Scrutiny Review of the Future of Countryside Sites

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Scrutiny Review of the Future of Countryside Sites

Scrutiny Review of the Future of Countryside Sites

Anticipated completion Recommendation Link officer Evidence of Progress Presented to Assessment of Evidence of Progress Assessment of date / Committee progress Presented to Committee progress completion date 13 June 2016 Categories 1 - 4 12 December 2016 Categories 1 - 4

1 An overall strategic plan Work is on-going to and updated site develop plan. A revised Workshop / site visits held to management plans for target date of April 2017 will familiarise officers from across the countryside sites should ensure the plan is informed Draft strategic council with the sites and identify be prepared, reflecting Greenspace by a new Open Space plan by 31 July future option. the Council’s broad Strategy & Assessment (currently 2016 strategic objectives and Partnership 3 being carried out as part of 3 Work on-going to develop strategic should aim to target Manager the evidence base review (original date: plan. capital and revenue for the Local Plan), and 31 Dec 2015) Delayed until after completion of resources effectively in enable proposals to be fully ‘expressions of interest’ process (see light of revenue integrated with the revised Recommendation 3). restrictions. Green Infrastructure

Delivery Plan.

Habitat management framework developed covering all main habitats across Council-owned countryside sites, e.g. meadows (53 compartments), woodlands (151 Initial Greenspace compartments), and ponds (80no.). site/habitat Strategy & The plan quantifies total areas of management Partnership habitat and identifies management 1 Implementation on-going. 1 plans prepared Manager works to be implemented each year, by 31 March depending on available resources. 2016 This allows management operations to be scheduled across all sites, making the most effective use of internal work teams, volunteers, external contractors and graziers.

1 Anticipated completion Recommendation Link officer Evidence of Progress Presented to Assessment of Evidence of Progress Assessment of date / Committee progress Presented to Committee progress completion date 13 June 2016 Categories 1 - 4 12 December 2016 Categories 1 - 4

Environment Agency- 2 External funding for funded plans for creation of physical improvements Forestry Commission funding wet woodland at Wynyard to countryside sites secured for woodland management Woodland Park have been should be sought where works at Wynyard Woodland Park implemented (summer these are in line with the (2014-15). 2016), following on from Council’s strategic previous works to remove Greenspace objectives and taking Environment Agency funding secured and thin areas of coniferous Strategy & into account implications On-going – for feasibility studies for habitat woodland. 2 Partnership 2 for future revenue March 2018 creation projects at Wynyard (on-going) Manager funding. Woodland Park and Billingham Beck Environment Agency Valley Country Park (2015-16). funding also earmarked for works at Six Fields, to Additional external funding may be create areas of water- sought for any projects identified in dependant habitat (subject the proposed strategic plan (see to local consultation and Recommendation 1). any necessary approvals).

Greenspace Partners to be 3 Having invited expressions 3 3 The Council should Strategy & finalised by 31 Expressions of interest have been of interest in the various continue to explore Partnership May 2016 submitted by a number of country park buildings two opportunities for Manager organisations and individuals for use proposals are now being external partners to (original date: of the buildings in the Borough’s taken forward: carry out management 31 March three country parks. Interviews have functions and deliver 2016) been held with potential partners (2 Wynyard Woodland Park: associated services at to 6 May) with a view to identifying an arts collective will utilise countryside sites. preferred partners (by 31 May). the railway carriage and Activities or services will need to add part of the former station to the overall visitor offer, and house, with the aim of contribute towards the sustainable delivering community arts management of the parks. Progress activities and operating a has slipped due to complicated small-scale cinema. nature of ‘expression of interest’ process. Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park: Billingham Outline terms agreed for Tees Valley Environmental Link Project 2 Anticipated completion Recommendation Link officer Evidence of Progress Presented to Assessment of Evidence of Progress Assessment of date / Committee progress Presented to Committee progress completion date 13 June 2016 Categories 1 - 4 12 December 2016 Categories 1 - 4

Wildlife Trust to adopt responsibility and the Friends of Cowpen for habitat management works and Bewley Woodland Park will community engagement at Bassleton work together to: Wood & the Holmes Local Nature  manage the visitor centre; Reserve (LNR) and Black Bobbies  promote community; Field LNR. The Trust would utilise participation in projects; an existing project officer (funded  deliver events and through River Tees Rediscovered) activities. who is currently undertaking a similar role on nearby Wildlife Trust sites at Work on-going to develop a Preston Farm and Bowesfield. partnership agreement with Tees Valley Wildlife Trust in In addition Tees Valley Wildlife Trust respect to Black Bobbies is exploring opportunities for Field and Bassleton Wood delivering environmental education & the Holmes (both Local packages at other Council-owned Nature Reserves). countryside sites.

Greenspace Subject to the necessary Strategy & On-going – Expected that projects / activities will agreement projects / 2 3 Partnership March 2018 commence during summer 2016. activities would commence Manager in 2017/18.

Greenspace On-going – 2 On-going 2 4 Where resources allow, Strategy & March 2018 Weekly Council-led volunteer (on-going) the Council and its Partnership sessions continue to be held at the partners should continue Manager three main country parks and in the to encourage community River Tees corridor. Normally and volunteer between 6 and 12 volunteers per involvement in session. countryside sites, helping to support the Other groups include a weekly Tees positive management health group at Wynyard Woodland and development of Park. these assets and

3 Anticipated completion Recommendation Link officer Evidence of Progress Presented to Assessment of Evidence of Progress Assessment of date / Committee progress Presented to Committee progress completion date 13 June 2016 Categories 1 - 4 12 December 2016 Categories 1 - 4

benefiting the individuals involved. Existing groups continue to be active on selected sites, e.g. Groups continue to be  Friends of Stillington Forest Park active on several sites. In addition to those previously  Friends of Cowpen Bewley listed various groups are Woodland Park involved in projects on SBC  Billingham Angling Club: involved sites under the Wild Green in management of Charlton’s Pond Places programme,  Part-time environmental youth coordinated by Tees Valley officer for Harrington’s Pond Wildlife Trust. Greenspace appointed by Tees Valley Wildlife Strategy & On-going - Trust, in partnership with To ensure the future roles 2 Partnership 2 March 2018 Billingham Town Council. and responsibilities of (on-going) Manager community groups are The recent development of the clearly defined the Stockton-on-Tees Volunteering Council’s Events and Strategy (developed by Catalyst Business Support team are Stockton, Tees Valley developing a generic Community Foundation and ‘contract’ or ‘partnership Stockton Borough Council) and agreement’ for groups the new Stockton Borough organising projects or Environment Forum will both help to activities on SBC sites. encourage and support local community action for countryside sites and wildlife in general. Greenspace Draft signage Design templates for signs have 2 Proposals for new and 2 5 All the council’s Strategy & concepts / been produced, although no signs improved signage at countryside sites be Partnership designs by 30 have yet been fabricated. Wynyard Woodland Park promoted and, where Manager Sept 2015 have been developed. To possible, used to host a be implemented in 2017/18 range of recreational, subject to funding.

4 Anticipated completion Recommendation Link officer Evidence of Progress Presented to Assessment of Evidence of Progress Assessment of date / Committee progress Presented to Committee progress completion date 13 June 2016 Categories 1 - 4 12 December 2016 Categories 1 - 4

cultural and educational Greenspace activities, maximising Strategy & On-going – economic, social, health Partnership No progress to date. 2 March 2018 and environmental Manager benefits. Greenspace No new events, but continuation of Additional events and Strategy & On-going – Trail Races at country parks activities to be delivered 2 Partnership 2 March 2018 (organised by SBC and Billingham linked to Recommendation (on-going) Manager Marsh House Harriers). 3 Greenspace 6 Explore the possible use Strategy & of modern technology to Partnership 30 June 2016 No progress to date 2 No progress to date 3 enhance visitor Manager experience at, or about, the various countryside sites e.g. QR codes on Greenspace information boards and Strategy & On-going- signs that allow mobile Partnership No progress to date 2 No progress to date 2 March 2018 devices (phones, Manager tablets) to deliver additional information.

Assessment of progress: 1 Achieved (Fully) 2 On Track but not yet due for completion 3 Slipped

4 Not Achieved


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