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State of California s95

State of California The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME



Kimball W. Rushton Northern Region Inland Fisheries

Inland Fisheries

Administrative Report No. 2



Kimball W. Rushton2 Northern Region, Inland Fisheries


This report describes the operation of the Hatchery from 1 July 2008 through 30 June 2009. Appendix tables present daily records of water temperatures, weekly numbers of salmonids entering the Hatchery, total numbers of salmonids reared and released, and historical records.

There were 9,848 fall-run adult Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, trapped from which 9,509,195 eggs were taken. No spring-run Chinook salmon were trapped. There were 1,278 adult coho salmon, O. kisutch, trapped, from which 455,480 eggs were taken. A total of 140 adult steelhead trout, O. mykiss, was trapped, from which 44,852 eggs were taken.

A total of 3,976,305 fingerling and 1,104,870 yearling Chinook salmon, 117,832 yearling coho salmon, and 29,683 yearling steelhead was planted in FY 2008-2009. ______1Inland Fisheries Administrative Report No. . Edited by W.J. Beer, Fisheries Branch, CA Department of Fish and Game, 830 S St., Sacramento, CA 95811. 3

2Iron Gate Hatchery, 8638 Lakeview Road, Hornbrook, CA 96044 INTRODUCTION

This report covers the 46th year of operation of the trapping facilities (located at the base of the dam) at Iron Gate Hatchery. These facilities were completed by the Pacific Power and Light Company in February 1962 and have been operated by the Department of Fish and Game during the fall, winter, spring, and sometimes, summer of each year.

The Hatchery (located ½ mile downstream from Iron Gate Dam) was constructed by the Pacific Power and Light Company to compensate for spawning and nursery areas blocked by the Iron Gate Project. This is the 41st report since the Hatchery was completed in February 1966. The Department of Fish and Game, under agreement with the Pacific Power and Light Company, began operation of the Hatchery in March 1966. The trapping facilities and hatchery are located on the Klamath River eight miles east of Hornbrook, Siskiyou County.

The main ladder was opened on 17 September 2008 and closed on 16 June 2009. The auxiliary ladder was open year round except during the release of the Chinook smolts, coho, and steelhead 17 April through 9 June 2009 and 13-17 November 2008 for the release of the Chinook yearlings.


Some of the significant improvements, purchases, changes in procedures, or other items of interest that occurred during this report period include:

On September 13, 2008 the hatchery started feeding a low-phosphorous diet (Bio- Oregon’s – BioDry 1000LP) to the Chinook salmon yearlings in raceway “D”. Raceway “C” (fish of similar size and numbers) was fed the normal diet of Silver Cup’s – Slow Sinking Salmon Diet. This was done to see how the fish would perform on a low- phosphorous diet should it be necessary in the future to reduce nutrient loads in the hatchery discharge. Both of these raceways were released on November 13, 2008. The fish were compared by Department pathologists prior to release and no measurable differences were noted between the two groups. The low-phosphorous feed was only fed for two months and a longer test is planned for next year. (Revenue: IGH O & M / Work by: IGH Crew – September, October, and November 2008)

Early September, 2008 modifications were made to the internal plumbing in the hatchery building. A 10” x 10” x 12” steel tee was installed just above the floor on the downstream side of the 10” valve that supplies the building. This was installed to accept a new 12” hatchery supply line to be installed later. All the steel pipes to the tanks and troughs were replaced with PVC pipes and valves. Ten steel 3” gate valves that supply the incubators from the main overhead manifold were replaced with 3” PVC 4 butterfly valves. Main overhead supply pipe was visually inspected and was in fair condition. (Revenue: PP&L Capitol Outlay/Work by: J.R.Merit with some IGH crew assistance – September 2008)

New 12” supply line to hatchery building from 24” supply line was installed. A “Hot Tap” was done with a shutoff valve while water flow was maintained to rearing raceways. New line extends from road way north of the office building, behind office, past mower shed and in front of shop to north side of hatchery building. A pit to access future installation of a flow meter was placed near the mower shed. New 12” line was activated on 17 December 2008 and old the 10” line was abandoned. (Revenue: PP&L Capitol Outlay/Work by: J.R. Merit and Frontier Construction December 2008).

Asphalt and concrete was replaced where old was removed for installation of 12” line and where old 10” line was abandoned (Revenue: PP&L Capitol Outlay/Work by: Frontier Construction – April 2009).

BY 2008 steelhead were divided into two groups of 15,000 (30,000 total).l One group was fed Bio-Oregon transfer diet for 5 weeks prior to release. The other group was fed Silver Cup slow sinking salmon diet. Each group had 15 fish radio tagged by the USF&WS just prior to release. Preliminary tracking results show that both groups had fish making it to the estuary (4 from Silver Cup fed fish and 5 from Bio-Oregon transfer feed). (Revenue: USF&WS (tags) and IGH O & M (feed and misc.)/ Work by: USF&WS and IGH crew – April, May, and June 2009).

This was the first year using the new Auto Fish System marking trailer from NW Marine Technology. A constant fractional mark of 25% (coded wire tagged) was applied to all BY 2008 Chinook. Prior to this only about 5% of the Chinook were coded wire tagged by Klamath River Project personnel each year. (Revenue by: Trailer & tags purchased by 2006 Salmon Disaster Relief funds/KRP and IGH funds used for O & E and staff/Work by: KRP and IGH crews – April, May, and June 2009).


Located about 11 miles past Iron Gate Hatchery between Iron Gate Reservoir and Copco Lake, the Fall Creek Rearing Ponds have been used regularly since 1979 to raise additional yearling Chinook salmon. The Fall Creek Hatchery was built in 1919 and operated until 1948. Six of the remaining ponds (two above Copco road and four below the road) were used last in 2003 and are usually referred to as the Fall Creek Rearing Ponds or the Fall Creek Facility.

Some of the significant improvements, purchases, changes in procedures, or other items of interest that occurred during this report period include:

 There were no fish raised at Fall Creek Rearing Ponds this year because funding was eliminated. 5


This report summarizes the numbers of fish trapped and spawned (Table 1 and Figure 1), production of eggs and fish (Table 1), and water temperatures (Appendix Figure 1) from 1 July 2008 through 30 June 2009.

Table 1. Production summary, Iron Gate Hatchery, 2008-2009.

Total Adults Eggs Fingerlings Yearlings pounds trapped taken planted planted planted Chinook salmon 2007 BY 1,104,870 80,421.1 2008 BY 9,848 9,509,195 3,976,305 42,171.6 Coho salmon 2007 BY 117,832 9,738.2 2008 BY 1,278 455,480 Steelhead 2008 BY 29,683 2,683.8 2009 BY 140* 44,852

*117 steelhead were trapped and spawned during spawning season. An additional 22 steelhead were trapped and released between 1 July and 20 October 2008 and 1 more from 4 April – 30 June 2009.


History of the 2008 Run

Fall-Run, 2008 Brood Year

A total of 11,231 fall-run Chinook salmon was trapped: 5,098 males, 4,750 females, and 1,383 grilse (<56 cm or 22 inches FL) (Figure 1). There were 2,721 females spawned; they produced 9,509,195 eggs, for an average of 3,495 eggs per female (Table 1). Sixteen lots of eggs were taken with an average fertility of 78%. A total of 3,976,305 Chinook salmon fingerlings were released in May and June, 2009 (Table 2). 6

Figure 1. Chinook salmon, including grilse, trapping data, Iron Gate Hatchery, 2008-2009.

3,286 3,297 3500 3000 2,430 2500 2000 1,265 1500 1000 589 299 500 61 1 1 2 0

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / / / / / / / / / / 8 5 2 9 6 2 9 6 3 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 / / / / / / / / / / 9 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Distribution of the 2007 Brood Year Chinook salmon

During November 2008, a total of 1,104,870 yearlings was planted at 13.9/lb (Table 2). On 13 September 2008 the Hatchery started feeding a low-phosphorous diet (Bio- Oregon’s – BioDry 1000LP) to the Chinook salmon yearlings in raceway “D”. Raceway “C” (fish of similar size and numbers) was fed the normal diet of Silver Cup’s – Slow Sinking Salmon Diet. This was done to see how the fish would perform on a low- phosphorous diet should it be necessary in the future to reduce nutrient loads in the hatchery discharge. Both of these raceways were released on 13 November 2008. The fish were compared by Department pathologists prior to release and no measurable differences were noted between the two groups. The low-phosphorous feed was only fed for two months and a longer test is planned for next year.

Distribution of the 2007 Brood Year Chinook salmon

There were 3,976,305 fingerling Chinook salmon planted May 19, 21, 26 and June 2, 9, 2009, averaging 94.2/lb (Table 2). Approximately 886,248 Chinook salmon fingerlings were on hand as of 30 June 2009.

Marked Chinook salmon Recovered

Of the adipose marked Chinook salmon trapped during 2008-2009 (Appendix Table 1), 692 had Iron Gate tags, and the remaining 42 were of undetermined origin. 7

Table 2. Iron Gate Hatchery Chinook salmon distribution data, 2008-2009. Race and Date Avg. Number Release Mark/CWT brood year released size/lb released site Fall run 2007, planted 11/13/08 12.5 549,615 IGH 11/14/08 15.3 555,255 IGH Fish number and size by series Date Series Size Number 11/13 C 12.0 183,735 11/13 D 12.1 183,860 11/13 E 13.4 182,020 11/14 F 14.1 181,950 11/14 G 15.5 187,670 11/14 H 16.4 185,635 CWT fish – approx. 10% per raceway CWT # 068206 Total yearlings 1,104,870 Race and Date Avg. Number Release Mark/CWT brood year released size/lb released site Fall run 2008, planted 5/19/09 90.0 142,414 IGH 068642 5/21/09 90.5 149,361 IGH 068643 5/26/09 89.5 145,691 IGH 068644 6/2/09 87.0 171,206 IGH 068645 6/9/09 100.0 185,418 IGH 068646 6/9/09 108.0 192,050 IGH 068647 Fish number and size by series Date Series Size Number 5/19/09 C 90.0 572,956 5/21/09 D 90.5 601,152 5/26/09 E 89.5 587,679 6/2/09 F 87.0 688,296 6/9/09 G 100.0 747,237 6/9/09 H 108.0 778,985 Total fingerlings 3,976,305


History of the 2008 Run

The first coho salmon entered the trap on 22 October 2008 and the last on 18 December 2008. A total of 1,296 fish were trapped: 508 males, 770 females, and 18 grilse(<51 cm or 20 inches FL) (Figure 2). The 148 females spawned produced 455,480 for an average of 3,078 eggs per female (Table 1). Approximately 267,985 fingerling coho salmon were on hand 30 June 2009.

Figure 2. Coho salmon, including grilse, trapping data, Iron Gate Hatchery 2008-2009.

400 357 350 307 300 234 250 207 200 122 150 100 39 50 1 15 14 0

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 /0 9 6 2 9 6 3 0 7 4 /1 /2 /0 /0 /1 /2 /3 /0 /1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Planting 2007 Brood Year Coho Salmon

There were 117,832 Coho salmon planted during the 2008-2009 season (Table 3).

Table 3. Iron Gate coho salmon planting data, 2008-2009.

Date Average Number released Brood Release Mark/ CWT size/lb year site 4/17/09 12.1 117,832 2007 IGH LM

Marked Coho Salmon Recovered

There were 1,272 marked Coho salmon recovered at the Iron Gate Hatchery, were left maxillary (LM) clipped (Appendix Table 1).

The following coho salmon marks are used by California and southern Oregon hatcheries: LM - Used at Iron Gate Hatchery (CDF&G) RM - Used at Trinity River Hatchery (CDF&G) 9

AD - Used at Cole M. Rivers Hatchery (ODF&W) AD/LM or AD/RM - Either Cole M. Rivers Hatchery fish with maxillary missing due to injury or possibly an Iron Gate Hatchery fish that birds may have dropped in with the Steelhead (which Iron Gate marks with an AD/LM) prior to marking.


History of the 2008-2009 Run

A total of 22 steelhead was trapped and released from 1 July through 20 October 2008. Between 21 October and 31 December 2008, a total of 75 steelhead (fish over 40.5cm or 16 inches are counted) entered the trap and were held for later spawning. An additional 42 steelhead were trapped between 1 January and 4 April 2009 and 1 more from 4 April – 30 June 2009 (Figure 3). The 20 females spawned produced 44,852, for an average of 2,243 eggs per female.

Figure 3. Steelhead trapping data, Iron Gate Hatchery 2008-2009.

23 25 19 20 13 12 15 9 8 7 10 6 4 5 5 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 5 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 5 9 2 6 9 3 7 1 4 8 2 6 0 3 7 0 4 0 4 7 1 5 9 2 6 / 1 2 1 2 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 / / / 1 7 / / / / 9 / 0 / 1 / 2 / / / / / / / / 4 /2 5 /1 6 / 7 7 8 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1

Approximately 33,631 steelhead fingerlings from the 2009 brood year were on hand June 30, 2009. 10

Planting 2008 Brood Year Steelhead

A total of 29,683 juvenile 2008 brood year steelhead was released 17 April 2009 (Table 4).

Table 4. Iron Gate Hatchery juvenile steelhead planting data, 2008-2009.

Strain Brood Date Average Number Release Mark year released size/lb released site SH 2008 4/17/09 10.86 14,580 IGH AD/LM

SH* 2008 4/17/09 11.26 15,103 IGH AD/LM *Transfer Diet was fed for 5 weeks prior to release.

Marked Steelhead Trapped

There were 140 marked steelhead trapped this year at Iron Gate Hatchery; 20 adipose/left maxillary (AD/LM), 98 adipose/right maxillary (AD/RM), 1 right maxillary (RM), and 6 adipose (AD).


During the 2008-2009 fiscal year, 2,622 people visited the Hatchery, including 501 people in organized groups. 11

Appendix Table 1. 2008-2009 Chinook coded-wire-tag (CWT) recoveries for Iron Gate Hatchery (IGH) with release data. CWT Recovery Release Data Data CWT Egg Brood code source Year Date Number #/lb Site Year Actual 601020503 IGH 2003 6/03/04 51,452 120.0 IGH 2008/09 1 601020504 IGH 2004 5/17/05 52,632 87.0 IGH 2008/09 13 601020505 IGH 2004 5/20/05 54,099 92.0 IGH 2008/09 19 601020506 IGH 2004 5/25/05 52,815 95.0 IGH 2008/09 31 601020507 IGH 2004 6/3/05 52,561 118.5 IGH 2008/09 37 601020508 IGH 2004 11/8/05 47,871 8.3 IGH 2008/09 30 601020509 IGH 2004 11/9/05 50,881 9.0 IGH 2008/09 47 601020602 IGH 2005 5/19/06 55,825 92.0 IGH 2008/09 56 601020603 IGH 2005 5/26/09 56,090 94.0 IGH 2008/09 44 601020604 IGH 2005 6/2/06 54,654 91.5 IGH 2008/09 25 601020605 IGH 2005 6/9/06 55,012 102.0 IGH 2008/09 8 601020606 IGH 2005 11/7/06 48,444 8.0 IGH 2008/09 75 601020607 IGH 2005 11/8/06 46,313 9.6 IGH 2008/09 187 601020608 IGH 2006 5/18/07 41,574 87.0 IGH 2008/09 20 601020609 IGH 2006 5/21/07 54,788 89.0 IGH 2008/09 35 601020700 IGH 2006 5/25/07 53,905 85.0 IGH 2008/09 14 601020701 IGH 2006 5/29/07 53,354 98.0 IGH 2008/09 13 601020702 IGH 2006 5/30/07 53,691 101.0 IGH 2008/09 11 601020703 IGH 2006 5/31/07 52,720 124.0 IGH 2008/09 13 11/13 – 13 601020704 IGH 2006 110,952 10.5 IGH 2008/09 14/07

100000 No CWT in head of AD-marked fish 200000 CWT lost in head dissection 10 300000 Head not recovered 400000 CWT unreadable 32 12

Appendix Table 2. Summary of Chinook salmon runs to Iron Gate Hatchery, 1962-1963 through 2008-2009.

Fall-trapped Fall Run Spring-trapped Spring-run 1 Spring-run Total Total Fall Season Adult Grilse Male Female Adult Grilse Run Adult Grilse 2 1962-63 1,339 1963-64 1,723 448 2,171 1964-65 837 1,651 2,488 110 2,598 1965-66 141 224 365 313 678 1966-67 1,129 1,610 2,739 325 3,064 1967-68 850 1,275 2,125 562 2,687 1968-69 946 1,690 2,636 72 2,708 50 6 1969-70 8 3 518 436 954 1,914 2,868 51 0 1970-71 2 0 2,889 7,395 10,284 219 10,503 10 0 1971-72 16 0 4,412 6,031 10,443 326 10,769 80 0 1972-73 97 4 1,126 1,897 3,023 476 3,499 49 0 1973-74 18 5 3,.273 4,135 7,408 1,294 8,702 4 0 1974-75 19 8 4,024 5,371 9,395 410 9,805 0 0 1975-76 25 28 3,131 4,571 7,702 3,425 11,127 0 0 1976-77 13 0 4,604 7,991 12,595 1,130 13,725 0 0 1977-78 0 0 1,514 2,799 4,313 520 4,833 0 0 1978-79 17 0 3,027 3,918 6,945 925 7,870 0 0 3 1979-80 1,003 1,298 2,301 257 2,558 1980-81 948 1,464 2,412 451 2,863

1981-82 904 1,151 2,055 540 2,595 1982-83 3,805 4,548 8,353 1,833 10,186 1983-84 3,927 4,444 8,371 514 8,885 1984-85 2,484 2,846 5,330 764 6,094 1985-86 10,07 9,878 19,951 2,159 22,110 1986-87 9,093 8,003 17,096 1,461 18,557 1987-88 7,451 7,738 15,189 1,825 17,014 1988-89 6,967 9,139 16,106 609 16,715 1989-90 5,070 5,789 10,859 831 11,690 1990-91 3,051 3,668 6,719 321 7,040 1991-92 1,733 2,269 4,002 65 4,067 13

Appendix Table 2. Summary of Chinook salmon runs to Iron Gate Hatchery, 1962-1963 through 2008-2009 (Continued).

Fall-trapped Fall-run Spring-trapped Spring-run1 Spring-run Total Total Fall Season Adult Grilse Male Female Adult Grilse Run Adult Grilse

1992-93 1,599 1,982 3,581 3,737 7,318 1993-94 9,202 11,626 20,828 883 21,711 1994-95 7,235 6,573 13,808 758 14,566 1995-96 12,310 10,371 22,681 259 22,940 1996-97 5,513 8,109 13,622 543 14,165 1997-98 6,707 6,908 13,275 452 13,727 1998-99 6,311 7,489 13,800 1,526 15,326 1999-00 5,246 5,435 10,681 3,439 14,120 2000-01 37,077 34,074 71,151 1,323 72,474 2001-02 3 18,821 18,928 37,749 819 38,568 0 0 2002-03 0 0 12,427 12,214 24,641 320 24961 0 0 2003-04 0 0 15,424 16,563 31,987 273 32,260 0 0 2004-05 0 0 5,325 5,242 10,567 952 11,519 0 0 2005-06 0 0 6,707 7,056 13,763 234 13,997 0 0 2006-07 0 0 5,743 5,945 11,688 2,302 13,797 0 0 2007-08 0 0 6,498 10,447 16,945 204 17,149 0 0 2008-09 0 0 5,098 4,750 9,848 1,383 11,231 0 0

1 Fall trapped spring-run Chinook salmon are the same brood year as the spring trapped spring run salmon of the preceding reporting period. Spring run not differentiated from fall run prior to 1968-69. 2 Blanks indicate data not available 3 Blanks from 1979 to 2001 indicate trapping was not attempted (lack of returning spring run fish) in late spring or summer 14

Appendix Table 3. Summary of coho salmon and steelhead runs at Iron Gate Hatchery 1963-1964 through 2008-2009. Coho salmon Steelhead

Season Male Female Adult Grilse Total Fall Run Spring Run Total 1 1963-64 81 95 176 14 190 1,542 1964-65 0 0 0 0 0 1,065 1965-66 2 0 2 0 2 227 1966-67 2 2 4 0 4 299 1967-68 27 24 51 28 79 984 1968-69 14 10 24 333 357 370 2 1969-70 84 118 202 749 951 381 813 1,194 1970-71 716 671 1,387 236 1,623 292 2,073 2,365 1971-72 74 52 126 21 147 174 3,583 3,757 1972-73 38 18 56 35 91 226 1,060 1,286 1973-74 201 212 413 428 841 665 1,200 1,865 1974-75 193 263 456 41 497 1,062 2,165 3,227 1975-76 45 37 82 478 560 423 1,100 1,523 1976-77 581 795 1,376 381 1,757 695 1,246 1,941 1977-78 92 159 251 375 626 3,197 1,214 4,411 1978-79 263 236 499 250 749 812 1,267 2,079 1979-80 213 282 495 1,906 2,401 505 1,152 1,657 1980-81 580 1,220 1,800 251 2,051 359 888 1,247 1981-82 402 502 904 93 997 1,903 358 2,261 1982-83 499 634 1,133 496 1,629 1,267 1,436 2,703 1983-84 128 90 218 71 289 470 362 832 1984-85 444 350 794 211 1,005 373 1,012 1,385 1985-86 1,041 1,228 2,269 408 2,677 1,286 1,879 3,165 1986-87 315 422 737 288 1,025 1,347 1,487 2,834 1987-88 1,343 1,238 2,581 312 2,893 2,771 999 3,770 1988-89 669 700 1,369 323 1,692 1,604 1,739 3,343 1989-90 459 451 910 61 971 286 473 759 1990-91 200 178 378 43 421 154 114 268 1991-92 176 184 360 404 764 107 100 207 1992-93 800 897 1,697 316 2,013 61 65 126 1993-94 361 314 675 29 704 56 107 163 15

Appendix Table 3. Summary of coho salmon and steelhead runs at Iron Gate Hatchery 1963-1964 through 2008-09(Continued).

Coho salmon Steelhead3

Season Male Female Adult Grilse Total Fall Run Spring Run Total

1994-95 100 72 172 97 269 58 213 271 1995-96 708 793 1,501 59 1,560 11 1 12 1996-97 1,715 1,831 3,546 551 4,097 68 29 97 1997-98 825 1,047 1,872 302 2,174 35 92 127 1998-99 243 268 511 158 669 52 39 91 1999-00 90 61 151 18 169 12 100 112 2000-01 295 428 723 631 1,354 219 313 532 Coho salmon Steelhead3

Season Male Female Adult Grilse Total Male Female Total

2001-02 972 1,494 2,466 107 2,573 281 350 631 2002-03 566 627 1,193 108 1,301 248 247 495 2003-04 609 708 1,317 241 1,558 254 300 554 2004-05 630 865 1,495 239 1,734 229 188 417 2005-06 596 799 1,395 30 1,425 91 118 209 2006-07 112 151 263 69 332 108 104 212 2007-08 300 325 625 154 779 94 101 195 2008-09 508 770 1,278 18 1,296 65 75 140

1 Fall trapped steelhead not differentiated from spring-trapped prior to 1969-70. 2 Fall run steelhead are those trapped prior to January 1st and spring run steelhead are those trapped from January 1st to the end of spawning season. Fall run and spring-run steelhead are not kept separate for spawning, rearing or releasing. 3 Starting with the 2001-02 season, steelhead are separated by male and female on this table instead of fall and spring run. 16

Appendix Table 4. Weekly adult salmon and steelhead trapping data for Iron Gate Hatchery, 2008-2009.

Chinook Salmon Coho Salmon Steelhead1

Week Adult Grilse Adult Grilse Fall Spring 6/29/08 0 7/6/08 2 7/13/08 0 7/20/08 4 7/27/08 0 8/3/08 1 8/10/08 1 8/17/08 2 8/24/08 1 8/31/08 1 9/7/08 0 0 0 0 0 9/14/08 0 0 0 0 0 9/21/08 0 0 0 0 3 9/28/08 258 41 0 0 2 10/5/08 1,147 118 0 0 5 10/12/08 2,818 468 0 0 0 10/19/08 2,968 329 1 0 9 10/26/08 2,085 345 13 2 8 11/2/08 512 77 199 8 19 11/09/08 56 5 354 3 23 11/16/08 1 0 306 1 7 11/23/08 1 0 231 3 6 11/30/08 2 0 121 1 1 12/7/08 39 0 0 12/14/08 14 0 0 12/21/08 0 0 2 12/28/08 0 0 0 1/4/09 1 1/11/09 0 1/18/9 0 17

Appendix Table 4. Weekly adult salmon and steelhead trapping data for Iron Gate Hatchery, 2008-2009 (Continued).

Chinook Salmon Coho Salmon Steelhead1

Week Adults Grilse Adults Grilse Fall Spring2 1/25/09 1 2/1/09 0 2/8/09 0 2/15/09 3 2/22/09 5 3/1/09 13 3/8/09 4 3/15/09 12 3/22/09 3 3/29/09 0 4/5/09 0 4/12/09 0 4/19/09 1 4/26/09 0 5/3/09 0 5/10/09 0 5/17/09 0 5/24/09 0 5/31/09 0 6/7/09 0 6/14/09 0 6/21/09 0 6/28/09 0 Season total 9,848 1,383 1,278 18 97 43 1 Fall trapped steelhead are prior to January 1st and spring trapped are from January 1st to end of spawning in the spring. 2 Ladder(s) were left open after spawning season. 18

Appendix Figure 1. Daily water temperature for Iron Gate Hatchery, 2008-2009.

Note: Hatchery temperature data from November and December, 2008 was from daily readings the feed person records from a hand held thermometer. The tid bit data logger information was not retrievable due to recorder and/or program malfunctions.

July 2008 August 2008 ) ) F F o o ( (

n n i i

52 54 e e r 50 r 52 u u 50 t 48 t a

a 48 r 46 r 46 e 44 e 44 p p m m e e T T

High Temp Low Temp High Temp Low Temp

Septem ber 2008 October 2008 ) ) F F o o ( (

n n i i

56 58 e e

r 54

r 56 u 52 u 54 t t

a 50

a 52 r 48 r 50 e 46 e 48 p p m m e e T T

High Temp Low Temp High Temp Low Temp

Novem be r 2008 Decem be r 2008 ) ) F F o o ( (

n n i i

5 6 52 e e

r 5 4 50 r

u 48 u

t 5 2 t 46 a a 44

r 5 0 r 42 e 4 8 e 40 p p m m e e T T

Daily Temp Daily Temp 19

Appendix Figure 1. Daily water temperature for Iron Gate Hatchery, 2008-2009 (Continued).

Note: Hatchery temperature data from February, April, June 2009 was from daily readings the feed person records from a hand held thermometer. The tid bit data logger information was not retrievable due to recorder and/or program malfunctions.

January 2009 February 2009 ) ) F F o o ( (

n n i i

4 8

4 2 e

4 6 e r 4 4 r 4 0 u u t

4 2 t a

4 0 a 3 8 r 3 8 r e 3 6 e 3 6 p p m m e e T T

High Temp Low Temp Daily temp Daily Temp

M arch 2009 April 2009 ) ) F F o o ( (

n n i i

5 2 52 e

5 0 e r 4 8 r 50 u u t 4 6 t 48 a

4 4 a r 4 2 r 46 e 4 0 e 44 p p m m e e T T

High Temp Low Temp Daily Temp

M ay 2009 June 2009 ) ) F F o o ( (

n n i i 6 0 5 8 5 8 e 5 6 e

r r 5 6

u 5 4 u 5 4 t 5 2 t 5 2 a a 5 0 r 5 0 r 4 8 e 4 8 e 4 6 p p m m e e T T

High Temp Low Temp Daily temp Daily temp

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