Polo Canine, LLC Louisville, KY 502-445-9565

Polo Canine - Private Obedience Instruction Service Contract

Private lessons offer the chance to focus on your dog’s needs in the environment in which they are accustomed to living. Dan Polo works with the dog(s) and owners to establish workable solutions to overcome unwanted behavior and to build a stronger, respectful relationship between both.


Mailing Address______


Dog’s Name______Age______Breed______

Please check all that apply: Male  Female  Spayed/Neutered  Intact 

How did you hear about Polo Canine?______Would you like to do a full training package or specific behaviors? ______

Please select the skills you are most interested in teaching your companion:

Come Sit Down Attention/Name Recognition Stay Heel

Walk on loose lead Shake Leave It Wait Go to your place

Off Stand Quiet Other:______

Please list 3 day of week/time (am or pm) combinations you would prefer your sessions to be held: 1. ______2. ______3. ______

Tell us what your dog does well:

Tell us what you would like to change about your dog’s behavior or reactions? Provide details as to when and where they occur: Has your dog ever acted aggressively to another human or dog? If yes, please explain:

Does your dog have any health problems that might adversely affect its participation during training sessions? If yes, please explain

Things to bring to your private session:

1. You’re puppy/dog with 1.) either a flat, buckle collar, and six-foot leash. Other equipment might be used as necessary 2. Moist treats or dry treats that your dog loves and that are used only in training. Tiny pieces of frozen fat-free hot dogs are preferred 3. The attached liability form, completed please & shot records. 4. A great attitude and willingness to have fun and learn along with your puppy/dog!

Private lessons include focused sessions, materials and ongoing phone coaching ~ if needed.

We want all puppies/dogs to be healthy and ready to learn. Current vaccinations are required for the safety of your pet as well as others. Please bring a copy of puppy/dog shot records to class.

Liability Waiver:

I understand that dog training is not without risk to myself, my dog, members of my family, or guests who might attend my training session. I hereby release “Polo Canine, LLC”, its employees, volunteers, officers, and agents from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which I or my dog may experience during training sessions while on the training grounds and surrounding property. It is also understood that it is up to me to do the homework in order to ensure my dog's success. Should I decided to not finish the package selected I understand I will be charged at a prorated rate of $65 or $75 per session depending in the package selected.

I hereby agree to terms and conditions set forth in this contract.

Owner Signature ______Date ______

Name of Minor(s) ______

Signature of parent or legal guardian ______

Plan purchased: ___ Pay as you go Obedience $65 per session. ___ Basic obedience with behavior 10 sessions for $600 and $55 each additional session.

___ Behavior modification with obedience for $75 per session. ___ Behavior modification with obedience 10 sessions for $700 and $65 each additional session.

___ Other: ______* Sessions are 1 to 1 and a half hours for behavioral issues, depending on the exercise. ** Packages cover 10 sessions, any extra or future sessions for specific tricks will be discounted at $55 each for obedience and $65 for behavior problems.