Part 1: Cell Division Occurs in Both Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

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Part 1: Cell Division Occurs in Both Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

Science 9 Name: ______Unit A: Reproduction

Part 1: Cell division occurs in both asexual and sexual reproduction.

RE9.2 OBSERVE AND DESCRIBE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF CELLULAR DATE COMPLETED/ REPRODUCTIVE PROCESSES, INCLUDING MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS. UNDERSTOOD: a. I CAN illustrate and describe the basic process of cell division as part of the cell cycle, including what happens to the cell membrane and the contents of the nucleus. b. I CAN make a diagram, play, drawing, or create another creative idea to demonstrate what happens when a cell divides, including what happens to the cell membrane and the innards of the nucleus. c. I CAN recognize that the nucleus of the cell determines cellular processes. d. I CAN identify major shifts in scientific understanding of cell growth and division. e. I CAN explain how the cellular theory accounts for cell division. f. I CAN compare and contrast the function of mitosis with the function of meiosis and distinguish the difference between cell division during meiosis and mitosis. g. I CAN understand how cancer is related to the cellular process.

Page 1 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______1.1 CELL DIVISION Use textbook pages 5-11 to answer the following questions:

1. What does cell theory state? (3 statements)

2. What does holistic mean? You may want to use the glossary at the back of the textbook.

3. What does analytical mean?

4. What happened to disprove spontaneous generation?

5. What is the cell cycle?

6. What are the 3 major phases of the cell cycle?

Page 2 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______7. What is interphase?

8. What is mitosis?

9. What is cytokinesis?

10. Label the following diagram of the Cell Cycle and Mitosis:

Page 3 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______The Cancer Chronicles Plus Fossilized Mosquito with Evidence of Last Victim, Bow and Arrows Emerge from Ice, and more - 2013/10/19 WITH BOB MCDONALD ON QUIRKS AND QUARKS Found at . The interview with George Johnson starts at 34:30.

1. Who is he interviewing? ______2. What book did he write? ______3. Circle the correct answer: The cancer rate is a. increasing b. decreasing a lot c. staying about the same or slowly decreasing 4. True/False: The rate of cancer has been increasing because of our modern lifestyle. 5. Cells ______signals and confer on how to go about life. Cancer is caused, when one of these ______, and then it’s children undergo some changes that causes it to lose touch with the rest of the crowd. 6. Cancer is almost like it’s some sort of wannabe creature that’s trying to ______inside your body. So from its own perspective, it’s doing exactly what it’s ______to do. 7. Some changes make the cancer cell fit and therefore, more ______. 8. Is cancer an invader, like a virus, or is it more your own body rebelling against itself? a. Invader b. Rebel 9. What habit causes 30% of mutations that lead to cancers? ______10. What lifestyle choices account for another 30% of mutations that lead to cancers? ______11. What percent of cancer is caused by viruses? ______12. What was the difference between cancer rates in Love Canal and the general population? ______13. What is the most powerful carcinogen? ______14. What does that word mean? ______15. At any one second, how many cells are dividing into two daughter cells? ______

Page 4 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______16. Is this process always successful? Yes No 17. What usually happens if there is an error in the child cell? ______18. You could say that ______causes cancer. 19. The leading cause of cancer is ______. 20. Why have the rates of heart disease gone down but not cancer? ______21. Compare a cancer cell and a fetus. Similarities: ______Differences:

Cancer Cell Fetus ______22. George Johnson says, “You have to let cells have a certain amount of freedom to innovate. So the reason that we evolved is that our cells are able to mutate. It drives evolution. It also allows cancer to develop.” If this is true, do you agree that we should allow cancer to continue so that we can continue to evolve or should we stop allowing our body to mutate so that we can eliminate cancer? 23. Yes No 24. Give 3 points to support your thoughts in point form. 25. 1) ______26. ______27. 2) ______28. ______29. 3) ______30. ______31.

Page 5 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______32. Use your opinion and your 3 points to write a paragraph supporting your viewpoint. 33. ______34. ______35. ______36. ______37. ______38. ______39. ______40. ______41. ______42. ______43. ______44. ______45. ______46. ______47. ______48. Cite your research using the website listed at the top of the front of this sheet. 49. ______50. ______51. ______52. 53.

Page 6 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______54. CELL CYCLE MINI-PRESENTATION 55. 56. Using the information from your answers, you must construct a project with your table to teach someone who doesn’t know anything about the cell cycle. a. You need to create a presentation that has 2 parts: a.i. A visual component of some sort. a.i.1. This could be a poster, PowerPoint, handouts, or something physical, like a re- enactment or a video. It must be original. a.ii. You must orally present your work. 57. 58. We will bring in guest judges to critique your work. They will have the following survey to fill out: 59. 60. INC 61. 1 (Not Yet 62. 2 (Beginning 63. 3 (Almost 64. 4 (Incomplete) Meeting) to Meet) There!) (Congratulati  ons!)  65. There was no 66. From the 67. From the 68. After the 69. After the presentation. presentation, presentation, presentation, presentation, I don’t really I am confused I could I could understand about the cell understand completely the cell cycle cycle but I the processes understand but I know know some of of the cell the processes that it is a the processes cycle. of cell cycle scientific involved in it. and why it thing. occurs, including cell theory. 70. There was no 71. The visual 72. The visual 73. The visual 74. The visual visual component component component component component. was hard to was was pretty was understand. somewhat clear. completely confusing. clear and easy to understand. 75. They did not 76. The group 77. The group 78. The group 79. The group speak. spoke quietly spoke without spoke with spoke with or was hard to confidence confidence confidence, understand. but was loud and was loud was loud enough. enough. enough and was fun. 80. 81. You need to fill out the following surveys, too:  How well you did, based on the same one as above  How well you worked, understood the concept and treated group members  How well others worked and treated group members 82. 83.

Page 7 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______

84. Group Evaluation 85. INC 86. 1 (Not Yet 87. 2 (Beginning 88. 3 (Almost 89. 4 (Incomplete) Meeting) to Meet) There!) (Congratulati ons!) 90. There was no 91. From our 92. From our 93. From our 94. From our presentation. presentation, I presentation, I presentation, I presentation, I don’t think that think we may think that the think that the anyone could have confused judges could judges could really the judges understand the completely understand the about the cell processes of understand the cell cycle but cycle but they the cell cycle. processes of they may know may know cell cycle and that it is a some of the why it occurs. scientific thing. processes involved in it. 95. There was no 96. The visual 97. The visual 98. The visual 99. The visual visual component component component component component. was hard to was somewhat was pretty was completely understand. confusing. clear. clear and easy to understand. 100. They 101. The 102. The 103. The 104. The did not speak. group spoke group spoke group spoke group spoke quietly or was without with confidence with hard to confidence but and was loud confidence, understand. was loud enough. was loud enough. enough and was fun. 105. Self-Evaluation 107. NOT YET 106. CATEGORY 108. PROGRESSING 109. ADEQUATE ADEQUATE 110. Respecting 111. I showed 112. I showed 113. I showed Others respect to the others respect to the others respect to the others in my group less than in my group about in my group all of the 50% of the time. 80% of the time. time. 114. Staying on 115. I was rarely 116. I was on 117. I was on Task on task. task about 50% of task about 80% of the time. the time. 118. Understandi 119. I have no 120. I understand 121. I understood ng Concepts clue what just most of the work all the work that was happened to me. that needed to be asked of me. done. 122. Peer Evaluation 123. Member: 125. NOT YET 124. CATEGORY 126. PROGRESSING 127. ADEQUATE ADEQUATE 128. Respecting 129. He/she 130. He/she 131. He/she Others showed respect to showed respect to showed respect to the others in my the others in my the others in my group less than 50% group about 80% of group all of the time. Page 8 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______of the time. the time. 132. Staying on 133. He/she was 134. He/she was 135. He/she was Task rarely on task. on task about 50% of on task about 80% of the time. the time.

136. Member: 138. NOT YET 137. CATEGORY 139. PROGRESSING 140. ADEQUATE ADEQUATE 141. Respecting 142. He/she 143. He/she 144. He/she Others showed respect to showed respect to showed respect to the others in my the others in my the others in my group less than 50% group about 80% of group all of the time. of the time. the time. 145. Staying on 146. He/she was 147. He/she was 148. He/she was Task rarely on task. on task about 50% of on task about 80% of the time. the time.

149. Member: 151. NOT YET 150. CATEGORY 152. PROGRESSING 153. ADEQUATE ADEQUATE 154. Respecting 155. He/she 156. He/she 157. He/she Others showed respect to showed respect to showed respect to the others in my the others in my the others in my group less than 50% group about 80% of group all of the time. of the time. the time. 158. Staying on 159. He/she was 160. He/she was 161. He/she was Task rarely on task. on task about 50% of on task about 80% of the time. the time. 162. 163. Judge Rubric

164. What do you think about the presentation? 165. INC 166. 1 167. 2 168. 3 169. 4 (Incomplete) (Not Yet (Beginning to (Almost (Congratulati  Meeting) Meet) There!) ons!)  170. There 171. From 172. From 173. After 174. After was no the the the the presentation. presentation, presentation, presentation, presentation, I don’t really I am confused I could I could understand about the cell understand completely the cell cycle cycle but I the processes understand but I know know some of of the cell the processes that it is a the processes cycle. of cell cycle scientific involved in it. and why it thing. occurs. 175. There 176. The 177. The 178. The 179. The was no visual visual visual visual visual component. component component component component was hard to was was pretty was Page 9 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______understand. somewhat clear. completely confusing. clear and easy to understand. 180. They 181. The 182. The 183. The 184. The did not speak. group spoke group spoke group spoke group spoke quietly or was without with with hard to confidence confidence confidence, understand. but was loud and was loud was loud enough. enough. enough and was fun. 185. 186. Cell division includes the following parts:  Interphase  Mitosis o Prophase o Metaphase o Anaphase o Telophase  Cytokinesis 187. 188. Did the students link the process of cell division to the concept of Cell Theory in any way? Yes No 189. 190. Any additional comments or feedback? 191. 192.

Page 10 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______193. RE9.3 I CAN DESCRIBE THE PROCESSES AND IMPLICATIONS 194. DATE OF SEXUAL AND ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS. COMPLETED/ UNDERSTOOD: 195. I CAN identify questions to investigate about sexual and asexual 196. reproduction in plants.

197. I CAN compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction in terms 198. of their advantages and disadvantages.

199. I CAN describe various methods for asexual reproduction (propagation) 200. of plants (e.g. budding, grafting, fission, vegetative propagation).

201. I CAN describe general methods and list specific examples of asexual 202. reproduction in animal species.

203. I CAN investigate and describe applications of asexual reproduction 204. knowledge and technologies in Saskatchewan agricultural sector.

205. I CAN describe and give examples of sexual reproduction in plant and 206. animal species, including hermaphrodites. 207. 208.

Page 11 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______209. 1.2 ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION a. Use textbook pages 18-23 to answer the following questions: 210. 1. What is asexual reproduction? 211. 2. Define the word clones. 212. 3. List the 8 types of asexual reproduction. 213. 218. 214. 219. 215. 220. 216. 221. 217. 222. 4. Pick 3 of them and define what they are: a) 5. b) 6. c) 7.

8. 9. 1.3 SEXUAL REPRODUCTION a. b. Use textbook pages 27-33 to answer the following questions: 10. 1. What is sexual reproduction? 11. 12. 13. 2. Define: a. Gametes (also list the names of the male and female gametes) 14.

Page 12 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______15. 16. b. fertilization 17. 18. 19. 3. What is meiosis? 20. 21. 4. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. 22. Similarities: 23. 24. 25. Differences: 26. Mitosis 30. Meiosis 27. 31. 28. 32. 29. 33. 5. Compare and contrast what a zygote is and what an embryo is. 34. Similarities: 35. 36. 37. Differences: 38. Zygote 42. Embryo 39. 43. 40. 44. 41. 45. 6. What is a hermaphrodite? 46. 47. 48. Lab: Lily dissection (Flower Reproductive Structures) on page 36 49. Page 13 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______7. Label the parts of a flower: a. Also list which parts are the male gametes and which ones are the female gametes.

50. 8. Compare and contrast self-pollination and cross-pollination. 51. Similarities: 52. 53. 54. Differences: 55. Self-pollination 59. Cross-pollination 56. 60. 57. 61. 58. 62. 9. What are the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction? 63. 64. 65. 10. What are the disadvantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction? 66. 67. 68. 11. Give an example of a plant that reproduces both sexually and asexually. ______12. Give an example of an animal that reproduces both sexually and asexually. ______

Page 14 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______69. 70. Part 2: Genetic info is passed from parent to offspring.

71. RE9.1 I CAN EXAMINE THE PROCESS OF AND INFLUENCES ON THE 72. DATE TRANSFER OF GENETIC INFORMATION. COMPLETED/ UNDERSTOOD: 73. I CAN identify questions related to genetics to investigate that arise 74. from practical problems and issues.

75. I CAN provide examples of genetic conditions that cannot be solved 76. using current scientific and technological knowledge.

77. I CAN recognize that the nucleus of the cell determines cellular 78. processes and contains genetic material.

79. I CAN identify examples of dominate and recessive characteristics in 80. humans or other organisms.

81. I CAN discuss environmental factors and personal choices that may 82. lead to changes in cell’s genetic information.

83. I CAN provide examples of Canadian contributions to the science and 84. technology of genetics and reproductive biology.

85. I CAN select and integrate information from various print and 86. electronic sources to illustrate how developments in genetics have had an impact on global and local food production, populations, the spread of diseases, and the environment.

87. I CAN investigate careers in Saskatchewan or Canada that require an 88. understanding of genetics or reproductive biology.

89. 90.

Page 15 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______91. 2.1 VARIATION AND CHARACTERISTICS a. Use textbook pages 41-45 to answer the following questions: 92. 1. What is the difference between a characteristic and a trait? 93. 94. 95. 2. Give an example of a heritable characteristic. 96. 97. 3. Give an example of a non-heritable characteristic. 98. 99. 4. Give some examples of how Dene pregnant women are encouraged to act and speak when they are pregnant and how the community is to treat them? 100. 101. 102. 5. Why do they act this way? 103. 104. 105. 6. Why do traditional Nakawe people take care when they speak around a pregnant woman? 106. 107. 108. 7. Compare and contrast discrete variation and continuous variation. 109. Similarities: 110. 111. 112. Differences: 113. 114. Self-pollination 118. Cross-pollination 115. 119. 116. 120. 117. 121. 8. Give an example of how the environment can impact a characteristic. 122. 123. 124. 125.

Page 16 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______126. 2.2 HEREDITY AND GENETICS a. Use textbook pages 47-54 to answer the following questions: 127. 128. DNA stands for: Deoxyribonucleic Acid 129. 1. What 4 scientists were extremely important to the discovery of DNA? 130. 131. 132. 2. What is the shape of DNA? ______133. 3. What 4 chemicals make up DNA? 134. 135. 136. 4. What is the length (in metres) of the DNA in each one of our cells? ______137. 5. Define Chromosomes: 138. 139. 140. 6. How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have? ______141. 7. How many chromosomes is this in total? ______142. 13. What is a gene? 143. 144. 145. 14. What is an allele? 146. 147. 148. 15. What is a trait? 149. 150. 151. 8. What is a hybrid? 152. 153. 154. 155.

Page 17 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______9. Compare and contrast a dominant trait and a recessive trait. 156. Similarities: 157. 158. 159. Differences: 160. Dominant Trait 164. Recessive Trait 161. 165. 162. 166. 163. 167. 10. Fill in the following Punnett (pronounced “pun-it”) Squares: 168. 170. Purebre d Black Father 169. Cats 172. 173. B B 1 7 177. 5 176. 174. P . urebred B Black 1 Mother 7 181. 9 180. . B 182. 183. _____ /4 cats will be black 184. _____ /4 cats will be white? 186. Purebre d White Father 185. Cats 188. 189. b b 1 9 193. 1 192. 190. P . urebred b White 1 Mother 9 197. 5 196. . b 198. 199. _____ /4 cats will be black 200. _____ /4 cats will be white? 201. Page 18 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______202. Cats Purebred Black Father

B B Purebred White Mother b


_____ /4 cats will be black _____ /4 cats will be white?

Hybrid Black Father Cats B b Hybrid Black B Mother b

_____ /4 cats will be black _____ /4 cats will be white? Hybrid Black Father Cats B b Purebred White b Mother b

_____ /4 cats will be black _____ /4 cats will be white?

Activity: Celebrity Punnett Squares Activity: Modelling DNA on page 55 Activity: Showing the Relationships between DNA, chromosomes, genes, and alleles on page 56

Page 19 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______2.3 GENETICS, TECHNOLOGY, SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Use textbook pages 58-70 to answer the following questions:

Activity: Design a Species on page 59

1. Explain two-eyed seeing in your own words (use complete sentences):

2. From the infoBIT: How did the Iroquois and Haudenosaunee practice an early form of biotechnology?

3. Is this similar to how Ms Wills planted his watermelons in the story, “The Taste of Melon”? Yes No

4. What is selective breeding?

5. What is artificial reproductive technology?

11. Compare and contrast artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. Similarities:

Differences: artificial insemination in vitro fertilization

6. What is genetic engineering?

Page 20 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______7. What is the risk of breeding herds of genetically identical individuals?

8. What can happen when canola that has been genetically engineered to be resistant to herbicides interbreeds with weeds?

9. Why are genetic conditions quite rare?

10. What is the sex chromosome pair for a female? ______

11. What is the sex chromosome pair for a male? ______

12. What sex chromosome does the mother pass on? ______

13. Which sex chromosomes does the father pass on? ______

14. Males are more likely to inherit a sex-linked genetic disorder because they only receive one X chromosome. Why does having only one X chromosome make such a difference?

15. Can you see the image imbedded in the following picture? What is it?

16. What is trisomy 21 more commonly known as?

17. What causes it?

18. What do the Dakota people believe about children born with special needs?

Page 21 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______19. List one person from page 69 and describe their research.

20. List 3 careers in genetics.

Page 22 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______Part 3: The process of human reproduction can be affected by technology.

RE9.4 I CAN ANALYZE THE PROCESS OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION, DATE COMPLETED/ INCLUDING THE INFLUENCE OF REPRODUCTIVE AND CONTRACEPTIVE UNDERSTOOD: TECHNOLOGIES. I CAN describe and compare the structure and function of the male and female human reproductive systems, including the role of hormones.

I CAN explain the signs of pregnancy in humans.

I CAN describe the major stages of human development from conception to birth, including fertilization, embryo development, and stages of birth.

I CAN provide examples of scientific knowledge that have resulted in the development of past or current reproductive technologies.

Page 23 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______3.1 REPRODUCTION AND PUBERTY Use textbook pages 77-79 to answer the following questions:

1. Why does sexual reproduction exist (from a biological point of view)?

2. What does having an intersex state mean?

3. If humans are born with all required sex organs, why can’t we reproduce right away?

4. What is FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone, and what does it do?

5. According to traditional First Nations and Metis people, what are women considered to be?

6. What tradition do boys go through in traditional Nakawe and Cree cultures to be able to take on their roles as helpers and warriors?

3.2 THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Use textbook pages 81-84 to answer the following questions:

1. What hormone do the testes produce when FSH reaches them? ______

2. Give 3 examples of secondary male sex characteristics.

3. When do males start producing sperm? At ______

4. What is the lifespan of a sperm? ______

5. How many sperm can be produced each day? ______Page 24 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______

6. How many sperm does it take to fertilize an egg? ______

7. Fill the following diagram:

3.3 THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Use textbook pages 85-90 to answer the following questions:

1. What hormones do the ovaries produce when FSH reaches them? ______

2. Give two examples of female secondary sex characteristics.

3. Fill in the blanks: Of the ______eggs a female is born with, only ______will still be alive by the time she undergoes puberty.

4. Fill in the following diagram:

Page 25 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______

3.4 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Use textbook pages 93-99 to answer the following questions:

1. How does fertilization begin (according to text on the bottom of page 93)?

2. What is a blastocyst?

3. What do the inner and outer layers of the blastocyst eventually form?

4. What is a placenta?

5. Explain what happens after implantation.

Page 26 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______

6. Give 8 possible signs of early pregnancy that a woman may experience before she even knows she is pregnant.

7. What hormone makes the uterus contract rhythmically? ______8. 9. What does process does this start? ______10. 11. How wide does the cervix dilate to allow the baby to be born? ______12. 13. After birth, what else must come out of the uterus? ______14. 15. Give an example of a situation that would require a Caesarean section rather than allowing labour to proceed vaginally? 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. In what position does the textbook say First Nations and Metis woman gave birth? 21. 22. 23. In what position do the media usually portray women giving birth (your opinion)? 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Page 27 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______a. 3.5 CONTRACEPTION AND REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY b. c. Use textbook pages 101-107 to answer the following questions: 29. 1. Do all people agree upon when life starts? Yes No 30. 2. According to the textbook, what do the Dakota people believe about preventing or ending pregnancy? Why? 31. 32. 33. 3. When do you think human life begins? Circle the one you agree with: a. Before egg/sperm meet b. After fertilization c. After implantation d. After it becomes a fetus e. After 20 weeks of pregnancy (half way) f. After birth 34. 4. Why do you think this? 35. 36. 37. 38. 5. Circle the correct answer: a. Some reproductive technologies go against certain belief systems. Do 39. Y 40. N you have to use one that goes against yours? es o b. Should you tell others that their belief about reproductive technologies 41. No is stupid? 42. 6. What is contraception? 43. 44. 45. 7. What is the most efficient method of contraception? ______46. 8. What is infertility? 47. 48. 49. 9. What is most common cause of infertility in males? 50. 51.

Page 28 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______10. What is the first step in IVF? 52. 53. 54. 11. Do the eggs and sperm used have to come from the intended mother and father? Yes No 55. 12. Why would they not use their own eggs or sperm? 56. 57. 58. 13. What 2 techniques are used to fertilize the egg? 59. 60. 61. 14. When are the eggs inserted into the uterus of the female? ______62. 15. Where do the eggs try to implant when they are inserted? ______63. 16. Usually more than 1 egg is inserted. Why is that? What can happen because of this? 64. 65. 66. 17. Why would parents choose to use a surrogate mother for the pregnancy? 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

Page 29 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______a. 3.5 CONTINUED… CONTRACEPTION b. Use textbook pages 104-105 and the PowerPoint Presentation “Choosing a contraception that’s right for u” (available from control-contraception ) to answer the following questions: 72. 74. Failure Rate 78. Prevent 76. What are STIs? 73. Type 75. (for every 77. How do they work? 1000 women they? 79. (Sexually during the Transmitted first year of Diseases) use) 81. 80. Sterilizatio 82. n 83. 86. 87. 88. (male/fema le) 84. 85. 90. 89. Intrauterin 91. e 92. 95. 96. 97. System/De vice 93. 94. 98. Injectable 99. Contracepti 100. 102. 103. 104. ve 101. 106. 107. 105. Oral 108. Contracepti 112. 113. 114. ves 109. 110. 111. 116. 115. Transde 117. 119. 120. 121. rmal Patch 118. 123. 122. Vaginal 124. 126. 127. 128. Ring 125. 130. 129. Condo 131. m 132. 135. 136. 137. (male/fema le) 133. 134. 138. No 139. 142. 143. 144. Page 30 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______Contracepti 140. on 141. 146. 145. Abstine 147. 149. 150. 151. nce 148. 152.

Page 31 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______153. Designer Babies

154. Using the information from your textbook, Khan Academy and other online resources, you need to answer the following questions: 155. 156. How are designer babies made and should we be allowed to make them? 157. 158. Here’s the Student Learning Outcomes for this project:  RE9.1 I CAN examine the process of and influences on the transfer of genetic information.  RE9.2 I CAN observe and describe the significance of cellular reproductive processes, including mitosis and meiosis.  RE9.3 I CAN describe the processes and implications of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and animals.  RE9.4 I CAN analyze the process of human reproduction, including the influence of reproductive and contraceptive technologies.  I CAN work with others to complete work towards a common goal.  I CAN work independently to complete work.  I CAN work with the textbook and online resources to find the information I need. 159. You need to present your findings to your class and teachers. You may present them in any way, approved by Ms Lamb. 160. Here’s how you will be judged: 161. 162. INC 163. 1 (Not Yet 164. 2 (Beginning 165. 3 (Almost 166. 4 (Incomplete)  Meeting) to Meet) There!) (Congratulations!)  167. Did not 168. From the 169. From the 170. After the 171. After the answer the presentation, I presentation, I presentation, I presentation, I question of how don’t really understand either have a general completely designer babies understand how how to select understanding of understand how were made. designer babies genetic traits or how designer designer babies are made. the process of in babies are made, are made, vitro fertilization. including how to including how to select genetic select genetic traits and the traits and the process of in vitro process of in vitro fertilization. fertilization. 172. Did not 173. They 174. They 175. They explored 176. They fully answer the answered the answered the some of the explored the question of question with a question with a scientific, moral or scientific, moral whether we simple yes or no simple yes or no social implications and social should make and did not back and did not back of designer implications of designer babies. up their opinion. up their opinion babies. designer babies. and gave a reason or two. 177. They did not 178. The group 179. The group 180. The group 181. The group speak. spoke quietly or spoke without spoke with spoke with was hard to confidence but confidence and confidence, was Page 32 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______understand. was loud enough. was loud enough. loud enough and was fun.

182. 183. You need to fill out the following surveys, too:  How well you did, based on the same one as above  How well you worked, understood the concept and treated group members  How well others worked and treated group members

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184. Group Evaluation 185. INC 186. 1 (Not Yet 187. 2 (Beginning 188. 3 (Almost 189. 4 (Incomplete) Meeting) to Meet) There!) (Congratulations!) 190. We did not 191. From our 192. From our 193. From our 194. From our answer the presentation, I presentation, I presentation, I think presentation, I think question of how don’t think that think we that the judges that the judges could completely understand designer babies anyone could explained either could understand how designer babies how designer babies were made. really understand how to select are made, including are made, including how designer genetic traits or how to select genetic how to select babies are made. the process of in traits and the process genetic traits and of in vitro fertilization. vitro fertilization. the process of in vitro fertilization. 195. We did not 196. We answered 197. We answered 198. We explored 199. We fully answer the the question with the question with a some of the explored the question of a simple yes or no simple yes or no and scientific, moral or scientific, moral whether we and did not back did not back up their social implications and social should make up their opinion. opinion and gave a of designer implications of reason or two. designer babies. babies. designer babies. 200. They did not 201. The group 202. The group 203. The group 204. The group speak. spoke quietly or spoke without spoke with spoke with was hard to confidence but confidence and confidence, was understand. was loud enough. was loud enough. loud enough and was fun. 205. Self-Evaluation 206. CATEGORY 207. NOT YET ADEQUATE 208. PROGRESSING 209. ADEQUATE 210. Respecting Others 211. I showed respect to 212. I showed respect to 213. I showed respect to the others in my group the others in my group the others in my group all less than 50% of the time. about 80% of the time. of the time. 214. Staying on Task 215. I was rarely on task. 216. I was on task about 217. I was on task about 50% of the time. 80% of the time. 218. Understanding 219. I have no clue what 220. I understand most of 221. I understood all the Concepts just happened to me. the work that needed to work that was asked of be done. me. 222. Peer Evaluation 223. Member: 224. CATEGORY 225. NOT YET ADEQUATE 226. PROGRESSING 227. ADEQUATE 228. Respecting Others 229. He/she showed 230. He/she showed 231. He/she showed respect to the others in respect to the others in respect to the others in my group less than 50% my group about 80% of my group all of the time. of the time. the time. 232. Staying on Task 233. He/she was rarely on 234. He/she was on task 235. He/she was on task task. about 50% of the time. about 80% of the time.

236. Member: 237. CATEGORY 238. NOT YET ADEQUATE 239. PROGRESSING 240. ADEQUATE 241. Respecting Others 242. He/she showed 243. He/she showed 244. He/she showed respect to the others in respect to the others in respect to the others in my group less than 50% my group about 80% of my group all of the time. Page 34 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______of the time. the time. 245. Staying on Task 246. He/she was rarely on 247. He/she was on task 248. He/she was on task task. about 50% of the time. about 80% of the time.

249. Member: 250. CATEGORY 251. NOT YET ADEQUATE 252. PROGRESSING 253. ADEQUATE 254. Respecting Others 255. He/she showed 256. He/she showed 257. He/she showed respect to the others in respect to the others in respect to the others in my group less than 50% my group about 80% of my group all of the time. of the time. the time. 258. Staying on Task 259. He/she was rarely on 260. He/she was on task 261. He/she was on task task. about 50% of the time. about 80% of the time. 262. 263. Judge Rubric

264. How are designer babies made and should we be allowed to make them? 265. 266. Here are the Student Learning Outcomes for this project:  RE9.1 I CAN examine the process of and influences on the transfer of genetic information.  RE9.2 I CAN observe and describe the significance of cellular reproductive processes, including mitosis and meiosis.  RE9.3 I CAN describe the processes and implications of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and animals.  RE9.4 I CAN analyze the process of human reproduction, including the influence of reproductive and contraceptive technologies.  I CAN work with others to complete work towards a common goal.  I CAN work independently to complete work.  I CAN work with the textbook and online resources to find the information I need. 267. What do you think about the presentation? 268. INC 269. 1 (Not Yet 270. 2 (Beginning 271. 3 (Almost 272. 4 (Incomplete)  Meeting) to Meet) There!) (Congratulations!)  273. Did not 274. From the 275. From the 276. After the 277. After the answer the presentation, I presentation, I presentation, I presentation, I question of how don’t really understand either have a general completely designer babies understand how how to select understanding of understand how were made. designer babies genetic traits or how designer designer babies are made. the process of in babies are made, are made, vitro fertilization. including how to including how to select genetic select genetic traits and the traits and the process of in vitro process of in vitro fertilization. fertilization. 278. Did not 279. They 280. They 281. They explored 282. They fully answer the answered the answered the some of the explored the question of question with a question with a scientific, moral or scientific, moral whether we simple yes or no simple yes or no social implications and social should make and did not back and did not back of designer implications of Page 35 of 36 Science 9 Name: ______designer babies. up their opinion. up their opinion babies. designer babies. and gave a reason or two. 283. They did not 284. The group 285. The group 286. The group 287. The group speak. spoke quietly or spoke without spoke with spoke with was hard to confidence but confidence and confidence, was understand. was loud enough. was loud enough. loud enough and was fun. 288. 289. Any additional comments or feedback? 290. 291. 292. 293.

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