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Village of Roscommon s1

VILLAGE OF ROSCOMMON Minutes of the September 8, 2014 Regular Council Meeting

President Adams called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Members of the Council present: Erine Adams, Mark Larsen, Linda Mesler, Diane Lippert, Bev Luther, Marc McKee and Jesse Carlson. Also present: Clerk Dawn Dodge, Mike Butler, Pat Murphy, Sue Jock, Krista Tacey- Cater, Joanne Lederman, Dave Linderman, Shelly Linderman, Jerry Osmond, Kelly Annis, Deputy Maeder and Joan Murphy. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and an Invocation given by Mike Butler.

SHERIFF’S REPORT Deputy Maeder gave the Sheriff Department’s report.

CONSENT AGENDA Moved by McKee, seconded by Larsen, to approve the Consent Agenda, including bills to be paid, in the amount of $205,955.92. Ayes: McKee, Larsen, Luther, Mesler, Carlson, Adams and Lippert. Nays: None. The motion carried.

REGULAR AGENDA President Adams added the Unison Contract and Performance Resolution under New Business and tabled the lot combination under New Business.

Moved by McKee, seconded by Lippert, to accept the Regular Agenda with the addition of the Unison Contract and Performance Resolution. All in favor. Hearing no objections, the motion carried.

VILLAGE HALL REPORT There was no Village Hall report.

PUBLIC COMMENT ON REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS Jerry Osmond: Questions about the Second Street project and about sewer lines not being replaced in front of his house and the workers smashed his mailbox. Martin Graf from Gosling Czubak will be checking on these issues and will be in contact with him.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Gosling Czubak, Second Street Martin Graf gave an update on Second Street. There was a water main break today. Most of the work is done underground and paving will be done this week or next. There was a concerned citizen regarding the dewatering on George Street and everything is clean. Doug Coates explained why the Village’s request for reimbursement was denied.

-SAW Grant Authorized Signature Moved by Carlson, seconded by Luther, to approve the Resolution approving Erine Adams, Village President, as an authorized signer for the SAW Grant. Ayes: Luther, Carlson, Lippert, Adams, Mesler, McKee and Larsen. Nays: None. The motion carried.

-Manager’s Title and Advertisement of Position President Adams discussed the DDA’s motion of adding the DDA director responsibilities to the job duties and enhancing the manager’s salary by 25%. The job description and Manager’s ordinance has been given to Attorney Brabant. Trustee Larsen questioned whether or not the applicants that have already applied would be contacted and informed of the additional duties and salary. He was informed that Nicole would be contacting the applicants.

Moved by Lippert, seconded by Mesler, to advertise for the Village Manager position again changing the salary range to $50.000 to $65,000 a year depending on qualifications. Ayes: Lippert, Luther, Adams, Larsen, Carlson and Mesler. Nays: None. The motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS -Approve Expenditures Moved by Luther, seconded by McKee, to give Erine Adams the same authority as the Village Manager in approving Village expenditures as they come up between meetings. Ayes: Larsen, Carlson, Mesler, Adams, Lippert, Luther and McKee. Nays: None. The motion carried.

-Personnel Issues Moved by Mesler, seconded by McKee, to give Mark Larsen the same authority as the Village Manager in handling personnel issues. Ayes: Lippert, Mesler, Carlson, Adams, Luther, McKee and Larsen. Nays: None. The motion carried.

-Volunteer Policy There was discussion regarding the Volunteer policy should follow the same rules as the Village employee handbook. Moved by Larsen, seconded by Luther, to add the following language to the Volunteer Policy: “In an attempt to reduce risk, liability and loss, all volunteers wishing to use Village equipment will read, sign and adhere to a statement outlining the use of Village equipment. Volunteers who fail to do so will be prohibited from using or have their privileges revoked. Ayes: Luther, Carlson, Lippert, Adams, Mesler, McKee and Larsen. Nays: None. The motion carried.

-Sensus Bill The annual bill for support for the meter reader. Moved by Mesler, seconded by Luther, to pay the Sensus bill in the amount of $1,570.34. Ayes: Lippert, Mesler, Carlson, Adams, Luther, McKee and Larsen. Nays: None. The motion carried.

-Temporary Security Trustee Larsen explained the need for security and that a dutch door has been ordered and traffic will be redirected through the council room. -Lot Combination Tabled.

-Unison Motion President Adams explained a more specific motion was required from Unison. Moved by Lippert, seconded by McKee, to approve the assignment of the lease and granting/sale of the easements to Unison as set forth in the terms of the agreement for the agreed upon purchase price $292,320.00 in accordance with the Terms of Agreement and related closing documents, and to appoint the Village President authority to execute the closing package once approved by the village attorney. Ayes: Luther, Carlson, Lippert, Adams, Mesler, McKee and Larsen. Nays: None. The motion carried.

-Performance Resolution for Government Entities It is necessary to have a Resolution to appoint an authorized person to be able to complete parade permits. Moved by Luther, seconded by McKee, to approve the Performance Resolution for Government Entities allowing Nicole Crespo to complete parade permits. Ayes: Adams, Larsen, Mesler, Lippert, Luther, McKee and Carlson. The motion carried.

PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Joanne Lederman: Apologized for Dan taking the tractor home. Agrees with the policy. Questioned why the weeds in the sidewalks haven’t been taken care of. Would like to see Village Hall power washed. Mike Butler: Gave a library report. Kate Otwell: Questioned the pink spike in her yard. Concerns about the sand in the alleyway. Sue Jock: Metro Park is closed and park renovations begin this weekend. The playground equipment is slated to be installed October 11. Kelly Annis: Questioned whether or not the weeds in the sidewalk are the DPW or property owners’ responsibility. Questioned whether the performance reviews and raises will be included in the job description for the manager and whether or not the DDA is going to review the manager as well. Pat Murphy: Questioned where the trash cans were downtown.

COUNCIL COMMENTS Trustee Larsen: Thanked the clerk, treasurer and administrative assistant for their additional work. Thanked the DPW. Trustee Luther: Concerns about the security. Trustee Mesler: Shop owners need pride in their business. Trustee Lippert: Thanked the employees and Erine and Mark. Would like to see the council be supportive during this time of transition. President Adams: Thanked everyone and welcomed Dave Linderman to the DPW.

ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA Trustee Luther: Community garden. Moved by Mesler, seconded by Larsen, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. All in favor. Hearing no objections, the motion carried.

Erine Adams Dawn Dodge Village President Village Clerk

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