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Center Project No

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Center Project No: Field Location: Date Received: Initiation Date:


Date July 2, 2014 Center Project Number or Contract (SA) Number: Project Title: 4-H Sustainability Camp CEFS No./AES No. and Title: (if applicable) Project Leader: Rose Hayden-Smith, 4-H Youth, Family and Community Development Advisor (name, title, department) Project Cooperators: Roslynn Brain, Speicalist, Utah State University (name, title, department) Assistant Professor: Sustainable Communities Project Location: UC HAREC Santa Paula, CA 93060 Hansen Award Amount (if applicable) Attach Completed Project Financial Report

1. Abstract: Provide an abstract of 250 words or less for use in the Center Annual Report or web site. Summarize the major findings or outcomes of your project in lay language. This narrative should stand alone as a definitive statement about the progress of your work. Emphasize practical applications, concrete results and impacts, and “lessons learned”. Abstract must be in MS Word format.

The University of California ANR, which operates Cooperative Extension, the REC system, and programs such as 4-H and Master Gardeners, does not currently have a single youth curriculum that focuses on “sustainability”, especially as it relates to agriculture and the food system. A curriculum that may work well in California has recently been piloted at Utah State University; it proved appropriate for upper elementary and middle school aged youth.

The focus was on the critical issues of increasing agricultural literacy and providing opportunities for science, engineering and technology (SET/STEM) education for youth, with a focus on various issues within the topic of “sustainability.” The goal is to educate youth about sustainability within agriculture, food systems, and natural ecosystems, and to prepare them to put into practice (i.e., apply) what they learn to change behaviors in a measurable way.

The Sustainable You! Summer Camp curriculum was piloted at HAREC in Ventura County June 23-27, 2014, in a weeklong ½ day on site camp format. Parents of participants were provided pre and post-test that were used to assess current behavior and potential for change in as it relates to the five sustainability topics: energy, food, water, air, land, energy in which their children engaged throughout the week.

2. Specific Results: Report your results by objective. For each objective, describe the work completed and underway; the major findings of your project, and their significance. Explain your results, in as concrete terms as possible. Integrate and analyze results of the entire project. Attach summary tables or figures (not detailed raw data) where appropriate.

Project Final Report 2010 Page 1 Objectives:  Host train-the-trainer event at HAREC in March 2014 o Initial Train-the-trainer was conducted at HAREC on March 17-19. Roslynn Brain led training. Participants consisted of staff from: HAREC, CE Advisor, UC intern, and Desert REC o Second train-the-trainer was conducted on May 19. Chris Massa, UC Intern led training. Participants included VC 4-H program representative and community partners from Girl Scouts and City of Ventura.  With community-based organizations, other RECS, 4-H clubs and other recipients of training, organize a schedule for delivery of the sustainability camp curriculum by spring 2014. o Delivery of camp at HAREC—June 23-27, 2014  Number of participants-19-no drop in enrollment. (2 campers had one day of absence)  Age range— 9-16 years old—4th grade to high school and Special Education. Note that 16 year old was a special needs camper that does not read/write. She attended with siblings and was able to participate in all aspects of camp except journal entries.  Ethnicity—  Ethnicity of Ventura County- White 47.3%, Hispanic 41.5%, Black 2.2%, Asian 7.3%  Ethnicity of Ventura County 4-H- White 51.5%, Hispanic 43.3%, Black 1.8%, Asian 3.4% Sustainable You! Summer Camp- White 47.4%; Hispanic 36.8%; Black 5.3%; Asian 10.5%  Gender—5 Male; 11 Female  Hours of instruction—15 hours total—qualifies as a 4-H project  Ventura County areas served—East and West county—Ojai, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, Ventura  Unexpected outcomes: 1. Parent volunteers—24 volunteer hours—contributed by parents of campers. Assisted with camp activities and also helped with assembly of education and outreach materials for the fall 4-H youth development programs at HAREC. 2. Recruiting for future train-the-trainer—Parent of camper is a teacher at Cabrillo Middle School in Ventura. Would like to receive training so that she can implement aspects of camp into her curriculum. 3. Possible collaboration with City of Ventura—City has reached out to partner, possibly offering scholarships should this be a fee based program and provide incentives such a eco-kits, reusable water bottles, shopping bags, water conservation kits, cfl light bulb, etc... o To date, Desert REC in Imperial Valley is in the progress of organizing and have slated their kick off for Sustainable You! Summer Camp June 2015 o Girl Scouts implemented composting sustainability components at Discover Camp July 14 and 15. Will also utilize components of the program at Girl Scout STEM events spring 2015.

 Develop several “sustainability camp” boxes for sharing among other organizations delivering camp. o One set of materials compiled, tested and available to share.  Support implementation of curriculum delivery by partners (spring-summer 2014)-will provide as needed.  Facilitate administration of pre- and post-tests (spring-summer 2014) o Pre-test completed with 90.9% compliance o Post-test completed with 72.7% compliance o Post-test to be administered again 2-3 weeks post camp  Share select activities at 2014 Ventura County Fair (summer 2014) o July 31st VC Fair to include: 1. Land—display worm bin and provide “How To” flyers 2. Food—Food origin, food miles activity 3. Energy—alternative energy—make pinwheel hands-on activity (wind), demo baking solar oven (solar)  Work with Utah State University to analyze data and report out via journal articles, professional meeting, etc. (Dr. Hayden-Smith with Dr. Brain- 9/20/2014-12/31/2015) o Rose and Ros to do 3. Potential Benefits/Impacts on Agriculture: Describe how your project results relate to practical applications by farmers, ranchers, communities, consumers, policy-makers, as appropriate. List specific recommendations that you would make to your intended audience. Discuss Project Final Report 2010 Page 2 any other known and potential impacts of your project’s findings, both short-term and long-term. You may include suggestions for future research, education, or public policy.

4. Extension of Results: Describe how the information gained by your project was disseminated and any future outreach plans. Include scientific and news articles published, providing the complete citation. Provide an electronic copy or website link for each publication and report.

5. (If applicable) Financial Report: Submit a Completed Project Financial Report form which can be found on our website at (The form is in Excel and includes formulas for totals.) Include a narrative to explain any unclear items or deviations from the approved project budget. You may include the narrative on the form in the space provided or include it in this section of the report. (Note: substantial deviations from approved budget must be requested and approved in writing prior to expenditure.)

6. (If applicable) Were Center facilities and staff support satisfactory for your project? X Yes No Please comment on the unique aspects of the land, labor and facilities of this Center that were utilized to conduct this research project. Provide suggestions of additional facilities, equipment or personnel that would improve your use of the Center. (Double click on grey box above, change default value, click OK.)

NOTE: Your electronic submission will be considered as to represent your signature.

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