Copy out Dictiona Ry Or Files

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Copy out Dictiona Ry Or Files

File Management Copy Out Dictiona ry or Files

Hint: Before you copy out your Main Dictionary, hit F9, then enter to check the name of your Main Dictionary. Ctr/ q to quit out and save dictionary.

Copy out D ictiona ry or Files

1. Put your flash drive into the USB port of the computer to copy files out of 2. From the Eclipse Mai n menu, hit Ctrl f 3. The File Manager menu will open up 4. Click and check the box next to the files you want to copy out (your dictiona ry name or file names) 5. After you have put a check next to the files you want to copy out 6. Click on the 'Copy to' button on the left column 7. From the List, scroll down to Browse, click Okay, scroll down and locate your Flash Drive, and click Okay. 8. Exit out of Eclipse and go to Computer (Windows 8, click on the folder onthe task bar) and click and open you r flash drive to make sure you have properly copied out your Main dictionary to your flash drive - Always use the "Safely Remove Hardware" ico on the notification taskbar to remove your Flash Drive

Export Setti111:s 1. To Export Settings, go to the Eclipse Main Menu 2. Hit Alt U 3. Click on the Export Button 4. Click Okay on the User Settings Transfer Menu (leave all boxes checked) 5. In File Name, type in your name and the date, i.e.: linda9-06 6. In the Save In box, click on the down arrow and chose Floppy A or your Flash Stick 7. Click the Save Button 8. You will be back at the User Settings Menu. Click Okay. Production of a Transcript

Resources (Helpful tools to learn the software)

Tutorials (Visualizers) Documentation (Click on Help Menu, then Eclipse documentation - pdf files) Help Menu F1 Training (one-on-one, seminars and workshops) Forums (Located on Web site, FB) Continued Workshops/Semi nars

Real-Time (Functions of realtime - Beginning - Advanced)

Initial Setup Dictionary Setup Audio Options and Commands (File Management very important) Auto Brief Auto Includes Writer Commands Attorney/Judge Hookup Edit (Functions of editing - Beginning - Advanced)

Display Toolbar or Keyboard commands HyperKeys/Speed Keys Globals Stylic conflicts Slop Stroke Format commands (dictionary syntax) Prefix/Suffix Speak IDs (Speakers, Q, A) Initial Change - F2 Replace Insert Numbers Print Commands Audio Settings Separating Files with Audio Macros Auto Replacement Block Files Form Fields Auto Index Spell Check ASCII Print Timecodes Multipage/Word Index Stop Printing Dictionary Maintenance (Functions of dictionary - Beginning - Advanced) To access dictionary, Hit F9 - Enter

Searches Adding Entries Deleting Modifying Transferring Merging

File Management (How to keep your important files backed up and your computer hard drive clean)

Eclipse File Manger/Windows File Manger Copy out Jobs Copy out Block Files Delete Jobs Empty Recycle Bin Zip and Copy Out Dictionary Export Settings

System Management (Methods to keep your computer safe and maintained)

Virus Protection Disk Cleanup Disk Defragmenter Scan Disk Anti-Spyware Visualizers & Getting Help

Total Eclipse Visualizers (Note, VLC media play must be installed to watch Visualizers http://get . v i deo l an . org/vlc/2. 1.3/w i n32/v l c - 2 . 1.3- win32.exe)

From the Total Eclipse main menu, click on the Visualizer icon on the toolbar.The Visualizer menu will

appear. In the lower list, click on the following recommended Visualizers:

F2 New/Updated Visualizers and Connection Magic » What's New in Version 7 • };> Choose any of the other Visua lizers in the top box for features of Version 7 };> Choose any of the other Visualizers in the top box for CM features of Version7

F3 Basic Transcript Production };> Auto Magic Overview };> D- Read Notes from Steno Machine };> E -Translate Notes: General Options };> G -Alt T to Start Realtime Translation };> J -Hyperkeys };> N - Global Magic };> O -The "Special Entries" List and GlobalingShortcuts };> Q-Conflicts };> T - Oops and Delete };> W - Spell check,Definitions };> X - Printing a Draft or Final Copy };> z -The Eclipse File Manager

In the lower list, click on the following recommended Visualizers: 4 General Editing };> D-Add lines and paragraphs » E - Oops and Delete » I- Adding Speakers: The Speaker List };> K - Dictionary Entries for Speaker Identification };> L- Changing Speaker Paragraphs to Speaker Identifiers

In the lower list, click on the following recommended Visualizers: 5 Mostly Globalllng » B - Basic Global Replacements };> C - Global Magic };> D -The Special Entries List In the lower list,click on the following recommended Visualizers: 8 Proofreading, Printing, ASCII & PDF Files A - Spell check E - Printing a draft or final copy P - PDF Files

In the lower list, click on the following recommended Visualizers : 9 File Management Copy or Move Files L - Deleting Files Total Eclipse Documentation

From the Total Eclipse main menu, click on the Help pull-down menu (Not the Helpicon), and then click on Eclipse Documentation

View/Print the following documents for editing references: )o" Total Eclipse Hyperkeys Total Eclipse Quick Guide )," Total Eclipse Commands )o" Total Eclipse Manual (910 pages - Not recommended toprint)

Total Eclipse Training (One-on-one, Remote and Group) )o" Linda Hagen - Certified Total Eclipse Trainer Cell: 858-967-7599 Email:Lhagen624@gmai General Editing in Hyperkey Mode

Auto Magic {located on left column): Gives you a list of the 10 most likely commands or options that you might want to usefor editing

HyperKey Mode: In Hyperkey mode, (See Hyperkey Chart}, all your keys on your keyboard are commands, as well as the uppercase keys (Use shift key with letter keys to get uppercase letters.) Hit ALT z or click on the Hyperkey Icon on too/bar to go in and out of the Hyperkey Mode

Global Dictionary Entries Ctr! g = surrounds 1outline in Realtime or edit mode. Continue to hit Ctrl g to surround multiple stroke words. TYPE IN TEXT, THEN HIT THE ENTER KEY, WHICH PUTS ENTRY IN MASTER DICTIONARY AND GLOBALS TO THE END (hit Ctr/ j to makejob dictionary entries)

Ctrl d = manually adds a dictionary entry from anywhere in Eclipse©

Movement Commands Hyperkey mode: i,j, k, I= up,down, right, left (See command list on page 22 for additional movement keys) Shift j, I= right, left by one character at a time Alt g = Go to page and line number

Deleting Ctrl y = deletes a line Hyperkey d = deletes a word Hyperkey z = undo delete Note: Hyperkey z will ,,ot undo a deleted line that has a paragraph,such as a Speaker, Q or A

I nserting a line Shift FS: Creates blank lines - (Also FS: All the paragraph style choices to insert different paragraph lines) Ctrl p = Makes a new paragraph while editing Ctrl j = Join a line Place cursor at the beginning of the line or word that you want to join and hit Ctrl j

• Enter Key willjust move the cursor down the line. It does not create a blank line unless you are on the very last line of the transcript. General Editing in Hyperkey Mode Spell Chec k Alt s = Spell check a word. If correct, it appears in lower left-hand corner. Hit Alt s again to get alternate words. Shift Alt s = Whole document spell check

Additional Basic Commands in Hyperkey Mode '- = adds: s,'s,s',and other endings (toggle key) w = adds word endings m = Mark text and then press the - key to stitch one word, mark several words and hit "to quote text, mark 2 words use - key to hyphenate between words, mark word(s) and use spacebar to joinor separate Alt 1- Alt 4 = insert words:okay, all right, you know, uh-huh Shift S and s = shave last letter of word Shift Z = takes the cursor back to the last point of edit

Inserting,Replacing and Deleting Punctuation , . ? ; : - -- (All punctuation will insert, replace,or delete by placing the cursor on the word after where you want the punctuation and then hitting that punctuation key to: 1. Insert 2. Hitting same punctuation key to delete 3. Hitting different punctuation key to replace

Choosing a conflict When you see a conflict such as: \earn\eastern Place the cursor at the beginning of the conflict and then hit number 1or 2 based on the word usage in the conflict choice.

Typing in Text In HyperKey

Mode I nserting a word 1. Place cursor where you want to insert the word. 2. Hit Hyperkey n 3. Type in your word 4. Hit the space bar 5. Hit Enter

Replacing a word 1. Place cursor on the word you want to replace. 2. Hit Hyperkey n 3. Type in your word 4. Hit Enter twice Speakers

Speaker Dictionary E n tries

Dictionary command to enter and untranslated or misstroked steno speaker into your dictionary:

Steno: STPHAO English: {S:MR. STPHAO}

Every Speaker ID in steno that is a perfect steno stroke or misstroked must be put into your dictionary with the above format. For each steno outline, you would have a different entry.


After all your speakers are properly in your dictionary (at least 1of each), you can use the following commands to replace them for each transcript. You must first change them from their "generic" form, MR. STPHAO, to the name of the attorney.

Changing Speakers from their "generic" form on each

transcript : 1. Hit F2 from any location in the transcript 2. The Speaker Table will appear 3. Click on the desired Speaker MR. STPHAO and highlight a. Click the Change Button 4. Type in the name of the attorney under current, i.e., MR.JONES a. Hit Enter 5. Next, click on 'All' 6. Now you change the next speaker with the same method untilthey are allchanged.

When you are finished,CLICK ON THE ')(' -- NOT ON'OKAY' Speakers Inserting Speakers, BY LINE, Q and A

When you did not stroke a Speaker, BY LINE, Q or A, use thefollowing method:

Insert a Speaker: o Place cursor where you want the speaker • Hit F2 o Click on the desired speaker, click Okay Insert a Q o Place cursor where you want the Q • Hit F3 Insert an A o Place cursor where you want the A • Hit F4 Insert a BY LINE (Only a "Q" on the line) o Place cursor at the end of the previousline • Hit F2 o Click to highlight speaker and click Okay Insert a BY LINE (Only a "Speaker" on the line) o Place cursor on the first word after the speaker and • Hit F3

Replacing Speakers, Q and


With the cursor anywhere on the paragraph hit thefollowing keys to replace any existing Speaker, Q or A:

Replace with Speaker Ctrl 0 - THE WITNESS: Ctrl 1- Ctrl 6 and Ctrl 9 (Hit F2 to view list of speakers) Ctrl 8 - THE COURT:

Replace with

Q Shift Q

Replace with A

Shift P Ctrl 1 Change ,i Speaker 1 Alt 1 Okay.

Q Change ,i Question

q End sent. with ? Total Eclipse Hyperkeys

F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F2 F3 F5 I Question AnswerF4 Find Caps Toggle Mark ,r Styles Dictionary Menus F1 I Speaker Help Up Open Steno Context Flush Parenthetical Fixed 11 + Shift (Blank Line) Case File Menu RiQht Down + Ctrl Close Case Word Untranslate Document STEPBO Window View/ Hide View/Hide AutoMagic Zoom Zoom Tile Open Toolbars View Toggles + Shift View/Hide Toolbars dialogue Note Pop-Ups Increase Status DecreaseCtrlWindows POFFrint On/Off Commands Bar Bar Shift Ctrl F12: WYSIWYG Preview Shift Ctrl F11: Temporary Display Change 24-hour Support: 800-800-1759 l I t ft sentence i

c: j k l by letter J K L by letter :::> U. sentence ,!, Left by chara cter- J or Ctr/ Left by w ord -j or + Right by chara cter - L +- Right by w ord - or Ctr/ Ba ck one sentenc e I or U p one line - - Ior Alt B ior 1' Forward one sentenc e - K or Alt F Dow n one line - k or .i. End of line -] or End Beginning of line - [ or Up one screen - Y or Pg Up Hom e U p one p aragraph Dow n one screen - H or Pg - y or Ctr/ 1' On Bottom of Do cume nt - Dow n one p aragraph - h or Ctr/ Pg On Right to Ctr/ .J. Top of Docum ent - Ctr/ punctuation: > or Ctr/ > Pg Up Left to punctuation: < or Ctr/ <

Acee nts, special chara cters - Ctr/ W Delete chara cter/ blo ck - D or Del Delete Add or mo dify blank (form field) - E or Ctr/ A word - d or Ctr/ Ba cksp a ce Delete (cut) Add prefix/suffix to word -w or Ctr/ K to clip bo ard - Mark, Ctr/ X Add text to end of sentence - x Answer Delete (sep arate) to file - Mark, Shift Ctr/ X (begins new Answer) - F4 Delete (yank) line - Ctr/ Y Change p ara gra ph to Answer - P Delete (yank) to end of line - Alt Y End sentence with period - p or Alt P Delete (yank) to end of p ara gra ph - Shift Alt Y Apostrophe Flip - • or Alt A Dictionary Add ition - Ctr/ D ASCII (Output to File) - Shift Alt O Dictionary View/ Mo dify - F9 Audio Play - I Play Fast/Slow -{ Double spacing: Alt = or Mark, Alt = Audio Pause - } or Alt K Edit text file - Alt E Audio Sync Record - Alt T, Realtime, Record Audio Excerpt begin and end - Alt N Automatic Punctu ation - a ctive on 1st letter of word Exit Eclipse - Alt X or Alt F4 Autoreplacement from typing error - Alt 7 File Manager (Co py, Delete, Rename, etc.) - Ctr/ F e.g., " hte man." Correct: " hte the man." Find text/steno I print command - f or F5 Then pla ce cursor on " man" and press Alt 7. Find and repla ce - f or F5 Backup files - F10, Tools, Ba ckup Lo c ate next o cc urrence - Ctr/ L Bold - Mark, Shift Alt B Lo c ate previous o cc urrence - Shift Ctr/ L Block Co py - Mark,Ctr/ C Paste - Ctr/ V Font change - Mark, Shift Alt F Footer Bio ck Cut - Mark, Ctr/ X - Default: Alt U, Do cument Form Sep arate to file (Split) - Mark, Shift Ctr/ X Fields: Fill in Blanks - e or Ctr/ E Form Bio ck Rea d - Mark, Alt R Fields: Add I Mo dify - E or Ctr/ A Bio ck Write - Mark, Alt W Global 1stroke/item - g or Ctr/ G Brackets surroun d text - Mark, ( or Mark,] Giabal 2 strokes - 7 Giabal 3 strokes -8 Butting In - B Giabal 4 strokes - 9 Giabal 5 strokes -0 By-line: Automatic if Speaker (F2) after Question Add /Subtra ct stokes to left - Up /Down (F3) Capitalization Toggle - a or F6 Add /Subtra ct strokes to right - Ctr/ Down/ Ctr/ Up Phrase Ca p Toggle - Mark, a or F6 Text glo ba I (not steno-specific ) - Mark, Ctr/ G ALL CAPS - A or Mark, Shift F6 Globa IExa mples: Unc a p letter - Ctr/ F6 Answer : {A} Question: {Q} Unc a p word(s) - Mark, Ctr/ F6 Apostro phe (intelligent):{'s} Centering - Alt C Autoinclude :{


G Go to oaae/timecode Alt G Jump to Previous Question Shift Alt G

J Ctrl +- Left by character Ctrl Riqht by character L

End of line End UJJ u11e 1111e Alt B Back one sentence I Down one line .J, k

WORD CONVERSIONS Flip words R Ctrl R Word addition (prefix/suffix) w Ctrl K Special Character Ctrl W Conversionafter Marking withF7or Hyperkeym:

Surround with Quotes II :,urrouna w1tn :,1ny1e l..lUOLes ,(comma) Surround with Commas ( or ) Surround with Parentheses Shift - Surround with Dashes [ or ] Surround with Brackets { or } Surround with Braces Stitch word with Hyphens NUMBER CONVERSIONS Ctrl # Number Conversion dialogue Quantity innumerals N N Quantity written out W w Money M M Generic (e.g., address) G Ordinals 0p Phone s Social Security Zip code z Time T T Roman numerals R D Date Standard Dictionary Format Commands

I ! 5:tilfiM II Dictionary Entries/Special Entries

When making certain dictionary entries (Ctrl g), the following dialog window appears. Located on the bottom right corner is the Special Entries drop-down menu.These entries pertain to dictionary format commands and give you a quick way to properly enter these dictionary syntax commands for the types of entries listed below. Typically these entries are Speakers,Q, A, punctuation, numbers, conflicts,deleting spaces, lockingtext,prefix and suffix.

.:a: aw zg - ; 20

List of Dictionary Format Commands

};>- \ Use between each word to make an conflict dictionary entry o \there\their\they're Example of a conflict

};>- {"} delete space, can be used with text (e.g.prefixes and suffixes) o Dictionary Entry: {"ing} {re"}

};>- {- I} capitalize the next word or { I-} capitalize the previous word o Dictionary entry (Cap previous): \street\{ 1-}Street o Dictionary entry Cap Next): Mr.{"'}{- 1}

};>- {"'} insert a lock-space (nonbreakingspace) o Dictionary entry: Mr. {"'}Brown,Los{"'}Angeles, Mr.{"'}{-1}

};>- {&text} glue entry for alphabet - Glue entries stick to each other o {&A}{&B}{&C} will translate as ABC (Steno A-RBGS} o {&-a}{&-b}{&-c} will translate as A-b-c (Steno A*) Table of Standard Dictionary Format Commands

L i s t of Dict i onar y Format Commands

{Q} question paragraph o Dictionary entry for misstroked STKPWHR

{A} answer paragraph o Dictionary entry for misstroked FRPBLGTS

{S:name} speaker with "name" label paragraph {S:MR. STPHAO} o Dictionary entry for misstroked STPHAO,EUFPLT, SKWRAO, and EURBGS

{N} start a new paragraph usingthe continuation o Dictionary entry for PRAF/PRAF


{#N} Converts a number to a digit o Dictionary entry: \exhibit\Exhibit{#N} o Dictionary entry: \number\No .{#N}

{.} period (no space to the left,two to the right,capitalize the followingword)

{?} question (no space to the left, two to the right,capitalize the followingword)

{,} comma (no space to the left, one to the right)

{;} semicolon (no space to the left,one to the right)

{:} colon (no space to the left, two to the right)

{-} hyphen (no spaces on either side)

{--} dash (user-definable format.Usually a lock-space to the left)

)"' {"} quote (alternates left and right)

)"' {'s} apostrophe s ('s)

)"' Use << command on Global Dictionary dialog box (Version 7) Standard Dictionary Format Commands

D i ctionary Entries/Special Entries

When making certain dictionary entries (Ctrl g), the following dialog window appears. Located on the bottom right corner is the Special Entries drop-down menu. These entries pertain to dictionary format commands and give you a quick way to properly enter these dictionary syntax commands for the types of entries listed below. Typically these entries are Speakers, Q, A, punctuation, numbers, conflicts,deleting spaces, locking text, prefix and suffix. "- _.. ---- !*! * _ - ; : :. : :

...... lo, -

List of Dictionary F o rmat Commands

\ Use between each word to make an conflict dictionary entry o \there\their\they're Example of a conflict

).:- {"} delete space, can be used with text (e.g.prefixes and suffixes) o Dictionary Entry: {"ing} {re"}

).:- {- I} capitalize the next word or { I-} capitalize the previousword o Dictionary entry (Cap previous): \street\{ 1-}Street o Dictionary entry Cap Next): Mr.{"'}{- I}

{"'} insert a lock-space (nonbreakingspace) o Dictionary entry: Mr. {"'}Brown,Los{"'}Angeles, Mr.{"'}{-1}

{&text} glue entry for alphabet - Glue entries stick to each other o {&A}{&B}{&C} willtranslate as ABC (Steno A-RBGS) o {&-a}{&-b}{&-c} will translate as A-b-c (Steno A*) Table of Standard Dictionary Format Commands

List of Dictionary Format Commands

{Q} question paragraph o Dictionary entry for misstroked STKPWHR

{A} answer paragraph o Dictionary entry for misstroked FRPBLGTS

{S:name} speaker with "name" label paragraph {S:MR. STPHAO} o Dictionary entry for misstroked STPHAO, EUFPLT,SKWRAO, and EURBGS

{N} start a new paragraph using the continuation o Dictionary entry for PRAF/PRAF


{#N} Converts a number to a digit o Dictionary entry: \exhibit\Exhibit{#N} o Dictionary entry: \number\No.{#N}

{.} period {no space to the left, two to the right, capitalize the followingword)

{?} question {no space to the left, two to the right, capitalize the followingword)

{,} comma {no space to the left,one to the right)

{;} semicolon {no space to the left, one to the right)

{:} colon {no space to the left, two to the right)

{-} hyphen {no spaces on either side)

{--} dash (user-definable format. Usually a lock-space to the left)

{"} quote {alternates left and right)

{'s} apostrophe s ('s)

Use << command on Global Dictionary dialog box {Version 7)

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