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Lane Tech College Prep High School

Lane Tech College Prep High School Krakowski 1

LECTURE 8: Macroevolution/Species  What is Microevolution?  Evolution on a ______

 Change in ______from one generation to the next  A process that leads to a change in a species

 Natural ______

 ______

 Gene ______

 Mutation  Microevolution explains how ______evolve

 What is Macroevolution?  Origin of different ______

 ______of species

 Evolution of ______

 What are the Macroevolution Processes?  Divergent Evolution:

 Formation of 2 descendent species from ______

 ______structures  Convergent Evolution:

 2 species acquiring same characteristics from 2 ______ancestral species  A______Structures

 What is Speciation?

 Origin of ______ How would scientists know if a species is “new”?

 What are the two types of Speciation?  Coevolution:

 A species evolves due to another ______

 Predator/______relationships  Adaptive Radiation

 Appearance of ______species over a short period of time

 Filling open ______

o When would this happen?

 What is Adaptive Radiation?

 ______of new species from ______

that results in diverse species ______to different environments

 What is the tempo of Speciaton? Lane Tech College Prep High School Krakowski 2

 Punctuated ______

 Long periods of ______

 Occurs after fast/rapid changes

o ______ What is the Biological Species Concept?

 Group of individuals capable of ______

 Is this an accurate definition of a species?

 What are other species concepts?  5 Types:

 Morphological

 Group of individuals ______similar characteristics

 Recognition

 ______recognition between individuals

 Genetic

 Range of ______in DNA- similar in individuals

 Cladistic

 Species defined as a branch in a ______

 Biological

 Group of individuals capable of ______

 Why don’t similar species interbreed?

 ______Isolation

 ______Isolation

 What is Geographic Isolation?

 Separation of a species due to ______ Allopatric Speciation

 What is Reproductive Isolation?  Sympatric Speciation

 Prezygotic (before ______)

 ______ Diff breeding seasons

 Behavior  ______

 Habitats  ______niches) Lane Tech College Prep High School Krakowski 3

 Mechanical  ______structures

 Gametic  ______ Postzygotic (______fertilization)

 Reduced Hybrid Viability  Abort embryonic______ Reduced Hybrid Fertility  Cannot ______

o What are the Modes of Speciation?

o Two general modes of speciation are distinguished by the way gene flow among populations is initially interrupted . Allopatric speciation  ______separation of populations restricts ______. Sympatric speciation  speciation occurs in geographically overlapping populations when biological factors, such as chromosomal changes and nonrandom mating, reduce gene flow o What is Allopatric Speciation?

o Geological processes can fragment a population into two or more ______. Mountain ranges, glaciers, land bridges, or splintering of lakes may divide one population into isolated groups.

o Some individuals may ______a new, geographically remote area and become isolated from the parent population . For example, mainland organisms that colonized the Galápagos Islands were isolated from mainland populations.

o Once geographic separation is established, the separated gene pools may begin to diverge through a number of mechanisms . ______

. ______favors different traits in the two populations

. Different ______pressures in differing environments act on the two populations.

. ______alters allele frequencies.

o What is Sympatric Speciation?

o New species arise within the range of the parent populations

. ______barriers must evolve between sympatric populations  In plants, sympatric speciation can result from accidents during cell division that result in extra sets of chromosomes, a mutant condition known as ______ In animals, it may result from gene-based shifts ______

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