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Professionalism & Networking Resource Bibliography


American Bar Association Career Resource Center. Best Practices in Attorney Professional Development: Heading Off and Handling Wrong-Turns. ABACRC. 2004.

Ball, James R. Professionalism is for Everyone: Five Keys to Being a True Professiona l. Goals Institute, 2008.

Bixler, Susan. 5 Steps to Professional Presence: How to Project Confidence, Competence, and Credibility at Work. Adams Media. 2000.

Bowman, Judith. Don't Take the Last Donut: New Rules of Business Etiquett e. Career Press. 2007.

Casperson, Dana M. Power Etiquette: What You Don't Know Can Kill Your Caree r. AMACOM. 1999.

Chaney, Lillian H. and Jeanette S. Martin. The Essential Guide to Business Etiquett e Praeger Publishers, 2007.

Chin-Lee, -Cynthia. It's Who You Know: Career Strategies for Making Effective Personal Contacts, Pfeiffer :& Company. 1993.

Darling, Diane. The Networking Survival Guide: Get the Success You Want By Tapping Into the People You Know. McGrawl-Hill Professional Publishing. 2010.

Demarais, Ann P. and Valerie P. White. First Imp r essions: What You Don't Know About How Others See You. Bantam, 2005.

Dupont; M. Kay. Business Etiquette and Professionalism. Crisp Publications, 2000.

Ferrazzi, Keith and Tahl Raz. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time. The Crown Publishing Group. 2014.

Fontaine, Valerie. The Right Moves: Job Search and Career Development Strategies for Lawyers. NALP. 2006.

Gerson, Donna. Asked & Answered: Your Guide to Law School Success Volume 1: Advice for Pre-Law & First-Year Law Students. Thomson West, 2008.

Gerson, Donna. Building Career Connections: Networking Tools for Law Students and New Lawyers. NALP, 2007. Gerson, Donna. Choosing Small Choosing Smart: Job Search Strategies for Lawyers in the Small Firm Market. NALP, 2001.

Gerson, Donna and David Gerson. The Modern Rules of Business Etiquette ABA Publishing. 2008. Horchow, Roger and Sally Horchow. The Art of Friendship: 70 Simple Rules for Making Meaningful Connections. St. Martin’s Press. 2006. Horn, Sam. Tongue Fu!: How to Deflect, Disarm, and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict. St. Martin's Griffin 1996. Kaufinan, George. The Lawyer's Guide to Balancing Life and Work: Taking the Stress Out if Success. ABA. 1999.

Kavanagh, Kay and Paula Nailon. Excellence in the Workplace: Legal and Life Skill s. Thompson West, 2007.

Langford, Beverly. The Etique t t e Edge: The Unspoken Rules for Business Success.AMACOM, 2005.

Maister, David H. True Professionalism: The Courage to Care about Your People, Your Clients, and Your Career. Free Press, 1997

McKim, Amee. Maximize Your Lawyer Potential: Professionalism and Business Etiquette for Lawyers and Law Students. Thompson West, 2008.

Mitchell, Mary with John Corr. The First Five Minutes: How to Make a Great First Impression in any Business Situation John Wiley & Sons. 1998.

Munneke, Gary. The Legal Career Guide: From Law Student to Lawyer. ( 4 t h ed.) ABA. 2002.

Niereberg, Andrea. Savvy Networking: 118 Fast & Effective Tips for Business Success. Capital Books, Incorporated. 2007.

O'Neill, Suzanne; Catherine G. Sparkman, and Roland Jones. From Law School to Law Practice: The New Associate's Guide. (3rd ed.). ALIABA, 2008.

Pachter, Barbara and Ellen S. Coleman. New Rules @ Work: 79 Etiquette Tips, Tools, and Techniques to Get Ahead and Stay Ahead. Prentice Hail. 2006.

Pachter, Barbara. When the Little Things Count ...and They Always Count: 601 Essential Things That Everyone in Business Needs to Know. Da Capo Press. 2006.

Post, Peggy and Peter Post. The Etiquette Advantage in Business: Personal Skills for Professional Success. Collins Living. 2005. Richardson, Douglas, National Business Employment Weekly Networking: Insiders' Strategy for Tapping the Hidden: Market Where Most Jobs Are Found. John Wiley & Sons, 1994.

Richardson, Douglas B. Networking: Insiders’ Strategies for Tapping the Hidden Market Where Most Jobs Are Found. Wiley. 1994.

RoAne, Susan. How to Work a Room: The Ultimate Guide to Savvy Socializing in Person and Online . Quill, 2000.

Ro Ane, Susan. The Secrets of Savvy Networking: How to Make the Best Connections for Business and Personal Success. Hachette Book Group. 1993.

RoAne, Susan. What Do I Say Next? Talking Your Way to Business and Social Success. Grand Central Publishing. 1999.

Sapp, John. Making Partner: A Guide for Law Firm Associates. (2th ed.) ABA, 2002.

Satterfield, Mark. VGM's Complete Guide to Career Etiquette: From Job Search Through Career Advancement. VGM Career Horizons. 1996.

Solove, Daniel. The Future of Reputation: Gossip Rumor and Privacy on the Internet. Yale University Press. 2007.

Sullivan, William M. Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Profession of Law. JosseyBass/Wiley. 2007.

Walton, Kimm A. Guerrilla Tactics For Getting the Legal Job of Your Dreams. (2nd ed.) Thomson West. 2008.

Walton, Kimm A. What Law School Doesn't Teach You...But You Really Need to Know. Harcourt Legal & Professional Publications. 2000.

Wellington, Sheila. Be Your Own Mentor: Strategies from Top Women on the Secrets of Success. Random House. 2001.

Wendleton, Kate. Targeting the Job You Want. Cengage Learning. 2000.

Whitmore, Jacqueline. Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work. St. Martin's Press. 2005.


Balderrama, Anthony. "8 Worst Things to Say in a Job Interview." CNN.com. June 23, 2008. http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/worklife/06/23/cb.interview.lips/index .html Beal, Andy. "Ten Tactics That Could Save Your Online Reputation." Mashable. March 11, 2008. http:// mashable.com / 2008 / 03/11 /online-reputation/

Burstein, Joshua. "How Career Services Offices Can Encourage Student Professionalism and Timely Decision-Making." NALP Bulletin. August, 2003.

Desai, Deven. "Some Tips for Summer Associates: Navigating Work and Play." Concurring Qpinions. June 5, 2008. http:// www.coneurnngopinions.com/archives / 2008 / 06/some tips for s.html

Desai, Devin. "Some More Tips for Summer (and Maybe Junior Associates): Work Assignments." Concurring Opinions. June 17, 2008. http://www.concurring. opinions.com/archives/2008/06/some more tips.html

Fernando, Gihan. "Information Overload." NALP Bulletin, August 2007.

Gainen, Susan R. "Raise Your Office's Professionalism Profile Now: A Primer for Law Schools. NALP Bulletin. October 2006.

Gerson, Donna. "Your Internet Image." American Bar Association Student Lawyer, October 2007.

Goodman, Michelle. "Too Tattooed to Work?" CNN.com, June 19, 2008. h tt p://www.cnn: corn / 2008 /LIVING/ work li fe / 06/19 / too.ta tt ooed.to.work /index.html

Kreimer, Susan. “It's a First That You Succeed: For Interviews, Appearance and Attitude are Crucial." Washington Post. 14 Jan, 2007.

Nakashima, Ellen. "Harsh Words Die Hard on the Web." The Washington Post, March, 2007. (Washington Post.com http://www.washing tonppost.com/wp dyn/content/article/2007/03/06/AR2007030602705.html?nav-emailpage)

McKim, Amee R. "Teaching Law Students and Associates Professionalism: An Invitation for an Ongoing Dialogue." NALP Bulletin. July 2006.

Rubel, Gina F. "Online Rants, Raves,. and Resumes: The Digital Dirt Law Students Leave Behind." www.lawcrossing.com, February, 5, 2007.

Ryan, Liz. "Out-of-Town Interview Etiquette." BusinessWeek. July 22, 2008. hltp:// www.businessweek.com/managing/content/jul2008/ca20080722_177492.htm

Ryan, Liz. "Rude Awakening In the Workplace." BusinessWeek. March 16, 2006. http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/mar2006/ca2OO6O3l6_ 121863.htm

Tierney, Joan and Chach Duarte White. "Professionalism and Diversity: An Interdisciplinary and Community Approach to Paving the Way." NALP Bulletin. February 2007. Voight, Kelly. "The Cyber Elephant in the Room: Appropriate Use of the Internet in the Recruiting Process."NALP Bulletin. March 2008.

Conference Proceedings:

Evans, Tracy, and Gewirtz, Amy, 2008. "For Good or Ill - Managing E-Professionalism," NALP Annual Education Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Web Sites: http://www.businesswritingblog.com/ Talks, tips, and best picks for writers on the job.

http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/law career/communication_and_etiquette/ Career & Professional Development Blog: A member of the Law Professor Blogs Network. http://www.corporette.com Corporette is a fashion and lifestyle blog for women lawyers, bankers, MBAs, consultants, and otherwise overachieving chicks who work in conservative offices and need to look professional, but want to be fashionable. http://hiringpartneradvice.blogspot.com/ Career advice for lawyers by a hiring partner. http://www.law.com/jsp/law/careercenter/index.jsp Lawjobs.com Career Center http://www.marycrane.com Consultants on work-place soft skills providing guest speaking engagements and informational website. http://www.tero.com/ Experts in the design and facilitation of interpersonal skills training programs

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