Open Council Minutes

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Open Council Minutes

Ontario Association of Architects

Meeting #219 Open MINUTES June 27, 2013

The two hundred and nineteenth meeting of the Council of the Ontario Association of Architects, held under the Architects Act, took place on Thursday June 27, 2013 at the OAA Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario.

Present: J. William Birdsell President Brad Green Senior Vice President & Treasurer Toon Dreessen Vice President Communications Paul Hastings Vice President Statutory Activities Evangelo Kalmantis Vice President Regulatory Sheena Sharp Vice President Strategic Robert Abrahams Councillor Jerry Chlebowski Councillor James Farrow Councillor Susan Lewin Councillor Brian Luey Councillor Wayne Medford Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointee Elaine Mintz Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointee David C. Rich Councillor Andre Sherman Councillor Anthony Sproul Councillor Michael Visser Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointee Nedra Brown Registrar Kristi Doyle Executive Director Tina Carfa Executive Assistant, Executive Services

Regrets: Namita Kanishkan Lieutenant Governor in Council Appointee John Stephenson Councilllor

The President called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.


7289. The President noted that the following items are to be added to the agenda:

8.1 Honours & Awards – ‘Best of Show’ Award Update

8.2 Metrolinx (oral)

It was moved by Sproul and seconded by Rich that the agenda be approved as amended. -- CARRIED


7290. Reference Material Reviewed: Draft minutes of the May 8, 2013 Open Council meeting.

The draft minutes of the May 8, 2013 Open Council meeting were reviewed. Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 2 of 10

It was moved by Chlebowski and seconded by Hastings that the minutes of the May 8, 2013 Open Council meeting be approved as circulated. -- CARRIED


7291. There was no business arising from the minutes.


7292. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from President, Bill Birdsell dated June 13, 2013 re. OAA support for Interns at RAIC Festival and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘A’)

The President reported that four Interns were selected through a draw to attend this year’s Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s (RAIC) Festival of Architecture in Nova Scotia. Positive feedback has been received from the two attendees with whom he spoke with. He will follow up with the others.

A Council member enquired as to whether it would be appropriate for these Interns to speak with other Interns on the benefits of attending events such as this one at the next Festival

Doyle reported that the number of attendees for next year’s Festival in Winnipeg is dependent on the cost of travel and accommodations however an amount similar to that which was set aside for this year is being suggested.

It was moved by Green and seconded by Chlebowski that Council approve in principle the proposal to fund the attendance of Intern Architects at the 2014 Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) Festival of Architecture in Winnipeg. -- CARRIED

7293. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Vice President Regulatory Activities, Evangelo Kalmantis dated May 29, 2013 re. Amend By-Laws Schedule “A” Fees and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘B’)

Brown reported that the elimination of annual fees for student associates is intended for those who plan to eventually become interns and to bring students into the Association at an earlier stage.

It was indicated by Brown that with this membership, student associates would receive notices and e- bulletin and allows for them to receive information before they make that move to internship.

Brown noted that schools of Architecture will be notified shortly and asked to circulate the information to students. Those interested would still need to fill out an application form, however no fee will apply

A Council member enquired as to the current student associates population at the OAA.

Brown responded that there are approximately 20 student associates at this point.

It was moved by Luey and seconded by Dreessen that OAA By-law Schedule ‘A’ be amended to reflect complimentary Student Associate membership subject to confirmation by the general membership at the next Annual General Meeting of the Members May 7, 2014. -- CARRIED

7294. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from the OAA Building Committee dated June 12, 2013 re. Update from OAA Building Committee and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘C’) Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 3 of 10

The Vice President Strategic reported that after considerable research and study done by the OAA’s Architect David Fujiwara, the Building Committee is recommending approval of a different approach to move the building towards net zero. The proposal is centered around tempered disbursement ventilation. A member of Council enquired as to the amount of visual disruption would result with respect to this proposal as it was noted that work would need to be done on the building to implement.

The Vice President Strategic responded that the largest effect will be with panels on the roof as well radiant panels in varying forms that will need be installed in walls and/doors.

The Council reviewed the proposal from Fujiwara and Sustainable Edge/Trans Solar.

It was noted by the Vice President Strategic that there will need to be some exploratory drilling first performed to determine the type of geothermal system needed which is also part of the proposal.

A Council member enquired as to whether furniture upgrades and replacements including wiring will be considered as part of the project. The Building Committee took note of those suggestions, however noted that it was not in the immediate proposal.

It was noted by a Council member that the building will be retrofitted with the intention for it to serve as a model for the 2030 Challenge.

A member of Council enquired as to whether there will be a payback schedule included as part of the report.

The Vice President Strategic confirmed that there will be adding that this needs to be promoted to the membership. One member of Council suggested that payback schedules are no longer relevant.

It was indicated by a member of Council that the project should demonstrate that architects are leaders in the area of retrofit and sustainable design.

A Council member expressed some concern with the cost of the project such that the numbers need to be clearly justifiable in the end. Specifically if a large amount of work is required just to implement this proposal, is it justifiable.

It was noted by a Council member that the master plan provides a clear picture in determining the next steps in the process with respect to aging equipment and systems.

It was moved by Sharp and seconded by Dreessen that Council approve the proposals submitted by David Fujiwara, architect and Sustainable Edge Ltd. and Trans Solar to proceed with work required to develop the Energy Model related to the Tempered Displacement Ventilation system subject to final negotiation by the Building Committee. -- CARRIED

It was moved by Sharp and seconded by Chlebowski that the Building Committee be directed to proceed with the development of the following :  Master Plan for next 17 years to include sequencings of the work, capital cost, maintenance & replacement  Report to membership outlining the direction  Identify ConEd modules that could be developed based on this system and the OAA Building as a case study  Develop a funding prospectus to source grants and other funding available for energy retrofits -- CARRIED (1 opposed (Abrahams)) Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 4 of 10

It was moved by Sharp and seconded by Chlebowski that Council approve the proposal from Lighting Consultant Deborah Gottesman and that she be engaged to perform the work. -- CARRIED

It was moved by Sharp and seconded by Chlebowski that for 2013 painting repair work will take place however second floor carpet replacement will be deferred to a later date. -- CARRIED


7295. Reference Material Reviewed: Activities for the months of May-June. (APPENDIX ‘D’)

The report was noted for information.

7296. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Executive Director, Kristi Doyle dated June 17, 2013 re. Update on Activities of the Executive Director. (APPENDIX ‘E’)

The report was noted for information.

7297. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Senior Vice President and Treasurer, Brad Green dated June 12, 2013 re. Financial Statements for the Second Quarter 2013 and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘F’)

The Senior Vice President and Treasurer reported that the OAA is in a solid financial position . The Senior Vice President and Treasurer added that he will be looking at the OAA’s current investment strategy to ensure that a solid financial vehicle is in place for any surplus to maximize the return on investment.

It was indicated by the Senior Vice President and Treasurer that on July 23 prior to the ProDem strategy session he would be meeting with their investment advisor to discuss options as ProDem does generally receive a better return on investments..

The report was noted for information.

7298. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Vice President Strategic, Sheena Sharp dated June 14, 2013 re. Update on Activities under the Vice President Strategic Portfolio and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘G’)

The Vice President Strategic reported that there is focus now on the upcoming site plan symposium and that the Practice Advisory Coordination Team (PACT) is working on lining up the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to attend. It is tentatively scheduled for September 13 at the Design Exchange.

The Vice President Strategic responded that the date is dependent at this point on the Minister’s availability to attend.

It was noted by the Vice President Strategic that the Minister responsible for Heritage Preservation is awaiting a list of qualified members to act as a first response team as a result of a meeting that she and OAA staff had with that Minister’s Assistant Deputy Minister.

A member of Council enquired as to whether the site plan symposium is confirmed for September 13.

It was suggested by the Council member that the conference planners may be able to assist in retaining a venue for the symposium. In addition communication and public awareness of this event will be facilitated through the OAA’s public relations consultant Kim Graham and Associates (kg&a). Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 5 of 10

The report was noted for information.

7299. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from The Interns Forum (TIF) dated June 13, 2013 re. The Interns Forum and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘H’)

Councillor and member of TIF Rich reported that there was a meeting of the group two weeks ago which included the Director of the School of Architecture Waterloo, Rick Haldenby. The Director of Ryerson School of Architecture, Colin Ripley, had planned on attending as well however was unable as he was out of town. Representatives of Carleton and University of Toronto were not present at the meeting.

It was noted by Rich that several issues were discussed including a working paper on the 2014 Validation Conference.

A member of Council enquired as to whether the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities (CALA) was funding the survey.

Doyle responded that the monies held in the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) under validation will be used to fund the survey which in fact is contributions over the years from the members of CALA.

Rich indicated that a Committee member spoke to the involvement of interns at the OAA where it was suggested that Council consider the addition of an elected intern on the Council.

A Council member noted that such a change would require an amendment to the Architects Act.

There was some concern expressed by members of Council with respect to changes to the structure of Council and ultimately, the Act.

It was moved by Chlebowski and seconded by Hastings that Council confirms that it is not prepared to amend the Architects Act to include an intern architect as a voting member of Council at the present time. -- CARRIED (1 abstention (Rich))

The report was noted for information.

7300. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Vice President Communications and Chair, Communications Committee, Toon Dreessen dated June 18, 2013 re. Communications Committee Update and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘I’)

The Vice President Communications reported that MyOAA Practice Profiles is scheduled to launch in July on the Website.

It was indicated by the Vice President Communications that the Honours and Awards Task Group at its last meeting discussed the possibility of renaming the “Best of Show” award to reflect the name of a public figure, more specifically the Lieutenant Governor.

It was moved by Sherman and seconded Dreessen that Council approve the direction that the OAA approach the Lieutenant Governor with a request that the OAA’s “Best of Show” award such that it be renamed “Lieutenant Governor Award”. -- CARRIED

The Vice President Communications noted that the Ryerson app will be going through a BETA test this fall at Wychwood Barns. Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 6 of 10

A member of Council enquired as to the status of the Website with respect to meeting the goals and objectives.

Doyle responded that the work has progressed very well in the last 6 – 8 months and that the original goals as set previously have been met and are on track for completion by the fall. The last modules to be completed are the MYOAA Practices and the BLOAAG.

It was suggested by the Council member that there be a strong link between the OAA and Pro-Demnity Insurance Company (ProDem) Website adding that ProDem just launched its own site earlier in the week

It was noted by Doyle that there is no members only area of the ProDem website at this point and as such ProDem continues to link to information intended for members only to where is resides on the OAA Website.

The report was noted for information.

7301. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Councillor and Chair, Sustainable Built Environment Committee, Susan Lewin dated June 12, 2013 re. Update from the Sustainable Built Environment Committee and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘J’)

Lewin reported that the 2030 Professional Learning Series is scheduled to launch January 2014.

It was noted by Lewin that with respect to the AIA 2030 Office Commitment, a consultant is being engaged hired to identify the necessary Canadian benchmarks in order that Canadian data can be collected and be usable.

Lewin indicated that the development of a Toronto 2030 District is under discussion and some meetings have occurred. It would require a gathering of data from area owners followed by a variety of measurements being performed to measure where the location stands in respect to meeting the 2030 Challenge. Other local organizations have demonstrated interest in this project, A proposal regarding the OAA’s potential involvement in this including both human and financial resources will be brought forward to the September Council meeting.

It was noted by Lewin that the Committee is currently working on material for an upcoming Perspectives issue schedule for 2014 which will be focused on sustainable design.

The report was noted for information.

7302. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from the Continuing Education Committee dated June 14, 2013 re. Update from the Continuing Education Committee and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘K’)

The Vice President Communications reported that the Committee reviewed the results of the 2013 Conference survey, taking the feedback to improve offerings for the 2014 Conference.

It was noted by the Vice President Communications that new Continuing Education (ConEd) sessions are being developed for launch in the fall focused on upcoming changes to the Building Code. In addition the OAA is involved with the Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES) to develop courses pertaining to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

It was noted by a member of Council that the Committee will be meeting in the fall to discuss the possibility of further education on specific skills and niche areas of practice and perhaps developing a certificate program. Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 7 of 10

Some members of Council expressed concern with the suggestion that additional certification be offered related to services that architects are already able to provide and that there may be implications with respect to being a regulator offering additional certification.

Doyle noted that if a certificate course is to be offered, there would need to be a basis for the certificate and a testing structure would need to be developed which can be fairly resource intensive.

The report was noted for information.

7303. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Vice President Statutory Activities, Evangelo Kalmantis dated June 11, 2013 re. Update of Activities in the Office of the Registrar. (APPENDIX ‘L’)

Brown reported that there is a correction to a prior statistic reported in minute number 7293. The number of student associates currently stands at 99.

A member of Council enquired as to whether there has been a test performed to determine the number of architects that can be supported in the workplace.

A Council member recalled that it was agreed in the past that the OAA would remain agnostic with respect to membership numbers.

For the record Brown reported that she had dealt with a matter that was brought forward back in February where a publication was suggesting in its marketing material for copies of the Ontario Building Code that architects and engineers were no longer required for Part 3 work. Since then, the information has been corrected and that the entity, Orderline will be running an article from OAA President Birdsell in its July newsletter reminding all that changes to the Building Code do not negate requirements for profession design under the Architects Act.

The report was noted for information.

7304. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Vice President Practice, Paul Hastings dated June 10, 2013 re. Practice Committee Update and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘M’)

The report was noted for information.

7305. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Vice President Practice, Paul Hastings dated June 6, 2013 re. Construction Contract Administration Committee (CCAC) Update and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘N’)

The report was noted for information.


7306. There were no items for discussion.


7307. Reference Material Reviewed: Agenda for Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities (CALA) Regulators Meeting – Halifax NS dated June 8, 2013 and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘O’)

The report was noted for information. Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 8 of 10

7308. Reference Material Reviewed: Report re. Implementation of a Broadly Experienced Foreign Architects (BEFA) Program in Canada. (APPENDIX ‘P’)

Doyle noted that this is the final report from the National BEFA Task Group which has completed its work and is now sunset. The report has been submitted to the government and the program is in full operation via the CACB.

The report was noted for information.

7309. Reference Material Reviewed: Report from Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) to CALA re. Outline of Most Recent Activities dated May 28, 2013. (APPENDIX ‘P’)

The report was noted for information.

7310. Reference Material Reviewed: Report from International Relations Committee (IRC) to CALA re. Inter-recognition/Tri-national Agreements Update and attached background information; Report from IRC to CALA re. Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) Update and attached background information; Report from IRC to CALA re. APEC Secretariat and MOU/MRA and attached background information. (APPENDIX ‘Q’)

Doyle reported that she recently attended a meeting in San Diego where the final inter-recognition agreement between the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) and the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities was signed. The agreement was ratified at NCARB’s AGM the following Saturday with the next step to obtain agreement with each individual jurisdiction.

It was noted by Doyle that the implementation date for the agreement is expected for January 1, 2014. If the agreement is not finalized with the individual jurisdictions at that point CALA has expressed its desire to provide notice to withdraw from the original agreement regardless.

A Council member enquired as to whether there has been any discussion with respect to making the Examination for Architects in Canada (ExAC) recognized in the US.

Doyle responded that NCARB will only recognize their Architects Registration Examination (ARE and that at some point there is likely to be discussion among CALA members as to how long the ARE would be accepted for first licensure. If this is ever the case a very liberal transition period would need to be established.

A member of Council enquired as to the reason why the ARE would no longer be recognized as alternative to ExAC in Canada.

Lewin left the meeting at 3:20 p.m.

The report was noted for information.

7311. Reference Material Reviewed: Report from the CALA Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) Task Force dated June 2013. (APPENDIX ‘R’)

Brown reported that as Chair she is currently reviewing each jurisdiction’s requirements and identifying what would be required for specific changes, that is, Act amendment, Regulation Amendment, bylaw vs, policy.

A member of Council expressed some concern that the Task Group had not progressed further at this point. Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 9 of 10

Brown indicated that it is important to establish what jurisdictions are able to do in order to push forward with changes to the program.

The report was noted for information.

7312. Reference Material Reviewed: Report to CALA from the Standing Committee on CACB re. Validation Conference dated June 2013. (APPENDIX ‘S’)

The report was noted for information.

7313. Society Updates (oral)

There has been nothing further to report since the last meeting of Council.

7314. Reference Material Reviewed: Articles from Publications (APPENDIX ‘T’)

The articles were noted for information.


7315. Reference Material Reviewed: Memorandum from Councillor Liaison, Honours and Awards Task Group, Andre Sherman, dated June 25, 2013 re. Honours & Awards – ‘Best of Show’ Awards Update. (APPENDIX ‘U’)

The item was considered under minute number 7300.

7316. Metrolinx (oral)

The Vice President Strategic reported that a member approached her, requesting OAA support for the Metrolinx project. An amount up to $5,000 would be used for the purpose of raising architectural awareness and addressing implications with the development.

A member of Council noted that there appears to be a lack of community and environmental bonding. The member recently attended an event hosted by the Toronto Transit Alliance associated with Metrolinx.

It was suggested by the Council member that the funding be based upon a more detailed proposal submitted.

It was moved by Visser and seconded by Sharp that Council allocate up to $5,000 to fund awareness of the architectural implications arising out of the Metrolinx proposal to be allocated from the Council policy contingency line item in the 2013 Budget. -- CARRIED

7317. The President noted that this would be Lieutenant Governor in Council Visser’s last meeting. Visser was thanked by the President on behalf of Council for his contributions during his long tenure and presented him with an architectural publication as a small token of the Council’s appreciation.

Visser thanked Council adding that he appreciates how open the OAA is to LGIC’s and their opinions.


7318. The next regular meeting of Council is Thursday September 19, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. at the OAA Headquarters, Toronto, Ontario. Open Council Minutes June 27, 2013 Page 10 of 10


7319. It was moved by Farrow and seconded by Hastings that the meeting be adjourned at 3:45 p.m. -- CARRIED UANIMOUSLY

______President Date

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