Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee
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April 28, 2005 2005 Report of Activity by the Standing Committee on Tenure and Promotion
Our committee studied nine candidates for promotion (four to Associate and five to Professor), three of which also were evaluated for continuous tenure. We met as a committee on seven occasions during the academic year and spent many additional hours individually reading candidate materials. Abbreviated minutes of the meetings are attached.
On February 25th our members voted by unsigned ballot with written justification to recommend for promotion or tenure all of the requests which were sent to our committee. The results and the ballots were sent to the respective candidates and these recommendations were sent on to the Provost’s Office.
Col. J. C. Berlinghieri Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee
Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee Minutes November 11, 2004
Professor Joel Berlinghieri, Chair of the Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee called the meeting to order at 11:00, room 117 Grimsley Hall.
Attending were Professors Simmons, Dion, Nichols, Carter, Comer, Toubiana, Saylor, Forsythe, McAfee, Rembert, J. Templeton, and Berlinghieri. Absent were Professors Britz, Jerse (who will be replacing Prof. Askins), and the yet-to-be appointed representative from the School of Education who will be replacing Prof. R. Templeton.
Prof. Berlinghieri outlined a tentative timeline for the T&P process: November 18 – general faculty meeting to explain the process @January 15 – deadline for submission of materials January 20 – meeting to distribute materials to the committee February 1 – start the interview process Vote by February 17 Appeals process, if needed Final vote by March 10 At this point there are 13 candidates and 15 T&P items to come before the committee
Prof. Berlinghieri asked committee members to send him tentative schedules – class schedules and times they cannot meet – in order to begin planning the interview schedule. The committee allows ½ hour per candidate to be divided between the candidate and the department head. Interviews will likely be Thursdays, 11-1 and Friday afternoons.
Prof. Simmons said that Dean Metts will locate a secure spot for the evidence room. Last year interviews were held in the Honors seminar room. Prof. Berlinghieri will check with Prof. Rhodes about using it again. Prof. Saylor said she would look into using the PSYC Department’s electronic classroom, as it may be useful to have PowerPoint capability.
FTPC members discussed items to be addressed at the informational meeting on tenure and promotion, scheduled for November 18: 1. Provide copies of the latest approved departmental standards for tenure and promotion for FTPC (Saylor) 2. Clarify the use and years of inclusion for Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) forms -pages 9 & 15 of GO 4 specify the past 3 academic years. (Forsythe/Rembert) 3. The timeline for inclusion of material is from the candidate’s last promotion, although they may include anything more that they want. (Simmons) 4. A P&T committee member from outside the department must serve on the committee throughout the process. Pages 15 and 20 in GO4 specify that this member must be a senior faculty member from another department or school and not currently serving on the FTPC. (Simmons) 5. The process for candidates without support of the department head is different. (Simmons) 6. The Committee on Committees now appoints the Appeals Committee (GO4, page 24, number 3) 7. In departments where the Dean and the Department Head are the same, the Associate Dean is to stand in. 8. Remind candidates that department reps are not advocates.
The Provost will be invited to the general meeting
Prof. Berlinghieri reminded members that FTPC does not debate. Issues/concerns are not discussed after the interview of the candidate. Problems, issues, or concerns are to be raised before meeting with the candidate in order to be addressed during the interview. It takes 10 or more yes votes to get a positive recommendation from the committee. Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee Minutes February 4, 2005
Professor Joel Berlinghieri, Chair of the Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee called the meeting to order at 12:00, room 208 Grimsley Hall.
Attending: Professors Allen, Comer, McAfee, Britz, Carter, Simmons, Forsyth, Templeton, Saylor, Toubiana, Dion, and Berlinghieri
The committee met to examine each candidate’s packet of materials for problems and questions to be addressed. Prof. Berlinghieri will address these questions with the appropriate persons.
Prof. Berlinghieri will contact Dean Metts about problems with missing material, as he is the filter for all P&T documentation, explaining that FTPC noticed several items missing from two faculty packets, and there may be more, and that the committee is unwilling to accept incomplete documents. For the protection of all involved - the candidate, the committee, and the college – procedures must be followed fully and properly.
Prof. Berlinghieri will verify departmental committee procedures with each department head, where it is not clear from the cover letter that an outside member indeed sat on the committee and voted.
The committee is to focus on work since the last promotion, but any work the candidate wants to put forward will be accepted.
In departments/schools where the dean and the department head are the same person the dean does not represent the department. Instead another senior faculty member must take that responsibility, because the deans are involved in the next step in the process. This applies to Education and Business.
In scheduling candidate interviews, Prof. Berlinghieri will try to schedule those applying for tenure first, followed by those applying for promotion to full professor. Prof. Berlinghieri will contact the FTPC members with the schedule of interviews once it is set. Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee Minutes February 10, 2005
Prof. Berlinghieri called the meeting to order at 11:00 in Capers Hall Room 103. Attending were Professors Britz, Saylor, Forsythe, Simmons, Murray, Carter, Templeton, McAfee, Dion, Nichols, Comer, Toubiana, Jerse, Allen, and Berlinghieri.
Prof. Berlinghieri reminded committee members that candidates are not discussed after the interview. If questions remain or additional information is needed, then the candidate is called back.
Professor Trautman (promotion to Full Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Trautman.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Moore who spoke on behalf of Prof. Trautman.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Trautman who summarized his application and then took questions from the committee.
Professor DeRoma (tenure and promotion to Associate Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. DeRoma.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Nida who spoke on behalf of Prof. DeRoma.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. DeRoma who summarized her application and then took questions from the committee.
The meeting adjourned at 12:40.
Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee Minutes February 11, 2005
Prof. Berlinghieri called the meeting to order at 14:00 in Capers Hall Room 103. Attending were Professors Britz, Saylor, Forsythe, Simmons, Murray, Carter, Templeton, McAfee, Dion, Nichols, Comer, Toubiana, Jerse, Allen, and Berlinghieri.
Professor Del Mastro (promotion to Full Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Del Mastro. Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Gurganus who spoke on behalf of Prof. Del Mastro.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Del Mastro who summarized his application and then took questions from the committee.
Professor Mabrouk (promotion to Full Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Mabrouk.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Blanton who spoke on behalf of Prof. Mabrouk.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Mabrouk who summarized her application and then took questions from the committee.
Professor Weinstein (tenure and promotion to Associate Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Weinstein.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Rosenblum who spoke on behalf of Prof. Weinstein.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Weinstein who summarized his application and then took questions from the committee.
The meeting adjourned at 16:10.
Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee Minutes February 15, 2005
Prof. Berlinghieri called the meeting to order at 11:00 in Capers Hall Room 103. Attending were Professors Britz, Saylor, Forsythe, Simmons, Murray, Carter, Templeton, McAfee, Dion, Nichols, Comer, Toubiana, Jerse, Allen, and Berlinghieri.
Professor Woelfel (tenure and promotion to Associate Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Woelfel.
Prof. Ouzts arrived to speak on behalf of Prof. Woelfel, but the question was raised about the propriety of Prof. Ouzts as Acting Dean speaking for the candidates, as he is also the next level in the evaluation process (FTPC recommendations next go to the Deans). The committee did not want to compromise the process. Prof. Saylor consulted Associate Provost Metts for a ruling. Associate Provost Metts’ ruling is that no dean can serve as an advocate. He said that Prof. Murray could serve as an advocate, since he chaired the departmental committees, even though he is also a member of FTPC, as long as the candidates and the committee agree. Both candidates agreed and Prof. Murray proceeded to speak for Prof. Woelfel.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Murray who spoke on behalf of Prof. Woelfel.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Woelfel who summarized her application and then took questions form the committee.
The meeting adjourned at 12:45.
Professor Hewett (promotion to Associate Professor)
Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Hewett. The committee was reminded that Prof. Hewett is up for promotion to Associate Professor and so the standard is one of achievement but also potential and promise.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Murray who spoke on behalf of Prof. Hewett.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Hewett who summarized her application then took questions form the committee.
Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee Minutes February 18, 2005
Prof. Berlinghieri called the meeting to order at 2:00 in Capers Hall Room 103. Attending were Professors Britz, Lipovsky (for Saylor), Forsythe, Simmons, Murray, Carter, Templeton, McAfee, Dion, Nichols, Comer, Toubiana, Jerse, Allen, and Berlinghieri.
Professor Foster (promotion to Full Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Foster.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Bebensee who spoke on behalf of Prof. Foster.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Foster who summarized her application and then took questions from the committee.
Professor Moody (promotion to Full Professor) Prof. Berlinghieri opened the discussion for preliminary questions or statements regarding Prof. Moody.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Bebensee who spoke on behalf of Prof. Moody.
Prof. Berlinghieri introduced Prof. Moody to the committee. She spoke briefly about some new works she is doing, and then took questions from the committee. The meeting adjourned at 16:00.
Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee Minutes February 25, 2005
Professor Joel Berlinghieri, Chair of the Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee called the meeting to order at 14:00, room 208 Grimsley Hall.
Attending were Professors Britz, Saylor, Forsythe, Simmons, Murray, Carter, McAfee, Dion, Comer, Toubiana, Jerse, Allen, and Berlinghieri.
Ballots for each of the actions were sorted and then counted.
1. Mark Del Mastro to Professor Recommend 2. Virginia DeRoma Tenure & to Associate Tenure Recommend Promotion Recommend 3. Sheila Foster to Professor Recommend 4. Stephenie Hewett to Associate Recommend 5. Suzanne Mabrouk to Professor Recommend 6. Janette Moody to Professor Recommend 7. David Trautman to Professor Recommend 8. John Weinstein Tenure & to Associate Tenure Recommend Promotion Recommend 9. Kay Woelfel Tenure & to Associate Tenure Recommend Promotion Recommend
The meeting adjourned at 15:00.