Adelaide Patient Participation Group (Ppg) s1

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Adelaide Patient Participation Group (Ppg) s1


Tues 13th Apr 2016 12:00-1:30pm

Present: Not in attendance: Margaret Bailey Robert O'Toole – not present Neville Ross (chair for day) Michael Fletcher – not present Penny Wesson Sheila Rossan – not present Carlie Newman Hazel Morfey – not present Peter Sibson Hilary Lance (Chair) - apologise Jemilate Heinecke Nicola Thomas - apologise Vanda Renton Marilyn Greenfield Potential new PPG members Vivienne Mckennel Bee Thompson – not present Dr Marcus Craven Sherry Ballantine – not present David Williams (Practice Mgr) Rosemary Emanuel – not present Elaine Chambers – Apologies Carol Pullen – Potential new PPG member Gwen Kaplan – not present

Item Outcome Action Apologies and As above introductions Carol Pullen was introduced to the group

1. Minutes of  Minutes were agreed. the meeting of 24th Feb & matters arising 5. Chair need to Neville explained that as part of the PPG Terms of Reference, reappoint the chair needed to be reappointed every 2 years.

Anyone wanting to stand should let David know by the end of  Inform David if you June. Neville informed the group that Hilary was happy to want to stand as PPG continue in the role. chair (All)

6. Practice news. David informed the group that they were delighted that Dr Grace Gilbert-Kawai had agreed to become a partner and that this was now the long term replacement to Dr Loughridge who retired last year.

A few people mentioned that they had seen Dr Loughridge in the surgery and David explained that we had been lucky to have some additional funding over winter to allow us to use a familiar Dr to do some extra sessions.

Neville asked the question if we were planning to put the Nurses appointments back on line to be booked. Marcus explained that we were not due to the level of wrongly booked appointments that we previously encountered.

2. Planning for the The open evening leaflet was reviewed. David said they  Antrim Rd library – th open evening 24 would distribute the leaflet as before, namely, on the chairs (Carol) May. in the waiting room and as posters.  Swiss Cottage library

1 (Jemilate) A few volunteered to take coloured leaflets to display in  Surgery gangway leaflets locally. (Margaret/Nicola)

A discussion was had as to the types of questions that may be raised at the Open Evening. Key points made were:  How will my privacy be protected?  How do you opt out?  How far back does your information go?  How accurate are my records and how may they be amended?  Who else can see my record?  Can the Police see my information? Hilary, David and Marcus would be answering these questions on the evening and considering these queries will help them prepare.  To bring We will do refreshments in the usual way. Margaret agreed l refreshments to get supplies and others agreed to help on the night as (Margaret) required.

3. Feedback from David reminded everyone that the survey this year asked  Consider what leaflet survey – leaflet patients what practice leaflets it would be helpful to create to ideas could be useful ideas. inform patients. From the resulting report, the following to pts (Marcus) areas were discussed:

a. Leaflet on services offered, including any Dr specialisms  Update practice and where patients can self-refer to non-practice services. brochure with This can be expanded to included how information is additional referenced or included in the next revision of the overall information (Hilary, practice brochure Nicola, David) David advised that Hilary had provided feedback for the main practice leaflet, and some changes additions will be built into  Target next this review of the practice brochure. If it then made sense, brochure ready by we may create a specific leaflet on those services that can June (Nicola/David) then be done by self-referral.

b. Procedure for Test results and how information is cascaded back to patients There was a strong feeling from many of the group that some sort of guidance for patients was needed. For example, how long to wait for results, when and how to chase, and what they would expect back from the surgery.

Marcus advised that there were many different scenarios across the different types of test (bloods, urine, x-ray), so it was hard to have fixed rules. For example, in some cases the onus is more on the patients to follow up than the surgery.  Draft test result Neville agreed to draft a leaflet that he would pass to the leaflet for practice surgery to verify. review. (Neville)

c. A patient leaflet on how you can access your own patient records  Accessing own There was agreement that this would be a good leaflet to record leaflet by

2 have and would be useful to have ready for the Open Open evening Meeting. (David)

4. Annual report. Neville tabled the annual report and decided that members  Feedback on the should feedback to David outside the meeting. A few draft annual report immediate additions mentioned were: to David by May (All)  Make some reference on progress of the new building  How we make the report accessible

7. AOB. Vanda raised the Healthwatch report last year and asked did the practice intend to respond to any of the areas raised.

Marcus and David answered that they had seen the report, and whilst there were some reservations as to the selective nature of the measures identified, the poorer than hoped performance of the practice in checking the feet of diabetic patients was noted and had started to be addressed.

List of potential future agenda items:  Could we have open meetings for all patients or members of the PRG for some of our PPG meetings?

Next meetings: Open eve 24th May 2016 (Tues 7-8:30pm) 29th June 2016 (Wed 12:00 – 1pm) 14th Sep 2016 (Wed 12-1:30 pm) Open eve 18th Oct 2016 (Tues 7-8:30pm) 23rd Nov 2016 (Wed 12-1:30 pm)


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