplace)

Murringo Community Hall at junction of Murringo Gap Rd and Murringo Road

(Refer to site plan, Part 2)

Location of emergency coordination centre and recovery premises 1. School Admistration Office when practicable OR

2. Location to be confirmed by communications officer after consultation with fire warden

(Refer to site plan, Part 2)

Review dates Bi-annually - July 2012, July 2014, July 2016, etc

The Emergency Management Plan will also be reviewed following;

 any emergency that impacts the workplace

 drills where the need for change is evident

 major structural changes or other changes that affect the ability of the plan to be implemented

Strategy for communicating the plan (e.g. training, newsletters, posters) Emergency evacuation plans are displayed in all buildings in the school and a copy of the procedures are kept in teachers programs. Staff and students will participate in regular drills so that all are aware of the procedures. Drills are noted on the Term planner.

Essential services on premises (e.g. location of hydrants, water main, etc) There is no water main at the school.

Pump for bore water is located in the middle of the vegetable garden area.

Types of installed communication systems A manual bell is located in front of the Upper Division classroom.

A telephone system connects all of the rooms.


Risk assessment process Staff to undertake risk assessment Name Position Contact phone numbers Kaelene Neville Relieving Principal Work – 02 6384 6351 Mobile – Home – 02 6384 6205 Norma Clarke Senior Administrative Work – 02 6384 6351 Manager Mobile – 0438 946 284 Home – 02 6384 6284 Kersti Dean Teacher Work – 02 6386 6351 Mobile – 0417 267 717 Home - 02 6382 4834

Risk assessment consultation Person or group Timeframe for consultation Roads and Traffic Authority December 2010 Schools Safety and Security As advised Directorate State Emergency Services December 2010 Parents and Citizens Association September meeting 2010 Local Council December 2010 Review dates Risk assessment completed on Key changes introduced (see also risk management strategies below) July 2010 Change over of staff and different contact numbers in case of emergency. Slight change to assembly points because of new building

Risk management strategies for prevention or control of emergencies Hazard Risk associated Key risk elimination or How often Key staff responsible with hazard control measures for implementation Violence Unauthorised Visitors come to Office on Principal intruders arrival. Sign to direct visitors to Principal’s room if office unattended. Principal contact 000 and School Safety and Security hotline. Violence between Implementation of student Principal students welfare policy including suspensions and expulsion Road Safety Accident with Teachers supervise bus Daily Principal and vehicle pedestrian lines ensuring buses Teachers collision with leave the car park workplace BEFORE allowing students being picked up in cars to leave. Communication strategy for parents

Training against emergency management plan Type of training How often Use of fire fighting equipment including fire blankets and Once every 12 months extinguishers Training on implementation of workplace Emergency Once every 12 months or as new staff take up Management Plan employment at M.P.S. CPR and First Aid As required to keep qualifications current Training schedule attached – Part 2

Frequency of emergency response drills Type of emergency response drill How often (see Part 2 – Schedule of completed emergency response drills) Building Evacuation (eg fire emergency) Once every 6 months Lockout Once every 6 months Lockdown Once every 6 months Training schedule attached – Part 2

Arrangements for disabled persons Strategy Person responsible for action Nominated person to assist disabled person in event Class teacher/Principal of an emergency Consultation with disabled student and parents about Class Teacher/Principal emergency arrangements including evacuation Emergency services to be notified of disabled Class Teacher/Principal person’s whereabouts where necessary.

Testing of equipment Type of equipment Frequency of testing Fire fighting equipment (including fire extinguishers Every 6 months and fire blankets) Emergency/security lighting Every 6 months Alarm system (bell) Every 6 months

First aid requirements Requirement Action completed First Aid Officer appointed Senior Administrative Officer First aid Officer participates in emergency drills Yes Portable First Aid Kit available and taken on all off-site Yes excursions. Portable First Aid Kit re-stocked Every 12 months or as required

Communications during an emergency Requirement List form of communication Primary means of communication Phone, alarm system (bell) Secondary means of communication Teachers with whistles


The process for making decisions Once an emergency is reported, the Chief Warden will assess;

 What is the nature of the emergency?

 How the emergency is developing (eg getting closer or moving away)

 Which emergency services need to be contacted (Police, Fire, Ambulance, SES)?

 The immediate response actions required based on the initial assessment

 The Chief Warden will then immediately initiate necessary actions and responses e.g. evacuation, lockout or lockdown.

Immediate response actions (actions will often take place at the same time)  Implement emergency evacuation, lockdown or lockout procedures where required.  Ensure first aid is administered and medical treatment provided as soon as possible

 Contact and liaise with relevant emergency services

 Secure the area, remove people from the area and make it as safe as possible while maintaining personal safety.

 Establish the facts: assess the situation, plan who to contact, who will do what, what assistance is needed from School Education Director, Regional Office, School Safety and Response, Safety and Security Directorate, OHS Directorate and the Media Unit.

 Report incidents involving violence, weapons, illegal drugs or major criminal activity to School Safety and Response hotline – 1300 363 778; and incidents involving malicious damage, break and enter, fire and security breaches to the School Security on 1300 880 021.

 Contact the injured person’s family if required.

 Report the emergency through the DET’s incident reporting procedures (serious incident report, employee incident report if required).

Vehicle control during emergency (e.g. keeping lane clear for emergency services) Who: General Assistant or SASS

How: Keeps driveway clear for emergency services

When: After emergency services have been called until their arrival

Evacuation procedures (summary) – Full procedures included in Part 2 Stages:

Decision to evacuate – Chief Warden decides on the need to evacuate, where possible in consultation with emergency services.

Warning staff and students – Chief Warden to ring emergency evacuation bell (continuous short rings of the main bell)

Withdrawal (evacuation) – Teachers to evacuate students in an orderly manner with all members of their classes via the safest and shortest route to beneath the football goalposts (assembly area), unless advised of an alternate evacuation assembly area. Wardens to check that all classrooms are clear and lock where possible.

Shelter and assembly area – Classes to line up in an orderly manner at the evacuation assembly area. When whole school is assembled, rolls are marked. Office staff and any other persons on-site to evacuate to assembly area when advised. Chief warden to check toilet blocks Chief warden to brief staff on emergency and await arrival of emergency services or take other appropriate action.

Return - Chief Warden to advise when to return to classrooms in consultation with emergency services.

Location of fire extinguishers - in each classroom

Location of fire blankets – in teaching kitchen and storeroom

Location of first aid kits – Portable First Aid Kit kept in Administration building (Staff toilet area)

Note: Plans showing the identified evacuation assembly areas and evacuation routes must be posted in the workplace. Evacuation maps should clearly mark all exit routes and assembly areas relevant to each building and the location of all fire fighting equipment. Maps are to be displayed prominently throughout the workplace. Response procedures for specific emergencies Response procedures are provided in Part 2 for the following emergencies:

 Violent Intruder

 Fire

 Bomb Threat

 Vehicle collision with workplace

 Student lost on excursion

Emergency contacts Name Number Young Police Station 63828199 School Education Director 69373385 School Safety and Response Hotline 1300 363 778 School Security Hotline 1300 880 021 Young Medical Centre 6382 1544 EAP Counsellor 1300 360364


Strategy and description (documents included in Part 2) Counselling Strategy – how the school will provide counselling in the event of an emergency. Recovery Time Line – key actions that need to be undertaken to ensure the school, staff and students return to normal as quickly as possible.

Trauma counselling and description Who For serious and traumatic incidents, counselling will be EAP Counselling offered and provided to all students, staff and parents Ongoing counselling support from DGO (Peter involved. Burgess)

Managing the media strategies (documents included in Part 2) Contact the Media Unit (Grant Hatch) for advice on how to deal with serious incidents.

Return workplace to normal Action Depending on the type of emergency, restoring the Contact SED, AMU, Joss and any other physical aspects of the workplace may be required organisations which assist in this area.

PART 2: Evacuation procedures and other attachments Checklist for documents to be included in Part 2

Documents attached: (Workplaces are to attach documents that relate to their Emergency Management Plan)  Evacuation procedures  First Aid plan  Response procedures for specific hazards (e.g. bushfire)  Site plan (Note: each workplace will need to provide its own site plan: please contact Asset Management if you require a copy)  Floor plans  Communication strategy (where there is additional information to section 1.2 above)  Specialist information – e.g. location of hydrants  Media messages and strategy  After hours contacts  Other relevant information

First Aid Plan for Murringo Public School Assessment of first aid requirements First aid plan (Controls) continued Type of work performed Response procedures Teaching in the key learning areas. The first aid officer is called immediately after an accident or Conducting and supervising playground activities. incident has occurred. Conducting office duties. The first aid officer attends to the injured person. The first aid officer coordinates medical assistance and emergency General maintenance and related duties. services, as required. Supervising school excursions. The principal notifies the parent(s) (in the case of a student), next of kin or an emergency contact in the case of Resources, equipment, machinery and other employees. issues which may present hazards The principal notifies the OHS Liaison Manager and OHS Fixed equipment e.g. stoves and ovens Directorate (if appropriate) and must follow the Department’s Portable equipment e.g. lawn mowers, ladders, Incident Reporting Policy (PD2007/0362) and Incident power tools and PE equipment.. Reporting Procedures. Playground surfaces. Where an individual Health Care Plan exists, the procedures in the plan must be followed. Types of injury or illness likely to be sustained Sick bay and kit requirements and management Abrasions, cuts and lacerations. The principal coordinates the following arrangements: Burns, insect/animal bites. One sick bay with appropriate signage and a first aid kit in Sprains, strains and crush injuries. the main office building. Asthma and anaphylactic reaction requiring an A portable first aid kit for the teacher in charge of playground emergency response. duty. Number and distribution of people across the Portable first aid kits to be taken on excursions. school A sign indicating where the sick bay, first aid officer and 25 students 4 teachers main first aid kit is located and where other first aid kits are 1 office staff 1 general assistant kept is displayed in the staff rooms and in every classroom. 1 cleaner The first aid officer maintains the main first aid kit and its backup supplies. Size and layout of workplace First aid recording and reporting system One hectare of land with 4 main buildings, 1 toilet Register of injuries is located in the main administrative block and 2 sheds office and is completed by the injured worker or visitor as Location of school soon as practicable. The school is located on a main road approximately The administration of first aid is recorded in the record of 35km from a medical centre and the nearest first aid treatment located in the First Aid Area hospital. The register of medications is maintained by employees First aid plan (Controls) authorised to administer medications. One first aid officer and a backup first aid officer Communicating the first aid plan trained to take role in periods of absence. The plan is placed on the noticeboard in each staff room and Schools are required to have a member of staff who in the main office. It is communicated to all staff, students is the holder of a current WorkCover approved first and workplace visitors. aid certificate. Timetable for monitoring and review procedures for first A first aid allowance is paid to school administrative aid support staff who undertake the first aid role as per The plan is to be reviewed annually with the input of staff the Crown Employees (School administrative and and the OHS Committee or OHS Representative. support staff) Award. Important contact numbers All school staff are to be trained in Emergency Care. Emergency 000 Teachers supervising excursions and any water- Young Hospital - 0263828888 related activities are to be trained in Cardio- Young Medical Centre - 0263821544 Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Emergency Care. Poisons Information Centre 131 126

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