Old Smokeys Meeting Notes
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Old Smokeys Meeting Notes November 28, 2014
In attendance: Al Matecko, Linda Goodman, Jim Rice, Deb Warren, Dick Bennett, Bill Funk, Don Nearhood, Phil Hirl, Bev Pratt, Ron Boehm, Sue Zike, Charlie Krebs, Mary Moyer, Sue Triplett.
A BIG THANK YOU to Jim Rice for handling the October meeting so well!
1. Minutes of the October Meeting: Susan Triplett Moved by Linda Goodman: Accept the minutes as submitted with one spelling change. Seconded by Jim Rice. Vote: Passed Unanimously.
2. Monthly Review of Treasurer’s Reconciliation: Susan Triplett o The October reconciliation looks good!
3. Treasurer’s Report: Dick Bennett o The Statement of Financial Position is attached (Attachment A). o The only payment we made this month was our deposit for our Spring Banquet. o We received $1,500 in donations to our Moyer Fund, including $1,000 from the American Lumber Standard Committee honoring Dr. Robert Ethington. o The Investment Committee looked over our Vanguard account allocations and agreed to make no changes at this time. o Our Lifetime fund balance is now over $115,000. If there are enough worthwhile potential grant projects, Dick believes we should transfer funds from the Lifetime Fund to the Grant/Project fund. o No action has been taken to invoice the Forest Service under the terms of the 2014 Participating Agreement. Follow-up: Ron Boehm will work with Glen Sachet to put together the information needed to get the funds transferred. Old Smokeys Meeting Notes – November 28, 2014 – Page 2
4. Secretary’s Report: Deb Warren o We keep getting more new members! o We currently have 947 memberships, and more than 947 members, as some memberships represent more than one member. o How many of these memberships are lifetime members? Follow-up: Bill Funk will get this information from the database, and will share it with the Board. o Deb did not order more printed directories; she has been printing them and sending them out. Bill Funk suggested she ask the new members if they’d like a printed or electronic version of the directories.
5. Old Business: a. Endowment Committee Update: Sue Zike o This will be a topic on the January agenda.
b. Old Smokey Application Form and Website: Don Nearhood o Most of our new memberships are coming in electronically. o Our website had some problems last week, but Don was able to fix them. o Don is currently taking a class on the new website software.
c. BLM Picnic: Bob Devlin and Linda Goodman o We have some options for alcohol at the BLM site. o Job Corps will provide the set-up, meal, and clean-up, but they cannot provide alcohol, as Dave Dalton has in the past. o We can either pay one of our members to bring the alcohol in for purchase and consumption, or we can each bring our own alcoholic beverage. o Our agreement with BLM does not specifically address alcohol on the site. Moved by Linda Goodman: We will use a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) policy for this year’s picnic. Seconded by Sue Zike. Vote: Passed: Ayes: 10 Nays: 1
d. Meeting Speaker: Linda Goodman o Linda suggested that we have the director of the Job Corps come to our January or February, and talk about Job Corps, what they do, and their accomplishments. o Other members added that it would be nice for a few of the Job Corps members to also come to the presentation. Follow-up: Linda will make the contacts. Old Smokeys Meeting Notes – November 28, 2014 – Page 3
5. Old Business (Continued): e. Old Smokeys/Summit Award: Al Matecko o Al passed out some copies of his award proposal (Attachment B). o The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor people and units who are continuing the Forest Service traditions and heritage. o There were lots of comments and insights to this proposal: To implement this award, we need agreement and support from the Regional Forester and Station Director. Is this too much responsibility to PNWFSA? It was an overwhelming task when the RO did the District of the Year award. If we decide to move forward with this award, we should try it on a 1-year basis to see how well it is received. If the purpose of this award is to get the Forest Service employees to understand the existence of PNWFSA, we should do more in the way of Public Relations. We need to publicize Old Smokeys before we implement the award. We’re not getting a lot of grant requests. We need to spend our energy on publicizing our grant program and getting grants submitted. We need to get out to the field, and do site visits. The financial rewards of the proposed award: We can’t give grants to Forest Service units, so we need to investigate the legality of making awards to Forest Service units. Perhaps to a unit’s “employee organization” would not compromise our non-profit status. Follow-up: When Al, Linda and Jim meet with the Regional Forester and Station Director for the signing of the Participating Agreement, Al will ask their opinions about the award.
6. New Business: a. NAFSR Update: Ranotta McNair (not at meeting) o No update report. Old Smokeys Meeting Notes – November 28, 2014 – Page 4
7. Other Business: a. Agreement with The Old Spaghetti Factory: Bev Pratt o The Old Spaghetti Factory is not charging us to use the room, but we need to be out of the room no later than 1:30pm; preferably by 1:00pm. o In addition, we are being charged $10 for the coffee that is provided for the Board Meeting. This is not covered by the amounts paid for lunch. Moved by Sue Zike: We will use our operating funds to pay for our Board of Directors’ coffee. Seconded by Linda Goodman. Vote: Passed – Unanimous.
b. Smokey Pocket Calendars: Sue Triplett o What is the status of getting the calendars for 2015? Follow-up: Al Matecko will ask the RO.
c. SAF John McGuire Award: Linda Goodman o The John McGuire Award recognizes units and people that are doing a good job of managing our forests. o The Malheur National Forest has done a stellar job of forest stewardship. o Linda would like to work with John Lawrence to nominate the forest for this award. o John Lawrence has quite a bit of experience in the project, and would be a good resource to work with Linda on this. Follow-up: No vote was taken, but the Board supported this idea. Linda will talk with John Lawrence, and develop a draft.
d. 2018 Forest Service Reunion: Linda Goodman and Al Matecko o What is the status of the 2018 Reunion? o Several contacts were made with Regions 5 and 8, but the responses are not known. o Lou Romero is the head of the 2015 Reunion in Albuquerque, and this is also on his agenda. Follow-up: Bob Devlin will contact Dave Scott, to see what responses he got.
e. Oregon Garden Pavilion Dedication: Charlie Krebs o Charlie attended the dedication, and said it was very nice. o We are one of the many supporters recognized on the plaque. Old Smokeys Meeting Notes – November 28, 2014 – Page 5
7. Other Business (Continued): f. Grant Committee: Charlie Krebs o The members of the Grant Committee are: Charlie Krebs Phil Hirl Kent Mays Bob Tokarczyk Ron Boehm
Meeting Adjourned: 11:00 am
Attachments (Attached to e-mail): A – Statement of Financial Position B – OldSmokeys/Summit Award Proposal