Section V Executive Committee Minutes April 27, 2017 – 8:30 am Eddie O’Briens

Roll Call

Present: Kathy Hoyt, Pete Shambo, Peter Mancuso, Jackie Meyer, Tim Hayes, Kim Henshaw, Joe Sposato, Jack Purficato, Dave Hennessey, Craig Veley, Tom Schmandt, Lori DeLyser

Absent: Mark Michele, Merritt Holly, Fritz Kilian, Jim Zumbo, Carlos Cotto

Guests: Denny Fries

Sport Coordinator Reports Bowling – report shared; action items 1) increase ticket price from $4 to $5 2) identification badges for workers 3) security identification for workers Alpine Ski – report submitted; no action items Nordic Ski – report submitted; no action items Indoor Track – report shared; no action items

Treasurer’s Report: motion TS, 2nd CV - approved Current Assets -$316,239 Section V budget for 16/17 Winter Sectionals report to date

Executive Director Report Election ballot and Constitution / Bylaws ballot  Lori Delyser and Dave Pullen won elections – 92 ballots  Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws passed – 85 ballots Combined / Merged teams discussion at state meeting  Information provided Action Items at state meeting on May 5th  Section 12/13 committee – Section V voting yes for it to continue  Approval of drone policy Spectrum (TWC) Contract renewal  “regular season” included in contract; Kathy will check with legal counsel AGR banquet – June 21st  Section V sponsorship of one table – motion PS, 2nd PM - approved Transfer Committee / Form  Proposal for committee handed out Committee descriptions  Proposal handed out Wrestling – dual meet sectional championship – Jan. 6th  Confirmed awards Awards for individual champions – medals / t-shirts?  Kathy/Jackie will do a cost analysis June 21st meeting – Wayne / Finger Lakes BOCES – Maple Building at 9 am 17-18 meeting schedule handed out – motion PS, 2nd CV - approved

Action items

Approval of March 8th Committee meeting minutes – motion TH, 2nd LD - approved

Approval of Football coordinator – motion KH, 2nd LD - approved

2017-2018 school year – Friends/Neighbors – St. Mary’s in Canandaigua – motion PM, 2nd CV - approved

Discussion Items Letter from Mike Murray relative to Fall cheerleading  Kathy will send a follow up letter to Mike

Summer work session – Wed, August 9th from 8:30 – 4:30 in Canandaigua

Officials draw for boy’s basketball

Information Items Harvey Anderson Awards presentation – May 17th at the EC/AC meeting

Policies, Operations, Procedures Manual – Denny Fries showed the current version of the manual