MINUTES of the Finance and General Purposes Meeting Held on Wednesday 19Th September 2012
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MINUTES of the Finance and General Purposes meeting held on Wednesday 19th September 2012 at 7.00pm in the Committee Room at the Festival Hall, Caistor Road, Market Rasen. Present: Councillor S. Bunney Councillor J. Sankey Councillor K. Bridger Councillor M. Harvey (Chair) Councillor J. Hadlow Councillor S. Renwick Councillor L. Bowen Councillor J. Ladley Councillor M. Lakin-Whitworth Councillor J. Matthews
In Attendance: Faye Lambkin-Smith (Town Clerk) One member of public 1. To Accept apologies for Absence Apologises were received and accepted from Cllr D Strachan (working) and Cllr S Lingard (unwell). 2. Public Participation A councillor commented on the Kings Head Public House to see if there is any new information with regard to decoration. It was noted that there is a broken window. The Council agreed to look at this. If there is no action within 6 months then the Council carry out redecoration works. Action Points: Clerk to report broken window to WLDC and seek advice and consent (LALC/WLDC) regarding the Council carrying out redecoration works at the Kings Head.
The Chairman of the Council commented on a recent article in the Market Rasen Mail regarding welcoming people to Council meetings and reported that we need to look at making council documents which the Council are discussing at meetings available prior to the meetings and at meetings, i.e. Library, Website, Hub, MRTC office and consider starting a electronic mailing list. Action Points: Clerk look into ways of ensuring documents are available and to contact the Editor of the Market Rasen Mail.
The Chairman of the Council thanked Cllr Hadlow for all his work on the broadband contract, as he had been approached directly by LINPOP. 3. Members Declarations Of Interest Cllr Matthews declared an interest as a Director of Mr Big. 4. Approval of minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Meeting held on 18th July 2012 It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the 18th July 2012 be approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting. 5. Matters arising from the minutes Action points from the 18th July were reviewed.
Page 1 of 5 The Clerk reported that Rhodes Passage is the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council and that we have put in a request for a seating area (benches) and are now awaiting a response. Action Point: Clerk to chase up request with Lincolnshire County Council. A councillor commented on a spelling error “ral” not rail. It was noted that the Minutes for the 18th July have already been approved.
6. Accounts for Payment A councillor commented on the PHS Group payment for the Festival Hall and asked the Clerk to check agreement. It was RESOLVED that the accounts for payment listed below be approved subject to cheque number 104756 (PHS Group). Chq No Payee Description F/Hall General VAT Total 104749 Abatis Fire & Security OPS Intruder Service Octo 50.00 10.00 60.00 Ltd ber 2011 – October 2012 104750 Alex Rosen Associates OPS updated building surv 1,300.00 260.00 1,560.00 ey 104751 E-Quip Hi vis jacket for caretaker, c 182.50 36.50 219.00 hain and padlock fo r MP 104752 Green Dolphin 12.50 2.50 15.00 Cleaning auction shed Sept Cleaning ember 2012 104753 John Turner 19.53 19.53 Photography Asset photos
104754 LALC CiLCA Training – Cllr Ladle 110.00 110.00 y 104755 PD Electrical Festoon lighting inspection 187.21 187.21 and testing 104756 PHS Group plc Annual Duty of Care 01/10/ 69.95 13.99 83.94 2012 to 30/09/2013 104757 RoSPA Annual Inspection (PFs) 207.00 41.40 248.40 104758 Southern Electric FH Electricity July – Septe 474.56 94.91 569.47 mber 2012 104759 Viking Office – paper, stamps & F 46.27 74.98 11.95 133.20 H – milk, black bag s, tea towels 104760 HM Revenue & 125.61 125.61 Customs Tax liabilities & NI payment
104761 Monthly Salary 521.65 521.65
104762 Monthly Salary 581.25 581.25
104763 Monthly Salary 838.95 838.95 DD E-ON FH – Gas July to Septembe 260.11 13.01 273.12 r 2012 DD ESPO OPS – Gas August 2012 55.62 2.78 58.40 DD Southern Electric OPS – Electricity July to Se 140.86 7.04 147.90 ptember 2012 850.89 4407.66 494.08 5752.63
Page 2 of 5 Total Credits (inc. VAT) – July 2012 August 2012 Festival Hall £2,873.45 £900.60 Market Rents £455.00 £296.00 Oasis Rent £2,400.00 £1,200.00 VAT Repay £3,104.08 Planning app refund £85.00 Photocopying £1.24 Miscellaneous £5.00 £8923.77 £2396.60
7. Festival Hall Maintenance a) Update on Maintenance A councillor asked if the clerk had received confirmation regarding replacing the timber fascia at the Festival Hall(free of charge). The Clerk reported that confirmation has been received 8. General Maintenance – The clerk reported on quotation received for Bell Playing Field hedge. The committee discussed works and suggested replacing the hedge with fencing as this is what is included in the Town Plan. The committee agreed to ask the question on their stall on the 6th October (Town Plan stall). Action Point: Clerk to write to Lincolnshire Tree Services informing them of the Council’s decision. 9. Old Police Station Maintenance a) Update on contract with LINPOP Cllr Hadlow reported that we are operating. We are currently running at 50mb, the aim is 100mb. LINPOP are currently waiting for the electricity board and a date to arrange cameras security. Cllr Hadlow was asked to inform LINPOP of Council stall on the 6th October (Market Place) as they may wish to attend to inform residents and answer questions. It was commented that orange have withdrawn their broadband services.
A councillor commented on the rotten window sills (Festival Hall). Action Point: Clerk agreed to action. 10. Delegation arrangements for the Old Police Station Refurbishment Committee It was RESOLVED that the following members be appointed onto the Old Police Station Refurbishment Sub-Committee. Cllr Ladley, Cllr Sankey, Cllr Bowen and Cllr Bridger. It was RESOLVED for the Sub Committee to arrange a meeting and draw up a schedule of works. Action Points: Clerk to draw up a draft terms of reference (schedule of works) and arrange meeting.
Page 3 of 5 Cllr Hadlow reported on recent meeting with Oasis Dental Care and explained the background on why this meeting was called. Oasis Dental Care have accepted liability for work and suggested replumbing the waste units. It was noted that Head of Estates at Oasis Dental Care will be in contact with the Council with their proposals to resolve the drainage problems. The Clerk was asked to send the relevant reports to the Head of Estates. Action Point: Clerk to send reports and disks. 11. Licence for the Market Place The Clerk reported that she has been looking into licences for the Market Place and reported that this is costly and not a suitable option for the Town Council. 12. Risk Management Schedule and Policy The Clerk issued members with a new schedule and policy, model policy from LALC. The committee were in support of this policy as it gave guidelines and something to work towards. It was RESOLVED to accept new policy and risk management schedule. Action Point: Clerk to print policy and schedule. 13. Request from the Churches to hold the Christmas Mime on the Market Place (FOC) Cllr Bridger declared an interest as a member of the churches. The committee discussed letter received from the Churches. It was RESOLVED to give the Churches free use of the Market Place on Monday 17th December 2012 and to arrange for the lights to be switched off (lights are on a timer). Action Point: Write to the Churches advising them of the Council’s decision. 14. Review internal auditor arrangements It was RESOLVED to have an internal audit every six months (minimum). Action Point: Clerk to arrange. 15. Report on the War Memorial Cllr Lakin-Whitworth reported that she met with Jane Cowen (Stone Mason) who advised us how to clean the war memorial, what with and checked the condition. It was reported that the war memorial was stable, but should be looked at in six months time to review the condition/gaps. It was noted that Jane Cowen came out at no charge. 16. Risk Management – Risks were reviewed, no risks highlighted. 17. Urgent items for reporting or referring to future meetings Cllr Bowen updated members on the Walking Festival for next year (agenda Item Full Council).
Cllr Bunney asked for the below agenda item (Full Council). Council Policy on A Boards.
18. The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 20.25hrs Signed ......
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