Teaching Programme
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Yazoo 4
Teaching Programme Primary Education
Primary fourth English
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Welcome!
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say greetings. - Mention vocabulary from previous Yazoo books. - Sing a song. - Act out the story. - Name the main characters of the book. - Ask and answer simple questions. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the characters. - Recognise the setting. - Recognise greetings. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - A song. - Understand and answer questions with ‘True/False’. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about the characters of the book. - Be able to read greetings. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to write their names. - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write ‘True/False’.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Greetings: Hello!, Goodbye! -Detective, missing. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: The Present Simple Tense. -Hello/Hi (name). -They’re… -She’s…
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - Rhythm, stress and intonation of the song. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: Matching skills, Identify True/False statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Greet and say goodbye in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. Rhythm, stress and intonation of the song. . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Greetings: Hello!, Goodbye! -Detective, missing. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: The Present Simple Tense. -Hello/Hi (name). -They’re… -She’s… . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count. - Social Studies: Introductions and greetings. - Arts and music: Sing a song. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon Story: Welcome! PB page 4. Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A song: Welocme! PB page 5.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and sing (PB page 5). . Play a game (TB page 5). . Listen to the story. Then act out (TB page 4).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns to listen, speak, sing, act out, play games). - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections. - Social Studies: learning about introductions and greetings.
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. Look at photographs as a mean of information. Interpret and process information from tables and pictures Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (TB, page 5). - Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Welcome PB page 4.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. - Learn how to make introductions and greet others. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A song: Welcome PB page 5. . Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Welcome PB page 4. Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the activities of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 4-5), acting out a story: Welcome! (PB page 4). - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, TB page 4). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A song: Welcome! PB, page 5. This competence is developed across the 4 activities of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (Welcome, pages 4 to 5): - Pre-reading and pre-writing activities. . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language. - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. PB, page 5. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 4-5).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say greetings. - Mention vocabulary from previous Yazoo books. - Sing a song. - Act out the story. - Name the main characters of the book. - Ask and answer simple questions. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context:
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Recognise the characters. - Recognise the setting. - Recognise greetings. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - A song. - Understand and answer questions with ‘True/False’. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about the characters of the book. - Be able to read greetings. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to write their names. - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write ‘True/False’.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Greetings: Hello!, Goodbye! -Detective, missing. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: The Present Simple Tense. -Hello/Hi (name). -They’re… -She’s…
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - Rhythm, stress and intonation of the song. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: Matching skills, Identify True/False statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Greet and say goodbye in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 1: Getting ready.
1a-Where’s Toto?
1b-We’re getting ready!
1c-Dr. Wild drives well.
1d-Skills: Let’s phone Mel.
Music: Music around the world.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about getting ready. - Talk about making arrangements. - Identify and say vocabulary about music. - Mention the present simple and present continuous tense. - Use adverbs of manner. - Say your phone number. - Sing a song. - Name countries and music from different parts of the world. - Present a project. - Ask and answer questions. - Ask what someone is doing, make plans. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the characters. - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about getting ready. - Identify and write down telephone numbers.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Listen for personal information and plans. - Identify if statements about a picture are true or false. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand and answer questions about music from different parts of the world. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read a personal description (Family, routine) - Be able to read vocabulary about music from different parts of the world. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using the present simple and present continuous tense. - Be able to write using adverbs of frequency. - Be able to write using punctuation. - Be able to write a personal description. - Be able to write a leaflet about music in own country.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Niece, nephew, clever, lazy, friendly, helpful. -Laptop, binoculars, compass, can opener, torch, diary, need. -Adverbs of frequency: Carefully, badly, well, slowly, quietly, happily, quickly. -Music: bagpipes, blow, loud, tango, opera, bell, polonaise, composer, didgeridoo. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -The Present Simple: first, second and third person. -The Present Continuous: affirmative, interrogative and short answers.
Receptive language: -Hello, It’s Sally here., I can’t find…, Can you help me? Yes, of course. -We hope he’s all right. -She can see…I think it’s/that is… Come on! -Baglama. Recycled Language: -Detective, missing, to be, passports. -Musical instruments, countries and nationalities. -Adverbs of manner. -I’ts from.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The sounds: /ɪd/, /t/, /d/ (-ed endings). . Develop effective language-learning practices. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, identify true/false statements, match words and pictures, problem solving. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Greet and say goodbye in English. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Make arrangements in English. - Present a project. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. The sounds: /ɪd/, /t/, /d/ (-ed endings). . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Niece, nephew, clever, lazy, friendly, helpful. -Laptop, binoculars, compass, can opener, torch, diary, need. -Adverbs of frequency: Carefully, badly, well, slowly, quietly, happily, quickly. -Music: bagpipes, blow, loud, tango, opera, bell, polonaise, composer, didgeridoo. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -The Present Simple: first, second and third person. -The Present Continuous: affirmative, interrogative and short answers.
. Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a memory game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete tables and charts (tick). - Social Studies: school life, routines, families. - Arts and music: sing a song, draw, present a project, appreciate music from different parts of the world. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon Stories: Where’s Toto? PB page 6. We’re getting ready! PB page 8. Dr. Wild drives well. PB page 10. Non-Fiction: A personal description. PB page 12. Music around the world . PB page 15.
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A song: Who is Dr. Wild looking for? PB page 9.
Linguistic competence Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and sing (PB page 9) . Play a game (TB page 9). . Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 6, 8,10).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts (Tick/tally).
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves. - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections. - Social Studies: learning about different countries and customs.
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 1b (TB, page 9). Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Where’s Toto? PB page 6. We’re getting ready! PB page 8. Dr. Wild drives well. PB page 10.
. Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A song: Who is Dr. Wild looking for? PB page 9. Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Where’s Toto? PB page 6. We’re getting ready! PB page 8. Dr. Wild drives well. PB page 10. Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the evaluation lesson of the Unit 1d.
Autonomy and personal initiative Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 6- 15), acting out a story: Where’s Toto? PB page 6. We’re getting ready! PB page 8. Dr. Wild drives well. PB page 10. - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB pages 6, 8, 10). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A song: Who is Dr. Wild looking for? PB page 9. This competence is developed across the 10 lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (Pages 6-15): - Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. - Pre-reading and pre-writing activities.
. Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (Pages 4-13): - Pre-reading and pre-writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Songs and chants. PB page 9) . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. PB, page 9. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 6-15).
Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz.
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘Your Project!’ Lesson, page 13).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about getting ready. - Talk about making arrangements. - Identify and say vocabulary about music. - Mention the present simple and present continuous tense. - Use adverbs of manner. - Say your phone number. - Sing a song. - Name countries and music from different parts of the world. - Ask and answer questions. - Ask what someone is doing, make plans. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the characters. - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Recognise vocabulary about getting ready. - Identify and write down telephone numbers. - Listen for personal information and plans. - Identify if statements about a picture are true or false. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand and answer questions about music from different parts of the world. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read a personal description (family, routine) - Be able to read vocabulary about music from different parts of the world. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using the present simple and present continuous tense. - Be able to write using adverbs of frequency. - Be able to write using punctuation. - Be able to write a personal description. - Be able to write a leaflet about music in own country.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Niece, nephew, clever, lazy, friendly, helpful. -Laptop, binoculars, compass, can opener, torch, diary, need. -Adverbs of frequency: Carefully, badly, well, slowly, quietly, happily, quickly. -Music: bagpipes, blow, loud, tango, opera, bell, polonaise, composer, didgeridoo. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -The Present Simple: first, second and third person. -The Present Continuous: affirmative, interrogative and short answers.
Receptive language: -Hello, It’s Sally here., I can’t find…, Can you help me? Yes, of course. -We hope he’s all right. -She can see…I think it’s/that is… Come on! -Baglama. Recycled Language: -Detective, missing, to be, passports. -Musical instruments, countries and nationalities. -Adverbs of manner. -It’s from.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - The sounds: /ɪd/, /t/, /d/ (-ed endings). . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, identify true/false statements, match words and pictures, problem solving. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Greet and say goodbye in English. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Make arrangements in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 2: The storm.
2a-There was a storm.
2b-We landed on a beach.
2c-Did you talk to them?
2d-Skills: I’d like tickets for the museum, please.
Geography: Hurricanes.
Review 1. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Story Time 1: Robinson Crusoe.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about weather. - Talk about extreme weather conditions. - Mention past simple tense of the verb to be. - Focus on the correct pronunciation of the regular past simple. - Ask for tickets for an event. - Ask about the price of tickets. - Sing a song. - Name days of the week. - Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about weather. - Recognise the past simple of the verb to be. - Match people to places. - Identify the correct pictures. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Understand and answer affirmative and negative questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about weather. - Be able to read a diary event. - Be able to read and learn how to use the past simple tense of the verb to be. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Read about extreme weather conditions. - Read and understand a story, guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write about the weather. - To be able to write using the past simple tense of the verb to be. - Be able to write down ticket quantities and prices. - Be able to write using paragraphs. - Be able to write a diary entry. - Be able to write about last week’s weather.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Weather: storm, thunder and lightning, windy. -Worried, behind, in front of, follow. -Aquarium, town hall, police station, pet shop, museum, café. -Moustache, beard, face, blond, thin, wavy, notice. -Extreme weather conditions: hurricane, flood, tornado, natural disaster, last, cause, produce, travel, destroy. -Days of the week. -Tools, knife, journey, land, island, cave, strange, footprint. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -The Past Simple (to be): -There was/n’t…There were/n’t… -Was/were there…? -What was the weather like in…?
The past simple affirmative (regular forms) -Verb + -ed. The past simple (regular verbs: interrogative, negative and short answers). Receptive language: -Suddenly… -How are you? Email us soon, -Quick! Follow them. -Certainly, Can I help you? -East, west. Recycled Language: -Countries. -The present simple tense. -Vocabulary and structures from previous unit.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: The pronunciation of the regular past simple tense: - The sounds: /ɪd/, /t/, /d/ (-ed endings). - Chant to practise sounds: ‘I visited the Zoo, watched a kangaroo. He played with me, too!’ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, identify pictures from given descriptions, recognise true/false statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. The pronunciation of the regular past simple tense: -The sounds: /ɪd/, /t/, /d/ (-ed endings). -Chant to practise sounds: ‘I visited the Zoo, watched a kangaroo. He played with me, too!’ . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Weather: storm, thunder and lightning, windy. -Worried, behind, in front of, follow. -Aquarium, town hall, police station, pet shop, museum, café. -Moustache, beard, face, blond, thin, wavy, notice. -Extreme weather conditions: hurricane, flood, tornado, natural disaster, last, cause, produce, travel, destroy. -Days of the week. -Tools, knife, journey, land, island, cave, strange, footprint. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -The Past Simple (to be): -There was/n’t…There were/n’t… -Was/were there…? -What was the weather like in…?
The past simple affirmative (regular forms) -Verb + -ed. The past simple (regular verbs: interrogative, negative and short answers).
. Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a miming game, flashcard games, a board game. - Present a project. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts. - Geography: Extreme weather conditions. - Social Studies: School life, different weather conditions. - Arts and music: Sing a song, chant, draw, design a project, make a weather wheel. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out, mime, write a diary entry, write descriptions.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon stories: There was storm. PB page 16. Did you talk to them? PB page 20. Story: Robinson Crusoe. PB pages 28-29. Non-Fiction: We landed on a beach email. PB page 18. I’d like tickets for the museum, please diary entry. PB page 22. Hurricanes. PB pages 24, 25.
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A chant: ‘I visited the Zoo, watched a kangaroo. He played with me, too!’ PB page 26.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 A song: We landed on a beach. PB page 19.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and chant (PB page 26), Listen and sing (PB page 19). . Play a game (PB page 27, TB pages 17,18, 29). . Listen to the story. Then read it aloud (PB page 16, TB page 20). Act out a dialogue (PB page 23).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts and tables.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves. - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets. - Social Studies: learning about the weather and different extreme weather conditions (Geography).
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities,
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (PB page 27, TB pages 17,18, 29). . Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, reading aloud & acting out the story of the unit: (PB page 16, TB page 20). Act out a dialogue (PB page 23).
. Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. - Geography: Weather. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A chant: PB page 26. . A song: PB page 19. . Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story. Robinson Crusoe (PB pages 28-29. Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in review lesson of the Unit.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the twelve lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 16-29), acting out a story: (PB page 16, TB page 20). Act out a dialogue (PB page 23). - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 20. - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: A chant: ‘I visited the Zoo, watched a kangaroo. He played with me, too!’ PB page 26. A song: We landed on a beach. PB page 19. - This competence is developed across the twelve lessons of the Unit. - IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 16-29): - Reading and Writing activities. - Lesson with geographical content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 14-27 ): Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Reading and writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards - Crosswords, tables and charts. . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB page 16-29).
Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz
-Progress Review 1.
Pupil’s Book:
-Review 1 (PB pages26-27).
(Diagnostic Test).
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘Your Project!’ Lesson, page 23). - Review 1 (AB pages 24-25).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about weather.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Talk about extreme weather conditions. - Mention past simple tense of the verb to be. - Focus on the correct pronunciation of the regular past simple. - Ask for tickets for an event. - Ask about the price of tickets. - Sing a song. - Name days of the week. - Ask and answer affirmative and negative questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about weather. - Recognise the past simple of the verb to be. - Match people to places. - Identify the correct pictures. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Understand and answer affirmative and negative questions.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about weather. - Be able to read a diary event. - Be able to read and learn how to use the past simple tense of the verb to be. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Read about extreme weather conditions. - Read and understand a story, guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write about the weather. - To be able to write using the past simple tense of the verb to be. - Be able to write down ticket quantities and prices. - Be able to write using paragraphs. - Be able to write a diary entry. - Be able to write about last week’s weather.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Weather: storm, thunder and lightning, windy. -Worried, behind, in front of, follow. -Aquarium, town hall, police station, pet shop, museum, café. -Moustache, beard, face, blond, thin, wavy, notice. -Extreme weather conditions: hurricane, flood, tornado, natural disaster, last, cause, produce, travel, destroy. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Days of the week. -Tools, knife, journey, land, island, cave, strange, footprint. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -The Past Simple (to be): -There was/n’t…There were/n’t… -Was/were there…? -What was the weather like in…?
The past simple affirmative (regular forms) -Verb + -ed. The past simple (regular verbs: interrogative, negative and short answers). Receptive language: -Suddenly… -How are you? Email us soon, -Quick! Follow them. -Certainly, Can I help you? -East, west. Recycled Language: -Countries. -The present simple tense. -Vocabulary and structures from previous unit.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: The pronunciation of the regular past simple tense: - The sounds: /ɪd/, /t/, /d/ (-ed endings). - Chant to practise sounds: ‘I visited the Zoo, watched a kangaroo. He played with me, too!’ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, identify pictures from given descriptions, recognise true/false statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 3: The accident.
3a-Magnus and Claudia had an accident!
3b-Did they find Toto?
3c-Claudia and Magnus had colds.
3d-Skills: I’m sorry I didn’t come.
Technology: Communication.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about accidents and illnesses. - Talk about a past illness. - Identify and say vocabulary about communication. - Mention the past simple tense. - Sing a song. - Name different ways of communicating. - Ask and answer questions using the past simple tense. - Present a poster project about technology and communication. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about accidents and illnesses. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Recognise and understand the use of the past simple tense. - Listen to a dialogue and number a picture. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional):
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about accidents and illnesses. - Follow the text of a story. - Be able to read and understand a letter. - Be able to learn about technology and different ways of communicating. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using the past simple tense. - Be able to write using on/in/at with expressions of time. - Be able to write a letter. - Be able to write about communication in your school. - Make a poster project about communication technology in your home.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Farm, cow, grass, owl, pond, bull. -Scared, confused, nervous, unhappy. -Cold, headache, sore throat, earache, stomach ache, well, ill. -Communication: newspaper, e-book reader, letter, paper, clay, size, machine, communicate, appear, weigh. -Use/s, have got, Internet. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: The Past Simple Tense (Irregular verbs: affirmative) -Was/were. The Past Simple Tense (Irregular verbs: negative, interrogative and short answers) The Present Simple tense.
Receptive language: -Poor Oscar., Here they are., Hope you are all OK. -Thousands, ago, Egyptians, hieroglyphics, Chinese. -Millions, inline, World Wide Web, billion. Recycled Language: -The Present Simple Tense. -Vocabulary and structures from previous units. -The Present Continuous Tense.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The sounds: /h/, /w/ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: matching skills, patterns, problem solving, - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. .
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. The sounds: /h/, /w/ . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Farm, cow, grass, owl, pond, bull. -Scared, confused, nervous, unhappy. -Cold, headache, sore throat, earache, stomach ache, well, ill. -Communication: newspaper, e-book reader, letter, paper, clay, size, machine, communicate, appear, weigh. -Use/s, have got, Internet. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: The Past Simple Tense (Irregular verbs: affirmative) -Was/were. The Past Simple Tense (Irregular verbs: negative, interrogative and short answers) The Present Simple tense . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a memory game, a miming game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts. - Technology: Different ways of communicating. - Social Studies: school life, what to do in an accident or when ill. - Arts and music: sing a song, draw, make a poster, - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, mime, act it out, present a project.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon stories: Magnus and Claudia had an accident! PB page 30. Claudia and Magnus had colds. PB page 34. Stories: Did they find Toto? PB page 32.
Non-Fiction: A letter: I’m sorry I didn’t come. PB page 36. A timeline: Technology and communication. PB page 39.
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A song: Did you? PB page 33.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and sing (PB page 33). . Play a game (TB page 31).
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Listen to the story. Then act out (TB page 30). Read aloud a story (TB page 34). Act out the dialogues (PB page 37). . Make and present a project. (PB page 39).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete tables and charts.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves:(Take turns to listen, speak, act out, present a project). - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with cross-curricular worksheets (Technology). - Social Studies: learning about taking care of each other (Accidents/illnesses).
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 3a (TB, page 31). Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Magnus and Claudia had an accident! PB page 30. Claudia and Magnus had colds. PB page 34.
. Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. - Learn codes of conduct and help others in an accident/ when ill. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (Technology project).
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A song: Did you? PB page 33. Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Magnus and Claudia had an accident! PB page 30. Claudia and Magnus had colds. PB page 34. Make a poster project about communication technology in your home (PB page 39).
Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Design and make a poster about different ways of communicating).
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in lesson 2 of the Technology Unit.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 30- 39), acting out a story: Magnus and Claudia had an accident! PB page 30. Claudia and Magnus had colds. PB page 34. - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB pages 30, 34). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A song: Did you? PB, page 33 -Presentation of a project: Make a poster project about communication technology in your home ( PB page 39). This competence is developed across the ten lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 30-39):
- Lesson with technological content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. - Reading and Writing activities.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 28-37): - Reading and Writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. PB, page 33. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 30-39).
Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz.
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (What about you? Your project!)
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about accidents and illnesses. - Talk about a past illness. - Identify and say vocabulary about communication. - Mention the past simple tense. - Sing a song. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Name different ways of communicating. - Ask and answer questions using the past simple tense. - Present a poster project about technology and communication. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about accidents and illnesses. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Recognise and understand the use of the past simple tense. - Listen to a dialogue and number a picture. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about accidents and illnesses. - Follow the text of a story. - Be able to read and understand a letter. - Be able to learn about technology and different ways of communicating. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using the past simple tense. - Be able to write using on/in/at with expressions of time. - Be able to write a letter. - Be able to write about communication in your school. - Make a poster project about communication technology in your home.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Farm, cow, grass, owl, pond, bull. -Scared, confused, nervous, unhappy. -Cold, headache, sore throat, earache, stomach ache, well, ill. -Communication: newspaper, e-book reader, letter, paper, clay, size, machine, communicate, appear, weigh. -Use/s, have got, Internet. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: The Past Simple Tense (Irregular verbs: affirmative) -Was/were. The Past Simple Tense (Irregular verbs: negative, interrogative and short answers) The Present Simple tense.
Receptive language: -Poor Oscar., Here they are., Hope you are all OK. -Thousands, ago, Egyptians, hieroglyphics, Chinese. -Millions, inline, World Wide Web, billion. Recycled Language: -The Present Simple Tense. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Vocabulary and structures from previous units. -The Present Continuous Tense.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The sounds: /h/, /w/ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: matching skills, patterns, problem solving, - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 4: On the train.
4a-They went through the town.
4b-How much were the tickets?
4c-There aren’t many peas.
4d-Skills: I’d like chips.
Geography: Map reading.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Review 2.
Story Time 2: Alice in Wonderland.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about travel. - Talk about places. - Talk about a school trip. - Describe travelling by train. - Use ‘There is /are’ and ‘How much/many?’. - Mention prepositions of movement/direction. - Order food from a menu. - Give directions using a map. - Sing a song. - Say a chant. - Name famous places in London. - Ask and answer questions about a story (Alice in Wonderland). . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand a chant. - Recognise and understand how to use prepositions of movement/direction. - Identify a speaker. - Identify the foods people order. - Match sentences to the correct picture. - Understand and answer questions about a story (Alice in Wonderland). BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read about travel. - Be able to read prepositions of movement/direction. - Be able to read about train travel. - Be able to read and understand a description of a school trip. - Be able to read and learn about famous places in London. - Be able to read and label a map. - Be able to read and understand a story. - Be able to guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write about travel. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Be able to write using prepositions of movement/direction. - Be able to write using quantifiers (How much/many?) - Be able to write about a school trip. - Be able to write using time markers (first, then, afterwards, finally) - Be able to write about a holiday. - Be bale to make a leaflet about interesting places in your town.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Places in town: train station, road, market, castle, bridge, hotel. -Train travel: carriage, seat, money, luggage, search, look after. -Food: stew, rice, cabbage, steak, peas. -Famous places in London: Art gallery, church, tower, Big Wheel, palace, crown, cathedral. -Story Time 2: hare, place, wine, tea, polite, wide, angrily. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Prepositions of movement/direction: -Along, past, across, around, through. There is/are and How much/many…? with countable and uncountable nouns: -How much…is there? -How many…are there? -There’s lots of… -There are (three)… -How much was the ticket? It was (20) euros. -Is there much…? No, there isn’t much… -Are there many…? No, there aren’t many…
-What would you like? -Would you like anything else? I’d like…, I’ll have…, please., Thank you.
Time markers: -next, finally. Imperatives. The Past Simple Tense. -There is/are… Receptive language: -Lucky you., We hope…,Give our love to Oskar!, Ok!, -Ssh! Hide!. Be careful they don’t see you., Please can I have some…? I want…, Come back! Fire. Recycled Language: -Farm -The Present Simple Tense. -The Past Simple Tense. -The Present Continuous Tense. -Were Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Vocabulary and language from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The sounds: /h/, /w/, /wh/. - A chant to practise the sounds: ‘Who’s on the horse on the hill? What’s he watching in the water?’ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, map-reading skills, labelling, matching, identify ‘True/False’ statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Present a project. - Give directions using a map in English. - Order food from a menu in English. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. The sounds: /h/, /w/, /wh/. A chant to practise the sounds: ‘Who’s on the horse on the hill? What’s he watching in the water?’ . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Places in town: train station, road, market, castle, bridge, hotel. -Train travel: carriage, seat, money, luggage, search, look after. -Food: stew, rice, cabbage, steak, peas.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Famous places in London: Art gallery, church, tower, Big Wheel, palace, crown, cathedral. -Story Time 2: hare, place, wine, tea, polite, wide, angrily. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Prepositions of movement/direction: -Along, past, across, around, through. There is/are and How much/many…? with countable and uncountable nouns: -How much…is there? -How many…are there? -There’s lots of… -There are (three)… -How much was the ticket? It was (20) euros. -Is there much…? No, there isn’t much… -Are there many…? No, there aren’t many…
-What would you like? -Would you like anything else? -I’d like…, I’ll have…, please., Thank you.
Time markers: -next, finally. Imperatives. The Past Simple Tense. -There is/are… . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a memory game, a board game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts. - Geography: Map reading skills. - Social Studies: School life, travel, school trips, holidays. - Arts and music: Sing a song, chant, mime, draw, make a map, a leaflet, a menu. - Linguistic abilities: Read; understand a story, act it out, present a project.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon stories: They went through town. PB page 40. How much were the tickets? PB page 42. There aren’t many peas. PB page 44.
Fiction: Alice in Wonderland. PB pages 52-53. Non-Fiction: A description of a school trip: Windsor Castle. PB page 46. A walking tour of central London. PB page 49
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A chant: ‘Who’s on the horse on the hill? What’s he watching in the water?’ PB page 50.
A song: We’re travelling on the train. PB page 43.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and chant (PB page 50), Listen and sing (PB page 43). . Play a game (TB page 47, PB page 51). . Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 42). Act out a story (PB page 52,53).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through: Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts and tables.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves: Work in teams, do presentations. - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Geography: Map reading). - Social Studies: learning about the travelling by train, school trips.
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Review 2 (PB, page 51).
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Alice in Wonderland. PB pages 52-53. - . Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit.
Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A chant: ‘Who’s on the horse on the hill? What’s he watching in the water?’ PB page 50. . A song: We’re travelling by train. PB page 43. . Your project!: Make a leaflet about interesting places in your town. PB page 49. Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Alice in Wonderland. PB page 52-53.
Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in The review lesson of the Unit.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the fourteen lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB pages 40-53), acting out a story: Alice in Wonderland. PB page 52-53. - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB pages 42 & 52-53). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A chant: ‘Who’s on the horse on the hill? What’s he watching in the water?’ PB page 50. - A song: We’re travelling by train. PB page 43. This competence is developed across the fourteen lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 40-53): -Reading and writing activities. Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 38-51): - Reading and writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards - Songs and chants. PB pages 43, 50 . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. PB page 43. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 40-53). Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz.
-Progress Review 2 (Diagnostic Test).
Pupil’s Book:
-Review 2 (PB pages 50-51).
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (Review 2 ‘My English’ Lesson , pages 48-49 ).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about travel. - Talk about places. - Talk about a school trip. - Describe travelling by train. - Use ‘There is /are’ and ‘How much/many?’. - Mention prepositions of movement/direction. - Order food from a menu. - Give directions using a map. - Sing a song. - Say a chant. - Name famous places in London. - Ask and answer questions about a story (Alice in Wonderland). . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Understand a cartoon story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand a chant. - Recognise and understand how to use prepositions of movement/direction. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Identify a speaker. - Identify the foods people order. - Match sentences to the correct picture. - Understand and answer questions about a story (Alice in Wonderland). BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read about travel. - Be able to read prepositions of movement/direction. - Be able to read about train travel. - Be able to read and understand a description of a school trip. - Be able to read and learn about famous places in London. - Be able to read and label a map. - Be able to read and understand a story. - Be able to guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write about travel. - Be able to write using prepositions of movement/direction. - Be able to write using quantifiers (How much/many?) - Be able to write about a school trip. - Be able to write using time markers (first, then, afterwards, finally) - Be able to write about a holiday. - Be bale to make a leaflet about interesting places in your town.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Places in town: train station, road, market, castle, bridge, hotel. -Train travel: carriage, seat, money, luggage, search, look after. -Food: stew, rice, cabbage, steak, peas. -Famous places in London: Art gallery, church, tower, Big Wheel, palace, crown, cathedral. -Story Time 2: hare, place, wine, tea, polite, wide, angrily. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Prepositions of movement/direction: -Along, past, across, around, through. There is/are and How much/many…? with countable and uncountable nouns: -How much…is there? -How many…are there? -There’s lots of… -There are (three)… -How much was the ticket? It was (20) euros. -Is there much…? No, there isn’t much… -Are there many…? No, there aren’t many…
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -What would you like? -Would you like anything else? I’d like…, I’ll have…, please., Thank you.
Time markers: -next, finally. Imperatives. The Past Simple Tense. -There is/are… Receptive language: -Lucky you., We hope…,Give our love to Oskar!, Ok!, -Ssh! Hide!. Be careful they don’t see you., Please can I have some…? I want…, Come back! Fire. Recycled Language: -Farm -The Present Simple Tense. -The Past Simple Tense. -The Present Continuous Tense. -Were -Vocabulary and language from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The sounds: /h/, /w/, /wh/. - A chant to practise the sounds: ‘Who’s on the horse on the hill? What’s he watching in the water?’ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, map reading skills, labelling, matching, identify ‘True/False’ statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Present a project. - Give directions using a ma in English. - Order food from a menu in English. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 5: Whose bag is it?
5a-I can hear Claudia’s voice.
5b-Is it yours?
5c-You don’t have to shout!
5d-Skills: I arrive at twenty to nine.
History: Clothes through the ages.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say parts of the body. - Talk about the school timetable. - Mention the use of ‘whose’ and the possessive -‘s. - Identify and say possessive pronouns. - Discuss timetables. - Sing a song. - Name clothes in different centuries. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project about favourite clothes. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about clothes and parts of the body. - Recognise possessive pronouns. - Listen for information. - Match people to activities. - Identify the times activities happen. - Number pictures in order.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand and answer questions from different centuries. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about clothes and parts of the body. - Be able to read possessive pronouns. - Be able to read a description of a daily routine. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Be able to read texts and answer comprehension questions. - Be able to read and learn about clothes from different centuries. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write about parts of the body. - Be bale to write using ‘whose’ and possessive –s. - Be able to write using possessive pronouns. - Be able to write using have to/don’t have to. - Be able to write the time. - Be able to write about last Saturday. - Be able to write about your favourite clothes and when you wear them.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Parts of the body: voice, ribbon, neck, toes, elbow, knees, tummy. -Clothes: Scarf, jacket, belt, trainers, tie, rescue. -Arrive, leave, start, lose, bring, finish. -Ordinal numbers (11th to 21st). -Clothes through the ages: breeches, cap, tunic, apron, fashion, school uniform, casual. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: The use of ‘Whose’ and the possessive –s: -Whose…is it? It’s Kelly’s… Possessive pronouns: -Mine, yours, his, ours, theirs. The use of ‘Have to/don’t have to, has to/doesn’t have to’. Receptive language: -Accidently, stood, hit. -We must…, definitely. -Spots. -Any news? Got, left, brought. -Primary, secondary, logo, blazer. Recycled Language: -The Past Simple Tense. -The Present Simple Tense. -The Present Continuous Tense. -Are they? Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Clothes vocabulary. -Is there? , There is…There were… -Jobs. -Have to. -Vocabulary and structures from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - Phonics/spelling of silent letters. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, matching skills, ordering, identify true/false statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Present a project in English. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. -Phonics/spelling of silent letters. . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Parts of the body: voice, ribbon, neck, toes, elbow, knees, tummy. -Clothes: Scarf, jacket, belt, trainers, tie, rescue. -Arrive, leave, start, lose, bring, finish. -Ordinal numbers (11th to 21st). -Clothes through the ages: breeches, cap, tunic, apron, fashion, school uniform, casual. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures:
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 The use of ‘Whose’ and the possessive –s: -Whose…is it? It’s Kelly’s… Possessive pronouns: -Mine, yours, his, ours, theirs. The use of ‘Have to/don’t have to, has to/doesn’t have to’.
. Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a guessing game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts and tables. Identify ordinal numbers, Read and recognise the time using analogue clock faces. - History: Clothes through the ages. Complete a timeline. Learn about clothes from different centuries. - Sciences: Parts of the body. - Social Studies: school life, school timetables and activities. - Arts and music: sing a song, draw, make a project. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon Stories: I can hear Claudia’s voice. PB page 54. Is it yours? PB page 56. Fiction Text: You don’t have to shout! PB page 58. Non-Fiction Texts:
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 My school day. A description of a daily routine. PB page 60. Clothes through the ages. PB page 63.
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A song: Whose scarf is this? PB page 57.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and sing (PB page 57). . Play a game (PB page 55). . Listen to the story. Then read aloud (PB page 56). Act out a dialogue (PB page 61). . Present a project (PB page 63).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts and tables. - Identify ordinal numbers. - Read and recognise the time using analogue clock faces.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves. - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with cross-curricular worksheets (Favourite clothes). - Social Studies: learning about the school day (Timetable). - History: Learn about clothes from different centuries.
Data processing and digital competence
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 5a (PB, page 55). - Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the dialogue of the unit: (PB page 61). Read aloud a story using mime, voice and appropriate actions (PB page 56). . Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. - Learn about clothes from different centuries. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (My Project!).
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A song: Whose scarf is this? PB page 57.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . A project: Draw and write about your favourite clothes. PB page 63. . Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a dialogue: (PB page 61). Read aloud a story using mime, voice and appropriate actions (PB page 56). Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the unit quiz.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 54-63), acting out a story: Is it yours (PB page 56). - Dancing and movement (Act out the dialogue PB page 61). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A song: Whose scarf is this? PB, page 57 This competence is developed across the ten lessons of the Unit.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 54-63): - Lesson with historical content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. -Reading and writing activities.
. Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 52-61): - Reading and writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards - Songs and chants. PB page 57 . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 54-63).
Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz.
Self-evaluation Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (Your project! Lesson page 61).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say parts of the body. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Talk about the school timetable. - Mention the use of ‘whose’ and the possessive -‘s. - Identify and say possessive pronouns. - Discuss timetables. - Sing a song. - Name clothes in different centuries. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project about favourite clothes. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about clothes and parts of the body. - Recognise possessive pronouns. - Listen for information. - Match people to activities. - Identify the times activities happen. - Number pictures in order. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand and answer questions from different centuries. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about clothes and parts of the body. - Be able to read possessive pronouns. - Be able to read a description of a daily routine. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Be able to read texts and answer comprehension questions. - Be able to read and learn about clothes from different centuries. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write about parts of the body. - Be bale to write using ‘whose’ and possessive –s. - Be able to write using possessive pronouns. - Be able to write using have to/don’t have to. - Be able to write the time. - Be able to write about last Saturday. - Be able to write about your favourite clothes and when you wear them.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Parts of the body: voice, ribbon, neck, toes, elbow, knees, tummy. -Clothes: Scarf, jacket, belt, trainers, tie, rescue. -Arrive, leave, start, lose, bring, finish. -Ordinal numbers (11th to 21st). -Clothes through the ages: breeches, cap, tunic, apron, fashion, school uniform, casual. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 The use of ‘Whose’ and the possessive –s: -Whose…is it? It’s Kelly’s… Possessive pronouns: -Mine, yours, his, ours, theirs. The use of ‘Have to/don’t have to, has to/doesn’t have to’. Receptive language: -Accidently, stood, hit. -We must…, definitely. -Spots. -Any news? Got, left, brought. -Primary, secondary, logo, blazer. Recycled Language: -The Past Simple Tense. -The Present Simple Tense. -The Present Continuous Tense. -Are they? -Clothes vocabulary. -Is there? , There is…There were… -Jobs. -Have to. -Vocabulary and structures from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - Phonics/spelling of silent letters. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, matching skills, ordering, identify true/false statements. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Present a project in English. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 6: The chase.
6a-The red van is better!
6b-They’re the silliest people in the world!
6c-Oscar has got the softest bed!
6d-Skills: Which bike do you like best?
Science: Planets.
Review 3.
Story Time 3: The Prince and the Pauper.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about advertisements. - Discuss adverts and purchases. - Compare items in a shop. - Talk about the planets. - Mention comparative and superlative adjectives. - Learn the pronunciation of silent consonants. - Sing a song. - Say a chant. - Name the planets in our solar system. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about advertisements. - Recognise comparative and superlative adjectives. - Recognise the pronunciation of silent consonants. - Identify the shoes Mel wants to buy. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Identify the correct pictures. - Listen for information. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand non-fiction texts. - Understand and answer questions. - Understand a song and a chant. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about advertisements. - Be able to read comparative and superlative adjectives. - Be able to read vocabulary with silent consonants. - Be able to read and understand an advertisement for a bicycle shop. - Be able to read and learn about the planets in our solar system. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Be able to read and understand non-fiction texts. - Be able to read and understand a story. - Be able to guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using comparative and superlative adjectives. - Be able to order adjectives. - Be able to write an advertisement. - Be able to write about a planet.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Vehicles: van, motorbike, fire engine, scooter, helicopter. -Runner, catch, silly, heavy, noisy, light. -Tobogganing, rich, cheap, dark, soft, hard, easy. -Wheel, gears, handlebars, brake, saddle. -The planets: rock, ring, gas, star, ice, furthest. -Soldier, beggar, servant, pauper, beg, poor. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Comparatives with –er/-ier: -older, bigger, happier, better, worse than. Superlatives with –est/-iest: -the fastest, the biggest, the noisiest, the best, the worst. Receptive language: -Be careful!, Come on. -A little bit…, He always makes us laugh., We don’t mind. -What a beautiful place. -Moon, planet, energy, solar system, names of planets. -It’s/They’re made of… -Full moon. Recycled Language: Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Need, in front of, behind, There’s/There are… -The Present Continuous Tense. -The Past Simple Tense. The Present Simple Tense. -Have to. -Ordinal numbers. -Vocabulary and structures from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The pronunciation of silent consonants. - Say a chant to practise: ‘I know a ghost on an island. He climbs up the castle at night.’ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, matching skills, ordering, identifying true/false statements, problem solving. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Make and present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. - The pronunciation of silent consonants. - Say a chant to practise: ‘I know a ghost on an island. He climbs up the castle at night.’ . Identify and use the lexical terms:
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Vehicles: van, motorbike, fire engine, scooter, helicopter. -Runner, catch, silly, heavy, noisy, light. -Tobogganing, rich, cheap, dark, soft, hard, easy. -Wheel, gears, handlebars, brake, saddle. -The planets: rock, ring, gas, star, ice, furthest. -Soldier, beggar, servant, pauper, beg, poor. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Comparatives with –er/-ier: -older, bigger, happier, better, worse than. Superlatives with –est/-iest: -the fastest, the biggest, the noisiest, the best, the worst. . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a memory game, a board game, a miming game. - Make and present a project. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts, tables. - Sciences: The planets in our solar system. - Social Studies: school life. - Arts and music: make a project about a planet in our solar system, make a class display, sing a song, draw. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out, act out dialogues, mime, chant, present a project.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon stories: Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 The red van is better. PB page 64. They’re the silliest people in the world. PB page 66. Oscar has the softest bed! PB page 68. Fiction: The Prince and the Pauper. PB page 76. Non-fiction: Which bike do you like best? PB page 70. The planets. PB page 73. Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A chant: ‘I know a ghost on an island. He climbs up the castle at night.’ PB page 74. A song: Oscar is the cleverest cat! PB page 67.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and chant (PB page 74), Listen and sing (PB page 67) . Play a game (TB page 67, PB page 75). . Listen to the story. Then act out (TB page 68, PB pages 76-77). Act out a dialogue (PB page 71).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Recognise and use ordinal numbers. - Complete charts, tables.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves:(Take roles, act out dialogues, narratives, play games in teams, pairs).
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (The planets). - Social Studies: learning about the environment we live in. (Advertisements and shops).
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (TB page 67, PB page 75). Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: The Prince and the Pauper. PB page 76, 77. . Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. - Learn codes of conduct and help others. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding. (My project! PB pages 72-73).
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A chant: ‘I know a ghost on an island. He climbs up the castle at night.’ PB page 74. A song: Oscar is the cleverest cat! PB page 67.
Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Oscar has the softest bed! PB page 68, The Prince and the Pauper. PB page 76, 77. Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity. (Science Project: Planets).
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the review lesson of the Unit.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the fourteen lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 64-77), acting out a story: Oscar has the softest bed! PB page 68, The Prince and the Pauper. PB page 76, 77. - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 76,77). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A chant: ‘I know a ghost on an island. He climbs up the castle at night.’ PB page 74. - A song: Oscar is the cleverest cat! PB page 67. This competence is developed across the fourteen lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 64-77): - Reading and writing activities. - Lesson with scientific content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 62-75): - Reading and writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards - Songs and chants. PB, page 67. . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 64-77).
Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Progress Review 3.
(Diagnostic Test).
Pupil’s Book:
-Review 3 (PB pages 74-75).
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘My English’ Lesson, pages 72-73). - Review 3. (AB pages 72-73).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Identify and say vocabulary about advertisements. - Discuss adverts and purchases. - Compare items in a shop. - Talk about the planets. - Mention comparative and superlative adjectives. - Learn the pronunciation of silent consonants. - Sing a song. - Say a chant. - Name the planets in our solar system. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about advertisements. - Recognise comparative and superlative adjectives. - Recognise the pronunciation of silent consonants. - Identify the shoes Mel wants to buy. - Identify the correct pictures. - Listen for information. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand non-fiction texts. - Understand and answer questions. - Understand a song and a chant. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about advertisements. - Be able to read comparative and superlative adjectives. - Be able to read vocabulary with silent consonants. - Be able to read and understand an advertisement for a bicycle shop. - Be able to read and learn about the planets in our solar system. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Be able to read and understand non-fiction texts. - Be able to read and understand a story. - Be able to guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using comparative and superlative adjectives. - Be able to order adjectives. - Be able to write an advertisement. - Be able to write about a planet.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Vehicles: van, motorbike, fire engine, scooter, helicopter. -Runner, catch, silly, heavy, noisy, light. -Tobogganing, rich, cheap, dark, soft, hard, easy. -Wheel, gears, handlebars, brake, saddle. -The planets: rock, ring, gas, star, ice, furthest. -Soldier, beggar, servant, pauper, beg, poor. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Comparatives with –er/-ier: -older, bigger, happier, better, worse than. Superlatives with –est/-iest: -the fastest, the biggest, the noisiest, the best, the worst. Receptive language: -Be careful!, Come on. -A little bit…, He always makes us laugh., We don’t mind. -What a beautiful place. -Moon, planet, energy, solar system, names of planets. -It’s/They’re made of… -Full moon. Recycled Language: -Need, in front of, behind, There’s/There are… -The Present Continuous Tense. -The Past Simple Tense. The Present Simple Tense. -Have to. -Ordinal numbers. -Vocabulary and structures from previous units.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: -The pronunciation of silent consonants. -Say a chant to practise: ‘I know a ghost on an island. He climbs up the castle at night.’ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, matching skills, ordering, identifying true/false statements, problem solving. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Make and present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 7: They’ve got Oscar!
7a-I want to join in.
7b-He likes tobogganing!
7c-What shall we do?
7d-Skills: Shll we meet in the park or at my house?
PE: Sporting legends. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 I. OBJECTIVES
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Talk about sports and activities. - Mention ‘want to’ and verb. - Express likes, dislikes and talents. - Learn how to make suggestions for the future. - Make plans. - Sing a song. - Name sports and sporting legends. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about sports and activities. - Number holiday posters in order. - Identify the activity people want to do. - Listen for information and plans. - Identify the correct picture. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about sports and activities. - Be able to read an email about weekend plans. - Follow the text of a story. - Be able to read and understand non-fiction texts. - Learn about sporting legends. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using ‘want to’ + verb. - Be able to write using ‘like/enjoy’ + -ing. - Be able to write using ‘or’ in questions. - Be able to write and email to make plans. - Be able to write about a sporting legend.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Fancy dress, costume, alien, superhero, pop star, join in. -Activities: ice skating, surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, cycling, fishing. -Use, escape, reach, borrow, hold. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Sporting legends: goal, world record, gold medal, score, complete, Olympic. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -‘Want to’ + verb: I/You/We/They want to (be)…He/She/It wants to (be)… -Like/enjoy (verb) + -ing. -Be good at (verb) +ing. -I’m happy when I’m (verb) + -ing. -What shall I/we do? Shall I/we…? What about (verb) + -ing…? Receptive language: -Difficult, What about you? -Comfortable, juicy, They’re halfway down…No time for that!, That’s a good idea, Excuse me, can you help us? That’s terrible, Off we go! everybody to the rescue! -Butterfly, He was born…brilliant. -As good as, skier, was born in…wheelchair, Paralympic Games, New York Marathon. Recycled Language: -Tobogganing. -Superlatives, past simple. -Present continuous tense. -Vocabulary and structures from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The sounds: /ð/, /θ/, /tr/ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, matching, ordering, problem solving skills. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. -The sounds: /ð/, /θ/, /tr/ . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Fancy dress, costume, alien, superhero, pop star, join in. -Activities: ice skating, surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, cycling, fishing. -Use, escape, reach, borrow, hold. -Sporting legends: goal, world record, gold medal, score, complete, Olympic. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -‘Want to’ + verb: I/You/We/They want to (be)…He/She/It wants to (be)… -Like/enjoy (verb) + -ing. -Be good at (verb) +ing. -I’m happy when I’m (verb) + -ing. -What shall I/we do? Shall I/we…? What about (verb) + -ing…? . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a miming game, play noughts and crosses. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts, tables. - PE: Sporting legends. - Social Studies: school life, sports and activities. - Arts and music: sing a song, compose, draw, make a project about a sporting legend from your country. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act out, mime, present a project.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon stories: I want to join in. PB page 78. What shall we do? PB page 82. Fiction: He likes tobogganing! PB page 80. Non-Fiction: An email: Shall we meet in the park or at my house? PB page 84. Sporting Legends. PB pages 86-87. Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A song: I’m happy when I’m… PB, page 81.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and sing (PB page 81). . Play a game (TB page 80,82,). . Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 78). Act out a dialogue (PB page 85). . Present a project (PB page 87).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts, tables, diagrams. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves. - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Sporting Legends PB page 87). - Social Studies: learning about activities, sports and pastimes.
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game, Unit 7b, 7c (TB page 80, 82). - Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: I want to join in. PB page 78.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. - Learn how to make plans and suggestions. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A song: I’m happy when I’m… PB page 81. . Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: I want to join in. PB page 78. A non-fiction text: Sporting Legends (PB pages 86, 87). Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the ‘Your Project!’ lesson of the PE Unit.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the ten lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 78-87), acting out a story: I want to join in. (PB page 78). Act out a dialogue (PB page 85). - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 78). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A song: I’m happy when I’m…PB page 81. This competence is developed across the ten lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 78-87): -Reading and writing activities. - Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension (Sporting legends from different countries). . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 76-85): - Reading and writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Storycards - Songs and chants. PB, page 81. . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. PB, page 81. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 78-87).
Summative evaluation
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz.
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘Your Project!’ Lesson, AB page 85 ).
Pupil’s Book:
- ‘Your Project!’ PB page 87.
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Talk about sports and activities. - Mention ‘want to’ and verb. - Express likes, dislikes and talents. - Learn how to make suggestions for the future. - Make plans. - Sing a song. - Name sports and sporting legends. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about sports and activities. - Number holiday posters in order. - Identify the activity people want to do. - Listen for information and plans. - Identify the correct picture. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about sports and activities. - Be able to read an email about weekend plans. - Follow the text of a story. - Be able to read and understand non-fiction texts. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Learn about sporting legends. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using ‘want to’ + verb. - Be able to write using ‘like/enjoy’ + -ing. - Be able to write using ‘or’ in questions. - Be able to write and email to make plans. - Be able to write about a sporting legend.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Fancy dress, costume, alien, superhero, pop star, join in. -Activities: ice skating, surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, cycling, fishing. -Use, escape, reach, borrow, hold. -Sporting legends: goal, world record, gold medal, score, complete, Olympic. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -‘Want to’ + verb: I/You/We/They want to (be)…He/She/It wants to (be)… -Like/enjoy (verb) + -ing. -Be good at (verb) +ing. -I’m happy when I’m (verb) + -ing. -What shall I/we do? Shall I/we…? What about (verb) + -ing…? Receptive language: -Difficult, What about you? -Comfortable, juicy, They’re halfway down…No time for that!, That’s a good idea, Excuse me, can you help us? That’s terrible, Off we go! everybody to the rescue! -Butterfly, He was born…brilliant. -As good as, skier, was born in…wheelchair, Paralympic Games, New York Marathon. Recycled Language: -Tobogganing. -Superlatives, past simple. -Present continuous tense. -Vocabulary and structures from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: - The sounds: /ð/, /θ/, /tr/ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, matching, ordering, problem solving skills. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 8: The rescue.
8a-I’m going to phone the police!
8b-Are they going to come home now?
8c-Why did they want Toto?
8d-Skills: Would you like to come to our party?
Social Science: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Review 4.
Story Time 4: The voyages of Sindbad the Sailor.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Talk about places and prepositions of place. - Talk about police rescues. - Invite someone to a party. - Mention ‘going to’ and the future. - Sing a song. - Say a chant. - Make predictions about what is going to happen in a story. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project.
. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about rescues. - Recognise vocabulary about parties. - Identify occasion, date, time and place. - Identify if statements about a picture are true or false. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand a chant. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about rescues. - Be able to read an invitation to a party. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Be able to read and understand a story. - Be able to guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write vocabulary about rescues. - Be able to write using ‘going to’ + verb. - Be able to write using ‘Why…? Because…’ - Be able to write dates. - Be able to write an invitation to a party. - Be able to write a plan. - Be able to write a project: Complete a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award plan.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Lamp, curtain, rug, sofa, cushion, prison, knock over. -Picnic, invitation, banner, plan, send. -Robber, jewellery, painting, diamond, steal, rare, valuable. -Award, physical, volunteering, skills, expedition, special needs, photography, sewing, knitting, sailing, trip. -Sailor, voyage, dangerous, captain, ship, wood, afraid. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Going to + verb: -going to (look)…(affirmative). -Why…?, Because… -Would you like to come to…? -I’d love to come. -What time is it? -It’s at… -When is it? -It’s at… -Where is it? -It’s at… -See you then. -I’d like to… -Because, I’m going to…
Receptive language: -Upstairs. -That’s great! I think so…Let’s…Welcome home. -Please come and don’t be late, wonderful fun. -Switzerland, anything. -DJ, something, anything, The idea is to…, Bronze, Silver, Gold. -Old People’s Home, lifesaving, equipment. Recycled Language: -The Past Simple tense. -The Present Continuous tense. -Prepositions (behind, under). -Going to/aren’t going to (go). -The Present Simple tense. -Sports and activities. -Language and structures from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: -The sounds: /ð/, /θ/, /tr/ . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, predict, match, order and choose. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. -The sounds: /ð/, /θ/, /tr/ - A chant to practise the sounds: These three trees are thin and those three trees are thick. . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Lamp, curtain, rug, sofa, cushion, prison, knock over. -Picnic, invitation, banner, plan, send. -Robber, jewellery, painting, diamond, steal, rare, valuable. -Award, physical, volunteering, skills, expedition, special needs, photography, sewing, knitting, sailing, trip. -Sailor, voyage, dangerous, captain, ship, wood, afraid. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Going to + verb: -going to (look)…(affirmative). -Why…?, Because… -Would you like to come to…? -I’d love to come. -What time is it? -It’s at… -When is it? -It’s at… -Where is it? -It’s at… -See you then. -I’d like to… Because, I’m going to… . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a flashcard game, a board game, a hot seat game, a guessing game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts, tables. - Social Sciences: The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. - Arts and music: make a project, sing a song, chant, draw, make invitations. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act out, mime, present a project, read aloud,
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon stories: I’m going to phone the police! PB page 88. What did they want Toto? PB page 92. Fiction: Are they going to come home now? PB page 90. The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor. PB pages 100-101. Non-Fiction: An invitation: Would you like to come to our party? PB page 95. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. PB page 97.
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A chant: These three trees are thin and those three trees are thick. PB page 98. A song: Are you going to come to our party? PB page 91.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 III. BASIC COMPETENCES
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and chant (PB page 98), Listen and sing (PB page 91) . Play a game (TB page 92, PB page 99). . Listen to the story. Then act out (100-101). Act out a dialogue (PB page 90). . Present a project (PB page 97).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts and tables.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves. - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (PB page 97). - Social Sciences: learning about an award scheme (Duke of Edinburgh).
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit,
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (TB page 92, PB page 99).Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor. PB pages 100-101.
. Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A chant: These three trees are thin and those three trees are thick (PB page 98). . A song: Are you going to come to our party? PB page 91. . Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor. PB pages 100-101. Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the review lesson of the Unit.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the fourteen lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 88-101), acting out a story: The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor. PB pages 100-101. - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB pages 100-101). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A chant: These three trees are thin and those three trees are thick (PB page 98). . A song: Are you going to come to our party? PB page 91.
This competence is developed across the fourteen lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 88-101): - Reading and writing activities. - Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language:
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 86-99): - Reading and writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards - Songs and chants. PB, page 91. . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 88-101).
Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit quiz.
-Progress Review 4.
(Diagnostic Test).
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘My English’ Lesson page 97). - Review 4 (AB pages 96-97).
Pupil’s Book:
- Review 4 (PB pages 98-99)
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Talk about places and prepositions of place. - Talk about police rescues. - Invite someone to a party. - Mention ‘going to’ and the future. - Sing a song. - Say a chant. - Make predictions about what is going to happen in a story. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project.
. Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about rescues. - Recognise vocabulary about parties. - Identify occasion, date, time and place. - Identify if statements about a picture are true or false. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand a song. - Understand a chant. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about rescues. - Be able to read an invitation to a party. - Follow the text of a cartoon story. - Be able to read and understand a story. - Be able to guess the meaning of new vocabulary in context. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write vocabulary about rescues. - Be able to write using ‘going to’ + verb. - Be able to write using ‘Why…? Because…’ - Be able to write dates. - Be able to write an invitation to a party. - Be able to write a plan. - Be able to write a project: Complete a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award plan.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Lamp, curtain, rug, sofa, cushion, prison, knock over. -Picnic, invitation, banner, plan, send. -Robber, jewellery, painting, diamond, steal, rare, valuable. -Award, physical, volunteering, skills, expedition, special needs, photography, sewing, knitting, sailing, trip. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Sailor, voyage, dangerous, captain, ship, wood, afraid. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: Going to + verb: -going to (look)…(affirmative). -Why…?, Because… -Would you like to come to…? -I’d love to come. -What time is it? -It’s at… -When is it? -It’s at… -Where is it? -It’s at… -See you then. -I’d like to… -Because, I’m going to…
Receptive language: -Upstairs. -That’s great! I think so…Let’s…Welcome home. -Please come and don’t be late, wonderful fun. -Switzerland, anything. -DJ, something, anything, The idea is to…, Bronze, Silver, Gold. -Old People’s Home, lifesaving, equipment. Recycled Language: -The Past Simple tense. -The Present Continuous tense. -Prepositions (behind, under). -Going to/aren’t going to (go). -The Present Simple tense. -Sports and activities. -Language and structures from previous units.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: -The sounds: /ð/, /θ/, /tr/ - A chant to practise the sounds: These three trees are thin and those three trees are thick. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, problem solving, predict, match, order and choose. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
UNIT 9: Home again.
9a-Oscar is enjoying the trip!
9b-I lost my paddle!
9c-All our friends are going to be there.
9d-Skills: You need to take a camera.
Geography: The Arctic and Antarctic.
Review 5.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Talk about travel and places. - Give travel advice. - Ask someone about their holiday plans. - Mention the present simple tense and the present continuous. - Consolidate the use of going to + verb. - Sing a song. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Name places. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about travel and places. - Match people to places. - Complete information about what people need to take on a trip. - Listen for information about holiday plans. - Identify the correct pictures. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about travel and places. - Be able to read a postcard. - Read and learn about animals in the Arctic and the Antarctic. - Be able to read, revise and consolidate the language and structures of Yazoo 4, units 1-9. - Follow the text of a story. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using the present simple tense. - Be able to write using the present continuous tense. - Be able to write using going to future. - Be able to write and address. - Be able to write a postcard. - Be able to design and make a poster about your country for a visitor.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Hot air balloon, disappear, explain, return. -Horse riding, camping, canoeing, paddle, restaurant, Chinese. -Top, collar, brush, forget, smart. -The Arctic, the Antarctic, North Pole, South Pole, scientist, polar bear, walrus, seal, light, dark. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -Present Simple Tense. -Present continuous Tense. -Past Simple Tense: was/were. -Going to + verb: affirmative, negative, interrogative and short answers. Receptive language: -Outside, Off we go! -Paddled. -I’m not sure. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Dear…, Kruger National Park, in the wild, I hope I don’t…, See you back in England., Love from… -I’m recording the temperature, ice, change, too cold, minus 89 C, Research Stations. -Raced each other, Norway/Norwegian, was born. -Now our work is done! Recycled Language: -Return, going to (go), have to, Shall I…? -Superlatives. -There are/aren’t. -Vocabulary and structures from Yazoo 4, Units 1-9.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: -The sounds: /ɪ/, /aI/, /ɒ/, /əʊ/, /æ/, /eɪ/ - The pronunciation of vowels with the magic ‘e’. - A chant to practise the sounds: Kit with his kite hoped to hop but it made him mad.
. Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, match, problem solve. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 II. CONTENTS
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context. . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. -The sounds: /ɪ/, /aI/, /ɒ/, /əʊ/, /æ/, /eɪ/ - The pronunciation of vowels with the magic ‘e’. - A chant to practise the sounds: Kit with his kite hoped to hop but it made him mad. . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Hot air balloon, disappear, explain, return. -Horse riding, camping, canoeing, paddle, restaurant, Chinese. -Top, collar, brush, forget, smart. -The Arctic, the Antarctic, North Pole, South Pole, scientist, polar bear, walrus, seal, light, dark. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -Present Simple Tense. -Present continuous Tense. -Past Simple Tense: was/were. -Going to + verb: affirmative, negative, interrogative and short answers. . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a board game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts and tables. - Geography: The Arctic and Antarctic. - Social Studies: travel and places. - Arts and music: make a poster, make a postcard, sing a song, chant, draw. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out, act out dialogues.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Cartoon stories: Oscar is enjoying the trip! PB page 102. All our friends are going to be there. PB page 106 Fiction: I lost my paddle! PB page 104.
Non-Fiction: A postcard. PB page 108. The Arctic and Antarctic. PB page 111.
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A chant: Kit with his kite hoped to hop but it made him mad. PB page 114. A song: Goodbye! PB page 113.
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and chant (PB page 114.), Listen and sing (PB page 113). . Play a game (PB page 115). . Listen to the story. Then act out (PB page 102, 106). Act out a dialogue (PB page 109). . Present a project (PB page 111).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts and tables.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Show respect to others and themselves: (Animals in the Arctic/Antarctic) - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: Poster projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Design and make a poster about your country for a visitor). - Social Studies: learning about places (Geography).
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit, Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups: Play a game (TB page 104, PB, page 115). Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: Oscar is enjoying the trip! PB page 102. All our friends are going to be there. PB page 106
. Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: A chant: Kit with his kite hoped to hop but it made him mad. . A song: Goodbye! PB page 112. Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding a story: Oscar is enjoying the trip! PB page 102. All our friends are going to be there. PB page 106 . Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. This competence is developed in the review lesson of the Unit.
Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the thirteen lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 102-115), acting out a story: Oscar is enjoying the trip! PB page 102. All our friends are going to be there. PB page 106 - Dancing and movement (Act out the story, PB page 102, 106). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: A chant: Kit with his kite hoped to hop but it made him mad. - A song: Goodbye! PB page 112. This competence is developed across the thirteen lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 102-115): - Reading and writing activities. - Lesson with multicultural/geographical content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Activity Book (pages 100-111): - Reading and writing activities. - Listening activities to complete at home using the Active Book. - Reader (in print and digital versions). - Story cards - Songs and chants. PB, page 112. . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners. . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 102-115).
Summative evaluation
Active Teach Resources section:
-Unit Quiz. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -Attainment Test.
(Diagnostic Test).
Activity Book:
- Self-evaluation activity at the end of the Unit (‘My English’ Lesson , page 111). - Review 5 (AB pages 110-111).
Pupil’s Book:
- Review 5 (PB pages 114-115).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the unit. - Talk about travel and places. - Give travel advice. - Ask someone about their holiday plans. - Mention the present simple tense and the present continuous. - Consolidate the use of going to + verb. - Sing a song. - Name places. - Ask and answer questions. - Present a project. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the unit. - Recognise vocabulary about travel and places. - Match people to places. - Complete information about what people need to take on a trip. - Listen for information about holiday plans. - Identify the correct pictures. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read vocabulary about travel and places. - Be able to read a postcard. - Read and learn about animals in the Arctic and the Antarctic. - Be able to read, revise and consolidate the language and structures of Yazoo 4, units 1-9. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Follow the text of a story. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to write using the present simple tense. - Be able to write using the present continuous tense. - Be able to write using going to future. - Be able to write and address. - Be able to write a postcard. - Be able to design and make a poster about your country for a visitor.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Hot air balloon, disappear, explain, return. -Horse riding, camping, canoeing, paddle, restaurant, Chinese. -Top, collar, brush, forget, smart. -The Arctic, the Antarctic, North Pole, South Pole, scientist, polar bear, walrus, seal, light, dark. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -Present Simple Tense. -Present continuous Tense. -Past Simple Tense: was/were. -Going to + verb: affirmative, negative, interrogative and short answers. Receptive language: -Outside, Off we go! -Paddled. -I’m not sure. -Dear…, Kruger National Park, in the wild, I hope I don’t…, See you back in England., Love from… -I’m recording the temperature, ice, change, too cold, minus 89 C, Research Stations. -Raced each other, Norway/Norwegian, was born. -Now our work is done! Recycled Language: -Return, going to (go), have to, Shall I…? -Superlatives. -There are/aren’t. -Vocabulary and structures from Yazoo 4, Units 1-9.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: -The sounds: /ɪ/, /aI/, /ɒ/, /əʊ/, /æ/, /eɪ/ - The pronunciation of vowels with the magic ‘e’. - A chant to practise the sounds: Kit with his kite hoped to hop but it made him mad.
. Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, match, problem solve. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
The Yazoo Music Show.
Teacher’s Day.
Valentine’s Day.
The Queen’s Birthday.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the book. - Mention vocabulary and grammar of Yazoo 4. - Sing songs. - Ask and answer questions. - Interview the teacher. - Act out a musical production: The Yazoo Music Show. - Talk about Teacher’s Day. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Speak about Valentine’s Day. - Recite a Valentine’s Day poem. - Ask and answer questions about the Queen of England and official birthdays. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the book. - Consolidate vocabulary and grammar of Yazoo 4. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand songs. - Listen for information about a teacher. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read and consolidate vocabulary and grammar of Yazoo 4. - Be able to read vocabulary about - Be able to read and learn about Valentine’s Day. - Be able to read and learn a Valentine’s Day poem. - Be able to read about the Queens’ birthday. - Follow the text of a song. - Be able to read and understand non-fiction texts. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to make a Valentine’s Day card. - Be able to make an official programme.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Ancient Greece, wax, stick, wrestling, hit, strict. -Message, rose, violet, heart. -Gun salute, midday, parade. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -The Present Simple tense. -The Past Simple tense. -Comparatives. -Superlatives.
Receptive language: -Grammar, whiteboard, blackboard, wood, author, facts, ideas. -Somebody, tradition, friendship, secret, poem, newly sprung, melody, sweetly, in tune. -Celebrate, was born, real, official, celebrations, Trooping of the Colour, tradition. Recycled Language: -Vocabulary and language from Yazoo 4. -The Present Simple tense. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 -The Past Simple tense. -Comparatives. -Superlatives. -Months and dates.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: -The rhythm, stress and intonation of a song. - The rhythm, stress and intonation of a rhyming poem.
. Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, identify true/false. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Listen and understand oral expressions with different levels of complexity like instructions and explanations, oral interactions or recordings with visual support and been able to get detailed information within context.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Oral interactions in real and pretend situations giving verbal and non-verbal responses of their choice from a selection in context and progressively with less guidance. . Produce known oral texts previously through active participation in songs, presentations, role plays, recitals, guided interactions or through work prepared with a model and help, showing interest to express themselves orally in individual and group activities. . Develop basic strategies to understand oral expression: use visual context, non- verbal communication, and previous knowledge about the topic of the unit and transfer them to a real situation using the foreign language. . Value a foreign language as a tool for communication.
BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Reading and understanding different types of texts, in digital and in paper, adapted to the linguistic competence of the student, using general and specific information, in order to complete an activity or for reading enjoyment. . . Guided use of reading strategies (using elements from visual contexts and previous knowledge about the topic or familiar situations), identifying the most relevant information, inferring the meaning of the words and common expressions.
. Reading and writing their own texts of daily life situations close to their own experience; invitations, greeting cards, brochures, notes...
. Compositions using a model, of a variety of simple texts, using expressions and phrases with multiple purposes.
. Using technology to read, write and share information.
. Show interest in the care and presentation of written work.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language.
3.1. Linguistic knowledge
. Begin to recognise and reproduce the sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation. -The rhythm, stress and intonation of a song. - The rhythm, stress and intonation of a rhyming poem. . Identify and use the lexical terms: -Ancient Greece, wax, stick, wrestling, hit, strict. -Message, rose, violet, heart. -Gun salute, midday, parade. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Language structures: -The Present Simple tense. -The Past Simple tense. -Comparatives. -Superlatives. . Associate global writing, pronunciation and meaning from written examples. . Get familiar with the use of basic strategies of the production of written texts based on a model: chose the addressee, the purpose and content. . Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English language in different situations.
3.2. Reflection on learning. . Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Use the skills of observation. - Remember new words. - Flexible thinking. - Play a guessing game. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness . Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Interdisciplinary contents: - Maths: To count, complete charts and tables. - Social Studies: school life, teachers, The Queen. - Arts and music: make a Valentine’s Day card, perform in a musical show, sing songs, read rhyming poems, draw. - Linguistic abilities: read; understand a story, act it out.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education Literacy genre: Non-Fiction: Teacher’s Day PB page 118. Valentine’s Day PB page 120. The Queen’s Birthday PB page 122.
Oral and written text producction: Dialogue reproduction A song: The Yazoo Show PB page 117.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 III. BASIC COMPETENCES
Linguistic competence All sections and activities of the Unit contribute to the development of the communication aspect of the linguistic competence, especially the activities: . Listen and sing (PB pages 117, 119,), Listen and say the rhyme (PB pages 120- 121). . Play a game (PB pages 118/119). . Listen to the show. Then act out (PB page 117).
Mathematical competence
Mathematical competence consists in the ability to use and relate numbers, basic number operations, symbols, and mathematical thinking. Also, the use and knowledge of basic Maths skills and concepts (different types of numbers, measurements, symbols, geometry concepts, among others). This competence is developed in the Unit through:
- Count, Identify and use vocabulary with numbers. - Complete charts and tables.
Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world
Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space; it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it. - Show respect to others and themselves. - Perceive and interact with the physical space throughout the knowledge of cross-curricular lessons and interdisciplinary sections: projects with stickers, cross-curricular worksheets (Make an official programme). - Social Studies: learning about people and special occasions (Teacher’s Day, Valentine’s Day, The Queen’s Birthday).
Data processing and digital competence
Use means of information and situations of diverse types of communication to combine communication and reading skills. . Look at photographs as a mean of information. . Interpret and process information from tables and pictures. . Practice and get familiar with a variety of digital competences and information throughout the course applying the components of the methods: - Active Teach for Interactive Whiteboards -(interactive PB and AB, audio material, digital flashcards, word cards and story cards, extra activities, interdisciplinary digital posters, Reader, interactive games, download PDF section with printables, tests, videos with real characters related to the Unit,
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Interactive board games, a version available as a PDF with Worksheets to copy, tests, etc). - Active Book (an Active Teach version to use at home). - Class Audio CDs. - CD ROMs - Course web page
Interpersonal, social and civil competence
This competence relates to building basic essential communication skills and learning to interact with others in an appropriate manner, regardless of their background. Also, understanding how to express opinions appropriately and knowing how to behave in familiar situations of negotiation and transaction.
This competence is developed through the knowledge of different interdisciplinary sections related to the unit: - Understand dialogues and communication exchanges. - Socialise and participate in classroom activities, playing and following classroom rules, in pairs and in groups. - Learn to participate and collaborate with peers, acting out the story of the unit: The Yazoo Show PB page 117. . Learning a language implies the knowledge of the cultural aspects tied to those who speak it. History always refers to different social aspects and democratic values of a society. . This competence is developed through interdisciplinary sections related to the theme of the Unit. Interpersonal, social and civic competences have as an objective learning to communicate with others with understanding.
Cultural and artistic competence
This competence is developed in the Unit through the following activities: . Sing songs, rhymes and chants: . A song: The Yazoo Show PB page 117. . Immerse in the English language and culture through reading and understanding non-fiction texts: Teacher’s Day PB pages 118-119, Valentine’s Day PB page 120-121, The Queen’s Birthday PB pages 122-123. Cultural and artistic competence has as an objective the development and value of the imagination, initiative and creativity.
Learning to learn competence
Learning to learn competence objective is for students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it, motivating them to use their own abilities and to be conscious of their learning processes and able to evaluate their own learning. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 Autonomy and personal initiative
Autonomy and personal initiative has as an objective the development of one's own criteria and foster social values like respect, cooperation, and teamwork. This competence is practice through different activities through the four lessons of the unit.
Emotional Competence
An emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establishes positive relations with others. The competence aims to help students to be better and happier person who approaches life in a positive manner personally and socially.
This competence is mastered when the student is able to approach any activity taking risks in a responsible manner, establishing positive relations with others. This implies the development and empowerment of personal self-esteem, trusting in themselves and their possibilities. - Express feelings and emotions: in all dialogues and communications. (PB, pages 117-123), acting out a script: The Yazoo Show PB page 117. - Dancing and movement (Act out the script PB page 117). - Overcome inhibitions through songs and music: Sing songs and chants: - A song: The Yazoo Show PB page 117. This competence is developed across the four lessons of the Unit.
IV. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Extra-practice and extension activities . Pupils Book (pages 117-123: - Reading and writing activities. - Lesson with multicultural content that provides additional practice to written comprehension. . Active Book: included in the Activity Pack, consists of interactive games and activities to practice the language: - Flashcards, Word cards, posters, videos and Reader. . Teacher’s Resource Materials: - Worksheets to copy. - Mini Flash Cards and Mini Word Cards to consolidate the language learned. - Extra activity for the song. - Extra-practice activities for students who need more practice. - Challenging activities for fast learners.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 . Active Teach: interactive games and activities to practice the language.
V. EVALUATION Formative Evaluation
Constant supervision during class.
Complete the numbered exercises. (PB pages 117-123).
Summative evaluation/Self-evaluation Pupil’s Book:
- Completed project work: (PB pages 117-123).
Evaluation criteria:
BLOCK 1. Listening, speaking and conversation
. Participate in oral interactions: - Identify and say vocabulary of the book. - Mention vocabulary and grammar of Yazoo 4. - Sing songs. - Ask and answer questions. - Interview the teacher. - Act out a musical production: The Yazoo Music Show. - Talk about Teacher’s Day. - Speak about Valentine’s Day. - Recite a Valentine’s Day poem. - Ask and answer questions about the Queen of England and official birthdays. . Understand simple oral texts within the classroom's context: - Recognise the vocabulary of the book. - Consolidate vocabulary and grammar of Yazoo 4. - Understand a story using visual prompts. - Understand songs. - Listen for information about a teacher. - Understand and answer questions. BLOCK 2. Reading and writing
. Read simple words and phrases – Pre-reading activities (Optional): - Be able to read the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to read and consolidate vocabulary and grammar of Yazoo 4. - Be able to read vocabulary about - Be able to read and learn about Valentine’s Day. - Be able to read and learn a Valentine’s Day poem. - Be able to read about the Queens’ birthday. - Follow the text of a song. - Be able to read and understand non-fiction texts. . Write simple words and phrases- Pre-writing activities (Optional): Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Be able to trace, copy and complete the vocabulary of the unit. - Be able to make a Valentine’s Day card. - Be able to make an official programme.
BLOCK 3. Knowledge of the language. . Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit: -Ancient Greece, wax, stick, wrestling, hit, strict. -Message, rose, violet, heart. -Gun salute, midday, parade. . Understand and apply grammar rules correctly. Language structures: -What’s your name?, I’m (Susana). Receptive language: -Grammar, whiteboard, blackboard, wood, author, facts, ideas. -Somebody, tradition, friendship, secret, poem, newly sprung, melody, sweetly, in tune. -Celebrate, was born, real, official, celebrations, Trooping of the Colour, tradition. Recycled Language: -Vocabulary and language from Yazoo 4. -The Present Simple tense. -The Past Simple tense. -Comparatives. -Superlatives. -Months and dates.
. Recognise and reproduce sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation: -The rhythm, stress and intonation of a song. - The rhythm, stress and intonation of a rhyming poem.
. Develop effective language-learning practices. - Use prior knowledge. - Follow instructions - Remember new words. - Logical thinking: patterns, identify true/false. - Reflect on their own work and self-evaluate themselves at the end of the Unit.
BLOCK 4. Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
. Recognise and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language. - Ask and answer questions in English. - Present a project in English. - Learn a version of a traditional game. - Take care of belongings. - Help each other. - Appreciate individuality. Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4 - Work together. . Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language than their own. . Learning about the language, lifestyle and culture of English-speaking world.
BLOCK 5. - Literacy Education . Enjoy literacy by reading books of reference and of own selection and other audiovisual artistic fields like theatre, television, radio and movies, in order to understand the world and human condition, for language enrichment and aesthetic sensibility.
Teaching Programme – Yazoo 4