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Humble High School

Career Preparation Handbook

Alvin Independent School District 2014-2015

Alvin High School Mike Hunter, Coordinator [email protected] 281-245-2652 Table of Contents

Mission Statement/Course Description

POLICY & PROCEDURES Student Responsibilities Classroom Rules & Procedures

CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION (50%) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills / Grading Notebook Instructions

WORK-BASED TRAINING (50%) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills / Grading Child Labor Laws

APPENDIX School Calendar Weekly Schedule & Work Journal Employer Evaluation Form Job Search Form Termination of Employment Form What’s Happening Form

(Additional packet) The following forms must be signed by both student and parent and returned by Wednesday __Sept. 10, 2014__. 1. Student Information Sheet 2. Student Responsibilities 3. Classroom Rules and Procedures 3. Handbook Signature Page 4. Training Plan (employer must also sign) ALVIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT CAREER PREPARATION

Dear Student (and Parents):

Welcome to the Career Preparation Program (Co-op). You are receiving this letter because you registered in the program at Alvin High School for the 2014-2015 school year.

You will receive valuable information regarding the program, expectations, and what you can look forward to during the school year.

This letter provides some basic information you will need to prepare for this course.

Requirements to be in the program: 1. Junior or Senior 2. 16 years or older 3. Local job (Alvin, Friendswood, Pearland, Manvel, Baybrook, Clear Lake area) 4. Job not prohibited by TWC (see Child Labor Laws attachment) 5. Cannot be employed by a family member 6. Work at least 15 hours per week (entire year) 7. Reliable transportation 8. Excellent school attendance

If you have not already obtained a job, you will need to do so immediately. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee you a job; however, I may be able to assist you in obtaining job interviews. I am currently in the process of working with local businesses to create job-training-stations. If you need assistance in creating a resume or tips on interviewing, feel free to contact me and I will meet with you in the classroom before school is in session.

It is important to begin your job search now because you must have a job and a training plan signed by your employer and parents on file by the 8th class day to remain in the program. If you are still unemployed on the 9 th school day, you will be required to meet with your counselor to change your schedule..

Should you need assistance in your job search, please feel free to call me. If I am out of the office, please leave a voice message, and if necessary, I will return your call. I anticipate a rewarding experience for all involved in the Career Preparation Program, and I take great pride in welcoming you into our organization.


Mike Hunter Co-Op Coordinator Alvin High School 281-245-2652 [email protected] Career Preparation

Mission Statement

Because Alvin ISD is committed to develop in each student the knowledge, skills and behaviors essential for lifelong learning and for productive, responsible citizenship, the mission of Career Preparation is to develop competent workers through instructional programs that provide participants with necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes which will enable them to continue their education beyond high school and/or to enter career level positions in business and industry.

Course Description

Full year course for students in grades 11-12 who are 16 years of age or older and have personal transportation. Written permission must be obtained from both parent and employer of approved work training site. Students should enroll early in this course to ensure employment and proper documentation of work training site. Students receive general employability skills as a group and individual training that will address their job specific knowledge and skills. Curriculum is designed to enhance communication and interpersonal skills. Students are required to work a minimum of 15 hours per week throughout the entire school year at an approved training site. This course is designed to assist students seeking career experience in a vast array of careers. Policy & Procedures CAREER PREPARATION STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES

1. I am not guaranteed a job, nor am I assigned to a job. However, my teacher/coordinator may assist me in locating a training station or securing a job interview. I realize my teacher/coordinator must approve my training station and has the authority to supervise it and finalize all agreements between myself and the employer.

2. All training stations must be operated from a place of business which keeps regular hours, operates out of a building which is not a residence, and has a phone by which I may be contacted at all times. The business must have a DBA (registered business name) and tax i.d. number.

3. I cannot work for a parent or immediate relative, as this is not in line with the program objectives and does not simulate typical, realistic job situations.

4. All training stations must have a supervisor on duty at all times. The supervisor must be directly responsible for the supervision of my job performance. I may not act as my own supervisor or be self-employed.

th 5. I must be employed by the 8 school day. If I fail to do this, it is my responsibility to meet with my counselor to enroll in a different course to avoid loss of credit.

6. I must work a minimum of 15 hours per week on the job. Ten of these hours must be worked Mon. through Fri.

7. I am responsible for my own transportation to and from my approved training station.

8. Once I have accepted a job, I must remain employed with the same company throughout the entire school year (August-June.) Job-hopping will not be permitted.

9. One job change per school year may be granted under special conditions. I must first speak with my coordinator to discuss the situation and opportunities. Only after my coordinator has approved the job change and I have a signed training plan from the new employer I may give a letter of resignation to my current employer.

10. A letter of resignation is mandatory when terminating employment (minimum two-week notice). I must consult with my teacher/coordinator for approval prior to any resignation. Failure to provide and work out a 2 week notice will result in a grade not to exceed 50. You must leave on good terms!

11. If my employment is terminated, I must notify my teacher/coordinator within 24 hours in writing by submitting a ‘Termination of Employment’ form. (see appendix)

12. Should I be temporarily unemployed through no fault of my own (laid-off), my teacher/coordinator will issue me special instructions that I am to follow. I must attend school regularly and be re-employed within ten days. Failure to follow this guideline will result in a grade not to exceed 50.

13. During unemployment, I must actively seek employment ever day and document it using the ‘Job Search’ form. (see appendix) I am required to make 3 contacts per day during the first week and 4 contacts per day during the second week. The ‘Job Search’ form must be submitted each Monday, attached to the ‘Weekly Work Journal’. Failure to do so will result in a grade of zero for all days of unemployment.

14. If I am terminated for just cause (fired), I will receive a grade not to exceed 50 for that grading period. My teacher will conference with both me and my employer and then use his/her discretion in assigning my final grade. 15. If I am terminated because of theft, attempted theft, fighting, or sexual harassment, I will receive an employment grade of zero for that grading period and will be immediately removed from the program.

16. If I am involved in forgery of signatures, lying, or intentional misrepresentation of facts, or withholding important job related information to my teacher/coordinator, I will receive a grade not to exceed 50. A parent conference will also be schedule to discuss continuation or termination of my participation in this program.

17. My employer CAN require me to work during school holidays. If my work schedule must be modified for any reason, I will notify my employer and my teacher/coordinator in advance, and I will abide by their decision.

18. If I miss one or more class periods for any reason on a school day, or if I am unable to report to work, I (not my parent) must call my teacher/coordinator by 10:00 a.m. Failure to call-in will result in a 10 point reduction in my employment grade for that grading period.

19. If I am absent from any class with out advance permission from my coordinator, I may not report to work that day. If I choose to report to work on that day, I will receive a grade of zero on my ‘Weekly Work Journal’.

20. If an absence is approved by my teacher in advance due to a scheduled appointment, (doctor, dentist, court, etc.) I must furnish official written documentation. I must attach it to the ‘Weekly Work Journal.

21. Should I become unable to work for an extended period of time due to personal reasons (accident, illness, pregnancy, etc) I am still required to meet the minimum criteria set forth by TEA to earn credit for this course. TEA requires that I work a minimum of 270 hours per semester.

22. I will inform my teacher/coordinator promptly of any problems that arise on my job or in class that affect me adversely, either personally or professionally, and enlist her counsel and assistance. I must submit all such concerns in writing using a ‘What’s Happening’ form. (see appendix)

23. I am to display proper grooming, dress and hygiene to the satisfaction of my school, coordinator, and employer.

24. I must satisfactorily complete both the classroom portion (50%) and the work-based training portion (50%) of the program in order to receive credit. Excellent school and job attendance is essential and will also enhance my grade and earning potential.

25. While at work I will not gossip or complain. I will keep issues confidential and professional.

26. While at work I will be productive and will not ask for time off unless I have given adequate notice (2-4 weeks).

27. I agree to abide by all of the cooperative program, school, and employer rules/regulations.

28. Any questions related to policies, procedures and grading should first be directed to my teacher/coordinator.

29. My employer must evaluate my job performance and sign a ‘Job Evaluation’ form every 9 weeks. Your employer must also sign off every week on school time cards/journals that are due every Monday verifying hours worked for the previous week.

30. Failure to comply with any/all the conditions of this Student Agreement may result in removal from the program and/or loss of credit.

______Student's Signature Parent's Signature Teacher/ Coordinator's Signature Career Preparation Classroom Rules & Procedures

1. Be respectful when others are speaking.

2. Attend class regularly. Do your best in this class, as well as maintain passing grades in all of your other classes. Your teacher/coordinator will check on grades (report cards) and attendance in your other classes.

3. Be on time to class and to your job. When absent, you must call your teacher/coordinator and your training station supervisor. Make all appointments after school hours. Always make a positive impression and demonstrate maturity and responsibility.

4. Have a good attitude at work and at school. While in class, stay on task and participate. Be respectful to your teacher/coordinator, classmates, co-workers and supervisors. “Off Task” and other misbehaviors will result in an official discipline referral to your principal.

5. Career Preparation is a great opportunity to learn on the job, earn income and receive 1½ credits per semester. Should you be failing at mid-term, not only will you lose 1½ credits, you will also be removed from the co-op program and placed back into a full-day schedule.

6. Your Classroom Instruction grade accounts for 50% of your final grade each nine-week s. Classwork includes, but is not limited to the following: Classwork, Homework, Independent Study Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Warm Ups, Discussion Activities, Projects, and Presentations.

7. Make-up Work: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY (not your teacher’s) to collect all assignments you missed on the day you return to class. Schedule make-up Tests and Quizzes with your teacher. It is your responsibility to collect and return all completed make up work on time. No exceptions will be made!

8. Career Preparation students are not to remain on campus during release hours unless accompanied by a teacher or sponsor. Leave campus immediately.

9. You are expected to exhibit a positive and professional image. You must adhere to school dress code while on campus, and work dress code while at work.

10. Sit in your assigned seat at all times. Do not roam the classroom to socialize!

11. Take proper care of classroom furniture and equipment. Return all books, binders, markers, etc. to their home at the end of each class; do not leave anything on your desk!

12. The bell does not dismiss class, your teacher does. Remain in your seat until your teacher or an emergency announcement dismisses you.

13. Come to class prepared and ready to work. If you forgot something you need, be resourceful, because you will not be allowed to go to your car to get it!

14. Use a “What’s Happening” form when you have important information to share or would like document it in your personnel file. This may include anything about your classroom performance, employment, suggestions, grievances, etc. (see appendix)

Student ______Date ______

Parent ______Date ______Classroom Instruction (50%)

20% Daily Work 30% Test/Quizzes/Projects Transferable Work Skills

The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills a student can expect to learn are as follows:  Communications Skills Verbal Nonverbal Written Electronic  Employment Process Securing Employment Maintaining Employment Terminating Employment  Positive Interpersonal Skills Conflict Resolution Negotiating Teamwork Leadership  Relationship of good Physical and Mental Health to job Success and Achievement  Appropriate Grooming and Appearance for the Workplace  Appropriate Business and Personal Etiquette in the Workplace  Productive Work Habits and Attitudes  Preparation Requirements for various levels of Employment in his or her Occupational Area  Future Employment Outlook in his or her Occupational Area  Entrepreneurial Opportunities in his or her Occupational Area  Personal traits that affect Career Choices Personal Interests Personal Abilities Personal Priorities Family Responsibilities  Rewards and Demands for various levels of Employment in his or her Occupational Area  Continuing Education Opportunities that enhance Career Advancement  The Rights and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees  Ethical Business Practices  Money Management Checking Account Budgeting Credit Financial Planning

Grades will be determined by the level at which the student performs the following: * Classroom Assignments *Homework Assignments * Independent Study Assignments * Quizzes * Tests * Warm-ups * Discussions * Activities * Projects * Presentations * Portfolio Notebook Instructions (Project grade)

Each student will be required to keep a course notebook; it is a major project grade. Please follow these guidelines when purchasing and preparing your notebook:

 One 1 1/2 inch loose-leaf binder (3 ringed binder)  Section dividers to be labeled as follows (numbers represent dividers)  Page Protectors (clear plastic sleeves)  Keep it neat and up-to-date

Notebooks are developed to show progress and work completed. It can later serve as a reference source for to study for your final exam and also helps to develop organizational skills.

Cover Sheet 1. Career Preparation Handbook / Blank Forms 2. Student Wage Record / Weekly Work Journals 3. Pay Stubs (copy ok) 4. Employer Evaluations / Improvement Plans 5. Notes 6. Vocabulary 7. Quiz / Tests 8. Projects 9. Resume / Cover Letter / References / Thank You Letter 10. Licenses / Awards / Certificates / Report Cards


 Label the spine of your notebook, first and last name.  Create a cover sheet on the computer (name, class, date)  Label all dividers 1-10 as shown above, write neatly or print them using the computer.  Store all empty page-protectors in the back of your notebook.  File all graded assignments behind the proper tab the day you receive them back from your teacher.  Your notebook should remain in this classroom at all times. If you lose it, there will be no adjustments made to your grade. This is a major project grade at the end of both 1st and 2nd semesters. Work-Based Training (50%)

25% Employer Evaluation 25% Weekly Time cards ** ** You are required to work 15 hours a week. If you do not work 15 hours a week you will receive a 0% for the weekly time card. If you work 15 or more hours a week you receive 100% for the time card grade that week: ONLY if all signatures are signed, filled out in black pen and journal is complete. ** You have to have a total of 270 hours each semester to get credit for COOP. If you do not have ALL 270 hours required for semester, you will fail the course and be removed at semester.

Work-Based Training (On-the-Job)

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills specific to the student’s career The following list includes examples of career areas that qualify  Agribusiness Marketing & Management  Environmental & Natural Resources  Horticulture  Leadership Development  Mechanized Agriculture  Value-Added & Food Processing  Food & Fiber Production  Agriculture/Agribusiness, Other  Accounting  Administrative Procedures  Business Computer Information Systems  Business Computer Programming  International Business  Business, Other  Therapeutic Careers  Diagnostic Careers  Informational Careers  Home Economics Production, Management, and Services  Services for Older Adults  Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services (FCS Co-op Instructor Only)  Food Production, Management, and Services  Institutional Maintenance, Management, and Services  Textile and Apparel Production, Management, and Services  Housing, Furnishings, Equipment Production, Management, and Services  Communications and Media Systems  Construction/Maintenance Systems  Electrical/Electronic Systems  Industrial and Manufacturing Systems  Metal Technology Systems  Personal and Protective Service Systems  Transportation Systems

Grades will be determined by the level at which the student performs the following: * Employer Evaluations *Weekly Time Sheets / Work Journals * Attendance / Punctuality * Job Certifications * Work Attitude * Work Habits * Business Etiquette *Professional Behavior APPENDIX COPY OF Current SCHOOL CALENDAR GOES HERE WORK JOURNAL Period______

Instructions: Due every Monday of the school year. Record the hours you actually worked, not what you were scheduled. You must staple any doctor’s notes, court documents, parent notes, etc. to this work journal for any days missed during this week to receive credit for this assignment. Black Pen ONLY!!

Student: ______Week begin (Mon): ______Week end (Sun): ______

Employer: ______Job Title: ______

EXACT schedule I worked last week

Day / Date Time Hours Minutes Mon. to Tue. to Wed. to Thu. to Fri. to Sat. to Sun. to Total

Write a brief summary (minimum 25 words) about what you did on the job last week (new skills learned, exciting news, challenges, concerns, raises/promotions, etc.) ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Employer: ______EMPLOYER EVALUATION Alvin High School Co-op ** To be completed by employer (supervisor) **



SUPERVISOR JOB TITLE: ______GRADING PERIOD: ______Employer: To better assist you in training the above named student to become a more productive employee, we are requesting that you complete this evaluation form. Please check the appropriate box that best matches the student’s skill level. Please use a scale from 1 to 5. This counts 50% of student’s total course grade. (1=unsatisfactory---- 5=outstanding)


Accuracy, thoroughness QUANTITY OF WORK:

Volume, pace and effort COMPETENCE:

Applies experience and training ABILITY TO LEARN:

Grasps and retains new skills and concepts INITIATIVE:

Originates ideas and seeks new responsibilities RELIABILITY:

Dependable, punctual, good attendance JUDGEMENT:

Reasoning ability and common sense ATTITUDE:

Willingness to accept instructions, assignments PERSONAL RELATIONS:

Ability to work effectively with others COMMUNICATION SKILLS:

Written and verbal TOTAL Possible 50 Total ** The ENTIRE bottom section must be completed for student to receive full credit **


EVALUATOR’S NAME (printed): ______SIGNATURE: ______

EVALUATOR’S PHONE # ______DATE: ______

TEACHER / COORDINATOR: Mr. Mike Hunter PHONE: 281-245-2652 EMAIL: [email protected] Alvin Independent School District Career Preparation STUDENT ATTENDANCE & WAGE RECORD

______Student’s Name Social Security Number ______Company Name (1) Position ______Supervisor’s Name Phone Number(s) ______Date Hired / Beginning Wage Date of Pay Raise / New Wage

****************************************************************************************** ______Company Name (2) Position ______Supervisor’s Name Phone Number(s) ______Date Hired / Beginning Wage Date of Pay Raise / New Wage Fill in total number of hours worked each day: Monthly Hourly Gross Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hours X Wage = Pay Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. School Year Totals Termination of Employment

1. Complete this form within 24 hours of resignation or termination.

2. If it is a weekend, leave a voice message and complete this paperwork on the next school day.

3. Submit a “Job Search” form each Monday; attach it to your Weekly Work Journal. Failure to properly document your job search will affect your ability to earn credit for this class.

4. The teacher/coordinator will contact the employer to review the circumstances of the dismissal and determine any grading consequences.

5. Students who are fired due to theft, fighting or sexual harassment will receive an employment grade of zero (0).

Student Name ______Today’s Date ______

Last day you worked ______Fired or Quit ______

Place of employment ______Work phone ______

Supervisor who terminated you (or N/A) ______

Reason and circumstances for your termination (provide as many facts/details/names as possible) ______







______Student’s Signature Teacher/Coordinator’s Signature

Alvin ISD, the Career and Technical Education Department, and it’s Cooperative Education Programs are committed to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, disability, religion, or other non-merit reasons in admissions, educational programs or activities, and employment, all as required by applicable laws and regulations. Cooperative Training Plan Insert (page 1) Cooperative Training Plan Insert (page 2) Job Search

______Name of Student

Co-op students who are UNEMPLOYED must actively seek employment and must complete this form. It must be submitted each Monday with your Weekly Work Journal.

Name of Person Verification Date Business Name Contacted Phone # Signature

Alvin ISD, the Career and Technical Education Department, and it’s Cooperative Education Programs are committed to a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, disability, religion, or other non-merit reasons in admissions, educational programs or activities, and employment, all as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Cooperative Career Preparation Education Training Program Alvin High School, ALVIN ISD • Mr. Mike Hunter Teacher / Coordinator Phone 281-245-2652 • E-Mail: [email protected] Alvin Independent School District Career Preparation

ABSENCE FORM Student ______Date of Absence ______

According to the “Attendance Rules,” if you must miss class due to illness or other emergency, you must call-in to both your employer and your coordinating teacher. Calling-in shall be done no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Just as in a job situation, you will be expected to call-in if absent or late when you will miss any class on a school day. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in a 10-point deduction from your employment grade for that grading period. This is your responsibility only, not your parents’, siblings’, or friends’.

____ Thank you for calling-in your absence yesterday, you are a responsible student and employee.

____ You did not follow absence procedures yesterday and will have 10 points deducted from your employment grade this grading period.



This form is to be used as a source of communication between student and teacher/coordinator. Please use this form to communicate any information that you would like to share with me. If you simply tell me something, I am likely to forget; but if it is in writing, it will be documented. Please use this form to communicate with me about your classroom performance, job concerns and things such as raises, awards, promotions, problems, termination, etc. You may also use this form to express suggestions or grievances.


















Cooperative Career Preparation Education (Co-op.) Year______


Name ______Phone ______Grade ______

Address ______City and Zip Code ______

Social Security Number ______Date of Birth ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name(s) ______

Home Phone (if different from yours) ______Work Phone ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s e-mail address at work ______at home ______


Period Room Subject Teacher









Training Station (company) ______

Address ______City and Zip Code ______

Phone ______Date of Employment ______

Supervisor’s Name ______Your Job Title ______

Work Schedule ______Wages ______

Work Experience Company ______Job Title ______How long employed there? ______If no longer employed, why did you leave? ______List any official certifications you hold ______List any special skills that you have______

Future Plans

What do you plan to do after graduation? ______

What would you like to be doing 10 years from now? (Career Interest) ______

Briefly describe why you are interested in this program. ______

How will you get to/from work (transportation)______

Have you discussed this work program with your parents? ______

What types of work are you interested in? 1st choice ______2nd choice ______3rd choice ______

Career Preparation Handbook Signature Page

I have received and read the Career Preparation Handbook and understands the responsibilities necessary to participate in the Career Preparation Program. I agree to abide by all program rules/regulations and understand that any violation may result in removal from the program. It is understood that this handbook is to be in the possession of the student as long as he/she is enrolled in the program and should be kept in his/her course notebook.

______Student Date Day Phone cell/home/work

______Parent Date Day Phone cell/home/work

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