A Total of 26 Units of Credit Are Required to Graduate from Lyons High School s1

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A Total of 26 Units of Credit Are Required to Graduate from Lyons High School s1

INTRODUCTION foundation on which to continue studying business and accounting at the post-secondary level. The following course descriptions have been developed to help students CN1003 CN1004 with course selection during the enrollment process. Classes are subject CN1005 CN1006 to addition or deletion based on enrollment numbers and teacher availability. Courses listed with 1.0 credit are year long courses, Computer Technology semester courses receive .5 credit. Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: 9th grade required, basic knowledge of keyboarding. A total of 26 units of credit are required to graduate from Lyons High A year long course designed to reinforce and continue development of School. keyboarding and formatting skills in word processing, database, spreadsheet, and multimedia presentation for both personal and Graduation Requirements occupational application. Basic computer knowledge will be taught and 4 units of English (I, II, III, IV or IVC) training on the internet and e-mail will also be provided. A signed 3 units of Math (must include Algebra I) Internet Permission Slip needs to be on file at school. Computers will be 3 units of Science utilized for instruction using Office 2007 software and the Internet. 3 units of Social Science This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a university. CN1007 CN1008 Business Technology 4 Units of English Duration: 1.0 credit Fall Semester (World History, Am. History, Government/Economics) Prerequisite: Computer Technology and Accounting I 1 Unit of P.E./Health This class is a prelude to On the Job Training (OJT). It is designed to 1 Unit of Computers help students, interested in office type work, to acquire the skills 1 Unit of Fine Arts necessary to succeed in the workplace. It can be a very valuable tool for students who want to get their “foot in the door” in a specific business Kansas Scholars Curriculum career. Two of the most important skills needed for this class are the *Required for eligibility for Valedictorian and Salutatorian Awards and ability to communicate and a desire to work. Some of the topics covered Gold Tassel in this class are: computer skills, job search skills, office skills, using 4 units English (English I, II, III, IVC-College Composition/Intro to office equipment, internet research and various projects. Literature) CN1009 3 units of Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 4 units of Math (Algebra I, II, Geometry, and 1 additional math- On-the-Job Training combination of precalculus, statistics, college algebra) Duration: 1.0 credit Spring semester 3 units of Social Science (World History, American History, and Prerequisite: Business Technology (class limited to 8) Government/Economics) On-the-Job Training is a two-hour course offered second semester. 2 units of Foreign Language (in one language) Students who successfully complete Business Technology will be 1 unit Computer Technology assigned a job as an office assistant at a local business. Jobs will be * Three math credits must be taken at LHS to fulfill the requirement for found by the instructor. graduation. Algebra I taken at LMS counts as an elective high school CN1010 credit and meets the Algebra I graduation requirement, and towards this curriculum grade point average. Video Production Duration: .5 or 1.0 credit Rice County Learning Center Credits Prerequisites: 10-12, Computer Technology and instructor approval A student may enroll at the Rice County Learning Center upon failing at (Class limited to 10) the semester or the end of a year. Seniors that fail a required course Video Production is open to grades 10-12. This class will teach the during their second semester will not be allowed to participate in basics of camera use, storyboarding, editing film, etc… Besides commencement. Rice County Learning Center credits needed for producing various projects, students will be expected to film activities graduation must be completed by May 1 to participate in outside of the normal school hours. commencement. A required course can be an elective if needed for the CN1011 26 credits for graduation. Failed courses that are needed to be taken in a sequential order must be completed by the August enrollment date. FINE ARTS

BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY Instrumental Music Duration: 1.0 credit Accounting I Pre-Requisites: Students enrolling in band should be in good standing Duration: 1.0 credit from the previous year. Exceptions may be made by the band instructor. Prerequisites: 10-12 Instrumental Music (band) is for students interested in being in an This course is an introduction to accounting fundamentals. Students will organization that will involve you in many school activities. The band learn how to record business transactions in journals, post to ledgers, marches at all home varsity football games, and performs at all home prepare financial statements and perform the end of fiscal period work. varsity basketball games. The band also supports the sports teams if they Automated accounting will be introduced after manual accounting have the opportunity to play in playoffs. Currently, the band performs procedures have been mastered. Techniques for using the 10-key two formal concerts a year, plays at graduation, and attends two calculators and the topic of taxes will also be covered. This class is contests. Grading is based on effort displayed in the classroom and highly recommended for students interested in pursuing a career in the attendance record at the required performances. business world or planning a major in business in college. CN1601 CN1602 CN 1001 CN1002 Chorus Computerized Accounting II/III Duration: 1.0 credit Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: None Prerequisites: Accounting I Vocal music class. This course is for students who would like to have a vocational CN1603 CN1604 preparation for a career in accounting or a field requiring accounting applications. In the second year course, accounting for a merchandising Lionaires business organized as a corporation is covered with an emphasis placed Duration: 1.0 credit on automated accounting. In the third year course, accounting for a Prerequisites: Vocal talent & instructor permission, tryouts only, limited departmentalized business as well as corporate, managerial and cost to 24 students. accounting will be areas covered. These courses also provide a CN1605 CN1606 CN1114

Beginning Guitar FOREIGN LANGUAGE Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: None. Required materials: an acoustic guitar. Bass guitar Spanish I is not permitted. Duration: 1.0 credit Beginning guitar will teach you the very basics of guitar playing. You Prerequisites: None will learn: Tuning of the guitar, reading and playing notes from music The goal of Spanish I is to develop the student’s ability to understand and second semester will include instruction on chords. Weekly playing spoken Spanish and to begin to speak Spanish in simple conversations. tests are given, and plenty of practice time during class will be The class provides the students with basic vocabulary which they can permitted. Students progress quickly because of having class daily. use in the real world and upon which they can build additional study. CN1607 CN1608 The students will also develop the secondary skills of reading and writing in Spanish. In addition to conversational skills, the students will Music Theory acquire knowledge of Spanish grammar (the present tense, the use of Duration: 1.0 credit adjectives, the two forms of the verb “to be,” the simple future tense, the Prerequisites: None formation of declarative and interrogative sentences, etc.) for the Music theory will include notation, key signatures, and construction of purpose of understanding how the language functions. scales, intervals and triads. Students will develop the listening processes This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a using the aural study of intervals, sight-singing, and melodic dictation. university. Also included in this course will be the fundamentals of conducting with CN1701 CN1702 emphasis on gestures, score reading, and musical leadership. Practical experience in conducting choral and/or instrumental ensembles will be Spanish II provided. Duration: 1.0 credit CN1609 CN1610 Prerequisites: a grade of C or better in Spanish I or instructor’s permission Art I, II, III, IV The goal of Spanish II is to further develop the student’s ability to Duration: .5 or 1.0 credit understand and speak Spanish. Students will learn additional vocabulary Prerequisites: None, Art I and Instructor’s Permission for II, III, IV to further prepare them to communicate in Spanish in a variety of During Art I students receive an overview of various art mediums and settings (on the job, in class at the university level, on trips abroad, techniques through two and three dimensional projects and activities. meeting new friends in our multicultural world). Increased emphasis will Exposures to artists provide for the advancement of skills and be placed on developing the student’s ability to read and write in knowledge for the serious students. Focus shifts to a more personal Spanish. Students will study new grammar concepts (the use of modal development and interest in the arts during years II, III, and IV. Students and helping verbs, the imperative or “command” verb form, the use and will participate in art shows and competitions. placement of indirect and direct object pronouns, the formation of CN1611 (1st sem) CN1612 (2nd sem) comparative, superlative, and possessive adjectives, the use and CN1621 CN1622 formation of the preterite, etc.) for the purpose of developing the CN1631 CN1632 student’s ability to communicate more complex ideas. CN1641 CN1642 This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a university. Photography CN1703 CN1704 Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: Must have own digital camera Spanish III Students will learn the basics of digital camera photography. Camera Duration: 1.0 credit functions, options, and accessories will be addressed. Students will Prerequisites: a grade of C or better in Spanish II (or III) or instructor’s learn to use available technology and software to further utilize the permission capabilities of their cameras. Students will be responsible for Lyons The goal of Spanish III/IV is to develop the student’s ability to speak, High School sport pictures and pictures for the Lyons Daily News. read, and write Spanish at a more advanced level. Emphasis will be Scanning, cropping, sizing, and enhancing photos are some of the placed on learning more verb forms which allow the student to techniques to be learned and used. Students will enter contests with communicate about the future, present, and past. Students will acquire a their photography. Proper function and creativity will be the focus. broader vocabulary as they read more advanced literature. New grammar CN1651 concepts will include the use of the present subjunctive verb form, formal command verb form, preterite vs. imperfect verb usage, the Piano future tense, and an introduction to the past subjunctive and conditional Duration: .5 credit or 1.0 credit verb form. Emphasis will be placed on developing the student’s ability Prerequisites: None to successfully communicate in Spanish in a wide variety of settings. This course will provide the basics in playing the piano to students who This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a have little or no piano experience. Study will include keyboard university. orientation, proper posture and hand position. Also, scale exercises, CN1705 CN1706 solo, and duet pieces. Students will become proficient in grand staff reading and sight reading single line melodies and melodies with HEALTH/PHYSICAL EDUCATION chords. Students will perform a solo piece for the class at the end of each quarter. Theory lessons in key signatures and construction of Health/Physical Education scales, intervals, triads, and seventh chords will be included. Duration: 1.0 credit CN1680 CN1681 Prerequisites: 9th grade, required This class is designed to give students the knowledge to make proper Forensics decisions that lead to a healthy lifestyle, improve the quality of their own Duration: .5 credit/spring semester life, cause a positive impact on the lives of those near them, and prolong Prerequisites: None the time they have to lead productive lives. The text, lectures, videos, Forensics provides an opportunity for students to express themselves in handouts and hands-on activities will be used to provide information. a manner not found in other classes. If you excel in acting, making Units covered include: Health and Wellness, Nutrition Principles, faces, strange noises, miming-or simply express yourself well in spoken Mental and Emotional Health, Managing Stress, Alcohol, Tobacco and form-this may be the class for you. Students will be expected to Illegal Drugs, and Human Sexuality. Through a variety of activities, the memorize various acting and speaking presentations, competing at physical education department hopes to develop certain recreational various tournaments throughout the state of Kansas. Considerable time skills, improve fitness and provide opportunities for social and character will be spent perfecting this craft-both in class and after school practice development. Although most of the time will be spent in activity, sessions. students will be given skill tests, and some written assignments and integrated throughout the course to provide authentic applications in tests. Blue shorts, white shirt and soft soled shoes are required for class. design basics, color, lighting, furniture style and design. Students will This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a have the opportunity to explore and experience career options in the university. Interior Design and Furnishings Industry. CN1801 CN1802 CN1507 Advanced Physical Education Resource Management Duration: .5 or 1.0 credits Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: Successful completion of PE or instructor permission. Prerequisites: None This class is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to Managing resources to achieve personal and family goals; making significantly improve his/her strength and cardiovascular fitness by informed consumer decisions; creating financial stability; and lifting three days per week and to study both team and individual sport maintaining a healthy living environment. activities which can be used after completion of their formal education. CN1508 Various net games together with team sports like basketball and softball are used during the course. Participation along with written tests will be Career and Life used to evaluate the student. Duration: .5 credit CN1805 CN1806 Prerequisites: None Developing a life-management plan for life beyond high school; caring for self and others; and planning to assure career success and HUMAN SERVICES coordinating personal and career responsibilities. Personal life choices made now and throughout life determine quality of life. Intro to Human Services CN1510 Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: None Exploring Teaching as a Career This course is offered to freshman and sophomore students as an Duration: 1.0 credit Fall Semester introduction to Human Services. Students will receive an introduction to Prerequisites: 11th grade or higher, Child Development areas such as responsibilities with in the home and workplace, practice This course will provide fundamental knowledge of subject matter and management in a variety of situations such as finances and choices, the methodology in the Education and Training Cluster. It will provide family as a unit, human growth and development, respecting and caring students with an overview of the teaching professions with course work for others, nutrition and wellness, and the responsibility of parenting. in planning and preparation, instruction, learning environment and Students will learn through project based activities and leadership professional responsibilities. Students will exam the role schools play in experiences using Family, Career and Community Leaders of America society. as a tool. CN1520 CN1501 CN1502 Teaching Internship Foods and Nutrition Duration: 1.0 credit Spring Semester Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: 11th grade or higher, Child Development Prerequisites: None This course will provide fundamental knowledge of subject matter and The quality lifestyle impacts physical, emotional, and social health on a methodology in the Education and Training Cluster. It will provide daily basis. The choices made today will affect life expectancy, students with opportunities for multiple supervised observations in reproductive health, and risk factors for disease. The ability to diverse environment that will expose them to the requirements of careers competently plan strategies for choosing, acquiring, preparing and related to Education and Training. storing foods will affect overall health and wellness. CN1521 CN1503 Career and Community Connection Foods Industry Duration: .5 credit Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: completed 2.5 credits in FACS or concurrent enrollment Prerequisites: None to meet requirement. This course will prepare students for careers or post secondary programs This course will provide fundamental knowledge of the subject matter related to the Culinary Arts/Baking and Pastry business and industry. and skills in the Human Service Cluster. It will provide students with Students will develop skills on safety and sanitation, and basic opportunities for multiple supervised observation experience in a variety techniques required in food preparation. of service learning environments that will expose them to the CN1504 requirements of careers related to the Human Service/Family and Community Service. Parenting and Child Development CN1522 Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: None Human Growth and Development Strong, positive parenting skills are critical in today’s world. The effects Duration: .5 credit of these skills impacts home and employment situations. Student will Prerequisites: None study the areas of development and the factors that affect the growth and This course will provide knowledge of normal physical, mental, development of children. emotional, and social development and changes in the development of CN1505 the individual from prenatal to old age. CN1523 Textile and Apparel Duration: .5 credit INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Prerequisites: None This course will introduce students to programs and background CAD I information into a career and post-secondary program related to textile Duration: .5 credit and apparel. Students will learn the fabric production, principles of Prerequisites: None design, sketching and garment production. Career opportunities are This course will include topics such as sections, auxiliary views, threads investigated and skills provided that lead to successful employment in and fasteners, dimensioning, developments, and working drawings the area of textile and apparel. including map drafting and assembly drawings. All drawings will be CN1506 developed using CAD 3-D software. All grades will be based on quality of work and manipulation of software and hardware. Interior Design CN1901 Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: None Cabinet Making I This course will prepare students for a career or post-secondary program Duration: .5 credit related to housing and interiors in business and industry. Projects are Prerequisites: Drafting I recommended. This is a beginning class of woodworking. Safety is stressed as a high Prerequisite: 11-12 priority of the class. Students are taught the basic woodworking This is a class for the student that may want to go into the automotive operations completed by hand and machine. When the class is field for a career. Students will learn theory and operation, precision completed, the student has a useable project. The project will be used as measurement, and specific tool usage. Student then will apply that a tool to teach the skills of every machine in the shop plus some hand knowledge by disassembly, inspection, and rebuilding an automotive operations. The student purchases the material from the school for the transmission. All specifications will be met, and all circuits tested. project. Most definitely a hands on class! Woods I and Drafting I are the first courses that are recommended in the CN1915 CN1916 course sequence. CN1902 Automobile Restoration Duration: 1.0 credit Cabinet Making II Prerequisites: 11-12 Duration: 1.0 credit Class will take part in almost every aspect of planning, recording, Prerequisites: Woods I, 10th or above with general knowledge of wood teardown, inspection, replacement and/or rebuilding a project car or shop or instructor permission truck. This is a good class for someone who loves old cars and wants to This course provides for the study of hand tool and machine processes learn by doing. and materials related to wood industries. The safe use and care of CN1917 CN1918 machine tools are stressed. Lab activities provide opportunity for students to apply content. Construction Technology CN1903 CN1904 Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: None Metal Tech I Students will have some classroom time, but most is hands on. Students Duration: 1.0 credit will learn by doing. Residential wiring will be taught, following the Prerequisites: Drafting I and Woods I or instructor permission National Electric Code. Each student will correctly and safely wire and This is a beginning metals class. Areas of emphasis are; arc welding, test the same basic circuits that are used in homes today. In the oxygen-acetylene welding and cutting, MIG welding, TIG welding, Concrete section, students will learn the material and forms needed, sheet metal production, lathe operations, hand tool operations, hand then apply that to the scale model bridge competition, where each forging, CNC and Forging, and various other hand and machine tool student will design, make, and test (to destruction) to determine the operations. Safety and proper conduct in the work area is stressed. weight that the structure will hold. Framing section covers CN1907 CN1908 conventional frame construction as used in residential construction. Students will make a 1/8th scale model building. Metal Tech II CN1919 Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: Metal Tech I Plastics This class is designed for the student to build a project from the idea stag Duration: .5 credit through the actual production and completion stag. The student is taught Prerequisites: None to design a project, write a plan of procedure, to write a bill of materials, Entry level class, student will learn about the wide variety of plastics and to obtain the material to build the project. Shop safety is stressed. that are in use today, and explore those materials through various The student is totally responsible for the design and building of the projects. Think woods 1 except different material! project. The student must have the ability to work independently, and to CN1921 have the motivation to complete the project within the time frame of the class. Transportation CN1909 CN1910 Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: 10-12 Metal Restoration Everyone that owns a car needs to learn basic care and Duration: 1.0 credit feeding of the automobile. This class is set up for people who know Prerequisites: Metal Tech I/II is highly recommended, or instructor nothing about a car, but want to learn. Students will learn maintenance, permission. and how to shop for replacement items that each car will need, such as This class is designed and based on the restoration of either a pedal car tires, batteries, etc. Students will learn what they need to know to avoid or tractor. The student learns the process of metal restoration. After he being "ripped off" by repairs, and what to look for when buying a used selects a project, he writes a short research paper about his selection. vehicle. With each of those areas, students learn what legal rights and Research is done within books and on the internet. He is also required to recourses that they are entitled to. Insurance is also discussed, usually do an evaluation of his car. The student must tell what work needs to be by inviting an insurance agent(s) to give the facts and answer questions. performed and what parts that need to be replaced. He then writes a Students will get both classroom and shop instruction. short description how he will perform the process. Before the student CN1922 begins to work, he must purchase the car from the school. The student takes “ownership” of the project. When completed, the student has a restored pedal car he can take home. Use of hand and air power tools is taught as well as some light welding skills. LANGUAGE ARTS CN1911 CN1912 English I COURSE SEQUENCE Duration: 1.0 credit CAD I/Cabinetmaking I 9-12 Prerequisite: None Metal Tech I: 10-12 English I students will study a blend of literature, writing and Metal Restoration: 10-12 vocabulary. The literature covers the different genres of short stories, Metal Tech II: 11-12 plays, poetry and novels. Six trait writing is emphasized in responsive, narrative and expository writings. Students will strengthen their reading Small Engines and writing skills while experiencing a broad variety of authors and Duration: .5 credit styles. The skills learned in English 1 will prepare students for the Prerequisite: None remainder of their high school classes. Students will learn theory of operation of the internal This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a combustion engine, precision measurement, and use of basic tools in the university. teardown, inspection, and rebuilding of a small gasoline engine. CN1101 CN1102 Engines will be tuned and tested after rebuild. CN1913 English II Duration: .1.0 credit Automatic Transmission Prerequisite: Successful completion of English I Duration: 1.0 credit Students will study a blend of literature, writing and vocabulary. The CN1113 literature touches upon the different genre of short stories, plays, poetry and novels. Selections from different time periods offer the students a link between World History and the written selection of the time period. The six traits of writing are emphasized with narrative and expository writings. Vocabulary lessons center around Wordly Wise and words Speech I selected from the different time periods and selections. Duration: .5 credit This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a Prerequisite: None university. The purpose of the class is to provide a basic understanding – a useable, CN1103 CN1104 working knowledge of the terms, tools and techniques of both formal and informal speaking, while fostering a greater appreciation for English III communication through an understanding of the value and function of Duration: 1.0 credit communication in society present and past. Students will actively Pre-Requisite: English I, English II or instructor's permission participate in a variety of speaking types and settings, seeking the one This course offers a careful study of American literature. Selections niche that best suits their abilities. from different time periods familiarize students with various schools of This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a writing from Romanticism to Realism, including works of poetry, short university. stories, and novels. Six trait writing is used to compose and assess CN1115 persuasive and analytical compositions. Vocabulary and grammar lessons are also dispersed throughout the year to both review and College Speech (Public Speaking) develop language skills. Duration: .5 credit This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a 3 credit hours from BCCC university. Prerequisite: Speech I is highly recommended CN1105 CN1106 Course includes a study of the theoretical principles underlying effective communicative behavior, and the practical application of those English IV principles in various communicative exercises and assignments. The Duration: 1.0 credit course is designed to increase the awareness of the importance of speech Prerequisite: English I, II, and III communication in today’s society and develop competency of speakers. This course studies literature through a variety of genres and utilizes Considerable independent reading is required as well as speeches both in writing assignments to further develop skills in reading, communications and out of the classroom setting. This course is designed in part to (oral and written), note taking, active listening and creative and critical prepare students for admission to a university. thinking. Review of mechanics, punctuation, spelling, sentence and CN1116 paragraph development, and grammar are addressed through students’ original writings. Drama This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a Duration: .5 credit university. Prerequisites: None CN1107 CN1108 This course will provide an overview of terms, material, tools and techniques associated with all parts of the theatre. The focus will be English IVC (English Composition I/ Intro to Literature) divided into two semesters. First semester will center on the actor and Duration: 1.0 credit for HS creation of characters. Second semester will provide insight into the 3 credit hours/semester from BCCC behind the scenes aspects of theatre (construction, scene design, make- Prerequisite: English I, II, and III and college placement score or up, lighting). The goal of this course will be to encourage greater required ACT score appreciation of live theatre through an understanding of the value of This class may serve as a dual credit for both high school English and theatre through the past and present. Composition 1 and Introduction to Literature through Barton County CN1117 Community College. Both credits follow the same syllabus and requirements. The study of literature through English History with a FAME blend of writing assignments sets the main premise of the class. The Duration: 1.0 credit literature begins with Old English selections and follows the changing Prerequisite: Staff identified English language and literature. Writing assignments follow narrative Reading is FAME is a program that will help students read better. The and persuasive assignments with emphasis on critiquing and self first semester concentrates on building vocabulary. Students will learn evaluation. 160 new words. During second semester students learn research, writing This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a and note taking methods. These skills will be invaluable to the rest of university. their high school careers. Students who participated in FAME at Lyons CN1109 CN1110 Middle School are strongly urged to enroll. CN1118 CN1119 Yearbook I/II Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: Instructor application and approval MATHEMATICS Students learn and apply skills in business, layout design, graphic design, photography, and teamwork. Students will work in groups based Basic Algebra on their academic responsibility, leadership, creative thinking skills and Duration: 1.0 credit potential to work with others to complete the yearbook. Class size is Prerequisites: None limited. Basic Algebra is the study of patterns, number operations, integers, data CN1111 CN1112 and graphing, percents, proportions, probability, and solving linear equations. Debate CN1201 CN1202 Duration: .5 credit/ fall semester Prerequisites: Hard work and a desire to win. Frequent evening and Applied Math I weekend practices and competitions are required. Duration: 1.0 credit Are you sick and tired of losing arguments to your parents, friends and Prerequisites: Successful completion of Basic Algebra or instructor teachers? If so, DEBATE may be the class for you. Debate provides a recommendation basic understanding of argumentation. Your research skills, filing and Fifteen modular learning materials with emphasis on the ability to the ability to think on your feet will be greatly enhanced. You will be understand and apply mathematical skills to solve problems in the world asked to argue logically and to argue with limited preparation time. Be of work are the theme for this class. The course includes materials that prepared to work and spend time both in class as well as outside school focus on calculator use, arithmetic operations, problem solving in practice if you want to win. Frequent weekend trips to various exotic techniques, estimating, data handling, measuring, and geometry and places and destinations become common for winners. algebra concepts. These courses will NOT take the place of Algebra I. CN1203 CN1204 exponential functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices, and determinants. This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a university. CN1217 Algebra I Duration: 1.0 credit Trigonometry Prerequisites: Successful completion of Basic Algebra or instructor Duration: .5 credit for HS recommendation 3 Credit hours from BCCC (tuition paid by student) Algebra I is the study of solving, graphing, and writing linear equations, Prerequisite: Successful completion of Geometry and attain required solving and graphing linear inequalities, solving systems of linear ASSET or ACT score in mathematics and reading. Recommend equations, powers and exponents, with an introduction to quadratic concurrent enrollment in Precalculus. This course involves the study of equations and polynomial factoring. trigonometric functions, identities, complex numbers, and solutions of This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a triangles. university. This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a CN1207 CN1208 university. CN1218 Algebra II Duration: 1.0 credit SCIENCE Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra I This class is the study of systems of linear equations and inequalities, Biology matrices and determinants, quadratic equations and parabolas, powers, Duration: 1.0 credit roots, and radicals, and exponential, logarithmic, polynomial and Prerequisites: 11th grade, successful completion of Foundations of rational functions. Physics This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a Biology is an introduction to the study of life. This course will focus on university. the characteristics of living things through the use of technology and lab- CN1209 CN1210 based inquiry learning. Students will utilize technology, including student laptops, for applying the knowledge they have gained to the Geometry world around them. Topics include: Biochemistry, cell structure, Duration: 1.0 credit metabolism, photosynthesis, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra II or instructor This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a recommendation university. Geometry is a study of inductive and deductive reasoning, polygons, CN1305 CN1306 circles, angles, transformations, basic trigonometric relationships, perimeter, area and volume. Biology II This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a Duration: 1.0 credit university. Prerequisites: successful completion of Biology I CN1211 CN1212 Biology II expands upon the important life science concepts students learned in Biology I. This course will place more emphasis on real- Statistics world application, technology use, and inquiry-based lab practices as Duration: .5 credit they apply to the life sciences. Additionally, special focus will be placed Prerequisites: 12, successful completion of Algebra II on data collection and analysis. Student lap-tops will be integral for This course studies elementary probability theory, methods of keeping up with current events as they apply to the topics we will cover organizing data, averages and variations, normal distributions, binomial throughout the year. This class will encompass three main components distributions, hypothesis testing. This course is designed in part to of biological study. Topics include: botany, microbiology, and prepare students for admission to a university. comparative zoology. CN1213 This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a university. Pre-Calculus CN1307 CN1308 Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra II and Geometry Chemistry I Precalculus is an in depth study of linear and quadratic functions, Duration: 1.0 credit exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, matrices, and Prerequisites: 10th determinants. The course has a strong emphasis on graphing calculator Chemistry expands the fundamental concepts used to describe our usage and real life application. physical world to include matter and matter transformations. Students This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a develop and apply a particle model of matter to describe and explain the university. behavior of matter. Emphasis is placed on cooperative learning, CN1214 CN1215 laboratory investigations, and use of technology including student laptops. Topics include: Conservation of mass and energy, states and Intermediate College Algebra classification of matter, behavior of gases, chemical change and Duration: .5 credit for HS reactions, stoichiometry, atomic structure and spectra, periodicity, 3 Credit hours from BCCC (tuition paid by student) nuclear reactions, reaction rates, and acid / bases. Prerequisites: Appropriate ASSET test or ACT scores This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a This course is a developmental class covering fundamental algebraic university. operations, factoring, algebraic fractions, linear and quadratic equations, CN1309 CN1310 exponents and radicals. This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a Chemistry II university. Duration: 1.0 credit CN1216 Prerequisites: Successful completion of Chemistry I. Chemistry II will be a continuation of the methods and principles College Algebra learned in Chemistry I. This course will be an excellent preparation for Duration: .5 credit for HS students interested in a career in science and engineering and will follow 3 credit hours from BCCC (tuition paid by student) the lab based modeling methodology practiced in Chemistry I. Topics Prerequisites: Appropriate ASSET test or ACT score covered may include, but will not be limited to the following: kinetics, The course covers the study of real number properties, products and chemical equilibria, acids and bases, redox reactions, thermodynamics, factoring, algebraic functions, exponents and radicals, linear, quadratic electrochemistry, organic chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. A research and higher degree equations, functions and graphs, logarithmic and project may be required during at least one semester. This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a Government university. Duration: .5 credit CN1317 CN1318 Prerequisites: 12th grade, required The purpose of this course is to explain the constitution and the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. With knowledge of the different parts of our government’s organization, student should be able to understand and possibly help shape our Physics domestic and foreign policies. Upon completion of this course, the Duration: 1.0 credit student should feel as though he/she is an active part of the government Prerequisites: 11th – 12th grade, successful completion of Algebra II or and not an object of it. This course is designed in part to prepare concurrently enrolled students for admission to a university. Physics is an advanced study of matter interactions focusing on the CN1405 application of diagramical, graphical, mathematical, and written models to describe and explain real world situations. Students use technology Economics including student laptops to collect and analyze data and present Duration: .5 credit findings. Emphasis is placed on problem solving and critical thinking Prerequisites: 12th grade, required including vector analysis. Students are expected to complete projects For students to become effective citizens, they must understand the throughout the year. Topics include: Classical mechanics, electricity, development, framework, and distinctive characteristics of the American magnetism, light, relativity, and modern physics. free enterprise system. This course gives students that understanding This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a and helps them realize that they play an important role in the economy university. of our country. CN1311 CN1312 This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a university. Anatomy and Physiology CN1406 Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: 11th grade, successful completion of Biology Sociology Anatomy and Physiology is a specialized study of the structure and Duration: .5 credit function of the human body and the mechanisms for maintaining Prerequisites: 11-12 homeostasis within it. This course will involve many inquiry based Sociology is the study of relationships within groups. The course will laboratory investigations. Additionally, students will utilize technology cover areas such as: social organization, cultural change, social extensively as we examine current medical and laboratory practices. institutions, and social problems. When the student is through with this Topics include: Cells, tissues, the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, course, he/she should have a better understanding of themselves and the nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive systems. world around them. Topics of special interest to the students, such as forensic anthropology This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a and crime scene analysis, may also be included. university. This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a CN1407 university. CN1313 CN1314 World Geography Duration: .5 credit Foundation of Physics Prerequisites: None Duration: 1.0 credit This class is a study of the five themes of geography, human geography, Prerequisites: 9th grade, required physical geography and others. Major units cover the seven continents. Foundations of Physics is a freshman science course focusing on the This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a fundamental concepts used to describe our physical world. Students university. develop models of key concepts by doing scientific inquiry, and then CN1408 apply models to new real-world situations. Emphasis is placed on cooperative learning and use of technology including student laptops. Current Events Topics include: Motion and force related to linear, projectile, and Duration.5 credit circular motion, conservation of energy and momentum, mechanical Prerequisites: None waves and sound, light and optics, electricity and magnetism. Current Events is a social science elective which discovers the various CN1315 CN1316 forms of media (newspapers, television, radio and computers) through the issues of the day. CN1409 SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology World History Duration: .5 credit Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: 11-12th grade Prerequisites: 10th grade, required This class is the scientific study of human and animal behavior. World History is a class where we chart the path of history from the Psychology is studied to help us understand the people and the world beginnings of civilization to the modern day. Students will chart history around us. Ninety percent of America’s population lives on ten percent through the various themes of religion, lifestyle, government and of the land area. If we must exist in this crowed condition, it is language. The interactive class activities are designed to help the student imperative that we are able to understand our fellow man. understand the world in which we live. This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a university. university. CN1410 CN1401 CN1402 Law American History Duration: .5 credit Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: 11-12 Prerequisite: Required course for juniors This approach to law education is to provide practical information and Students will study of America beginning at 1900 and covering material problem solving opportunities that develop in students the knowledge to the present. Major units include World War I, World War II, the Great and skills necessary for survival in our law-saturated society. The Depression, the Cold War, the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam, and course includes case studies, role-plays, small group activities, field other time periods. trips, and guest speakers. Discussions will include criminal law, civil This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a law, contracts, consumer law, and family law. university. This course is designed in part to prepare students for admission to a CN1403 CN1404 university. CN1411 Civil War Duration: .5 credit Prerequisites: None Students will examine the causes of the Civil War going back to the 1840's until the start of the war. The war itself will be broken into years of struggle for easier study. Political, social, economic, and military issues will be studied throughout the class. The final section of the class will provide a quick look at Reconstruction from 1865-1877. CN1412

AFJROTC I Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: None A Journey into Aviation History This class has three main components of study. Students will study aviation history from ancient civilizations to the 21st century, highlighting the role of the US Air Force. Students will also receive a brief introduction into astronomy and space exploration. The second component introduces the student to cadet and Air Force organizational structure, uniform wear, customs courtesies, military traditions, health and wellness, fitness, self control and citizenship. The Drill and Ceremonies portion concentrates on elements of military drill and ceremonial performances. CN1420 CN1421

AFJROTC II Duration: .1.0 credit Prerequisites: Completion of AFJROTC 1 The Science of Flight This aviation science course is intended to acquaint students with the aerospace environment, human requirements of flight, principles of aircraft flight, and principles of navigation. The course begins with a discussion of the atmosphere and weather. After developing an understanding of the environment, how that environment affects flight is introduced. Topics include the four forces of lift, weight, thrust, and drag. Students also learn basic navigation skills, including map reading, course plotting, and calculating the effects of wind. The portion on human requirements of flight is a survey course in physiology, which includes a discussion of the human circulatory system, the effects of acceleration and deceleration, and the importance of protective equipment. CN1422 CN1423

AFJROTC III Duration: 1.0 credit Prerequisites: Completion of AFJROTC 1, 2 Global and Cultural Studies This social science course introduces students to the diverse geography, history, and culture of various regions of the world. The goal is to increase each student’s awareness and insight into America’s national interests and our country’s role in world affairs. Issues considered include terrorism, economics, politics, military, religion, ecology, human rights, health and disease, literacy, and migration. Regions included are Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, Africa, and Latin America. CN1424 CN1425

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