Upcoming Kindergarten 30 Day Summer Challenge! Writing Directions: Listed below are 40 different writing challenges that you can choose from. For 30 days throughout the summer, you should choose one challenge a day. To complete each challenge you must do what the challenge states. Parents you may help your future Kindergartener with the writing 30 day challenge by reading the challenge, and assisting him/her with the task. As we return to school, the students that complete the Math 30-Day challenge and the Writing 30-Day challenge will get to attend the first Dutchtown Elementary Party of the year!

**Parents- we understand that your students are just beginning to write letters and numbers. Writing is a process that begins with using pictures to tell a story, and then adding words to those pictures. Have fun with your child as they explore the world of writing one picture at a time!

Parent Activity # Date Task Initials 1. Draw a picture of your favorite food to eat in the summer! Add lots of details to your picture! Fun rice activity! - First, write the lower case letter of your first name in your journal. Make the letter really big! Next, trace 2. the letter with a glue stick. Place rice over the wet glue and let it sit for 10 minutes. Shake the extra rice off and have fun tracing the letter gently with your fingers and saying the letter out loud! 3. What do you like to play with? Draw a picture of your favorite toy. Write the name of the toy under the picture. 4. Draw a picture of three of your favorite things that are red. What is your favorite food? Find a picture of your favorite food, cut it out and glue it in your writing journal. Write two words 5. that describe your favorite food. Me! This is one of the sight words that you will practice this summer. Draw or cut out a picture of yourself with the word 6. Me, underneath it. 7. Using popsicle sticks, create the letter of your first name and trace over it 2 times with your finger while saying the letter! 8. Where is your favorite place to go in the summer? Draw a picture of somewhere you like to go in the summer. 9. Draw a picture of something you really like that is green. Write the word green at the bottom of your picture. 10. Draw a picture of something that your family likes to do on Sunday. What are two things that begin with the letter C? Draw pictures of the two things that you thought of that begin with the 11. letter C. 12. What is your favorite ice cream? Draw a picture of your favorite ice cream! 13. Draw a picture of something that you See at the zoo! What is your favorite vegetable? Draw a picture of your favorite vegetable and write the name of the vegetable under the 14. picture. 15. Draw a picture of the blue sky! Fun Activity! Go outside and use sticks to make as many letters as you can. Come back in and write down the letters in 16. your journal that you were able to create outside. 17. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? Draw a picture of your favorite letter making it as colorful as possible! Upcoming Kindergarten 30 Day Summer Challenge! 18. Draw a picture of yourself doing something funny! 19. Using an old newspaper or magazine, cut out pictures of things that begin with the letter D. 20. Ask your mom or dad to read you a Dr. Seuss book! Draw a picture of yourself with your favorite character in the book. Who is your favorite Disney Character? Draw a picture of you and your favorite character. You may also cut out a picture 21. from a magazine. Write the first letter of the character’s name on the bottom of the picture. 22. S is for summer! Draw a picture of the letter S. 23. Draw a picture of your family. Write the names of your family members above each person. Do you have a favorite animal? Draw a picture of your favorite animal. If you can, write the name of the animal next to the 24. picture! 25. Eat your favorite fruit. Write three words that describe it! 26. Using pictures, tell a story about the best thing you did this summer! 27. What is your favorite sport? Draw a picture of someone playing that sport. Write the name of the sport at the bottom. 28. June 15TH is Father’s Day! Draw a picture of you and your father doing something you really enjoy! 29. In the summer we enjoy the sun. Draw a picture of the yellow sun! 30. Draw or cut out a picture of a tree with branches. On the end of each branch write a capital letter of the alphabet! 31. What does your family look like? Draw a picture of your family including as many details as possible. 32. Drink your favorite juice! In your journal write down all the words that describe how it taste! 33. Draw a picture of your favorite stuffed animal. Write the letter that it begins with. Fun rice activity!- first, write the capital letter of your first name in your journal. Make the letter really big! Next, trace the 34. letter with a glue stick. Place rice over the wet glue and let it sit for 10 minutes. Shake the extra rice off and have fun tracing the letter gently with your fingers and saying the letter out loud! 35. Cut out a picture of something that is really, really big! Paste it in your writing journal and write the word big underneath it. 36. Do you have a favorite toy? Draw a picture of your favorite toy. If you can, write the name of the toy next to the picture! 37. Black is one of the sight words you have been practicing over the summer. Draw a picture of a black cat. 38. Draw pictures of 5 things that you really like. 39. Draw a picture of your favorite fruit. Write the color of the fruit below it. 40. What is your favorite orange fruit? Cut out or draw a picture of your favorite orange fruit. Upcoming Kindergarten 30 Day Summer Challenge! Math

Directions: Listed below are 40 different math challenges that you can choose from. For 30 days throughout the summer, you should choose one challenge a day. To complete each challenge you must do what the challenge states. Parents you may help your future Kindergartener with the Math 30 day challenge by reading the challenge, and assisting him/her with the task. As we return to school, the students that complete the Math 30-Day challenge and the Writing 30-Day challenge will get to attend the first Dutchtown Elementary Party of the year!

**Parents- we understand that your students are just beginning to write letters and numbers. Please use this as an opportunity to practice, but realize that the discussion that you and your student have is the important part. Completion will be scored on parent initials.**

Activity Date Task Parent Initials # Compare your shoe and an adult’s shoe. What do you notice? (encourage 1. words such as bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, etc.) Find a triangle in your house. Draw a picture of what you found in your 2. journal. 3. Count from 12 to 27 out loud to an adult. Starting against the wall, you and an adult take three steps. Who went 4. farther? Why do you think that is? Explain. 5. Find 7 coins from around your house. Draw a picture of them. How many steps does it take to get from your bed to the door of your 6. bedroom? Count them out loud for a family member and record that number in your journal. Counting by tens, how high can you count? Prove it! Count out loud to an 7. adult. 8. Write your name four times. 9. Draw 11 circles in your journal. Count to make sure you have 11. How many hands live in your home? Find a time when the family is together and count all the hands. Write that number and draw a picture in 10. your journal. (**It is up to you if you would like to count animal hands as well) 11. Draw 17 circles in your journal. Count to make sure you have 17. Count as high as you can. Write the highest number you can count to in 12. your journal. 13. Write the first letter of your first name 15 times. 14. Help your mom or dad put the spoons up in the silverware drawer. How Upcoming Kindergarten 30 Day Summer Challenge! many spoons did you count? Write that number in your journal. Go on a number hunt around your house. What numbers do you see? 15. Walk around the house with an adult and identify the numbers that you see. How old are you? Put up that many fingers. Now how many birthdays 16. before you are ten years old? Explain. 17. Draw 8 circles. Count to make sure you have 8. 18. Write the numbers 0-10 in your journal. Help pick up your toys! How many toys can you carry at once? Pick up as 19. many as you can and count them as you put them away. Record the number in your journal. What do you know about the number 12? Write down everything you can 20. about the number 12. 21. Hop in place 13 times. Each time you hop, count aloud. Using your toys, create a pattern. Draw a picture of your pattern in your 22. journal. Draw a picture of your family. How many people live in your home? Write 23. the number at the top of the page. Find something in your home that is heavier than you and something that 24. is lighter than you. Draw a picture of those two things in your journal. How old are you? Write that number and represent that number by 25. drawing that many circles. Help you mom or dad cook dinner. As they are cooking, talk with them 26. about the number of ingredients that they are using. Write your first and last name in your journal. How many letters did you 27. write? Count them and record the number at the top of your page. 28. Count backwards for a family member from 10 down to 0 29. Count backwards for a family member from 15 down to 5. Find something in your home that is taller than you and something that is 30. shorter than you. Draw a picture of those two things in your journal. How far can you throw? Throw a ball as far as you can and then count 31. your steps to go get the ball. Draw a picture of this in your journal and don’t forget to include the number of steps. Using your hands and an adult’s hands, how many fingers do you have? 32. Count them and record the number in your journal. With an adult’s help: using a jar of coins, sort the coins. How did you sort 33. them? Describe your groups to the adult. 34. Write the first letter of your last name 12 times. Upcoming Kindergarten 30 Day Summer Challenge! Help an adult match socks. How do you know that two socks go 35. together? Discuss this with the adult. Find a circle in your house. Draw a picture of what you found in your 36. journal. 37. Count backwards for a family member from 12 down to 7. Find a square in your house. Draw a picture of what you found in your 38. journal. 39. Count for a family member to the number 32. How many feet live in your home? Find a time when the family is together 40. and count all the feet. Write that number and draw a picture in your journal. (**It is up to you if you would like to count animal feet as well)