Manchester Commemorative Plaques

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Manchester Commemorative Plaques

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City of Manchester


A list of locations and inscriptions of plaques to commem- orate people, places and events that are part of Manchester’s historic past

Manchester City Council, Planning Department, P.O. Box 463, Manchester M60 3NY

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The suggestion that buildings in Manchester, associated with famous people, should be suit- ably marked by the City Council was first put forward by the late Alderman Clement Stott. After consultation with historical and architectural interests, the City Council in 1960 adopted the suggestion, but financial restraints at that time made it impracticable to make other than an experimental start.

By 1970, however, largely due to the enthusiasm of the late Alderman Sir Richard Harper - a keen local historian - the programme was effectively commenced.

Since then the Council has sponsored a programme of commemorative plaques and this book- let records those now fixed.

The scheme originally proposed that only buildings where famous people had lived would be marked. Experience soon showed that the continuing redevelopment of the City has swept away many of the old buildings associated with notable people or events.

A minor variation of the scheme was therefore introduced to mark historic sites. Some of these, now radically changed in appearance, are of great interest in the City's history; ex- amples include "Peterloo" (No.6 - Free Trade Hall) and Bonnie Prince Charlie's gun park (No.23 - Artillery Street, Deansgate).

There are no rigid or formal rules for the selection of plaques but the general principles fol- lowed are that the person commemorated should have been eminent and sufficiently famous for his or her name to be familiar to a succeeding generation. No commemoration is generally undertaken until 25 years after death.

A great deal of work goes into researching the facts and ensuring sitings are accurate. In this work the Local History Library gives invaluable help. Owing to the severe restriction of local government budgets the responsibility for this and for the costs in manufacturing and installing plaques now rests with those making the request.

All commemorative plaques up to 1984 were in blue ceramic encaustic ware. The manufac- turer ceased production and subsequent plaques are cast aluminium. In 1985 colour coding was introduced: Blue to commemorate people: Red to commemorate events of importance to the social history of the City: Black indicates buildings of special architectural or historic in- terest: Green is for subjects which fall into none of the above categories.

Here they are, memoria to the famous men and women, writers, artists, musicians, soldiers, and others who have made our history. It is hoped that this booklet and the plaques them- selves will excite the interest of the public, especially the young, to know more about the per- sons and events the plaques commemorate.

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

1 Richard Cobden Blue Richard Cobden MP a pioneer of 1960 County Court free trade lived here (1834 - 1843). Quay Street Owens College (later Manchester University) occupied the building (1851 - 1873).

2 York Hotel Blue The site of the York Hotel where 1972 National Westminster Bank Manchester Borough Council held King Street its first meetings (1838 - 1840).

3 William Harrison Ainsworth Blue Wm. Harrison Ainsworth (1805 - 1972 National Westminster Bank 1883). Novelist born in a house, King Street which stood on this site.

4 Gaiety Theatre Blue The site of the Gaiety Theatre dir- 1972 Peter Street ected by Miss A.E.F. Horniman (1908 - 1921)

5 Salford Hundred Court Blue The Court of Record for the Hun- 1972 Crown Square dred of Salford in the County of Lancaster (1869 - 1971) held its sit- tings in these Courts of Justice (1962 - 1971).

6 Peterloo Blue The site of St. Peter's Fields where 1972 Free Trade Hall on 16th August 1819 Henry Hunt, Peter Street Radical orator addressed an as- sembly of about 60,000 people. Replaced with a red plaque, Their subsequent dispersal by the 2007 number 116 in 2007 military is remembered as 'Peterloo'.

7 James Sadler Blue From a garden on this site James 1972 Corporation Street and Sadler pioneer English aeronaut Balloon Street made the first manned balloon as- cent in Manchester 12th May 1785.

8 Frances Hodgson Burnett Blue Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849 - 1974 385 Cheetham Hill Road 1924) Novelist and Authoress of 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' and many Building demolished – plaque other works lived here (1852 - now in Manchester Metropolit- 1854) an University (former Manchester Polytechnic)

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9 Prince Rupert Blue In May 1644 at 'Barloe More' near 1973 Didsbury Library this site Prince Rupert (1619 - 1682) and his Royalist Army en- camped on their march to the battle of Marston Moor, Yorkshire, 2nd July 1644.

10 Portico Library Blue Portico Library 1806, Thomas Har- 1973 Mosley Street rison Architect (1744 - 1829) Richard Cobden, John Dalton, Elizabeth Gaskell, Sir Robert Peel, Thomas de Quincey, Peter Mark Roget were readers here.

11 Elilzabeth Cleghorn Gaskell Blue Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810 - 1974 84 Plymouth Grove 1865) Novelist and Authoress of 'Mary Barton', 'Cranford' and many other works lived here (1849 - 1865).

12 Charlotte Bronte Blue In 1846 at 83 Mount Pleasant on 1974 Boundary Lane this site Charlotte Bronte (1816 - 1855) Novelist began to write 'Jane Eyre'. 13 Frederick Henry Royce Blue In Cook Street on this site in 1884 1974 Charles Barry Crescent Frederick Henry Royce (1863 - Hulme 1933) opened an engineering work- shop and built there the first Rolls Royce car in 1904.

14 Sir Charles Halle Blue Sir Charles Halle (1819 - 1895) 1973 Duxbury Square founder of the world-renowned or- Moss Side chestra lived from (1858 - 1895) at No.70 Greenheys Lane, which stood on this site.

15 Major General Blue The family home of Charles Wors- 1974 Charles Worsley ley MP (1623 - 1656) First Member Platt Hall, Rusholme for Manchester (1654), Puritan sol- dier and Cromwell's Major General.

16 Richard Lane Blue The site of Chorlton-upon-Medlock 1973 Grosvenor Street Town Hall (1830 -1970). Richard All Saints Lane Architect fl. (1815 - 1858). His Doric Portico still remains.

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D:\Docs\2017-12-15\0b071e5c7b3672a01433e080249274b2.doc Version: 0.1 Page: 5 of 18 Date: 04/04/2018 17 Captain Sir John Alcock Blue Capt. Sir John Alcock KBE DSC 1973 6 Kingswood Road (1892 - 1919) who with Lieut. Sir Fallowfield Arthur Whitten Brown made the first non-stop aeroplane crossing of the Atlantic 14 - 15 June 1919 lived here.

18 Lieut. Sir Arthur Blue Lieut. Sir Arthur Whitten Brown 1974 Whitten Brown KBE (1886 - 1948) who with Capt. 6 Oswald Road Sir John Alcock made the first non- Chorlton-cum-Hardy stop aeroplane crossing of the At- lantic 14 - 15 June 1919 lived here.

19 Manchester Poor House Blue From 1764 to 1792 there stood on 1973 Spinningfield this site in Cumberland St. the Deansgate Manchester Poor House. The building later became 'The Duke of Cumberland' tavern from (1819 - 1901).

20 Revd. John Wesley Blue On this site The Revd. John Wes- 1974 Central Hall ley (1703 - 1791) opened the Oldham Street second Methodist Preaching House in Manchester, 30th March 1781.

21 Sir William Brereton Blue In May 1645 Parliamentary troops 1974 Didsbury Library under Sir William Brereton (1604 - 1661) of Handforth Hall also mustered at Prince Rupert’s ‘Barloe More' rendezvous.

22 Site of Alport Lodge Blue Site of Alport Lodge. In a siege 1976 Deansgate and of the town in September 1642 St.John Street Lord Strange's Royalist forces fired cannon from here along Deansgate. 23 Charles Edward Stuart Blue In November 1745 Jacobite forces 1976 Byrom Street and under Charles Edward Stuart Artillery Street ('Bonny Prince Charlie') (1720 - 1788) used this site as a gun park.

24 Charles Robert Cockerell Blue From (1845 - 1971) the Bank of 1976 King Street England occupied this building de- signed by Charles Robert Cockerell RA, (1788 - 1863) Architect and ar- chaeologist.

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

25 Early Methodist Blue Site of Rose and Crown Yard. 1976 Preaching Room Here in a weaver's cottage John Blackfriars Street and Bennet and John Nelson opened Deansgate an early Methodist preaching room (c. 1747).

26 Robert Bradshaw Blue Siege of Manchester (1642). Cap- 1977 John Rosworm tains Robert Bradshaw and John Victoria Bridge Street Rosworm commanding the town's forces repulsed Royalist troops on the old bridge next to this site.

27 Louis Paulhan Blue Louis Paulhan (1883 - 1963) Pion- 1976 25 - 27 Paulhan Road eer French aviator landed a Far- Didsbury man biplane in a field on this site making the first London / Manchester flight, 28 April 1910.

28 Friedrich Engels Blue Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895) So- 1976 Aberdeen House University cial philosopher and writer lived at No.6 Thorncliffe Grove, which once stood on this site.

29 Manchester Ship Blue Lodge of 'The Towers' Daniel 1978 Canal Meeting 1882 Adamson's home where the historic Shirley Institute decision to build Manchester Ship Wilmslow Road, Canal was taken 27 June 1882. Didsbury

30 Daniel Adamson Blue Daniel Adamson (1820 - 1890) En- 1978 'The Towers' gineer, Ironfounder and leading (Shirley Institute) promoter of Manchester Ship Canal lived here.

31 Edgar Wood Blue Edgar Wood (1860 - 1936) 1978 Daisy Bank Road Artist - Architect designed this Victoria Park former First Church of Christ Sci- entist (1903)

32 Sir Harry Smith Blue Sir Harry Smith Bart (1787 - 1860) 1979 Daisy Bank Road Soldier, Statesman and Governor Victoria Park of the Cape of Good Hope, lived here.

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

33 Ford Madox Brown and Blue Charles Halle (1819 - 1895) Musi- 1981 Charles Halle. Addison Ter- cian and Conductor Ford Madox race, Daisy Bank Road, Victor- Brown (1821 - 1893) Pre-Raphael- ia Park. ite Artist lived here.

34 John Hay Beith Blue John Hay Beith ('Ian Hay') (1876 - 1979 Wilmslow Road, Rusholme 1952) Novelist and playwright born at Platt Abbey on this site 17th April 1876.

35 Alliot Verdon Roe Great An- Blue Sir Alliot Verdon Roe (1877 - coats Street (Provisional) 1958). The first Englishman to fly an aircraft of his own design and construction 8th June 1908. Opened a workshop here 1st Janu- ary 1910.

36 Ellen Wilkinson Blue Ellen Wilkinson (1891 - 1947) 1980 Balsam Close, Stateswoman and Cabinet Minister Brunswick. was born at 41 Coral Street on this site.

37 Edwin Chadwick Blue Edwin Chadwick (1800 - 1890) 1980 5 Kingfisher Close, Poor Law and Sanitary reformer Stockport Road, Longsight and administrator was born in a cottage on this site.

38 John Dalton Blue John Dalton (1766 - 1844) Founder 1980 36 George Street, City. of the scientific atomic theory Pres- ident of Manchester Literary and See also 117 Philosophical Society had his labor- atory here. (See also 117)

39 Ernest Jones Blue Ernest Jones (1819 - 1869) c1983 Bow Chambers, Bow Lane, Chartist leader and barrister at City. law practised from chambers here c1863 - 1869. (Also see 117)

40 Barton Arcade and the Blue Barton Arcade 1871. The founder c1983 Catenian Association members of the Catenian Associ- Barton Square ation held their first meeting here in March 1908.

41 Walter Carroll Blue Walter Carroll (1869 - 1955) Musi- c1984 117 Lapwing Lane cian and composer lived here. Didsbury

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

42 Hiroshima Green Dedicated to all those whose lives 1985 Bridge Street, River Irwell were taken in the first atomic bombings, 40 years ago this week in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ... and to all who strive to rid the world of nuclear weapons and the threat of nuclear war. Manchester City Council 1945 - August 6th - 1985 Greater Manchester CND Hiroshi- ma Day August 6th. This plaque unveiled on the 40th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. By Hibakusha (Hiroshi- ma survivors).

43 Pan African Conference Red Fifth Pan African Conference was 1985 Chorlton Town Hall held here 15th - 21st October 1945. Chorlton-on-Medlock Decisions taken at this conference led to liberation of African coun- tries. Participants in this historic event included Ras Makonnen, Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Amy Garvey, W.E. Du Bois, George Padmore.

44 Nuclear Free City Red Manchester. The World's first City 1985 Town Hall to be declared a Nuclear Free zone Albert Square (5th November 1980).

45 Frank Kingdon-Ward Blue Frank Kingdon-Ward (1885 - 1958) 1985 Former 14 Heaton Road, Plant explorer, botanist and author. Withington Born at No.14 Heaton Road, With- ington, which stood on this site.

46 Nuclear Free Zone Red By resolution of the City Council on 1985 Town Hall Interior November 5th 1980 Manchester became Britain's first Nuclear Free Zone. That same historic resolu- tion inspired the formation of a Na- tional and International Nuclear Free Zone Movement. Manchester City Council firmly be- lieves that the possession of nucle- ar weapons will not protect the people of this country against the horrors of nuclear war and that Civil Defence against nuclear war is a dangerous sham.

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47 Town Hall Black Building of Architectural or historic 1986 Albert Square Interest Grade I Town Hall (1877) Victorian Gothic style Architect - Al- fred Waterhouse (1830 - 1905).

48 Chethams Hospital Black Building of Architectural or Historic 1986 Long Millgate Interest Grade I - Chetham's Hos- pital Manor House of Thomas de la Warre given to the Collegiate Church (now Cathedral) in 1421. In 1653 Humphrey Chetham foun- ded a school and free public library. Became a music school in 1969.

49 Elizabeth Raffald Blue Elizabeth Raffald (1733 - 1781) 1986 Marks & Spencer Published the first street and trade Shambles Square directory of Manchester. Wrote one of the earliest cookery books. Started the first employment agency for domestic servants. Ran the Bulls Head Inn which stood on this site.

50 Howard Spring Blue Robert Howard Spring (1889 - 1986 26 Hesketh Avenue 1965) Journalist and Novelist lived West Didsbury here (1920 - 1931).

51 First Provincial School of Red The site of the First Provincial 1986 Anatomy School of Anatomy founded 1st Oc- 70 Bridge Street tober 1814 by Joseph Jordan (1787 - 1873).

52 Sir William Fairbairn Blue Sir William Fairbairn (1789 - 1874) 1986 Arndale Centre, High Street Engineer, inventor of the riveting machine, designed the Lancashire Boiler and jointly set up the Mech- anics Institute. Started business from a workshop in High Street in 1817.

53 Cathedral Black Building of Architectural or Historic 1986 Fennel Street Interest Grade 1. Cathedral Church of St. Mary, St. Denys and St. George. A Saxon church stood here. The Parish Church became a Collegiate Church in 1421 and Cathedral in 1847. Existing struc- ture dates from 15th Century many parts having been rebuilt since.

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54 Shudehill Fight Red Shudehill Fight. One of several 1986 Arndale Centre food riots took place here. 4 Shudehill people died and 15 were injured during the night of 14 - 15th November 1757.

55 First Aerodrome in Red The first Aerodrome in Manchester 1986 Manchester (1917 - 1924) was situated here. Sports Pavilion, Hough End Playing Fields

56 Queens Park Red Queens Park (Harpurhey), Philips 1986 Upper Lodge Park (Beswick and Clayton), Peel Park (Salford). The first three Mu- nicipal public parks in Manchester and Salford opened simultaneously on 22nd August 1846.

57 Philips Park Red Queens Park (Harpurhey) Philips 1986 Upper Lodge Park (Beswick and Clayton) Peel Park (Salford). The first three Mu- nicipal public parks in Manchester and Salford opened simultaneously on 22nd August 1846.

58 Cross Street Chapel Red First School and Chapel House 1986 Chapel Walks, Cross Street built here 1734. Early meeting place of Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society founded 1781. Elizabeth Gaskell (1810 - 1865) worshipped here.

59 Royal Hotel Red Site of the Royal Hotel. Royal Mail 1986 124 - 130 Market Street Coach Inn. First Booking Office for Liverpool and Manchester Railway.

60 Liverpool Road Station Black Building of Architectural or Historic 1986 Interest. Grade I Liverpool Road Station. The world's first passen- ger railway station, terminus of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, which was opened by the Duke of Wellington on 15th September 1830.

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

61 Ernest Lord Rutherford Blue Ernest Lord Rutherford (1871 - 1986 Museum Building, 1937). Langworthy Professor of Oxford Road Physics University of Manchester (1907 - 1919) (in Coupland I Build- ing). Pioneer in Nuclear Physics. First to split the atom. Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1908.

62 Sam Wild Blue Sam Wild Commander of the Brit- 1986 57 Birch Hall Lane ish Battalion of the International Rusholme Brigade in the Spanish Civil War lived here 1940 - 1959.

63 Caribbean Focus Green To commemorate Manchester 1987 West Indian Centre Caribbean Focus 1986. Remem- Carmoor Road bering those who come before us, and the others we leave behind us. We are united in an everlasting bond, throughout all eternity.

64 Soho Foundry Black This wheel, the sign of the mill- 1987 Fragment in Peace Garden, wright, was originally used as a Princess Street, Mosley St. clock face at Soho Foundry, Pollard Street, Ancoats. Founded 1804 demolished 1976 the foundry pro- duced castings for machinery for the cotton industry.

65 Adolphe Valette Blue Adolphe Valette (1876 - 1942) 1987 Polytechnic, French painter and teacher in the Grosvenor Street, School of Art 1907 - 1920. All Saints.

Lord and Lady Simon Ernest Darwin Simon (1879-1960) 66 Wythenshawe Hall Blue Shena Dorothy Simon (1883-1972) 1987 Lord and Lady Simon purchased Wythenshawe Hall and Park as a gift to the City of Manchester in 1926.

67 Dr. Chaim Weizmann Blue Dr. Chain Weizmann (1874-1952) 1987 Jewish Museum, Scientist, Zionist leader and first 190 Cheetham Hill Road president of the State of Israel (1948) lived in Manchester (1904- 1917)

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

68 Spanish and Portuguese Black Building of Special Architectural or 1987 Synagogue Historic Interest Grade II* Spanish Jewish Museum and Portuguese Synagogue 1874. 190 Cheetham Hill Road A building with Spanish Saracenic motifs Architect Edward Salomons (1828-1906).

69 Church of Saint Ann Black Building of Special Architectural or 1987 St. Ann Street Historic Interest Grade 1, Church of Saint Ann (1712) Architect probably John Barker.

70 Church of Saint Cross Black Building of special architectural 1987 Ashton New Road, Clayton or historic interest Grade 1, Church of Saint Cross (1866) Architect Wil- liam Butterfield (1814-1900).

71 Vine Street School Red Vine Street School The first school 1987 Birley High School built by the Manchester School Chichester Road Board. Foundation Stone laid 11th Hulme June 1874 by Herbert Birley on a site near here. Opened 9th August 1875.

72 1930s Unemployed Red Demonstration of unemployed 1989 London Road, marched from Ardwick Green until Fairfield Street their dispersal by police and fire bri- gade using hoses (7th October 1931).

73 Fenian Ambush Red Fenian Ambush (September 1867) 1989 Hyde Road Site of the rescue of two Fenian Railway Bridge prisoners. Following the shooting of a policeman three of the res- cuers were executed at the last public hanging in the Manchester area (November 1867).

74 Manchester United FC Red From 1878 to 1893 as Newton Not yet in- Northampton Road Heath (LYR) C & FC and later stalled Newton Heath Newton Heath FC. Manchester United played here on the North Road Ground.

75 Manchester City FC Blue In 1880 as St. Mark's, West Gorton, Not yet in- Clowes Street, West Gorton Manchester City FC stalled first played near here.

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

76 Manchester United FC Red Opposite this plaque was the 1989 Bank Street, Clayton Bank Street Ground home of Manchester United, formerly New- On a school building, now de- ton Heath FC. 1893 to 1910. molished. Plaque’s where- abouts unknown

77 Sir Nigel Gresley Blue Sir Nigel Gresley (1876 - 1941). Not yet in- Railway Hotel, Locomotive designer and engineer stalled Dean Lane, Newton Heath was employed near here at Newton Heath Railway Depot from 1898 to 1905 first as apprentice, sub- sequently as manager.

78 Pioneer Quay Green Pioneer Quay was named by Marie 1987 Deansgate Ashworth from Bury to commemor- ate the Rochdale Pioneers who founded the Co-operative move- ment. She chose the name to win the 'Quay with No Name' competi- tion on the Phil Sayer programme BBC Radio Manchester. April 21st 1987.

79 Collyhurst Village Park Green Collyhurst Village Park. Designed Not yet in- by the pupils of Saviour & St. Au- stalled gustine's Primary Schools funded by the Manchester City Council and the Department of the Environ- ment. Opened by Cllr. Arnold Spencer, Chair of the Planning Committee July 1987.

80 Emmeline Pankhurst Blue Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) 1987 62 Nelson Street and her daughters Christabel and Sylvia, founders of the Suffragette Movement, lived here 1897 - 1907.

81 Manchester Coat of Arms Black This sandstone Manchester coat of 1988 Cannon Street arms formerly stood on the top of Corporation Street the Manchester and County Bank, situated on Corporation Street, erected in 1889 and demolished in 1971 to make way for the Arndale Centre.

The coat of arms was salvaged by Mr. Rupert Smith who donated it to the City of Manchester in 1984. Relocated on this site by the Plan- ning Committee of Manchester City Council May 1987.

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No. Name and Location Colour Inscription Installed

82 First Automatic Traffic Sig- Red The first automatic traffic signals in 1988 nals in the North West the North West of England were in- Market Street, stalled at this junction on Novem- Cross Street ber 14th 1928.

83 Thomas de la Warre Blue Thomas de la Warre 1359 - c.1426 1989 Cathedral Street Rector of Manchester founded the Collegiate Church in 1421 with its community of priests, lay clerks and boys.

84 John Bradford and Edward Blue John Bradford 1510 - 1555 1989 Barlow Edward Barlow 1585 - 1641 Cathedral Street Natives of Manchester both mar- tyred for their religious beliefs.

85 James Prince Lee Blue James Prince Lee 1804 - 1869 1989 Cathedral Street First Bishop of Manchester 1847 - 1869. Consecrated 110 new churches.

86 Peter Green Blue Peter Green 1871 - 1961 Rector of 1989 Cathedral Street St. Philip's, Salford. Canon Resid- entiary of Manchester 1911 - 1951 Evangelist writer.

87 William Temple Blue William Temple 1881 - 1944 1989 Cathedral Street Bishop of Manchester 1921 - 1928. Later Archbishop of York, then Archbishop of Canterbury, writer, social reformer, Apostle of Church Unity. 88 European Community Re- Green Many of the improvements in the 1989 gional Development Castlefield Urban Heritage Park Fund have been carried out by Grocer's Warehouse, Manchester City Council with finan- Castle Street, cial assistance from the European Castlefield Community through the Regional Development Fund.

89 Commission of the Peace Red The first Commission of the Peace 1,989 The Magistrates' Court was granted to Manchester in 1839 Crown Square by H.M. Queen Victoria. The first court sitting was held in Brown Street, the court moved to Minshull Street in 1872 and to Crown Square in 1971.

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90 Declaration of the Green Declaration of the Rights of Man. 1989 Rights of Man The two "Liberty" trees were Hanging Ditch planted by representatives of the French Government on 17th Octo- ber 1989 to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the "Declara- tion of the Rights of Man in Paris 26 August 1789".

91 Little Ireland Red Site of Little Ireland. Large num- 1992 Great Marlborough St. bers of immigrant Irish workers lived here in appalling housing con- ditions. Built c.1827 vacated c.1847, demolished c.1877.

92 First Gas Works Red Site of first Manchester Gas Works. 1993 St. Mary's Parsonage First municipal gas installation in the world to sell gas to the public. Erected by the Commissioners of Police 1817.

93 School of Chiropody Red Manchester Foot Hospital 1929 - 1990 Upper Brook Street 1931 original site of Manchester School of Chiropody 1930 - 1931. Post curam otium.

94 Thomas Wright Blue Thomas Wright 1789 - 1876 "The 1992 Sidney Street, All Saints Prisoners' Friend" Born in Manchester and lived in Sidney Street. Dedicated his life to the re- lief of human suffering and in par- ticular to the poor and needy of this City.

95 Co-operative Insurance Co. Red The first meeting of the Co-operat- 1992 103 Princess Street ive Insurance Company (now CIS) was held here 16th November 1867.

96 Orford Road Burial Ground, Red The bodies of 6,000 Newton Heath 1993 Seabrook Road/Orford Road residents were interred here Newton Heath between 1860 and 1950.

97 Pals Battalions Red The 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Pals 1993 Manchester Regiment Battalions of the Manchester Regi- Main entrance, ment trained at Heaton Park Heaton Park, between September 1914 and April Bury Old Road 1915.

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98 Peak District and Northern Red The Peak District and Northern 1994 Counties Footpaths Preser- Counties Footpaths Preservation vation Society Society was founded on this site St. George's House, 16th August 1894. Peter Street

Palatine Court The Court of Chancery of the 99 The Crown Court Red County Palatine of Lancaster foun- 1995 Crown Square ded in or before 1351 sat here from 1962 until replaced by the High Court, Chancery Division on 1st January 1972.

Robert Owen Robert Owen 1771 - 1858. Welsh 100 Royal Exchange Blue entrepreneur and social reformer 1994 St. Ann's Square whose ideas formed the basis of the world-wide co-operative move- ment. Lived and worked in Manchester for 12 years working first in a business on this site. c.1788.

Aircrew Cadets To commemorate the 133,516 air- 101 Heaton Hall, Heaton Park Blue crew cadets who were stationed at 1995 Heaton Park during World War II en route overseas for flying train- ing.

Rugby League The Lancashire Rugby Football 102 Hanging Ditch/ Red Union held meetings in the Spread 1996 Corporation Street Eagle Hotel, which stood on this site. In 1895 the Lancashire & Yorkshire Unions amalgamated to form the Northern Rugby Football Union (later renamed League) thereby seceding from the Rugby Union.

Football League The Football League was founded 103 Royal Buildings, 124-130 Mar- Red on 17th April 1888 at the Royal 1996 ket Street. Hotel, which stood on this site.


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105 Hannah Mitchell Blue Hannah Maria Mitchell 1871 - 1956 1996 18 Ingham Street, radical suffragist, City Councillor Newton Heath and Magistrate lived here.

69 - 77 Lever Street Buildings of special Architectural or 106 75 Lever Street Black Historic Interest. Grade II. 69 - 77 Lever Street. Five Georgian town houses built in 1787, which were also used as places of business. Their close relationship with work- shops and artisans dwellings at the rear make the group of buildings unique in Manchester.

107 4, 6 & 8 Bradley Street Black Buildings of Special Architectural or 1997 6 Bradley Street Historic Interest. Grade II. 4, 6 & 8 Bradley Street. Two 'one up one down' houses in each of these three outriggers to the rear of the grander properties on Lever Street were built in 1787. Although rebuilt and altered in 1996 they represent the last surviving examples of this type of accommodation in the City. Records indicate as many as 12 people living in one property.

108 Junior Art School Red From 1943 to 1946 The 1997 Platt Hall, Platt Fields Park, Manchester Junior Art School was Fallowfield situated here under the directorship of Eric Mayer (1903 - 1971).

109 Japanese Mission to Red This plaque commemorates the 2001 Manchester 125th anniversary of the visit of the Lloyds Bank, Cheapside Iwakura Ambassadors' Mission from Japan, which was received by the Lord Mayor in the original Manchester Town Hall, which stood on this site. The 40-member Ja- panese delegation came to Manchester and the North West to learn from its civic, industrial and commercial success.

110 British Deaf History Society Red Original site of the Manchester & 1998 Elizabeth House, St. Peters Salford Adult Deaf & Dumb Bene- Square volent Association, founded in 1846 by deaf tailor James Herriot, British Deaf History Society.

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111 Platt Chapel (Unitarian) Red Platt Chapel (Unitarian) 2000 Platt Chapel, Rusholme 1700 - 1970 congregation founded at Birch, Rusholme in 1646. 112 Catholic Social Guild Red 21st September 1909 Catholic So- 2000 Chorlton Street cial Guild was founded at Ingham's Hotel, which stood on this site. De- cisions led to the foundation of the Catholic Workers College, Oxford, later re-named Plater College.

113 Royal Mill Red Not erected 2007 Redhill Street Royal Visit 1942

114 McConnell and Kennedy Blue Not erected 2007

115 Royal Mills Black Not erected 2007 Redhill Street

116 Peterloo Red On 16th August 1819, a peaceful 2007 Free Trade Hall rally of 60,000 pro-democracy re- Peter Street formers, men, women and children was attacked by armed cavalry res- This replaced blue plaque ulting in 15 deaths and over 600 in- number 6 installed 1972 juries.


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